William Jones & Elizabeth Blight

William Jones will 1714 his parents
Elizabeth Blight will 1723 her parents
of Surry County, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

In Surry County Va is found the Wills of William & Elizabeth Jones. After seeing the will of Robert Blight (Prince George Co, VA) I believe that this is the connection between our James Jones & Robert Jones Jr of Northampton Co, NC the colonial Attorney General.

Children of William Jones & Elizabeth Blight:
1. Robert Jones ca 1678 –
married Hester
a. William Jones
b. Matthew Jones d. prior 1727
c. Robert Jones Jr.d.1727.
i. Thomas
2. Henry Jones ca 1680 – ca 1739
married Catherine
3. William Jones ca 1683 –
4. John Jones ca 1686 –

Surry Co, VA Jones, William Sr. Leg: February 1714. Prob. Mar 16, 1714.
– Mentions wife, Elizabeth.
– To sons Henry, William, and John Jones, small bequests.
– To son Robert Jones, all my land and all the rest of my est.
Wit: Thomas Wynne, Robert Wynne. Book 6 – page 132

Robert Jones Executor of the Last Will & Testament of William Jones decd. return an Invty. of the Estate of the said deced. the same in ordered to be recorded.

Jones, Elizabeth: Nov 22, 1723. Probate 15 Apr. 1724 Book 7 p-526
Leg. – To Catern Jones, wife
– to Henry Jones a chest & clothing.
– To son Henry Jones, all the rest of est. real & personal. cattle Hogs etc.
Wit: Henry Freeman, James Ray.

Bertie Prec. Deeds
B-53 Robert Jones to his son Matthew Jones 9 Nov 1724 140 A

B-54 Robert Jones to his son Robert Jones Jr 230 A part of land granted on Moratock Pocosin to John Hawthorn 2 Feb 1711/12. (Note. both of these sons were deceased prior Nov 13, 1727 see B-366)

North Carolina,
Will of Robert Jones Jr of Bartte Precinct April 6, 1727 Recorded 8 Aug 1727
– To father Robert Jones Sr 100 acres in Pr. Geo Co., Va on Stony Creek at Chamberlains Bedd, during his life;
– To eldest son Thomas all tract in Pr Geo Co, Va. reserving 100 acres to father during his life.
– Father Robert Jones Sr is appointed sole executor, and is to sell land in North Carolina and distribute proceeds and rest of estate equally between wife and children.
Robert Jones Jr.
Wit: William (WD) Dennis; Abraham Burton, Henry Jones Jr.

B-366 Robert Jones & son William of Surry Co Va to Barnabe McKinne 13 Nov 1727

Deeds of Surry Co Va Patents (Note the name Jones’ Hole Swamp)
Wm Jones June 16 1714
— 280 A on the NE side of Nottoway River, beginning at the Mouth of Jones’ Hole Swamp & being part of 600 acres granted said Jones on Oct 24, 1701.

Patents from the Province of North Carolina 1663-1729, Hofmann.
476 pg 170 William Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 640 acres on Morattock river in Chowan precinct joining the mouth of a spring branch and Moratuck river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

From Vestry Minutes of Chowan County, NC abstracts by Fouts
15 Dec 1701–Ordered that twelve pence be levied on every Tythable in the precinct…. the collector on the West Shore to beWilliam Jones.

30 June 1702–that a warrant be directed for summoning the Several Collectors—unto William Jones

24 April 1703 –There being three Church Bibles intended for this County one wh— belongs to this precinct and the Same being Sent for to Williamsburgh by William Jones.

18 day of April 1720–Ordered that Matthew Bryan be allowed 50 Shll for maintaining Wm Jones 7 Day May 1722–To Matthew Bryan for burying etc Wm Jones 2:10:0

(Appears to be more than one Wm Jones in area.)

Chowan Precinct Deed Book W #1 Abstracts by Hofmann
#71 Will Duckenfield of NC Esquire to Will Jones of the sd Province 1Feb 1702 . . .. Coshoke 600 acres beginning at Spring branch Reg 2 Feb 1702/3

#79 Will Jones in Cushoke of Chowan Prect. planter with the consent of my wife Mary Jones to Thomas Arnold of Chowan Prect. planter 4 Oct 1703 100 acres on the N side

#82 Will Jones to John Lewerton of Chowan Prect. 4 Oct 1703 100 acres

#107 Will Jones . . .to Robert West 640 acres in Coshoke Creek Reg 4 July 1704

#1648 Ct at House of John Hill 18 June 1714 David Attkins & Elizabeth his wife acknowledged a Conveyance of land to William Jones

#1650 Ct at House of Henry King 19 Apr 1715 Petition of ye Inhabitants of Rockahock Creek for a Convenient Landing of ye said Creek, Samuel Patchett and John Jones Jr to Lay out ye Most Convenient Place for a Landing on ye sd Creek.Letter of Attorney from Alice Blackman to George Smith proved on Oath of William Jones

Whereas by Complaint made against William Jones of divers misdemeaners it is ordered that John Nairn take ye sd Jones into custody & Cause him to appear before the Hon. Governor to answer Such Matters as Shall be Alledged against him.

19 July 1715 Ct at House of Henry King Esq justices John Bird, Robert Lanier Phillip Wallston attorney of William & Mary Jonesack. deed to Martin Gardner.

