Nathan Britton, Sarah Baker & Janie Harrell

Britton of St Johns NC

Nathan Thomas Britton 1830 – 1900/10 | his parents
& 1852 Sarah Elizabeth Baker 1835 – 1898 | her parents
& 1899 Janie Harrell 1860 – | her parents
of St John’s twsp, Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Nathan Thomas Britton ca 1829 – aft 1900 St. Johns twsp farmer
he and father buried in the Britton family cemetery St. John’s twsp, Hertford Co, NC
son of Nathan, son of Jesse 1751- 1841 [NHCo, NC] and Susanna
married Sarah Elizabeth Baker ca 1834 – 1898
They were married at her father’s home by the Rev. William Patrick Britton in 1852
she was the daughter of Henry David Baker and wife Jane Newsome
Sarah Elizabeth and Nathan T Britton inherited land from Henry Baker and lived and died in St John’s
They had twelve children –
They were charter members of the St John’s Church built in 1883
Sarah died in 1898
Nathan Thomas married 2nd 1899 Janie Harrell and had one more child.
she was the daughter of Martha Baker and Marmaduke Harrell

He’s the Thomas Britton on the Hertford Co 1860 census #625 and listed as NT in 1870 and 1880

Children of Nathan Thomas Britton and Sarah Elizabeth Baker:
1. Sallie J Britton ca 1853 – dy
2. William Patrick Britton ca 1854 – bef 1920
married 2 Oct 1879 Lucy Ann Early ca 1862 – aft 1920
no children – nephew Russell G Harrell living with them in 1880
3. Thomas H Britton ca 1856 – bef 1920
farmer 1880 merchant store 1910
married 21Feb 1883 Martha E. R. Harrell 1861 – 1931/32
daughter of Marmaduke W Harrell and Martha A Baker
a. Wade H. Britton 1885 – never married
b. Clad T Britton 1888 –
married Hilda Owens and moved to Richmond VA
c. Lizzie/Elizabeth Britton 1894 –
married Baron Brown
d. Frank/Grant Harvey Britton 1899 – 1965
married Sallie May Askew
i. Ernest Thomas Britton died age 12
ii. Geraldine Britton
married Edwards
iii. Frank Harvey Britton Jr 17 Feb 1930 – 27 May 2005
married Ahoskie 30 July 1953 Shirley Rose Blowe ca 1937 –
iv. John Britton d 15 May 1997 6 grandchildren abd a great grandchild
John was a native of Hertforfd Co. and St. John’s Baptist Church where he was a deacon and a choir member.
He retired after 37 years as a tax assessor and collector for Hertford Co.
He was an Army Veteran of the Korean conflict.
A charter member of the St. John’s Fire Department serving from 1964 till his death
still living on part of Marmaduke and Martha Harrell’s farm, May 15, 1997 which was not far from Frazier’s Crossroads just behind Ahosike Inn
married Myrtie
1. Denise Britton Thompson of Ahoskie
2. Jennifer Britton Peede of Greenville
3. Heide Britton Jenkins of Murfreesboro
4. Tim Turner Britton of Aulander
e. Gordon Britton 1901 –
married Ambrice Futrell
daughter of Tommy E. Futrell and wife Pattie Harrell
4. Richard B Britton ca 1858 – farmer
married 21 Oct 1882 Sarah B. Blow 1886 –
a. Pearla Britton 1889 –
5. James Ellis Britton ca 1860 –
ancestors of Sally Mitchell
married Mary Lodge 11 children
a. dau Britton ca 1902 – -James, Cecil, George, Ruth, Laura, Mary, William, Robert. + 3 others
6. Henrietta E Britton ca 1862 –
married St Johns 10 Feb 1881 John H Harrell ca 1861 – bef 1900
son of Marmaduke W Harrell and Martha A Baker
witnesses where Henrietta’s uncles H.N. Baker and R.H. Baker.
a. Pattie Harrell Jan 1880 –
married 27 June 1901 Tommy E Futrell
b. Russell G Harrell Feb 1890 –
married Eula Baker
c. Jane W/Lola Harrell 8 Mar 1892 –
Lola in Bible
d. John Harrell Mar 1895 –
e. Lloyd N Harrell 1896 –
married Annie Laura Britton
granddaughter of Nathan T Britton
f. Bettie [Elizabeth] Harrell 1870 –
married June 1889 Junious Newsom ca 1865 –
St. John’s witness Jarrett N. Harrell ( Marmaduke’s brother)
Brode, Kate,Zola and Junious Z. Newsom Jr.
g. Richard Norman Harrell dy
Henrietta married 2nd 9 Jan 1908 Richard J Askew ca 1845 –
7. Debra Britton Nov 1863 –
married 1891 James N Harrell 25 Dec 1866 –
son of Marmaduke W Harrell and Martha A Baker
a. Weter E Harrell Oct 1891 – 1921 age 30
b. Jack D Harrell Sept 1892 – 1908 age 16
c. Henry Ceil Harrell Dec 1896 –
d. Bessie M Harrell Oct 1898 – ca 1996 almost 100 years old
never married
e. Norfleet Gladstone Harrell 1901 –
f. Rena J. Harrell 1903 –
8. Christina Britton ca 1866 – died in childbirth
married John Henry Leveman
one child
9. Maggie Britton ca 1868 –
married John Henry Leveman as 3rd wife
11 children
10. Martha E Britton ca 1870 – she and her child died in childbirth
married John Henry Leveman as 2nd wife
11. Charlie Nathan [ Nathaniel C] Britton ca 1874 –
married 1899 Lillie Teaster ca 1883 –
a. Grady C. Britton 1901 –
married Elizabeth Vaughan
b. Marvin T Britton 1904 –
c. Emma D Britton 1906 –
married John Lawrence Sumner Jr
d. Raleigh Britton 1907 –
e. Gladys Britton 1910 –
f. Sibyl Britton 1912 –
g. Verner? Britton 1914 –
h. Nancy Britton 1917 –
i. Thomas Jefferson [Bud] Britton 1919 – ca 1991
married Mary Hill — 5 children, 4 grandsons and 3 greatgrandsons.
[Mary Hill Britton/above writes we bought the Charlie Britton family farm between St. John’s and Menola [
j. Gertrude Britton 1921 –
12. John Turner Britton ca 1879 –

