Old Perry School House

“The most historical spot in this section is the ‘Old Perry School House’ site about 1.2 miles south of Rosemead. This School House was a gathering place for the whole community for miles around for more than fifty years. More than two generations held here schools, Sunday Schools, and religious services. Many of the largest religious revivals of this section of the County were at the old school house site. This site has been abandoned, and nothing remains except the reminiscence of the past. The writer, AJM Perry, now 72 years old was born and reared on a farm about 1 1/4 miles south of Rosemead. He received his first educational training at this ‘Old Perry School House.’ . . . Richard H Garrett was the first school teacher who taught school at the ‘Old Perry School House’ and was the first teacher of whom the writer ever went to school. — AJM Perry in his 1937 “History of Rosemead.”


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