17 April 1716 Ct at the House of Robert Hicks at Queen Ann’s John Jones ack sale to Edward Cockerell and John Nairn attorney for Ann Jones ack her title of Dover to the sd Land. John Jones Sr ack a sale to George Broomley; Ordered that John Jones be Overseer of the Road in the Room of Francis Branch; Letter of attorney from William Jones to Henry Bonner proved by oath of Thomas Jones

#1659 17 July 1716 Ct at the House of William Branch; William Jones & wife ack Land to David Atkins which was formally Purchased from sd Atkins.

#1664 July Ct 1717 Ordered that Samuel Patchett be Overseer of the Highway in ye Room of John Jones. William Jones vs Thomas Kirk Plea to recover 10 , Plantiff confesses himself Satisfied of the Damages afsd and Defendent is Acquitted.

July Ct 1718 Philip Wallston attorney of William & Mary Jones ack a Sale to Martin Gardner.

April Ct 1719 at House of William Branch 21 Apr 1719 Esq justices: William Charleton James Beasley, Henry Speller, Thomas Luten Ordered that William Jones be overseer of the Highway in the room of Martin Gardner and William Hall in the room of J Hill of the same District.

A-275 William Jones to Thomas Jones 10 Aug 1724 for good will I do bare my kinsman 200 A in Casiah Swamp.

B-227 L.P. to William Jones 6 Dec 1720 Grant 609 A on W Cashay Swamp — land granted to Robert Hickman had lapsed.

B-228 William Jones Sr to son William Jones Jr.

#254 4 May 1722 William (X) Jones O Letters granted 28 Mar 1723
Of Chowan Precinct & Albemarle Co. “Sick and weak in body”
Son John Jones – my plantation near the Rich Thikitt in Virginia where he now lives for his life & to his 2 son John & James Jones; also 100 acres joining Deep Run Swamp, Chandlers Vale, for him and then to his sons David & William Jones; also negro man Toney,
Son Henry Jones – 100 —– where I now live for his life & then to his son William Jones. William Lysles – 100 acres — now live called Phillip Walstons, joining Chandlers Vale.
Son Charles Jones – 100 acres where I called Branches Ould Field.
Daughter Jeane Lysle, son John Jones, daughter Elizath. Speirs,daughter Dorathy Walston, son Henry Jones – rest of my estate. Other legacies.
Ex. Thomas Luten
Wit: Robert (x) Fullerton, Mary (x) Dreace. Mary (x) Fullerton

#255 William (x) Jones 9 Jan 1722 O Letters granted 4 Apr 1733
Of Chowan Precinct
Son John Jones – land where he now lives for his life & then to his son William Jones; also 100 acres where my son Henry Jones now lives, & then to his son William; also negro man Tony.
Son Henry Jones – 100 acres where he now lives for his life & then to his son William Jones. William Lyle – plantation with 100 acres called Phillip Walston’s.
Son Charles Jones – land on Deep Run Swamp joining Chandlers Vale, during his life & then to his son John Jones.
Grandson William Jones son of Thomas Jones dec’d – land.
Daughter Jane Lisles – mare. Henry Lisle Sr – horse.
Henry Lisles Jr – saw.
Granddaughter Dorothy Lisles – bed.
Rest of my estate to 5 of my grandsons: William son of Jane Lisles, William Lewse son of Elizabeth Spiers, William son of Henry Jones, William son of Dorothy Walstone, William son of John Jones. Other legacies.
Wit: Frances [Hannar?] (x) Howcott, Hanah (x) Luten, Thos. Luten Jr.

Minutes 1723 Executive Council NC p 119
Upon a Caveat Entered against the Will of Wm Jones deceased by Thomas Speirs in behalf of his wife, daughter to the said William Jones and the matter being fully heard and debated on both sides and this board having duly weighed the same are of opinion that the Will of the said William Jones is Valid and was legally Executed.

Ordered: That the said Will be proved and that Administration on the Goods and Chattles of the said William Jones deceased with the will annexed be committed to John Jones and Henry Jones two of the Eldest sons to the deceased.

#256 William (x) Jones 15 Mar 1736 O 20 May 1736 [before W Smith] Of Bartie Precinct, Albemarle Co. “very Sick and weak in Bodey”
Wife Ann – all my cattle hogss 6 cows & calves to be delivered to my son Eaphram.
Should there be an unborn child, then it to receive 4 cows & calves.
Other legacies.
Ex. friend Francis Hopson, Henry Jernigan
Wit: Bennet Blackman, Henry Baker Jr

Deeds of Surry Co Va Patents (Note the name Jones’ Hole Swamp)
John Jones 13 Nov, 1713
— 330 acres on the S side of Jones’ Hole Swamp at the going over of the gum log.

Chowan Precinct Deed Book W #1 Abstracts by Hofmann
#21 p 13 John Jones Jr of Chowan Precinct and Ann his now wife to Richard Lewis (res. not given) 7 Sept 1700 for a valuable consideration 216 acres on the west side of Old Indian Pound Crick as by the plat under the surveyor’s hand. all houses fences etc. I bind myself in the peannall sum of 20 , Sterling Wit: John Garney, Nathiel Chevin Reg. 1 Oct 1700

15 Oct 1717 John Jones Complains against his Servant Hannah Davis for deserting his services; upon petition of Inhabitants of Green Hall ordered that a main Road be laid out and cleared from Evans’ to John Jones’ Landing and that Jury includes John Jones Sr, Thomas Jones, Henry Jones, John Jones Jr; Ordered that inhabitants on ye Northside of Bare Swamp Creek & Inhabitants on the Northside of Rockquis Creek upward clear a Main road from New Markett over the head of Kesiah river to Sandy Point at ye mouth of Salmon Creek ……William Jones on Jury.

