“Merchant Prince of Lazy Hill”
Capt. John Campbell 1702 – 1777/81 | his parents
& 1740 Mary Elizabeth Hill 1725 – 1753 | her parents
& 1760 Priscilla Meade [Curle] [of Hampton VA] ca 1720 – 1785 | her parents
& 1765 legal separation from Priscilla
& 1776 Martha ? | her parents
of Coleraine, County Londonderry, Ireland
and “Lazy Hill,” Colerain, Bertie County, NC
This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
John Campbell was born in 1702 in Coleraine, Ireland.
Probably was living in London before 1729. re Ramsay
John Campbell, Merchant of Edenton and Lazy Hill Plantation, Bertie Co NC was “one of the distinguished Gentlemen of Ireland and wealthy London merchants”, who got together in the early 1730’s to promote protestant settlement in the Carolinas.Dictionary of NC Biography edited by Powell 1979
“emigrated to Carolina to initiate a mercantile liaison between himself and his brother in Liverpool which in due course would make very wealthy men of them both.
From his estates on the Chowan River in Bertie county, John Campbell exercised dominion over a fleet of merchant vessels and a provincial empire of agricultural produce and naval stores. His marriage to Mary Hill, daughter of prominent Hertford County [first part of Bertie] merchant Benjamin Hill, gave further emphasis to Campbell’s influence, not only through Colonel Hill, but through two fellow sons-in-law of Hill, Joseph Montford and Alexander McCulloch of Halifax”
Thomas C Parramore “The Saga of “The Bear” and the “Evil Genius” “
records naming John Campbell in the Bertie Co, Chowan Co and British Records.
1733 18th Nov. Bertie Co. Court House at Timber Branch, Benjamin Hill is one of the Justices.
“Upon Petn. of John Campbell setting forth etc It is thereupon Ordd. that John Campbell do keep a Ferry for foot passengers from George Pollock’s Landing called Gum Point over to Edenton. . .”
1734 May Term Bertie Co Campbell appointed overseer of certain road maintenance.
1736 Bertie Co John Campbell registers his cattle mark
Mid 1730’s NC – Britain Promotes the tobacco trade to London-Liverpool-Whitehaven
18 Aug 1737 London – Pays sixpenny money to Greenwich Hospital, Burrington
14 Feb 1737/38 – E 190 Bertie Co Deeds Henry Baker of Chowan Prec. to John Campbell 14 Feb 1737. 40 pds. for 130 A on WS Chowan River adj — Beverly, “line formerly Thomas Jernigan’s, line formerly James Boon’s now Joseph Anderson’s..” Part of a patent granted to William Maule dated April 1, 1720. Conveyed by Maule to said Baker. Wit: Benjamin Hill, David Meade, Joseph Anderson. Feb Court 1737.
17 Jan 1738/39 London – Pays sixpenny money to Greenwich Hospital, Mary & Margt.
4 March 1738/39 Port Roanoke Mary & Margt. 3 casks of tobacco to Barbados, 500 weight, duty rated 2.1.8
1739 27 July – witnessed deed from Henry Jarnagen to Benjamin Hill.
Nov-Feb 1739/40 London – Embargo placed on Mary and Mariane by British government
27 th of Feb 1739/40 an Order of Council and Warr for “discharging from the Embargo the Snow Mary and Mariane John Campbell Burthen 100 tons or thereabouts Navigated with five men now in the River of Thames bound for North Carolina loaden with Sundry Merchandise in a perishing condition, and having on board 50 poor foreign protestants and Servts whom he has maintained on board ever since 23rd Dec last. [PRO, 1734-1740]
4 Sept 1740 – Edenton – Signs agreement to lease Mary and Mariane to Royal Navy till 30 Dec 1741
John Campbell married ca 1740 Mary Hill, the daughter of Benjamin Hill, Merchant, of Bertie Co NC and Sarah Latham.
Sarah Latham was the daughter of Daniel Latham Jr. and wife.
Daniel Lathem father of his son Daniel Jr, first settled at Flushing LI
whence it is supposed his son removed to Nansemond Co VA. [Note in NCHGR VOL1 PG 530]
1740/41 Feb Ct – witnessed deed from Benjamin Sellers to Benjamin Hill, merchant.
witnessed 2 more and proved a fourth one in county ct.
1740/41, 18 Mar Crown Pat. to John Campbell 404 A. in Bertie Co on both sides of the Easternmost Swamp of Salmon creek joining sd Swamp, John Razar, Edward Razar, Thomas Pollock, Thomas Ryan, and the Western edge of sd Swamp near the Main road.
1741 May Ct Bertie Co- witnessed deed from William Bly to John Wynns.
witnessed deed from William Gunn to Col Benjamin Hill, merchant
makes returns on estate of J Mackey to court
June 1741 – Port Roanoke – swears he and P Payne are owners of Guernesey – 65 tons- built in Edenton
July 1741 Chowan Co – Surety for Dorothy Shervin’s tavern bond.
