Benjamin Perry, Mary & Sarah

Son of John Perry who died Bertie Co 1760

Benjamin Perry ca 1731 – ca 1794 his parents
& Mary ? m in NC
& Sarah ? m in SC
of Bertie County, NC & Kershaw County, SC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Benjamin Perry married first Mary. They were in Bertie County, North Carolina, but he died ca 1794 in Kershaw County, SC and left two wills in Kershaw Co, one dated 1779 named a wife Mary, the other dated 1789 named a wife Sarah. He had a brother James who died in Kershaw Co in 1806.

Benjamin Perry was the son of John Perry and his wife Sarah Walton.

Colonial Records of NC Vol 9 p 804/6: Benjamin and James Perry signed a petition at Windsor, NC on Cushy River in 1768.

in 1771/72 Benjamin Perry bought lands of William Simpson who had patented same in Kershaw Co, SC. In 1787 Benjamin Perry patented 1,000 acres in Camden District, SC. Indents of military service are on record in Columbia, SC., signed both Benjamin Perry and Benjamin Perry, Jr.

Bertie County, NC Deeds

— — 1756 H-384 Michael Collins to Benjamin Perry 14¬£ for 200 A. on Guys Hall Swamp. Wit: Jno. Crickett, Jas. Hedgepeth. Jan Ct 1757.

28 Jan 1757 I-69. John Crickett taylor of Bertie Co to Benjamin Perry planter of same. 32£ VA. 240 acres north side of Buck Swamp, joining Roads. Wit: William Rice, Sarah (x) Rice Apr. Ct 1758. CC Benjamin Wynns.

21 Mar 1759 I-317 John (x) Perry yeoman of Bertie Co to Lewis Williams yeoman of same. 65£ to be paid to my son Benjamin Perry. 335 acres east side of Wiccacon Creek, joining where sd. Benjamin Perry now lives, Edward Williams, Black Walnut Branch, Isaac Hill, Long Branch, Isaac Perry. Wit: Benjn. Brown, Isaac Perry, Per. Evans. Apr Ct 1759. C.C. Benjn. Wynns.

2 Mar 1763 K-342 Moses Spivey of Bertie Co to Benjamin Perry of same. 80£ proc. 72 acres which was part of land formerly owned by Thomas Whitmell joining sd. Perry, sd. Spivey

Feb 1764 K-371 Michael Ward planter of Hertford Co to King Freeman of Bertie Co. 75£ proc. 300 acres on sw side of Grays Mill Swamp. joining Benjamin Perry.

24 June 1765 L-2, 23 Micheal Collins planter of Bertie Co to Benjamin Perry planter of same. 14 ¬£ VA 200 acres on sw side of Gushall Swamp joining Ready Branch, King Freeman. ….June Ct 1766 CC John Johnston

21 Feb 1767 L-2, 66. William Starke & his wife Mary (x) to Benjamin Perry all of Bertie Co. 300£ VA. (several parsels of land)

16 Mar. 1768 L-2, 285. Benjamin Perry & his wife Mary of Bertie Co to James Perry of Same. 150£ VA. 510 acres on north side of Roccquest Swamp joining Outlet Branch, Benjamin Perry, James, Perry, Bazemore, Titus Edwards, Cherry, Buck Swamp, Parker, Wit: John Perrry Jr. Johuaher (x) Collins. Dec Ct 1771. C.C. John Johnston.

1 Feb 1772 L-2, 321. John Harris yeoman of Bertie Co to Thoms. Perry yeoman of same. 60£ proc. 100 acres which John Harris had purchased from Titus Edwards joining James Perry, John Bazemore, Jr. Wit: Zadock Perry, Augusteen Seitman, Mary Seitman. June Ct 1772 C.C, John Johnston.

8 Aug 1786 P-287. Benjamin Perry in Langler Co, South Carolina to Thomas Perry. Lot 110 in the Town of Windsor.

Children of Benjamin Perry [will 1789 Kershaw Co, SC] and wife Mary:
1. Ruth Perry died before 1779
married [Bertie MB] 18 Jan 1773 Joshua Rhodes
The father of the three Rhodes grandchildren named in Benjamin Perry’s will was Joshua Rhodes. He married Ruth Perry in Bertie before the family left for SC. There is a affidavit in SC Kershaw equity court records that Joshua Rhodes jointly owned a house (that burned) and land in Kershaw Co. He died while the children in their minority, but they are entitled to one-half its value as his heirs at law. It is the only place in SC records where I find the first name of the Rhodes grandchildren of Benjamin Perry.” Rebecca Starr
a. Perry Rhodes ca 1776 –
b. Alice Rhodes ca 1777 –
believed to have married Edwards
c. Henry Rhodes ca 1778 –
2. Rigdon Perry died between 1779 and 1789
3. Benjamin Perry ca 1755 – 1813 Lancaster Co, SC
by his first wife evidently (his will) compliments of James Fort
Kershaw County, Equity Roll 160-6 microfilm at Columbia Archives and LDS