Child of Nathan Thomas Britton and wife Janie W Harrell:
1. Bernice Britton ca 1901 –
married Irvan Sumner
a. Edith Sumner
b. Jessie Sumner
c. Juanita Sumner

Dear Sally, It has been a while since I wrote to you to correct the Nathan Thomas Britton family but I have been a little “under the weather”. You asked for more information and I am going to try. Jesse Britton (Nathan Thomas’s grandfather was a revolutionary war veteran and he was born and married in The Isle of Wight county in Virginia He married Susanna there and some of their children were born there. His son, Nathan was born there before they moved to North Hampton in North Carolina. Nathan Thomas (Nathan’s son) was the only one who moved to Hertford County in St, Johns.(as far as I know) Nathan Thomas married Sarah Elizabeth Baker. (Henry David Baker’s daughter) at the Baker home(Which is still in good shape–owned by a person who let my daughter go in and look around. She was very impressed. There is a cemetary behind the house but it is so grown over that the only grave we could find was Thomas Baker’s. He died at the age of 32 and left a wife and 3 daughters. A daughter, Tucie died young. Tommie married Walter Futrell. Daughter, Fannie married Miles Sumner and Ada married my great Uncle Hunter Joyner. She was 23 and he was 56. They had 3 children, Willy, Ima and Robert. (my mother’s cousins) When Uncle Hunter died Ada married his cousin, Seth Joyner and they had one child, Wilmer. Now I’ll get to the real reason for this letter. (Henry D.Baker’s Family) I had the 1850 census but I seemed to have misplaced it so I’ll have to use my memory to try to get the order of the Baker children right. I think that you have one of the original copies of B.B. Winborne’s “History of Hertford County”. I have a copy too but my daughter had to go to Pennsylvania to get it. This is a quote from The Winborne book. “Henry was a brother of John Baker and they were sons of William Baker of Buckland Plantation–nephews of General Lawrence Baker (The war between the states) They lived in Winton. The Baker’s of the lower part of Hertford county are decendants of these men.” I am not sure if that means they are my husband’s ancestors or not but we do live in the lower part of of the county. Henry David Baker (born 1806)married Jane Newsome (born 1812) They had 9 children.No-1 Henry David Jr. who married a widow (Sally Ann Hayes Chambley) who had 4 children by her first husband. Two of her daughters married her husband’s brothers. His brother Thomas married Laura Chambley. ( I mentioned their children earlier) Sally and No-1 Henry D. Jr. had 4 sons that all died young. No. 2–Sarah Elizabeth and Nathan Thomas Britton had 12 children. ( Sarah Elizebeth Baker Britton was born in 1835. Nathan Thomas was born in 1830) They were married at her father’s home by the Rev. William Patrick Britton in 1852. No-3 Martha Ann Baker married Marmaduke Harrell. No-4 Hosea married Florence Jernigan. No-5 Richard married Ella hayes. No-6 John never married. No-7 James married Betty Chambley. No-8 Thomas married Laura Chambley. No- 9 Robert married Roberta (Birdie) Newsome. I don’t have a record of all the Grandchildren of Henry and Jane Newsome Baker but I do have N.T. and Sarah Elizabeth Britton’s children. They are as follows— No-1 Sarah J. (died young) No-2 William Patrick married Lucy Earley.(No children) No-3 Thomas H. married Martha E.B.Harrell. Children- No-4 Richard Burkette married Sarah Blow, Children: Pearla and others(Don’t Know) No-5 James Ellis married Mary Lodge. They had 11 children and I can’t name them all but these are the ones I knew–James, Cecil, George, Ruth, Laura, Mary, William, Robert. (not in order) and 3 more that I don’t know. No-6 Henrietta married John Harrell (Several children) No- 7 Debbie married James Harrell (several children)No-8 Christiana married John Henry Liverman. They had one child but Christiana died in childbirth. No-9 Maggie was John H. Liverman’s 3rd wife. They had 11 children. No-10 Martha married John H. Liverman(his 2nd wife–she and her child died when she tried to give birth. No-11 Charlie Nathan married Lily Thomas Teaster–children: Grady Charlie, Marvin Thomas, Emma Dunning, Raleigh Earl, Sybil Annie, Verna Marie, Nancy, Thomas Jefferson and Gertrude Lillie. No-12 John Turner. (All of the Harrell’s mentioned here were children of Marmaduke and Martha Baker Harrell and when Sarah E. Baker Britton died, Nathan Thomas married their oldest child, Janie and had one more child, Bernice who married Irvan Sumner. they had 3 daughters—Edith, Jessie and Juanita. My husband was Thomas J.(Bud) I have been a widow for 20 years and we have 5 children. 4 grandsons and 3 greatgrandsons. I can send all their names later if I haven’t already done so. Mary H. Britton
1880 St. John’s, Hertford Co., N.C.

