Dr. Philemon Holland & Anne Payton

Dr. Philemon Holland 1552 – 1635/36
& 1578 Anne Payton 1555 – 1627
of Chelmsford and Coventry, Essex Co, England

– from the research of Col. John Gabriel Holland –

1552 Dr. Philemon Holland was born in Chelmsford, Essex, England, the son of John Holland, a Divine Puritan, a clergyman who had fled the Kingdom of England during the persecutions of Mary I of England.
Philemon was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford
and then at Trinity College, Cambridge. He took a degree in medicine
1578 Philemon Holland married Anne Payton, daughter of William Payton.
[Anne was born in 1555 and died 1627 in Coventry, Essex, England.]
ca 1595 – moved to Coventry where he practiced among the poor but devoted most of his energy to translating. Dr. Philemon Holland was a mighty scholar and indefatigable translator.
– his best-known translations are of Pliny the Elder’s Natural History, Plutarch’s Moralia, Suetonius, Xenophon’s Cyropaedia and William Camden’s Britannia.
1628 – he was made headmaster of the local free school, but he served for less than a year.
His last years were passed in poverty.
1635 – he was awarded a pension by the city council of Coventry.
9 Feb 1635/36 Dr. Philemon Holland died in Coventry, Essex, England.
1635 – His son’s William, Robert, and Gabriel came to America on the ship “Asurance”
Sources: The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
Cousin, John William [1910] A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, London.

Children of Dr. Philemon Holland & wife Anne Payton:
1. William Holland ca 1579 – 1635/36 in Isle of Wight Co Virginia
2. Abraham Holland ca 1580 – 1626
3. Henry James Holland 1583 Coventry, Essex, England – 1650
4. Richard Holland ca 1584 Coventry, England – bef 1636
5. Robert Holland 1602 Coventry, England – bef 1636


William Holland ca 1579 – 1636 | his parents
& ca 1596 Mary ca 1564 – | her parents
of Coventry, Essex Co England
& Isle of Wight Co VA

Children of William Holland and wife Mary:
1. John Holland 29 Sept 1597 London Eng – 10 July 1652 at sea
bound for Va, ship Endeavor out of Boston at sea
2. Francis Gabriel Holland ca 1600 Eng – aft 1665 York Co VA


Capt. John Holland 29 Sept 1597 – 10 July 1652
& 18 Nov 1629 Judith Stephens ca 1597 – 23 Aug 1687
of London England & Massachusetts

– from research of Col. John Gabriel Holland –

Captain John Holland married in Plymouth, Devonshire England 18 11m 1629 Judith Stephens who was born in London, England about 1597 and died 23 Aug 1687 in Roxbury, MA.

John Holland was born 29 Sept 1597 in London England.

Capt. John Holland died 10 July 1652 at sea on the ship “Endeavor” sailing from New England to Virginia. Burial, Cape Charles, Northampton Co VA.

Children of Capt. John Holland and wife Judith:
1.Capt. John Holland ca 1630 Eng – aft 1706 Nansemond Co VA
bapt 30d 10m 1638 Dorchester MA
2. Nathaniel Holland 1631 Eng – 1709/10 Watertown MA
bapt 30d 10m 1638 Dorchester MA
married Mary White
a. Joseph Holland 1659 –
i. Sarah Ruth Holland
married 2nd Sarah Hosier Stretter
3. Sarah Holland 1632 Watertown, Norfolk MA
bapt 30d 10m 1638 Dorchester MA
4. Capt. Thomas Holland bef 12 Feb 1633/34 Plymouth, England –
bapt 30d 10m 1638 Dorchester MA
5. Obedience Holland ca 1638 England –
6. Deliverance Holland 21d 1m 1641 Watertown, MA –
bapt 21d 1m 1641 Dorchester MA
7. Margaret Holland 1642 Watertown MA –
8. Prudence Holland bapt 15d 3m 1645 –
9. Relieffe Holland bapt 16d 5m 1650 Watertown MA – bef 7 July 1743 Dorchester MA

e-mail from Edward Holland
Captain John sailed on the Ship Endeaver to Verginia which was wrecked
in the Will Dated 16d 10m 1651 died at sea bound for Virginia Buril Cape Charles Northampton Co VA. The will to his wife he left one half of the estate her exc The Islands
Munning Moone he gave to John the eldest in addition to double share in the other half of the estate the rest of the other half to be divided among the other Children excepting 40 shillings to the Rev. Mather to purchase a silver cup as a remembrance of his love for him .
Probate 16 Sept . 1652 [L] reg.iIV 287

