William Hunter & Joane

Sally’s 6-great Grandparents:
& 7-great Grandparents:
the emigrant

William Hunter ca 165x – pr 1729
& Joane?
of Nansemond County, Virginia
and Chowan County, North Carolina

4 Nov 1685, p 487. Charles Rowntree 350 acs. in the Up Par of Nanzamund, Beg at Michael Brinckly by the Scypresse Sw. Trans. of 7 pers: Willm. Hunter, Nicho. Hunter, Joane Hunter, Rebecka Hunter, Charles Rountree, Robert Rountree, John Sayer.

On 21 Apr 1695 William Hunter “Weaver” was granted 200 acres in the Upper Parish of Nansemond Co “on the E side of the maine Cypruss Sw. of Bennett’s Cr; on S side of the Further Br of Oysterlong Neck” for the importation of 4 Negro slaves.Bk 8 p431

June 8 1699 VM I, p 232. William Hunter Clerk of Nansemond County Court

25 Apr 1701, Bk 9 p 309. William Hunter 240 acs, Up Par of Nansemond Co; on SE side of Meherring Sw, Trans. of 5 pers: Wm Hunter, his wife, daughter Alice; & son Nicho. Hunter & Mary Cohone.

a Capt William Hunter had 800 acres on Quit Rent Roll in 1704 in Nansemond
a William Hunter had 150 acres on Quit Rent Roll in 1704 in Isle of Wight

1702-1714 VM I, p 368 a William Hunter Justice of the Peace in Nansemond

Norfolk Co, VA will of Dr William Hunter probate 1719.
patent in 1714 adj William Hunter was at Gordan’s Marsh at Orapeak.

In 1729 a resurvey showed the land owned by William Hunter to be in NC
William Hunter bequeathed the land received in the two grants to his sons Nicholas, Robert & Isaac.

William Hunter “Weaver” of Nansemond, Va had children
1. Capt. William Hunter ca 1675 – 1732 Chowan Co NC scroll down
married Ann —- d ca 1751
2. Nicholas Hunter pr 1681 – 1749 Carteret Co NC scroll down
married 1st Elizabeth
married Rebecca Boone? ca 1686 – 1785
3. Sarah Hunter 1684 – 1769
married William Battle 1682 – 1749 scroll down page
son of John Battle died 1690 Pasquotank Co, NC
4. Robert Hunter ca 1685 – 1753 Bertie Co, NC
married 2nd Elizabeth Bryan Whitmel
5. Isaac Hunter ca 1690 – 1753
married Elizabeth Parker
6. Alice Hunter

e-mail from Hunter Cole – Brian Hunter in England… posted the Hunter entries from the registry of the Alnwick, Northumberland, parish church. In the listings there is a striking revelation: In 1677 William Hunter of Alnwick married Elizabeth Cahoun. The Cahoun name is significant. In the Virginia land patent of William Hunter of Nansemond (25 April 1701) these persons are mentioned: William, his wife (unidentified), daughter Alice, son Nicholas, and MARY COHONE. So I surmise that William of Nansemond was married to Elizabeth Cahoun and that he brought her sister Mary to Virginia and named her in his patent. (Virginia Patent Book 9, p. 309).

Some researchers of the Nansemond Hunters have theorized that William Hunter was transported from Barnstable, Massachusetts, since a William and Rebecca Besse Hunter were there in the mid-seventeenth century. Charles Rountree, as you know, transported Willm. Hunter, Nico. Hunter, Joane Hunter, Rebecka Hunter, himself, Robert Rountree, and John Sayer to the Virginia colony in November 1685. Perhaps the Rountrees were from Alnwick. By 1705 William Hunter of Nansemond was listed on the Virginia Quit Rent Rolls as “Capt. William Hunter.” He was by profession a weaver, and he served as a justice of the peace in Nansemond.

?”a ship named the “Beauty” that came over in about 1635-6. William Hunter as immigrant”

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Capt. William Hunter died 1732/33
& Ann died ca 1751
of Nansemond Co VA & Chowan Co NC

“Captain William Hunter, son of William Hunter of Nansemond was captured on the High Seas by the French in 1705 and made a prisoner for three years in Paris 1708. He had two brothers, Nichoas Hunter, an attorney, and Robert Hunter”
p.77 Nansmond Chronicles by Mrs Evelyn Cross.
(I found her book in FHC, Salt Lake City. also library in Gatesville, NC)

Children of William Hunter and wife Ann:
1. William Hunter ca 1709 – 1758 Chowan
(Vestryman Up Par of Nansemond 1754-58 moved from county.)
married Ann—-
? a. William Hunter of Nansemond Co
married 1753/54 Ann Norsworthy
i. Norsworthy Hunter est 1761 VA – 11 March 1802
ii. John Hunter d bef 6 July 1786
iii. unborn child 1 Jan 1765 – died bef 6 July 1786
? b. Henry Hunter
i. Norsworthy Hunter ca 1774 VA –
married Woodville, Wilkinson Co MS 14 July 1808 Mary Davis
ii. William Henry Hunter 11 Aug 1778 –
married Woodville, Wilkinson Co MS 25 Aug 1803 Nancy Smith
iii. Field Pulaski Hunter
iv. Joseph Hunter, d. bef. 6 Jan 1829, Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS
v. Henry Hunter, Jr ca 1776 – bef. 23 April 1833 Union Co., IN;
married 1st Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS 14 April 1807 Isabelle Heavenridge
married 2nd Martha “Patsy” Smith
vi. Thomas E. Hunter, d. bef. 22 June 1827 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS
vii. Elizabeth Hunter ca 1775 VA – aft. 25 Feb 1828 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS;
married VA ca 1791 John Bell Shawn’s ancestors
viii. Mary Hunter
married. in Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS Daniel Andrews

2. Ephraim Hunter ca 1711 – aft 1755 Up Parish
3. Judith Hunter
married —- Blanchard
4. Alice Hunter
married Edward Arnold
5. Mary Hunter
married Benjamin Sanders
6. Ann Hunter
married John Winbourne ca 1700 –
7. Hester `Hunter
married ——- Knight

William Hunter; [Secretary of State Wills] Jan 4, 1732/33; proved 18 Jan 1732/33 in Chowan County, NC. wife Ann; sons Ephriam & William, exers; daughters Alice, Mary, Ann & Hester .left Water Mill in Nansemond Co to sons William & Ephriam. Wit: Isaac Hunter, Robert Hunter, Spencer Cole.