N(athaniel?) T(homas?)age 51/ all N.C.
wife Sarah E. wife, age 46,/ all N.C.
Thomas H. , son, age 24
Richard B., son, age 22
James E., son, age 20,
Henrietta, dau. age 19,
Debra, dau, age 16
Christana, dau . 14
Magga, dau. age 12
Nathaniel C., son, age 7
John G. son age 1

Mary Britton has Henrietta’s bible and it says she had 6 children.

Pattie, (b. Jan 1888)/ m. Tommy Futrell
Russell, (b.Feb. 1890 )/ m. Eula Baker
Lola, (March 8, 1892)
John ( March 1895)
Lloyd (1896) m. Ann Laura Britton
Berttie( Elizabeth), m. Junious Newsom
Richard Norman, died young

In the 1900 census Henrietta was 32 b. 1868 and she only had 4 childeren living with her

She married second Richard J. Askew, age 63, Jan.9, 1908

1910, Lloyd age 23, no occupation living with his mother and step-father. and in 1920 Lloyd was living with his mother.


The Britton family I descend from is Charlie Nathan and Lillie Britton—-They were my paternal great-grandparents—–Grandma Lillie was a Teaster—-and My paternal grandfather (John Lawrence Sumner, Jr.) had a sister named Ethel who married grandma Lillie’s brother, if my memory serves me correctly—–so that is how the Teaster line ties in with the Sumners and the Brittons…..My mother’s people were the Hortons, from round this same general area, also…..My maternal grandparents were Archie Horton and Ima Lee Horton—-Grandmother Horton was a Barham before she married—–I know there are some Godwins and Hoggards in there also—-My great-grandmother Horton was a Hoggard before she married, and my great-grandmother Barham (Susie), was a Godwin—–I can’t remember much past that, tho my mother can—-I know one of my Horton Great-Grandfathers was at Gettysburg, and was sent home with a mule and a parcel of land waiting for him in NC after his fighting duty—-and also it seems a couple of greats on the Sumner-Britton-Teaster side were at Appomatox when the War ended…..Both sides of the family had some great influence in the communities of Union and St John in the days gone by, in things such as the starting of Union Baptist Church, and St John Baptist Church…. Sharon

You have no idea how surprised I was to find your site as I was researching my grandmother, Lula Pruden Hoggard. I had no success so decided to type in Uncle Archie to see if I could find info on him that might lead to Grandmom.