Nathinel settled in Charlestown Married a Mary White Had son born Joseph born 1659
Nathaniel stated he was born `1631 the son had a da Sarah Ruth.
He Married Again in Watertown a Sarah Hosier Stretter
L Edward Holland 87yrs

emigrated 18 Sept 1620 aboard ship ‘John & Francis’ or ‘Supply’
8 Feb 1620/21 Jamestown Island, Colony of Virginia
1623 House of Burgesses

Francis Gabriel Holland ca 1600 – 1684
& ca 1621 Rebecca George d 22 Mar 1621/22
& 1624 Mary [Jonas]
& ca 1656 Margaret
& 1684/91 Hugh Gill
of England and Jamestown VA
of York Co & Anne Arundel Co VA

– from research of Col. John Gabriel Holland –

Francis Gabriel Holland [93] was born about 1600 in England.
18 Sept 1620 sailed from England aboard the supply ship ‘John & Francis’ for Virginia
22 March 1621/22 Rebecca died in Colony of Virginia.
Her father was John George of Bristol, England.
bef. 14 Aug 1624 Francis Gabriel Holland married 2nd – Mary the widow of William Jonas.

from “St. James – Old Herring Creek Parish – a History 1663 – 1799” [p 19] following a short history of Colonel William Holland there is a footnote as follows:
“Francis Holland came up from York County, VA to Anne Arundel Co round 1656.
Francis is listed in the early records as a Justice of the Anne Arundel Court.

“Holland’s Hills” 190 acres “to the westward of Herring Creek Bay” surveyed for Francis Holland Sr. in 1663, was inherited by his son Francis Jr, who sold it to Richard Harrison in 1685; now known as “Holly Hill” there is on the property a very old and charming plantation house listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It has been conjectured that the old Herring Creek Church was on this Harrison land.

Francis died in 1684, leaving a wife, Margaret, and two children, a daughter Margaret and a son Francis. He left to his children a large landed estate most of which descended to his daughter, as his son Francis died in 1687 without issue.
His widow married 2nd between 1684 and 1691 Hugh Gill.
Margaret the daughter married her distant kinsman William Holland.
clarification of this matter is to be found in William Holland’s LWT [Baldwin vol VI p234] and in Lord Baltimore’s Rent Rolls 1700-1707, found at the Maryland Hall of Records.
Colonel William Holland’s second wife was Elizabeth —, Executrix of his LWT

Children of Francis Gabriel [Gabe] Holland and Mary:
1. Richard Holland
2. Daniel Holland
3. William Holland
4. George Holland
5. John Holland 1628 –
6. Job Holland

Children of Francis Holland and Margaret:
1. Margaret Holland
married William Holland [a distant kinsman]
William Holland married 2nd Elizabeth
2. Francis Holland d. 1687 without issue

Source given by Gabe: “To Those Who Care – A History of Virginia Holland Families” by Kirk Davis Holland, 1963.
Hennings “Statutes at Large of Virginia” Pub: Joel Munsell’s Sons Albany NY

Major John Holland 1628 – aft 1706
& ca 1651 Elizabeth Mary Oudelant ca 1630 – bef 1737
of England
& Fighting Cock Plantation, Nansemond Co, VA

– from research of Col. John Gabriel Holland –

This John Holland [95] was the son of Capt. John Holland of England and Mass.; who died 10 July 1652 at sea on the ship “Endeavor” sailing from New England to Virginia.

about 1664 John Holland came to Nansemond County from New England.
in 1663 he obtained acres 200 at Kinsale
in 1682 ?He obtained land grants of 760 acres,
in 1694 500 acres.

in 1704 John Holland shown with 700 ac.

