Alexander Carter & Ann

Sally’s 6-great Uncle:
Buck Carter’s 5-great grandparents:

Alexander Carter ca 1700 – 1769 | parents
& ca 1722 Ann ? ca 1705 – 1791 | parents
of Chowan County, [Gates County] NC

The area in which this family lived was sometimes included in Nansemond Co VA and then was placed in Chowan Precinct when the dividing line was firmly established. in 1759 it was included in the newly formed Hertford County bounds and they in 1779 it became known as Gates County NC.

Notes from J.Phil Harris: “Nanticoke, The Isle of Wight plantation, was left to Magdalen Carter and Martha, his underage daughter by Thomas Carter II upon his death in 1709 with the stipulation that it go to Alexander Carter, his youngest son, after the death of Magdalen Carter. Magdalen Carter remained alive and lived on the plantation until 1736 when she went to live with Martha in Bertie County after the death of John Jones, Martha’s husband, in 1736. On 5 Feb 1736/37, Magalen and Martha sold their rights to Nanticoke to Alexander Carter. A month later on 26 March 1737, he sold the plantation to Joseph Mangum.”

Ann Barnes was the step-daughter of Richard Barnes and daughter of his wife Mary Odom.
Richard Barnes deeded 100 acres to his granddaughter, Mary Carter, upon her birth. Dated 1 April 1723.

Edward Warren, son-in-law to Alexander Carter was named administrator of Alexander Carter’s estate in Feb 1769 in Hertford [Gates] County.

Children of Alexander Carter and Ann ?:
1. Mary Carter ca 1723 – aft Feb 1797 Gates Co NC
married bef 1769 Edward Warren d 1789 Gates Co NC
2. John Carter ca 1725 – aft Aug 1795 Gates Co NC
He appears on the Muster Roll of Nov 25, 1754 showing he is over 16
married ca 1750 Kesiah ? d. aft Aug 1795
3. Sarah Carter ca 1730 – by Aug 1797
married Willis Hughes d by Nov 1795
4. ? Moor Carter aft 1738 – 1805 Gates Co NC
He does not appear on the Muster Roll of Nov 25, 1754 [he is less than 16]
married Elizabeth?

5 Feb 1736/7. Magdalin Carter, widow, and Martha, her daughter, of Bertie Precinct NC to Alexander of Chowan NC for ¬£3 Va money 350 acres where Thomas Carter dec’d lived , part of a patent to Wm Miles which Thomas Carter bought of Wm Cook in 1669. Thomas Carter died in 1709 and left this land by will to Madgalin, his wife, and Martha, his daughter, for their lives and then to Alexander Carter, his son. [Isle of Wight Deed Book 5, p 85]. NCGSJ 2-125.

Abstract of Conveyances Chowan County:
Richard Barnes to Mary Carter [daughter of Alexander and Ann Carter] 1 April 1723.
Deed of Gift for 100 acres, part of a survey for 390 acres dated March 22 1709.
Test: Chas. King, Thos. Piland. NCHGR 2- 449.

NCHGR 1-107
Moses Odom to Mary Barnes. 14 Dec 1730, 56 acres called “Moses ‘ Old Field.” Test. Charles King, Alexander Carter.
Mary Barnes to Alex. Carter. 160 acres on Pine Swamp; patent granted to Richard Barnes 29 March 1733. Test Jno. Langston, Eph. Hunter, Wm. Hunter; April 17, 1733.

Processioners’ Report Chowan Co 1755/56
from report of Jacob Odom and Jeames Bradley
Feb 28, 1756 – Thomas Harrell’s his Land dun James Braday’s his land dun & William Goodman’s lands dun, Alexander Carter his Land dun Present Stephen Rogers Elexander Carter
from report of Jeathro Harrell and James Eure 2 April 1756 –
between John Kitterlon and John Carter present John Kitterlon and John Carter and Stephen Eure and Jacob Odom
between Stephen Eure and John Kittlelon present Stephen Eure, John Kitterlon and John Carter and Joseph Norfleet
between Stephen Eure and Henry Skinner present Stephen Eure, Thomas Lancton and John Carter and Thomas Sparkmon
between John Carter and Henry Skinner present John Carter and Thomas Sparkmon and Thomas Lancton

Chowan Co Probate Papers:
Barnes, Richard and Mary X:80; Jan 1759.
Order to divide the estate of Richard Barnes and Mary Barnes:
Estate of Richard Barnes to be divided between
“Thomas Barnes and
Andrew Hamilton who married Rachel the sister of the said Thomas Barnes,
Joseph Braddy who married Lydia another sister ….&
Prudence Barnes , an unmarried Sister of the said Thomas Barnes in equal shares.”
The estate of Mary Barnes to be divided between
“the said Thomas Barnes, Andrew Hamilton, Joseph Braddy, Prudence Barnes,
Edward Vann who married Mary the daughter of Mary Barnes,
Alexander Carter who married Ann another Daughter,
Abraham Odum who married Sibil another daughter &
John Thompson who Intermarried with Sarah another daughter of the said Mary Barnes.”