I haven’t seen any of them in years. I think of Uncle Archie each time I go in my back yard during the summer because I have a grape vine. He had a big vine in his front yard in Murfreesboro. I would sit under it and read when we would visit them. I remember that and the bird that Aunt Ima Lee had that she covered with a blanket at night. I remember Cliff singing Old Man River. Also remember Aunt Ima Lee being an excellent cook.

My father was the baby boy of Joe and Lula. His name was Pat. He passed away about four years ago. If I remember correctly, Uncle Archie was the oldest boy. We visited them a few times after they moved to Richmond, but I didn’t see them much after that because I was pretty much grown by that time. I did see Carol Lee and Cliff a few times. I haven’t seen Ellen in many, many years. I remember listening to her play the piano when we would visit them in NC.

I wonder about all of them at times. I am sure many have passed away by now. I know Uncle Archie died many years ago but got to be very old. I would love to know where they all are, even if they are no longer with us.

That huge family is down now to Aunt Nancy and Aunt Lucille. Aunt Lucille turned 93 in July. I saw both of them right before her birthday. They are amazing. Both are still very sharp and could answer questions you might have. I am going to talk with them soon about Grandmom since I was unable to find out when and where she was born and when she and Granddad got married.

I am so pleased to have found you. Please let me know what is going on with your family. I miss them!


Patricia Horton Bocock ,daughter of Pat and Myrtle Horton


Nathan Britton est 1785 – 1844 | his parents
& Sarah/Sally Davis | her parents
of Northampton Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Nathan Britton was the son of Jesse Britton 1751 – 1841 and wife Susanna of Northampton Co.
Nathan Britton died testate; his will was proved at Dec Court of Northampton Co NC in 1844.

Children of Nathan Britton and wife Sally:
1. Mary J Britton
married Murril
2. Jesse W Britton
3. Lucretia Britton Wade
4. Talitha Britton Stephenson
5. Sally Britton ?
6. John W Britton
7. Elizabeth J Britton
8. Nathan Thomas Britton ca 1829 – 1900/10 St Johns, Hertford Co NC
married ca 1853 Sarah Elizabeth Baker
married 1899 Jamie W Harrell
9. ? R Britton
10. Henry T Britton
11. Emily I Britton

e-mail from Mary Britton 31/July/2011

I would like to correct some of the Britton family.
Jesse Britton was born in Isle Of Wight in Virginia. He married Susanna? and some of their children were born there. Jesse was born in 1751 and he was a vetern of the Revolutionary war. (records in the archives in Raleigh, N.C.) He moved with his family to North Hampton County in North Carolina. His son, Nathan married Sarah Davis they had several children there but the only one who moved to Hertford County was his son, Nathan Thomas who did not live in Union–he lived in St John’s and married Sarah Elizabeth Baker who was the daughter of Henry David and Jane Newsome Baker. He inherited land from Henry Baker and lived and died in St. John’s. They had twelve children by Sarah Elizabeth. After Sarah died in 1898, he married Janie Harrell and had one more child. My father-in-law was the eleventh child. (Charlie Nathan) He married Lily Teaster and they had ten children. My husband, Thomas Jefferson (Bud) was next to the youngest. We have always lived in St. John’s and we bought the Charlie Britton family farm between St. John’s and Menola. Nathan Thomas and Elizabeth were charter members of the St. John’s church which was built in 1883. All of their Children were members there until they married. I have a lot of information, including all the children of each generation. It’s late so I’ll try to send that at another time. Mary Hill Britton P.S. It was interesting to know that you had an Evans family in your line because my Grandmother was an Evans. (A Peter Evans who came to this country in 1835 at the age of 16. One of my ancesters became a Morman and moved to Utah and he has decendants all over the United States.

Jesse Britton 1751 – 1841 | his parents
& Susanna ? | her parents
of Isle of Wight Co VA &
of NH Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Jesse Britton was born 1751 in Isle of Wight Co VA.
He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War (records in the archives in Raleigh NC)
Jesse married Susanna in VA and some of their children were born there.
Jesse moved his family to Northhampton County VA

“. You asked for more information and I am going to try. Jesse Britton (Nathan Thomas’s grandfather was a revolutionary war veteran and he was born and married in The Isle of Wight county in Virginia He married Susanna there and some of their children were born there. His son, Nathan was born there before they moved to North Hampton in North Carolina. ” Mary Britton

Henry David Baker 1806 – | his parents
& Jane Newsome 1812 – | her parents
of Hertford Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

To Sally, The Baker house is up a lane, between Fraziers Crossroads and St. Johns. On the map that I have (1860) it is between the Darden Plantation and the Mitchell Plantation. (My great uncle Hunter Joyner bought the Mitchell Plantation and married one of Henry Baker’s grandchildren. She was part of my Father-in- law’s family. Some of his family married into my mother’s family. Thankfully, my husband and I were not related. MHB P.S. My dad was born in Harrellsville and my my Mom was born in Murfreesboro but they both had family in the same place. ( my family are all beautiful. My idea of Course) MHB

Henry David Baker appears to be the son of Simon Baker and his wife Mary.

