John Jones & Martha Carter

Sally’s 6-great Grandparents:

John Jones ca 1660/65 – 1736 | parents
& Martha Carter ca 1670 – aft 1736 | parents
of Bertie County, North Carolina

 my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Jones who died in Bertie County in 1736 was probably the son of the John Jones who left his will in Isle of Wight County July 1697 and his wife Anne (will 1704) who was probably the daughter of Henry Applewhaite. (Dr. Barry Hayes)

His wife, Martha Carter was the daughter of Thomas Carter ca 1652 – 1710 and his wife Magdalen Moore of Isle of Wight County, VA Could Martha be a 2nd wife???

Children of John Jones and Martha Carter:
1. Joseph Jones ca 1700 – 1771
2. John Jones ca 1702 – 1751 *
married Judith ?
3. Anne Jones ca 1704 –
married John Cotten ca 1695 – 1741 Bertie Co, NC
as his 2nd wife
4. James Jones ca 1710 – ca 1784
married bef 1740 Miss Carter
dau of Moore Carter & Jane Kindred
married 2nd ca 1760 Sarah Bridgers ca 1728 –
widow of James Cotten ca 1718 – 1758
5. Frederick Jones ca 1715 –
6. Prudence Jones
married Williams
7. Mary Jones
married Bonner

[a Frederick Jones made his will 18 Oct 1807 in Northampton Co proved Dec Ct. leaving a wife Betty and a son Howell Jones who were to be Executors. This will witnesses by Isaac Griffen, Henry Boon and Thomas Jefferson. ] could he be their son and this Howell Jones be the first husband of Elizabeth Jones???

Will of John Jones 17 March 1735/36 — proved May Ct 1736 Bertie Prect.

In the Name of God Amen I John Jones sen of Bertie Precinct in the County of Albemarle being sick in body but of sound and perfect memory: praise be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this frail and mortal life: do desire to settle things in order, first I recommend my Soul to almighty God from Whence it was taken and my body to be buried in such decent manner as my Executor hereafter named shall think fit —
Imprinis I give and bequeath to my Son James Jones one Negroe fellow called Mingo to him and his heirs forever —– and one feather bead and furniture that belongs to it as it stand and the half of my Wearing Cloaths and a pair of Long Silver shoe bucles and one small Chest lock and keo one Table and forme and all my shoemakers tools & all my Weaving gear Slayes and harness one Iron pot pair fire tongs one larg Stone Jugg one larg Stone mugg one Iron Candle Stick one larg punch bole Six glass bottles
Item I give and bequeath to my Sone Fredorick Jones my Plantation and the Land thereunto belonging to him & the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever only reserving one-third part thereof for the use of my Loving wife Martha Jones if she thinks fit to Live thereon.
Item I give and bequeath to my Son Fredorick Jones one Negroe fellow called Ned to him and his heirs for Ever and the Negroe Wench Called Rose only the use of the said wench to be for my wife Martha Jones during her widow-hood the two first Children that shall be born of the said Wench after the Date hereof the first I give to my daughter Mary Bonner and the Issue born of her Body: the second to my Daughter Anne Cotten I give and bequeath to her and the heirs of her Body Lawfully begotten for Ever the said Wench and all her Issue after; the two-first Children as before bequeath I give and bequeath to my Son Fredorick Jones & his heirs for ever. Item I give to my sone Frederick Jones four Cws and Calves, four yous and Lambs Six Sows and Pigs one spaide mare one feather Bead and furniture as it stands one Couch one table and Draws. ——- one Chest called my Chest one small trunk and money scales two iron pots and hangers one Irone Cittle Large frying pan and the other half of my wearing Cloathes four chears two new puter Basons two new puter plates one puter tankard three puter pots one pint one 1/2 pint one gill one iron Candle Stick two quart stone muggs six glass bottles one puter dish one carving knife one grinding stone one pair of hand mill stones one gunn to him and his heirs forEver
Item I bequeath to my son James Jones two new puter basons, two new puter plates one puter dish one puter tankard to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my wife Martha Jones three Cows and Calves and a year old heffer and all the household goods that was hers before I married hir.
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Prudence Williams one Negro girl called Mary and all her Increase to her and the heirs of her body Lawfully begotten and one breeding Mare Two Yews and Lambs two sows and pigs one feather bead and furniture as it stands Called her bead one larg trunk one spinning wheal one iron pot one box Iron one brass Candlestick two new puter Basons & two new puter plates one puter dish one puter tankard or pot two three year old heffers.
Item I give and bequeath to my grandson Abraham Jones one Negro girl called Nan and all her Increses to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my grandson John Jones one Negro girl called Judith and all her increas to him and his heirs for Ever one feather bead called my bead only reserving the use of the Bead to my Loving Wife Martha Jones during her Widow-hood one small Gun: to him & his heirs for Ever.
The remaining part of all my Movable Estate after my said debts and funeral expenses & the Legacies before bequeathed I Leave the use thereof to my Loving wife during her widow-hood and after her Widow-hood to be Equally devided into four parts one part thereof I give to my son Joseph Jones one part to my sone John Jones and one part to my Daughter Anne Jones and one-part to my Daughter Mary Bonner to them and there heirs for Ever. My will and desire that John Brown & John Battle and William Mears be and is hereby appointed trustees of this my Will to see the same performed, is before given without any order of court or praisment —– I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Sone John Jones to be my Whole and Sole Executor of this my Last Will and testament revoking and Disanulling all former Wills by me before made. Ordaining and making this only to being my Last Will and testament I Witness Where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixt my Seal this 17 Day of March One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty five.
John Jones [was seal]
Signed Sealed and Declared this to be his Last Will & Testament in presences of
P Hanford, James Dougles, jurat, Elizabeth [her mark] O Quinn, jurat