#284 John Jones 7 Jan 1712/13 875/21 [no probate]
Of Cashocke.
– Brother-in-law O…? Daniel – mare.
– Sister-in-law Hannah Daniel – mare.
– Elizabeth Lewton daughter of John Lewton – 50 acres in the fork of Black Walnutt commonly called Rockey Branch.
– Daughter Mary Jones – rest of my lands & estate, if she should live to age 16, with reversion to my wife Eliz.
Ex. wife
Wit: Jno. Byrd, Thomas Arnold, Jno. Holebrook

Wills 1723-1736
#243 John (x) Joanes [Jones] 2 Feb 1735/6 O Oct Ct 1736 [before James Craven] of Chowan Precinct, Albemarle Co,
” a . . .? condition in body”
Sons James & Demsey – All my land at Loosing Swamp which I purchased from John Small. Wife Ann – my movable estate during her life & then to all my children.
Ex. wife, son James
Wit: John Sumner, James (x) Hubard

#250 John Jones Sr 17 March 1735/6 O May Ct 1736 (before Jno Wynns)
Of Bertie Precinct, Albemarle Co “Sick in body”
Son James -negro fellow Mingoe, bed clothes, etc.
Son Frederick – my land only reserving 1/3 as dower for my wife Martha; also to my sd son negro fellow Ned, wench Rose (& her first 2 children to my daughter Mary Bonner & my daughter Anne Cotten.
Wife Martha – the household goods that were hers before we married.
Daughter Prudence Williams -girl Mary etc.
Grandson – Abraham Jones – girl Nan.
Grandson John Jones -girl Judith; etc Wife – rest of my movable estate during her life, to my sons Joseph & John Jones, my daughter Ann Cotten, my granddaughter Mary Bonner. Trustees of my will: John Brown, John Battle, William Mears. Other legacies.
Ex. son John Jones Wit: P Hanford, James Douglas, Elizabeth (x) Oquin

#249 John (x) Jones 12 May 1727 O 15 May 1727 (before Richd. Everard)
Of Chowan Precinct.
“Very Sick and Weak in body” Servant Tom Andener – be free at my death.
Granddaughter Elizabeth Jones the daughter of David Jones – clothes, chest.
Son William – money due me from Henry Bonner, Henery Bonner – 5 iron wedges.
Rest of estate to 4 of my children: John, Elizabeth, Thomas & David.
EX: – friend Samuel Padeth
Wit: Thos. Jones, David Jones, Wm. Yates

Deeds of Surry Co Va Patents (Note the name Jones’ Hole Swamp)
Henry Jones 13 Nov, 1713
— 250 acres on the S side of Nottoway River beginning on the SE side of the Flat Swamp

Patents from the Province of North Carolina 1663-1729, Hofmann.
477 pg 171 Henry Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 640 acres on Morattuck river in Chowan precinct, joining the river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

Wills & Admin. Surry County, VA, Davis. In 1713 Thomas Crews gives his son John Crews a tract of land called Gray’s (which I bought of Henry & Catherine Jones & Wm Dennis & Samuel Jenkins) – 100 acres. (Perhaps Wm Dennis is Catherine’s brother.)

Surry County, Va Court Records Book VII, Hauns. Oct 21 1713.? Henry & Katherine Jones appeared in court to acknowledge a Deed of Sale of a parcel of land to Arthur Jones.

Patents from the Province of North Carolina 1663-1729, Hofmann.
478 pg 171 Phillip Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 510 acres on Morattuck river in Chowan precinct, joining Henry Jones and ye river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

18 Oct 1715 David Jones makes information against Mary Rivers and reports she is of very loose behavior and with a Bastard Child; ordered that the Marshall have the sd Mary Rivers in Custody.

Jan 1717/8 Ordered that Vince Cropley be Constable in District from Yeopim to Captain Jones’ including Matt Taylor’s Swamp and Charles Wilkins be constable to Ballards Bridge and John White Jr from Ballard’s Bridge to the bounds of Virginia.


#1758 Ct at House of William Branch 20 Jan 1719 Esq Justices: William Charleton, John Jordon, Thomas Garrett Jr, Thomas Luten Jr; Ordered that Abraham Jones aged 7 be bound to James Ward to serve to age of 21 years and the sd Ward Learn him the Trade of Shoemaker; Ordered that Henry Bonner, William Thompson & Thomas Luten Jr be appointed to lay out Road from Evan’s in Green Hall to John Jones’s Landing and the sd Bonner to overseer of the Road; Horth vs Eggerton –John Jones Sr on Jury “We find for ye Plaintiff Costs of Suit and the Def. forthwith kill his Doggs that was found chasing the Plaintiff’s Hoggs, Jury finds for the Plaintiff 6 , Sterling money.


