William Bush & Martha Hill

Sally’s 6-great Grandparents:

William Bush ca 1642 – 1716
“the emigrant – 1658/9”
& ca 1677 Martha Hill

of Isle of Wight County, VA
& Chowan County, NC

ca 1642 William Bush was born in England.
ca 1658/9 William Bush came to Virginia.
lived 20 years on the Weyanoke River
ca 1677 William Bush married Martha Hill in Virginia.
lived 15 years on the Blackwater River
1701 was in Carolina in Beaufort
1702, 13 Oct : from the Vestry Records of St Paul’s Episcopal Church – ordered that a warrant be directed for the Summoning of the Several Collectors hereafter named to appear at the next Meeting of the Vestry at the House of Mr Thomas Gilliam the 15th Day of December next to give an account of their several collections the two last years and accor. . . the whole Vestry does pray the Honoble. the president to direct his Warrant unto William Bush, Francis Perrot, Capt. Thomas Blount, Nicholas Symmons And for the present year last past Francis Wells, William Early, William Jones and John Walker. [from abstracts by Raymond Parker Fouts – page 3]
1707 was proving his rights in Chowan. [now Hertford County around Bethlehem]
1716 16th 8ber at the house of William Branch – Last Will and Testament of William Bush proved by ye oaths of John Crombe and Mary Damarill

Children of William Bush & wife Martha:
1. Martha Bush bef 1701 – [on Isaac Bush’s 1797 tree ]
married Corlee
2. William Bush bef 1701 –
married Mary ?
3. ?Sarah Bush bef 1701 – bef 1716
4. Eleanor Bush bef 1701 –
married 1st Michael Hill died ca 1713
married 2nd bef 8 Feb 1714/15 Francis McClendon
5. Rose Bush ca 1685 [bef 1701] –
married ca 1701/2 George Wynns
if she is the mother of John Wynns born 1702
6. John Bush ca 1702 – Sept 1728
married Mary Bryan died 1738
she married 2nd Thomas McClendon widower of sister-in-law Elizabeth
7. Mary Bush
married John Early est 1680 – 1740 Bertie Co NC
8. Elizabeth Bush died ca/bef 1728
married aft 1716 Thomas McClendon

Beaufort County Old deed book 1, 1700-1706, No. 22, 6 (31) (old page 6, new page 31)
1 May 1701 – To survey for Mr. Wm. Barrow, 900 acres for transporting 18 persons (by assignment James Damrill); Thomas Nueman, Elis nueman, Jane Nueman, Wm Bush, Martha his wife, Martha his daugher, Wm. bush Jr. Sarah Bush, Elloner Bush, Wm, Collins, Abraham Batson, Eliz. Batson, Rose Batson, John Hopkins, Mary Read, Hannah Morrison, Ricd, Morrison, Susanna Morrison.
Signed Hen. Walker, Samll. Swann, Francis Tomes, Wm. Glover.
I Wm. Barrow do lay this foregoing warrant & rites upon an entry of land by me made 19 Nov. 1701 & also upon ye land whereon I now live. (Levi Truewhitt Co’t Clk.)
from “The Colonial Records of North Carolina 1697 – 1701” July/Aug 1701 Higher-Court Records page 448
James Damerill proved Rights to 700 acres of land by Importation of Tho. Newman; Alice Newman; Jane Newman; Wm. Bush; Martha Bush; Martha Bush Junior; Wm. Bush Junior; Sarah Bush; Elinor Bush; William Collins; Abraham Battson; Eliz. Battson; Rose Bush; John Hopkins. [General Ct. 3 Aug 1701]

Note from James Hollomon: “I have wondered if this Rose Batson and Mary Read were not Bush girls in their first marriage.”

From “The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Second Series, Volume VII, Records of the Executive Council 1664-1734” page 417 — appears to be an deposition before Edward Moseley dealing with the boundary line between North Carolina and Virginia.

Before me Edward Moseley, Esqur. one of the members of the Council and being Authorised to take the Depositions of Certain persons relateing to the boundarys of the Government Personally Came and appeared Wm. Boush aged Sixty five years of thereabouts who on his Oath according to the forme of his profession taken Saith that on or about the year One thousand Six hundred fifty eight or fifty nine he this Deponent Came into Virginia and lived Twenty years or thereabouts within Sixteen miles or thereabouts off Weyanoake River and about fifteen years more within Twelve miles of Weyanoake River being the first River on the Right hand as you goe down Blackwater River and about Twelve miles above Maherine River During the Major part of which Time this Deponent never heard it go by any other name than Weyanoake and this Deponent further Saith that about twelve years agoe [one of this Deponents Neighbours] Nathan King took up a piece of Land lying opposite to the mouth of the said River which Land was Commonly said by the Neighbours to ly at the mouth of Weyanoake River to distinquish it from other Land the Said Nathan had and this Deponent further Saith that he never knew or heard of any other Weyanoake River that that aforementioned and which by the Virginians has lately been Called Nottoway by Reason the Nottoway Indians having of late been the Cheif Dwellers near it. Wm. Bush

