Collingsworth Sanderlin & Mary

Sally’s great-great-great-great Grand Uncle:

Collingsworth? Sanderlin ca 1724 – 1758 | his parents
& Mary ? ca 1727 – 1764 | her parents
of Camden County, North Carolina

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Widow Mary Sanderlin died Camden 1764 [estate packet 1765 exists Pasq]

1754 Pasquotank County [Sanderlin]
James, John, Robert, Collingsworth

1755 Militia Capt. Griffan Jones Company; Col Robert Mundern Reg. Pasq.
Robert Sanderlin, John Sanderlin, Callensworth Sanderlin, John Sanderlin Jr.

1767 Pasquotank County [Sanderlin}
Devotion, Ezekiel, James, Maxey, John, Jr.

1769 Pasquotank County
Devotion, Ezekiel, James, Maxey, John, Jr.

1782 Camden County [Sanderlin]
Devotion, Ezekiel, Jacob, James [3x’s], John, Joseph, Levi, Robert, Thomas.

Children of Collingsworth? Sanderlin and wife Mary:
1. Maximillian Sanderlin ca 1744 – 1780
married ca 1758/60 first wife
married 12 April 1770 Pasq. Dorcas Pritchard
2. James Sanderlin ca 1746 – ca 1794
married Nancy ? [was she a Griffith?]
3. Ezekial Sanderlin ca 1749 – ca 1812
married unknown [was she a Miss Wilson?]
4. Devotion Sanderlin ca 1751 – bef 1819
married Sarah Staples
she married 1st Mr. Williams
5. Mary Sanderlin ca 1753 nfi
6. Joseph Sanderlin ca 1757 –

Pasquotank County Court Records: Book II 1747-1753

Dec 1745 Joseph Sanderlin recorded his mark as three slits in the right ear.

6 March 1746/47 B:40 Joseph Parisho to Joseph Sanderlin – manor.

1748 John Davis to Joseph Sanderlin – 100 acres.

Estate Packet for John Sanderlin died 1747 exists at the Archives in Raleigh:

It is also ordered that Major Jos. Godfrey, William Bell, & Charles Sawyer devide the Estate of the said John Sanderlin between the widow, Robert Sanderlin, John Sanderlin, Joseph Sanderlin, Collinsworth do, Priscilla Sanderlin, & Mary Sanderlin, they being first Qualified &ca and to make a report to the next Court.

Jul 1751: Mr. Samll. Heighe delivered up on Joseph Sanderlin a Prisoner and is ordered to be Committed to Goal.

