
The Wheeler families of Murfreesboro, NC
“Liberty Hall” photo by Cathy Spruill 2001
as restored by the Murfreesboro Historical Society

the home of Maria Jordan, Sallie Wood, & Sallie Clifton”
John Wheeler, merchant, Murfreesboro, NC

& then his son Dr. Samuel Jordan Wheeler
the home was later owned by the Trader family 1868 – 1971
John Brown Trader & Sallie Rebecca Wheeler [unrelated to the former occupants]

the lines of Julia Munro Wheeler [Mrs. Godwin C Moore]

John WHEELER 1771-1832 & Maria Elizabeth Jordan 1776-1810;
Sarah Ford WOOD 1788-1814;
Sarah I Clifton 1795-1833

Essex Co NJ; LI NY; New Brunswick, Canada; NYC; Bertie Co NC; Murfreesboro NC Children: Elizabeth Maria; John Hill; Samuel Jordan; Julia;
Sarah C; Henrietta; Amy M; Junius B.
Wives: Jordan; Wood; Clifton

John WHEELER 1747-1814 & Eliz. LONGWORTH 1748-1827
Essex Co, NJ; LI NY; New Brunswick, Canada; Murfreesboro, NC
Children: Mary, John, Jabez, Samuel, Joseph, Elizabeth, Julia Ann, Ephraim, Martha

Ephriam WHEELER 1718- 1753 & Mary FOSTER ca 1724- 1754? of Essex Co, NJ
Children: John, Stephen, Mary, Sarah

Joseph WHEELER 1683-1727 & Sarah CRANE 1686-1736 of Essex Co, NJ
Children: Mary, Patience, Abigail, Ephraim, Stephen, Dorcas

Joseph WHEELER 1657-1727 & Patience HOLBROOK 1658-ca1710
of Milford, CT & Essex Co, NJ
Children: Patience, Hannah, Joseph, Justice, Ephraim, Obadiah, Sarah, Keziah

Thomas WHEELER 1606-1672 & Joan BUCKINGHAM ca 1610-1673
of Bedfordshire, England & Millford, CT
Children: John, Samuel, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Ephraim, Eleazer, Thomas, Josiah, Joseph, Joseph

Richard WHEELER ca 1578-1616 & Elizabeth ? of Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England
Children: Richard, Susan, William, Lewis, Thomas, Elizabeth, Ann, Ann, Margaret, Henry, Sarah, John, William

The Wood family of Northampton Co, NC
Sarah Ford WOOD 1788-1814 & John WHEELER 1771-1832 of Murfreesboro, NC

James WOOD 1750-1797 & Christian FREEMAN 1760-1816 of Northampton Co, NC
Children: Mary, Elizabeth, Freeman, John, Sarah, Celia, Cullen

Jonas WOOD ca 1730-1790 & Mary EDWARDS of Northampton Co, NC
Children: James, Mary, Jonas, Elizabeth, Martha, Cullen, Lawrence

James WOOD ca 1690 – 1752 & Sarah FORD ca 1700 – ca 1747 of Bertie Co, NC
Children: James, Mary, Sarah, Moses, Rosannah, Joseph, Jonas, Elizabeth, Susannah, Winny, Mary

The Longworth family of NJ
Eliz. LONGWORTH 1748-1827 & John WHEELER 1747-1814

Thomas LONGWORTH 1718-1790 & Eliz. ROGERS of Essex Co, NJ

Thomas LONGWORTH 1692 – 1748 & Dorcas —- ca 1700 – ? of Essex Co, NJ

The Freeman family of Bertie Co, NC
Christian FREEMAN 1760-1816 & James WOOD 1750-1797 of Northampton Co, NC

Joshua FREEMAN 1735-1794 & Mary ? of Bertie Co, NC

William FREEMAN ca 1712 – 1781 Gates Co, NC & Christian OUTLAW? ca 1717 – aft 1781 of (Gates) Chowan Co, NC

William FREEMAN will 1736 & Mary CORDING of Norfolk Co, VA & Chowan Co, NC

John FREEMAN ca 1650 – ca 1711 & Hannah——- of Norfolk Co, VA

The Foster family of Essex Co, NJ
Mary FOSTER ca1724-1754? & Ephriam WHEELER 1718-1753 of Essex Co, NJ

