
the lines of Bob Koestler

parents 2 :

#2 Melvin Joseph KOESTLER 1907-1979 & #3 Elsa Marion WESCHLER 1909-1993 of Roselle Park, NJ Elsa’s Recipes

grandparents 4:

#4 Samuel KOESTLER 1880-1960 & #5 Selma WEISS 1883-1960 of Elizabeth, NJ

#6 J. Charles WESCHLER 1875-1959 & #7 Hulda Eva MAYER 1882-1931 of New York City
their daughter: Anita WESCHLER – sculptor & artist

great grandparents 8: note: Bohemia is now part of the Czech Republic

#8 Morris KOESTLER 1849-1936 & #9 Jennie KRAUSKOPF 1845 – 1921 of Elizabeth, NJ and Bohemia
#10 Jacob WEISS 1847-1939 & #11 Anna HARTMAN 1850-1920 of New York City and Bohemia

#12 Marco Leo WESCHLER 1844-1894 & #13 Anna GOLDSTEIN 1854-1898 of New York City; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Alexandria, Egypt; Marseilles, France & Armenia
#14 Solomon MAYER 1854-1923 & #15 Sophie MAYER 1861-1944 of New York City; Jersey City, NJ and Frankfort, Germany

great. great grandparents 16: (15)

#16 Samuel KOESTLER ca 1815 – ? & #17 Teresa “Resie” STEINHARDT of Bohemia
#18 Rabbi Josef KRAUSKOPF 1807 – 1892 & #19 Ludmilla Federman ca 1819 – 1887 of Podmokly, Bohemia & 1869 New York City

#20 Leopold WEISS 1810-aft 1880 & #21 Barbara GANS ca 1818 – aft 1880 of NYC, Newark, NJ & Steingrube, Bohemia
#22 Karl HARTMAN 1817 -1893 & #23 Eva Adele STADLER 1823 -1892 of Bieschin, Bohemia & Manhattan NY

#24 Charles WESCHLER 1815-1890 & #25 unknown of Armenia
#26 Moritz GOLDSTEIN ca 1820-? & #27 Rachel GOLDSTEIN [JUSTER] 1825-? of Kairo, Egypt

#28 Hayum Joseph MAYER 1817-1899 & #29 Esther MAYER 1821-1899 of Jersey City, NJ & Frankfort, Germany
#30 Moses MAYER 1824-1904 & #31 Ernestine MAYER 1829-1906 of Jersey City, NJ & Neidenstein, Germany

great, great, great grandparents 32 (13)

#36 Marcus Krauskopf 17xx – 1838 &1801 #37 Anna Amelia Loch 17xx – 1807 Podmokly, Bohemia
#38 Marcus Federmann & #39 Hannah of Zihobce, Bohemia
#40 Joachim Weiss & # 41 Mina Hofner of Konigsberg
#42 Hermann Gans & Sabina/Sprinsel Schwarz of Neustadtl
#44 Moses HARTMAN ca1780-? & #45 Theresia WEIL 1780 – of Bieschin, Bohemia
#46 Benedict STADLER 1794-1845 & #47 Katharina FLEISCHMAN 1794 -1850 of Strazov, Bohemia

#56 Joseph MAYER 1790- ? & #57 Rees MAYER of Neidenstein, Germany
#58 Mayer MAYER 1790-ca 1855 & #59 unknown 1st wife of Neidenstein, Germany

#60 (a) MAYER 1805-? & #61 unknown of Neidenstein, Germany
#62 Mordische (Marx) MAYER 1801-? & #63 Jette (Yittle) LEVY of Neidenstein, Germany

4 great grandparents 64 (12)
#72 Isak Lobel Krauskopf & #73 Esther Markus of Drhovie, Bohemia
#88 Aron HARTMAN ca 1745 – 1825 & #89 Sara N. of Bieschin, Bohemia

#92 Jakob STADLER 1742 – 1834 & #93 Paulina STEINBACH 1759 – 1845 of Strazov, Bohemia
#94 Abraham FLEISCHMAN & #95 Barbara KOHNER of Strazov, Bohemia

#114 Isak MAYER 1747- ? & #115 Breunle ? of Neidenstein
#116 Isak MAYER 1747- ? & #117 Breunle ? of Neidenstein

#124 Isak MAYER 1747- ? & #125 Breunle ? of Neidenstein

5 great grandparents 128 (-)
#184 Isak Wolf ca 1717- ? and Katharina N. of Strasov, Bohemia

research of Elsa Weschler Koestler and others 12 February 2013
and the on going research in Bohemia by Magda Simonovska

4 thoughts on “Koestler”

  1. I am a direct descendent of Cornelius Campbell of inverness.
    I’m his 8x gr grandson, Michael W. Campbell.
    I nearly gave my self whiplash when I discovered your website and story about the campbells of Colerain, NC.
    I was just god-smacked. Fantastic story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ,for all the countless hours and days complying all the volumes of information into such a simple, understandable history of my people.

  2. Hi! This is Jeff Donaldson. My is family is (Donaldson-Slade) from Bertie County NC.The other day I tied to find Jone’s Hole Cemetery. I could not find it. The direction online did not help me. I found a plantation on Bethlehem Church Road or Moore Road. I think it was the wrong place. I need better directions to Jone’s Hole Cemetery. (I Peter 5:7)

    1. You continue past the house on the right for another mile and should come to the graveyard. It was in the garden of the old James Jones home at the Jones Hole. Almost all those old cemeteries were in the garden of their homes. The colored section and old slave grave yard was about 50′ or less to the left of the one now in the middle of a field. No one offered to clear that one when my father cleared our side of the cemetery
      Vegetation is relentless in trying to return the land to nature.

  3. Sally, I have lost contact with Sue Genes & Kendell Sparkman. Jesse Sparkman is my gggrandfather.
    Roger Morgan, Raleigh, NC

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