July 1741 Edenton – Surety got Vice-Admiralty Court bond of Samuel Williams
25 Aug 1741 -Chowan Co – Witnesses a deed Samuel Saban to Samuel Gregory
1741 Nov Ct -Bertie Co – John and Mary Campbell wit bill of sale of William Gunn to Benjamin Hill 24 Feb 1740
proves total of three deeds in county ct.
pre Dec 1741 – Edenton – registers sloop Guernsey at Port Roanoke
1741 4 Dec – Chowan Co – Makes deed to Timothy Lafitte for property
29 April 1742 – Atlantic Ocean -Campbell and Mary & Mary-Ann captured and taken to St Sebasstian
recorded in “The Gentleman’s Magazine”
10 Sept 1742 – Bertie Co – Back in North Carolina and witnesses a deed [T. Williams to J. Butler]
9 Dec 1742 Mary wit deed from Daniel Hough to Benjamin Hill
1742/43 Feb Ct – John wit deed from Theophilus Williams to Jethro Butler
he also witnessed the will of Owen MacDaniell
May Ct 1743 – Bertie Co – Proves will of Owen MacDaniell in county court
27 July 1743 – Edenton – Granted 600 acres at Chowan
?”In 1743 John Campbell,… purchased land on the west side of the Chowan River near Webbs Ferry. This ferry operated across Chowan River to Bandon in Chowan County. The settlement grew and Campbell named it Colerain after his hometown in Ireland. Campbell brought seine fishing to America. His beautiful estate he named Lazy Hill.” see “Seine Fishing” in the Chowan River
10 Aug 1743 – Bertie Co – Witnesses a deed between John Hill and Abraham Herring
1743 Aug 23, – John Campbell of Edenton, Merchant wit bill of sale from Daniel Hough to Benjaimin Hill, merchant.
Aug 25 -Chowan Co – also, witnesses a deed between Jones to Benbury
1743, 17 Nov – Chowan Co – Crown Pat. to John Campbell 300 A. in Chowan Co,
joining Chowan river opposite the land he holds in Bertie County.
18 Nov 1743 – Chowan Co – Takes an articled apprentice mariner
Jan 1743/44 – Chowan Co – Surety for Peter Payne as guardian for Elizabeth Slaughter
1743/44 Feb Ct – John Campbell of Edenton, merchant to Joseph Jones 11 Jan 1743/44. 307 pds 10 sh for 234 A. part of tract known by name Blew Water on SS Cuttawitskey adj. Joseph Jones. Wit: Miles Gale, Benjamin Hill, William Humfree
14 Feb 1743/44 – Bertie Co – Witnesses a deed Jame Stewart to Benjamin Hill
31 March 1744 – Edenton – Proves deed before the Chief Justice [Jones to Benbury]
April 1744 – Chowan Co – Petitions the county court but petition rejected.
1744 May Ct – John Campbell proved deed wit 14 Feb 1743/44 James Stewart to Benjamin Hill
May Ct F 532 Nehemiah Waring to George Capehart, shoemaker 9 May 1744. 180 pds for 210 A Land on Easternmost Swamp near Salmon Cr. Part of a tract formerly belonging to William Grill and now belonging to John Campbell and by Campbell sold to Waring adj. Thomas Pollock, John Campbell. Wit: John Holnbeck, William Yeates.
Aug 1744 -New Bern – John Campbell represented Bertie County in the General Assembly
Oct 1744 – Chowan Co – Petitions county court in relation to two runaway indentured servants
15 Nov – 4 Dec 1744 – New Bern – Burgess in General Assembly which was sitting during these dates
8-20 April 1745 – New Bern – Burgess in General Assembly which was sitting during these dates
April-May 1745 – Writes letter to A. Dobbs in which he mentions Bow and its white clay comparable to white clay found in Edgecombe Co NC
Sept 1745 – New Bern – Burgess in General Assembly which was sitting during this month
Oct term – Chowan Co – appointed auditor with A. Blackall to examine accounts of J Anderson
6 Oct 1745 Bertie Co – Writes and sends advertisement to the Virginia Gazette
1747 April Ct – John Campbell wit deed from Miles Gale of Edenton, mariner to Miles Gale Jun of Edenton.
1747 Aug Ct William Cathcart of NH Co. to John Campbell 12 Aug 1747. 20 lbs for 200 A. on WS Chowan River. Wit: T. Barker, J. Sallis
1747 Nov Ct – John Campbell of Edenton, Merchant to Joseph Jones 19 Sept 1747. 105 pds. for 730 A. Part of a tract commonly called Bluewater adj. Joseph Jones on SS Catawitskey. Part of 964 A. Wit: Benjamin Hill, William Humfree, John Rieusset?
