Cader Powell & Elizabeth


Cader Powell bef. 1715 – 1771/79 | his parents
& Elizabeth died bef 1772 – | her parents
of Bertie and Hertford Counties, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

In 1736 Cader Powell was the Executor of his father George Powell’s estate.

Children of Cader Powell, son of George died 1736 and Elizh.
1. Susannah Powell ca 1733 –
2. Mary Powell ca 1734 –
3. Ann Powell ca 1735 –
4. Charity Powell ca 1736 –
5. Rebekah Powell ca 1737 –
6. Susannah Powell ca 1739 –
7. Elizh Powell ca 1741 –
8. Lewis Powell ca 1743 – 1778 Hertford County NC
married ca 1765 Helen Cotten ca 1750 – aft 1790
9. Cader Powell ca 1745 – 1800/10 Bertie County NC
married Mary Jenkins

Ct Records of Bertie Co NC abstracted by Haun
11 May 1736 ~ The Last Will & Testament of George Powell was proved by the oaths of Wm. Moor, Charles Horne, Edmd Todd? the subscribing witnesses there to & Kadar Powell Exr. took the Exrs. Oath.
Wm. Moor overseer in the room of George Powell
9 Nov 1736 Inventory of the Estate of George Powell was Exhibited & proved by the Exr. Kadar Powell.
7 Feb 1736/7 ~ Ordered that perishable Est of George Powell be sold at Pub Vendue at the late dwelling house of ye sd Decd. on the 2nd Thursday in March next by the Exr. Cadar Powell nt.
10 May 1737 ~ Cadar Powell Admr of George Powell retd on Oath an acct. of the Sale of ye est. of Geo. Powell.
Feb 1738 Cadar Powell on jury to lay off road from the Head of Cashy Rd our of Sowell’s Road to Mamatock at ye mouth of Sandy Run, Norfleet agreeing to pay for Road.
8 Feb 1742 ~ Cader Powell proved his Rights to wit: Cader Powell, Elizh Powell, Susannah Powell, Mary Powell, Ann Powell, Charity Powell, Rebekah Powell, Susannah Powell, Elizh Powell, whites & Jack, Sambo & Bob blacks.
July 1758 ~ Kader Powell on Jury.

Colonial & State Records of NC Vol 4 page 522, Feb 25 1739/40
Cader Powell juror in Bertie and Edgecombe Counties lists

Chowan Co NC Deed Bk A-1 pg 227, Feb 28 1742 Cader Powell deeded to Robert Powell his half of land that had been given to George Powell and Robert Powell by John Powell.

Bertie Deed Bk G-546, 26 May 1753, Blake Baker to Cader Powell, both of Bertie County, 640 acres on Horskey Marsh, partly in Bertie and partly in Northampton Counties, granted to Henry Baker in 1723.

Bertie Deed Bk H-118, 1754, Bryan Daughtrey of Northampton County to Cader Powell of Bertie, 240 acres on North side of Powell’s Pocoson near Powell’s Branch

Bertie Deed Bk I-126, 24 Oct 1758 John Tyler to Cader Powell, both of Bertie, 320 acres on North side of Powell’s Pocoson near Moore’s Branch, Tyler’s line, Daughtrey’s corner.

Bertie Deed Bk K-158, 17 June 1762, William Snowden and Elizabeth his wife of Northampton County to Cader Powell of Hertford County, 175 acres in Bertie, fork of Cashey and Wartom, near Wartom’s Swamp, Robert Carter’s corner, Test: Lewis Powell, Abram Rice,

Bertie Deed Bk K Р223 Jonas Griffin of Bertie Co to John Moore of Hertford Co 23 Aug 1762. 47£ proclamation. 200 acres [messuage] which sd Moore sold to sd Griffin some time ago part in Bertie & part in Hertford, joining Fort Branch, Cow Branch, Long Branch. Wit: Ezekiel Perry, Cader Powell, Lewis Powell. Oct Ct 1762. CC John Johnston

Bertie Deed Bk L-172 Oct 1768, Cader Powell of Hertford County to Ezekiel Wimberly of Bertie County [the 175 acres bought 17 June 1762] Test: Demsy Powell, Cader Powell, Jr. James Gardner.

NCHGR 2-304, Cader Powell was a Vestryman of St Barnabas Parish, Hertford Co in 1771.

