Henry Lyon, Elizabeth Bateman & Mary

Sally’s 8-great Grandparents:
“the emigrant”

Henry Lyon 1620 [or 1624] – 1702/03 [or 1707/08] | his parents
& Elizabeth Bateman ca 1630 – pr 1689 | her parents
& ca 1689 Mary | her parents
of the old country probably southern part of England
& Milford CT; Fairfield CT & Newark NJ

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

“The origin and explanation of family traditions have been sought with the general conclusion, on the part of the writer of these lines, that very little weight can be attached to any tradition however persistent or widespread which is unsupported by independent historical evidence. It is necessary only for some imaginative person to make a plausible conjecture; on the morrow it will be repeated as his belief; the third day it will be quoted as matter of common hearsay. The conjecture need not be even plausible, so [long as] it is flattering to family pride.”
the words of Albert Brown Lyon, from the Preface of Lyon Memorial I: Massachusetts Families (1905)

“The tale of three ‘brothers’: Henry, Thomas, and Richard Lyon from Glen Lyon, Perthshire, Scotland, who were soldiers in Cromwell’s army on guard before Banqueting House at Whitehall 31 Jan 1648 and who witnessed the execution of King Charles I, and who then fled to America arriving in the colonies in 1648” is probably a romantic invention by Sidney Lyon who included it in her 1907 “Lyon Memorial” see website by Diana Gale Matthiesen her page on Henry Lyon.

But the following we can document:
1649 – Henry Lyon appears in Milford, CT where he is first on record Feb 24 1649 when he was admitted to Milford Church.
He married 4 May 1652, Elizabeth, daughter of William Bateman of Fairfield CT and was granted a home lot there.
May 28, 1654 he was dismissed from Milford to Fairfield Church.
In 1666 he came to Newark, NJ as one of its founders with the Milford Colonists.
At Newark he was the first Treasurer and first Keeper of the Ordinary.
In 1673-4 he removed to Elizabethtown, where he was a large land owner and a merchant of extensive interests.
Nov 5, 1675 he was a Member of the General Assembly.
August 11, 1681 he was appointed Justice of the Peace, [in the Colonial period equivalent to Judge of the Supreme Court.]
February 4, 1661 he was Judge of Small Causes:
February 28, 1681, a member of the Governor’s Council;
December 1682. Commissioner;
November 26 1684 Representative in the Council of the Governor, etc. etc.
Among his lands was 100 acres of upland since known as Lyons Farms.
He married a second wife, Mary C _____ about 1689-90.
Returned to Newark 1696 and died there in 1702/03 [or1707/08].

The Old Newark Burying Ground
“LYON, Mr. Henery – died 23 Mar 1707 aged 84 yrs”

from transcription of certified copy of Henry Lyon’s will made by Anna North in 1904
“Henry Lyon made his will 9 Feb 1702/03 and it was proved 9 April 1703.”

It appears there is an error in the transcription of the dates of either the gravestone or the will.

Children of Henry Lyon and Elizabeth Batemen:
1. Thomas Lyon ca 1652-3 Fairfield CT – fall 1694 Elizabethtown, NJ
married Elizabeth ____ died 1717
2. Mary Lyon ca 1654/55 Fairfield CT – p1684
married John Ward
3. Samuel Lyon ca 1655/56 Fairfield CT – 1706/7 Newark, NJ
married 1st Sarah Beach born 1654
married 2nd Hannah Pierson
4. Joseph Lyon 1658-60 Fairfield CT – 1726/7 Newark NJ
married 1st Mary Pierson
married 2nd Sarah Brown
5. Nathaniel Lyon 1663-64 Fairfield CT – 20 Dec 1700 Elizabethtown, NJ
married Mary ——
6. John Lyon 1665-66 Newark NJ – 1694 Elizabethtown, NJ
married Hannah Baldwin
7. Benjamin Lyon 1668 Elizabethtown – will 17 Feb 17i9/20 Newark, NJ
married Bethia Lindsley 4 March 1660 –
she married 1st Ebenezer Canfield 1649 – will 1694
8. Ebenezer Lyon 1670 Elizabethtown – 13 March 1739 Elizabethtown, NJ
Captain of the sloop “Three Sisters” from Amboy NJ to Boston MA 1723-5 and of “The Dove”
both buried in the churchyard of the old First Presbyterian Church at Elizabethtown

married 1697 Elizabeth Winans 1668 – 1 July 1739 ae 71
daughter of John Winans and wife Susannah Melyn
she was baptized in the Dutch Reform Church of New York City March 28/31 1671

