Capt. John Van Pelt & Maria Perrine

Capt. John Van Pelt ca 1691 – 1748 | his parents
& ca 1709 Maria “Mary” Perrine | her parents
of Staten Island, NY
& Bertie [Hertford] County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Jan “John” Vanpelt was born on Staten Island, NY bapt ca. 1691 New Utrecht, Kings Co, NY son of Teunis VanPelt & Elsje Hendricks.
John Van Pelt married abt 1709 in Manhattan to Maria “Mary” Perrine.

The VanPelts were sea captains of New York and established the river port called Pitch Landing on the Chinkipin Creek as early as 1725 which remained important to the folks of Hertford County until after the Civil War when boats got too big to travel the narrow channel to the port.

Cap. John Van Pelt died in Bertie County just before 7 June 1748 when his will was probated. The executor was his son, Daniel Van Pelt.
At the time, he wrote his will 22 Nov, 1734 his wife was Mary.

“The custom ports with their large warehouses were King’s Landings.
Van Pelts’ on Chinquapin Creek was such a landing.
It had been established by John and Jacob Van Pelt, New York Dutchmen, who began visiting Carolina around 1722.
They were mariner-merchants.
They bought 100 acres of land in Chinquapin Neck.
John was master of the Sloop “John and Mary”, built in New York 1732.
This sloop was owned by John Van Pelt and Paul Richards, New York merchants. The second customs’ warehouse in the vicinity of the Wiccacon River was on the Wiccacon and Catherine Creek near the present town of Harrellsville.
There was a short lived settlement, four miles above Murfree’s Landing on the Meherrin River that was called Pitch Landing, later known as Princeton.
Afterwards, Van Pelts’ on the Chinquapin Creek was called Pitch Landing and that name identifies the spot today.” Dorothy H Belnay in “Hertford County, the first two hundred years 1584-1789”

All merchant seamen, their ships and warehouses were subject to British Law and supervision of County Courts.
Inspectors were appointed annually and their responsibility was to inspect all cargo shipped in and out of the port.
Some of the items shipped were “flax seed, pork, beef, rice, flour, indigo, butter, tar, pitch and turpentine, staves, headings, lumber, shingles.”

Children of Capt. John Van Pelt and Maria “Mary” Perrine:
1. Mary Van Pelt bapt 22 Oct 1710 –
Maria “Mary” bap/chr on 22 Oct 1710 Manhattan
2. John Van Pelt bapt 6 July 1712 Manhattan, NY Co NY
– died aft 1790 Bertie/Hertford Co, NC [White Plains?]
Jan “John” bap/chr on 6 Jul 1712 Manhattan lived Bertie Co NC
1759 John Van Pelt granted Ordinary license to keep an Ordinary Victualling House at his now dwelling house etc. Danl. Van Pelt Secuty. [over about Pine Tree]
married Catrina Bowman

a. Ann Van Pelt
3. Teunis Van Pelt bapt 1 Apr 1716 – bef 1734
Teunis bap/chr 1 Apr 1716 Manhattan
(Teunis must have died before 1734 as he is not listed in his father’s Will)

4. Elsie Van Pelt bapt 15 Jun 1718 –
Elizabeth “Elsie” bap/chr on 15 Jun 1718 Manhattan
married John Allen in Bertie County
5. Daniel Van Pelt bapt 25 Dec 1719 – 1769 Hertford Co, NC
Daniel bap/chr on 25 Dec 1719 Manhattan
married Anne ?

Will of John Van Pelt, Mariner from New York 22 Nov 1734 — 1748 probate
Original copy with the SS of NC in the NC archives in Raleigh.