Powells on 1757 Tax List Bertie County
In John Brickell’s District
James Powell & Negro Pompy – 2
In John Campbell’s District
George Powell – 2
In Jos. Jordan’s District
Kador Powell and Negroes Jack, Bob, Pollendor, Moll – 5

Powell on 1768 Bertie County Tax List
William Powell 1 free poll

Powells mentioned in William Murfree’s Tax Receipt Book Hertford Co NC 1768-1770
Cader Powell p15 –
1769 Рto 6 Taxes; 1770 Рto 6 Taxes Paid by Prockl. 5£ 7sh
Demsey Powell p30 – pd father George’s taxes in 1770
George Powell p30 –
1770 Рto 5 Taxes Paid by Procl. P/r/. Son Demsey 1£ 16sh 8
Lewis Powell p93 –
1770 – to 2 Taxes
William Powell p128 –
1768 Рto 7 Taxes; 1769 Рto 6 Taxes; 1770 to 8 Taxes Pd by Prol 9£ 10sh

Cader Powell Jr ca 1745 – 1800/10 [ca 1796?] | his parents
& Mary Jenkins 1755 – ? | her parents
of Bertie County NC

Bertie Ct Feb 1784 Kader Powell, Esq appointed justice.

This Cader Powell married Mary Jenkins, a daughter of James Jenkins who died in Bertie County in 1796 and his wife Mary Cherry.

Children of Cader Powell Jr and Mary Jenkins:
1. Cader [Keder] Powell III 1775/84 –
married 30 Dec 1807 Nancy Coffield bef 1784 –
dau of Gen. Richard Carney of Halifax Co
a. Richard K [Carney] Powell ca 1808 – nfi
b. John Powell ca 1810 – nfi
c. Mary K [Carney] Powell ca 1812 – nfi
2. son aft 1775 –
3. son aft 1775 –
4. son aft 1775 –
5. six daughters ?

1790 US Census Bertie County NC
Willis Powell 1m 16+; 3m 16-, 1 f – one other free person, 6 slaves
Cadar Powel 1m 16+; 4 m 16-, 7 f – 15 sl

1800 US Census Bertie County NC
Willice Powell 2m -10; 1m 10/15; 1m 16/25; 1 m 26/45; 1 f -10; 1f 26/45 17sl
Cadar Powel 1m 16/26; 1m 45+; 1f 10/15; 2f 16/26 13sl
William Powel 1m -10; 1m 16/26; 1f -10; 1f 16/26; 1f 26/45

1810 US Census Bertie County NC
Cela Powell 1f 16/26; 1f 45+ 12sl
Jesse Powell 2m 16/26; 5 sl
William Powell 2m -10; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 16/25 -9 sl
William Powell 3m -10; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 26/45 8 sl
Eldred Powell 2m -10; 1m 10/15; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 16/25 2 sl
Samuel Powell 3m -10; 1m 26/45; 1m 45+; 1f -10; 1f 26/45 5 sl
Mary Powell 2m -10; 1 m 10/15; 1f -10; 1f 26/45 6 sl
Cader Powell 1 m -10; 1m 26/45; 1 f 26/45 3sl
Harrell Powell 1m 16/25; 1f 16/25 5 sl
Henry Powell 3m -10; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 10/15; 1f 16/25 6 sl

Will of Mary Cofield 13 Dec 1813 – Feb Ct Bertie Co 1814
“…being sick and weak in body…”
– grandson Slaughter Cofield Harrell – $400 and bed, to be paid him when he is 21.
– grandchildren Richard Wright Carney Harrell, Nancy Powel Harrell, Slaughter Cofield Harrell, Henry Harrell, Mary W Harrell, Sylvester C Harrell, Stephen W C Harrell, Celia W Harrell, Emilla Elizabeth Harrell
– Martha Maddrea and Slaughter Coffield Maddrea [children of John and Westcoat Maddrea’s]
– Robert Coffield, Polly Coffield, Nancy Coffield, Patsey Coffield, Emmily Coffield [children of Charles Coffield]
– Richard K Powell, John Powell, and Mary K Powell [children of Keder Powell and Nancy his wife]
– an equal proportion of the money arising from the sale of my estate, to be kept at interest until they are of age or marry, and then to receive their just proportion, also allowing a proportion to each of the children of Charles Coffield and Martha his wife who may be living at this time and not mentioned. All my real and personal estate should be sold by Moses Bishop.
EX: Moses Bishop
Wit: Benjamin Hampsted, Powell Harrell, Henry [x] Harrell
[abstract by David B Gammon]

Bertie Marriage Bonds [Fousts]
Powell, Cader & Nancy Cofield, 23 Dec 1807, WM Peale, bm
Powell, Cader & Celia Williams, 27 June 1827, James L Mitchell, George[x]Jenkins, bm

Bertie Deed Bk L-195 18 Sept 1769, Thomas Miers and Elizabeth his wife of Bertie County to Cader Powell Jr, of Hertford County, 540 acres on North Side of Cashey Swamp. Test: Demcy Powell, George Powell.