Children of Henry Lyon and Mary C _____:
9. Mary Lyon 1690-1 Elizabethtown
10. Dorcas Lyon 1692-3

Will of Henry Lyon–1703:
Whereas I, Henry Lyon, Senior of Newark, in ye provence of East New Jersey being weak in body yet of good understanding and memory–Do make this my Last Will & Testament (hereby making all other will and testaments at any time by me made voyd and null) in manner and form following:
first, I bequeath by Soul into ye hands of Almighty God hoping for Salvation from ye Riches of his grace by ye atonement of Jesus Christ & through faith in his blood. Also I commit my body to the Earth Decently to be buried & there to Rest untill the Resurrection of ye Just. And for my Worldly Estate bothe Real & personal I dispose of as followeth–
Imprimis: I will & bequeath to my Loving Wife Mary Lyon Eighty pounds & also my will is yt my house & other buildings & Land & Meadow in Newark shall be kept for ye bringing up of my Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon untill they be eighteen years of age
& Also my will is yt my wife Mary Lyon & my daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon shall pay unto my four sons (viz.) Samll Lyon, Joseph Lyon, Benjamin Lyon and Ebenezer Lyon twenty pounds out of my living in Newark when my Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon shall be eighteen years of age,
& if my wife Mary Lyon do leave this house then my two Daughters afore’sd shall repay unto my wife what she payd of ye sd twenty pounds unto my four sons afore’sd.
2ndly. My will is & I do will & bequeath unto my two Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon to them their heirs & assigns for Ever my house Land & Meadow in Newark after my wife’s decease.
3rdly My will is yt if any one of my Daughters Dorcas or Mary Lyon shall dy before they come of age to enjoy ye aforesd Legacy of Eighty pounds & other things belonging to them my will is yt ye surviving Daughter shall enjoy it.
4thly I will & bequeath to my Grandchild John Ward twenty shillings,
unto my Daughter Elizabeth Lyon relect of my son Thomas, to her & her children twenty shillings.
Also I give to my Daughter Mary Lyon, Allas Potter, Relect of my son Nathaniel Lyon to her & her children five shillings.
5thly My will is & I do will & bequeath unto my son Samuel Lyon a double portion of ye twentie pounds yt to be payd out of this my living in Newark.
6thly My will is & I do will & bequeath to my Grand-Children Mary & Elizabeth Lyon Daughters of my son Nathaniel Lyon of Elizabethtown, to them & their heirs & assigns for Ever a certain piece or parcell of upland in Elizabethtown at my farm being in length forty rodds & in breath twenty rodds containing five acres to be more or less bounded by a highway S. East; S. West by Nathaniel Lyon’s land partly & partly by ye orchard & N. E. by Joseph Lyon as also one half of my orchard it is now already divided by Estimation being one acre & one rodd be it more or less bounded N. West by Joseph Lyon & S West by highway & S East by Nathaniel Lyon & N East by Sd five acres aforesd
& I give my son Joseph Lyon of Elizabethtown to him & his heirs & assigns for Ever free Egres & Regres into ye well of water in Sd Land
and I give unto my Grand-children aforesd ye Daughters of my son Nathaniel Lyon a piece of meadow by ye bound Creek. Beginning at a stake standing by said Creek from thence running South West to ye upland to a stake. Thence along ye upland thirty two rodds to a stake, from thence East half a point Northerly to sd bound Creek, bounded N West & S East by Benjamin Lyon, N East by ye bound Creek, South West by Joseph Lyon and one more acre of meadow beginning at a stake by ye bound Creek from thence running twelve rodds Southerly from ye stake running fourteen rodds Easterly from thence to ye bound Creek to ye first mentioned place and if there be any crop of corn or grain upon ye land at my decease my will is yt it shall return unto my wife, she paying rent for ye land after my decease.
7th My will is yt funerall charges just debts being payd & also all those Legacye’s before named yt then a true estimation being made of ye Remainder of my estate my will is yt my wife Mary Lyon, my sons Samll Lyon, Joseph Lyon, Benjamin Lyon, Ebenezer Lyon & my Daughters Dorcas Lyon & Mary Lyon shall have each of them an equal part.
8ly My will is yt my Loving wife Mary Lyon shall be sole executrix of this my Last will & Testament.
9ly My will is & do desire my loving friend Mr. John Treat & my son Benjamin Lyon to be overseers of this my Last Will & testament & I desire them to be assistants to my wife in gathering any debts also in paying debts where they are justly due. dated this ninth day of February, 1702 alias 3 and in ye first year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Anne & Queen &c.
Henry Lyon (seal)
Signed & sealed in ye presence of us Joseph Johnson Abraham Pierson Zopher Beach
Zopher Beach & Abraham Pierson, two of ye subscribing witnesses to ye within written Instrument came before me underwritten delegated for taking the probate of all Last Wills & testaments within ye sd province of East New Jersey & did Solemnly depose upon ye holy Evangelists of Almighty God yt they did see within named Henry Lyon sign seal & publish & declare ye within written Instrument to be his Last Will & Testament & yt he was of sound mind & memory, Jurat nono die aprille Anno Dom 1703. Coram me. Thomas Gordon (Ex.)
Liber H of Deeds, folio 140 &c. Office of Sec of State, Trenton, New Jersey, Certified Copy made by me 1904 Anna M North, Genealogist

