Major John Brown & Sarah Brittle

Sally’s five-great Grandparents:

Major John Brown ca 1745 – 1808 | his parents
& ca 1762 Sarah Brittle/Brickell ca 1743 – aft 1780 | her parents
of Cuttawhiskey Marsh,
Hertford County, NC

 my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

This John Brown lived about two miles from Mulberry Grove.
This John Brown was the son of Col. John Brown and the grandson of Dr. Samuel Browne of Isle of Wight County, VA by his second wife Mary Jones.

His father was loyal to the king during the revolution, but John, “left his paternal roof and volunteered in a Virginia corps. Under the immediate command of Gen. Lafayette he rose to distinction and became a field officer.”

 Raleigh Register, Raleigh, NC 8 Nov 1808
‘Died on the 1st instant, in Hertford Co. in the 63rd year of his age, Major John Brown, a Revolutionary officer and a very respectable farmer.’

1784 Tax List Hertford Co
John Brown 320 ac 1fp 5bp
John Brown 1fp 1bp

1790 Census Hertford Co
John Brown 1 male over 16 2 females 1 bp
Samuel Brown 2 males over 16 1 female 4 bp

Notes from James E Moore:
His place at Cuttawiskie Marsh was about two miles from Mulberry Grove on the north side of the road to St. Johns. His daughter Sarah married Godwin Cotten of Mulberry Grove.
Sallie Moore Calvert said that he was so conservative in his views that he was the last member of the family to wear knee breeches. In addition, he was a devout Anglican. Although the chapel at St. Johns was closed during the Revolution and never reopened, he would often walk there from his home and sit in the empty church for an hour or so marking the time that would have been devoted to a service in former days. Moore records that the dilapidated chapel finally collapsed in 1845.

Brown’s property passed to Polly Everitt and from her to his grandson John A. Anderson of Winton. A map made during the Civil War says ‘Mrs. Anderson’ indicating that Anderson’s widow was living there after the Yankees burned her home with the rest of Winton in 1862.

I also think Sarah, wife of John Brown, is the daughter of John Brittle who died in NH Co, NC in 1780 leaving Sarah Brown a bequest of 100 pounds VA money, bed, and furniture etc. [Perhaps Dr. G C Moore misunderstood his grandmother when she told him her grandparents were Brittles and thought she had said Brickells.]

Children of Maj. John Brown & Sarah Brittle:

1. Sarah Brown ca 1763 -1833
married ca 1779 Godwin Cotten ca 1760-1830
2. Mary/Polly Brown ca 1775 – 1856
married Capt. James L. Anderson (a bold and successful seaman)
later married John Everitt d. 1831

Sally’s six-great Grandparents:

Col. John Browne ca 1710 – 1784 | his parents
& ca 1738 Elizabeth unknown
of South Hampton VA & NC

p 34 The colonial justices of the peace appointed for Hertford county for life or good behavior included John Brown.

1754-1759 Bertie County Foot NC Militia Captain John Brown

2 Dec 1761 Hertford County Regiment Commissions issued: John Brown, Col

Oct 12, 1769 General Muster of Hertford County, NC Regiment: Colonel John Brown Note: Colonel John Brown was sick and did not attend the muster. At Test: Benj:n Wynn, Lieut. Colonel.

28 May 1772 General Muster Benjamin Wynns is listed as Colonel.

1779 Tax List Col John Brown, Hertford Co
320 acres Land 1000
2 Negroes under 5 300
1 Do 5-10 400
8 Do 10-40 5600
6 horses 900
22 cattle 220

1784 Tax List Hertford Co
John Brown 320 ac 1fp 5bp
John Brown 1fp 1bp

Children of Col. John Brown and Elizabeth unknown wife
1. Samuel Brown ca 1739 – before Dr. Sam’s will
married Nancy unknown
2. William Brown
3. John Brown ca 1745 – 1 Nov 1808 in 63 yr

?North Carolina Star, New Bern, NC  9 Jan 1824
Died in Hertford County on the 14th ult., Capt. Benjamin Brown, aged 95 years. 