Major John Holland founded Fighting Cock Plantation situated above the Chuckatuck Creek – land ran all the way to river frontage on Nansemond River
1698-1702 home built, per Archeology Dept., Wm. & Mary
( this is where Gabe Holland Grew up – e-mail from Gabe)

Elizabeth Mary was the daughter of Cornelius Oudelant and wife Elizabeth Wallis.

Children of Major John Holland and Elizabeth Mary Oudelant:
1. Elizabeth Holland 1652 Nansemond Co –
2. James Holland ca 1653 Nansemond Co – 1733/34 Sussex Co DE [104]
married Mary d aft 1733/34 DE
3. Capt Henry E Holland 1655 – 20 June 1733 [105]
4. Joseph Holland 1661 –
5. Capt. Stephen Holland ca 1663 – aft 1703
6. John Holland Jr. 1 Nov 1664 –
married Anne
7. Michael Holland ca 1666 – 27 Mar 1746 Licking Hole Ck area, Goochland VA
married Judith
8. Mary Holland ca 1670 – d NC
married ca 1698 Joshua Peter Craven

James Holland ca 1653 – 1733/34
& Mary ? d aft 1733/34
of Nansemond Co VA and Sussex Co DE

James Holland [104] was son of John Holland 1628.

Children of James Holland & wife Mary:
1. Henry Holland ca 1675 Somerton Cr, Upper Parish, Nansemond VA – 1747 Nansemond Co VA
2. William A Holland 1710 Nansemond Co VA – 17 Feb 1774 Sussex Co DE
3. James Holland bef 1713 – [ca 1679 – 1742/43 Edgecombe Co NC]
4. John Holland bef 1713 –
5. Mary Holland bef 1713 –
married Woodard
6. Esther Holland bef 1713 –
7. Elizabeth Holland bef 1713 –

– – – – – –
James Holland ca 1679 – 1742/43
& unknown
of Nansemond Co VA

Children of James Holland
1. Richard Holland ca 1699 – aft 27 Feb 1769 Edgecombe Co NC
? married Mary Cotten dau of John d 1728 Bertie Co

Capt. Henry Holland ca 1655 – 1733
& ca 1672 Margaret Elizabeth Carr ca 1655 –
of Nansemond Co, VA

– from research of Col. John Gabriel Holland –

Henry Holland 1655 – 1747 was a son of John Holland 1628. He was a Planter. [105]

Margaret Elizabeth Carr was the daughter of Elijah Carr and wife Mary Spivey.

Sons of Henry Holland:
1. John Holland ca 1674 Nansemond Co –
John Holland operated a grist mill on Somerton Creek in Nansemond County. That site can be reached from Holy Neck Christian Church by traveling south and west on Pine View until one comes to the narrow bridge which crosses Somerton Creek. The Mill sat on the left side. Just beyond is a three story frame house constructed ca. 1800. Behind the house there is an enclosed cemetery containing the remains of a number of Afro-Americans named Parker. These are recent internments dating to the late nineteenth century. It is said that when John Holland married Prudence Parker the grist mill was part of her dowry. as this site is quite near Pittmantown Rd and the Gates Co., NC line one might speculate upon the genesis of that particular Parker line… e-mail from Gabe Holland
married Prudence Parker ca 1670 Nansemond Co VA –
a. Hannah Holland ca 1712 Nansemond Co VA –
married Thomas Parker d. 1762 Bertie Co NC
i. Isaac Parker ca 1736 –
ii. Mary Parker
iii. Abraham Parker
iv. Peter Parker
v. Jacob Parker
vi. Elizabeth Parker

