Saul Parker & First Wife & Charity Jenkins

dna results show this family belongs to the Haplogroup R1a1 rep. by p37

same as William PARKER, b 1696 Kirby Hill, North Yorkshire, England family#1

Saul Parker ca 1735 – 1786 | his parents
& ?first wife | her parents
& Charity Jenkins | her parents
of Northampton Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!
looking at research report of Rebecca Dozier

1777 Saul Parker bought 150 acres from Caleb Wooten [Hooten], a planter from Bertie Co NC
1780 Saul Parker was a witness to deed between Joseph White Jr and Amos Parker.
corrected transcription by Kathy Jo Bryant 5/24/06
1783 Saul Parker was a witness to deed between John Parker and Joseph Parker.
above records found in “The Deeds of Northampton Co. NC 1774-1787” abstracts by Dr. Stephen E Bradley

Estate of Saul Parker
Inventory 23 May 1786 by Charity Parker admx.
acct current 1786 Dec Ct 1789 by Charity Parker

Division of land among the heirs 20 May 1799
1. David Parker 58 acres of Bare Swamp
2. Amos Parker 58 acres adj. David Parker, Daniel Parker and Bare swamp
3. Daniel Parker 58 acres adj Amos Parker, Winborne Parker and Bare swamp
4. Winborne Parker 58 acres adj Daniel Parker, John Parker, and Bear swamp


Will of Winborne Jenkins Sr 4 Sept 1793 – proved Dec Ct 1793
lend my beloved wife Emma Jenkins the Land and plantation whereon I now live known by the name of Rudy Pond
to my son Winborne Jenkins;
to my son Benjamin Jenkins;
to my grand son Charles Odom;
to my grandson Winborne Odom;
to my grandson David Parker;
to my daughter Mary Stephenson;
to my daughter Charity Parker;
to my grandson Jason Ricks;
to grand son Winborne Parker
Exrs: sons Winborne and Benjamin Jenkins
Wits: Hudson Thompson, Dempsey Futral, Martin Hall

In an earlier will dated 1790 Winborne Jenkins Sr names his three Parker grandsons: Winborne and Daniel underage and David Parker of age. Kathy Bryant

Will of Emmey Jenkins 1 Dec 1796 – proved March Ct 1797
to my sons Winborne and Benjamin Jenkins
to my grand sons Charles Odom and Winborne Parker
my daughters Mary Stephenson and Charity Parker
my grandsons David Parker and Jason Ricks
Exr: my son Winborne Jenkins
Wits: Had. Thomson; Etheldred Futrill

Will of Thomas Futrell 27 March 1770 – June Ct 1770
to my loving wife Hannah Futrell;
son Exum Futrell;
son Dempsey Futrell – my grist mill;
to my daughters Charity and Meriam Futrell;
to my son Sanders Futrell;
to my daughter Emma Jenkins;
to son Jesse Futrell;
son David Futrell
Exrs: sons David, Sanders and Dempsey Futrell
Wits: John Futrell; Peter Brown; Benjamin Futrell

Will of Amos Parker 24 March 1799 – March Ct 1800
lend wife Mary Parker all my land etc..;
to my daughter Mary Brown; Henderson Parker; and James Parker; my grandson Daniel Parker; my daughter Martha Parker; Salley Jackson; and Pennine Newsom.
Exr: my friend William Copeland
Wits: Josiah Parker, Francis Elliot; John Boon

Will of Joseph Parker 9 Feb 1792 – proved June Ct 1792
wife Sarah; to my son Jeremiah Parker my plantation and lands [also items that had belonged to Saul Parker]; to son Josiah Parker; to my son Alexander Parker; to daughter Judith Parker
Exrs: my son Josiah and my Cousin Isaac Parker
Wit: Jacob Parker, Rhoda Jordan

1790 Census NH Co NC
Charity Parker 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16; 5 females.
Amos Parker 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16; 5 females
David Parker 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16; 2 females
1790 Census Hertford Co NC
Daniel Parker 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16, 3 females

