Godwin Cotten & Sarah Brown

Sally’s 4-great-Grandparents:

Godwin Cotten 3 Feb 1761 – 5 June 1830 | his parents
& 1778/79 Sarah Brown 1762 – 1833 | her parents
Of Mulberry Grove, Hertford Co, NC

 my working hypothesis. The way I see it as of this moment!!

during Godwin Cotten’s time, the house was still a story and a half 18th century home. His grandson Dr. G. C. Moore raised the roof to two stories and added the “ell” in the rear in the 1830s

1761, 3 Feb – Godwin Cotten, youngest son of Arthur Cotten and Elizabeth Rutland, was born at Mulberry Grove, Hertford County, North Carolina.
1768 – ?? Godwin served as Asst. County Surveyor–laying out the town of Winton [note he was much too young, perhaps this was his older brother Cullen]
1775/83 – reputed to have served as Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Robert Howe in the Rev.
1778/79 – Godwin Cotten married Sarah Brown daughter of John Brown and wife Sarah Brittle of Hertford County, NC.
1779, 10 Feb – mother, Elizabeth Rutland Cotten, dies at Mulberry Grove
ca 1780 – daughter Elizabeth Cotten born
1782, 2 July – daughter Esther Cotten born
1782 – the Kehukee [Baptist] Association held its annual session at Mulberry Grove at the invitation of Arthur Cotten, He was a lifelong Episcopalian [and a member of the vestry at St. Johns]
1789 – father Arthur Cotten dies at Mulberry Grove [aft. 4 Sept]
1790/1804 – Godwin Cotten and his wife Sally join the Baptist Church at Sandy Run and are baptized by their neighbor Lemuel Burkitt

1799 – ad in Halifax Journal says Godwin Cotten will receive bees-wax paying $ .25 per lb for a Prudent LePainteur [probably to make candles]

1800, 14 Sept – .report of Henry Potter – COTTON, Arthur. 29.8.1 p.16 Claim of GIBSON, DONALDSON, & CO. Died in the Year 1789. The application has been made to his son, G. COTTON, by a Mr. Fisher of Suffolk for payment. The man knows nothing of the Debt and informs me that he is unable to pay it if it were just- that the estate of his Father is scattered over the county . . NCGSJ Feb 82, p. 19
COTTON, Arthur. 29.8.1, p. 9 Claim of GIBSON, DONALDSON, & CO.
He died rich in the County of Hertford.
His son Goodman COTTEN of the same county is his executor. That the
estate is solvent may be proved by Col. Hardy MURFREE of the same county. (These
reports were prepared about 1800-1803.) NCGSJ May 91, p.101

1802, 25 Nov – brother Jesse Cotten names Godwin as one of his executors
ca 1804 – the first grandchild Sallie Johnston was born.
1805 – Granddaughter Emeline Moore was born at Mulberry Grove
1806 – grandsons Samuel Iredell Johnston and Godwin Cotten Moore were born at Mulberry Grove.
1807 – neighbor Lemuel Burkitt [Baptist preacher] dies leaving Godwin Cotten as the executor of his estate.
1807 – son-in-law John S Johnston died leaving dau. Elizabeth a widow with two children
ca 1812 – granddaughter Sarah Matilda Moore was born
1813 – The Hornets Nest, Murfreesboro reports that Godwin Cotten, Esq. married Mr. George Howard to Miss Penelope Moore.
1815 – son-in-law James W Moore died leaving Esther, a widow with three children.
Ca 1816 – dau. Elizabeth marries 2nd Cornelius Moore
1818, 12 Jan – twin grandchildren born to Elizabeth: Cornelius and Cornelia
1822 – both grandsons enroll at UNC
1823 – the death of son-in-law Cornelius Moore
1821/24 – Granddaughter Emeline marries Dr. N P Fletcher [lived Roxobel]
1825 – dau. Esther marries 2nd John Jones of Lawrenceville, VA
1825 – grandson G C Moore studies medicine with brother-in-law Fletcher
1826 – grandson Sam Johnston graduated UNC
1827 – granddaughter Cornelia Moore died
1828 – grandson G C Moore receives MD with high honors from UP.
1828 – grandson Charles Godfrey Jones was born, son of Esther
1829, 18 Feb – Godwin Cotten wrote his will.
1829 – grandson Sam Johnston married Margaret Burgwyn
1830, 5 June – Godwin Cotten died at Mulberry Grove in Hertford County.
From the Edenton Gazette Thursday, 15 July 1830 ” Died in Hertford County on the 5th ultimo, Godwin Cotton, Esq. In the 70th year of his age.” – NCGSJ May 1997
1832, 25 June – grandson G. C. Moore married Julia Wheeler
1832, 2 Dec – widow Sarah Brown Cotten died.