Children of Henry David Baker and wife Jane Newsome:
1. Henry David Baker Jr ca 1840 –
married Sally Ann Hayes 1832 –
daughter of Thomas Wright Hayes and Nancy Jernigan
Methodist preacher in Ahoskie

a. John W Baker ca 1872 –
b. Sarah H Baker ca 1875 –
Sally married 1st William W Chamblee ca 1831 – and had 4 children by him.
1. A Betty Chamblee ca 1853 – f
married James Baker
2. Laura M Chamblee ca 1856 – f
married Thomas Baker
3. Robert A Chamblee ca 1862 –
4. ?

[2 of her daughters married her husband’s brothers ]
2. Sarah Elizabeth Baker 1835 – 1898
married 1899 Nathan Thomas Britton 1830 – bef 1910
had 12 children
3. Martha Ann Baker d bef 1910
married Marmaduke Harrell
a. Janie W. Harrell 1860 –
married Nathan Thomas Britton as 2nd wife
had one child
b. Martha E. R. Harrell 1861 – 1931/32
married 21Feb 1883 Thomas H Britton ca 1856 – bef 1920
farmer 1880 merchant store 1910
c. John H Harrell ca 1861 – bef 1900
married St Johns 10 Feb 1881 Henrietta E Britton ca 1862 –
d. James N Harrell 25 Dec 1866 –
married 1891 Debra Britton Nov 1863 –
4. Hosea N Baker
married Florence Jernigan
5. Richard S Baker
married Ella Hayes
6. John Baker never married
7. James Baker
married Betty Chamblee ca 1853 –
8. Thomas Baker
married Laura Chamblee ca 1856 –
9. Robert H Baker
married Roberta [Birdie] Newsome

Henry David Baker (born 1806)married Jane Newsome (born 1812) They had 9 children.
No-1 Henry David Jr. who married a widow (Sally Ann Hayes Chambley) who had 4 children by her first husband. Two of her daughters married her husband’s brothers. His brother Thomas married Laura Chambley. ( I mentioned their children earlier) Sally and No-1 Henry D. Jr. had 4 sons that all died young.
No. 2–Sarah Elizabeth and Nathan Thomas Britton had 12 children. ( Sarah Elizebeth Baker Britton was born in 1835. Nathan Thomas was born in 1830) They were married at her father’s home by the Rev. William Patrick Britton in 1852.
No-3 Martha Ann Baker married Marmaduke Harrell.
No-4 Hosea married Florence Jernigan.
No-5 Richard married Ella hayes.
No-6 John never married.
No-7 James married Betty Chambley.
No-8 Thomas married Laura Chambley.
No- 9 Robert married Roberta (Birdie) Newsome

5 thoughts on “Nathan Britton, Sarah Baker & Janie Harrell”

  1. Hi Sally – I enjoy very much all the information on your site, especially since I live in Trap on a family farm that has been in the Brown family for several generations, and am researching my husband’s family. Do you have any information about the life of Benjamin Brown’s wife, Cynthia Harrell? Benjamin drowned in 1860….Cynthia’s name is spelled in in multiple ways in the few records I have found. Sentha, Cyntha, Cynthia. She was from Chowan County, and she is buried across the street as Senthy Brown Felps April 9 1817 – March 4 1905. No one seems to know how she became a Felps. Census records don’t shed any light. Do you have suggestions re how I can find more information about her life? I am also interested in how her daughter, Sarah Brown, died shortly after her marriage to John Baker. I am assuming it was in childbirth but not certain because I can’t find a death certificate or any records.
    Thank you for doing all this amazing research and sharing it online.
    Amy Brown

  2. Hello, I find this interesting. I am a Hertford County native who spend almost all of my 47 years in the county. I now reside in Winton. I am a Newsome and my uncle has traced us back to the Brittons from St. John; the ones stated above. Thanks for your research and effort to keep this up.

  3. Thanks for all your hard work.
    She is listed as Verner.
    My Mother is still alive and could tell you some great stories.
    Her name is Barbara Jean Futrell Johnson [757]365-0046

  4. Greetings… Very interrsting seeing asmyfamily is from Ahoskie, middle name Newsome and grandmother was Roberta Jenkins. Might you have or know where I can grt additional info on her? Thanks.

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