Notes: Mr John Treat was the son of Robert Treat, the Captain of the Milford Company Zopher Beach was of the second migration, but Joseph Johnson (he beat the drum, morning and evening in the town in 1688) was the son of Constable Thomas Johnson who helped to measure the half bushels of tax wheat when Henry Lyon was the first town Treasurer of Newark. Abraham Pierson was the grandson of the Rev Abraham Pierson, the beloved pastor, who with Jasper Crane, brought the Branford families to the Passaic settlement.

From Lyon Memorial – Lyon Farms by S R Winans–Lyons Farms has a few interesting relics of the past: old boundaries unshifted since the 17th century surveys, old house sites and old wells like that at (6) deep and cavernous with a huge native stone for a cap belonging to the earliest period. A Chandler house preserved as a relic (7) is over a century old; while the old Meeker house (5) still used is something rare. It shows three parts one having the extended roof slope on the North and low stone wall, forming the ancient cool, above-ground store-room; its original cedar shingle siding is weathered thin and feathery; an excellent type among few remaining of the houses built at the first settlement, before 1700.

Re the Lyon Seal—This lion rampart may well have been taken from the earliest recorded Lyon arms, those which Baron John exhibited at the tournament at Duncastle 1314. “monar, John de Lyonnes arms d’argent un lyon rampant de goules.” Used on Samuel Winans, Will in Essex Co, New Jersey in 1744. The early scrivener stuck on his seal or any other till paper seals came in.

Grandchildren of Henry Lyon & Elizabeth Bateman:

Thomas Lyon & wife Elizabeth had:

Mary Lyon & John Ward had:
1. John Ward c1676
a. Lemuel Ward

Samuel Lyon & Sarah Beach had:
1. Samuel Lyon
2. Henry Lyon 1682-1735
married Mary Roberts
3. Joseph Lyon
married Mary Pierson
4. Mary Lyon
5. Sarah Lyon
Samuel Lyon & Hannah Pierson had:
6. John Lyon
married Elizabeth Riggs
7. James Lyon 1700-1775 Newport, RI
8. Hannah Lyon

Joseph Lyon & Mary Pierson had:
1. Abigail Lyon ca 1692 –
married Joseph Crane Esq
2. Mary Lyon ca 1695 –
married Nathan Foster
3. Elizabeth Lyon ca 1698 –
married Daniel Sayres
4. daughter Lyon ca 1701 –
married Samuel Sayres
Joseph Lyon & Sarah Brown had:
5. Joseph Lyon 1711-26 Aug 1772
married Sarah Cook

Nathaniel Lyon & wife Mary had:
1. Elizabeth Lyon
2. Mary Lyon
married Thomas Thompson Jr