Ann Hunter 24 May 1749; proved 17 Oct 1751, Chowan County, son William, son-in-law Edward Arnoll whom I appoint my exrs; Judith Blanchard, Ann Winbourne, Hester Knight and Alice Arnals Sarah Osborn, Wm Hunter,Jr test: John Parker, Joseph Parker

Ephraim Hunter owned land in Nansemond Co in 1752 & 1755 (Vestry) He was witness to a deed of Joseph Hare Nansemond in 1735. He was appointed to office in 1746.

William Hunter owned property in Nansemond Co from 1752 and was a Vestryman in the Upper Parish from 1754 to 1758 when he moved from the “colony.”

There is ref. to Hunter’s Mill Swamp in Nansemond and to the Hunter plantation. (Vestry)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

e-mail from Shawn Martin
I have been searching for the parents of my ancestor, Henry Hunter, originally from Nansemond or Isle of Wight Co, VA, and died in Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS 10/02/1822. His brother, William Hunter, died in SC before 8/5/1765 as shown by the following probate record. Henry is named as an Administrator of William’s will.

Charleston Co., SC — William Hunter – will dated 1 Jan. 1765, proven Aug. 5,
1765, names wife, Ann, sons, Norsworthy, and John also an unborn child. (Book 10
, page 738.)

William Hunter married his wife, Ann Norsworthy, in Virginia as shown by the
following record. Ann was the sister of Thomas Norsworthy of Isle of Wight Co., VA. Also, according to this document, Narsworthy was the only issue of William and Ann’s, so this tells me William and Ann’s son John and the unborn child were deceased prior to 6 July 1786.

1794 — pg. 276. Book F. pg. 302. Before me, Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, appeared at the instance of Norsworthy Hunter, Capt. of the Militia in this Gov. Col. Henry
Hunter, a gentleman of good repute, who being duly sworn, deposes that about
the year 1753-54, his elder brother, William Hunter, of Nansemond Co. Vir. was
married to a certain Ann Norsworthy by an orthodox minister named Webb, and
remarkable for being nearsighted, and the marriage was celebrated in the house
of a certain widow Norfleet, in the vicinity of the town of Suffolk. The said
Norsworthy Hunter is the only issue of this union and was always held as the
lawful heir of Thomas Norsworthy, decd. said to be an only surviving brother of
the said Ann Norsworthy. That the said Norsworthy Hunter, at a court held for
the Isle of Wight Co., Vir. 6 July 1786 upon his motion, together with William
Whitfield, James Young, Francis Young, his security, received a certificate for
letters of administration of the estate of Thomas Norsworthy decd. in due form of
law. Signed by Francis Young, deputy clerk of court. Natchez, 22 Oct. 1794. sig. Henry Hunter before Manuel Gayoso, Stephen minor and Joseph Vidal.

Norsworthy Hunter, son of William and Ann Norsworthy Hunter, never married and
became a US Senator from the Mississippi Territory. He died while in office
March 11, 1802. He is buried in the Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D. C.

Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949, Biographies — H —
page 1351
HUNTER, Narsworthy, b. 1802, a Delegate from Mississippi Territory; born in
Virginia; captain in the militia organization of the district formed in 1793;
commissioned inspector of the military posts on the east side of the Mississippi
River; elected to the Seventh Congress and served from March 4, 1801, until his
death in Washington, D.C., March 11, 1802; interment in the Congressional

Henry Hunter is listed in the 1790 Fairfield Co., SC Census with his son in law
John Bell (husband of Elizabeth Hunter). He migrated to the Mississippi Territory in 1792 as shown by the following Passport.
“Passports of Southeastern Pioneers 1770-1823” by Dorothy Williams Potter, Page
Report of Americans Arriving at Natchez. April 17, 1792.
I send you the enclosed Account of two Flatboats which arrived at this Post from
Holston listing the Individuals and the Cargo which they brought.
Mr. Henry Hunter, a native of the United States, the Proprietor of one of them,
a person of worth and special talent in all mechanical work, was Colonel in the
American Service in the last War, and of whom I had previous favorable
information concerning his conduct, which my dealings with him have confirmed,
has taken the oath of fidelity with the intention of settling in this district
with his family, which is mentioned in the enclosed account.
The other Individuals who come in the other Boat are also settling in this
District. According to the information which I have, they are persons of
honorable conduct and masters of useful trades. All of this I repeat for your
information. May the Lord keep your Lordship many years, Natchez, April 17, 1792
Manuel Gayoso de Lemos

I do not know where Holston was located.

Henry is listed as “Col. in the last war”. I would assume he served in the Revolutionary War, but I can not find where he served or any documentation on his service. The only Henry Hunter from Virginia I have been able to find, died in Mecklenburg Co. NC. The Henry Hunter I decend from died in Wilkinson Co., MS prior to 10/2/1822.