Bertie Deed Bk M -190 John[x]Rawls & his wife Mary[x] of Edgcomb Co to Arthur Harrell of Bertie Co 20 Feb 1775. 33¬£ proclamation. our part of land which had belonged to George Burnet dec’d where the relict of sd. Burnet now lives. Wit: Cader Powell, Demsey Powell, Lewis Powell. May Ct 1775. John Johnson CC

Bertie Deed Bk M-457, 24 Sept 1779 Cader Powell of Bertie County to Nathan Cullens of Chowan, 140 acres in Bertie; Test: George Powell, Demcey Powell,[ ack. at Feb Ct 1780]

Bertie Deed Bk M-561, 30 Jan 1779, Elizabeth King and William King, Exors. of the last Will of William King, dec. to Cader Powell, one lot in Windsor.

Bertie Deed Bk M-507 10 Oct 1780, Cader Powell of Bertie to Humphrey Hardy of the town of Windsor a half lot in the town sold Powell by William King.

Bertie Deed Bk P -92 3 May 1790, George Williams of Bertie to Cader Powell of same, land that belonged to Abraham Higgs.

Bertie Deed Bk P-110 7 Oct 1790, Cader Powell of Bertie to John Jenkins, a negro woman, Test: John Wimberly.

Bertie Deed Bk R-263 18 Oct 1796, Cader Powell of Bertie to Abner Eason, a grist mill and land bought of George Williams.

Estate of James Jenkins, Bertie County NC [from abstract by David B Gammon]
Inventory 18 Nov 1796 by James Jenkins Jr., mentioning a 1/3 share of land allotted to Mary Jenkins, widow, being land lying on Coneritsey Swamp.. . Account current Feb 1797 in which shares were paid to 1. John Jenkins 2. James Jenkins 3. Nathan Jenkins 4. Elizabeth Mitchell 5. the orphans of Robert Jenkins 6. Mary Powell 7. Martha Williford 8. Isaac Jenkins and 9. Mary Jenkins, widow of the dec’d.

Bertie Deed Bk R-272 29 Dec 1796, Nathan Jenkins, Abner Williford, Mary Powell, and Isaac Jenkins of Bertie to James Jenkins of same, 50 acres in the fork of Powell,s Branch, James Jenkins line. [In view of Cader Powell Jr’s deed of a negro man in 1790 to John Jenkins, it looks as though the Mary Powell of this deed was his wife, born a Jenkins.]

R:432-434, This indenture made the 2 October 1797 between John Jenkins (children of James who d. 1796) Cader Mitchell and Elizabeth his wife, Abner Williford and his wife Martha, Mary Powell, Isaac Jenkins, and Nathan Jenkins of the State North Carolina in the county of Bertie of the one part andJames Jenkins of the State and County aforesaid of the other part
Witnesseth that the said John Jenkins, Cader Mitchel and Elisabeth his wife, Abner Williford and his wife Martha, Mary Powell, Isaac Jenkins, and Nathan Jenkins, for and in consideration of the sum of 117 pounds to them in hand paid by me James Jenkins the receipt whereof he the said John Jenkins, Cader Mitchel, and Elisabeth his wife, Abner Williford and his wife Martha, Mary Powell, Isaac Jenkins and Nathan Jenkins doth hereby Acknowledge and by these present for themselfs their heirs Executors and administrators ___ ___ ___and discharge the said James Jenkins his heirs and assigns forever have given, granted,! bargained sold and do by these presents give grant, bargain, and sell unto the said James Jenkins his heirs and assigns all that tract and plantation piece or parcel of land theirs situate lying and being in Bertie County aforesaid lying on the East side of Con___ritay Swamp beginning at a popular standing in the mouth of the Rows branch thence to the brook to the head line on the Gilliard pocoson at head of Horsepen branch thence down the said branch the several courses to the swamp thence down the Swamp to the first Beginning containing by estimation 100 acres. To have and to hold the said Messuage lands…..hath in themselves good right full Power, and Lawfull authority to grant, Bargain, Sell, assign, and make over the hereby Granted Land and premises…
S/John Jenkins, Cader Mitchell, Elisabeth (X) Mitchell, Abner Williford, Martha Williford, Mary Powell, Isaac Jenkins, Nathan Jenkins
Signed, sealed & delivered in the Presents of Wilie Cherry, Martin Oliver.
Nov Term 1797 Proved in open court by the oath of Martin Oliver.