John Lyon & wife Hannah had:
will mentions fower children and a child in essence

Benjamin Lyon & Bethia Lindsley had:
1. Benjamin Lyon 1695 Lyons Farm, Essex Co NJ – 7 Jan 1748 Lyons Farm
2. Joanna Lyon 1696 Lyons Farm – bef 1776
married Joseph Prudden ca 1662 Morristown NJ – 25 Sept 1776 NJ
son of the Rev. John Prudden and wife Grace
a. Rachel Prudden 1718 Morristown NJ – 20 Dec 1776 Morristown NJ
married 1735 Benjamin Coe 1709/12 Jamaica, LI NY – 1800 Tarentum PA
son of Joseph Coe and wife Judith
i. Ebenezer Coe ca 1736 Morristown NJ –
ii. Abigail Coe ca 1738 Morristown NJ –
married 4 July 1759 John Primrose
iii. Sarah Coe 17 Jan 1739/40 Morristown NJ – 14 Aug 1762
married 10 Mar 1757 Nathaniel Condit
iv. Phillip Coe 1742 Morristown NJ –
v. Phoebe Coe 1743 Morristown NJ –
christened 23 Dec 1743
vi. Patience Coe 1745 Morristown NJ – dy

christened 29 Dec 1745
vii. Uzal Coe 1747 Morristown NJ –
christened 7 June 1747
viii. Benjamin Coe 1748 Morristown NJ –
christened 6 Nov 1748
ix. Moses Coe 1750 Morristown NJ –
christened 7 Oct 1750
x. Peter Coe 1753 Morristown NJ –
christened 21 Jan 1753
xi. Patience Coe 1755 Morristown NJ – dy
christened 29 Feb 1755
xii. Rachel Coe 1757 Morristown NJ –

christened 6 June 1757
married 21 Nov 1773 Uriah Allen
xiii. Jane Coe ca 1759 Morristown NJ – 1826 PA
christened 22 Apr 1759, buried Old Salem Church, Westmoreland PA
married 1st ca 1778 Matthew Lamb – killed by an Indian
married 2nd 1782 Abram Fulton ca 1753 Ireland
son of Abraham Fulton and Margaret Gutherie of Articlave Londonderry Ireland
3 great grandparents of George Fulton

xiv. Elizabeth Coe 1761 Morristown NJ –
christened 19 Apr 1761
married Aaron Williams
b. Boice John Prudden ca 1720 Morristown NJ –
married Sarah
c. Peter Prudden 1722 Morristown NJ – buried 21 Apr 1777
married Joanna
d. Sarah Miller Prudden 1725 Morristown NJ –
married 16 Jan 1747 Benjamin Halsey
e. Adonirum Prudden 1727 Morristown NJ – buried 1776
married Mehitabel
f. Joseph Prudden Sept 1729 Morristown NJ – 20 Mar 1816
married 1769 Esther Ayres
g. Benjamin Prudden 1731 Morristown NJ –
married Miss Laton
h. Moses Prudden 1732 Morristown NJ – buried 11 Jan 1777
married 1754 Mary Morris
i. Joanna Prudden ca 1735 Morristown NJ – 11 Nov 1808
married 25 Jan 1755 Demas Lindsley
j. Isaac Prudden 1738 Morristown NJ – buried 20 June 1798
married 25 Oct 1769 Hannah Lum
k. Kezia Prudden 1746 Morristown NJ – 18 Sept 1776
3. Abigail/Anne Lyon