1800 Census NH Co NC
Winborne Parker 1 male under 10; 1 10/16; 1 26/45; 1 f under 10; 1 26/45; 9 slaves

Child of Saul Parker & first wife:
1. Amos Parker d 1831
married Elizabeth Smith? ca 1790 –
a. Isaac Pipkin Parker ca 1812 –
b. Jesse Parker 8 Sept 1818 –
c. Charity Parker ca 1820 –
d. Joseph Parker ca 1823 –
e. Amos Parker Jr ca 1825 –
Norman Flythe : [In studying Miss Parker’s book] I find she has an Amos Parker for whom she has no ancestor but says he had a brother David who went to Texas.
His first son, Isaac Pipkin Parker, was born about 1812.
2nd son Amos Jr not dated.
3rd son Jesse Parker born 8 Sept 1818.
4th son Joseph. daughter Charity. .
. Amos’s wife was Elizabeth when he died in 1831.
Miss Parker has her as Miss Smith.

1850 Census Northampton Co NC Aug by Nichilos Boon
Elizabeth Parker 60 252
Charity Parker 30
Joseph Parker 26 overseer
Amos Parker 25
[Amos can read and write/ Elizabeth, Charity and Joseph cannot]

Children of Saul Parker & Charity Jenkins:
1. David Parker 1761 – ca 1814 Anson Co NC
married 1786/90 Elizabeth Andrews [Hays] 1767 – 1862
widow of Elias Hays
in 1822 Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews Hays Parker moved to Alabama
except Penelope and Temperance

a. Rebeccah Parker 25 Oct 1788 –
b. Lemuel Parker 4 April 1790 –
married Elizabeth Carpenter
c. Samuel Parker 1 Sept 1792 –
married Sally Beechekdate
d. Richard Parker 20 Jan 1795 –
e. Israel Parker 10 Dec 1796 –
married Catherine Carpenter
f. Temperance Parker 16 April 1798 –
married William Martin
g. Penelope Parker 12 Feb 1801 –
married John Martin
h. Sandrew Parker 30 Sept 1805 –
married Mary Reedy
i. John Miles Parker 7 April 1808 –
married Elizabeth Owens
Elizabeth married 1st 1783 Elias Hays, Rev War soldier
j. Elias Hays Jr 24 Dec 1783 –
2. Daniel Parker nfi
married bef 1790
a. son bef 1790 Hertford Co NC –
3. Winborne Parker ca 1760 –
married bef 1790 wife1755/74 –
a. son bef 1790 –
b. son 1790/1800 –
c. daughter 1790/1800 –

Sources include
“Twelve Northampton County, North Carolina Families 1650-1850” compiled by Rebecca Leah Dozier
“Records of Estates Northampton County, North Carolina” by David B Gammon
“Northampton County, North Carolina 1759-1808, Genealogical abstracts of Wills” by Margaret M Hofmann
“The Deeds of Northampton Co. NC 1774-1787” abstracts by Dr. Stephen E Bradley
US census of Northampton Co NC

Hi Sally,

I have been looking over documents about these folk. I bought two rolls of microfilm. I now believe it makes it quite sure, that the records on the two Amoses are defined. I am going to send you what I have found in the hopes you can give me feedback. I will be sending this in more than one email. This attachment shows Elizabeth Smith Parker with her children on the 1850 Northampton Co., NC census.

On the documents for this Elizabeth, there was a Solomon Smith who signed. According to Becky Dozier’s study, he is a son of Richard Smith. and Millie/Mildred Stephenson. There is also a Jesse Smith who signs. He is another son of Richard Smith. In 1813, my third great grandfather, David Parker, sold Joseph Smith some of his land in Northampton Co., NC. I believe this fills in a gap. I had wondered who this Joseph Smith was, and how he might be related to our Parker family.
I believe Elizabeth Smith Parker must be a daughter of one of these Smith brothers. She married Amos Parker. There were other Smith brothers mentioned in Becky’s book. Amos Parker, husband of Elizabeth Smith Parker, died in 1831. I now have copies of the documents pertaining to the disbursement of his estate.
I also have found the disbursement of Amos Parker’s (husband of Mary Farlee Parker) estate. On one of these documents, it gives Saul’s wife, Charity Parker as one of the persons who was dealt with, with past accounts. Please look these over carefully, and let me know what you think about my observations.
Thank you very much.
Kathy Jo Bryant


dna results show this family belongs to the Haplogroup R1a1 rep. by p37
same as William PARKER, b 1696 Kirby Hill, North Yorkshire, England 

Amos Parker ca 1715 – 1800 | his parents
& bef 1750/51 Mary Farlee ? – 1812 | her parents
of Chowan Co NC
& by 1764 Perquimans Co NC

by 1775 of Northampton Co NC

my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Amos Parker was an elder son of James Parker, son of John, son of Peter Parker who left will 5 Sept. 1716, prob 22 April 1720 Chowan Ct. per Mrs. Fouts.
(My mother always said that there were Parkers in Gates County that were not relatives.)