Bertie Deed Bk S-235 24 Aug 1800, Cader Powell to Willis Powell Both of Bertie __ acres

Bertie Deed Bk S-236 24 Aug 1800, Cader Powell to Willis Powell, 17 acres.

Bertie Deed Bk S-263 17 Nov 1800, Willis Powell to Henry Lee, the above 17 acres

Bertie Deed Bk S-362 10 May 1801, Cader Powell to Hodges Harrell, 4 3/4 acres.

Bertie Deed Bk T-28 23 Dec 1803, Cader Powell of Bertie to son Cader Powell __ acres on Cashey Swamp.

– —————
Powell of Hertford County

Powells on 1779 Tax list for Hertford County
in the 3rd District
James Powill 690 ac Land, New Entered Land, 3 Negroes under 5, 3 5/10 or 40/50, 4 10/40, 7 horses, 36 cattle, money total value 9490£
Shadrach Rutland Exor for Lewis Powell
Manner Plantation 400 ac, New Entd Land 900 ac, 4 Negroes under 5 or 50/60; 5 5/10 or 40/50, 6 10/40, 6 horses, 57 cattle, money Bonds etc total value 14490£
George Powell 50 ac Land, 2 Negroes 10/40, 9 cattle, 2 horses, money total value 2502£
Demsey Powell 200 acres Land, 1 Negroe under 5, 2 10/40, 4 horses, 12 cattle, money, total value 4789£

Powells on 1784 Tax list for Hertford County
In James Carter’s Company
George Powell 100 ac 1free pole 2 blacks
Demcey Powell 440 ac 1 free pole 2 blacks
John Tyler 150 ac Hertford Co, 300 ac Bertie, 1 free pole, 5 sl
Perry Tyler 1 free pole
In Job. Yeates’s Company
James Powell 888 ac Hertford Co, 1000 ac Orange Co, 1 free pole and 6 blacks
Charles Powell 1 free pole

1790 Census Hertford County
Powell, Shadrick 2m 16+ 5 sl
Powell, Anna 1m 16- 1 f 2 sl
Powell, Dempsey 1m 16+ 1m 16- 6 f 4 sl
Powell, Charles 3 m 16+ 3 m 16- 1 f 20 sl

1800 Census Hertford County
Kader Powell 1m 16/25, 1m 26/45, 1f 16/25, 1f 26/45 10 sl
Cotten Powell 1m 16/25, 1f 16/25 13sl
Abner Perry 1m -10, 1m 16/25, 1m 26/45, 2f -10, 1f 10/15, 1f 16/25, 1f 26/45 13 sl
Ann Powell 1m 16/25, 1f 45+ 4 sl
Alexander Powell 1m 16/25, 1m 26/45, 1f 15/26 1 other free person, 6 sl
James Powell 1m 45+, 1f -10, 1f 10/15, 1f 45+
Charles Powell 1m -10, 1m 26/45, 1f 16/25, 9 sl

1810 Census Hertford County NC
Cader Powell 3m -10, 2m 26/45, 1f -10, 1f 10/15/ 2f 16/25, 1f 26/45
Lewis Powell 1m -5, 1 26/45, 2f -5, 1f 16/25

1820 Census Hertford County NC
household of Kader Powell
3 boys under 10; 1 boy 11/15; 1 m 16/25; 1 m 45+; 1 f 26/45; 1 f 45+ 9sl
household of Lewis Powell 1m 26/45, 1f 10/15, 1f 26/45
household of Charles Powell 1 m -10, 2m 26/45, 1f -10, 1f 16/25, 1f 45+ 6sl

1830 Census Hertford County NC
household of Cader Powell
3 boys under 5; 2 10-15; 1 15-20; 1 20-30; 1 50-60 and 1 female 30-40
also listed further down the page
Abner Perry 1 little boy under 5; 1 15-20
Albert Powell 2 m 20-30; 1 little girl under 5; 1 female 15-20
on another page
Charles Powell 1 m 10-15; 1 m 20-30; 1 m 70-80; 1 little girl under 5; 2 females 20-30
another page
James Powell 1 m 20-30; 1 little girl under 5; 1 f 15-20; 1 f 20-30

1840 Census Hertford County NC
Godwin C Powell 1m 30/40, 1f 0/5, 1f 20/30
Samuel Powell 1m -5, 1m 5/10, 1m 15/20, 1m 40/50, 1f -5, 1f 20/30
Chas Powell 1m 20/30, 1m 80/90, 1f 40/50
J W Powell 1m -5, 2m 5/10, 1m 20/30, 1m 50/60, 1f -5, 1f 15/20, 1f 30/40, 1f 40/50

