Richard Bond & Wife

Sally’s great-great-great-great-great Grandparents:

Richard Bond ca 1720 – 1795 | parents
& wife | parents
of Chowan Co, NC

Richard Bond was born ca 1720 son of Richard Bond of Nansemond Co, VA who died 1727-8. He was elected Vestryman of St Paul’s Parish, Chowan Co, NC in 1740, 1744, 1746, 1755, 1758 (serving through December 1760. He wrote his will 12 Feb. 1793. His will was proved Gates County, NC, Nov Ct 1795.
His wife is not mentioned in his will and probably she had predeceased him.

Children of Richard Bond: (from 1793 will)

1. Richard Bond ca 1755 – ca 1824 Gates Co
married 13 Oct 1785 Mary Blanchard died 08 Sept 1802
married 2nd 7 Feb 1805 Nancy Hinton 19 Dec 1822
2. William Bond died 4 Feb 1817
3. James Bond died prior to 1793
4. Sarah Bond
married Lassiter
5. Millicent Bond
married [James] Jones
6. Mary Bond ca 1734-c1792
married ca 1750 Maxey Minchew ca 1732-1789
7. Judith Bond
married Blanchard
8. Jerusha Bond
married Allen
9. Christian Bond
married Smith

In the name of God Amen. I Richard Bond Senr. of Gates County being of sound and perfect Mind and Memory (blessed be God) do ordain & make this my last will and Testament in Manner following.
Imprimis, I give & Bequeath to my son Rich. Bond the Plantation that I now live on with all the Lands thereto belonging on the North Side of Bennetts Creek Road, half of my new patent Land on the South Side of said Road, to him & his heirs for Ever.
Item I give to my son William Bond the Plantation on the South Side of Bennetts Creek Road, whereon he formerly lived with One half of the new patent Land adjoining the said Plantation to him & his Heirs for Ever.
Item, I give to my grand Children, namely, Hance, Henry, James, Lewis Bond & Jerusa Skinner, the Sum of Twenty five Pounds No. Carolina currency to be equally divided among them.
Item I give to my daughter Sarah Lassiter One Negro woman named Rosa with her increase for ever.
Item I give to my Daughter Millecent Jones One Negro Man by name Ned for Ever.
Item I give to my Grand Children, namely, Bond Minshew, Sarah Horton, Mary Spivey, Judah Williams, Cloe Haise, & Theresia Minshew, One Negroe Man by Name of Peter, to be equally divided among them.
Item I give to my daughter Judah Blanchard the sum of Ten Pounds No Carolina Currency.
Item I give to my daughter Jerusa Allen one Negro boy by name of Tom to her & and Heirs for Ever.
Item I give to my daughter Christian Smith the sum of Ten Pounds Currency.
All the rest & residue of my Estate be it what nature or kind so ever I give to be equally divided between my two sons William and Richard Bond.
And lastly I do hereby ordain & make my Two Son William and Richard Bond Executors of this my last will & Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 12th day February Anno Domini 1793.
his X mark Rich. Bond Seal

Signed, Sealed, published, & declared in Presence of
James Gregory, Jurat. David Rice, Jurat, Isaac Costen
Proved at November Ct 1795 by James Gregory & David Rice.

Grandchildren of Richard Bond will 1795:

Children of Richard Bond and Mary Blanchard:
1. William Bond 20 Feb 1790 – 18 Jan 1808
2. Henry Bond 11 Sept 1792 – 16 March 1848
married 5 Sept 1811 Elizabeth Harrell died 21 March 1823
married 2nd Anna M Hinton
a. James Fletcher Bond
married Mary Katherine Willey
i. Nina Bond
married James Burton Hathaway
1. Clarence Percival Hathaway, Sr.
married Harriett Susan Harrell
3. Mary Bond 1 Oct 1796 –
married July 1812 William Hinton
4. Julia Bond 20 June 1799 –
5. Sally Bond 12 July 1802 –
married 3 Nov 1818 Noah Harrell
married 2nd

Children of Rich Bond and Nancy Hinton
1. M (dau) Bond 20 Nov 1807 –
2. John Bond 16 April 1810 –
3. James Bond 9 Sept 1812 –
4. Pigly? [Peggy?] Bond 28 April 1816 –
5. Martha Bond 22 May 1819 –

Children of James Bond
1. Hance Bond
2. Henry Bond
3. James Bond
4. Lewis Bond
5. Jerusa Bond
married Skinner

Children of Maximillian Minshew and Mary Bond:
3. Theresa Minshew
4. Chloe (Clowey) Minshew c1767 Chowan Co -c1825 Gates Co
married 14 Nov 1789 William Hayes Jr
5. Judah Minshew
married Mr. Williams
6. Bond Minshew
7. Sarah Minshew
married Mr. Horton
8. Mary
married Mr. Spivey
(Mary could be Mary’s daughter by a first husband as she is not mentioned in Maxey’s will but is listed by her grandfather James Bond in his will)

One thought on “Richard Bond & Wife”

  1. Greetings
    Under your section of Richard Bond and Wife
    You list a granddaughter Mary Bond 1796- 1880 Married to William Hinton 1785-1835 Gates NC. Do you have any additional information on William Hinton or the children of this marriage. Hopefully you can point me in the right direction.
    Her father Richard Bond 1775-1825 m Mary Blanchard ( is listed as a Patriot of the Rev war by the DAR)
    I had been in touch with a few years ago and we are cousins thru the Hays family.
    Hope to hear from you again
    Deborah Lindsey

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