13th May 1749 – John Campbell writes letter to the Earl Granville In it he includes he is also sending fowls, Birds and Wallnut plank. He has just returned from England. “Occorocock is the only Inlett for Vessels of burthen to Albemarle, and is distant from Edenton fifty Leagues, the Channell’s shoals permit but Eight feet water in many places. Before an Act of Assembly for Bouying and Staking the Channells, few Vessells from England, or Strangers unaquainted, durst Venture to this Country. I was the first who promoted the Tobacco Trade to London and by my Example have introduced a Considerable Concern from & to Whitehaven & Liverpool in that Branch. This can’t be carryed on to advantage but in ships of Burthen, we are Oblidged to have Small Vessells to Carry part of the Ships Cargoes thro. the Shoals down to the Barr, before the Ships can compleat their Lading. When in England the Legeslature repealed the Navigation Act, whereby the buoys & directions for our Channells are all gone. The smallest Vessell Can’t pass without a Pilot and Hazard of runing on shoals which occasions great delays & renders it impractable to give Vessells dispatch or gett them up the rivers as usuall”
Some of the information above is from the research of Pat Daniels, Ross Ramsay and others that appeared in June 2009 SITJAR, NZ “Bow porcelain: New primary source documents and evidence pertaining to the early years of the manufactory between 1730-1747, and John Campbell;s letter to Arthur Dobbs” |
1749, 14 Nov – The Court was held at the Court House at Cashy Bridge. Present Justices Benj. Hill, John Brown, Thos. Hansford and John Early. “Information was made to the court that the Public Warehouse at Capt. John Campbell’s Landing was burned and destroyed, the said Jno. Campbell appeared in Court and granted the free use and Liberty of his Warehouse there. Also information was made by Thos. Whitmell that the Warehouse at Cashy was lately blown down, and for the old timber agreed to find a house at or near the same place for the Collections to be made etc.
1750 May Ct – on 1 March 1749 John Campbell wit. the sale from John Howell to John Brown, John Wynns, Thomas Whitmell, Vestrymen whereon St. John’s Chapel is to be built in Society Parish.
1751 May Ct- Ann Stanfield, widow to John Campbell of Edenton 29 June 1745 20 pds for 150 A. on Deep Creek.
John Campbell to Benjamin Hill 13 May 1751 – 20 pds for 150 A on Deep Creek [same land]
1753 May Ct – William Soane to John Campbell, merchant 28 Sept 1752 27 pds 10 sh for 272 A. “…William Spoane Heir at Law to his late father John Soan.. deceased Intestate… only son to the said John by Hannah his wife….” Land part of 640 A. formerly granted Richard Booth. On WS Chowan River “…Below the ferry point so called formerly whereon Campbell now lives. adj. John Howell. “Excepting 10 feet square to Thomas Sutton for Burying Ground..” Wit: John Hardison, Edward Rason, John Daily. and a bond.
1753 – father-in-law Benjamin Hill dies.
1753 – [Joyce Baumann, a descendent, writes that her records show that Mary Elizabeth Hill [Campbell] died in 1753]
1754 – Thomas Jones of Petty Shore, gentleman [Inventory 12 Feb 1755]
– to Margaret Webb [widow of Samuel Webb dec’d] negro Jessemina and her son Dick.
– to Samuel Webb [son of the sd Margaret Webb] negro Bridget or Bidy.
– to Mr Henry Hill – Negroes Bridget, Bacchus, Prince, Henry, Oliver, Bobb, New Ceasar, Celia, and Toney.
– to my friend John Campbell of Lazy Hill, Esq. – Negroes Jack, Cambridge, Sharper, Charles, Andrew, Old Cesar, Qua, Neptune, Mars, Simeon, London, Moneca, Susanna, Lucinda, Joan, Dinah, Aba, Phillis, Sukey, and Venus.
– to the said Margaret Webb – bed, oval table, chest of drawers, two midling china punch bowls, leather chairs, etc.
– to the said John Campbell – all my lands at Petty Shore which I purchased of Samuel Williams and William Barton, and all my leases of Mount Rose and Roanoke. Remaining estate to John Campbell.
Ex: the said John Campbell Wit: none
[Probate includes depositions by Benjamin Wynns, Esq. and Alexander Ford, planter, both of Bertie Co and Joseph Heron of Chowan Co, Esq. swearing to the validity of the will.] Inventory 12 Feb 1755 by John Campbell, Esq. including 77 bound books at the Petty Shore Plantation. and Negroes name and age: Jack [44], Cambridge [42], Sharper [49], Prince [28], Charles [25], Andrew [18], Bridgett [50], Moneca [52], Joan [41], Lucinda [70], Aba [71], Jesimina [20], girls Venus, Dianna, Celia, Biddy and Lucy [born 5 April 1746 and free in 1767], Peter [born 8 Dec 1749 and free at the age of 21], Simon [free as of Dec 8 1770], and Dick.