a. Benjamin Perry 8 Oct 1793 Lancaster Co SC –
b. Sarah Perry ca 1795 –
married Mary Starke dau of Maj. Thomas Starke
she married 2nd William Dixon [pre-nuptial agreement]
a. Thomas Perry ca 1797 – died bef Nov 1819
b. John Stark Perry
married Sarah Duren
c. Mary (Molsie) Perry
married James Jonathan Douglas died bef 1835
married 2nd Dr. Pomeroy Bush
d. Elizabeth Perry
married Dr. James Massey
e. Wilmott Stark Perry 3 May 1809 Lancaster SC – 23 Oct 1888 Wilwood, FL
married Jackey (John) Perry 1806 -1866 Kershaw Co, SC
(her Cousin son of Josiah Perry and Rebecca Cornelius)
ancestors of Rebecca Starr
i. Elizaabeth Rebecca Perry 18 Aug 1831 SC –
ii. Harriet Mary Perry ca 1833 –
iii. Caroline Aramintha Perry ca 1835 –
iv. Benjamin Josiah Perry ca 1837 –
v. Thomas James Perry ca 1839 –
vi. John Madison Perry 18 Mar 1841 Kersaw Co SC –
married Jane Curry Brown
1. Cornelia Perry 1868 – 1914
2. Henry Brown Perry 1869 – 1929….(Rebeccas line,)
3. John Madison Perry, Jr.-1872 – 1934
4. Benjamin Starke Perry 1874 Lancaster SC – 1951 Waco TX (Anita’s line)
5. Elizabeth [Bessie] Perry 1880 – 1953
vii. Laura Wilmoth Perry ca 1843 –
f. Gov. Madison Stark Perry 1814 Lancaster Co SC – 1865 Alachua Co FL
(4th Gov. of Florida 1857 – 1861) (officer in CSA)

perry-ms madisonstarkeperrysign
Gov. M S Perry see for more info.
from Sloan Mason

married ca 1832 Martha [Mary] Peay Starke 4 May 1814 –
daughter of Thomas Starke and Margaret Evans Larkins Rochelle

starke1a starke2a
Thomas and Margaret Starke
see Rochelle web site

i. Madison Stark Perry ca 1845 – dsp CSA
ii. Sallie J Perry ca 1848 – 22 Feb 1912 dsp

