
Sally’s Sources and Resources: [some of them]

Resources or Places Where I’ve Personally Searched:
The Library at Maple Lawn & cemetery at the Jones Hole
Cemeteries at Sarem, Powellsville, Mulberry Grove,
the old Rayner place
the old Sessoms Cemetery next door to Maple Lawn
Family Bibles of the Moore, Ward, Jones, Rayner families.
Grandmother’s notebook with the Rountree records
The Family History Center (both the branch in Bryan, Texas & Salt Lake City, Utah)
Bryan Public Library, Bryan,
Texas Sterling Library at A&M University, College Station,
Texas Montgomery County Library, Conroe,
Texas Clayton Genealogical Library, Houston,
Texas State Library in Austin,
Texas Archives in Austin, Texas
Fort Worth Public Library
Federal Archives at Fort Worth
Yale University Library
New Haven Historical Society
Mississippi State Library
Ithaca Public Library
The Library of Mary Cooper and the Ramblers
My Personal Library;
My many cousins and relatives
Elizabeth Public Library, Elizabeth, NJ
New York City Public Library
Library of UNC at Greenville, NC
Library of UNC at Chapel Hill, NC
Southern Historical Collection
Greene County Court House, Eutaw, Alabama
North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC
Gates County Court House, Gatesville, NC
Gatesville Library
Hertford County Court House, Winton, NC
Bertie County Court House, Windsor, NC
Albemarle Regional Library at Winton, NC
and for the past year, The Internet

Some People to whom I am indebted for their encouragement and assistance in compiling this collection:
Husband Dr. Robert Koestler now of College Station, TX – for among other things his computer know-how.
Bob, ham K3PSW, constructed his first computer from a Heath Kit back around ’66. and stays up with the state of the art.
He has added sound to his sites
Nephew James E Moore, – whose profound interest in family history beginning in his youth included interviews and correspondence
with many of our cousins now deceased. He is a virtual depository of family anecdotes and documents
Sister, Julia Moore Lawrence of Falkland, NC
Brother, Arthur Cotton Moore III of Maple Lawn, Ahoskie, NC -now deceased
Cousin Margaret Stevens Colvin of Leonardtown, MD – MOORE, COTTEN – deceased
Cousins J B and Blanche Parker of Gates, NC – PARKER Cousin – both deceased
John Daniel -deceased – of Rocky Mount, NC –JONES
Cousins Fran Bennett – deceased – and Janice Gage of Austin, TX – RAYNER Cousins
William and Marie Hand of Nacogdoches, TX – RAYNER Marie deceased
Cousin John Tyler of Roxebel, NC – COTTEN [now deceased]
Cousin Thomas Gale Moore of Stanford, CA – MOORE Tom’s Home page.

Mary C Cooper of Bryan, TX, -now deceased
Genealogy Instructor and founder of the Texas Research Ramblers
Edith Freeman Seiling of Gates, NC and the Gates County Historical Society
Tim Pyatt, Curator of the Southern Historical Collection at UNC, Chapel Hill, NC
Gertrude Revelle of Murfreesbor, NC and the Murfreesboro Historical Society
Lynn McCarthy of KY whose mother was raised in Powellsville, NC
Jimmy Holloman of Elizabeth City, NC who’s from Powellsville -deceased

Marla Webb of Sandy, Utah – COTTEN/COTTON
Jean Cotton of The Cotton Family Web Page

David Sparkman

Compilers of my family history have included
Cotten, Bruce, The Cotten Family of North Carolina, 1928 Wesson, Elba Cotten, Revised Ed.of Above, The Cotten Family of North Carolina, 1963
Crane, E. B, Geneology of the Crane Family Vol II 1900
Crawford, Lee Forney, William Webb Crawford, Dean of Birmingham Bankers,
Cross, William T, The Hunter Family, 1973
Edwards, Bruce Montgomery, The Cobbs of the Tidewater Hayes,
Arnold Edmund (now deceased) Hayes of Virginia & N. Carolina;
Bodie, HSF Vol XV
Hayes, B Barry, The Descendants of John Carter c1574-1630, Vintner of London in VA, NC & GA pre-pub
Hollowell, Lucy Elliot, Descendants of Dr Samuel Browne of Bertie, Northampton, Hertford Counties, NC, 1971
Hudgins, Edgar H, Hudgins -Virginia to Texas
Johnston, Henry Poellnitz, William R King and His Kin 1975
Lyon, Sidney Elizabeth, Lyon Memorial, families of CT & NJ 1907
Meek, Milton P, M D, James Jones Descendants & intermarriages 1612-1996 Jamestown, Va to N C & MS winter 1996
Moore, James E. his compilation included in Johnston’s, Wm R King
Mosher, Merrill Hill, John Freeman of Norfolk County, VA 1994
Mott, Harold, William Hunter of Nansemond County, Virginia 1994
Powell, Waunita, Three Richard Parkers of 17th Century Virginia,1992 FHC Salt Lake City
Rountree, Joseph Gustave, II, Rowntree and Rountree Family History 1521-1953
Sitterly, Charlotte Moore, Walton Notes, 1982, FHL
Walton, Britain W, Walton Chart, (P O Box 205, Edenton, NC, 27932) FHL
Wheeler, Albert Gallatin (now deceased) Wheeler Family in America ca 1905
Winborne, Benj. B, The Perry Family of Hertford County, NC 1909