1754, 4 June – Pasquotank, Co – Thomas McClestor, laborer and servant to Capt. John Campbell. On the afternoon of 4 June 1754 “McClestor, taking a Boat belonging to ye Schooner Nancy, then riding at anchor off agt. Esq. Delon’s landing, went off my himself on board ye sd Schooner, and ye Boat some how getting loose & driving ashore, he stript himself naked & leaving his Cloathes upon ye Deck, threw himself into ye Water & by misfortune was drowned….” Inquest held in St. John’s Parish, Pasquotank Co.
1754- 1759 John Campbell represented Bertie County in the General Assembly. He did not attend in 1756 on account of sickness. He lived at Coleraine in Bertie County and was one of the most distinguished men in the state in his day. He was Speaker of the House for two or more years – B B Winborne
1754 – John Campbell was elected Speaker of the House. ..the personal qualities that carried him to his early success are said to have been “an indomitable will, unflagging energy, sterling integrity and first-rate judgement.” There were times however, when his judgment failed him. Throughout, at least his later years, John Campbell was the victim of a temper so violent and terrible that he was known both in and out of his immediate circle as “the bear.”… a volatile public presence marred by a succession of tempestuous and unhappy episodes.”
Thomas C Parramore “The Saga of “The Bear” and the “Evil Genius” ” an article using as a source W H Bailey “Provincial reminiscences: the three brothers in law” North Carolina Univ. Mag. 1890-91, 10 [1]: 31
1755 Feb Ct – John Campbell, merchant to Paul Pindar 25 pds. for 270 A. on Deep Ck. adj. John Bass, Thomas Johnston, Wit: Henry Hill, John Dunlap.
1755 – John Campbell gets sick. “In 1755, when the merchant-prince of Lazy Hill was deeply immersed in balancing the arduous demands of his commercial and political commitments, his health broke. At about the same time his wife became dangerously ill with pleurisy” An eerie succession of maladies plagued various members of the Lazy Hill household, including Irish servant Michael Daugherty, who died “in the space of three days complaining of a violent heat or fire in his stomach or bowels….” Before the end of 1755 John Campbell had been forced by his own illness to resign the Speakership, fully convinced, as he later complained, that “some evil Genius always attended him in Carolina.” Thomas C Parramore “The Saga of “The Bear” and the “Evil Genius” “
1756 – He was present for his Chowan Co land being processed
1756 July Ct – John Campbell, merchant to Olias Beaman 29 July 1756 16 pds for 100 A. of WS Road that leads to Mr. Sion Store. adj. Coupland, Jackson, Hartley, Nicholson Wit: Jos. Hardy, Ed Rasor
1757 28 Oct – Apprentice Bonds Bertie Co – Henry and Joseph Arthaud, orphans of Isaac Arthaud are bound to John Campbell, Esq. to be trained as mariners: Peter Wever, son of Amiah Wever, a free Mullatoe about the age of seven is bound to John Campbell, Esquire to be trained as a seaman. and his sister Lucy Wever about the age of eleven — to learn spinning.
1758 April Ct – John Brown and Benjamin Wynn, gentlemen, executors of Thomas Jackson dec’d of Bertie Co to John Campbell, Esq of same. 28 July 1757. By direction of the will of sd Jackson dec’d 15 Mar 1746 & 34 pds 5 sh proclamation. 160 A which sd Thomas Jackson had purchased from Samuel Ownvin 10 Jan 1742, on west side of Chowan River, joining Middle Branch. Wit: William Rice, John Watson, Alex. Ford,
July Ct – Kathine Johnson of Charlestown in New England to John Campbell of NC 3 Mar 1758 10 pds sterling 100 A which was part of a patent…& willed to Thomas Wise late of Charlestown in New England & in default of sd Thomas to his wife, joining the tract called Mauls Haven now in the possession of William Scott, on north side of Chowan River joining John Campbell. Wit: John Sowell, Joseph Cordis of Suffolk of Boston New England. Probated before Joseph Dowie Just. Peace
Oct Ct John Howell of Bertie Co to John Campbell, Esq of same. 25 July 1758. 50 pds proclamation 200 A which had been conveyed from Lawrence Magee to John Howell, Sr & fell to me as his eldest son, on west side of Chowan River joining Edward Taylor. Wit: Richard Lakey, Thos. Pare
1758, 12 Dec – John Campbell of Bertie presented a petition asking for the erection of Hertford county from the territory of Chowan, Bertie, and Northampton to the Colonial General Assembly.