Bertie Prec. Deeds
A-26 Charles Jones & wife Sarah to Thomas Bonner 60, for 640 A Ahotskky Swamp by patent dated 3 Dec 1720 Wit: William Whitfield, James Howard Feb Ct 1722 John Sutton D c/c


#281 Edward Jones 13 March 1718 875/245
Letters granted 15 Jul 1720 Of Albermarle Co in Pasquotank Precinct.
“Sick & weak in body.”
– Wife Ann – 100 acres where I now live during her life & then to my daughter Priscilla.
– Daughter Priscilla – the sd manor & plantation totals 133 acres; mill & grinding stone after her mother’s decease: other legacies when she is age 16.
– Daughter Anne Jones – 1332 acres called Round Ridge.
– Daughter Abigall – 1332 acres called Fernny Ridge. Wife – 1872 acres called Basteba (?) which is part of a 375 acre tract; the other part to Danll. MacFaution.
– Brother-in-law – 74 acres.
– Brother James Jones – coat, vest.
– Cousin Edwd. Jones – ring, gun.
– Brother-in-law Wm Roos cow, gun.
Ex. wife, brother, James Jones, brother-in-law Wm Roos
Wit: Willm. Philips, Wm. Linton, Samll. Ransher


#285 Thomas (x) Jones 11 Jan 1712/13 875/29 [no probate] “in perfect health”
Son Thos. Jones – 500 acres where I now live after the decease of my wife Elizabeth; 3 cows & calves with the female increase until age 14.
Son John Jones – 400 acres called Newfound Landing …? “Dated by Martin Gardner;” 3 cows & cows with the female increase until age 14.
Son-in-law Luke Haman – 420 acres on Great Swamp joining John Lewerton (formerly Epharim Lewerton’s & in the possession of Jno. Jones).
Wife Elizabeth – rest of my estate for life & then to the 3 boys Thomas Jones, John Jones, & Luke Haman.
Ex. wife, Elizabeth, brother, William Jones
Wit: David Henderson, John Holebrook


Coat of arms given by Robert Jones, Attorney-general of North Carolina was: Ermine three Lions ( these are the arms of the Jones family of Kent and London.)

Va. Col. Abs – Ser 2 Vol 6 Rec of Prince George Co VA 1666-1719 – Duvall
p 328 Lt Abraham Jones, 1217 Acres in the Parish of Bristoll & on the S side of Appomattox River & bounded: on the S side of Appamattox Riv., at the lower side of Maj Gen Woods lands called the Indian Town lands – – -near one of the branches of Rohowick — in a peninsula made by the main run of the Southern Sw. — to the uppermost corner of the sd. Fort lands. The sd. land was due by the Trans. of 25 persons. 20 Nov. 1683. Geo. West Gilbert May Steph. Buck Rich. Rice Hen. Price Geo. South Rich. Jones James Badcock Ed. Herbert Jon. Price Tho. Peacock Alice Smith Steph. Hall Joan Dickson Tho. ffloyd Jon. Moor Mary Thomas Wm. Jones Anne Hall Peter Thompson Rich. West Eliz. Moor Geo. Littlegood Dennis Coniers Giles Cook

G-410 Thomas Jones of News of Craven Co to Henry Avara 27 Aug 1746
— pat 2 April 1726 Cashy adj John Griffen Nov Ct 1751

G-416 Thomas Jones of Petty Shore to Edward Scull Deep Ck purchased from James Rutland.


Prince George County, VA Wills & Deeds 1713-1728 – Benjamin B Weisiger III (1973) p. 19

Wills & Admins. Surry Co, VA, E T Davis
Jones, Arthur: Leg.
– To son, Arthur Jones, guns, tools, and bill of Thomas Lisbon’s fof 600 lbs. tob; bill of Phillyp Luper for 600 lbs. tob.
– To Daughter Mary Hook one sheep,
– to daughter Sarah, land upon Joseph’s Swamp & Nottoway River at Dob’s lower field. . to Nottoway River, to daughter Jane, land at corner pine. .to the river.
– To daughter Mary all the rest of the land at her mother’s death.
– To daughter Prudence a negro boy provided old John Freeman will acknowledge the land to his son Henry, where he now liveth.
– To daughter Elizabeth Jones pewter dishes, etc,
– Wife Prudence all rest of est. and negro.
Makes her exorx.
James Sammon and Giles Underhill overseers of will. 22 Jan. 1715/16.
Wit: Jones Williams, Wm Bridges, Wm Beech. Book 7–page 16

Jones, James, Est: by Mary Jones Admrx. June 17, 1713.
Signed – Thomas Davis, Edward Rowell. Book 6 – page 150

Jones, Mary Est: 19 May 1747. Signed – James Anderson, Thomas Bedingfield, Josiah Barker. Book 9 – page 554

Jones, Susannah Est. Henry Baker, admr of est. Due to said Jones estate other things from Robert Ruffin, Martin Johnson, Wm Clarke, Jno. Rodgers. Lewis Williams, Wm Sweet, John Whitson, Jno. Amry, Wm Alderson, Wm Newsums, Peter Addams 29 May 1677. Book 2 – page 159

Jones, Thomas Est: By Sarah Jones, admrx. 21 June 1748.
Signed – James Chappell, James Chappell, Jr, Robert Jones. Book 9 – page 579.

Patents from Province of NC 1663-1729

2 pg 1 John Jones 14 March 1693/4 200 acres on the north side of the Westermost Branch of Mattacomact Creek in Chowan precinct, joining the sd creek /s/ Philip Ludwell, Thomas Harvey, Francis Tomes, Benjamin Laker, Richard Sanderson, Daniel Akehurst.