Ebenezer Lyon & Elizabeth Winans had:
will dated 22 Jan 1738/39, proved 17 Mar 1738/39. It mentions wife Elizabeth (bequest of fifty pounds, etc.) children Elizabeth, wife of Ephraim Clark; Darkis, widow of Ebenezer Stebbins; Susanna, wife of David Morehouse; Ebenezer Lyon and (?) wife of John Thompson grandchildren: Peter Lyon, Ebenezer Wade, Bethia Winans and Ichabod Clark, Elizabeth and Hannah Thompson, David and Joanna Morehouse, Samuel and David Man, Abigail and Jacob Stebbines.
1. Phebe Lyon
married John Thompson
a. Elizabeth Thompson
b. Hannah Thompson
2. Elizabeth Lyon ca 1701 – aft 22 Jan 1738/39
married bef 1718 Ephraim Clark II ca 1698 – aft 1740
a. Ephraim Clark III bef 1738/39 – ca 1812 Christian Co KY
married Mary
b. Nathaniel Clark d 1790/1800
married Agnes d. aft 1774
c. Ichabod Clark
d. Ryderus Clark
married Anna
e. Henry Clark 8 Oct 1732 – 23 May 1823 Christian Co KY
married ca 1757 Sarah [Sally] Jones 26 July 1737 VA – 1828 KY
f. Elizabeth Clark
g. Hannah Clark
h. Dorcas/Dorkis Clark bef 22 Jan 1738/39 –
i. Mary Clark aft 22 Jan 1738/39 – aft 1768
married John Hannah bef 1732 – aft 1 Aug 1767
i. Ichabod Hannah
ii. Richard Hannah
iii. Hannah Hannah
iv. Elizabeth Hannah
3. Darkis Lyon
married Ebenezer Stebbins d bef Jan 1738/39
a. Abaigail Stebbins
b. Jacob Stebbins
4. Susanna Lyon
married David Morehouse
a. David Morehouse
b. Joanna Morehouse
5. Ebenezer Lyon 1706? – living Jan 1739
married Abigal Kingsland
a. Peter Lyon 1722 – 14 Oct 1784
lived on Stony Hill south of Little’s Bridge NJ
a Benjamin Lyon, not his son, adm. his estate

married Joanna Clark 28 Dec 1728
sister of Elias Clark of Stony Hill
i. Benjamin Lyon 23 Sept 1741 Morristown NJ – 1836 Green Co PA
married 8 March 1777 Joanna Wilcox died 1810
1. Betsy Lyon born Monday April 27, 1778 –
2. Pheby Lyon born Friday November 10, 1781-
3. Sabia Lyon born Thursday December 9, 1783 –
4. Nancy Lyon born Friday March 30, 1787 –
5. Noah Lyon born Saturday March 27, 1790 –
6. William Lyon born Monday March 9, 1795 –
7. Juanita Lyon born Saturday December 13, 1810
(or Joanna, m. Ira French ?)
8. Peter Lyon
married 2nd Phila PA 1812 Gartery [Gertrude] Muncy [Shaw 2 ch] [Rogers 5 ch]
1. Matthias Lyon 9 June 1813 – aft
ii. Ebenezer Lyon 29 April 1746 –
iii. David Lyon who removed to Virginia
iv. Bethia Lyon
married 20 May 1770 John Potter
v. Joanna Lyon –
married 1782 John Blackford, died October 12, 1785
vi. Nathanial Lyon
married Mary Wilcox
vii. Susan/Susannah Lyon 22 Mar 1766 Stony Hill, Essex, NJ – ca 1820 Dearborn Co IN
married April 1790 John Cory 13 Jan 1762 Westfield, Union NJ – ca 1810 IN
son of John Cory and Phebe Miller
1. Elizabeth Cory 1800 PA – 1834 Dearborn Co IN
married John Herbert/Harbert 25 Oct 1799 PA – 31 May 1877 Johnson Co IN
son of Ebenezer Herbert /Harbert & Mary Magdeline Wallick

a. Parcus Harbert 1826 – 1865
b. Mary Harbert 1828 –
c. Phebe Harbert 1830 –
d. John Cory Herbert 1833 – 1891
line of Jim Herbert
viii. Phebe Lyon
married Jonas Clark
6. daughter Lyon d before Jan 1739
married Mann
a. David Mann
b. Samuel Mann
7. daughter Lyon d before Jan 1739
married Wade
a. Ebenezer Wade d before Jan 1730
8. Bethia Lyon 1711 or 13 –
married John Winans d 1766
a. Bethia Winans

Grandchildren of Henry Lyon and Mary _____:

Mary Lyon 1690-1 Elizabethtown

Dorcas Lyon 1692-3 –

Sources include:
“Benjamin Lyon, Revolutionary War Soldier, His Antecedents and Descendants” 1971 by
Lorene Jones Lyon of Stanfield, Arizona
“Lyon Memorial, Vol. II, Connecticut and New Jersey Families” 1907 by Sidney Lyon of Jeffersonville, Indiana

One thought on “Henry Lyon, Elizabeth Bateman & Mary”

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