Deeds of Northampton County, NC
#1 p 42 George Downing and Mary his wife to James Wood. 18 July 1742 55 pounds current money of VA 200 ac more or less on the n side of Catawishey meadow, joining Richard Sumner and the meadow. Wit: John Brown, Isaac Carter, John Sutton Reg NH co Nov Ct. 1742 J Edwards cct
p 128  Bryan O’Quin and Patrick O’Quin the one of Edgecombe Co and the other of Bertie Co to Thomas Deens of NH Co 16 Mar 1743/4 10 pounds current and lawful money of VA 100 ac more or less joining Cattowaske meadow, Walter Brown, the county line and NW branch. Wit: John Brown, Elizabeth Brown Reg NH Co Aug Ct 1744 Robert Forster CC
p 71 John Pugh of Society Parish in Bertie Co to William Benthall of NH Co 27 Aug 1750 35 pounds current money of VA 520 ac + /- joining Potacasie creek, Robert Paterson, John Dickerson and James Bryant Wit: John Brown, Joseph Benthall, Samuel Brown, reg Aug Ct 1750 J Edwards cc
#2 p110 Jane Carter of NH Co to Isaac Carter of Bartie Co 15 May 1753 for love, goodwill, and affection I bear my son 150 ac +/- that I purchased of Jacob Carter, 3 negroes, cattle, furniture, horses, and household goods. Wit: John Brown, John Hare, Patrick Smith reg NH Co May Ct 1753 j Edwards cc
p 155 John Brown of NH Co to my beloved sons Samuel and William Brown 20 May 1754 200 ac that I purchased of Edward Brown Wit: James Washington, William Murfree, Moses Moore

A sad figure was that of Col. John Brown in the year 1784. The gray-haired and disabled veteran stern and unforgiving amid the pervading joy that surrounded him. In spite of his politics he was highly respected and utterly unmolested by those opposed to his sentiment. Though he was a high churchman and royalist, one of his nearest kinsman was the follower of George Fox, whose posterity are Quakers to this day. by John W Moore.

Legends and Memories of St John’s Chapel -by Major John W. Moore
several poems about Major Brown

John Brown was the son of Dr. Samuel Browne of Isle of Wight County, VA by his second wife Mary Jones, says Dr. Barry Hayes in “John Carter, Vintner of London.”

Samuel Brown ca 1739 – bef 1830 | parents
& Nancy ? 1770/80 – aft 1830 | parents
of Murfreesboro, NC

1. Mary Eliza Brown ca 1802 – aft 1856/ bef 1870
married ca 1843 James M Trader ca 1823 – 1882 Murfreesboro, NC saddler
the son of William Trader, merchant of Murfreesboro and his wife Betsy Darden
Winborne’s HHC -p244 ” James M Trader who was Register of Deeds in the county from 1868 to 1876 and who was also postmaster at Murfreesboro for a number of years was a unique yet interesting character.
Not industrious, but economical and saving, careless about his dress, yet proud and quick to resent any reflection on his character.
Not studious, but possessed of a strong mind well-stored with a wonderful amount of information. He obtained license after 1868 to practice law under a statute allowing any one to obtain license by proving good moral character and paying a tax fee of $20.
He never practiced in any of the courts, except probably in the courts of justices of the peace, but wrote deeds, wills, and the like for those seeking cheap work.”
i. John Brown Trader ca 1849 – Postmaster
John Brown Trader in his will states “I don’t want any Adkins to have one cent of the property that belonged to my father or myself.”
[perhaps this is the “only to the heirs of my body” syndrome]
married 4 Feb 1879 Sarah [Sallie] Rebecca Wheeler 3 Mar 1853 – 2 Mar 1890
daughter of John Thomas Wheeler and Mary Matilda Barkley in Seaboard.
Sallie had married 1st 27 Nov 1870 James Franklin Atkins