Children of Godwin Cotten and Sarah Brown:

  1. Elizabeth (Betsy) Cotten ca 1780 – 30 April 1832
    married 1st John Scrymoure Johnston 1773 – 1807
    correct spelling of his name from documentsMolly Urquhart
    married 2nd 18151818] Cornelius Moore ca 1764 – Dec 1823 as 3rd wife
  2. Esther Cotten 2 July 1782 – 6 Sept. 1854
    married 1st in 1804 James Wright Moore 1773 – 17 June 1815
    of Mulberry Grove
    Married 2nd in 1825 Capt. John Jones 30 Mar 1764 – 1844
    of Lawrenceville, Brunswick Co, VA

Sarah Brown, the daughter of John Brown and Sarah.
Sarah, the wife of John Brown, seems to be the daughter of John Brittle who died in NH Co, NC in 1780
leaving Sarah Brown a bequest of 100 pounds VA money, bed, and furniture, etc.
[Perhaps Dr. G C Moore misunderstood his grandmother when she told him her grandparents were Brittles and thought she had said Brickles.]
she does not seem to be the daughter of Col Matt Brickel, and his oldest Marina was born 6 Sept 1749-died 8 Jan 1762. (The Brickels made no notice of marriage or a child being born in their Bible just Marina’s death.) Winborne wrote Godwin Cotten of Hertford married Sarah Brown, the daughter of Maj. Jno. Brown, and granddaughter of Colonel Brickle. Maj. John Brown and his wife Sarah were also the grandparents of the late.

NC Journal Halifax 15 April 1799: Avis aux Marchands de Cire. Les Persounes qui m’apporterout a Halifax, ou chez Mons Godwin COTTEN Hertford c. de la Cire, Je m’oblige leur achetter j’us’qua la concurrance de cent milliers en totalite a raison d’un quart de gourde la livre, sans interruption jus’qua ceque J’aye fait avertir trois fois sur les papi?ers d’Halifax. ce l?e Avril. Prudent LEPAINTEUR. Bees-wax. 100,000 lb. wanted. For which a quarter of a dollar per lb. will be given, if delivered in Halifax Town to P. LEPAINTEUR; or in Hertford county , to G. Cotten. . .

from the Edenton Gazette Thursday, 15 July 1830
” Died in Hertford County on the 5th ultimo, Godwin Cotton, Esq. In the 70th year of his age.” – NCGSJ May 1997

Will of Godwin Cotten Hertford County NC
In the name of God Amen I Godwin Cotten calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing it is appointed for man to die and being of a sound mind and disposing memory have ordained and Constituted this my last will & Testament.
I give my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor & my soul to God who gave it believing in the Resurrection Son Jesus Christ will raise my body again at the Last day
Item. I lend unto my beloved wife Sally Cotten during her life the following negroes Willis Tom & Peter also two workhorses one yoke of Oxen one cart & wheels three Cows & calves four sows & pigs five Ewes & Lambs three feather Beds & furniture one dozen Setting chairs my same plantation whereon I now live during her life
Item I give my wife Sally Cotten one half of my farming utensils such as ploughs & axes also one half of my crop of corn fodder & wheat also half of my kitchen furniture such as pots tubs pans &c
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Moore one negro woman named Charlott with her three children widow Mary dau of Mary and all the issue of Charlott from the date of this will to her and her heirs forever.
Item I lend unto my daughter Elizabeth Moore one negro boy named Robbin also one negro girl named Sylvia during her life
Item I lend unto my Daughter Elizabeth Moore two negro named Abbe & Lidia also one negro man named Isaac during her life
Item I give unto Sally Ann Johnston after her Mother’s death the two negro women Sylvia & Malvina to her & her heirs forever.
Item I give unto Samuel I Johnston after his Mother’s death the negro man named Isaac to him and his heirs forever also one boy named Robbin
Item I give unto my Daughter Esther Jones one negro woman —– to her & her heirs forever also one tract of Land Called C. . . . . . ..
Item I give unto my Grandson Godwin C Moore after his Grandmother’s death the land upon whereon I now live with the negro Sam also one desk & bookcase standing in the front room also two looking glasses in Mid Room to him and his heirs forever it is my will & desire that Godwin C Moore live with his Grandmother work the Land & support her while she lives
Item I give unto my Granddaughter Emeline Fletcher one negro man Dempar to her & her heirs forever
Item I give unto my Granddaughter Sally Matilda Moore after her Grandmother’s death the negro named Willis to her & her heirs forever
Item I give unto my grandchildren the Moores & the Johnstons all the money that appears to be owing to me for schooling & except a note in books given by Godwin C Moore to James Atkinson two hundred dollars
Item it is my will & desire that all the remainder of my Estate that I have not given away or lent be sold that my negroes Ben Ally Cate and after my just debts is paid if there should be any remainder that the money be equally divided between my wife & my two daughters Elizabeth Moore & Esther Jones
Item I nominate and appoint my two Grandsons Godwin C Moore & Samuel I Johnson my Executors to this my last will & testament given under my hand & seal this 18th day of Febr 1829.
witness: Godwin Cotten (seal)
Benj A Parker, Godwin Cotten Junr, John Brown