Capt. et Jurat Vicesimo
primo die Januar. Anno 1707

Coram me Edwd. Moseley

Col. Francis Willis was granted 100 acres in Gloster Co. Va. 11 July 1666 for transporting John Bryant and William Bush. (Cavliers & Pioneers Vol 1 page 565 Nugent)

William Bush born ca 1642

To America 1658 or 59 age 16 or 17
20 Yrs on Weyanoke 1678/9 age 37
15 Yrs on Blackwater 1693/4 age 52 and to Beaufort Proved rights 1707 age 65

According to Isaac Bush, a grandson of William who drew a family tree about 1797 stated that Old William Bush married about 1677 in Virginia

Contributed by James Hollomon for use on this site

1704, 1 Jan Deed Book W #1 Chowan County Will Bush of Chowan Prect. and Martha his wife to Thomas Markes of Chowan Prect. for a valuable consideration 240 acres, our plantation and Track of land on the east side of Rockcohock swamp now in the occupation of Thomas Markes. all houses etc. penall sum of 40 £ Sterling Wit: Will Jones, John Earley Reg. 2 Jan 1704.

1707, 4 Nov Patent Book Nine page 270 William Bush 1,280 acres on the fork between Weecaunsee and Chinkapin, joining the mouth of a Miry branch, William Hooker, and the sd. creeks. Wit: William Glover, Gabriel (Newby), John Porter, John Hawkins, Francis Forster.

1711 3rd Tues. in Apr. Chowan Prect. Court Michael Hill proves a Letter of Attorney of Mary the wife of John Early to acknowledge a Deed.

NC Pat. Book One page 180 Michall Hill 5 March 1711/12 400 acres in Chowan precinct on Wicacoen Creek joining the mouth of the Holly branch, the sd. branch, Stoney Hill, and the meanders of the Swamp
/s/ Edward Hyde, Nathaniel Chevin, Tho. Boyd, Thos. Peterson

Deed Book W #1 pg 168 Ffrancis Mclendon and Elliner his wife to Thomas Rogers 10£ 10 shillings lawful money of this Province 150 acres on ye west side of Chowan river joining Charles Gavin and ye mouth of ye Bear branch part of a grant to Dennis Mclendon 28 Feb 1704/5. . . . .Reg 8 Feb 1714/15.

Records of the Executive Council: March 29th 1716 at a Council held at the house of Capt Richd Sanderson at Little River. Upon petition of Francis MacClendon Shewing thaat a Tract of Land Conteyning Four hundred Acres was Granted to Michael Hill by Pattent dated the 5th day of March 1711/12 Is now laps’d for want of being Seated in due time pursuant to the said Pattent and prayes that the same may be granted to him. Ordered that the same be granted as pray’d for.

Deed Book B #1 page 476 William Bush of Chowan Prect. and Mary his wife to John Davis of the sd. Prect. 26 Dec. 1715 15¬£ current money 500 acres, joining Francis Mclendon, holly Branch, the meadow of the sd branch, Michael Hill’s former corner and Myrie Branch all Houses, Orchards, Gardains etc. Wit: William Crawford, John Bush (his mark) Reg. 19 Aug. 1717.

Deed Book A, page15 William Bush to John Bush Feb 8, 1723 30£ for 300 acres at Pole Cat Branch adj. Thomas Maclendon, William Hooker. Wit: James Bate, John Smith. Feb Court 1722. Robert Forster C/C

Deed Book A, page17 John Bush to William Bush Feb 8, 1723 25£ for 156 acres adj. George Winn. Wit: James Bate, John Smith. Feb Court 1722. Robert Forster C/C

Deed Book A, page 294 Thomas Macklendon & wife Elizabeth to William Machenry Nov 10, 1724 30£ for 438 acres on Cannan Swamp adj. William Bush, John Hill. Wit: William Crawford, William Bush. Nov Court 1724.

Deed Book C, page 65 Martha Bush to Mary Bush Sept 13, 1728 ” for love and affection I bear unto Mary Bush my daughter in law late wife of my son John Bush dec’d and my five grandchildren. . .Elizabeth, John, Mary, Hardy, and Isaac Bush . . .the one half of all my goods and chattles and personal estate whatsoever. . .to be equally divided among the mother and children. . .” Wit: Nich. Fairless, John Bryan. NC Court Sept. 14, 1728.

Deed Book C, page 66 Martha Bush to William Bush Sept 13, 1728 “for love and affection to . .. .my son William Bush. . . one half of my goods and chattles and personal estate. . .” Wit: Nich. Fairless, John Bryan. NC Court Sept. 14, 1728.

Deed Book F, page 1РFrancis McClenden and wife Elinor and Isaac Hill to Joseph Perry of Chowan Precinct, 2 Jan. 1738/39. 60£ for 150 A. in Chinkapin Neck at the mouth of the Holly Swamp. At Bare(Bear) Swamp. Wit: John Thomas, jurat, John Willis. May Court 1739.