proved 15 Jan 1759 in Chowan Co – Richard Sowell eldest son & heir of Thomas Sowell dec’d to John Campbell of same 12 Jan 1759 6 pds proc. 270 A. which sd. Sowell dec’d had purchased from John Avery, joining River Pocoson, Bear Swamp; reserving right to sue to recover a mortgage from John Avery. Wit: Samuel Barron, Alex. Ford
proved 15 Jan 1759 in Chowan Co – George Bell [eldest son & admr of his father’s estate] of Duplin Co to John Campbell, merchant of Bertie Co. 27 Dec 1758. 50 pds proc money. 200 A. which Roger Smith sold to my father Robert Bell 7 Aug 1721, recorded in Chowan Prec 16 Oct 1722 & again in Bertie Co 1 Nov 1739, on north side of Cashie River, joining Col. Pollock, Sams branch, Major West, reserving the burying ground where my father Robert Bell and others are laid. Wit: Robt. Rainey, Samuel Barron.
proved 26 April 1759 – John Baker, sheriff of Bertie Co to John Campbell, merchant of same. 25 Jan 1758 sd sheriff was ordered 22 Sept 1757 by the Supreme Court of Craven, Carteret, Johnston, Beaufort, & Hyde to raise 119 pds 4 sh. 8 pence from the goods of James Castellow dec’d late of Bertie Co now in the hands of his adm. Thomas Castellow late of Duplin Co. Sd amount was the residue of 412 pds which was owed to John Thompson, Grizell & Isabella Thompson, Walter Archman, & Thomas Wingate, husbands to the sd Grizell & Isabella Thompson on north east side of Cashie River called Bear Islands & Scotch Store. Wit: Thomas Pollock, Alexander Ford.
proved in Chowan Co 4 Aug 1759 – Robert West, Esq of Bertie Co to John Campbell of Lazy Hill of same. 24 July 1759. sd West permits his late wife Elizabeth to sell land on Chowan River which was willed to her by Media White of same, as per an agreement before their marriage; thus agreed with her will 23 Nov 1759. As per the agreement & 5 sh, thus sell 200 A which had been a patent 9 Jan 1713 to John Rasbery & then to John Hawkins & from him to Henry Bunch who deeded it to Media White 23 July 1740 & registered 17 May 1741 & sd White willed it 27 Aug 1744 to his then wife Elizabeth, on west side of Chowan River, joining Reedy…, John Hale.
1760 – Sarah, daughter of John Campbell of Lazy Hill, married Richard Brownrigg – built a home near Lazy Hill along the Chowan River. This was called Wingfield after the Wingfield home in Ireland [Note: Wingfield was across the river in Chowan Co. I suspect they first lived at Pt. Comfort.] John Campbell and Richard Brownrigg are the first men on record who operated a fishery in Colerian. Brownrigg established a big fishery and history says he was the first to fish with a seine for shad, herring and other fish in the Chowan River.
Named for its peaceful shore,
this plantation is thought to be a part of the BROWNRIGG Estate.
A land transfer in 1812 by SARAH BROWN, Widow of Joseph A BROWN, daughter of Richard Brownrigg of “Wingfield” for tract of land known as Point Comfort is found in the Bertie County records.
The price involved was $6,000.00.
It was later sold to the HARDYs, then to Mr. THOMAS HOLLEY.
His son, George M. HOLLEY owns this property.
At his death, his wife, Mrs. Margaret HOLLEY and sons, Robert and Thomas, and daughter, Mrs. MOOD FARLOW became the heirs.
They still own [1966]the farm and Thomas resides there.
(1998 update. Sadly, the old home is no longer there.
Point Comfort is a beach on the river behind this home
and is one of the prettier beaches along the Chowan.)
1760 Aug – “John Campbell made a vicious public denunciation of Dr. Lenox as a murderer, a thief, and a seducer of women.”
Thomas C Parramore “The Saga of “The Bear” and the “Evil Genius” “
1760, 10 Nov – Pre-nuptial agreement between John Campbell, N C Merchant and Priscilla Curle, VA widow and David Wilson Curle. was proved in Feb 1761 Ct in Elizabeth City County, VA.
1760 John Campbell, Esq of Lazy Hill, Bertie Co married Mrs. Priscilla Curle of Hampton VA. She was the daughter of Andrew Meade and had six sons and two daughters by her first husband Wilson Curle 18 Dec 1709 – 1748 Elizabeth City Co VA]:
Children of Wilson Curle 1709-1748 and Priscilla Meade:
1. Wilson Curle 1736 – 1803
married Mourning Horn 1743 – 1829
2. David Wilson Curle 1737 – 1767 Halifax Co NC
married Mary Cary 1734 – 1782
she married 2nd Joseph Selden
3. Hamilton Curle 1738 – 1760
4. Nicholas Curle 1739 -1768
5. Andrew Curle 1740 – 1762
6. Jane Curle 1743 – 1766?
married bef 1765 Mallory [thought to be a wife of Col Francis Mallory killed RW 1781