Some Helpful Publications:
Alabama Records (Greene and Dallas Counties)
Almasy, Sandra Lee — Hertford County, North Carolina Wills several vols.
Ashe, Samuel A, ed, Biographical History of North Carolina, Vol 8, 1917
Atwater, Edward E. History of The Colony of New Haven, 1902
Boddie, John Bennett, Virginia Historical Genealogies
Boddie, John Bennett, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight Co, VA 1938
Boddie, Historical Southern Families
Bradley, Dr Stephen A.,
All of his abstracts of early North Carolina Records & various counties.
Burkett, Lemuel, History of the Kehukee Baptist Association, 1803
Butchko, Thomas R., Forgotten Gates, Gates Co Historical Society, 1991
Davis, Eliza Timberlake, Wills & Administrations of Surry County, VA 1671-1750
Delke, James A, History of the North Carolina Chowan Baptist Association 1806-1881, 1882
Fouts, Raymond P, Abstracts from the Edenton Gazette;
Fouts, Raymond P, Marriage of Bertie County, NC 1762-1868
Fouts, Raymond P, Vestry Minutes of Chowan County;
Fouts, Raymond P, Processioners Records Chowan County;
Fouts, Raymond P, Selected Parker Deeds of Gates County, NC;
Fouts, Raymond P, William Murfree Tax Receipt Book, Hertford Co., NC 1768-1770 (1993)
Gammon, David B, Records of Estates Bertie County, North Carolina. 2 Vol. 1992-93
Hart, Lyndon H, III, Surry County, Virginia Wills, Estate Accounts and Inventories 1730-1800
Hathaway, NC Hist & Gen Register, Haun, Weyenette Parks, Abs. of Bertie County Court Records (several vol.)
Haun, W P, Surry County Court Records Hofmann, Margaret M, Abstracts of Deeds Northampton County, NC 1741-1759, 1983;
Hofmann, Margaret M, Abstracts of Deeds Chowan Precinct 1696-1723;
Hofmann, Margaret M, Land Patents Province of North Carolina 1663-1729;
Hofmann, Margaret M, Land Patents Colony of North Carolina 1735-1764
Johnson, F Roy, The Little Known Stories from Maple Lawn, R.C. Daily News, Aug 7 1959
McKnight & Creech, A History of Chowan College, Murfreesboro, NC 1964
Moore, John Wheeler, History of North Carolina (2 Vol) 1880
Moore, John Wheeler, Historical Sketches of Hertford County 1887
Parker Brothers, Milestone Edition of the Hertford County Hearld 1959
Parker Brothers, R-C ’69, Progress Edition Thursday, Sept 11, 1969
Powell, David, Records and Remembrances of Hertford County, North Carolina; 1997
Reprint of John Wheeler Moore’s Historical Sketches of Hertford County, 1998

Powell, William S,The North Carolina Gazetteer, 1968
Powell, William S, North Carolina, a History,1977
Powell, William S, ed, Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, 1991
Weisiger, Benjamin B III, Prince George Co, VA Wills & Deeds 1710-1713 1992
Wheeler, John Hill, Historical Sketches of North Carolina 1851, 1974
Wheeler, John Hill, Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina c1883, 1966
Winborne, Benjamin B, The Colonial and State History of Hertford County, NC, 1906, 1976
Winslow, Raymond A (Editor) N C Genealogical Society Journal And Many Others — just about everything and anything I could put my hands on.

a list of sources for the Lawrence name given by Paul E Lawrence his web-site
(1) Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County Virginia by John Bennett Boddie, Copyrighted 1938;
(2) The Lawrence Family of England, Virginia, and North Carolina,
a manuscript compiled by Hugh Buckner Johnston, date unknown; found at the Virginia State Archives in Richmond, VA
(3) History of the Lawrence Family in England, Virginia and North Carolina, a manuscript by Kenan B. Lawrence, July 9, 1964.
found at the Virginia State Archives in Richmond, VA
(4) Historical Southern Families, Volume I.
(5) Part IV of Schuyler Lawrence’s Lawrence family record series Lawrence of Chelsea, Middlesex, and of Delafore, Ivor, Bucks 1570-1750, Baronets 1628-1714
(6) Part II of
Schuyler Lawrence family record series entitle The Lawrences, Squires of Ashton, Lancs., January 1936, found on micro-film at the New York City Public Library, Main Branch
(7) the Victoria History of Lancashire appears to substantiate Schuyler’s findings.

some Un-helpful publications:
“The Journal of John Cotton” noted to be in the possession of J. W. L. Matlock, 1968–the contents are totally unreliable. and the genealogy “facts” included in it are hopelessly scrambled and deliberately distorted. It is not in any way a good source for facts. Often its contents are pure fabrication. In the Tennessee Historical Quarterly Vol 28 #1 page 84 appears an article by Stanley J Folmsbee is a detailed analysis of the Cotten Journal.

Therefore Any and all publications that used the above “Cotten Journal” as its primary source is/are equally contaminated. (I hope I have removed all such “facts” obtained from these sources from these pages, let me know if I have not. Sally)

Note — I put this list together in 1998 when I published “Elizabeth Jones” for the family.
There has been many more places and people since that time and very little updating, [hopefully noted on the individual pages.] Sally
02 September 2014

10 thoughts on “sources”

  1. Hello,

    Can you please explain how the numbers work on William Murfree’s tax receipt book, or maybe what they mean and stand for? Also how old you had to be to get recorded.

    Thank you,

    L. Rasco

  2. I am a member of this family and would like to talk to you about some of the details and reference material if you wouldn’t mind

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