Mrs. Sallie Rebecca Wheeler Adkins Trader 1853 – 1890
This marriage has caused much confusion as people assume she was part of our family. She was not. She was from a family in Northampton County that goes back to the 18th century. They were in the area long before our crowd came down from New England. The late
Mrs. Raymond Carr of Edenton thoroughly researched this line and once showed me her research on it. e-mail from James Moore

as restored by the Murfreesboro Historical Society

About 1868 ” the Trader family bought the old John Wheeler Home in Murfreesboro which the Trader family occupied until 1971 when the property was sold to the Historical Society.” It had passed through several hands in the years immediately after the War. Dr. Moore actually owned it. I assumed he bought it when Dr. Wheeler went bankrupt in the 1840’s. He gave it to Uncle Jule, who in turn sold it to Jesse J. Yeates. I think it was Yeates who sold it to James M. Trader. e-mail from James Moore
2. Samuel Brown 1800 –
3. John Brown 1800/10 –
4. Mary Brown 1800 – 1860
married Henry Maney

son of James Maney IV
[I am puzzled by the newspaper stating in the marriage announcement that she was formerly of Petersburg]

Mary Brown est 1775 – 1856| parents
& ca 1794 Capt James L Anderson | parents

Mary Brown ca 1775 –
married Capt. James L. Anderson (a bold and successful seaman)
married John Everret d 1831
a. John Andrew Anderson 11 Dec 1795 – 18 June 1861 (of Winton, NC)
“….his mother after her marriage lived on the farm yet known as ‘widow Everett farm,’ joining the farm of Godwin C. Moore, not far from St. Johns.

Post master. He was the wealthiest man in the county being equally prosperous as a farmer and merchant. For many years chair of the Whig party in Hertford County. He was much given to hospitality and the repetition of a boundless store of marvelous anecdote says Maj. John W Moore in his Historical Sketches of Hertford County. (This Mr Anderson served the County in a political way for a good many years (Chairman of the County Court 1830-51 and 1861 until he death), and accumulated a great deal of property a lot of which the Episcopal Church bought to build St. John’s Church at Winton. Note on WPA cemetery records.) Info below from graves inscriptions. John A. Anderson served in the War of 1812 between England and America. He had 14 children by his two wives; only three lived to be adults.
married Eliza Duers (Brett) ca 1799 – 10 Feb 1825 in her 26th year
married 17 April 1825 Harriett Duers (Montgomery) 1802- 4 July 1866
Dr. O’wyer in his 1825 diary wrote on April 18th “Andrew Anderson Esq of Winton was married last evening to the Widow Montgomery his late wife’s sister.” [daughters of Levin Duers and wife Leoner]
i. Mary Anderson no date – Jan 1832
ii. John H Anderson 25 Dec 1826 – 12 Feb 1833
iii. Cornelia Anderson 30 Dec 1829 – 16 Sept 1835
iv. Mary Everitt Anderson – alive 19 Aug 1836
when her grandmother Leoner Duer wrote her will
v. Preston Anderson no date -11 Mar 1835 – 31 May 1843
vi. Pauline A Anderson ca 1838 – ca 30 Jan 1897 age 59
buried Cypress Grove Cem in New Orleans
ob of James 1896 says she is in TN
married 4 Oct 1854 Hugh Bayard Knox of LA
remember Winton was burned in 1862 so the children were bapt. in Windsor at St Thomas
1. Hattie Duer Knox bapt 20 June 1864
2. Hugh Bayard Knox Jr 20 Sept 1860 New Orleans – 7 Dec 1940 Winston-Salem
bapt 20 June 1864 at St Thomas in Windsor NC buried Winton NC
married Helen Matthews 13 Aug 1881 Hertford Co NC – 15 June 1952 Winton NC
daughter of James Holliday Matthews and Maggie Montgomery
a. Edward Matthews Knox 9 Feb 1901 – 19 June 1943 of pancreatic cancer
was city manager of High Point NC
married Lucretia Davis 14 Nov 1904 – 10 March 1967
b. Hugh Baynard Knox Jr [III] 19 Nov 1906 Winton – 29 Dec 1922
[killed at sixteen by “gunshot wound to the chest – accident”
3. Sue Raynor Knox bapt 20 June 1864
vii. James L. Anderson 22 Aug 1839 – 4 July 1896 dsp grad UNC in 1861
served as Public Registor for many years —
“By the death of Maj. James L. Anderson, of Winton, Hertford county loses one her best citizens. Both as citizen and official he was faithful to every duty. He served as a member of the Board of County Commissioners for several terms and was twice elected to the legislature. He leaves an estate estimated at about $40,000, which goes to his two sisters, Mrs. Faison, of Winton, and Mrs. Knox, of Tennessee. He was never married. —
“Murfreesboro Index”, John W. Hicks, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C. Friday, July 17, 1896 [Vol. XI, No. 46]
viii. Rosaline Anderson ca 1841 Winton NC – 9 March 1913 Winston NC
buried Winton
married ca 1860 John Wesley Faison ca 1838 Jackson NC – of Winton Ret. Merchant
son of Herod Faison and Maria Sheppard
1. Rose Faison 31 July 1864 – 27 Aug 1941
married Romulus Pipkin Story 30 Sept 1860 Gates Co NC – 27 Aug 1941 Winton NC
a. John Faison Story 1899 – 1981 lived Winton
married Dorothy Hill Taylor 1913 – 1991
b. Shepherd D [Sheppie] Story ca 1903 – NFI
2. Pauline Faison Dec 1868 – 12 May 1930
never married
3. Mary [May] Faison 10 Aug 1870 – 25 Sept 1956
never married
4. Annie M Faison 20 Oct 1874 – 19 April 1943
never married
5. Herod Colin Faison 15 March 1882 – 14 March 1952 farmer in Hertford Co
married Sophia N ca 1875
a. John W Faison ca 1905 –
b. Thomas C Faison ca 1907 –
c. girl ca 1910 –
ix. Josephine Anderson ca 1844 – Mar-18-1848 aged 4 yr 10 mo