“In the name of God, Amen. I, John Van Pelt of the city of New York, Mariner, being in perfect health and of sound mind, memory and understanding, thanks be to almighty God for the same and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this life do make constitute ordain and declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following evoking and annulling by these presents all and every Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or in writing and this only to be my Last Will and Testament.
First, being heartily sorry for my sins past and most humbly desiring forgiveness of the same, I commit my soul to almighty God trusting to be saved through the merits of Jesus Christ, and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner where it shall please my executors hereinafter named to be. And as to the settling of the temporal estate as it has pleased God to bestow upon me, I do order give and dispose the same in manner and form following:
Item. I will and order that my just debts and legacies and funeral charges be first paid and satisfied within convenient time after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John, the sum of five pounds current money of New York in full for his claim, or pretense, of being my eldest son and heir at law, and as a barr forever to the same.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John all that plantation in Bertie precinct commonly known and distinguished by the name John Swains, to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel all that my plantations in Bertie Precinct commonly known by the names of Chinquapin Neck and John Wilson’s plantation unto him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughters Mary and Elsie all those my five lots of land in Bath Town to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever.
Item. All of the rest of my estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my said sons and daughters to be equally divided between them, share and share alike, to them and their heirs forever.
It is my will not withstanding the bequeath as aforesaid that my dear and well beloved wife, Mary Van Pelt, shall have hold and occupy possess and enjoy all the rents issues and profits and all benefits from my estate both real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever during her natural like, if she so long remain as my widow, and further it is my will and desire that no division be made of real and presonal estate during her widowhood but lye and remain under the command of my said wife, Mary.
Lastly I, the said John Van Pelt, have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and Seale in New York this the twenty second day of November in the eighth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith 1734.
Item. I do nominate constitute and appoint my loving wife, Mary, and my said son, Daniel, executors of this my Last Will and Testatment and that the same may be duly and truly performed.
John Van Pelt
Signed sealed published and declared by the testator in the presense of us:
Andrew Moore, John Pratt, and Henry Demeyer.”
“This day personally appeared before me Peter Payne who being duly sworn deposeth that the name John Van Pelt and that the names Andrew and John Pratt subscribing witnesses thereto are the proper writing of the said Andrew Moore and John Pratt and that they are both dead, that Henry Demeyer, the other subscribing witness is in the province of New York as this present is informed and believes, and the said Daniel Van Pelt, surviving executor of the Last Will and Testament of the said John Van Pelt, having taken the oath of executor and letters testamentary issue. June 7, 1748.”

1724 A-291 Martin Cromen to John Vanpelt of New York. 13 June 1724. 35£ for 200 A. on Casiah Neck on NS Herrin Creek. Wit: William Lattimer, Edward Wingate.

Feb 1725/26 D-262 John Gilbert & wife Sarah to John Holley Feb 12 1725/26. 120 A. for “love, good will and effection which we have and do bear unto our son-in-law and son John Holley . . .[two parcels] joyning together. . ” On SS Wiccacon Creek adj. John Morriss, John Vanpelt, “Bushes land ” …. Wit: John Wynns, Joseph Maynor. Feb Ct 1735.

Aug 1732 Bertie Ct The petition of John Vanpelt praying leave to build a grist mill upon Barbeque Swamp a branch of the Chickapin on the land of John Parker and Wm Badham whither most convenient. read and refd
Nov 1732 The petition of John VanPelt contd.

Feb Ct 1732/33 deed from John Willson to John Vanpelt was acknowledged.

1733 – Vestry minutes of St. Paul’s Parish, Chowan County, NC reveal I. VanPelt paid a fine of 15 sh. for prophane swearing.

1733 D-19 John Swenny to Capt. John Vanpelt. 17 Sept 1733. 100 A. “for some money discounted by Capt. John Vanpelt.” On ES Deep Branch. Wit: John Wynns, jurat. Nicholas Sessoms, Nov Ct 1733. John Wynns D. C/C

Jan 1733/34 D-44 John Willson (Wellson) and wife, Priscilla to Capt. John Vanpelt, Sen. 17 Jan 1733/34. 200¬£ for 640 A. on WS Chinkapin Creek at “upper most side of ” Miery Branch. Wit: John Wynns, jurat, Francis Browne. Feb Ct 1733. John Wynns D C/C

Aug Ct 1736 Upon petn. of John Vanpelt praying leave to build a grist water mill upon Barbeque Swamp on the land of Wm Badham and John Early ordered that the said Badham and John Early have notice according to law.