— PROBATE MINUTES 1822 — Book 1 pg. 35, 18 Oct 1822, By consent of Joseph Hunter, Narsworthy Hunter, William Hunter, Children and heirs of Henry Hunter, Decd. who severally
appeared in Court and consented that William Yerby should be appointed Administrator of the estate of Henry Hunter, Decd. Whereupon the Court doth order and appoints the said William Yerby, Administrator of the estate of Henry Hunter, Decd. who took the oath perscribed by law as administrator on aforesaid and entered into bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars with Joseph Hunter, Narsworthy Hunter and William Hunter his securities faithfully to discharge his
duties in administration as aforesaid according to Law.
Ordered that Gerard C. Brandon, Peter McGraw, John Smith and Robert Brandon be appointed appraisers of the estate of Henry Hunter Decd.

I have not been able to determine who Henry Hunter married, but his children
1. Norsworthy Hunter, b. Abt. 1774, VA;
m. Mary Davis 7/14/1808 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS
2. William Henry Hunter, b. 8/11/1778;
m. Nancy Smith 8/25/1803 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS
3. Field Pulaski Hunter
4. Joseph Hunter, d. bef. 1/6/1829, Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS
5. Henry Hunter, Jr., b. Abt. 1776, d. bef. 4/23/1833 Union Co., IN;
m. 1st Isabelle Heavenridge 4/14/1807 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS,
m 2nd Martha “Patsy” Smith
6. Thomas E. Hunter, d. bef. 6/22/1827 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS
7. Elizabeth Hunter, b. Abt. 1775 Virginia, d. Aft. 2/25/1828 Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS;
m. John Bell in Abt. 1791 Virginia (NOTE: My ancestors)
8. Mary Hunter,
m. Daniel Andrews in Woodville, Wilkinson Co., MS

Nicholas Hunter pr 1681 – 1749
& ca 1711 Elizabeth [Benton]
& bef 1729 Rebecca —- d 1785
of Nansemond Co VA and Carteret Co NC

Carteret Province NC – Nicholas Hunter and wife Rebecca of Nansemond Co, Virginia deeded their sons William and Isaac land in what is now Gates County, NC on 29 March, 1729.
(The land had been patented 24 April, 1701.

Thos Rountree. Atty of Nicholas Hunter and wife Rebecca to Wm Hunter March 29 1729. 120 A on SE side Meherrin Swamp where said Hunter did live, part of a patent to William Hunter of Nansemond Co VA father of said Nicholas. Test Isaac Hunter, Chas Rountree

same to Isaac Hunter 100 A on SE side of Meherrin Swamp adjoining above patent, dated Apl 24, 1701. Test. Wm Hunter, Chas Rountree.

Children of Nicholas Hunter & Elizabeth and Rebecca:
1. Isaac Hunter 1700/14 – 1748/1752 Northampton Co, NC
Isaac Hunter Jr to Isaac Hunter, Sr May 2d 1739 384 A part of patent to Wm Hunter, late of VA & given by him to his son Nicholas Hunter and by him sold to his son Isaac, on Meherrin Swamp issue out of Bennetts Creek. Test William Hunter, Elisha Hunter
married Sarah Hill
a. Dempsey Hunter est 1720 –
Northampton Co NC deed bk 3 pg 129 – 13 May 1761 Demcy Hunter and Unity his wife of NH Co to Thos. Hunter of same county …..the sd. land being devised unto sd. Demcy Hunter by the last will and testament of his father Isaac Hunter dec.
married bef 13 May 1761 Unity
It appears that these are children of the above Dempsey and wife Unity see the web-stte of Earnest R Hunt, IV
and also the newsletters of the Jacob Hunter Trust

i. Dempsey Hunter 1745 NC – 2 Nov 1833 Montgomery Co TN
married 1st unknown
married SC 14 Dec 1795 Catherine Faust 1774 SC – aft 1860
ii. Jacob Hunter ca 1755 NC – 1806 Rev. Vet.
married Mary
iii. David Hunter 1755 NC – 1861 Davidson Co TN with will
married Davidson Co TN 19 Feb 1803 Sarah Horn
iv. Thomas Hunter 17 Mar 1763 Halifax Co NC – 27 Feb 1834 Robertson Co TN
married bef 1820 Katharine 1775 –
v. Allen Hunter bef 1764 – 1820 Montgomery Co TN with will
married bef 1796 Elizabeth Faust
b. Col. Theophilus Hunter ca 1731 – 1798 Wake Co
Northampton Co NC deed bk 2 pg 47 – Theophilus Hunter of Granville Co, trader, to John Edwards of Northampton Co, gentleman. 30 April 1752. 30 pounds 167 ac on S S of Potacasa swamp joining Thomas Futrel, Thomas Kerby and the swamp as by patent to John Godley 2 Aug 1729 and by him sold to Daniel O’Quin and by sd. O’Quin sold to Isaac Hunter and by will of sd. Isaac bequeathed to his son sd. Theophilus. Wit: James Moir, Joseph Munford Reg 2 May 1752 James Hasele J.C.
Theophilus’s plantation, Spring Hill, was later the site of ” Dorothea Dix Hospital”