21 pg 9 Jonathan Jones 1 April 1694 350 acres on the north side of Mattacomack Creek, joining Mr Anthony Slocum decd., and the sd creek /s/ Philip Ludwell, Thomas Harvey, William Wilkison, Francis Tomes, Benjamin Laker, Thomas Pollock, Samuel Swann

162 pg 63 John Jones 25 February 1696 318 acres on the N East side of Pasquotank River joining Thomas James, the Swamp of the Creek, the mouth of the Branch, and Henry Sawyer /s/ John Archdale, Danl. Akehurst, Francis Tomes, Tho. Pollock, Saml. Swann, Henderson Walker

169 pg 65 Cornelius Jones 25 Feb 1696 300 acres on the N East side of Pasquotank River joining a small creek and James Robison /s/ John Archdale, Danl. Akehurst, Francis Tomes, Tho. Pollock, Saml. Swann, Henderson Walker

186 pg 70 Thomas Jones 17 February 1696 230 acres in Pasquotank Precinct joining Anthony Markam, Francis Belamare, a swamp side, Tho. West, Peter Furree, Workman, and Fisher /s/ John Archdale, Danl. Akehurst, Fra. Toms, Tho Pollock, Saml. Swann, Henderson Walker.

246 pg 91 Samuel Jones 25 February 1696 203 acres at the end of Holly neck on the S side of N West River in Couratuck Precinct joining deep branch Capt Christopher Marchant, the Reedy branch, and a large Pocoson /s/ John Archdale, Danl. Akehurst, Fra. Toms, Tho. Pollock, Saml. Swann, Henderson Walker

290 pg 108 Edward Jones Jr. 28 Feb 1704/5 166 acres in Couratuck precinct joining Beechy swamp, the pine swamp, and William Ballenie /s/ Robt. Daniell, Rich. Sanderson, Tho. Pollock, W. Glover

476 pg 170 William Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 640 acres on Morattock river in Chowan precinct joining the mouth of a spring branch and Moratuck river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

477 pg 171 Henry Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 640 acres on Morattuck river in Chowan precinct, joining the river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

478 pg 171 Phillip Jones 26 Feb 1711/12 510 acres on Morattuck river in Chowan precinct, joining Henry Jones and ye river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson

482 pg 172 Captain David Henderson 4 March 1711/12 580 acres on Morattuck bay in Chowan precinct joining a branch on the river pocoson, another little branch, black Walnut swamp, and John Jones /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson


498 pg 177 John Patchett — day of — in the year —- 180 acres on Rockahock Creek in Chowan precinct joining John Jones, a little branch, the sd creek, Timber branch, and ye river /s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson


506 pg 180 Thomas Jones 5 March 1711/12 423 acres on Bear swamp in Chowan precinct, joining the sd Jones, Widow Lewerton, and the Meanders of the sd swamp /s/ Edward Hyde, Nath. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson


509 pg 181 Thomas Jones 5 March 1711/12 422 acres on Casay River in Chowan precinct joining Charles Barber and Casay pocoson/s/ Edward Hyde, N. Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Peterson


Wills & Estates from Prince George Co, Va.


April 13, 1719 Peter Jones, Jr of Pr Geo. Co and Mary his wife to Richard Smith, Jr of same 200 acres where said Smith lives south of the Appomattox River and bounded by land of Martha Cocke & William Jones. Peter Jones Jr Mary (X) Jones

Wit: Robert Munford, John Evins, Robert Bolling Recorded April 14, 1719


April 13, 1719 Peter Jones, son of Abraham Jones, deceased, of Pr. Geo, to Joshua Irby, Doct. of same county, Gent. , 101 acres bounded by said Irby. Peter Jones, Jr
Wit: Robert Bolling, Richard Smith, Jr., William (WD) Davis
Mary, wife of Peter Jones, Jr. relinq. dower right.

Dec 27, 1714 Peter Jones, son of Abraham Jones, deceased of Pr Geo Co to Abraham Jones of same, for 14,, 34 acres bounded byCapt. Peter Jones. Peter Jones, Jr.
Wit: Peter Jones, Sr, Peter Jones,Charles Roberts Recorded April 14, 1719



Jan 1757 p.136 Ordered that James Jones a Constable, be allowed for Summoning Three Vestry men by a summons according to Law at 12d Each is Three shilling.

Sept ’59 Jacob Hunter, Church Warden Accts: To Cash paid James Jones for summoning the Vestry to meet 0: 2: 8

Dec ’60 James Bond, Collector Accts; To 3 sh pd James Jones 0: 3: 0

From Processioners’ Records, Chowan County, NC abstracts by Fouts


Order dated Oct 15, 1755 pg 11

David Jones & Elizabeth Norfleet; David Jones & Peter Brinkly; David Jones & George Gordon; James Jones & Francis Powell; Demsey Jones & Thomas Wiggins; Joseph Jones & William Parker; Joseph Jones & Edward Arnell

dated April 2, 1756 William Powell ; Edward Arnell


Order dated Oct 23, 1764— all the land between the flat branch and the Contrey line, and along Bennets Creek to the main road

