Frederick Lawrence, Ann, Judith Walston, & Mary

Sally’s 4-great-Grandparents:

Frederick Lawrence 1754 – 1823 | his parents
& 1st ca 1774 Ann —– ca 1747 – ca 1784 | her parents
[widow of Eden Bailes/Fields d. 1763]
& 2nd ca 1785 Judith Walston died prior 1790 | her parents

& 3rd 1790 Mary —— died 1800 | her parents
[widow of Elisha Rhodes ca 1753 – 1789]
of Bertie County, North Carolina

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Frederick Lawrence was born in Bertie County ca 1754
son of Humphrey Lawrence (goldsmith) and his wife Ann Ashley.

ca 1774 Frederick Lawrence married Ann, the widow of Eden Bails and mother of John Bales/Fields. John Fields left a will in 1782 as he went into service leaving his estate to his brother Humphrey Lawrence and sister Mary Lawrence.
This will was proved in Nov. Ct 1783 Bertie Co.

Eden Bales – Inventory Nov 17, 1763. Inventory May 9, 1774 by Ann Lawrence. Acct. of sale May 1786 by Robert West, exr. of Robert West who had been exr. of the dec’d.

John Bales – Acct current fr 1771 to March 1774 by Ann Lawrence, gdn.

May 74 ordered that John Bails orphan of Eden Bails about eleven years of age be bound as apprentice to Frederick Larrance to learn the Trade of Carpenter & Joiner.

Feb 75 ordered that Frederick Larrance be appointed Guardian for John Bails orphan of Eden Bails in the room of Ann Lawrence.
Sec. given by Humphrey Nichols & Willm Whoten, Jr.

In Feb 1775 he signed a guardian bond for his brother Nathaniel Lawrence.
Although the clerk got the names mixed up.In Reality, it was Thomas Ashley
(grandfather of Fred and Nathaniel) who was named guardian
with Frederick Lawrence and his first cousin Asa Lawrence, also, signing.
This is reflected in the actual signatures.

Fred Lawrence became a “house carpenter” as indicated on apprentice bonds in 1780 & 1786 in Bertie County.

He married his next wife ca 1785, Judith was daughter of Phillip Walston and his wife Charity Moore. Judith was sister in law of Joseph Kent & sister to Joseph’s wife Rachel Walston.

Frederick Lawrence married 3rd in early 1790 Mary, the widow of Elisha Rhodes.
Mary had died by 1 Jan 1801 when the final estate settlement of Elisha Rhodes
amongst Elisha and Mary’s three children.
1803 Fred Lawrence bought two of Burkitt’s History of the Kehuchee Assoc.
1810 census Frederick Lawrence is listed as
1 white male over 45, 8 other free persons, and 11 slaves.
1813, Styling himself as Planter, Fred Lawrence wrote a Deed of gift
naming his sons Humphrey Lawrence and Reuben Lawrence.
1823 Frederick Lawrence signed his will 9 June 1823
and it was proved Nov Term Bertie Ct. 1823.

Tax List Bertie Co 1815 [Jon H Jacock’s Dist]
Wm. Lawrence Senr. 400 Land adj. Thos. Sutton & als. 900 Value 5 black polls
Thoms. Lawrence 72 Land adj. Jona Cooper & als. 180 Value 1 free poll
Abner Lawrence Senr. 200 Land adj. Frederick Lawrence & als 400 value
Thomas Sutton 1647 1/2 Land adj Wm. Lawrence, Wm Sutton Elizabeth Jacocks, Bachelors Bay & als 12764 value. 16 black polls.
William H Green 1714 Land adj. Aquella Redditt, Jona Spivey, David Lawrence, Thos. Hardin’s heirs, Danl. Hopkins, John Bird, Jona Cooper & Cashie River & als. 5121 Value, 1 free poll, 15 black polls.
Wm. Lawrence Jun 1 free poll
Joseph Lawrence 1 free poll
[Capt Thomas’s Dist]
David Lawrence 190 Land 380 Val – 1 free poll
Humphrey Lawrence 613 Land 3000 Val – 1 free poll – 7 slaves
Reuben Lawrence Jun 1 free poll – 2 slaves
” ” for Saml Lawrence 124 Land – 400 Value
Jeremiah Lawrence 68 Land – 168 Value – 1 free poll
Abner Lawrence Jun 50 Land – 150 Value – 1 free poll
Reuben Lawrence 61 Land – 305 Value – 2 slaves
[Capt Lewis Bond’s Dist]
William Lawrence 1? free poll

Children of Frederick Lawrence & Ann [Bails/Fields]:
1. Humphrey Lawrence 1775/1782 – 2 Dec 1823
an announcement in Raleigh paper Fri 5 Dec 1823
married ca 1814 Mary Garrett ca 1795 – ca 1825
daughter of Jacob Garrett and Rachel Eason
2. Mary [Elizabeth] Lawrence 1775/1782 –
married Rhodes
In Frederick Lawrence’s will Elizabeth Rhodes is to receive equal portion of the residue of Negroes with Reuben Lawrence, Judith McGlohan, and grandson Humphrey Lawrence. This Elizabeth could be either Mary or her heir.

