John Mitchell & Hannah Blake

6- great – grandparents of R A Holloman III

John Mitchell bef 1700 – 1739 | his parents
& Hannah Blake | her parents
of Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Hannah was the daughter of Mary Sessoms and William Blake and granddaughter of Nicholas Sessoms,
Inventory of John Mitchell, Bertie Co, NC — Feb 9 1739 by Hannah Mitchell, admrx.
Division of estate Nov Ct 1740 [Aug 8 1740] among
1. the widow Hannah Mitchell,
2. John Mitchell,
3. Mary Mitchell,
4. William Mitchell,
5. James Mitchell,
6. Isaac Mitchell,
7. Elizabeth Mitchell and
8. Thomas Mitchell.
[Record signed by John Perry, Nicholas Sessoms, and Benj. Warren.]
abst. by David B Gammon.

Observation: none of the girls are married at the time of the division.

Children of John Mitchell d.1739 and wife Hannah:
1. John Mitchell ca 1725 – ca 1765
on 1757 Bertie Tax List 1wp
a. Matthew Mitchell ca 1743 – 1791
on 1768 Bertie Tax List 1wp
b. John Mitchell ca 1745 – will 3 Nov 1795/ Feb Ct 1796
John Mitchell listed 1768 himself and 3 white servants
married 1st wife unknown

i. Judah Mitchell Thomas – left five pounds
ii. Sarah Mitchell Hopkins – left five pounds
iii. Matthew Mitchell – left five shilling
married 2nd Sarah
iv. Elizabeth Mitchell Tart
v. Susanna Mitchell ca 1778 –
married Wright Holloman 1772 – 1831
vi. Penelope Mitchell Hoggard
vii. Anna Mitchell Harrison
viii. Mary Mitchell Mezels
ix. Winifred Mitchell
married George Cowand
1. Alsey Cowand m
2. Pheba Cowand bef 1795 –
x. Pheba Mitchell
married William Barradaill Wood

? c. Hezekiah Mitchell ca 1752 –
? d. George Mitchell
on 1768 Bertie Tax List

2. Mary Mitchell
3. William Mitchell d 1796
on 1757 Bertie Tax List 1wp
on 1768 Bertie Tax List 1wp

married bef 1786 Lavinia Early dau of James and Grace
a. Cader Mitchell ca 1750 – 1813 Bertie Co NC
b. Happy Oliver
c. daughter Mitchell
married Uriah Dunnin
i. Thenny Dunnin
ii. Rhenny Dunnin
d. Ede [Lydia] Cook[e]
e. Judah Hardy
f. Winne [Winefred] Mitchell
married James Jenkins Jr son of Mary d 1802
g. Mary Hale [Hail]
h. Millie Oliver
?i. son who married Silva who married Scott 2nd???
married 2nd Elizabeth Jenkins dau of James
4. James Mitchell will 8 Oct 1801
on 1757 Bertie Tax List 1wp
on 1768 Bertie Tax List 1wp

a. Zadock Mitchell d 1834
married 31 Dec 1799 Mary Jenkins widow of Isaac Jenkins
b. Thomas Mitchell
c. John Mitchell
d. Elisha Mitchell
e. Anna Browne
f. Winefred Cobb
g. Rhoda Mitchell
married William Morriss
h. Ephraim Mitchell
i. Elisabeth Morris d bef Oct 1801
i. Polly Morris
ii. Penny Morris
iii. Winne Morris
iv. George Morris
5. Isaac Mitchell
on 1757 Bertie Tax List 1wp
on 1768 Bertie Tax List 1wp

6. Elizabeth Mitchell
7. Thomas Mitchell ca 1730 –
11 Nov 1746 Bertie Ct Thos. Mitchell, 16 yrs of age, orphan of John Mitchell, placed under tuition of Wm. Weston

Thomas Mitchell d 1740
Thomas Mitchell will proved by Jno. Ray – Bertie Co May Ct 1740
married Margaret [inventory 1754]
Margt. Mitchell is permitted to keep an Ordy. Bertie Co Nov Ct 1743

Hmmm – The Thomas Mitchell who died in 1740 may be a brother of the John Mitchell who died in 1739 rather than son.

on 1768 Bertie Tax List
George Mitchell 1fp
Isaac Mitchell 1fp
James Mitchell 1fp
Jeremiah Mitchell 1fp overseer for Wm Williams 3bm and 4 bw
John Mitchell 1fp and 3 w servants
Matthew Mitchell 1fp
William Mitchell 1 fp

on 1790 Census Bertie Co
Joseph Michel 1 4 3 0 3
Jeremiah Michel 1 1 1 0 9
William Michel 1 2 3 0 0
Cader Michel 1 5 3 0 2
Matthew Michel 3 3 5 0 1
Ephraim Michel 1 6 4 0 1
James Michel 4 1 4 0 0
Nathan Michel 3 6 3 0 0
William Michel 1 0 4 0 2
John Mitchell 2 0 4 0 0
Jerry Mitchell 1 1 1 0 6

1790 Census Hertford Co
William Michell 1 2 2 0 0

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