Joseph Jones & Edward Arnell; James Jones & John Gordon; David Jones & Peter Brinkley; David Jones & Elizabeth Norfleet; Joseph Jones & William Parker; James Jones & Francis Powell; David Jones & Joseph Brinkley; David Jones & Marmaduke Norfleet; James Jones & Bidget Wiggins signed Jacob Norfleet: David Jones


Order dated Oct 23, 1764—all the lands from the Loosing Swamp Down Perquimons Road to Speights Plantation thence by the cart Road that leads to Elisha Hunters then down by Meherin Swamp to Bennets Creek and up the Creek to the Flat Branch then by Loosing Swamp to perquimons Road

James Jones & Jacob Hunter; James Jones & Moses Meazels; James Jones & Elizabeth Rice; James Jones & Isaac Spight; James Jones & Abraham Harrill; James Jones & John Jones; John Jones & Josiah Granberry; James Jones & Josiah Granberry; John Briggs & James Jones, tayler; Luke Sumner & James Jones, ta; Between Daniel Pugh’s former land & Willis Jones; Willis Jones & James Felps

signed David Rice: Isaac Harrill


Order dated 15 Dec 1755– all the lands from the Loosing Swamp down Perquimons Road to Speights’s Plantation Thence by the Cart Road that leads to Elisha Hunter’s then down by Meherrin Swamp to Bennetts Creek and up the Creek to the Flat Branch then by the Loosing Swamp to Perquimons Road

Elisha Hunter & John Gordon; Jacob Hunter & Samuel Harrel; Avron Laciter & William Rice; John Rice & Judah Jones; Samuel Harrel & Mr Boyd; Aron Laciter & Thomas Fullington; Josiah Granberry & John Harris; Robert Powell & Abraham Hill; John Davis & the widow Brigs; Abraham Hill & the widow Hinton; William Rice & Judah Jones; Ruben Phelps & Moses Spight; Daniel Pugh & James Wigins; James Phelps & Josuah Small; Daniel Pugh & Richard Bond

signed John Rice; Samuel Harrell


NC SS Mr Fred’k Jones of James City Co in Va; also Mr Fred Jones and Compy Merchts in London Feb 1702/3


Chowan Precinct Deed Book W #1 Abstracts by Hofmann


#21 p 13 John Jones Jr of Chowan Precinct and Ann his now wife to Richard Lewis (res. not given) 7 Sept 1700 for a valuable consideration 216 acres on the west side of Old Indian Pound Crick as by the plat under the surveyor’s hand. all houses fences etc. I bind myself in the peannall sum of 20 , Sterling Wit: John Garney, Nathiel Chevin Reg. 1 Oct 1700


#71 Will Duckenfield of NC Esquire to Will Jones of the sd Province 1Feb 1702 . . .. Coshoke 600 acres beginning at Spring branch Reg 2 Feb 1702/3


#79 Will Jones in Cushoke of Chowan Prect. planter with the consent of my wife Mary Jones to Thomas Arnold of Chowan Prect. planter 4 Oct 1703 100 acres on the N side


#82 Will Jones to John Lewerton of Chowan Prect. 4 Oct 1703 100 acres


#107 Will Jones . . .to Robert West 640 acres in Coshoke Creek Reg 4 July 1704


#1648 Ct at House of John Hill 18 June 1714 David Attkins & Elizabeth his wife acknowledged a Conveyance of land to William Jones


#1650 Ct at House of Henry King 19 Apr 1715 Petition of ye Inhabitants of Rockahock Creek for a Convenient Landing of ye said Creek,Samuel Patchett and John Jones Jr to Lay out ye Most Convenient Place for a Landing on ye sd Creek.Letter of Attorney from Alice Blackman to George Smith proved on Oath of William Jones

Whereas by Complaint made against William Jones of divers misdemeaners it is ordered that John Nairn take ye sd Jones into custody & Cause him to appear before the Hon. Governor to answer Such Matters as Shall be Alledged against him.


19 July 1715 Ct at House of Henry King Esq justices John Bird, Robert Lanier Phillip Wallston attorney of William & Mary Jonesack. deed to Martin Gardner.

17 April 1716 Ct at the House of Robert Hicks at Queen Ann’s John Jones ack sale to Edward Cockerell and John Nairn attorney forAnn Jones ack her title of Dover to the sd Land. John Jones Sr ack a sale to George Broomley; Ordered that John Jones be Overseer of the Road in the Room of Francis Branch; Letter of attorney from William Jones to Henry Bonner proved by oath of Thomas Jones


#1659 17 July 1716 Ct at the House of William Branch; William Jones & wife ack Land to David Atkins which was formally Purchased from sd Atkins.


#1664 July Ct 1717 Ordered that Samuel Patchett be Overseer of the Highway in ye Room of John Jones. William Jones vs Thomas Kirk Plea to recover 10 , Plantiff confesses himself Satisfied of the Damages afsd and Defendent is Acquitted.

Jan 1717/8 Ordered that Vince Cropley be Constable in District from Yeopim to Captain Jones’ including Matt Taylor’s Swamp andCharles Wilkins be constable to Ballards Bridge and John White Jr from Ballard’s Bridge to the bounds of Virginia.


July Ct 1718 Philip Wallston attorney of William & Mary Jones ack a Sale to Martin Gardner.


