Elisha Parker & Penelope Dilday

of Southern Hertford County dna results show this family belongs to
Family Group #7 -Mills PARKER, b 1762. Haplogroup R1b1b2

Elisha Parker 1787 – 1868 | his parents
& Penelope Dilday 1795 – ca 1868 | her parents
of Southern Dist., Hertford County NC
near present day Ahoskie

My working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
based on research by J Roy Parker Jr and his cousins

“. .our Elisha Parker, whose residence in Hertford County always seems to have been on what is now the road from Ahoskie to Harrellsville, early known as Pitch Landing or Bethlehem Road. Elisha married Penelope Dilday born in 1795. She was still alive when he wrote his will in 1868.” ~ Roy Parker

“Elisha b. 1787 became 21 in 1808 and he shows up on the Gates Tax Lists in 1810, Abraham Cross’s captaincy, (p. 61) with only a poll-tax, and that was it. He drops out of the Gates County records that I have on hand, so probably went to Hertford ca. 1811.” ~ Ray Fouts

“In 1861 Elisha Parker deeds his farm to his son Joseph Benjamin Parker. Hertford Co Bk A-228 Dec 1868. Deed made 10 Sept 1861. probate 7 Dec 1868.
Elisha Parker to Joseph Benjamin[son] 121 acres for $120 including two grants of 100 acres obtained by Elisha in Nov 1834, 71 acres in Nov 1835. Elisha and present wife Penny keeping for life. . .on White Oak Swamp, adjoining Lawrence Askew, Ely Willoughby and others. “These were ‘grants’ because the Hertford County courthouse burned in 1831, and landowners who already had property were given special ‘grants’ of the property they already owned. This property lies in the eastern side of the present-day Harrellsville Road and Newsome Grove Road. White Oak Swamp runs east-west just north of Harrellsville Road. It rises on the east side of the town of Ahoskie and flows into Ahoskie Swamp.” ~ Roy Parker

Children of Elisha Parker and Penelope Dilday:
1. ?James [Jim] Parker went to Texas also
2. William Dossie Parker 20 Feb 1827 – 23 Feb 1859 Texas of diptheria
east side of Brazos
married in TX 15 Jan 1856 Susannah Parthenia Autry ca 1836 – [issue]
3. Blake Parker 1830 – 1868
4. Martha Parker ca 1830 –
5. Emma Parker 1832 – ca 1866 San Antonio TX [issue]
married Jesse Brown 4 May 1819 –
6. John Brice Parker 23 Sept 1835 – 24 Oct 1921 Dallas Co TX
married Martha Ann Barnes [9children]
a. Alice Amanda Parker
b. William D Parker
c. Ruzela Parker
d. James W Parker
e. Eller W Parker
f. Elisha J Parker
married 2nd Mary Maglene [9 children]
7. Joseph Benjamin Parker 1837 – 1871
married Sarah [Sallie] Askew 1834 – 1915 ts
a. Rosa Lee Parker 1858 –
b. Mary [Mollie] C Parker 1859 –
c. Ann Eliza [Anna] Parker 1863 –
d. A-athusa [Toocy] Parker f 1864 –
e. David McN Parker 1866 – 1886 ts
f. James D Parker 1867 – 1895 ts
g. Joseph Thomas Parker 1870 – 1933
listed as Elisha F in 1870 census

“My husband’s family are also Parkers from Hertford/Gates/Bertie Counties.
There were just so many Parker families in that area and many with the same
names. We have only gotten back to Elisha Parker b. about 1787 in Gates
County, NC. (according to census records) and died about 1868-1869 who
married Penelope Dilday. They are both buried in the Parker Cemetery on
Harrellsville Road outside of Ahoskie on land which is still in the Joseph
Benjamin Parker family. My husband’s grandfather, John Brice Parker (brother
of Joseph Benjamin), came to Texas in about 1883-1884 with his first family
(wife & 9 children) and settled in the Dallas area where his first wife,
Martha Ann Barnes died. Then he married his second wife and proceeded to have
9 more children (my husband’s father is from the second batch).
I might add that he also outlived his younger second wife and died at the age
of 86.” ~ RaNell Parker

1812 NC in the War of 1812 – Published Reg
1st Regiment – 6th Company Detached from Chowan County Regiment
Elisha Parker . . .Number 55 or 57.