Child of Frederick Lawrence & Judith Walston:
3. Rev. Reuben Lawrence 1787 – 1843 Baptist
married Frances Rascoe

Child of Frederick Lawrence & Mary ? [Rhodes]:
4. Judith Lawrence ca 1791 – just bef 11 April 1840
married ca 1810 James McGlohan died bef Nov 1829

Step-children of Frederick Lawrence:

Child of Ann & Eden Bails:
1. John Fields/Bails ca 1763 – died by Nov 1783
while serving in the Rev. army

Children of Elisha Rhodes and wife Mary:
1. Thomas Rhodes ca 1783 – sold Bertie property moving out of county 1809,
may be Thomas Rhodes of Buncombe County who received grants in 1807 and 1808

2. Margaret Rhodes ca 1785 – Sat bef 14 Aug 1820 Salmon Creek, Bertie Co
married ca 1803 John Webb died 27 April 1837 Merry Hill
a. Thomas B. Webb ca 1804 – 1848/9 Salmon Ck.
associated with the Methodist
married Sally Frances Nicholls
b. Lorenzo Stephenson Webb 19 Feb 1806 – 28 Feb 1895 Windsor
associated with St. Thomas Episcopal Church
married 1828 Penelope Edward Watson 1809 – 20 Nov 1871
c. Jonathan R. Webb ca 1809 – 1842
married 11 Oct 1832 Martha Elizabeth Magruder Pugh
d. James L Webb ca 1811 – 1848/49 dsp
e. Jehu N. Webb ca 1813 – 1869/70 Merry Hill
associated with the Methodist
married ca 1838 Lavinia died 1884
f. William R Webb ca 1816 – rem to Caswell Co, NC nfi
married 4 Dec 1839 Caswell Co Elizabeth L. Vanhook
3. Jonathan Rhodes ca 1787 – 1804
In 1805 Jonathan Rhodes’ estate was divided among his siblings 1. Thomas Rhodes, 2. John Webb (who had married Margaret Rhodes) and 3. Judith Lawrence (his half-sister- child of Mary and Fred. Lawrence)

This Elisha Rhodes family is included in “The Consul’s Journey” by Gerald Galvin Larson.
I find the book well written and informative; but I would note however, it is obvious to me that Mary widow of Elisha Rhodes and wife of Frederick Lawrence died in 1800. That Fred and Mary had one child Judith who entered into the division of her brother’s estate; and that the Mary Lawrence found living next door to Fred Lawrence in 1820 was the widow of Abner Lawrence.

US Census Bertie Co NC
1790 Frederick Lawrence M 2 under 16; 1 over 16; F 4; 3 other free; 13 slaves
1800 Frederick Lawrence M 1 10-16; 3 16-26; 1 over 45; F 2 0-10; 1 10-16; 1 26-45 0 other 3 slaves
1810 Frederick Lawrence M 1 over 45; 8 other 11 slaves

Apprentice Bonds Bertie County
Feb 1780 John Sanderlain bound to Frederick Laurence, Carpenter
22 Aug 1786 Cezar Sanderlain bound to Frederick Lawrence, House Carpenter
16 Feb 1787 Patt Sanderlain til age of 18 spining, weaving, & sewing
1798 Elizabeth Ashe age 9
(John Sanderlin died leaving will in Bertie Co in 1838 with Reuben Lawrence Ex 2-548.)

Estate Record, Bertie Co, NC, Elisha Rhodes.
Inventory Dec 2, 1789 by Mary Rhodes.
Account of sale May 13, 1790 by Frederick Lawrence.
Account of sale Aug 14, 1790 by Frederick Lawrence.
Division of estate Jan 11, 1791 with 1/3 going to Frederick Lawrence in behalf of the widow, and the rest for the three children.
Division of Negroes 1 Jan 1801 among 1. Thomas Rhodes, 2. Jonathan Rhodes and 3. Margaret Rhodes.
Frederick Lawrence filed a guardian account for the orphan Jonathan Rhodes from 1796 to 1804.
Estate Record, Jonathan Rhodes
Division of Land 11 July 1805: 1/3 John Webb, one of the heirs; 1/3 Judith Lawrence, care of her representatives; 1/3 Thomas Rhodes, one of the heirs
[Margaret Rhodes married ca 1803 John Webb]