In the name of God amen. I Mary Sanderlin of Pasquotank County and in the Province of North Carolina being in sound mind and memory and knowing the uncertainty of this life do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows.
First of all I give my Soul to God That gave it me and my body to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be named.
First–I give and bequeath to my son James Sanderlin a certain plantaion or tract or parcel of land beginning at a poplar on James Deshers line and running up Lauydens Creek Swamp by a line of marked trees to a gum in a slash there along a line of marked trees across broad neck and then binding on Robert Morgans line to the first station it being one hundred acres of Land, the same being more or less to him and his heirs forever, also two sows to him and his heirs.
Item–I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Sanderlin a certain plantation or parcel of Land Containing one hundred acres be the same more or less beginning at a gum in Williams branch and running up the middle of the said branch to a black oak then by a line of marked trees to a hickory and then running by a line of marked to a white oak and
from hence to a beach by ye said back line, then binding on the back line to a beach on James Sanderlin’s line then running down a line of marked trees to the first station given, the same to him and the heirs of his own and fer want of such heirs to my son Maximillian Sanderlin and his females. I give to my son Joseph Sanderlin a set of Turning tools and one grind stone and all my other tools, also three stocks of bees and one sow and piggs, to him and his heirs.
Item–I give and bequeath to my son Ezekiel Sanderlin the plantation whereon I now live lying on the north west side of Williams Branch beginning at a white Oak Willis Lufmans corner tree and running down the middle of the said Branch to the creeks swamp and then up the creek swamp to sandy Ridge. There binding on Willis Lufmans line to the first station. Containing sixty acres more or less to him and the heirs of his own body and for want of such heirs to my son Devotion Sanderlin and his heirs. also I give to my son Ezekiel Sanderlin one sow and five shoats, two stocks of bees and two young sows to him and his heirs.
Item–I give to my son Maximillian Sanderlin one horse and saddle one gun and one cutlass, one heifer of four years old and one heifer of three years old and my feather bed and furniture, two pewter dishes. three plates, Eighteen spoons, one iron pot, one frying pan, two young sows. also one sow and five shoats to him and his heirs.
Item–I give to my son Devotion Sanderlin one feather bed, bedstead and furniture, two young sows, one Iron pot and one skillet, one hand mill, one Soprano? Table, one cow, and one young heifer, two pewter dishes, one pewter bason. and three plates to him and his heirs: I order my Executor after my just debts be paid that the remainder part of my personal Estate be sold and the money to buy a man for my Son Devotion not breaking in on any Legacies in this my Will already Given or that I am about to give in the latter part of this my Last Will.
Item—I give to my friend William Williams, Senior the remainder part of my land contained in my pattent. That I have not already given the same beginning at a black Oak. standing at Sanderlin house bridge running up a branch and binding Kners lline and Thomas Sawyers Pattent line and from thence running and binding on the Pattent line of the said Land to a beach. Joseph Sanderlins Corner tree, Thence by a line of marked trees to a pine and from thence to a white oak and from thence by a line of marked trees to a hickory and from thence to the black oak of Sanderlin’s bridge it being the first Station. to him and his heirs forever.
Item–I give to my daughter Mary Sanderlin one yearling Cow, one young heifer of five years old. one of two years old, one Bell, Kettle, Mortar and pessel, one wollen wheel, one linen Wheel, two yound sows, one feather bed and furniture, and a parcel of Earthern and Delf ware to her and her heirs.
I do hereby appoint my friend Thomas Sawyer Esq. to be Executor of this my last Will and Testament ordering him my Just debts to pay and will to execute. Revoking all other wills by me formerly made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this day of August anno Dem 1762.
Mary [X ]Sanderlin Seal
Signed , sealed and delivered in the presence of us. her mark
Isaac Munden, Abner Harrison, Tulle Williams

[will was proved at January Inferior Court 1765 by Abner Harrison and Tulle Williams and ordered recorded. Book HIK page 40]

2 September 1780 Will of Maximillian Sanderlin -Book HIK Pasquotank Co. page 475 –
Wife Dorcas Pritchard; daughters Mabel and Sidney. Exec: Stephen Stafford and Devotion Sanderlin. Wit: Miriam Pritchard, Susannah Corey.

1790 Census – Camden Co, Sanderlin
Head of household over 16 under 16 females slaves
1 Elizabeth 1 — 4
1 Levi 1 1 4
1 Jacob 1 2 2
1 Joseph 1
3 Eli 1 1
4 James 3 1 2
4 Robert 2 4 4
5 Griffith 1 — 1 1
5x Devotion 2 2 2 8
7 Ezekiel 4 2 2 6
7 Nancy — 2 6 7
7x Isaac 1 — 2
7x Benjamin 1 1 2
7x Thomas 1 1 3

Descendants of Mary and Collingsworth? Sanderlin:

  1. Maximillian Sanderlin ca 1744 -died 1780 [on 1767 tax list Pasq]
    married 12 April 1770 Pasq. Dorcas Pritchard
    a. Mabel Sanderlin ca 1771 –
    b. Sidney Sanderlin ca 1774 –
  2. James Sanderlin ca 1746- [division 1794] [on 1767 tax list Pasq]
    married [Nancy] Ann Jones 1752 – 1793
  3. Ezekial Sanderlin ca 1749 – [on 1767 tax list Pasq] died 1812 Pasq.
    [listed Camden Co 1782] [1790 4 -2 under 16 -2 females -6 slaves]
    a. Asa Sanderlin died 1819 Pasq
    1817 rep Pasquotank Co in the NC Senate
    married [by 1809 M-164] Bridget Sawyer
    dau of Jeremiah died 1828 Pasq
    ? i. Asa died 1839 Pasq.
My father was Joseph B Sanderlin JR. Son of Joseph B Sanderlin,
whose father was ASA or ACEY Sanderlin — Gary Sanderlin, Oakwood GA
1910 census: Tanner’s Creek, Norfolk VA dist 73
Asa W Sanderlin m w 49 m2 17yrs NC NC NC Bridge Carpenter
Emily E ” wife f w 33 m1 17yrs 6ch 4 living VA VA VA
Joseph B ” son m w 16 s
Earl ” dau f w 13 s
Lillian ” dau f w 7 s
Elizabeth ” dau f w 3 s
1880 census Pasquotank Co NC
John W Sanderlin w m 44 farmer
Elizabeth w f 38
Asa W son w m 20
Frances dau w f 12
Thomas W son w m 8
Charlie son w m 4
Benny son w m 3