“The Elisha Parker from the War of 1812 was yet another Elisha, related to yet another Peter Parker. You know they stayed up nights, trying to drive us nuts! There were also two men named James who had sons named Amos. Why not?” ~ Ray Fouts

1815 An Elisha Parker appears on tax roll in Edwad A Callum’s Dist. . .1 free poll
also, Isaac Parker – 475 ac .. two polls in household… $948
also, Luke, James and John . . all single free polls

1832 In the estate of Elisha Lawrence, there is a $13.75 bill owed to Elisha Parker.
Elisha Parker bought a bushel of peas in the Larence estate.
In the estate of George Dunn, Dunn owes Elisha $2825 [These Elisha ref are to the Elisha who lived in the Northern Distr over in Murfreesboro]

In 1859 Elisha is witness to will of John Rasberry. . who leaves to two sisters, including Mourning Rasberry, land near Stony Creek. . Mourning’s will in 1868 includes land on White Oak Swamp.

1830 US Census Southern District Hertford County
Elisha Parker 2m 5-10; 1m 40-50; 2f 0-5; 1f 30-40

1850 US Census Southern District Hertford County
160/160 Elisha Parker 63 cooper
Penelope Parker 55
Joseph B 13
John B 15
Martha Parker 20

1860 USCensus Southern District Hertford County
591-649 Elisha Parker 75 farmer Gates Co
Penny Parker 66 Hertford Co
Martha Parker 25 ”

dna results show this family belongs to
Family Group #7 -Mills PARKER, b 1762. Haplogroup R1b1b2

Benjamin Parker est 1753 – 1810 | his parents
& 1785 Rebecca Eure ca 1755 – aft 1810 | her parents
of Gates County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Benjamin Parker and Rebecca Eure 16 Nov 1785 – Gates Co Marriage bonds.

May Ct 1780 Gates Co – Ordered that William Crafford, Demsey Harrell, John Harrell, James Parker, Benjamin Parker, Samuel Thomas, Richard Stallings & their Hands work on the Road under Charles Vann Overseer of the Road.

1790 Census Gates Co
Benjm Parker 1 / 3 / 4 / – / 1 9 total

May Ct 1792 Gates Co – Bill of Sale for a Negro Boy Ben Benjamin Parker to Caleb Savage proved by the oath of Samuel Eure etc.

1800 Census Gates Co
Benjm Parker 1m <10, 1m 10-16, 1m 45+ 2f <10, 1 10-16, 1 16-25, – , 1 45+

Feb Ct 1808 Gates Co – Bill of sale Benjamin Parker to Peterson Gulrey agent for Patrick Brown proved by the oath of David Harrell etc.

May 21 1810 – Rebecca Parker came into Court and moved for the Administration on the estate of Benjamin Parker decd. her late Husband, which was granted Ordered that she give Bond and Security in the sum of five Hundred Pounds, at the same time —– offered themselves Securities, provd.

Ordered that Rebecca Parker Admx. of Benjamin Parker decd. sell the perishable estate of the deceased as the law directs etc.

Inventory of the Goods & Chattles, rights and credits which were of the estate of Benjamin Parker was exhibited into Court by Rebecca Parker admx. on oath.

Ordered that Mills Eure Esqr., John Odom, Abraham Cross, & David Harrell allot to Rebecca Parker widow of Benjamin Parker decd. such part of the Crop, stock, & provisions of the deceased estate as they may think necessary and adequate for the support of the said widow and her family for one Year, Agreeable to the Act of Assembly in such cases etc.

Aug Ct 1810 – Inventory of the Goods & Chattles, rights and credits which were of the estate of Benjamin Parker was exhibited into Court by Rebecca Parker admx. on oath.

known child of Benjamin Parker and Rebecca Eure:
1. Elisha Parker 1787 Gates Co – 1868 Hertford Co NC
married Penelope Dilday 1795 – ca 1868 Herford Co NC

from the loose papers in the Estate folders in the State Archives on film. only item in folder labled Elisha Parker
Bertie Co Ct Feb Term 1816 – The State of North Carolina To the Sheriff of Bertie County, Greeting: Whereas in our Court of Pleas & quarter sessions held for Bertie County at May Term last William Rea empleaded Elisha Parker son of Ben Parker formerly of Gates of the plea that he render unto him Sixty Dollars & Twenty five Cents = Twenty pounds two shillings & six pence which he owes & from him unjustly detains to his Damage Twenty pounds & the sheriff . . .divested that in his County he could not find the Body of the Said Elisha Parker and he failing to appear and it being ordered at the present Term of our said Court that a writ of attachment issue against the said Elisha Parkers Estate for the Debt & Damages aforesaid as to compel him to appear etc etc
day of Nov AD 1815 Sol Cherry Jun C C
Back of document Rea viz Indivial attach’ Parker Feb Term 1816 – – Lived on the Lands, one horse, Two feather beds the right of Elisha Parker and a signature I cannot decipher — smk.

parkerelisha2 parkerelisha1

Father possibilities for ELISHA PARKER  by RaNelle Nichols Parker 8/24/2007


Our Elisha Parker was born Abt. 1787 in Gates County, NC per census. Using that data and with the belief that our Elisha was still in Gates until after the 1810 census, the following is what I have surmised at this time.