Nathan FOSTER ca 1680 – 1737 & Mary LYON ca 1690 – ca 1748 of Essex Co, NJ

Joseph FOSTER & wife of Lynn, MA & Southampton, LI

Christopher FOSTER 1603-1687 & Frances Stevens 1607-16??
of England; e. 1635 Lynn, MA; 1651 Southampton, LI

The Edwards family of Northampton Co, NC
Mary EDWARDS & Jonas WOOD ca 1730-1790 of Northampton Co, NC

John EDWARDS ca 1696 – 1765 & Elizabeth RICE ca 1705 – ca 1748 of Northmp. Co NC

John EDWARDS & Dorcas —– of Isle of Wight, VA & Bertie Co, NC

John EDWARDS ca 1640-ca 1677 & Ann WRIGHT ca 1650- ?? of Isle of Wight, VA

The Rogers family of New Jersey
Eliz. ROGERS & Thomas LONGWORTH 1718-1790 of Essex Co, NJ

John ROGERS 168x – 1716 & Elizabeth —- ca 1690 – 17xx of Essex Co, NJ

Jabez ROGERS 1649 – 1702 & Sarah WARD of CT and Newark, NJ

John ROGERS 1614 – & Ruth ? of England and CT

The Crane family of New Jersey and CT
Sarah CRANE 1686 – 1736 & Joseph WHEELER 1683 – 1727 of Essex Co, NJ

Jasper CRANE 1651-1712 & Joanne SWAINE 1651-1720 East Haven, CT & Newark, NJ

Jasper CRANE ca 1600-1681 & Alice ——- ca 1610- ? of Spraxton, Somersetshire, England; 1637 New Haven, CT; 1652 Branford, CT; 1666 Newark, NJ

The Lyon family of New Jersey
Mary LYON ca 1690 – ca 1748 & Nathan FOSTER ca 1680 – 1737 of Essex Co, NJ

Joseph LYON & Mary PIERSON of Fairfield, CT & Elizabethtown, NJ

Henry LYON ca 1625-1703 & Elizabeth BATEMAN ca 1630-bef. 1689
of Glen Lyon, Perthshire, Scotland; 1648 Milford, CT; 1654 Fairfield, CT; 1666 Newark, NJ

the Holbrook family of Milford CT
Patience HOLBROOK & Joseph WHEELER 1657 – 1727

Richard HOLBROOK ca 1617 – 1670 & Agnes ? ca 1635 – of Glastonbury, Somerset
& 1626 Dorchester, MA & Huntington, LI & 1658 Milford, Connecticut

John HOLBROOK ca 1595 – ca 1644 and his wife Sarah
of Glastonbury, Somerset & 1626 Dorchester, MA

the Pierson family of CT and NJ
Mary PIERSON 1661 – & Joseph LYON of Fairfield, CT & Elizabethtown, NJ

Thomas PIERSON ca 1625 – 1702 & Maria HARRISON ca 1645 – 1701 of Yorkshire, England e. 1639, Branford, CT & Newark, NJ of Yorkshire, England e. 1639, Branford, CT & Newark, NJ

the Bateman family of London, England, Mass, and CT
Elizabeth BATEMAN ca 1630-bef. 1689 & Henry LYON ca 1625-1703

William BATEMAN bef. 1586 – 1658 London, England, 1630 Charleston Mass,
then Concord Mass, 1644 Fairfield, CT

William BATEMAN died London 1586

the Swaine family of CT and NJ
Joanne SWAINE 1651-1720 & Jasper CRANE 1651-1712 East Haven, CT & Newark, NJ

Samuel SWAINE ca 1625 – 1681/82 & Joanna ? ca 1625 – 1694 of England,
Watertown, Mass, Wethersfield & Branford. CT & 1666 Newark, New Jersey

William SWAINE ca 1585 – ca 1653 of England, e. 1635 in the “Elizabeth and Ann,” Watertown, Mass. & Wethersfield & Branford. CT.

Wheeler of Cranfield: Thomas John Richard Henry

Foster: In England Bamburgh Castle
line of LeRoy – Josiah Noah Archie

Harrison: Maria Richard

Cording: Mary Thomas Richard

Beale Truxton Porter Camels Experiment

Jordan Mebane

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