Mary was the daughter of James and Rachel Farlee per the will of James Farlee of Chowan Co 12 Jan 1750/51. naming his daughter Mary Parker . . . Amos Parker was a witness to the will.

Amos Parker was married to Mary Farlee/Farlow. Her parents were Captain James Farlee/Farlow, and Rachel Luton/Luten. Rachel’s father was Major Thomas Luton/Luten from Kathy Jo 12/06/14

Will of Amos Parker 24 March 1799 – March Ct 1800
lend wife Mary Parker all my land etc..;
to my daughter Mary Brown;
Henderson Parker; and James Parker;
my grandson Daniel Parker;
my daughter Martha Parker; Salley Jackson; and Pennine Newsom.
Exr: my friend William Copeland
Wits: Josiah Parker, Francis Elliot; John Boon

Will-Amos-Parker-1 Will-Amos-Parker-2

Children of Amos Parker and wife Mary:
1. Mary Parker
married 20 June 1795 Josiah Brown
2. Henderson Parker
3. James Parker
4. Saul Parker died 1786
married 1st wife ?
a. Amos Parker d 1831
married Elizabeth Smith ca 1790 –
married 2nd Charity Jenkins
b. David Parker by 1769 –
c. Daniel Parker est 1772 –
d. Winborne Parker est 1777 –
5. Martha Parker d 18 Sept 1824
6. Salley Jackson
7. Pennine Newsom
8. Samuel Parker d 6 Feb 1790
9. Tamar Burges d 20 Dec 1802

Rich Square Monthly Meeting page 24
Amos Parker d. 12 – 1- 1804 [died before March Ct 1800]
Mary Parker ” 9 – 4- 1812
Ch: Samuel d. 6 – 2 – 1790
Tamar Burges d. 12 – 20 – 1802
Martha d. 18 – 9 – 1824

19 Feb 1774 Mary Parker wife of Amos rec in mbrp.
16 Sept 1775 Amos and daughter Sarah rec in mbrp.
16 Dec 1775 Samuel rec in mbrp.
16 Aug 1777 Henderson rec in mbrp.
18 Dec 1779 Samuel dis mo
20 Oct 1780 Samuel con his med and rst
16 Mar 1782 Henderson residing elsewhere and dis proposing to one not of our society
20 Aug 1785 Mary recommended as elder
18 Apr 1788 Henderson con his misconduct and rst
25 Apr 1792 Zerusah, dau of Amos, m Samuel Hollowell at Rich Square mh
21 June 1794 Henderson reqt to Contentney MM [rem]
7 Mar 1795 Mary gc
18 April 1795 Mary prcf Jack Swamp MM
20 June 1795 Mary Jr m Josiah Brown

observations by Norma A Flythe 7/11/88 letter:
[looking at will of Amos Parker] note that his executor is William Copeland.
William Copeland was a Quaker who married Judith Parker daughter of Joseph Parker Jr who died in 1792.
Josiah Parker who was witness to will of Amos was brother of Judith.
Look at the original record of Amos Parker’s death in Quaker records.
It is here in the Quaker Library in Woodland.
The book has him dying in 1804 which is wrong.
His death is before the March Court in 1800.
the death of Mary seems correct since it says 5 Sept. 1812
and Wm Copeland shows Henry Sauls made a coffin 5 Sept 1812. JohnPeeleParker-