4. Zadock Perry 10 Nov 1754 – 18 Jan 1815 Lancaster Co, SC
buried near Rich Hill
married 1st Miss Brummitt
from manuscript Crenshaw/Perry by Beatrice Doughtie
a. Comfort Perry died 1829 Lancaster Co, SC
married 1798 Nathaniel Barber died 1832
married ca 1785 Tabitha House [Brinkley] ca 1765 – ca 1833 Lancaster Co, SC
a. Zadock Perry 8 March 1795 – aft 1845 Miss.
married ca 1821 Dorcas Clance Duren 1801 – 1872
Yalobusha (Grenada) Co, Miss.
i. Oliver Hazard Perry
ii. Thomas Duren Perry 1824 Lancaster Co SC – 1853 MS
buried on on Perry plantation
married 20 Jan 1846 Henrietta Louias Dye
iii. Zadock Elmore Perry 1829 –
buried beside his grandfather near Rich Hill SC
iv. Mary Ann Perry 12 Oct 1823 SC – 5 Feb 1884 MS
married Benjamin Williams 26 April 1824 SC – 27 July 1894 MS
v. Dorcas Rebecca Perry 25 Aug 1830 SC – 18 Feb 1864 SC
married married 23 Oct 1851 George F Ingram 22 April 1829 SC – 1902 MS
vi. Reuben Rufus Perry 20 Jan 1836 – 1 Nov 1890 MS
married 10 Dec 1872 Mary G Smith
vii. Sarah Elizabeth Perry 24 Aug 1832 – 22 Aug 1872 MS
married Jan 1852 Dr. John J Gage MS
viii. Ellenor Tabitha Perry 6 Jan 1838 – 6 July 1918 MS
married 1856 Kershaw Williams 1826 – killed at battle of Murfreesboro TN
married 2nd Dr. James B Gage Sr.
ix. Louisiana Perry 14 Jan 1834 SC – . . .
b. Rigdon Perry – rem to Alabama?
married Frances Hammond
c. Isaac T Perry died bef 1829
married Agnes ?
i. Janes Perry
ii. Tabitha Perry
d. Ruth Perry
married Robert Douglas
e. Sarah (Sally) Perry
married Francis Tillman Ingram
5. Mary Perry dec bef 1789
married Sion Coates
6. Sarah Perry died ca 1811 Kershaw Co, SC
married Jesse Tillman as 2nd wife
son of William Tillman and wife Elizabeth House
Jesse left four slaves to Sarah, then at her death, to go to Zadock’s sons, thus doing something for his wife’s side of the family. Sarah dies without a will, her brother Benjamin takes control of her estate, he dies, and all is placed in son Thomas’ hands, he dies and everything falls to John. Mary, Benajmin’s widow marrys William Dixon which being an intermarriage, they sign a pre-nuptial agreement regarding each’s own property and children. Then Issac T. Perry brings suit as to him and his siblings receiving their rightful share of their Aunt Sarah (Perry)Tilman’s estate, which their father missed out on. This law suit produced the will that I sent you Which is by the way referenced as Kershaw county, Equity roll 160-6. e-mail from James Fort
7. Winifred Perry still young girl in 1779
8. Elizabeth Perry

Benjamin Perry left two will in Kershaw Co, SC. one dated 1779 named wife Mary and one dated 1789 named wife Sarah. Ben. had brother James who left will in 1806, Kershaw Co, SC. Two wills below compliments of Michael K Perry & Zane Perry.

WILL OF BENJAMIN PEARY -Kershaw Co., SC- March 23, 1779, In the name of God, amen. I Benjamin Peary of the State of South Carolina Planter being in perfect health of body and of perfect mind and memory Thanks be giving unto God . . . . .
First I lend unto my be loved wife Mary one Negro Wench named Bridget and one Negro boy named York Dureing (during) his (her) life and then they and there (their) Increase to be devied (divided) betwisct my two youngest daughters Wineford and Elizabeth.
also I give to my well beloved son Zadock Peary one Negro wench named Hagor. also I give to my well beloved son Rigdon Peary one Negro boy Named Toney
also I give unto my said sons Zadock and Rigdon Peary Three Hundred acres of land freely to be possessed and injoyed. to be equaly (equally) divied (divided) betisct them both.
also I give to my well beloved Son Benjamin Peary one Negro boy Named Robert and also a Tract of Land of Three Hundred acres whereon I know (now) live Freely to be possessed and enjoyed only my Wife to have hir (her) third in it.
also I give to my three grad (grand) children Peary Rodes Alcey Rodes and Henry Rodes one Negro girl named Venas She and hir (her) increas (increase) when Henry Rods comes at age equaly to be divied Freely to be possessed and Injoyed by them.
Also I give to my Well beloved daughter Mary Peary one Negro girl named Zelpha freely to be possessed and injoyed;
also I give to my well beloved Daughter Sarah Peary one Negro boy Named Sepco freely to be possessed and injoyed.
Like wise it is my Desire that Each of my girls Mary Peary Sarah Peary Wineford Peary and Elizabeth Peary at the age of fifteen Shold Have a young hors or mair (horse or mare) the sise (size) of thirteen hands and a hald (half) high freely to be prossessed and injoyed by them
also I desire that what money I have Due after Collecting it and setling (settling) matters Should be Equally Devided betwix my Daughter Mary Peary Sarah Peary Wineford Peary and Elizabeth Peary, to be enjoyed by them
also it is my Desire that Mary Peary my dearly beloved Wife Shold have all my Movibles (moveables) with my stock or horses cows and Hogs freely to be injoyed by hir,
and I do hereby utterly dissallow Revoke, and disannul all and every other former Testaments, wills Legacies bequests, and executors, by me in any Wise befour (before) named, willed and bequested ratifying and conforming (confirming) this, and no other, to be my last Will and Testament, in witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, this Twenty third Day of March in the year of our Lor (Lord) one thousand seven Hundred and Seventy Nine.

