Sarem Christian Church

Sarem, Gates Co, NC

1925 -Sarem Christian Church located in the northwestern part of Gates County, NC. It was founded by Rev. H. H. Butler and Dr. W. W. Staley in 1897 after a revival meeting held in the neighborhood under a bush shelter. There were 20 charter members, and the cornerstone was laid 13 July 1898. Rev. R. H. Peele was the first pastor; Rev. J. M. Roberts of Windsor, Va. is now (1925) the pastor. The Rev. C. J. Felton of the Christian Church grew up in this community. Its present membership is 35. Sunday school superintendent, W. J. Felton. Those holding the office of deaconship are S. J. Felton, W.D. Langston, and W. J. Felton. Hertford County Herald 25 May 1925 & Gates Co Index 1933/34
(About 1941 the building was moved to Virginia Beach.)

Uncle Beaurie built his house next door to this church ca 1921.


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