The Parker households listed in the 1790 Census for Gates County and which show a male under the age of 16 are: Elisha should be about 3 years old.


Amos Parker 4 males under 16 4 m. over 16, 4 f. 1 slave

Benjamin Parker 3 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 4 f. 1 slave

Catherine Parker 2 males under 16 0 m. over 15, 4 f. 2 slaves

Elisha Parker 1 male under 16 2 m. over 16, 4 f 8 slaves

Elizabeth Parker 2 males under 16 0 m. over 16, 3 f. 4 slaves

Francis Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 7 f. 1 slave

James Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 2 f. 2 slaves

James Parker 3 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 2 f. 1 slave

John Parker 4 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 3 f. 1 slave

Johnathan Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 2 f.

Josiah Parker 1 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 2 f.

Kadar Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 2 f,.

Mary Parker 1 males under 16 0 m. over 16, 2 f.

Miles Parker 1 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 3 f. 2 slaves

Mills Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 1 f 4 slaves

Peter Parker 1 m. under 16 1 m. over 16, 4 f. 5 slaves

Robert Parker, Sr. 5 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 4 f. 3 slaves

Robert Parker 3 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 3 f. 2 slaves

Thomas Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 9 f. 4 slaves

Willie Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 5 f.

Zachariah Parker 2 males under 16 1 m. over 16, 1 f.


In 1790 Chowan Co. are the following Parkers with a male under 16:

Seth Parker 1 male under 16

Elisha Parker 2 males under 16

Samuel Parker 1 male under 16

Peter Parker 3 males under 16

Job Parker 2 males under 16

Enoch Parker 1 male under 16

NOTE: None of these are found in Gates County in 1800.

In 1800 Chowan with at least a 13 yr. Old male are: Enoch, Elisha & Willis


In the 1800 Census for Gates County, the following are the Parkers found with the same name in the above list who have a male at least 13 years of age.


Benjamin Parker 11001 11110 (age 45 or +) b. 1755 or before

James Parker 22110 21010 (age 26-45) b. 1755-1774

John Parker, Sr. 31201 11110 (age 45 or +) b. 1755 or before

Kadar Parker 01010 00019 (age 26-45) b. 1755-1774

Kadar Parker 22010 01010 (age 26-45) b. 1755-1774

Zachariah Parker 22010 10010 (age 26-45) b. 1755-1774

Miles Parker 21010 12010 (age 26-45) b. 1755-1774


In the 1800 Census for Hertford Co., there are only two Parkers found with the same name as in the 1790 Wake Co., Census with a male at least 13.


Peter Parker 01201 00101 (age 45 or +) b. 1755 or before

William Parker 31010 11010 (age 26-45) b. 1755-1774

NOTE: There is also a Peter and William in the 1790 Census for Hertford.

In 1790 Census for Hertford, the Parkers with at least a 3 years old male are:

Daniel, Ephraim, John, Peter, Samuel, Silas & William


1810 Census of Gates County, NC is an Elisha Parker as head of household as follows:

1 m. under 10 (Possibly Thomas Parker 8 who is found around Elisha & family)

1 m. 10-15

1 m. 16-25 (Our Elisha would be abt. 23)

2 f. under 10

1 f. 10-15

1 f. 16-25 (Penelope was abt. 17, so this could be her)

1 f. 26-44 (Possible mother of Elisha who would be at the higher end of this age span)


Since there is not an older male, I assume the father had died and that the 26-44 females is the mother of Elisha and some/all of the others. Perhaps Elisha had married and some of the younger children were his, but some are too old to be children of Elisha. Another theory is that he is not married and the children are his siblings.

If this Elisha is 23 and the mother is 44, she would be about 21 at his birth.


The only Parker in 1800 Gates Census that does not show up (possibly dead) in 1810 Gates census with the right age wife (abt. 34) is Benjamin Parker (high lighted above in 1800 Gates Census). The 1800 Benjamin has a wife in the 26-45 category.

NOTE: Our Elisha Parker named one son Joseph Benjamin.