Aug 1736 read petn of Sundry Inhabitants about Looseing Swamp & Chinkapen Creek; granted and ordered that John Wynns, John VanPelt, Ffras. Brown, Fras. Mcclendon, John Keefe, Isaac Hill, John Mitchell, Sol. Alston, Allexr. Vollantin, Wm. Bush, Jer. Maglohon, John Smith, Nichs. Sessums, Tred. Keefe, Geo. Smith, Jos. Watsford do lay out sd. Road according to Law. John VanPelt overseer & to have Jer. Maglohons & John Wynns Companys to Clear the sd. Road & Build the sd. Bridge [Including his own hands who are Exempt from working on Chinckapin Road.

Nov 1736 ordered that a new jury viz: Robt. Warren, John Howell, Robt. Howell, Wm. Geo. Turnage, Henry VanPelt, Thos. Newburn, Wm. Yates, Thos. Yates, Jas. Holley, Law. Mague, John Cricket, Jonathan Miller, Chas. Ricketts, Meidy White, David Atkins, John Smith, Geo. Smith do lay out a road out of Stoney Creek road to Mr. Hansfords fferrey. Thos. Parker [or Barker] overseer & that the Inhts. working on Stony Creek Road do work thereon till next court.
— Fras. Brown overseer of Chinckapin Bridge &tc in the room of John VanPelt for ye ensueing three months.
— read this day again the Petn. of Looseing Swamp Inhabitants praying &tc. Ord. that John Mitchell, Benj. Warren, Jerh. Maglohon, Fras. McClendon, Thos. Jarnagan, Jno. Browne, Thos. Carrell, Thos. Byrd, Junr., Jacob Jarnagan, Rd. Williford, Benj. Sanders, Jno. Thos. Wm. Holy, Wm. Evans, Henry Bonner, Thos. Bonner, Jas. Maglohon do lay out sd. Road or any 12. Jer. Maglohon overseer 3 months & to have his own Company Including Capt. VanPelt’s Hands.

Feb 1736/37 Ffras Browne overseer of the New road & Bridge & to keeps fferry & to have all the western inhabitants of John Wynns Company Including Thos. Johnson & Henry Vollantine & John VanPelt.

Aug 1739 Jno. VanPelt to Jacob VanPelt a Deed ackd.

Feb 1739/40 Henry VanPelt overseer in ye room of Wm. Weston.

Nov 1740 Jacob VanPelt to Jno. VanPelt provd. Jurat Jno. Wynns.

Feb 1740/41 Ordd that John VanPelts hands be addd. to Nichs. Sessum’s Company.

1740/41 11 Mar John Van Pelt was granted 150 acres in Bertie County, joining the N. side of Barbeque Swamp, Thomas McClendon, a branch, and Green’s line.

Nov 1741 Jno. VanPelt overseer in ye Room of Nichs Sessums.
Jas. Jones overseer in ye Room of Henry VanPelt

May 1742 Dan– VanPelt on Oath provd. his rights Vizt: Daniel VanPelt, Anne VanPelt, John VanPelt white persons. Cate, York blacks.

1742 Crown (Gabriel Johnston, Royal Governor) to Isaac Hill 7 May 1742– 569 acres in Bertie County in Chinquapin neck, joining John VanPelt, Dennis McClendon, holly branch, Thomas McClendon, Scott and McHenry’s bounds, Nicholas Sessusms, and Williams line.

Feb 1742/43 Deed Book F page 515 Dennis McClendon, yeoman of Craven Co. To Richard Brown 4 Feb 1742/43. 30£ for 440 A. on S side Wiccacon Creek in Chinkopen Neck adj. John Early, Isaac Hill, William Lewis, Capt. VanPelt, Thomas Banks, John Wynns, Richard Brown. Wit: John Thomas, Benjamin Wynns. Aug Court 1743.

1743, 11 Nov – Daniel Van Pelt was granted 400 acres in Bertie County in Chinquapin neck on the West side of Chinquapin creek joining the sd. creek, the Low Grounds, and John Van Pelt.