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions State of North Carolina November Term 1830 Hertford County
This last will & Testament of Godwin Cotten decd was in open Court proved by the oath of Benj A Parker & John Brown two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded At the same time Godwin C Moore & Samuel I Johnson the Executors appointed were duly qualified as such and . . .. . .

An Inventory of the Estate of Godwin Cotten decd
Sold by the Executors on the 25th of October
and on the 20th December 1830
Given in on oath at the February Term of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1831
3 Negro Slaves Ben, Ally & Cate;
thirty-five Bbls of Corn;
6 Stacks Fodder;
2 Oat Stacks;
25 Bus Wheat;
50 Bus of Potatoes;
2 Work Horses;
26 Head Cattle;
23 Head Sheep;
Eight Thousand three Hundred and forty nine pounds of Pork;
10 year-old Hogs;
1 sow & 6 Shoats;
7 sows & 25 pigs;
Farming Utensils Consisting of 8 old plows–various in Kind with a quanity of accouterments for the same,
5 Axes, 2 Iron wedges, 1 Cross Cut Saw, I Hand Saw, 4 Weeding Hoes, 2 grubing Hoes, 1 log chain, 1 trace, 2 sythes old Irons of various descriptions, 1 brace & bit;
8 brandy Barrells;
20 Cypress Cyder Bbls;
26 Oak Cyder Bbls;
2 Cider Hhds;
3 kegs;
1 old stand;
1 Cowpers adze;
1 Cart & wheels;
1 old Gig wheel; 1 pr old Wheels; 2 grindstones; 1 Barrell Still; 1 Hand mill; 1 pr of Steelyards
1 Loom;
Household & Kitchen Furniture Consisting of 5 Beds Steads & furniture; 1 Desk, 3 Walnut Tables, 1 Dressing Table, 6 Splint Chairs; 1 arm Chair; 2 looking-glasses; 1 Case Bottles; Knives; forks &c; waiters; plates; Dishes; glasses &c. Books of various Kinds; 1 Tea Kettle; 3 pots; 1 oven; 1 Tray Pail; 1 Linen wheel; 2 Benches;
One old Gig & Harness;
1 Dutch Fan.
A quantity of leather;
3 bus of Flax Seed;
20 Dollars in Cash found in the house;
two notes against Mrs. E Moore–1 of 110 Dlls given 1st June 1826 with Interest from dates, Credited April 15th, 1828 by 100 Dlls another of $188.30 given the 5th day of March 1827 then on-demand, Credited March 6th, 1827 by 100 DLLs.
Also against Mrs. Nancy Brown dated the 19th June 1816 on demand two days after the date for 42.75 –this may be Considered as desperate.
G C Moore Exor.

Will of Sally Cotten Hertford County NC
In the name of God Amen, I Sally Cotten knowing that I shall in the course of time die but being at this time of a sound and disposing of mind do make publish and declare this to be my last Will & Testament.
Item 1st I Give and bequeath to my grandson Godwin C Moore all of my goods chattels negroes and the Growing Crop except such as I shall hereafter dispose of.
Item 2nd I Give and bequeath to my granddaughter Sally M Moore one Bed and its furniture and one Cow and Calf.
Item 3rd I Give and bequeath to my Grandson Samuel Iredell Johnston and bed and its furniture and a cow & calf.
Item 4th I do hereby constitute and appoint my Grandson Godwin C Moore My Sole executor. Witness my hand and seal this the 5th of May 1832 Sally Cotten
Mary Eliza Brown Martha Wootton

State of North Carolina Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Hertford County February Term 1833
The within Last Will & Testament of Sarah Cotten dec was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Mary Eliza Brown one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto & ordered to be Recorded At the Same time Godwin C Moore the Executor therein was duly . . .