Mary [Polly] Brown est 1775 – ca 1856 Hertford Co
married John Everitt ca 1790 – 1831
Mary left her property she names
Sarah E Maget wife of Samuel Maget,
Mary wife of Benjamin Avent of Halifax Co,
Mary E. wife of James Trader
and John A Anderson. in 1856 will

from James
I also found some well-nigh indecipherable notes from a telephone conversation with Dorothy Taylor Story, wife of John Faison Story of Winton. He was the grandson of John A. Anderson’s second daughter Rosaline who married John Faison from Northampton County. One of Rosaline’s daughters married a Story from Gates County, and they were the parents of John
Faison Story. I don’t know why I don’t have their names.

James L. Anderson (22 Aug 1839 – 4 July 1896) was educated before the Civil War at the University at Chapel Hill, to which institution he was devoted throughout life. Anderson was a deformed man, caused by a fall when an infant, but had a strong and clear intellect. He served for many years in Hertford County as Public Register, and was also a member of the Board of County Commissioners. Anderson was also elected twice to the legislature. After his re-elected in 1890, his health began to fail, and he died in 1891. Anderson never married and left an estate worth approximately $40,000 to his two sisters, Mrs. Faison, of Winton, and Mrs. Knox, of Tennessee.

Dear Aunt Sally: I’m sending along this information on James L. Anderson from the finding aid for the papers of the Murfreesboro Historical Association at ECU. Note that he was not born a hunchback. This came about as the result of his being dropped as an infant. His father used to say that he had raised two children and a piece.
I checked the Battle’s History of UNC. James L. Anderson graduated in the class of 1861.

Mrs. Story told me about the family’s piano, which was the one thing saved when the Yankees burned the Anderson mansion along with the rest of Winton. The family had fled to take refuge at Oak Villa. The slaves always liked hearing the ladies of the family play the piano. They took the instrument, wrapped it in quilts and buried it in the woods with the silver!!! Mrs. Story said the piano was made between 1830 and 1833. Dorothy and John had one daughter who married and lived in Franklin, VA. She had the piano at the time of our telephone conversation around 1970.

She also said that Pauline Anderson married a Knox from Louisiana. They met at Nags Head. She had Hugh Knox, who was killed in a hunting accident, Hattie and Eric. If I read my notes correctly, Hugh was the father of Eddie Knox, who was the city manager of High Point.

After the burning of Winton, James L. Anderson built the Victorian house where the Storys were still living in 1977 when I started working at the Albemarle Regional Library. I recall Mrs. Story saying that the original house had occupied two lots and that their home sat on one of the two lots. I remember walking around on my lunch hour and smelling the fragrant gardenias in front of the Story home. I commented on them to Mr. Story, who was out in the yard, and he cut
several for me to take back to the library.