Bertie Co Deed Book V page 829: To all to whom these presents shall come I Frederick Lawrence do send Greetings, Know ye that I the said Frederick Lawrence, Planter of the State of North Carolina Bertie County for and in consideration of the love and good will and Ephection which I have and do bear toward my two Loving suns Humphrey Lawrence and Reubin Lawrence of the same state and County have given & granted and by these presents do freely give and grant unto my two suns all my lands and tenements after my natural life is expired unto them their Heirs Executors and administrators all and singularly my lands and tenaments to my son Humphrey Lawrence the north part of my Land whereon I now live and my sun Reuben Lawrence the South end for to be equally devided between the two suns and all my Lands lying in Bucklesbeary pecosin allso for to be equally devided between my two suns as they shall think proper after my death of which after signing of this shall not take place untill my death and after my death I have delivered to them the sd two suns Humphrey Lawrence and Reuben Lawrence to Have and to hold all the sd Lands and premesis to them the sd Humphrey Lawrence and Reuben Lawrence to them their heirs Exor’s & admin. From henceforth as theirs and theirs proper Lands and premises absolutely without any manner of Condition.  In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seal this the 25 day of January 1813. Frederick Lawrence.
Signed & delivered in the presants of us. Reuben Lawrence, Nathl Cullipher.
Feb Term 1813 This deed of Gift from Frederick Lawrence to Humphrey & Reuben Lawrence was proved in open court by the oath of Reubin Lawrence one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be registered. Sol. Cherry, Jun CLK

Bertie Co NC Frederick Lawrence’s Will (dated 9 June 1823 Prob Nov 1823)
In the name of God amen I Frederick Lawrence of the State of North Carolina Bertie County being very weak and sick of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to god and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to Say princefully and first of all I give and bequeath my Soul to the hands of almighty god that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent christian burial at the discretion of Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurection I Shall receive the Same again by the mighty power of God and as to toching Such worldly estate whenaseth it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give and bequeath of the Same as follows:
and first of all I give and bequeath unto my grandson Humphrey Lawrence one bed and furniture
Secondly my will is that the plantation and my land be sold and one negro fellow called Tom and two mahogany tables and one round foulding table mahogony and one Sett of Scott’s Bible and one half of the water mill and the money arising there from for to pay a note of Mr Enoch Rayner that he holds of mine and the remainder of the money then from I give unto my grandson Humphrey Lawrence.
thirdly: My will and desire is that all my household and kitchen furniture and all the Stock be Sold and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between my Son Reuben Lawrence and Judith Glauhon and my Grandson Humphrey Lawrence.
forthly: I give unto my Son Reuben Lawrence one old negro man Ben and the rest of the negroes that is not given away for to be equally divided between my Son Reuben and Elizabeth Rhodes and my daughter Judith Glauhon and my Grand Son Humphrey Lawrence.
And I do hereby constitute make and ordain my Son Reuben Lawrence and William Worley the whole Sole Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby uterly de ? all others heretofore by me made ratifying this and no other to be my last will and testament: In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 9th day of June in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three. Frederick Lawrence (seal)
Signed Sealed in the presents of us
Robert E Edens; Reuben Lawrence jun

Division of Negroes Frederich Lawrence estate 1825: 29 Day Dec 1825
#1 to James Mcglohan (Arthur & Jordan) $825.00
#2 to Mrs Rhodes $175.00
#3 to Humphrey Lawrance $785.00
#4 to Reuben Lawrance $ 45.00

Will:In the name of God Amen the Twentieth six of October 1787 I Joseph Kent of North Carolina in the County of Bertie planter being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god therefore calling to mind the mortality of body and knowing that it is apointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say princifully and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a descent christian burial at the discretian of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldby Estate —herewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give Demise and Dispose the same in the following manner and imprimis
I give and bequeath unto my Dear beloved wife Rachel Kent one negro boy called ?exon one negro boy called Astan one negro boy called Ned one negro wench cald Peg one negro gairl called Diner one negro gairl call Mol one negro gairl call Doll and three feather beds and furniture and all furniture belonging to the house and carts, plows, hoes and axes and all Eutentials belonging to the plantation three head of horses all the cattle and all the hogs and sheep belonging to me to her and her heirs for ever.
I lend unto my wife the Land and plantation during her Life and after her Death I give the said land unto Frederick Lawrence and his Heirs forever.
I give unto George Bryan five pounds
ordain George Bryan, and Frederick Lawrence and my wife Rachel Kent sole Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly Disallow revoke disannull all and every other former Testaments wills Legacies and bequest ratifying confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above writen—–
Joseph (x) Kent (seal)
Sign sealed published pronounced and dellved by the said Joseph Kent
Flint Slaughter; Tho (x) Johnston

Some Bertie County marriage bonds:

Kent, Joseph & Rachel Walston, 5 Aug 1762; Humphrey Nichols, David Ryan Bm

1774 Joseph Kent guardian to Sarah Walston & Judith Walston

Knott, Allin & Rachel Walston, 15 Feb 1798; William Capehart, Bm

Knott, John & Priscilla Lawrence, 15 Feb 1806; Humphrey Lawrence, Bm.