Census 1850 Hertford County NC page 302A
#243 Powell, G. C. 49, M, Laborer, none
Powell, Martha 38, F
Powell, James 9, M
Powell, Martha 6, F
Powell, Thadeous 3, M
Powell, Mary 4/12, F
#244 Perry, A. J. 45, M, Farmer, $3000
Perry, Martha 35, F
Perry, Jas. A. 16, M, Student, school
Perry, Jesse 12, M, school
Perry, John 7, M, Student, school
Powel, Wm. L. 19, M, Student, school
Simons, Mary 20, F
Slade, Peter 35, M, Overseer
Tyler, Mary 7, F
Ruby (Raby?), John 20, M, none, NRW
#247 Powell, J R 30, M, Farmer, $1500
Powell, Francis 24, F
Powell, Allis P 6, F
Powell, Francis V. 4, F
Powell, Jessia 2, F
Green, Wm H 82, M, none
Green, Cintha 60, F, VA [mother of JR]
#252 Everit, Mary 62, F, $3250
Grant, Sarah 20, F
Holliman, J R 26, M, Overseer
#253 Moore, Dr. G. C. 44, M, MD, $3000
Moore, Julia 34, F
Moore, John 17, M, Student, School
Moore, Jas W 15, M, Student, School
Moore, Ester C 12, F, School
Moore, Julian 10, F
Moore, Thomas 8, M
Conner, Sarah 40, F
Mashburn, Mathew 5, M
Vaughan, Jas 22, M, Overseer
#254 Powell, Dr. J. C. 32, M, MD, $2000
Powell, Emeline 21, F
page 307A
#321 Powell, Sarah 65, F, NC
Slade, Mathew 25, M, Labor, NC, NRW
#27 Griffith, Henry 32 m
” Susan E 45 f
Powell, William A 19 m
” Ellen 14 f
” Charles 12 m
” Frank 9 m
Eure, Martha 23 f
Powell, Judith 17 f
Bowers, Rebecca 19 f M
At Nov Ct 1849 Henry Griffith was appointed Guardian – William A Powell, Ellen S Powell, Charles H Powell, and James Francis Powell. [He had married James Powell’s widow.]

1860 Census Hertford County NC
#250 Powell, W.O. 33, M, Farmer, $100, $422, Hertford Co., NC, NRW
A.M. 32, F,
Powell, Geo H. 6, M, Hertford Co., NC
M.E. 3, F,
” Susan 2, F,
” O.A. 18, F,

#131 Powell, Samuel B., 35, M, Coach Maker $- , $100, Alexandria, VA
L.O. 27, F, Hertford Co, NC
M.E. 7, F, ” School
S.F. 5, F,
L.F. 3, F, Hertford Co., NC C.D. 1, F,
Bowers, Susan 17, F, M, Domestic
” Allice 1/12, F, M

#245 Mitchell, W.W. 49, M,Farmer, $6,000, $29,026, Bertie Co., NC
M.E.W. 36, F,
” M.J. 21, F, Hertford Co., NC
S.M. 17, F, ” School
Jas S. 12, M, ”
” J.P. 10, M?, ”
” A.H. 9, F, ”
” P.A. 8, F, ”
” Elizabeth 6, F, ”
” W.J. 2, M, ”
C.E. 1, M,
” Lurenda 75, F, Bertie Co., NC, NRW
Williams, Bettie 23, F, $-, $4,000 Bertie Co., NC
Early, S.A. 25, M,Overseer, ”
Powell, J.H. 22, M,Field Laborer, Hertford Co., NC

#364 Griffith, Henry, 41, M, Farmer, $3,000, $6,490, Hertford Co., NC
S.E. 50, F, ”
Powell, S.E. 22, F, $-, $2,000, ”
J.F. 17, M, ” School
Parker, Francis 20, F, $-, $2,000, ”
Wiggins, S.E. 15, F, $-, $2,200, ” School
W.N. 12, M, $-, $2,200, ” ”
Britton, Mary 10, F, ” School
Cent?, Henry 12, M, App. to Farming “

#576 Powell, Samuel 28, M, Farmer, $-, $50, Hertford CO., NC, NRW
M.J. 27, F, ”
” Cordy 5, M, ”
Susan 3, F, “

#579 Powell, C.A. 25, M, $200, $299, Hertford Co., NC, NRW
M.J. 28, F, ”
M.S. 6, F, ”
J.B. 3, M, ”
A.W. 2, M, ”
Chessum(?), Henry 58, M, M, $-, $50, ” NRW