This comes from the “Historical Review of Winton” written by Louise Vann Boone (Mrs. Dare Boone) in “The Ahoskie Era of Hertford County”: Feb. 20, 1862- “Mrs. John Anderson, who lived in true colonial style with her 14 house servants, refused to leave her home and possessions. A servant had just brought in a load of wood, so her son, to end the argument, placed her in the cart and told the servant to drive away. Her home was entirely destroyed.”

1779 Tax List Col John Brown, Hertford Co
320 acres Land 1000
2 Negroes under 5 300
1 Do 5-10 400
8 Do 10-40 5600
6 horses 900
22 cattle 220

1784 Tax List Hertford Co
John Brown 320 ac 1fp 5bp
John Brown 1fp 1bp

1790 Census Hertford Co
John Brown 1 male over 16 2 females 1 bp
Samuel Brown 2 males over 16 1 female 4 bp

1800 Census Hertford Co
Samuel Brown 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8

Samuel Brown 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 2

Legends and Memories of St John’s Chapel -by Major John W. Moore
poem about Major Brown

p30 Col. John Brown located in this county near old St. John’s, long prior to the war of 1776. He had a son Maj. John Brown. The late James L Anderson owned the place where Major Brown lived and died.
p 31 Godwin Cotten of Hertford married Sarah Brown, the daughter of Maj. Jno Brown,  Maj John Brown and his wife Sarah were also the grandparents of the late John A Anderson of Winton, Mrs. Polly Everett who lived near old St John’s and Elizabeth and Esther Cotten, the mother of Dr. Godwin C Moore.
p 34 The colonial justices of the peace appointed for Hertford county for life or good behavior included John Brown.

p 244/5 James M Trader married Mary E Brown the daughter of Samuel Brown and wife Nancy and granddaughter of Col. John Brown, the old Tory of colonial times. Samuel Brown lived in Murfreesboro at the home of the late Edw. F Dunston.

[Marinia Brickell was the eldest daughter of Col Matthias Brickell and his wife Rachiel Noailles. She was born Sept 6 1749. The Bible record shows her death date as 8 Jan 1762. There is no mention of a marriage for her.]

Glimpse of the family from Moore’s Historical Sketches of Hertford County
Chapter LVIX. October 4th 1854 brought an occasion of joy and festivity to the ancient village of Winton. Hugh B Knox of Louisiana was married to Pauline, the oldest daughter of John A Anderson. This beautiful bride and her amiable consort, were honored in their nuptials by the attendance of hosts of friends and the festivities were in accordance with the lavish hospitality traditional in North Carolina weddings. Rev Edgar Snowden of Perquimans, officiating; and the stately mansion; through the long and happy hours on that Autumn night was the scene of unbounded enjoyment. That blissful ignorance of the future, which is heaven’s best gift to man. hid the fast coming day of destruction, when the widowed mother should behold her beautiful home sink into ashes beneath the invaders touch.

Rich Square Roanoke-Chowan Times, 17 Jan 1907 –
Editor: “Recollections of John A Anderson. Very few people living in Hertford County have any personal knowledge of John A. Anderson. Eli C. Copeland of Eagletown, now in his 83rd year, remembers him as the leading business man of Winton when he was a boy. To him he hauled many a load of staves from his father’s farm near Ahoskie. He is remembered by him as a very honest and honorable merchant, and dealer in tar, turpentine, and staves, and in the trade in these special articles he amassed his fortune. In handling his staves he had a way of sliding them down his wharf at Winton to the boats on the river.
. . .his mother after her marriage lived on the farm yet known as ‘widow Everett farm,’ joining the farm of Godwin C. Moore, not far from St. Johns. He was twice married and his wives were . . .sisters. . . To his first wife there were born seven children, all of whom died in infancy, which fact the father attributed to the strong medicine. Out of 14 children only three lived to be grown, one of them a son by the name of James was a humpback cripple. James, remained a bachelor and in his last days lived alone and was well taken care of by his colored nurse, to whom he left a pension of $25 per month as long as she lived. One of his daughters married John W Faison of Jackson, and she is yet living in Winton.
There is probably no man to whom Winton owes more as a commercial center than to John A. Anderson. . . .
John A Anderson was a man of pleasing disposition, and was apt and able to contrive his way through difficulties, as is shown by the following incident: while a young man he, in company with a special friend, James Spires, took an extensive trip on horseback through the country. On one occasion during his trip, they found it extremely difficult to find lodging for the night, and after being refused at several places, they applied to a widow lady to keep them overnight. She also told them she could not keep them. Young Anderson stated, he thought it hard indeed that ministers could not get lodging in the country. She then called to them and told them that if they were ministers they could stay. They at once put up for the night. They were very hospitably entertained and when the time for retiring for the night came on, she set up a stand with a candle and Bible upon it. The young men saw at one what was expected of them, so they withdrew for consultation. Anderson said to Spires: ‘Jim, you can pray, and I’ll read the chapter.’ Spires agreed to this arrangement and on their return to the room, and being requested to have devotion, Anderson read the chapter and Spires prayed in a very satisfactory manner. The landlady was well pleased and next morning would accept no pay for the lodgings.”
clipping compliments of Tom Parramore.