1860 census Tulls Cr Currituck Co NC
John Sanderlin 25 m Capt of vessel
Elizabeth 21 f
A W 4/12 m

1850 census Indian Ridge Dist. Currituck Co NC
Wilson Sanderlin 23 m merchant
Sarah 18 f
Thomas 21 m
Frances 17 f
John 15 m
Elizabeth 3/12 f

1840 census Indian Ridge Dist Currituck Co
Thos. Sandeling 1 0/5, 1 5/10, 1 20/30, 1f 10/15, 1f 40/50

1830 census Indian Ridge Dist Currituck Co
Trimigin Sanderlin 1 5/10, 1 10/15, 1 20/30, 1 40/50, 1f 10/5, 1 5/10, 1 20/30, 1 40/50

b. Wilson Sanderlin ca 1781 – 1825 Pasq.
married Mornin McPherson dau of Demsey
i. Demsey Sanderlin bef 1811 –
ii. McChristie Sanderlin [TN]
married Harriet Lurry
daughter of Wilson Lurry and Letishia Pritchard?
1. Katherine Sanderlin
2. Sarah Ellen Sanderlin
married Shelby Co TN 1856 Hugh Montgomery Blake
a. Hughla Altia [Alta] Blake 1873 –
married Joseph Westcott McMillan
i. Helen Mary McMillan 1901 –
married Dolph Carter Dodds
line of Debbie Dodds Durand
b. several children
iii. Wilson Sanderlin [TN]
1830 Montgomery County TN Sanderlin, Wilson 1 male 15-20, 1 male 50-60
c. Ezekial Sanderlin died 1823
married Thamer Sawyer died 1835 bkC/182
dau of Willis Sawyer [div 1810]
i. Willis Sawyer Sanderlin died 1834 bkC/159
married Patsy
ii. Isaac L. Sanderlin died 1839 bkC/248
married Maria
1. Willis Sanderlin
iii. Sally [Zilah} Sanderlin
married by 1838 Jarvis
d. Maximillian Sanderlin ca 1770 – 1800
married Fanny ca 1776 – aft 1850
[she then married John Greives & later Mr. Wood]

4. Devotion Sanderlin ca 1751 – bef 1819 [on 1767 tax list Pasq]
[listed Camden Co 1782] [1790 – 2 -2 under 16 -2 females and 8 slaves]
married Sarah Staples [she had first married Williams]
a. Malachi Sanderlin ca 1788 – 1850 rem. to Vigo Co, Indiana ca 1830
married Annis [heir of Robert Staples]
i. Devotion Sanderlin
ii. Robert Sanderlin
iii. Sarah Staples Sanderlin
married Simmons
iv. Joseph Allen Sanderlin died 1855 Phillips Co, AR
married 1845 [Shelby Co, TN] Evalina Fleming
5. Mary Sanderlin ca 1753 –
6. Joseph Sanderlin ca 1757 – prob bef 1790 Camden Co
[not on 1767 tax list Pasq] [on 1782 tax list-Camden]

One thought on “Collingsworth Sanderlin & Mary”

  1. Wow! Thank you for the great info. I have been researching my family history for quite some time. I just came upon yourr site. Sarah Jane Staples Sanderlin married John W Simmons and move to Kansas. They had a son named Robert. Robert married Mary Jane Drake. They had a son named Dennis. Dennis married Laura Evelyn Gust. They had a son named Vincent Dennis Simmons. He married Grace Byrd. They had a son named Vincent Henry Simmons. Vincent Henry married Sylvia Dreiling. They had a son named Greg Simmons. Greg married Barbara Pinegar. They had a daughter named Jessica. (Me) I live in Lawrence, Kansas.

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