#678 Powell, Martha 48, F, Farmer, $30, $85, Bertie Co., NC, NRW
J.R. 18, M, Day Laborer, Hertford Co., NC
M.E. 16, F, ” ”
A.T. 12, M, ”
M.E. 10, F, ”
N.A.Y.? 6, F, “

#952 Askew, Adolphus 32, M, Farmer, $500, $1,350, Hertford Co., NC, NRW
Lavinico 50, F, ”
” Abigail 18, F, ”
Jos 13, M, ”
Powell, Margaret 13, F, “

James Powell disappeared bef 1790
of Hertford Co NC

James Powell appears to me to be the son of William Powell

Powells mentioned in William Murfree’s Tax Receipt Book Hertford Co NC 1768-1778
William Powell p128 –
1768 Рto 7 Taxes; 1769 Рto 6 Taxes; 1770 to 8 Taxes Pd by Prol 9£ 10sh

In 1779 William Powell is not mentioned but James Powell appears in the list

1779 Tax list for Hertford County
in the 3rd District
James Powill 690 ac Land, New Entered Land, 3 Negroes under 5, 3 5/10 or 40/50, 4 10/40, 7 horses, 36 cattle, money total value 9490£

In 1784 Charles Powell is listed as a free pole immediately after James Powell.

1784 Tax list for Hertford County
In Job. Yeates’s Company
James Powell 888 ac Hertford Co, 1000 ac Orange Co, 1 free pole and 6 blacks
Charles Powell 1 free pole

Child of James Powell:
1. Charles Powell 1758 Hertford Co NC –

Charles Powell stated in his Revolutionary Pension Application in 1832 that he was born in 1758 in Hertford Co.
In 1834 he signed another petition “Hertford County, Charles Powell, in his 77th year swears he knew Winton before it was incorporated. He was born within five miles of Winton and since then has continued to live within that distance of Winton. . .”

1790 Census Hertford County
Powell, Charles 3 m 16+ 3 m 16- 1 f 20 sl

1830 Census Hertford County NC
Charles Powell 1 m 10-15; 1 m 20-30; 1 m 70-80; 1 little girl under 5; 2 females 20-30

. . . . . . . .. . .

George Powell 1716/20 – 1784/90 | his parents
& Anna | her parents
of Hertford County NC

16 May 1743 ~ George Powell appt Costable of Dist. and was reappointed for the next year.

Children of George and Anna:
1. Demsey Powell 1747 Bertie Co NC -1832 Davidson Co TN
married Elizabeth Perry
i. Thomas Powell ca 1790 Hertford Co NC –
both Thomas and Dempsey are on 1820 Census for Davidson Co TN
married 2nd Talitha Cotten Hobdy 1752 – 16 Nov 1846
daughter of Thomas Cotten and wife Patience Bridgers, widow of Robert Hobdy
Demsey Powell’s 1832 Will on file in Davidson Co., TN,
2. Jemima Powell ca 1758 – 1822/26
married 23 Mar 1775 Benjamin Harrill 1737 – 1809 Bertie Co NC
Bertie Co marriage bonds, George Powell, Bm

1790 Census Hertford County
Powell, Shadrick 2m 16+ 5 sl
Powell, Anna 1m 16- 1 f 2 sl
Powell, Dempsey 1m 16+ 1m 16- 6 f 4 sl
Powell, Charles 3 m 16+ 3 m 16- 1 f 20 sl
Jemimah Powell ca 1758 – 1822/26 | her parents
& 1775 Benjamin Harrell 1737 – 1809 | his parents
of Bertie County NC

Benjamin Harrell married Jemimah Powell 23 March 1775 in Bertie Co NC
Bertie Co marriage bonds, George Powell, Bm

Benjamin Harrell was born 1737?, and died Bef. Nov 1809 in Bertie Co., NC. He married Jemimah Powell 23 Mar 1775 in Bertie Co., NC, daughter of George Powell and Ann [Unknown]. She was born Bef. 1760, and died Bet. 19 Sep 1822 – Aug 1826.

Note: Acree family also related to Norfleet and Marmaduke Harrell families.

On October 13, 1785, Benjamin bought 12 1/2 acres from his brother, John Wimberly Harrell. This was John’s rights to land they inherited from their then deceased brother, Whitmell Harrell. On that same day, October 13, 1785, Benjamin bought 50 acres from his brother, John Wimberly Harrell – it was also land inherited from their father, Henry, in 1773.