married Jane Lane
i. Theophilus Hunter Jr died 1840
built the existing house – Spring Hill ca 1816
c. Reuben Hunter ca 1732 – died Wake Co ca 1794
Northampton Co NC deed bk 2 pg 112 Reuben Hunter of Northampton Co planter to David Rice Jr of Nancemond Co VA 16 April 1753 40 pounds current money of VA 320 ac more or less joining John Duke [formerly Paule] and Thomas Daughtree part of a patent to James Hutcherson 2 Aug 1730 and sold by the sd Hutcherson to Isaac Hunter 4 Aug 1738 and by the sd Hunter bequeathed to his son the sd Reuben Wit: John Duke, Robert Peele, Jonas Wood Reg. NH Co May Ct 1753 J Edwards C Ct
married Sarah Speight ca 1742 – ca 27 Dec 1809 Wake Co NC
dau of William Speight [will Wake Co 1773]
i. Reuben Hunter Jr bef 1773 –
ii. Isaac Hunter
iii. Dempsey Hunter ca 1766/67 Wake Co NC – aft 1840 Branch, Franklin Co AR
married Susanna Pair 1779 VA – aft 1830 Branch, Franklin Co AR
1. John Hunter ca 1810 Wake Co NC – aft 1865 Franklin Co AR
married Elizabeth McMillian ca 1825 Ozark, Franklin Co AR –
b. Montazuma Hunter ca 1866 Ozark Franklin Co AR –
married Emma Jane Hatfield
i. Henry Sherman Hunter 3 Feb 1891 Salisaw OK –
grandfather of Toni
iv. Needham Hunter
v. Cader Hunter
vi. Whitmell Hunter
vii. Theophilus Hunter
d. Isaac Hunter ca 1735 – of Wake Co
owned famous Tavern near Raleigh, Wake Co Of note, the hospitality of a tavern owner is largely responsible for the location of the North Carolina state capital. In 1769, Isaac Hunter opened a tavern near Crabtree Creek. The tavern became so popular, that the state’s General Assembly Capital Site Selection commission required that the seat of state government be located within 10 miles of the tavern. ghost tale
i. Jacob Hunter ca 1760 – bef Feb 1807 estate div. Wake Co
married 25 Nov 1783 Sarah [Sally] Rogers
1. Jacob Hunter
2. Riddick Hunter
3. Delilah Hunter
4. Mary Hunter
5. daughter Hunter
married Joel Simm
6. James Hunter
7. Isaac Hunter
8. Gilly Hunter
9. Henry Hunter
? ii. David Hunter ca 1767 – 1815 TN
This David Hunter moved from Wake Co., N. C. to Tennessee where he died. His widow Gaskey McKelroy Hunter moved to Alabama after David’s death to be near family. She then migrated to Mississippi. Please note that Ghaskey and David Hunter’s children have the Lane name. The Lanes married into the Nicholas/Isaac Hunter Line.
married Ghaskey McElroy 1777-1848 Noxubee, MS
1. Joseph Lane Hunter
2. Hardy Bert Hunter
e. Col. Thomas Hunter ca 1740 – 1784 Nash Co NC
Northampton Co NC deed bk 3 pg 130 4 Aug 1761 – Thos. Hunter of NH Co to David Rice of same…being part of the land that Thomas Hunter purchased of his brother Demcy Hunter by deed dated 13 May 1761
married ca 1762 Priscilla Smith ca 1746 – 1822 Nash Co NC
oldest daughter of Drew Smith
i. Drew Hunter
ii. Thomas Hunter rem to Montgomery Co TN by 1807
iii. Cordal Hunter will 1836
married Martha Daniel will 1859 Nash Co
1. Thomas Hunter
2. Isaac Blount Hunter
3. Weldon Smith Hunter moved to Tarboro NC
buried Calvary Church yard
married Nancy Griffiths
4. Henry Drew Hunter
5. John Hodge Hunter
6. Cordal Norfleet Hunter
iv. Elizabeth Hunter
v. Polly Hunter
married bef 1809 Loderick F Ellin
2. William Hunter d 1749 Chowan Co NC
married Sarah ——
NC Wills 1750-1755: #251 William Hunter 21 Mar 1749 O Apr Ct 1750 (before Will Mearns) Of Chowan Co. “Sick and weak in body” Sons John & Nicholas – land where they now live. Son Hardy – houses & land in Suffolk Town. Son William – land where I now live. Son Job – 46 acres up the swamp from where I live. Son James – Negro fellow Dick but should my son die before age 21, then sd Dick to return to my estate. Son Timothy – Negro boy Peter but should my sd son die before age 21, then as above. Wife Sarah – Negro fellow Jemmie: 1/3 my personal estate. Ex wife Sarah Hunter son John Hunter
Wit. Elisha Hunter, John Gordon, John Norfleet

a. John Hunter
i. William Hunter
b. Nicholas Hunter
c. Hardy Hunter d. 1794 Bertie Co NC blacksmith
will of Hardy Hunter 15 July 1792 – Aug Bertie Co Ct 1794 – “being sick and weak in body” wife Rachel…
Ex: wife, William Hunter, Timothy Hunter Wit: William Lurry, Sparkman Stone, Timothy Hunter.

married Rachel Rountree d. 1807
dau of Charles Rountree and Judith Walton
i. Cader Hunter d. 1790 Bertie Co
Will of Kader Hunter 7 April 1790 – Aug Bertie Ct 1790 “being sick and weak of body”..
wife Elizabeth and three children Humphrey, Hardy and the child my wife is now big with”
EX: wife, William Hunter, Timothy Hunter, Jun. Wit: Joshua Evans, George Harnage, Timothy Hunter.

married est 1785 Elizabeth d bef 1810
1. Humphrey Hunter est 1786 – 1805
2. Hardy Hunter est 1788 – 1808
3. Cader Hunter ca 1790 – 1826
a. Augustus Hunter
b. Thomas Hunter
Elizabeth married 2nd Thomas Cochran d by Aug 1798
1. Sarah Cochran
Elizabeth d by 1810 married 3rd William Wilson d by Oct 1810
Elizabeth died before her husband William Wilson