2. Joseph S Holland 1684 – 1752 Nansemond Co

3. Henry Elijah Holland ca 1686 Nansemond Co VA – 1752 Suffolk VA
married Elizabeth
a. Henry Holland
b. Robert Holland
c. Job Holland
married Eliz. Daughtry
i. Job Holland Jr
married Edey Holland
1. Elijah Holland
married Mary Daughtrey
a. Jordan L. Holland
married Margaret Butler
i. Meredith Dawson Holland 19 Apr 1834 IofW Co – 18 June 1912 Nansemond Co VA
married 8 April 1858 Mary Virginia Holland 18 Apr 1833 IofW Co – 30 Sept 1903
1. James Meredith Holland 26 May 1865 – 30 Mar 1926
married Martha John Holland 9 Dec 1874 – 17 Mar 1950 Nansemond Co VA
line of Gabe Holland

4. William Holland ca 1692 – d. Nansemond Co VA

5. James Holland ca 1695 –
a. Richard Holland
i. Thomas Holland
1. Richard Holland ca 1770 Nansemond Co NC – bef 1823 Nash Co NC
married Nash Co 24 Oct 1792 Mourning Manning d. bef 19 June 1856 Nash Co
a. Lucy Holland d 1868/1872 Nash Co NC
married 1st Moore
i. James Willis Moore d bef 1868
married 7 Dec 1833 2nd Gideon R Bass Sr. ca 1780 – bef 1856
son of Jesse Bass and Elizabeth Rogers
i. Gideon Bass Jr. ca 1836 Nash Co NC –
married 7 Oct 1857 Temperance A Wheless
ii. Charity Ann Bass ca 1838 Hinds Co MS
iii. John Bass ca 1842 –
b. Charity Holland d. bef 1820
married bef 1820 Gideon Bass
i. Elizabeth Bass
married Nash Co 13 Jan 1833 William H Edwards
c. Mary Holland d. bef 1850
married Nash Co 29 Oct 1822 Edmund P Bass ca 1798 – bef 1832 Hinds Co MS
d. Elizabeth Holland
married Nash Co ca 1815 John Gandy d ca 1877 Green Co AL
son of Brittain Gandy
e. Joseph John Holland 16 Dec 1800 Hertford Co NC –
married Swains’s Mill 12 April 1822 Arsenith Taylor 1804 Hertford Co NC –

6. Robert Holland ca 1700 – ca 1799
a. James Holland
b. Sally Holland
married Davis
c. Betsy Holland
married Randolph
d. Milly Holland
married Hancock
e. Everett Holland
i. Everett Holland

Joseph S Holland 1684 – 1752
& ca 1708 Phoebe Winborne ca 1688 –
of Nansemond Co, VA

Joseph S`Holland [122] was the son of Henry Holland 1655 – 1747.
middle initial may have stood for “Spivey”

Phoebe Winborne was the daughter of John Winborne and wife Phoebe.

Children of Joseph Holland 1684 – 1752:
1. David Holland d 1794
2. Barnaby Holland ca 1716 – 1798 Nansemond Co
3. Job Holland ca 1717 Nansemond Co
4. Robert Holland ca 1718 –
5. Joseph “of Spivey” Holland ca 1728 – 1799 Isle of Wight Co VA
6. Jacob Holland ca 1732 – ca 1798 Edgecombe Co

Joseph “of Spivey” Holland 1728 – 1799
& Domentia ?
& Esther Edmunds ca
of Nansemond Co, VA

Joseph Holland [152] was the son of Joseph Holland 1684 – 1752.

His 2nd wife Esther was the daughter of William Edmunds and Martha Lankford.

Children of Joseph Holland 1728 – 1799:
1. James Holland d 1798 Wayne Co NC
2. Jacob Henry Holland ca 1745 Isle of Wight Co VA – 17 Oct 1815 Pendleton Dist SC
married ca 1770 Mary [Dolly] Harrison ca 1755 Nansemond Co VA – 1815
dau of Thomas Harrison and Catherine Earle
3. Capt Joseph Holland of Kingsale ca 1747 – Oct 1804 Nansemond Co [220]
married Elizabeth Ann Odem
4. Jesse Holland ca 1747 – d Nansemond Co
5. John David Holland ca 1750 – bef 1728 Nansemond Co
6. Thomas Holland ca 1752 Nansemond Co – 6 Dec 1827 Greene Co GA
7. Solomon Holland 15 Oct 1786 Nansemond Co VA – 28 Oct 1837 Nansemond Co VA