his children were by his widow
7. Mary Latham Curle 1742 – ?
married before 1765 Robert Wallace died Dec 1768
a. Wilson Wallace
b. another son who died early
married William Armistead, son of Robert and Ann Wallace Armistead
c. Moss Armistead
d. William Armistead
e. Rebecca Armistead
8. William Rascoe Curle 1741 – 1782
married Euphan Wallace 1722 -1773
married 2nd Mary Kello 1734 -aft 1798, the widow of Walter Lyon
she married 3rd Sept 1798 Henry Penn Wharton
1761 April Ct – John Campbell, Esq of Bertie Co to William Roscow Curle late of VA but now of same 10 Dec 1760 5 pds on west side of Chowan River joining Reedy Branch, John Hill, Wit: Alex. Ford, John Rainey
1761 May Chowan Co Superior Ct – Dr. Robert Lenox of Edenton came into court with an indictment against John Campbell of Lazy Hill plantation in Bertie County. “The complaint demanded payment of more than 500 pounds owed by Campbell to Dr. Lenox for medical services and drugs, cash loans, and sums expended in Campbell’s behalf by the doctor over a period of many months.” – John Campbell made his counter-suit against Dr. Lenox charging against the doctor for trespass, alleging that the doctor was guilty of “criminally enjoying” the plaintiff wife.” Both parties pleaded their innocence of the charges. But “Dr. Lenox was found guilty and fined the sum of 1333 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence Proclamation Money.”
1761 Nov Ct. the Edenton District Superior Ct – Dr. Lenox appealed his conviction.
1762 July Ct – John Campbell, merchant of Bertie Co to Alexander How, mariner of same. 9 Jan 1762. 180 pds proc. 200 A which had been a grant to Nathan Moore & from him to Martin Cromen who sold it to James Castellaw & by a judgment to sd Campbell conveyed by John Baker sheriff, on north side of Cashie River, called Bear Island & Scotch Store. Wit: George Lathbury, Alex. Ford, Richard Brownrigg.
proved 12 Mar 1763 – Richard Lakey, joyner & his wife Mary of Bertie Co to John Campbell merchant of same. 3 Mar 1763 220 pds proc. 320 A on west side of Chowan River joining Lawrence Macgue [now Joseph Butterton’s] Beaver Dam Swamp. Wit: Edmund Hodgson, W B Kippax, Alex. Ford,
1763 spring – “Priscilla Meade Curle was the daughter of a rich Virginia merchant, Andrew Meade of Nansemond County, who claimed among his sons-in-law Sir Richard Everard, former governor of North Carolina. By her first husband Mrs. Curle reared eight children and her inheritance from his estate was considerable. She had served as the new mistress of Lazy Hill doe scarcely two years when, in the spring of 1763, she departed for a visit to her former home at Hampton until John Campbell came to fetch her back to Carolina” In due course John Campbell arrived in Hampton and presented himself at the quarters occupied by his wife. The reunion was a most unpleasant one, however, Campbell appearing “a little in liquor” and launching promptly into a tirade against Priscilla. He accused her of being “one of the vilest of women” and behaved so rashly as to put the lady in fear of her life. By the next morning Priscilla had reconsidered her decision to return to Lazy Hill whereupon her husband grew suddenly penitent, implored her forgiveness, and informed her son that he would take his own life by swallowing laudanum if she remained at Hampton. Priscilla after some hesitation agreed to go back to Lazy Hill, but not at once. Her husband left for Carolina alone but soon afterward sent her a letter repeating all the former accusations. This was the last straw [for Priscilla] and John Campbell’s second marriage came to a thoroughly disagreeable end. In the negotiations leading to separation, Priscilla’s son offered an intriguing explanation of why John Campbell had proved to be so mistrustful of his second wife. It was owing, said David Wilson Curle, “to the usage of his [Campbell’s] former wife which he had believed to be true but is since convinced to the contrary.” Thomas C Parramore “The Saga of “The Bear” and the “Evil Genius” ” using as source Deposition of David Wilson Curle at 6 May 1765 Edenton Superior Court.
1763 – Nov Ct – Robert Lenox appeared at the Edenton Court with an indictment for slander against John Campbell. The decision of the District Court was in Lenox’s favor, including a levy upon John Campbell of damages in the amount of 666 pounds, 13 shillings, 4 pence.
1764 – John Campbell’s land in Chowan Co was not processed as he was not living in the county.
1768 [tax list] – James Campbell & Liverman & Negroes ——, Liberty, —–, ——ob, Arthur, —–new, Nan, —–, and Winney. [2 whites, 5 negro men, 4 negro women]
John Campbell, Esq & Alexander Ford, John Henly, Mathew Beck & Negroes: Fortune, Dick, Matthew, Cambridge, Yellow Joe, Hampton, Dublin, Colerain, Simon, Old Jack, Saffee, Cyrus, Linda, Aba, Moneca, —-, Violet, Amey, —–ck, Nan, Dinah, & Hannah. [4 whites, 12 Negroe men, 10 Negroe women]
1769-1775 John Campbell represented Bertie County in the General Assembly
1774, Aug Ct – Jane Howell widow of Bertie Co to John Campbell merchant of same 11 Jan 1773 200 pds proclamation. 340 A.as held by John Howell by assignment of Richard Bradley’s patent 8 Aug 1724 & which descended to sd John Howell’s son John Howell Jr. & since by will to Mourning Hardy & by her present husband Humphrey Hardy & sd Mourning deeded to sd Jane Howell 14 Jan 1771, where I now live on west side of Chowan River, joining John Campbell, Richard Booth. Wit: James Campbell, John McGlaughon.