Bertie Precinct fr May Court 1736 / The aforewritten will of John Jones was Duly proved by the Oaths of James Duogles and Elizabeth Oquinn two of the subscribing Evidences thereto and at the same time the Executor Vizt John Jones Jun took the Oath by Law required. Test Jno Wynns, —–

transcribed by Sally M Koestler from xerographic copy of the original will from the NC State Archives 1999

1757 Tax List Bertie County
List taken by John Brickell
Joseph Jones, his son Abraham & Negro’s Toney, Abagail & Nan – 5
Thomas Eason – 1
List taken by Henry Hunter
John Freeman – 3
James Rhodes – 1
James Jones – 7
John Morris – 3
List taken by Edward Rasor
John Jones – 0 – 0 – 1
List taken by John Brown
Solomon Jones – NM Toney and Juperter – 3
Daniel Gray, Joseph Jones – NM Jeffrey – 3
Benton Moore, Arthur Moore, Charles Jones – 3
List taken by William Wynns
Peter Jones and his wife Elisabeth – 2
on List taken by Joseph Barradaill
Charles Jones
Benton More
on List taken by Jos. Jordan
Walter Jones – 1

James Jones ca 1710 – ca 1784 his parents
& bef 1740 Miss Carter her parents
& ca 1760 Sarah Bridgers ca 1728 – her parents
& James Cotten ca 1718 – 1758 his parents
of Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

James Jones received a child’s portion of Moore Carter’s estate in 1740.

There is this James Jones of Pitch Landing who I have also been told we descend from that died about/before 1784 who was married when he died to Sarah Bridgers widow of James Cotten and mother to Mary Jones the wife of Robert Montgomery. I cannot fit all this into the picture without a hitch somewhere. [My James Jones was still married to an Ameliscent when he died in 1783 and left children James, William, Winefred Hays and Sarah Wiggins.] Could the elder James Jones be his father who left Robert Montgomery and Sarah Jones as his executors? I have decided our James Jones of Pitch Landing is the nephew of this James Jones, son of his brother John.

Winborne says both: that Mary, Robert Montgomery’s wife was a Meredith from Murfreesboro and in another place that she was Mary Jones.

Children of James Jones and Sarah Bridgers [Cotten]:
1. Sarah Jones June 1762 – 30 May 1840 Carthage TN
(I think she was born in 1762 rather than 1763, we find women were forever removing a year or two off their age.)
married Hertford Co Dec 1783 William Walton 1760 – 6 March 1816 Carthage TN

2. Mary Jones 1 Jan 1764 – 4 July 1825 (headstone)
married ca 1780 Robert Montgomery 23 Feb 1758 – 31 Oct 1808

Marble stones of Robert & Mary Montgomery
near Montgomery’s Mill, Hertford Co, NC

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