Sally’s 4 great aunt

Elizabeth Cotten ca 1780 – 1832 | her parents
& ca 1803 John Scrymoure Johnston 1773 – 1807 | his parents
& 1815/17 Cornelius Moore ca 1761 – 1823 | his parents
of Mulberry Grove NC & Rich Square NC

Elizabeth Cotten called Betsy was born ca 1780 the first child of Godwin Cotten & Sarah Brown of Mulberry Grove. She married twice. She married first John Scrymoure Johnston of Bertie Co, a nephew of Governor Sam. Johnston. John S Johnston died at Mulberry Grove in 1807 leaving two children Sallie Ann & Samuel Iredell Johnston.
Betsy married second Cornelius Moore of Rich Square, NC. There were two more children twins Cornelius & Cornelia (Cornelia died young when she was about eight).
Harriett Moore and Isaac Carter Moore were Cornelius’s children by his first wife.
Elizabeth Cotten Johnston Moore died on 30 April 1832.

Elizabeth Cotten & John Scrymoure Johnston had:
1. Rev. Samuel Iredell Johnston 28 Dec 1806 – 12 Aug 1865 (grad. UNC 1826)

Rev. Samuel Iredell Johnston 1806 – 1865

S. I. Johnston - enhanced
Samuel Iredell Johnston was Rector of St. Paul’s at Edenton
for nearly thirty years


married 23 Sept 1829 Margaret A Burgwin 1 Nov 1811 – 16 Oct 1886
daughter of George William Bush Bergwin

2. Sallie Ann Johnston 9 Sept 1808 – 6 Nov 1848 no children
Sallie was buried in the “Hayes Cemetery” Edenton – her stone reads

to the memory of
Sallie Annie
consort of James D Wynn
and daughter of
John and Elizabeth Johnston
born Sept 9, 1808
died Nov 6, 1848
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth yea saith the spirit that
they may rest from their labors.”

married James Dean Wynns ca 1803 – ca 1865 of Edenton
(son of Benjamin Wynns III of Hert. Co)


“During 1863 and 1864, several letters were received from Wynns’ Uncle, James Dean Wynns, telling of the elder Wynns’ ill health
and reporting that Yankee troops had taken all of his clothes, leaving him destitute and in great need of assistance.”

There’s also an itemized list of James D. Wynns’ estate., Wynns Papers at UNC Greenville

Elizabeth Cotten & Cornelius Moore had:
3. Dr. Cornelius Godwin Cotten Moore 12 Jan 1818 – 15 June 1888 Jackson, NC
married Phila. 1 Dec 1841 Ellen Matilda Britton 25 Jan 1817 PA – 4 Feb 1893 NC
he was a graduate of UP medical school

southall1 southall2
Dr. Cornelius Godwin Cotten Moore and his wife Ellen Britton

It was with this family that the Yankees left the old horse “Clem Jim” after they took him from Mulberry Grove. “Clem Jim” was only used by the women to drive to and from Rich Square to visit their cousins and when he got to their cousins’ house, Clem Jim had just refused to go any further. The next week the cousins drove out to Mulberry Grove to check on the family with the only horse they had. Uncle Will spotted them first; he went running to his mother yelling, “Ma, Ma, come quick! Here comes Cousin Ellen and she’s driving old Clem Jim!”

There is a second “Clem Jim” story that always followed that one. One day soon afterward Uncle Will was bragging as boys will about far he could throw. “Why I can throw as far as old Clem Jim standing there!” and with that, he let sail a stone and sure enough, it reached old Clem Jim—hit him right smack in the middle of the forehead; and the old horse just rolled over–dead as a doorknob.

Dr. C. G. C. Moore’s medical office
when he lived in Rich Square.
It has been moved to Jackson, NC

Jackson, NC no children raised her nephew

Bowen3 Bowen1 Bowen2
William Cornelius Bowen

a. William Cornelius [Neil] Bowen Jackson, NC 9 Nov 1849 -?
married 1877 Frances Josephine [Josi] Southall 14 Aug 1853 – 25 Jan 1893

4. Cornelia Moore 12 Jan 1818 – 1827

“On the 13th and 14th of this month the death of seven of Northampton’s oldest citizens occurred, says the Weldon News. Near Seaboard Mr. Joseph Davis aged 68 years; near Pleasant Hill Mrs. Colly Wright aged 86; at Jackson Mrs. Buffalo at an advanced age; near Jackson Dr. C. G. C. Moore aged 70 years; near Seaboard Mr. James W. Jordan aged 85 years.”

“Murfreesboro Index”, John W. Hicks, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C.
Friday, June 29, 1888 [Vol. III, No. 45]
[excerpt from “From Time into Eternity” CD-ROM by David Powell, Winton NC: Liberty Shield Press ¬©2004]

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