Hi Cousins,

I thought you all might enjoy this photo Howard and I took at the home of George Clarkson Parker last June. This is a family group photo hanging on the wall in the hall of George’s home in Bakersfield, CA. The couple in the middle is John Peele Parker, and his wife, Miriam Hill Parker. Starting at the top: 1.(Laura White Parker, & Clarkson H. Parker), next couples on outside edges of oval: 2.(John Oscar Parker, & Leora Jessup Parker), 3.( Benjamin Franklin Parker, & Mary Kinsey Parker), 4.( Alice Parker Chappel, & Thomas Chappel), 5.( Almira Parker Brown, & Oliver Brown), 6.(Samuel Murray Parker, & Florence Macy Parker). George descends from Clarkson H. Parker & Laura White Parker.
Don’t you think John Peele Parker, the man in the middle of the photo looks a lot like Grandpa Joseph Parker? John Peele Parker’s father was Samuel Parker married to Martha Peele.
Samuel was a son of Josiah Parker. This is the Josiah Parker whose name is on many of our Parker documents. Josiah’s father was Joseph Parker, and Joseph’s father was another Joseph Parker. In Ray Fouts book, she gives Thomas Parker as the father of Joseph Parker and Peter Parker. Peter Parker is given as the great grandfather of Amos Parker, who I have found is the father of our Saul.
So Josiah Parker and Amos Parker are cousins, according to Ray. Kathy Jo


It (China Cabinet) traveled from North Carolina to Indiana, then to North Dakota, then to California.
Samuel Parker was a son of Josiah Parker and Martha Peele.
John Peele Parker was a son of Samuel Parker and Rebecah Binford.
Thanks for posting this photo. I think it is a lovely heirloom. Kathy Jo

9 thoughts on “Saul Parker & First Wife & Charity Jenkins”

  1. My 3rd great grandparents were David and Elizabeth Andrews Hays Parker. I have their son Lemuel’s Bible. Lemuel’s son Joseph is my great grandfather. David is listed as a patriot in the DAR patriot book. If anyone has knowledge of his patriotic activities I would appreciate that information. My first cousin, Kathy Jo Bryant, has contributed to this site before.

  2. Hi ,
    I descend from David Parker (father, Edward married to Susannah Sharpe middle name Royall) and Salley Jenkins. Her father’s LW&T 1799 ,Halifax, VA and Parkers were on the North Halx 1796 and prior tax lists. Sarah /Salley had siblings, Mary, Elizabeth/Betsy, John Jr..
    I don’t know their mother’s name. James Daniel, Jr m. Ann Parker d/o Richard. Her sister, Elizabeth m. Lewis Jenkins. VA. I don’t know the relation between John Jenkins and Lewis Jenkins . Also, my mother’s other Daniel line has a Parker connection.
    My 3rd ggf, Josiah Daniel b Va 1756 d. 1830 Rowan, now Davie, NC married Priscilla Trent. Maybe his 2nd wife who he married in Campbell Co. Va. James Daniel married Ann Parker. I was told were Josiah’s parents. A Thomas Daniel was bondsman and Wm Hinton who married to Jemima Daniel, daughter of Peter Daniel and Mary Bailey
    was Josiah’s witness. I found 1787+ Rowan, NC deeds online that list Josiah, Josiah Jr, Woods on Daniel, etc. I descend from DrJohnWoodson and Sarah Winston’s son, Robert ” potato hole” Woods on. Maybe I descend from his brother, John Jr ” wash tub”.
    I also descend from Charles Ledbetter and Frances Randall. He was the brother of Rev Henry L. And Edy
    Clark, d/o Micajah Clark and
    Winnefred Buford day Gen B.
    and Penelope Bolling.
    Charles and France’s daughter, Elizabeth L. m. my 4th ggf , Col West Harris, Jr.
    Henry , her uncle, had a daughter, Jane L. Who married Shadrach Forrest, ggf of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.
    Thank you Sally for your beautiful site.
    PS: I descend from John Rolfe and #3 Jane Pierce.

  3. Yes, I have copies of the David Parker bible pages, including the marriage between Martha Hayes (1821-1900), the daughter of Elias P. Hayes and Mary Gulledge, to Joel W. Seago (1812-1882), who was the son of Dr. Joseph Seago (1774-1847) and Martha Gulledge (1788-1825), sister to Elias’ wife. What is rather curious is that Joel’s son, Henry Oscar Miles Seago (1844-1928) married Lemuel Hayes’ eldest daughter, Mary Frances Hayes (1850-1922), so they were apparently double if not triple cousins. Not only was her father Lemuel P. Hayes (1825-1862) a brother to Henry’s mother, Mary’s mother, Mary Jane Seago (1831-1877), was apparently the daughter of one of Joel’s brothers, James Seago (I suspect).