ii. William Hunter d Nov 1807 Bertie Co NC
married 1st Mildred Amelia Allen d. c. 1794
dau of John Allen d 1797 and Ann Bate of Bertie Co NC
1. Allen Hunter 18 May 1785 Bertie Co NC – 5 Mar 1869 Cains District, Marion SC
2. Thomas Hunter ca 1787 Bertie Co NC –
3. John Hunter ca 1789 Bertie Co NC –
4. Mary [Polly] Hunter ca 1790 – ca 1814 Bertie Co NC
married 27 Jan 1807 Daniel Rascoe
5. Hardy Hunter ca 1792 Bertie Co NC – 27 Dec 1814 Ft Defiance GA
married 2nd Bertie Co 10 May 1796 Mary Leary Lewis Sorey
Hardy Freeman Bm dau of William Leary d 1821 and Leah Freeman
1. Penelope [Penny] Hunter d aft 1822
2. Sarah [Sally] Hunter d bef 1810
3. Rachel Hunter d bef 1810
4. Lavinia Hunter d aft 1822
Mary married next 1810 West Tyne of Bertie Co NC
info re William’s wives and children supplied by Wayne Hunter of Marietta GA 17 Sept 2012 e-mail
iii. Timothy Hunter d bef 1808
married Bertie Co 11 June 1799 Synthey Hunter
Solomon Cherry Bm
iv. Joshua Hunter d bef Aug 1794
v. Sarah Hunter d bef 1808
married bef. 15 July 1792 William Perry
1. Norfleet Perry 1793 – 27 July 1833
married Elizabeth Garrett
2. Rountree Perry
vi. Christian Hunter
married ca 1808 Hardy Freeman 1767 –
vii. Seinnuth [Senith] Hunter d bef 1808
married 4 April 1796 Hardy Freeman 1767 –
had a Rev. War claim
1. Timothy Freeman
2. Lassiter Freeman
3. Mary Freeman
4. Josiah Freeman
viii. Mary [Polley] Hunter d bef 1808
married aft 18 Sept 1797 John Parker
d. William Hunter d bef 1770 div of brother James’ estate
e. Job Hunter
married Bertie Co 18 April 1770 Martha Hardy
Edward Hardy Bm
f. James Hunter d. ca 1770 unmarried
1770 Chowan Co – Division of the estate of James Hunter [son of William] Mother Sarah Hunter, brothers and sisters John, Nicholas, Hardy, Job, Timothy, Charity and Sarah Hunter, Priscilla Walton.
g. Timothy Hunter Esq bef 1749 – 1823 Bertie Co
Will of Timothy Hunter 26 June 1822 – Aug. Bertie Ct 1823
EX: sons Henry and Riddick Hunter Wit: Lawrence Mizell, Joshua Mizell,

i. Henry Hunter
ii. Riddick Hunter
iii. Cynthia Hunter
married bef 1823 Wilson
iv. Penelope Hunter d 22 April 1832
married 22 Nov 1829 James Ward 1770 – 1843 as his third wife
h. Charity Hunter
i. Sarah Hunter
j. Priscilla Hunter
married Palatiah (pron. Pa-lay-sha) Walton ca 1728 – 1776
3. Stephen Hunter d 1808 Carteret Co, NC
4. Ezekiel Hunter d 1780 Carteret Co NC
married —– Houston d of Moses
5. Lebbeus Hunter 1726 -36 d 1806 Carteret Co NC
6. Joab Hunter
7. Esther Hunter
married aft 1749/bef 27 Aug 1764 William Weeks
Carteret Co NC Deed Book G, page 143. Twenty seventh day of August 1764 between William Weeks and his wife Easter of Carteret Co., …….and John Starkey of Onslow Co., for 45 pounds……..200a in Carteret Co. on east side of Whiteoak R………………..”said land was bequeathed amonst other things by the Last Will and Testament of Nicholas Hunter duly executed to his daughter Ester Hunter now the wife of the above mentioned William Weeks and is now conveyed by the said William Weeks and Ester his wife unto the aforesaid John Starkey”……………Filed Sept. 12, 1764 registered before? William Robertson Register
8. Zillar Hunter ca 1737 – bef 1784
her father died ca 1750
According to the 1779 Tax list for Carteret Co., NC, there was a Zillar Weeks listed with Lands-blank; 13 cattle; money on hand 6″19″10; Gross Assessment 146-19-10.
married Silas Weeks ca 1737 Onslow Co, NC – 22 May 1778 Valley Forge PA
son of Theophilus Weeks ca 1708 Falmouth Mass – 1772 NC & wife Grace
“On 07 Apr 1775, Silas and Zillar sold a lot conveyed to him in 1773 in the estate of his father.
Silas Weeks and at least one of his sons, Theophilus, served in the Revolutionary War. The elder Weeks enlisted in 1777 as a private in Donoho‚Äôs Company of the 6thNorth Carolina Regiment. They were in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown, being at the Chew House in the latter and serving as the rear guard for the American withdrawal during which General Nash was killed. They captured sixteen guns during the attack, but had to abandon them in the retreat. They wintered at Valley Forge in General Lachlan MacIntosh‚Äôs Brigade. General Washington noted that the North Carolina troops were the poorest supplied of all the destitute men there. The desertion rate of the North Carolina troops was 10%, which was the lowest in the Army, which averaged at 18%. Silas died in the service of the Continental Army on 22 May 1778, likely at Valley Forge. A week later, on 29 May 1778, the 6th North Carolina Regiment was absorbed into the 1st North Carolina Regiment. A military land warrant #1533 was sold by his heirs on 22 Feb 1785.” web-site
a. James Weeks ca 1758 –
b. Theophilus Weeks 21 Oct 1760 – 20 July 1839 Columbia (now Union) Co FL
married 1782 Ann O‚ÄôSteen 25 Oct 1763 –
c. Ada Weeks 25 Oct 1763 Carteret Co NC – 1852 Camden Co GA
married John O’Steen 1767 Р1842
son of William O’Steen
d. Archelaus Weeks ca 1765 –
9. Rachel Hunter
10. Elizabeth Hunter
married Stephen Weeks d 1783
11. Sarah Hunter
12. Ruth Hunter
13. Keziah Hunter ca 1723 – 1809
married Abraham Mitchell d. 1746 of the White Oak River Carteret Co
son of Abraham
a. Col. George Mitchell 1746 – 12 Aug 1791 Onslow Co NC
married 2nd Emanuel Jones home at Mount Pleasant near Swansborough

e-mail from Pauline Mitchell Pierce, Palestine, TX I am a descendent of William Hunter, Nicholas Hunter and his
daughter Keziah Hunter. See this deed: I have a copy of the original hand written deed. Also see the obit for George Mitchell.