William Murfre Tax Receipt Book Hertford Co [included part of Gates]
Alex/n/ Carter 1768 to 3 taxes
Ann Carter 1769 to 3 taxes, to 4 taxes
John Carter 1768 to 3 taxes, 1769 to 2 taxes, 1770 to 2 taxes

[Hertford Co Ct] Feb 1769 – Carter, Alexander will probate awarded to Edward Warren, Jr.
NCGSJ 14 -106

Tax List Gates Co 1784
in Christopher Riddick Dist.
Moor Carter 600 . . .1 . . . .1
in Charles Eure Dist.
Isaac Carter 175 . . .1
John Carter 134 . . . .1 . . . . 1

1785 Charles Eure Dist
James Carter 50 . . . .1
John Carter 134 . . . . 1 . . . .1
Isaac Carter 175 . . . .1

1786 Charles Eure Dist
Ann Carter 0 . . . . 1
James Carter 50 . . . .1
John Carter 134 . . . . 1 . . . .1
Isaac Carter 150 . . . .1

1787 Charles Eure Dist
James Carter 50 . . . .1
John Carter 134 . . . . 1 . . . .1
Isaac Carter 150 . . . .1 . . . .2

1788 Charles Eure Dist
Ann Carter 0 . . . . 1
James Carter 50 . . . .1
John Carter 134 . . . . 1 . . . .1
Isaac Carter 150 . . . .1

1789 Charles Eure Dist
Ann Carter 0 . . . . 1
Charles Carter . . . . .1
James Carter 50 . . . .1
John Carter 134 . . . . 1 . . . .1
Isaac Carter 50 . . . .1 . . . . 1

Abstract of Will: Edward Warren, Gates Co. 1st April 1789. May Ct 1789. Wife Mary; son William, children Ruth, John, Robert, William, Elizabeth and Mary Warren. Sons John and William Exrs. Test: Esther Langston, Wm. Warren, John Lewis.

Feb 1790 – Deed of Sale Ann Carter to Isaac Carter proved by oaths of Jesse Vann & William Warren Subs Witnesses thereof

Nov 1790 – Ordered that John Warren & William Warren Exors of Alexander dec/d sell the perishable Estate of the dec/d in order to make a division etc
Ordered that Philip Lewis, Benjamin Barnes, Francis Speight, and John Odom or any three of them make a division of the estate of Alexander Carter dec etc.

Feb 1791 – Account of Sales of the Estate of Alexander Carter dec/d was exhibited into court by John Warren & William Warren Executors on oath etc.

Aug 1791 – Willis Hughes & Sarah Hughes came into Court and moved by William Blair Esquire their Attorney for Administration on the Estate of Ann Carter dec/d which was considered of and granted Ordered that they give Bond & Security in the sum of Four Hundred pounds at the same time Demsey Barnes & Ebron Sears came into Court and offered themselves as Securities etc.

Nov 1791 – Inventory of the goods chattles rights and credits which were of the estate of Ann Carter dec’d was exhibited into court bt Willis Hughs Administrator to the said estate.

Feb 1792 -Ordered that Philip Lewis, Benjamin Barnes, Francis Speight, and John Odom or any three of them make a division of the Estate of Alexander Carter dec and make report etc.

Nay 1792 – John Odom, Benjamin Barnes, and Philip Lewis make their report.

Abstract of will – William Warren, Gates Co, 19 Dec 1796. Feb Ct 1797. Mother Mary Warren, my brothers and sisters. brother John Warren’s daughter Mary, John Parker and Phillip Lewis Exr. Test. Thos. Barnes, Henry Speight, Isaac Costen.

Grandchildren of Alexander Carter and Ann [Barnes]:

Children of Mary Carter and Edward Warren:
1. Ruth Warren
2. John Warren bef 1768
3. Robert Warren
4. William Warren bef 1768
5. Elizabeth Warren
6. Mary Warren

Children of John Carter and wife Kesiah:
1. Isaac Carter ca 1755 – 8 Aug 1829 Edgecombe Co NC
served in the Rev War 1 Sept 1777 – 14 Feb 1780
removed in 1803 to Edgecombe Co
married 1781 Charity Odom 1764 – aft 1843 Edgecombe Co NC
dau of William
a. Alexander Carter – went south
b. Esther Carter dec bef 1844
c. William O Carter – went south
d. Elizabeth Carter
married a Jones
e. Isaac Carter Jr dec’d bef 1844
f. Moore Carter
married Edgecombe 15 June 1829 Millicent Wills
g. Zachariah Carter
married Edgecombe 6 Jan 1836 Sally Ward
2. James Carter ca 1764 – 1807/8 Gates Co, NC
3. Ann Carter ca 1760 –
married 26 May 1784 Hezekiah Jones

Children of Sarah Carter and Willis Hughes:

Children of Moore Carter aft 1738 -1805 & Elizabeth:
1. Charles Carter ca 1766 Gates Co – 1790 Gates Co NC
2. Milley Carter ca 1770 –
married 1st Micajah Blanchard
married Gates Co 5 Jan 1796 Elisha Felton
3. Mary [Polly] Carter ca 1772 –
married Gates Co 27 Nov 1806 Charles Harrell
4. Lewis Carter ca 1775 – Feb 1816/Apr 1818 Gates Co
married 27 June 1795 Nancy Eure
Elisha Eure, bondsman
5. Elizabeth Carter

-something Sally had proposed but does not seem to be the case
married Isaac Langston

Thought to have descended from Col. Edward Carter of Nansemond Co
?William Carter ca 1760-1823
married 29 July 1783 Welthey Phillips
a. Mary Carter
married Harrell
married 2nd Mrs. Elizabeth Riddick Foster d. 1807
daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Riddick
b. Thomas Mills Carter
c. Elizabeth Carter m. Nix
d. William Riddick Carter
e. Mary B Carter

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