    But look at the census records between David Parker and Elias Hayes:

    1790 Northampton County Census, Vol. 26, pp 834-856
    (page 842) Elias Hays, (1,3,5, -0)
    One male over 16, 3 males under 16, and 5 females over 16. This would possibly consist of Elias Sr, his wife Elizabeth Andrews, along with 3 sons under 16 (including Elias Jr) and two daughters over 16.
    (page 846) David Parker (1,1,2, -0)
    One male over 16, 1 male under 16, and 2 females over 16. This would possibly consist of David Sr, his wife (name unknown), along with 1 son under 16.

    1800 Census, Halifax District, Northampton County, North Carolina, M32-34, pages 834-856 (August 4, 1800)
    Stamped Page 447/ Handwritten page 330, #27, Hays, Elias 11101; 011110 (no slaves) meaning that Elias had 1 male under 10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, and himself aged over 45; as well as one female 10-16, one female 16-26, one female 26-45, and one female over 45, and no slaves. This would also place Elias’ birth before 1755.
    Stamped Page 467/ Handwritten page 350, #31, Parker, David Jr 00100; 001000 (4 slaves) meaning he is 16-26 years of age, and his spouse is about the same age

    1810 Census, Elias Hays is neither in Northampton County nor Anson County. Thus, the assumption might be that he died between 1800 and 1810, unless he can be found elsewhere? But it seems clear that Elias Hays (born before 1755) was living 1790-1800 in Northampton County, North Carolina.

    Probably the best lead for our elderly Elias Hays is the person of that name found in Gates County, North Carolina in the 1810 Census (00001:04001), who could be our mysterious elder? This would place his age range over 45 years old, of his being born before 1765 thus ruling him out for the younger Elias Hayes (born 1785), and places the elder Hays just two counties to the east at Gatesville.

    Listing for a “Widow Parker” in 1820 Anson County Census might be David Parker’s widow, Elizabeth Andrews? Wilie Parker, Peter Parker, Lemuel Parker, and Elijah Parker also appear there in 1820, as does Joseph Seago (4200011101-4) and Nancy Seago (1000010001-002), James Seago, Lucretia Seago, John Seago Jr, William Seago. Lucretia Seago (alleged to have died in 1818) is quite likely the widow of John O. Seago, father of Dr. Joseph Seago, of Anson County.

  4. I really hate to throw a wrench into the works here, but I was curious whether any here had noticed that in the 1790 Census for Northampton County, North Carolina, enumerates an Elias Hays (page 842), with a family comprising 1 male over 16, 3 males under 16, and 5 females? Perhaps David Parker’s marriage to Elizabeth (Andrews) Hayes occurred later than we think?

    I might also suggest a correction to Eli Hays’ birth year, as 1785 rather than 1783, in observing the construction of the number “5” in other examples in those bible pages. In my possession is the Lemuel P. Hayes (1830) family bible, where gives that Lemuel P. Hayes (born 1825) was the son of Eli[as] and Marah Hayes, as well as the entries for the remainder of that family. Lemuel’s daughter, Mary Frances (Hayes) Seago (1850-1922) was my great-great-grandmother.

    1. Hi Richard,
      My cousin, Alan Parker has our great grandfather, Lemuel Parker’s
      old family Bible. It gives Elias Hayes, Jr.’s birth in 1783. David Parker married Elizabeth Andrews Hayes in 1787.

    2. I have been wishing I could find you again. I had lost contact with you. Let’s reestablish connections!

  5. Hi Sally,
    About 14 months ago, I discovered some new info. Amos Parker was
    married to Mary Farlee/Farlow. Her parents were Captain James Farlee/Farlow,
    and Rachel Luton/Luten. Rachel’s father was Major Thomas Luton/Luten. I can verify this info if you like. The best, Kathy Jo Bryant

    1. According to my brother’s research, Major Thomas Luton is an ansester of mine on my mother’s side. Do not know for sure how many children he had as my brother mainly followed the male side of the family. It is thought that Major Thomas Luton ( b.d. 1670) had married Col William Wilkensin’s daughter, Mary. don’t know if any of this is of interest to you or not.

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