Capt Joseph Holland ca 1747 – 1804
& ca 1762 Elizabeth Ann Odom ca 1747 -aft 1835
of Kingsale, Nansemond Co, VA

– Holland info from research by Col. John Gabriel Holland –
– Lawrence info from research by Joseph D Lawrence Jr –

Joseph Holland [220] married Elizabeth Ann Odom.
She moved to Georgia after his death with some of her children and died there after 1835.
Joseph Holland of Kingsale was the son of Joseph Holland Jr 1715 – 1799 and his wife Ester Edmunds.
This Joseph Holland was a soldier in the Revolutionary War
and later a captain of the Nansemond Militia.

Joseph Holland died in October 1804 but his estate was not subject to probate until 1811 at which the youngest child came of age.

Children of Joseph Holland and Elizabeth Ann Odom of Kingsale:
1. Joseph John Holland 19 Feb 1768 – aft 12 Oct 1826 IofW co VA [307]
lived at Glenmarra, near Carrsville, Isle of Wight Co VA
married Nans. 1798 Nancy Cordelia Parker ca 1780 – 27 June 1863
dau of Willis Parker
a. Willis H Holland 1794 -1902
married 27 May 1866 Mary Elizabeth Owens ca 1833 SH co VA –
b. Georgiana Holland ca 1797 IofW –
married 1 Nov 1852 Nelson Parker ca 1807 –
c. Nancy Holland ca 1800 –
married IofW 3 Jan 1832 John Scarbrook Wills
d. Ann Matilda Holland 1802 – 10 Nov 1886 Nans. Co VA
married Tom Elam ca 1800 –
married IofW 18 Sept 1823 Wilson Allen Norfleet 25 Dec 1801-4 May 1828 VA
son of Edward Norfleet and Jane Cowper
e. Capt. Joseph John Holland 9 June 1803 IofW – 20 June 1861 IofW [488]
married 9 Dec 1824 Sally Council ca 1801 – bef 1839 IofW
daughter of David Council
married 20 May 1839 Louise Lenow 19 June 1821 SH VA – 5 Feb 1905 IofW
daughter of Jacob Lenow
i. Josephine Indiana Holland 1840 IOW VA – 1925
ii. Joel Polk Holland 27 Sept 1844 Belleville Farm IOW – 25 Jan 1913
iii. Lucy Lenow Holland 1848 IOW – 12 Jan 1928
married 9 Jan 1879 Richard Henry Beverly Cobb 8 June 1850 – 1926
iv. Cornelia V Holland 1 Jan 1853 IOW – 15 Oct 1865 IOW VA
f. Susannah Holland ca 1805 –
g. John Munro Holland ca 1811 – 10 Feb 1871 IofW
married Henrietta Lenow 1 Nov 1818 SH VA – 13 Dec 1880 IofW
daughter of Jacob Lenow
h. Lucy Levinah Holland ca 1813
married Wells ca 1805 –
i. Emeline Virginia Holland ca 1817 –
married Nanse. 20 Dec 1838 Hugh Kelly Williams ca 1806 IofW-
j. Julia Holland ca 1819 –
k. Samuel Hawkins Holland ca 1822 – aft 1870 IofW
l. James Washington Holland 1 Aug 1824 – 29 Mar 1888 Jasper co GA
married Cordelia Holland
daughter of Jonas Holland and Eunice White
2. Isaac Odom Holland 1770 – bef 1829 Eatonton GA
married in Gates Co 9 Aug 1805 Abigail [Abby] Volentine
3. Charlotte Elizabeth Holland 1777 –
married ca 1796 Jonas Lawrence 1776 – 1813
4. Jonah Herman Holland 1778 – bef 4 June 1822 Jasper Co GA
married 1st Ann Hines ca 1769 SH Co VA –
married 1799 Mary Ida Scott ca 1778 – 4 June 1822 Jasper Co GA
a. Jonas Herman Holland ca 1800 Nans. VA – 3 Nov 1862 Jasper Co GA