Onslow County, NC, Old Deed Book D, page 265. This Indenture made the fourth day of feburary in the year of our Lord
One Thousand seven hundred and Seventy Two between GEORGE MITCHELL of the Province of (South or North) Carolina, Mariner of the first part and KEZIAH MITCHELL Relect of ABRAHAM MITCHELL deceased of the second part and George Hearn of Carteret County in the province of North Carolina planter of the third part. Where as NICHOLAS HUNTER of Carteret County aforesd did by his last will and testament bearing date the 3 day of Jan in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and 49 among the things give and bequeath unto GEORGE MITCHELL son of his daughter KEZIAH
MITCHELL two Hundred & fifty acres of land Situated, lying & being in the said County on the East side of White Oak River on Taylors Creek being part of a tract of land containing six Hundred & forty acres granted by patent unto John Palmer bearing date the Nineteenth day of January in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred & thirteen
and the sd HUNTER soon after departed this life. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said GEO. MITCHELL and KEZIAH MITCHELL his mother for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred pounds procla.m money to them in hand paid before the sealing & delivery thereof the receipt there of is hereby acknowledged heath granted bargained sold aliened
convey & confirmed & by these presents do fully freely and absolutely give grant, bargained, sale, alien convey and confirm unto him the sd Geo. Hearn his heirs executors adms and assignes all the said piece or parcel of land containing two hundred & fifty acres as aforesaid to him the said George Hearn his heirs etc. for ever. To have and to hold the said two & fifty acres of land with all the benefits etc. thereunto belonging or in any wise belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the sd George Hearn forever & the said GEORGE MITCHELL and KEZIAH MITCHELL doth for themselves their heirs etc. In witness where of the parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands & fix their seals the day & year above written.
Signed Sealed & Delivered } Geo Mitchell Seal
In the presence of } Keziah Mitchell Seal
Ezekiell Hunter } Rece. Febr. 5th 1772 of Geo Hearn
his the sum of Two Hundred pounds proc
Thos. T Hearn money being the full consideration
mark money in the within amount
Deed book K, page 28. 4 June 1777. Isaac Hill of Carteret Co. NC to George Mitchell for 12 pounds lot No.
39, on Weeks Point, opposite the dwelling house of Richd. Wallace and deeded from Archelus Weeks to the said Hill, Aug. 15, 1775. Tests: Reubn. Grant, John Lovet.

Ref: The State Gazette of North Carolina 1787 – 1791 Vol. II. or VI. Friday Aug. 26, 1791, Number 294

Obituary of Col. George Mitchell
Taken from the, State Gazette of North Carolina in Edenton, North Carolina
August 12, 1791 – Died today at Onslow Court House, Colonel George Mitchell of Onslow County. Col. Mitchell and Robert W. Snead were competitiors for representing Onslow County in the North Carolina Senate, and much ill will had developed in the political race.
Mr. Snead was declared elected after the election was closed. Mr. Snead was observed to call Col. Mitchell from amongst the people assembled at the court house and to go with him into a thicket nearby. Shortly afterwards a pistol shot was heard, and people came running from the court house.
The crowd found Col. Mitchell lying dead in the presence of Mr. Snead. Two wounds were found on Col. Mithcell – a pistol shot passing through his shoulder and out below his ribs, the other wound on the skull from a heavy blow with the butt of the pistol. Mr. Snead was there apprehended and put in jail.
Col. Mitchell bore an unblemished character and was very active during the Revolutionary War. For many years he represented Onslow County in the General Assembly.
Col. Mitchell was the son of Abraham Mitchell, Jr., and Keziah Hunter of the White Oak River. After his father’s death, his mother married Emanuel Jones, in whose home at Mount Pleasant near Swansborough Col. Mitchell grew up to manhood. For some years he was a clerk for Messrs. (William) Ferrand and (Isaac) Guion at their store in
Swansborough and was later a partner in trade there with his half brother William Jones.
Col. Mitchell leaves a wife and eight children.

William Battle 1682 – 1749
& Sarah Hunter 1684 – 1769
of Chowan Co NC

William Battle was born in 1682 on the Pasquotank River in North Carolina, the son of John Battle who was born in Yorkshire, England and wife Elizabeth.. After the death of John Battle ca 1690, William Battle returned with guardians to his former home on the Nansemond River in Virginia.

Children of Sarah Hunter & William Battle:
1. William Battle II ca 1707 – 1770
married Miss Brown dau of Dr. John Brown per Battle book
a. William Battle III died unmarried
2. John Battle 30 April 1709 – 30 April 1740 Bertie Co [t2]
married 1726 Sarah Brown ca 1710 – bef 1767
dau of Dr Samuel Browne