1745 13 Aug – John Van Pelt presented plan of one acre of land laid out of Badham’s estate for a public Grist Mill.

1745 12 Nov – Benjamin Wynns and Daniel Van Pelt Pn-masters also Geo. Hughes and James Jones.

1747 Deed Book G, page129 William Bush of Johnston Co., yeoman to Benjamin Wynns July 18, 1747 50¬£ for 700 acres “. . William Bush, heir at law to John Bush late of Bertie deceased. . . ” In Chinkapin Neck on Wiccacon Creek adj. John Reed, William Perry, William Lewis, John VanPelt. .”whereon my Father & Grand father lived and died. . .: Wit: John Wynns, Isaac Bush, Francis McClendon.

1747 11 Aug – Will of Handrick Van Pelt was proven by oaths of Thos. Hansford and Alex. Vollentine.

1748 9 Aug – July Inventory of John Van Pelt’s estate by Daniel Van Pelt. included Negroes: Quismania, Hanover, Cesar, Carolina, Jinn, Jinn the younger, Philis, Rose, Hannah, Violet, Judey, Sarah, Dinah, Tom, Dover, Jupiter, and Boyce.

Daniel Van Pelt ordered to sell part of John Van Pelt’s estate.

1749 14 Nov – Ordered that John Wynns and John Smith clear Wicacon Creek from Daniel Van Pelt’s Landing to Benjamin Holliman’s.

Bertie County Tax List 1757:
List taken by William Wynns
John Vanpelt Schooner (?) – Quaminer, Hanover, Jemima – 3
Simon Vanpelt, Johannas Vanpelt – 2
Harmon Vanpelt – 1
List taken by Jos. Jordan
Daniell Vanpelt and his Son John and Negroes Hanover, Dick, Sesor, Tom, Jane, Hannah – 8

1759 John VanPelt granted Ordinary license to keep an Ordinary Victualling House at his now dwelling house etc. Danl. Van Pelt Secuty.

1768/70 Wm Murphree Tax Receipt Book
1770 Ann Van Pelt to 9 taxes
1770 Harmon Van Pelt to 2 taxes
1769 John Van Pelt to 5 taxes
1770 Peter Van Pelt to 1 tax
1768 Simon Van Pelt to 1 tax
1769 Simon Van Pelt to 2 taxes

11 Jan 03 – e-mail from Alan Lerwick
“Jan “John” Janse VanPelt h/o Aeltje Hooglandt never left NY
he died abt 1762 Richmond Co, NY
Capt. Jan “John” VanPelt, mariner that died circa 1748 Bertie Co, NC
was married to Maria “Mary” Perrine Jan & Aeltje according to baptismal records were sponsors of VanPelt Simonson
bap/chr on 13 Apr 1742 Port Richmond, Richmond Co, NY
s/o Simon Simonson & Sarah VanPelt
(NOTE: Sarah VanPelt was Jan & Aeltje’s daughter)Jan & Aeltje also according to baptismal records were sponsors of Maria
Byvanck bap/chr on 29 Apr 1730 New York Co, NC
d/o Evert Byvanck & Maria Cannon
(NOTE: Evert Byvanck was Aeltje’s son by her 1st marriage to Johannes Byvanck) all of John & Mary’s children in baptismal records
Maria “Mary” bap/chr on 22 Oct 1710
Jan “John” bap/chr on 6 Jul 1712
Teunis bap/chr 1 Apr 1716
(Teunis must have died before 1734 as he is not listed in his father’s Will)
Elizabeth “Elsie” bap/chr on 15 Jun 1718
Daniel bap/chr on 25 Dec 1719
(Daniel died abt Feb 1769 Hertford Co, NC)
these baptimal records are in the book –
“Volme II – Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical
Society” published in 1901


One thought on “Capt. John Van Pelt & Maria Perrine”

  1. I am searching for the parents of William Van Pelt, born about 1795 in North Carolina. I do not know in which county or who was his father. I cannot locate any birth records for that particular time. He moved to Columbia County, Pennsylvania, married a Catherine and raised a family. Any help would be appreciated.

    Love your website. It is warm and homey.

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