married ca 1829 Eunice Adeline White ca 1809 – 1882 Jasper Co GA
b. Elizabeth Griselda Holland 1802 –
married in Jasper Co GA 27 Dec 1825 Moses Chapman ca 1802 –
5. Millie Arenthia Holland 1782 – 1808 Jasper Co GA
* married 19 Dec 1803 Lewis Connor Holland ca 1784 – bef 1840 Jasper Co GA
a. Frances Agatha Holland 1804 –
married 25 Mar1824 Lemuel Odom Lawrence 26 April 1802 – 1840 Lee Co GA
b. Ellen Amanda Holland 1806 VA – Pulaski Co GA
married 1st Durham
married 2nd Alexander Duncan ca 1813 –
married 3rd Wilson ca 1813 –
married 4th 4 Sept 1853 Blackshear Bryant ca 1813 –
c. Lavinia Washington R M Holland 1808 – 1 June 1864
married 5 Sept 1837 Col Burwell Jordan d. 1 Mar 1870
6. Dr. Elizabeth Mary Holland 1784 – 1821 Jasper Co GA
* married 1809 Lewis Connor Holland ca 1784 Suffolk Va – bef 1840 GA
son of Henry Holland and Sallie
they moved from Nansemond Co VA to Jasper Co GA
d. Dr. Joseph Lawson Holland MD 1811 VA – 1865 Jasper Co GA
married 21 Mar 1836 Jane M Jordan ca 1811 –
e. Lavinia Washington Holland 4 May 1815 VA – 1 June 1864 GA
married 5 Sept 1837 Col. Burwell Lawson Jordan ca 1815 – 1 Mar 1870 GA
f. Clotilda Jane Holland 1818 VA –
married Henry Harrison Herrington
g. Dr. William Perrian Holland 1821 VA – d TX
married in Willis TX Jane Westmoreland ca 1821 –
married in Pulaski Co GA 1 Oct 1838 Lucinda Bryant
7. Levinea Holland 1786 – 12 Feb 1835 Jasper Co GA
married bef 1804 Willis Washington
married 2nd in 1817 John Cargile ca 1785 Stafford Co VA – 1819 GA
a. Renno B M Cargile
* married 11 Dec 1827 Lewis Connor Holland ca 1784 Suffolk Va – bef 1840 GA
he was first married to her sisters Millie and Elizabeth Mary
8. Randolph Scott Holland 1787 – 1816
a. Abigail K Holland 1803
married SH VA 3 Feb 1816 Thomas Sketchley
b. Bud Holland
c. George W Holland
d. John [Jack] Holland
e. Frank Holland
9. George Washington Holland July 1795 – 5 Sept 1844 Monticella GA
married 26 Jan 1816 Mary Ann Griffin 4 May 1799 – 8 May 1840 GA
they married in Nansemond Co VA and moved to Monticello GA in 1816
a. Richard O Holland 18 Jan 1818 – 8 Nov 1821 Jasper Co GA dy
b. Dr. Joseph Alfred Holland 29 Aug 1820 – 1873 Independence TX
married 16 April 1844 Sarah A Flewellen 3 Apr 1824 -13 Apr 1881 TX
c. Charlotte Elizabeth Holland 31 Sept 1822 GA –
married 10 Nov 1837 Hugh Parks Fitzpatrick ca 1818 GA –
US Senator
d. George Washington Holland Jr 30 Aug 1824 GA – 26 May 1904 Bremond TX
married 17 June 1845 Elizabeth Sarah Reese 22 Feb 1826 – 2 April 1886 TX
daughter of Cuthbert Reese and Tabitha Clark
e. Virginia L Holland 24 Sept 1828 – 15 Jan 1830 dy
f. Lucius Henry Holland 11 Oct 1830 – 23 June 1834 dy
g. Mary Ann Holland 6 May 1840 –
married Dr. Hardy Smith ca 1840 –
Joseph John Holland 1819 – aft 1900
& 1845 Cenia Eure ca 1815 – aft 1880
& first Mr. Pierce d. bef 1845
of Gates Co NC

Jos. J Holland was granted in Gates County, NC a marriage bond 9 Aug 1845 to marry Cena Eure.