Deed Book F page 157 Isaac Hill to James Constant of Chowan County. 28 Jan 1739. 200¬£ for 640 A. on west side Chowan River “…which land was surveyed for Isaac Hill, Grandfather of Isaac Hill….by a draught of patent bearing Date the twenty first day of March (or May) which was in the year of Our Lord Christ Sixteen Hundred and Ninety nine……(which) Descending to him the said Isaac Hill from his Grandfather…” Wit: William Wesson, jurat, William Wesson, Jun. Nov Ct 1740.

Crown (Gabriel Johnston, Royal Governor) to Isaac Hill 7 May 1742– 569 acres in Bertie County in Chinquapin neck, joining John VanPelt, Dennis McClendon, holly branch, Thomas McClendon, Scott and McHenry’s bounds, Nicholas Sessusms, and Williams line.

Deed Book F page 515 Dennis McClendon, yeoman of Craven Co. To Richard Brown 4 Feb 1742/43. 30£ for 440 A. on S side Wiccacon Creek in Chinkopen Neck adj. John Early, Isaac Hill, William Lewis, Capt. VanPelt, Thomas Banks, John Wynns, Richard Brown. Wit: John Thomas, Benjamin Wynns. Aug Court 1743.

Deed Book G, page129 William Bush of Johnston Co., yeoman to Benjamin Wynns July 18, 1747 50¬£ for 700 acres “. . William Bush, heir at law to John Bush late of Bertie deceased. . . ” In Chinkapin Neck on Wiccacon Creek adj. John Reed, William Perry, William Lewis, John VanPelt. .”whereon my Father & Grand father lived and died. . .: Wit: John Wynns, Isaac Bush, Francis McClendon.

Deed Book I page 26 Joseph Perry, gentleman of Bertie Co to James Jones gentleman of same. 11 Nov 1757. 180¬£ proclamation. 150 A. (messuage) which had been a deed to sd Perry from Francis McClendon & his wife Elanor & Isaac Hill 22 Jan 1738 joining Holly Swamp, Deertree Branch, Bear Swamp. Also 500 A. (messuage) which sd Perry obtained from James Castellow public treasurer 13 Nov 1745 joining Francis McClendon’s former corner, Holly Swamp, Michael Hill’s former corner, Miery Branch. Also 200 A. which was part of a Granville Grant to Jesse Wood who conveyed it to William Sisson who conveyed it to sd Perry. Wit: Benjamin Wynns, Thos. Smith. Jan Ct 1758. CC Benjn Wynns.

Grandchildren of William Bush and wife Mary:

Child of Elizabeth Bush and Thomas McClendon:
1. Jacob McClendon
married Martha Travis

Child of Michael Hill and wife Elinor Bush:
1. Isaac Hill ca 1713-1772 died Hertford Co, NC
married [Mary] Stallings daughter of Lot Stallings died 1749 Bertie Co

Children of Elinor Bush and Francis McClendon:
According to my family sources, Thomas and Isaac were both the sons of Francis and Elinor. Jacob, Thomas and Isaac were awarded land in the Georgia Land Lottery for their service in the Revolutionary War. Susan Murray
1. Thomas McClendon
married Louisa F
a. Joseph McClendon
married Olive Blake
i. Addison Tully McClendon
married Isabella Huggins
1. Joseph McClendon
married Georgia Aline Venable
a. Addie Aldora McClendon
married Thomas Bratcher – line of Steve Dumont
2. Isaac McClendon

Children of John Bush & wife Mary Bryan:
1. William Bush
married Mary Hard
2. Elizabeth Bush
married Mark Philips
3. John Bush
4. Mary Bush
married Joseph Boon
5. Hardy Bush
married Catherinar Franck
6. Isaac Bush
married Charity Jones

Children of Rose Bush and George Wynns:
(these children may be the step-children of Rose.smk)
1. John Wynns
married 1st Mary Boone daughter of James & Elizabeth
married 2nd Sarah ?
2. Mary Wynns
married Culmer Sessums
3. Joseph Wynns
married Judith Perrey
4. Benjamin Wynns died 1777
married Catherine Baker (dau of Henry Baker & Catherine Booth)
5. William Wynns died 1758
married Elizabeth Deans
6. Sarah Wynns
married Peter Evans
7. George Wynns

Children of Mary Bush and John Early:
1. John Early
married Eliza Boone dau of James
2. Margaret Early
married Mackhenry
3. Martha Early
married Thomas
4. Mary Early
married Blake
5. Sarah Early
married Keef [Reaf?]
6. Elisabeth Early
married Alberson
5. Bethshaba Early
married Morris
6. Rebekah Early
married by 1740 John Morris

One thought on “William Bush & Martha Hill”

  1. Do you know who were Martha Hill’s parents? The one that was wife of William Bush Sr.

    Also do you know who were the parents of Thomas Hill (of Essex lodge) and Edward Hill ( of Shirley Plantation) ? Were they brothers?

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