Standley, Perry & Sarah Whitacher 20 Sept 1797; Humphrey (x) Lawrence Bm

Grandchildren of Frederick Lawrence and Judith Walston:

Children of Reuben Lawrence and Frances Rascoe:
1. Frances Florentine Lawrence 29 0ct 1813 – 20 Dec 1847
married 1831 James Rasco Rayner 1807-1852
2. Frederic Lawrence ca 1809 – 2 Sept 1845
married Martha H
3. Alpheus Lawrence ca 1818 – Dec 1843
married Mary Eliza Ann

Children of Humphrey Lawrence & Mary Garrett:
1. Humphrey Lawrence (from Frederick Lawrence’s will 1823) dy
2. Nathaniel P Lawrence aft June 1823 – 1857
married 1853 Frances Bryan
1823 Land Sale from Reuben Lawrence et al to Mary Lawrence Deed Book BB p212
8 Aug 1825 – Administrator Bond $1,000, Reuben Lawrence bound as administrator of the estate of Mary Lawrence.
1831 – a listing for the “heirs of Mary Lawrence” appears on the list of taxables property for Windsor District in Bertie County with 150 acres of land valued at $450, tax bill $1.39. Reuben Lawrence is listed on the previous line with 459 acres at $1,057 with a tax bill of $3.28.
[from research of Gerald G Larson]

Grandchildren of Frederick Lawrence & Mary [Rhodes]

? Children of Judith Lawrence -James McGlouhon:
1. George W McGlawhorn ca 1812 – (collector of port)
married Minerva/Martha ca 1824 –
a. John McGlauhon
b. Elizabeth McGlauhon
married bef 1825 Hamilton White
c. Mary Winifred McGlauhon
married bef 1825 Matthias Baker
d. George McGlauhon
e. James McGlauhon
f. Martha McGlauhon
2. Frederic McGlauhon ca 1814 – (farmer)
married Emily ? ca 1820 – bef Oct 1853
a. Anne E. McGlauhon 1841 – ca 1868
married 27 Mar 1867 William P. Gurley
3. James McGlawhorn ca 1822 – (clerk)
4. John R. McGlawhorn ca 1827 – (clerk)
14 May 1831- John Moore, James Ward, & Wm Hayse guard of James & Martha McGluahon orph of Geo. McGlauhon. Guardian bonds Bertie Co

Leah McGlohon Notes – Transcribed August 18, 1999 copied by Vicki McGlaun Culpepper
Bertie County, North Carolina Deeds
Bertie County Estate Papers
George McGlowhon, deceased
Spencer $250.00
Edith $200.00
Demsey $400.00
Harriet at $175.00
Phillis $100.00
Aaron $150.00
laid off to John Moore in right of his wife Martha McGlouhon, James McGlauhon & George McGlauhon, the above named children being under the age of 21 years & John Moore their guardian
Abram $260.00 to Matthias Baker in right of his wife Mary
Major at $340.00 to John McGlauhon
Nov. 1824 term Martha petitions for dower account of sale of property of George McGlohon Nov. 29, 1822 November Term 1825
Ordered that James Wilson, Silas Wilson, James White, Charlton Leary & Jacob Irving or any three of them divide the negroes of George McGlauhon dec’d between the following persons (vis) John McGlauhon, Hamilton White and Elizabeth his wife, Matthias Baker & Mary his wife, George McGlauhon, James McGlauhon, Martha McGlauhon & Martha Moore the widow of said George McGlauhon dec’d. January 1825 Feb. 14, 1826
Guardian Bond John MooreDivision of negroes Jan. 7, 1828 orphans of George
James , Martha, George, John Moore, GuardianLands sold in May 1832 for division – Winafor, James, Martha & George orphans of GeorgeA George McGlauhn is in the 1790 census of Hertford Co. with two white females.Bertie County Court Minutes which was published in the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal, February 1977:
FREEMAN, James of Madison Co., Tennessee, newly appointed Guardian for Martha and James McGLOHAN of Bertie Co., NC, minor heirs of George McGLOHAN, deceased, late of said Bertie Co., 10 Nov 1831, appoints John F. WARD of said Bertie Co. his attorney to make settlement with and transfer account from John MOORE, the previous Guardian of said minor.

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