70 Year History of the A&M Garden Club (Part 7b)

———59th year——–

1994-1995: Mrs. Robert [Sally] Koestler – “Enjoying Gardening”
– 66 members -GOLD CLUB – 9:30 a m 2nd Fri
meeting place: Aldergate United Methodist Church, 6 East Bypass, C S

Doris Franceschini conducting installation service at Arlene Wood’s home

1st VP: Peggy Barstow [program]
Ruby Morse [yearbook]
2nd VP: Amy Saylak [flower show]
3rd VP: Marge Watkins [hostesses]
Recording Secretary: Helen Morgan
Treasurer: Marianne Sugg
Reporter: Martha Wilhoit
Historian: Eileen Kramer
Corresponding Secretary: Eugenia Williams
Parliamentarian: Margaret Ann White
Members at Large: Doris Franceschini, Rosemary Boykin, Judith Schafer
Arbor Day Ch: Anna Archer
Awards Chs: Anna Archer and Judy Schafer
Pilgrimages Ch: Barbara Petty

June District Work Shop in Giddens – Our Team
l to r: Sugg, Schafer, Taylor, Koestler, Saylak

Aug. Tea ’94 at the Watkins


– The Club applied for awards on previous year’s work.
-The Club donated $500.00 to the Carnegie Library Xeriscape Garden Project.
– This project is a community-wide project in cooperation with a group of Clubs of Bryan.
– Arbor Day planting at Bowen Elem. School, Bryan, TX
This program won South Central Recognition for the club.

Judith Schafer and Barbara Petty
preparing for garden therapy at one of the nursing homes.


Our 55th Annual Flower Show
Theme “A Garden of Verse”
Chairman: Amy Saylak
Friday, 21 April, 1995
at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, CS
Hostesses: Jean Fuller, Dee Dee Lee, and Margaret Wainerdi
the show
This show received National Recognition Awards





Pilgrimage May ’95

Doris Franceschini being honored for 40 years
of outstanding service to this Club.
Ruby Morse is making the presentation. May ’95
Doris was an active member of the club until her sudden death 5 years later
two days after a pilgrimage with the club.


Evelyn Marie Branch
4 Oct 1927 – 3 September 1994
Club President 1991-92
Garden Club Memorial Service June 95
95gcJuneMB2 95gcJuneMB

Lucille Katherine Smith
1 Dec 1918 – 25 Dec 1994
planting the memorial rose bush for Lucille
at Waldon on Memorial


———60th year——–


1995-1996: Mrs. Robert [Sally] Koestler – 60 members
– “Enjoying Gardening” -GOLD CLUB –

meeting place: Aldergate United Methodist Church, 6 East Bypass, C S 9:30 a m 2nd Fri

1936-1946 1946 – 1951 1951- 1956 1956 – 1966
1966 – 1976 1976 -1986 1986 – 1996 1994-95 1995-96
1996 – 2002 2002 -2007

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