1774, Nov Ct – “M- 220 Isaac Parker son & heir of Thomas Parker dec’d of Bertie Co to William Brown planter of same 13 Aug 1774. 40¬£ proclamation. 213 ac which was left to me as eldest son & heir of my late father Thomas Parker who had puchased it from Robert Warren then of Duplin Co 7 Aug 1752. joining Cypress Swamp, John Davis, Henry Roads. Wit: John Campbell, James Campbell Sr. Nov Ct 1774. John Johnston CJC”
1774 – John Campbell represented Bertie County in the Provincial Congress which met at Newbern 25th of August ; Hillsborough in 1775 and the Provincial Congress at Halifax, 4 April 1776 along with John Johnston and Charles Jacocks.
1776, 6 July – John Campbell married his third wife Martha as stated in his will.
“It is said he was a loyal patriot, devoted heart and soul to the American cause. Sanders rates him in ability to Joseph Hewes. John Campbell, known as the leading merchant of the province, was involved in fishing, farming, and shipping. He was responsible for shipment of Bertie County Clay to the factory at Bow in England for manufacture of pottery for export back to America. His brother there was a stockholder in that manufacturing.”
In 1777, his son James Campbell was the representative.
Will of John Campbell, merchant, 19 April 1777 – proved Feb Ct 1781
I will all my real and personal estate to my executors so they my pay my debts and legacies by the sale of such parts of my lands as necessary.
Wife Martha – Negroes Andrew and Betty [children born of Diannah], bed, mahogany table, looking glass, etc. that did belong to her at the time of our marriage last July sixth. My wife is to enjoy the use of my plantation and stock, etc at my Lazy Hill estate, with the use of Negroes Cambridge, Simon, Hampton, Colerain, Randal, Kingston, Andrew, Jacob, Charles, Dinah, Amey, Nanney, Cynda, Violett, Lucy, Betty, Hannah, and others.
Grandson John Campbell [son of my son James Campbell] – my Lazy Hill land and plantation when he is twenty-one, making about 1000 acres including the land I bought from Jane Howell and John McGlaughan, also all my furniture, clocks, glasses etc left in the possession of my wife Martha after her death or marriage. Said grandson John Campbell – my Fort Bridge lands on both sides of Chinkapin Swamp or Run including the sawmill and gristmill when erected, along with all stock, cattle, etc, together with the employment of Negroes Faffey, Sampson, Cyrus, Cambridge, Simon, Hampton, Coleraine, Randall, Langston, Jacob, Charles, Matthew, Monica, Joan, Simon, Dinah and her child Hannah, Nanny and her child Venus, Beck and Amey until the death or marriage of my wife. At my wife’s death or marriage my grandson is to be well educated at the expense of my mills, and I appoint my executors as his guardians.
To my grandson Thomas Brownrigg – my lands called Petty Show [Shore] containing 640 acres, also the pocosin land entered and surveyed adjoining, to be his when he comes of age and the rents applied to educate him. If the said Thomas dies before the age of twenty one this land shall revert to my son James Campbell.
Granddaughters Mary Jane and Sarah Brownrigg – 1134 pounds eight shillings and three pence, a balance due to me from their father’s estate at his decease, to be equally divided between them or the survivor when they are of age or marry, and my executors are to secure this money out of my estate and apply it to their education.
To “each of my granddaughters Brownriggs” – one Negro if they are not mentioned to my wife or to my grandson John Campbell.
Daughter Sarah Merideth – fifty volumes of my books including those she already has, for her lifetime with reversion to her daughters.
Grandson John Brownrigg – twenty volumes of my books, sword, when he is twenty-one or to his brother Thomas in case of his death.
Son James Campbell – all my lands except those already mentioned, requiring that my son James shall pay off all my debts and remit the sum of 100 pounds to Henry Newton of Coleraine to pay to my brother James Campbell if alive and my sisters Mary and Elizabeth in equal proportions. An inquest may be done to see if they are in distress and want of assistance.
Son-in-law Capt. David Merideth – my ring set with rubys which I now wear in token of my regard for him, also twenty pounds.
EX: son James, friends Capt. James Leslie of Halifax, Benjamin McCulloch and Capt. Robert Hardy of Edenton.