Penelope Dilday who married our Elisha would be about 17 years old in 1810.

There is always the possibility that Elisha was married to another female prior to Penelope. No family record points in that direction.

John Parker bef 1722 – ca 1783 | his parents
& his wife | her parents
of Chowan/Hertford/Gates Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

12 March 1742/43 Mr. John Parker & Mr. Richard Parker Senr. appointed Processioners from the Knotty Pine up the Road that Leads to the Virginia Line to the Said Line & Perquimons Line & all Contained between that & the Loosing Swamp etc.

William Murfree Tax Receipt for Hertford Co
John Parker Senr. 1768 — 2 taxes; 1769 & 1770 3 taxes. [had two sons over 16]

Inventory of John Parker filed 15 Feb 1783 by son John.

Children of John Parker:
1. John Parker ca 1751 – 1810 Gates Co NC
married Clarkey Eure died 1823
a. Kindred Parker ca 1774 – 1852
married 13 Dec 1800 Mary Langston
married 11 June 1820 Priscilla Williams
b. Bray Parker May 1784 – aft 1860/bef Aug 1869
c. Elizabeth Parker ca 1785 – 1863
married 29 May 1819 Ebron Brisco died 1829
d. Reuben Parker ca 1787 – bef Feb 1836
married 13 March 1813 Judith Eure [Beeman]
e. Seth Parker ca 1789 –
moved to TN ca 1826
f. Mary Parker ca 1790 – 1846
married James Goodwin
g. Levy/Levi W Parker ca 1793 – 1860/70 Pickens Co AL
married Clementine ca 1806 NC – aft 1870
h. Theresa [Treecy] Parker ca 1794 – bef 1834
married 19 Jan 1830 John King
i. Abraham W Parker 13`Feb 1796 – 29 Nov 1840
married 1830 Mary Eure [Cross]
j. Demsey Parker 1798/99 – 1846
married 1833 Mrs. Chitty Jones
?2. Benjamin Parker ca 1753 – 1810
married 16 Nov 1785 Rebecca Eure died aft 1810
?3. James Parker
?4. sister

there is also the possibility that Benjamin is a son of John’s brother Robert.

Elisha Parker d 1794 | his parents
& Rebecca Warren | her parents
of Gates County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Chowan Co. marriage bond Elisha Parker and Rebecca Warren 13 Nov 1752

“The Elisha in 1793 was the son of Peter Parker who died ca. 1778?, and that Peter was son of the Richard who made his Chowan Co. will in 1749, probated 1752. The land records pretty well prove the above Richard was dead by 1751, but that will took its own good time in showing up.” ~ Ray Fouts

– Will of Elisha Parker – Gates Co – 26 July 1793 – prob Feb Ct 1794
– wife Esther – son Peter, daughters Elizabeth Eason and Mary Griffin, sons John and Jesse, daughter Peggy Parker, son Elisha, daughters Christian and Nancy, grandson John Griffin,
– wife Esther, sons John and Elisha Exrs.
Test: John Parker, Daniel Parker, Pa Haggerty. NCHGR 2-63

Children of Elisha Parker d 1793/94:
1. Peter Parker
2. Elizabeth Parker
married Eason
3. Mary Parker
married Griffin
a. John Griffin
4. John Parker
John received no land in the 1793 will, so was probably the eldest.”~Ray Fouts
5. Jesse Parker d 1800
married Charity Cross
dau of Hardy Cross d 1816
a. Hardy D. Parker
b. Joseph Parker dy?
who doesn’t seem to have survived.
6. Peggy Parker
7. Elisha Parker d 1806
married 18 Aug 1800 Peggy Lee
a. Elizabeth Pipkin Parker
b. Polly Lee Parker
8. Christian Parker
9. Nancy Parker

1801 Elisha Parker proves will of Isaac Walters

1806 Will of Elisha Parker – Gates Co – 3 Sept 1806 – prob Nov Ct 1806
– wife Peggy – daughters Elizabeth Pipkin Parker and Polly Lee Parker,
– Jonathan Rogers and Hilary Willey Exrs
Test: Daniel Parker, Pa. Haggerty. NCHGR 2-63

sample #239 dna results show this family belongs to
Family Group #7 -Mills PARKER, b 1762. Haplogroup R1b1b2

Peter Parker d. 1778 | his parents
of Gates Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of Peter Parker & ?:
1. Elisha Parker ca 1727 – 26 Aug 1793/Feb Ct 1794 Gates Co, NC
married Esther d. by 21 Mar 1804
2. Jonathan Parker

?3. Moses Parker

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