#1758 Ct at House of William Branch 20 Jan 1719 Esq Justices: William Charleton, John Jordon, Thomas Garrett Jr, Thomas Luten Jr; Ordered that Abraham Jones aged 7 be boound to James Ward to serve to age of 21 years and the sd Ward Learn him the Trade of Shoemaker; Ordered that Henry Bonner, William Thompson & Thomas Luten Jr be appointed to lay out Road from Evan’s in Green Hall to John Jones’s Landing and the sd Bonner to overseer of the Road; Horth vs Eggerton –John Jones Sr on Jury “We find for ye Plaintiff Costs of Suit and the Def. forthwith kill his Doggs that was found chasing the Plaintiff’s Hoggs, Jury finds for the Plaintiff 6 ,Sterling money.


April Ct 1719 at House of William Branch 21 Apr 1719 Esq justices: William Charleton James Beasley, Henry Speller, Thomas Luten Ordered that William Jones be overseer of the Highway in the room of Martin Gardner and William Hall in the room of J Hill of the same District.


Bertie Prec. Deeds

A-26 Charles Jones & wife Sarah to Thomas Bonner 60, for 640 A Ahotskky Swamp by patent dated 3 Dec 1720 Wit: William Whitfield, James Howard Feb Ct 1722

John Sutton D c/c



G-410 Thomas Jones of News of Craven Co to Henry Avara 27 Aug 1746 — prt 2 April

1726 Cashy adj John Griffen Nov Ct 1751


G-416 Thomas Jones of Petty Shore to Edward Scull Deep Ck purchased from James Rutland.


North Carolina Wills 1663-1722 abst by Bradley

#278 Charles Jones 25 Apr 1693 O 15 Jul 1695 (before W. Glover) Of Little River. “well & Sound in body” Sarah & Tabytha Alford -all my estate. Executors – 20,. The 2 children to live with my executors. Ex. Thomas Symons, John Meeds Wit: Jacob Denillard, Jams. Damerell, Ellinor Meline (?)


#279 Cornelius (x) Jones gentleman 18 May 1714 O 17 Jan 1715 (before John Blish & John Bets) of Albemarle Co. “perfict health of body” Son Cornelius & daughter Elizabeth (a minor) Jones -land out of the tract called James Robinson’s joining Jno. Hawkins.Daughter Eliz. -negro girl Sarah. Daughter Ann Jones – land called Water Mellon . .? negro girl Moll. Son Cornelius – girl Jenny, negroBridgett; land I bought from Jonathan Jones called Croaton. Wife Elizabeth – land I now dwell on. My 3 sd children – Durants Island. If wife should have a child by me, then sd child to inherit land called the Ridge that is leased to Joseph Harrison. Should either of my 3 children die before they come of age or marry, then the survivor(s) to inherit. Other legacies. Ex. wife Elizabeth Wit: Willm Vaughan, John Blish (of Pasquotank Precinct), Frances (x) Harrison (female)


#280 Daniel (x) Jones 10 Oct 1713 O 21 Feb 1714/15 (before C. Eden) of Perquomons Precinct. “Sick of body.” Unborn child – land on the sound side. Wife Sarah & unborn child – rest of my estate. Ex. wife Sarah Jones, brother Arthur Jones, friend Timothy Clare

Wit: James Minge, Mathias Giles.


#281 Edward Jones 13 March 1718 875/245 Letters granted 15 Jul 1720 Of Albermarle Co in Pasquotank Precinct. “Sick & weak in body.” Wife Ann – 100 acres where I now live during her life & then to my daughter Priscilla. Daughter Priscilla – the sd manor & plantation totals 133 acres; mill & grinding stone after her mother’s decease: other legacies when she is age 16. Daughter Anne Jones – 1332 acres called Round Ridge. Daughter Abigall – 1332 acres called Fernny Ridge. Wife – 1872 acres called Basteba (?) which is part of a 375 acre tract; the other part to Danll. MacFaution. Brother-in-law – 74 acres. Brother James Jones – coat, vest. Cousin Edwd. Jones – ring, gun. Brother-in-law Wm Roos cow, gun. Ex. wife, brother, James Jones, brother-in-law Wm Roos Wit: Willm. Philips, Wm. Linton, Samll. Ransher


#282 Henry Jones 875/95 Of Currutuck [Note: This will is incomplete.]



#285 Thomas (x) Jones 11 Jan 1712/13 875/29 [no probate] “in perfect health” Son Thos. Jones – 500 acres where I now live after the decease of my wife Elizabeth; 3 cows & calves with the female increase until age 14. Son John Jones – 400 acres called Newfound Landing …? “Dated by Martin Gardner;” 3 cows & cows with the female increase until age 14. Son-in-law Luke Haman – 420 acres on Great Swamp joining John Lewerton (formerly Epharim Lewerton’s & in the possession of Jno. Jones). Wife Elizabeth – rest of my estate for life & then to the 3 boys Thomas Jones, John Jones, &Luke Haman. Ex. wife, Elizabeth, brother, William Jones Wit: David Henderson, John Holebrook