WIT: Jno. Nicholls, Humphrey Nicholls, Aaron Boulton
When his estate was sold it was listed as follows: “One tract of land known as “Lazy Hill” lying in Bertie County on the west side of Chowan River, containing 800 acres. It is a beautiful situation well watered, on its premises are a good dwelling house, kitchen store, warehouse, workhouse, barns milk and meat house, stables. Together with a good shad and herry fishery, a good apple and peach orchard and two vegetable gardens.”
1788 to Bertie Co from Edenton Dist Ct. William Armistead excr. of Priscilla Campbell, widow dec’s recovered against the goods of John Campbell dec’d in the hands of his excr. James Campbell. Levy had been made on the negroes: Symon, Cyrus, Jacob, Kingston, Cynder, Lucy & child Peter, Nan, Dick, Winney, Phillis, Bristol, Ned, Frederick, Dick: Thus this order to sell the sd negroes. Samuel Rayner purchased Cyrus, Elisha Stallings purchased Kingston & Ned, Henry Speight purchased Jacob, Geo Ryan purchased Simon, Thos. Cochran purchased Nan, Timothy Hunter purchased Bristol.
Lazy Hill Plantation is located about 3-4 miles north of downtown Colerain. Along the Chowan River…Lazy Hill Drive should run thru plantation area. Use a street locating search for Colerain, NC and try Lazy Hill Drive…
The Old Lazy Hill Beach is owned by Perry-Wynns Fish Company and Colerain Beach and Boat Club.
It is located about 3-4 miles north on downtown Colerain driving along the Chowan River..
Children of John Campbell, Esq and Mary Hill:
1. Sarah Campbell est 1743 –
married 1760 Richard Brownrigg 1735 – 1771
married 2nd Capt. David Meredeth ? – 1791
2. James Campbell est 1748 – 1797/98
married ca 1769 Mary Kinchen ca 1753 – 1795
COLERAIN and LAZY HILL A large part of the Campbell property was sold to the HOLLEYs. JOSIAH HOLLEY once owned all of what is now Colerain. The first post office in Bertie County was at Colerain and JOSIAH HOLLEY was the first Postmaster in 1818. His sister, MARY HOLLEY, married WILLIAM ETHERIDGE, a sea captain from Roanoke Island. When Mr. Holley died he left their son, EDWARD ETHERIDGE, his Colerain property. The old HOLLEY AND ETHERIDGE Cemetery is by the side of the house and is visible from the highway. It is well kept by the Etheridge family.
e-mail from James Moore – “I have an article about John Campbell of Lazy Hill, the founder of
Colerain, . . written by Tom Parramore called “The Saga of ‘The Bear’ and ‘The Evil Genius'”. The
Evil Genius was Dr. Lennox whom John Campbell accused of having an affair with his wife.”
[This article was published in the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol XLII, #4, July-Aug 1968]
John Campbell – | his parents
& Mary Rogers | her parents
of Bertie Co NC
This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
This John Campbell was styled as a blacksmith.
1714, 4 Sept. Pat. – John Campbell 73 A in Chowan precinct in Meherrin neck joining Thos. Spivey and a branch Wit: Cha. Eden, Thos Boyd, N. Chevin, Wm. Reed, C. Gale, Fra. Foster
“In 1720, Feb 8 – John Campbell witnesses two documents between John Worley, esq and Will Steely and wife Mary. [Chowan Prec.]
Will of Thomas [x] Rogers Senr. undated proved Aug Ct 1749
“being very sick and weak of body…”
Son Thomas Rogers – the upper part of the land where he now lives and after his death this land shall go to Mary Rogers [daughter of Thomas and Mary Rogers]. Daughter Mary Camble – that part of the land where she now lives, for her support and she is not to be molested. Son Robert Rogers – the part of my land where I now live. My moveable estate I bequeath to my children and grandchildren, but none of the moveable estate “to them that has ye land.” Ex. none Wit: William Lattimer, Jon [x] Lille
The son Thomas Rogers died bef May Ct 1754.
Bertie Deed Bk H – 194 John Campbell, blacksmith & wife Mary to Jonathan Standley 9 July 1755 31 pds for 200 A on NS Kesia Swamp at Poplar Branch. Wit: Jos. Minton, Jno Sholar. July Ct 1755.
Could this be the same Campbell that Campbells Creek in Beaufort County is named after? It is located about five miles East of Aurora. NC and is a community and creek with the same name. I am researching the history of the community and creek and would appreciate any help you may have. Thank you.
I am the direct 8th great grand son of Andrew Meade following down to David and Susanna, then from David ll and Sarah Waters. I enjoyed reading your hypothesis as I had little information about my 7th great aunt. Wish I had more on her children and her mother, Mary Latham. I always assumed she was buried in Nansemond County. For your information, you may enjoy “Andrew Meade of Ireland and Virginia”. I have had two originals in my hands, but had to give them back to a cousin and to the McClung Library. Thanks again,
Patrick David Meade
[email protected]