she married 2nd Isaac Carter ca 1717 – 8 July 1792
Sarah Battle 1727 –
married Richard Yates
i. Jesse Yates
b. William Battle 1731 – 1778 will
330 acres in Cattowiskea Swamp
married Martha Drake dau of Richard Drake of I of W VA
i. John Battle lived on Little Branch Creek, Anson Co NC
married Mrs. Moore
ii. Sarah Battle lived on Roanoke River
married William Rutland
iii. Elizabeth Battle died near Powelton GA
married Randolph Rutland moved to GA
iv. Jesse Battle [t 3]
married Margaret Riddick Drake
v. James Battle dsp – will 1832 Hertford Co
vi. Martha Battle
married Mr. Jarrett
vii. Mary Battle
viii. Josiah Battle lived Winton merchant
c. Priscilla Battle 1732 –
married Benjamin Faucette
d. Jesse Battle 7 July 1738 – 1805
left “Negro Toney and all my joyner and turner’s tools”
rem to GA 1787 had 13 children
married Sussannah Faucette
i. Lazarus Battle 7 Mar 1777 –
line of Jan Cook’s husband
e. Martha Battle ca 1736 –
married Isaac Dortch moved to TN
i. Ann Dortch
married Robert West son of George West and Mary Clark
married 2nd Samuel Lawrence
f. Mary Battle 1740 – 1813
child in esse when her father wrote his will 1740
married ca 1761 James Norfleet
i. Sally Norfleet
married Elias Hilliard
married Col. William Horn
married 2nd 1781/84 Lemuel Lawrence
3. Sarah Battle
4. Mary Battle
married William Taylor
a. William Taylor
married Mary Billingsley
i. Weltha Taylor
ancestor of Jan
5. Elisha Battle 9 Jan 1723 Nansemond Co VA – 6 Mar 1799 Edgecombe Co, NC
moved to Edgecombe Co ca 1747
married 1742 Elizabeth Sumner d 19 Jan 1794.
daughter of John Sumner, brother of Jethro Sumner father of Brig. Gen. Jethro Sumner
a. Sarah Battle [table 27]
married Jacob Hilliard
married 2nd Henry Horn
b. John Battle 1745 – 1796 [t 40]
married ca 1770 Francis Davis d.
i. Davis Battle 3 Jul 1775 Edgecombe Co NC – 25 Sep 1824 AL
married 8 May 1805 Margart Bunn [Lamon] 12 Feb 1774 Edgecombe NC – 22 Aug 1838
1. William Davis Battle 9 Apr 1806 –
2. Jacob E Battle 15 May 1808 –
3. Joseph John Battle 28 Oct 1809 –
4. Josiah Davis Battle 18 Sept 1811 NC – 2 Jan 1864 Madison Co AL
married 20 Dec 1837 Mary Elizabeth McCrary 23 Jan 1817 – 20 Dec 1870
a. Margart Elizabeth Battle ca 1839 –
married Mr. Horton
b. Emma Jane Battle 17 Aug 1840 Meridianville, Madison Co AL – 7 Jun 1882 Lawrence Co AL
married 31 May 1860 Manoah Bostick Hampton II CSA
16 Apr 1835 Leighton Colbert Co AL – 2 Mar 1915 Leighton AL
i. Cynthia Mitchell Hampton 12 May 1861 Huntsville AL – 5 May 1937 Pasadena/Los Angeles CA
married 30 Oct 1907 Arthur Wallace SIAS 7 Jun 1855 – 2 Aug 1928 CA
ii. Mary Elizabeth [Lilie] Hampton 6 Sep 1863 Leighton AL – 24 Jun 1925 Nashville TN
married 11 Aug 1885 Walter Flavis McClure Sr
1 Mar 1856 Cornersville TN – 24 Jul 1915 Birmingham AL
iii. Dr. Thomas McCrary HAMPTON 9 Jun 1865 –
married Ann CAMERON
iv. Emma HAMPTON 14 Jul 1869 AL –
married James T. WOOD 1865 IL – Mar 1935
1. James T WOOD Jr
married Unknown
2. Mary J. WOOD 1894 Montana –
married C. A. LINN b.Minnesota
v. Matilda Parberry HAMPTON 26 Jul 1873 – 30 Jan 1953 Helena Montana
married Gideon Kennedy SPENCER b. Montana
1. Matilda SPENCER ca 1909 –
married 27 Dec 1930 Milton V. RITTER
2. Louise SPENCER 1903 – 1912
vi.. Manoah Bostick HAMPTON III 14 Aug 1877 AL – 1 Dec 1957 Los Angeles CA
married 16 Nov 1911 Eva HARTFIELD
vii. Brock Chilton HAMPTON 15 Sep 1880 – .Probably Washington DC
married Anna
1. Jane Elizabeth HAMPTON 13 Jan 1921 Washington DC –
married Jerry COLLINS
c. Jacob William Battle ca 1842 –
married Katie Robinson
d. Mary Thomas Battle 21 Feb 1844 – May 1884
married 1868 Dr. John Placibo Hampton
22 Jan 1825 Lawrence Co AL – 8 Jun 1907 Madison Co AL
e. Lucinda Battle Battle 20 Aug 1846 – 18 Oct 1850
f. Eliza McCrary Battle ca 1849 –
married Dr. Tolliver
g. Cullen Wright Battle 23 Jul 1854 – 23 Aug 1854
i. Josiah Davis Battle II 10 Apr 1858 – 30 Apr 1882
c. Elizabeth Battle [t 44]
married Josiah Crudup moved to Little River Wake County
d. Elisha Battle [t 50]
married Sarah Bunn
e. William Battle 1751 – 1781 [t 52]
married Charity Horn ca 1760 – sister of Henry
i. Joel Battle 1779 – 1829 Rocky Mount NC
married 9 April 1801 Mary Palmer Johnston 1786 – 1866
1. William Horn Battle 1802 – 1879
married Lucy Martin Plummer 1805 – 1874
2. Amos Johnston Battle 1805 –
married Margaret Hearne Parker
3. Richard Henry Battle 1807 – 1882 unmarried
4. Catherine Ann Battle 1809 –
married Dr. John Wesley Lewis
5. Benjamin Dossey Battle 1811 – 1857
married Henrietta Sabra Hearne Parker 1815 – 1889
6. Christopher Columbus Battle 1814 – 1859 unmarried
7. Isaac Luther Battle 1816 – 1843 unmarried
8. Susan Esther Battle 1819 – 1851
married Dr. William Henry McKee 1814 – 1875
9. Caroline C. Battle 1822 – 1823 dy
10. Laura Caroline Battle 1824 – 1919
married Dr Charles Phillips 1822 – 1889
f. Jacob Battle ca 1760 – 1814 Edgecombe Co, NC planter
married 1785 Penelope Langley 14 April 1762 – 26 May 1800
daughter of Thomas Langley and Lucy Smith of Halifax Co
widow of Thomas Edwards bef Nov 1784 Halifax Co
son of John Edwards Jr ca 1724 – Dec 1764 and wife Sarah