Wills 1723-1736



#245 Frederick Jones 9 Apr 1722 O 26 Mar 1723 [before C. Gale] of Chowan Precinct
. “sick and weak in body”
Eldest daughter – Jane – my Indian girl Nanny, negro woman Dinah & her 3 children, diamond earrings, etc.
Daughter Martha -4 young negroes.
Daughter Rebeckah -4 young negroes, diamond earrings, etc. These above legacies when they come to age 21 or marry.
Eldest son William Harding Jones- land on south side of Roanoke River which was part of 9100 acres & my lands in Hyde Precinct, Albemarle Co, Beaufort & Hyde Precinct,
Son Frederick Jones – my land in Craven Precinct.
Son Thomas Jones – land in Chowan Precinct on Meherrin Creek & land on north side of Moratuck River in sd precinct which was part of 9100 acres Sd 3 sons – my slaves, as they come to the age of 21; my “library of books”.
My brother Thomas Jones gent of Virginia to sell my land in King William Co Virginia & money to my 3 sons. Brother – 10,. Other legacies.
Ex. brother Thomas Jones, sons Wm Harding Jones & Frederick Jones
Wit: Sarah Stewart, Rog. Hazard, John Ansley, E. Moseley

Codicil: Other legacies to wife & children. Friend Edward Mosely of Chowan Precinct – pistols. (date torn). Wit: Sarah (x) Stewart, Ann Moseley, E. Moseley

#257 Wm Harding Jones 2 Jan 1730 O 27 Jul 1732 [before Jno. Palin] of Eastern Parish of Chowan Precinct in Albemarle Co.
Wife Ann Jones – 4000 acres of Roanoak River in Bertie Precinct (I have sold 300 acres of it to Ellis Hodges of same precinct).
Brother Frederick Jones – [torn].
Brothers Frederick & Thos. Jones – all my books; also residue of my estate.
Wit: Geo. Alleyn, Samll. Snowden, Matthew Young


Wills 1737-1749

#263 Mary Jones 22 Dec 1745 O 9 Jan 1748 [before Gab Johnston] of Bertie Co. Cousin Ellisabeth Spruell – gold ring. Sarah Hawkins daughter of Thomas Hawkins – gold ring. Thomas Hackman – my books, 60,. Goddaughter Martha Hardy – 2 ewes & lambs. Cousin Thos Sutton son of my sister Elizabeth Sutton – 180 acres in Cashoake where I now live. Cousin John Sutton son of my sisterElizabeth Sutton – 100 acres is Cashoake. “the women that Looke after me in my Sickness” – all my clothes. George Sutton son of my sister Elizabeth Sutton – all my cattle. Ex. cousins Thos. & John Sutton Wit: Thomas Hackman, John Burn

#266 Charles (x) Jons [Jones] 5 Feb 1739 O Feb Ct 1743 [before Henry DeLon] Of Barte Co. 12p sterling to son Charles Jons, sonJohn Jons, son Lancelit Jons, daughter Sarah Oughtree. Wife Kathiran’s youngest daughter Mary Jons – all my land & sd wife to have use of it during her widowhood. Friends Chistefor Hollomon & William Rasbarry to be overseers to take care of sd Mary Jons estate until she is age 18. Other legacies. Ex. wife Kathiran Wit: Antho. Webb, Nathaniel Nickless, James Overton

James Jones and Frances Jones of Northampton County to Samuel Jordan of Prince George Co., VA. 19 Nov 1748 240 pounds current money of VA 240 acres more or less on the north side of Marratoke river, joining Henry Jones and the river, part of a patent to Henry Jones, decd for 640 acres 26 Feb 1711/12 and conveyed from the said Henry to James Jones his brother 20 Aug 1739 and known as the manor plantation whereon his father had lived, all houses, orchards, etc. Wit: William Baker, Henry Jones, John Carlew Reg. Northampton Co. Nov. Ct. 1748 J Edwards C Ct.

2 thoughts on “William Jones & Elizabeth Blight”

  1. Henry Jones’ wife was Catherine Judkins, daughter of Samuel Judkins II. Henry’s will named “cousin” William Dennis. He was Catherine’s nephew, son of Catherine’s sister who had married a Mr Dennis. Henry and two nephews were granted land in the Oconeechee Neck on the same date in 1711/2. The nephews William Jones and Philip Jones were sons of Henry’s older brother Robert Jones. After Henry’s father William died in 1712, Robert’s son was referred to as William Jones Jr since he was then the second oldest living man by that name. Henry’s brother William (previously Jr) was referred to as Sr until 1735 when he died. I don’t believe William Jones Sr’s wife Elizabeth was a daughter of Blight. Blight was a trader, probably single, and was leaving his trade goods to his fellow trader friends. The will did not refer to any of his heirs as family members.

  2. do you know who Martha Hardy listed in Mary Jones’ will as goddaughter is? I would really like to find any information on Martha Hardy married to Alexander O’Quin/O’Guin. I think the Martha Hardy shown here is too old to be Martha Hardy married to Job Hunter.? Thank you. Linda Gavin

    #263 Mary Jones 22 Dec 1745 O 9 Jan 1748 [before Gab Johnston] of Bertie Co. Cousin Ellisabeth Spruell – gold ring. Sarah Hawkins daughter of Thomas Hawkins – gold ring. Thomas Hackman – my books, 60,. Goddaughter Martha Hardy – 2 ewes & lambs. Cousin Thos Sutton son of my sister Elizabeth Sutton – 180 acres in Cashoake where I now live. Cousin John Sutton son of my sisterElizabeth Sutton – 100 acres is Cashoake. “the women that Looke after me in my Sickness” – all my clothes. George Sutton son of my sister Elizabeth Sutton – all my cattle. Ex. cousins Thos. & John Sutton Wit: Thomas Hackman, John Burn

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