Will of Benjamin [x] Harrell 30 June 1809 ~ Nov Ct 1809
–son George Harrell – land I bought of Edward Acree, and the land I bought of Sewell Holland [known as the pasture] and all my land adj. thereto which I bought of my brother Reuben Harrell, also a tract I bought of Wm. Cotten adj. Hodges, also the land I bought of Edward Acree adj. Moses Perry and Wattom Swamp.
–son Henry Harrell – land I bought of Wm Cotten, adj. Joel Jones, Isaac Parker, Wattom Swamp and Thomas Minton, said to contain 200 acres.
— son Powell Harrell – land where I now live in the fork of the swamp, provided the said Powell pay to my son Henry the son of $200.
— daughter Rachel Harrell – Negroes Hasty, Lewis, Little Bett, bed, cow, etc.
— son George Harrell – Negroes Jupiter and Jacob.
— son Henry – Negroes Bob and Peter.
— son Powell – Negroes Lydda and Boson. Negro Man Cary is to be divided between sons George and Henry.
— daughter Celia Carney – Negro Vina.
— daughter Winifred Carney – Negro Stephen. At the death of my mother-in-law Ann Powell my Negroes Violet and Priss are to be sold and proceeds divided between my sons George, Henry, and Powell.
— grandson Right Harrell – Negro Aimy.
— daughter Celia Carney – Negroes Patience, Thomas and Trece now in her possession.
— daughter Winnifred Carney – Negroes Priss and Lucy now in her possession.
— wife Jeminah Harrell – lend Negroes Cullen, Bettey, Rose and Mary for her lifetime or widowhood, also horses, riding chair, etc.
— wife $50
At my wife’s death or marriage my daughter Rachel may have my riding chair and harness.
— son Henry – the next child of my Negro Rose .
EX: son Henry
WIT: Joseph Horne, John H King
abstract by David B Gammon ~ “Bertie County, NC Wills”

Will of Jemimah Powell, Bertie Co., Sept. 19, 1822; Aug. term 1826.
– daughters Rachel, Winnefred and Celia,
– son Henry Exr.
Test, Mary Harrell.

Children of Benjamin Harrell and Jemimah Powell:
1. George P Harrell ca 1776 Bertie Co NC – 26 April 1826 Madison Co AL
married Mary [Polly] Coffield d bef 1850 Madison Co AL
dau of Slaughter Coffield and Mary ? Polly married 2nd Samuel Hatton
a. Slaughter Coffield Harrell
b. Henry W Harrell 1803 –
married Madison Co AL 28 Oct 1829 Sarah Johnson
c. Mary W Harrell 1804 –
married Madison Co AL 5 Feb 1827 Claudius F Harwood ca 1810 – 1843/46
d. Sylvester C Harrell 1806 –
e. Stephen W C Harrell 1808 –
f. Celia W Harrell 1809 –
g. George P Harrell 1817 – ca Feb 1867 Ark
married Madison Co AL ca 1843 Margaret Hendricks ca 1826 – 1855/59 Prairie Co Ark
married Prairie Co Ark 19 July 1859 Susan M A DeBerry ca 1831 Madison Co TN –
h. Emily Elizabeth Harrell 1820 –
2. Henry Harrell ca 1781 Bertie Co NC – Nov 1851 Rutherford Co TN
3. Powell A Harrell ca 1780 – 1837 Bertie Co NC
wrote Will 14 Jun 1837 – proved Aug Ct 1837 in Bertie Co., NC
Wm. Bishop Exr. Test, Perry C. Tyler, Wm. Britton.
married ca 1805 Celia Willoughby est 1780 – ca 1833
a. Ann [Nancy] P. Harrell ca 1810 –
married Madison Co AL 8 Dec 1832 Isham R Frost
b. Jonathan [John] P. Harrell ca 1817 –
married 2nd 3 May 1834 Harriet Rice ca 1806 – 1896
sister of Celia Creecy Rice – daughter of James Rice and Celia Yeates
In 1832 [sic] Harriet Rice and her second husband Absolam Rogers and their children, moved to Madison County, Mississippi. They and several of their children are buried at the Pearl River Church cemetery, near Canton. (THIS IS WILLIAM L. POWELL’S UNCLE – J.R. POWELL’S TOWN, CANTON. ~ Virginia).
c. Mary P. Harrell 3 May 1835 [sic] –
d. Hiram Powell Harrell 26 Sep 1836 Bertie Co NC – 7 Mar 1913 Kelford, Bertie, NC
married Elizabeth Sutton Tyler 22 Dec 1839 – 5 Sept 1868
daughter of Perry Cotten Tyler and Elizabeth Harrell
married 2 Jan 1873 Carolina [Carrie] Virginia Lewis 19 April 1836 – 31 Dec 1893
daughter of Watson Lewis and 2nd wife Frances Daniel
4. Rachel Harrell
5. Celia Harrell
married a Mr. Carney
6. Winnifred Harrell
married a Mr. Carney