David Powell in his Eure Family has Cena as the daughter of Levi Eure Sr.

Now Gabe Holland told me of a Joseph John Holland born Aug 1834 in Reynoldson twsp
He married 9 May 1857 Celia Hudson 17 Sept 1837 Hertford Co NC –

Children of J J Holland and Cenia Pierce:
1. William E Holland ca 1849 –
2. James Thomas Holland 15 Oct 1852 – 11 Sept 1927 ts
married 30 Jan 1878 Roxanna Parker 13 Feb 1842 – 29 June 1931 ts
married by John J Gatling, JP
3. J. Henry Holland ca 1854 –
4. Mary Eliza Holland 4 Mar 1855 – 25 May 1931
married 30 Nov 1876 Zachery Taylor Williams 26 Jan 1849 – 31 Oct 1925
son of Michael [Mike] William and wife Penelope

according to the Zachary T Williams’ Family Bible [Gates Co Bible Records]
Mary Eliza Holland, the dau of James J Holland and Cenie Pierce was born Mar 4, 1855, she being Zachery T Williams 2nd wife
Zachery T Williams and Mary Eliza Holland were united in Matrimony Nov 30 1876.
also Mary Eliza Holland Williams 2nd wife of Zachery T Williams died May 25, 1931

1850 census Hertford Co NC [Harrellsville]
269 James Holland 30 m Laborer
Celia 35 f
Elizabeth A 21 f
William E 11/12 m

1860 census Hertford Co NC [Harrellsville]
482 J J Holland 41 m farmer
_eno__ 45 f
WS 11 m
Jas T 9 m
J H 6 m
M E 4 f

1870 census Gates Co Reynoldson
Joseph Holland 52 m w farmer 300
Sarah Holland 58 f w keeping house
James 18 m w laborer
Henry 15 m w ”
Mary 16 f w at home

1880 census Gates Co Reynoldson
James J Holland self m m w 60 NC
Cena Holland wife f m w 55 NC

J T Holland m head 27 m worker on farm NC VA NC
Roxanna Holland f wife 37 m keeping house NC VA NC

1900 census Gates Co [Roduco]
Holland, James T H m Oct 1852 47 m 22
” , Roxanna W f Feb 1841 58 m 22 2/1
” , Harriet A D f Mar 1881 19 s [Annie]
” , Joseph J F m June 1819 80 wd.

Thomas Holland and his wife Roxanne are buried in the James Brown Parker family cemetery at Sarem.
The stones erected by their daughter:
Roxina Holland b. Feb 13 1842 – d. June 29 1931 He giveth His beloved sleep
Thomas Holland b. Oct 15 1852 – d. Sept 11 1927 He giveth His beloved sleep

In the 1850 census in Nansemond co
my orphaned uncle Timothy Hayes is 17 and listed in the
household # 146 of James M Holland 30
along with Harriet A Holland 25 f
Mary J Holland 21, Mary S Norfleet 21, Josephus Holland 3

Now a Joseph J Holland 48 is in household # 144 with Christian Butler 30 and her children.

James H Holland and Harriet Parker were issued a marriage bond 10 Dec 1841 in Gates County with Thos. E Riddick as bondsman.

James Holland
& 1812 Sallie Baker

clipped from the Hornets Nest, Murfreesborough, NC Dec 31 1812:
At Pitch Landing on Thursday evening last
Mr. James Holland to Miss Sally Baker . . .
at the same time and place
Mr. Lemuel Ely to Miss Betsy Boutwell

One thought on “Dr. Philemon Holland & Anne Payton”

  1. Trying to locate information on Mary Holland who marrired Joshua Peter Craven in 1698 on Fighting Cock Plantation. Daughter of Maj. John Holland. States she was born in 1670.

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