William D Valentine’s Diary, Southern Historical Collection:
“Winton, Sun. 9 Jan 1842. Sunday is a lonesome day in a town village wherein no church and few lonely and scattered inhabitants, like Winton. Before noon, I passed most of the day with Anderson in his counting room in plain conversation. Mr. A. is a man of good sense and much observation. From his long successful business habits as a merchant, his knowledge is practicable; and in conversation on practical matters within the range of his observation, he is quite interesting. There is a coolness, easy carelessness about him that renders him entertaining. He attempts nothing showy, nothing more than what he is. He possesses an independent fortune and made himself in Winton by merchandising.” abstract compliments of Tom Parramore.

Hertford County Herald, 29 May 1925. John A. Vann: “Mr. John A Anderson in his day was the prince of merchants; he was one of the richest men, if not the richest in the county. He died the first year of the war leaving a large estate. He had carried on … a large stave trade…  Winton was noted for its stave market, they were brought here largely from every section of the county. I have been told by older people that they have seen staves piled up here anywhere from 10 to 20 feet high upon acres of land.” compliments of Tom Parramore.

US Census 1850 Hertford County
252 Mary Everet 62 f 3250
Sarah Grant 20 f
JR Holliman 21 m overseer
253 Dr. G Moore 44 m ‘MD 3000

1840 Mary Everett 1 15-20, 1 60-70, females 1 50-60, 2 60-70
1830 John Everett 1 20-30, 1 30-40, females 1 15-20, 1 40-50
1820 John Everett
1790 Census Hertford Co
John Brown 1 male over 16 2 females 1 bp
Samuel Brown 2 males over 16 1 female 4 bp
1800 Census Hertford Co
Samuel Brown 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8
Samuel Brown 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 2

William Trader | his parents
& Betty Darden | her parents
of Murfreesboro, NC

Children of William Trader and Betty Darden:
1. James M Trader 1823 – 1882
married Mary Eliz Brown 1810/13 – 1856/1869
2. Martha Trader ca 1818 –
married Feb 1838 Ely Carter 14 Dec 1799 –

Martha Trader ca 1818 – | her parents
& 1838 Ely Carter 1799 – | his parents
& 1824 Polly Murphy
of Murfreesboro, NC

Ely Carter was born the day General George Washington died, 14 December 1799.
Ely Carter was married twice: first to Miss Polly Murphy on 20 April 1824.
1. Edward Carter was educated at Emory and Henry College and Chapel Hill. UNC
He died unmarried in 1866 in Columbus MS.
2. Josephine Carter married a Mr. Bush and died in 1882″
Ely married second Feb 1838 in Murfreesboro NC Martha Trader.
Ely Carter was a successful merchant.

Children of Ely Carter and Martha Trader:
1. William Henry Carter dsp
2. John Carter dsp
3. Elizabeth T Carter ca 1845 –
married 1871 William J Echols of Senatobia Miss
removed to Fort Smith Arkansas
4. James A Carter ca 1847 – dsp
5. M Celestine Carter ca 1849 – 1912 no issue
married E F Rice of Murfreesboro NC
6. Dodridge T Carter ca 1852 – lived Senatobia Miss
married Miss Hall
7. Thomas Bragg Carter ca 1855 – lived in Texas
married Miss Mathews
8. Anna Harrison Carter ca 1858 – dsp

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