e-mail from Tommie Jo Harrell

George Powell est 1690 – 1736 | his parents
Ann Conner
of Bertie County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of George Powell and Ann Conner:
1. Cader Powell bef 1715 – 1771/79 Hertford Co NC
a. Lewis Powell ca 1743 – 1778 Hertford Co NC
b. Cader Powell ca 1745 – 1810 Bertie Co NC
2. George Powell ca 1718 – 1784/90 Hertford Co NC
a. Demsey Powell 1747 Bertie Co NC – 1832 Davidson Co TN
married Elizabeth Perry
i. Thomas Powell ca 1790 Hertford Co NC –
married 2nd Talitha Cotten [Hobdy]
b. Jemimah Powell ca 1758 – 1822/26
married 1775 Benjamin Harrell
3. Lewis Powell ca 1721 Bertie Co – aft 1790 Roberson Co NC
4. Moses Powell ca 1725 – 1790/1800 Wilkes Co GA

Ct Records of Bertie Co NC abstracted by Haun
13 Nov 1724 Geo. Powell on Jury list
1732 – George Powell to settle dispute if a jury does not agree
13 May 1734 Jane? Powell widow Relect of Charles Powell prays to be granted administration on ye estate of her sd deced. husband, which was granted.
1734 Geo. Powell wit Deed of Sale Bailey & Hews to Jas. Rutland
Geo. Powell overseer of road in ye room of Eps Moor etc
12 May 1735 ~ The Petn. of Elizh. Weaver, setting forth that being a free woman she is detained by Edmd. Wiggons as a Servt. by Indenture illegally obtained by one Geo. Powell from the Petnrs. Mother praying relief therein & the court thereon on hearing the matter Declares the sd. Indenture Null & Void.
11 May 1736 ~ The Last Will & Testament of George Powell was proved by the oaths of Wm. Moor, Charles Horne, Edmd Todd? the subscribing witnesses there to & Kadar Powell Exr. took the Exrs. Oath.
Wm. Moor overseer in the room of George Powell
9 Nov 1736 Inventory of the Estate of George Powell was Exhibited & proved by the Exr. Kadar Powell.
7 Feb 1736/7 ~ Ordered that perishable Est of George Powell be sold at Pub Vendue at the late dwelling house of ye sd Decd. on the 2nd Thursday in March next by the Exr. Cadar Powell nt.
10 May 1737 ~ Cadar Powell Admr of George Powell retd on Oath an acct. of the Sale of ye est. of Geo. Powell.
Feb 1738 Cadar Powell on jury to lay off road from the Head of Cashy Rd our of Sowell;s Road to Mamatock at ye mouth of Sandy Run, Norfleet agreeing to pay for Road.

Will of George Powell 24 Mar 1735/36 – May Ct 1736
of Bertie Precinct “…being very sick and weak of body….”
– son Cader Powell – plantation where I now live and land adjoining it as far as the Meadowy Branch.
– son George Powell – all my land on the east side of the Grate Branch that runs by the plantation.
– son Lewis Powell – all land on the south side of the Meadowy Branch adj. my son Cader’s land.
– son Cader – Negro Jack.
– son George – Negro Sambo to be his when he comes of age.
– son Lewis – Negro Pegg when he come of age.
– son Moses Powell – Negro Cate when he come of age.
Rest of my estate to be divided among my children as they come of age.
Ex. son Cader
Wit: Wm. [W] Moor, Charles Horne, Edmund Dod
Abstract by David B Gammon

3 thoughts on “Cader Powell & Elizabeth”

  1. Would like to know of anyone with info on a Francis Powell of Northern Chowan, Perquimans or Gates Counties. NC. Mid to later 1700s.Would love to know where his land was and how he acquired it. Leanne Dooley

  2. Hello,
    I am a direct descendant of James Powell and William Powell. James is the son of William Powell. I am David R. Powell-Byer. My Dad is David R. Powell-Byer Sr. He was adopted by Jack Warren Byer after his Father Jackie Lamar Powell left home with severe ptsd after Nam.

  3. Hello, my name is Tracy Powell and have enjoyed reading through your collection of information. My ancestor George Cader Powell 1809-1881 and his wife Patience Caroline Powell were cousins that married. They are both related to this line. Patience Caroline Powell is the daughter of William Powell & Mary Cox. George’s father was Benjamin Powell 1751-1836 have you came across him in all your research. Here is all I have collected for him trying to find the right connection.

    Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.
    Thanks Tracy~

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