Signed, sealed, published pronounced, and declared by the said Benjamin Peary as his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have here to Subscribed our Names
Jeremiah Burge John Rains Burge George Peary (SEAL)

A TRUE COPY ATTEST:N. C. Arnett Probate Judge

(Corrections in parenthesis made by typist.)JBP/VFP

OCR scanned copy of the original as viewed and transcribed by: Mr. J. B. Perry, Jr. and Rev. Vernon F. Perry in their Work “Introduction to the Perry Family as descended from Benjamin Perry of Kershaw County, South Carolina”.

WILL OF BENJAMIN PERRY -Kershaw Co., SC-Oct.8,1789. In the name of God amen. I Benjamin Perry of the State of South Carolina Planter being in perfect of Body and of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God. . . . .
First I lend unto my beloved wife Sarah one negro boy named Peter during her life & after her death for my well beloved Son Zadoh Perry to have him.
Also I give unto my well beloved son two Negroes named Hager & Toney
Also I give my well beloved son Zadoh Perry all that tract of land he live on and up the River as far as the lick branch of the Tract that I bought of William Simpson & I give him one Feather bed freely to be possessed and enjoyed.
Also I give unto my well beloved son Benjamin Perry the plantation or tract of land where I now live and the remainder part of the tract of land that was bought of William Simpson
Also I give unto my well beloved son Benjamin Perry three Negroes named Sip, York & Roberts Two Feather beds freely to be possessed and enjoyed.
Also I give unto my well beloved Daughter Mary Cotes Two Negroes named Venus and Arter and one Feather bed & one Cow freely to be possessed & enjoyed
Also I give unto my well beloved Daughter Sarah Perry three Negroes named Zilpah, Harry & Sam and two Feather beds, one Filly called Finney and after the Filley has raised one colt for Alse Roades then for Sarah Perry to have her freely and to be possessed and enjoyed –
Also I lend my well beloved Grand Daughter Alse Roades one Negroe boy named Lanor her life time if she never bringeth an heir of her Body for the Said Negroe Boy and Colt to return to my children,
Again I give Alse Roades one Feather bed one Cow on the Same terms freely to be possessed and enjoyed –
I give unto my well be loved sons Zadoh Perry and Benjamin Perry the New Survey of land freely to be possessed and enjoyed to be equally divided twixt them both
Also I give unto my well beloved Son Benjamin Perry my half of the Mill freely to be possessed
Also it is my desire that all my movables with Stock of Horses, Cows & hogs should be left for the use of my well beloved Wife Sarah and Son Benjamin Perry
after her death I leave it to Benjamin Perry to divide it amongst my children freely to be enjoyed by them, And do hereby utterly disallow revoke & disannul all and every other former Testaments Wills Legacies Bequeaths & Executors by me in any wise before named Willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will & Testament In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
Also I do leave my son Benjamin Perry Executor to this Will This eight day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & eighty nine. Signed Sealed Published pronounced and declared by the said Benjamin Perry as his Last Will & Testament inthe presence of us, who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names. Benjamin Perry (SEAL)

James Perry, Elizabeth Benson, Esther (X Her Mark) Duke

A true copy insofar as this ancient and faded document can be transcribed on a typewriter. Attest: N. C. Probate Judge 8-26-1946

OCR scanned copy of the original as viewed and transcribed by: Mr. J. B. Perry, Jr. and Rev. Vernon F. Perry in their Work “Introduction to the Perry Family as descended from Benjamin Perry of Kershaw County, South Carolina”.

from the research of John Ben Perry Jr
original documents for use on this site contributed by Rebecca Starr, James Fort, Michael K Perry, Zane Perry and others. Thanks.

note – Winny Perry wife of Samuel Rayner of Bertie was not the daughter of Benjamin Perry that moved to Kershaw County, SC as his daughter was still a young girl in 1779.


2 thoughts on “Benjamin Perry, Mary & Sarah”

  1. Who is this John Perrry Jr. ???

    16 Mar. 1768 L-2, 285. Benjamin Perry & his wife Mary of Bertie Co to James Perry of Same. 150£ VA. 510 acres on north side of Roccquest Swamp joining Outlet Branch, Benjamin Perry, James, Perry, Bazemore, Titus Edwards, Cherry, Buck Swamp, Parker, Wit: John Perrry Jr. Johuaher (x) Collins. Dec Ct 1771. C.C. John Johnston.

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