home built 1785 for Jacob Battle and his bride Penelope Langley Edwards
located near Rocky Mt vic. in Edgecombe Co, NC
“A Guide to the Historic Architecture of Eastern North Carolina”

i. James Smith Battle, Esq. [t 63] ca 1786 – 18 July 1854 of Nashville
“died at his son’s resident in Nash County on July 18 1854, aged sixty-eight years. [s 22 July 1854]
married Temperance Battle [Fort]
married 2nd Sally Harriott Westray ca 1804 – 16 July 1840
“died on July 16, 1840, in her thirty-sixth year, at the residence of Mr. Davis in Greensville County VA
near the junction of the Petersburg and Greenville Railroad. [T P 25 July 1840. Her Obit appeared 29 Aug 1840]

ii. Lucy Battle 21 Jan 1789 – 23 Sept 1794
iii. Marmaduke Battle 15 Sept 1791 – dsp
iv. Thomas Battle 29 Dec 1793 – 19 Sept 1799
v. Elizabeth Langley Smith Battle 5 Jan 1797 – 21 Mar 1815 [t 73]
married Dr. Cullen Battle son of Demsey and Jane Andrews
vi. Thomas Langley Battle 8 Nov 1799 – 30 Aug 1805
g. Jetho Battle [t 65]
married Martha Lane
h. Demsey Battle [t 73]
married Jane Andrews

the emigrant 1654

John Battle d. ca 1690
& Elizabeth
of Yorkshire, England & Nansemond Co VA & Pasquotank Co NC


from “the Battle Book” by Herbert Bemberton Battle 1930

“John Battle was one of the founders of the Battle family in America. Family tradition shows him to have been born in Yorkshire England but the exact date is unknown. He married there Elizabeth [surname unknown]. In 1654 he emigrated to America with his family and a number of relatives and neighbors, among whom were Sumners, Hunters, and Bakers and settled on the west Fork of the Nansemond River in a district since known as Nansemond County Virginia. He secured a Royal Patent. dated 14 December 1654 for 200 acres of land from the Governor of the Colony of Virginia. On 25 Sept 1663 he secured from the Royal Governor, Sir William Berkeley, additional grants one of which included 640 acres of land on the Paspetank [now called Pasquotank] River in North Carolina. He died about 1690.”

Children of John Battle and wife Elizabeth:
1. William Battle 1682 – 1749
married Sarah Hunter 1684 – 1769
dau of William Hunter
2. Alsey Battle died young

. . . . . . . . . . . .

emigrant [brother of John]

Matthew Battle d. 1669 Surry Co VA

bought land in Surry in 1653
Children of Matthew Battle:
1. Thomas Battle ca 1665 – don’t know his later history
2. John Battle ca 1660 –
a. Elizabeth Battle
b. John Battle II d. 1774 Edgecombe Co NC six children
i. William Battle 1728 – 1780 Nash Co
married Mary Capell of Halifax Co NC
1. Capt. William Battle II ca 1758 – Nash Co
married Mary Ann Williams 1768 – 1816
she married 2nd Gen William Arrington 1766 – 1812
2. James Battle ca 1760 – 1803

married Martha Arrington
3. John Battle ca 1760/65 –
married Rhoda Williams
a. William Battle 1801 – 1867 moved to Warren Co GA

note of Dr. Barry Hayes

5 thoughts on “William Hunter & Joane”

  1. I have been looking for years for the Hunter family from North Carolina that my GG Grandmother descends from. She lived in Haywood County Tennessee from abt 1820 to 1865 and then moved to Cleburne County Arkansas. Her name was ( based on family lore) Melissa Budgers Hunter Steward. She was born around 1800 in NC. She married Elemuel Steward around 1825. You can find her on 1840, 1850, and 1860 Haywood County Tn census ( head of household ). I also found in Haywood in same era Samuel Hunter and Augustus Hunter. They also were born in NC. Any of this ring a bell. I would love to discuss with a Hunter Family historian from NC that might be able to help. Thank you so much. I have more info if needed.
    Wm Don Gray
    Phoenix, Az

  2. I am a great great granddaughter of Lawrence and Martha Arrington Battle. I have been researching for several years. It is good to find information that seem to correlate with some of my research . Your material was very helpful.

  3. I am looking for the father of Ephraim Hunter b 1773 d 1851 in screven county ga I am guessing that he was the son of Ephraim Hunter b 1732 in chowan nc who was the son of capt William Hunter Ephraim Sr was 41 in 1773 when Ephraim Jr was born I am also guessing that Ephraim eSr then went off to war and never returned I can’tell find the proof can you help I believe my grand father Henry Hunter b 1859 d 1898 I also believe my grandfather was a slave of Henry Hunter. Ephraim jr my father Paul Hunter sr b 1891 d 1959 often spoke of life in Halcyondale ga after the civil war. And tales the old folks told about slavery. I do have a copy of Ephraim jr will I can send you a copy if you want it

  4. Here is proof for the daughter of Jacob Hunter d Wake Co who married Joel Sims.
    Wake Co WB 8 p 463
    Division of remaining negroes belonging to estate of Jacob Hunter decd, Joel Simms having previously drawn his share in right of his wife Patsey. Have allotted Robert Jeffreys in right of his wife Gilly Charles and Milley for his share, and have alloted to Reddick Hunter Clary and Nelson for his share leaving rest of the negroes in common among the remaining heirs. 13 April 1809

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