Jacob Boon & Lucy Liles

the Jacob Boon family of Northampton Co NC

Jacob Boon ca 1735 – 1790 | his parents
& ca 1756 Lucy Liles ca 1740 – | her parents
of Northampton Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Will of Jacob Boon NH Co NC 13 Oct 1778 – proved Dec Ct 1790
– unto my son Jesse Boon my manor plantation
– unto his daughters one feather bed and furniture a peace
Sally, Lily [or Lucy] Becky and Patty [names written then struck through
– unto my beloved wife Lucy the remainder of my estate during her natural like or widowhood and then to be divided between all my children.
– appoint my beloved wife Lucy and sons Benjamin and Jacob Executors.
Jacob Boon, Sen. and seal
Witnesses: William Lowe, Jesse Boon Lucy Boon (her mark)
Northampton County December Court 1790 This will was proved by Jesse Boon at the same time Benjamin and Jacob Boon qualified as Executors thereto ordered to be certified and recorded. Teste: ___ Hayes CCK

Deed NH Co BK 2 p 327 Thomas Liles to Jacob Boon 10 June 1756 10 pounds sterling for 200 ac on s side of Kirby Ck. Wit: James Washington, William Boon, Nicholas Boon

Will of Thomas Liles NC Co 19 Mar 1785 – proved Mar Ct 1786
– to my daughter Lucy Boon and her husband and then to my grandson Benjamin Boon
– lend wife Elizabeth

US Census 1790 NH Co NC
Jacob Boon 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16; 1 female; 4 slaves
Jacob Boon Jr 1 male over 16; 2 males under 16; 6 females
Benjamin Boon 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16; 5 females
Jesse Boon 1 male over 16; 4 males under 16; five females; 7 slaves

Children of Jacob Boon and wife Lucy: per will
1. Benjamin Boon ca 1756 – migrates south.
2. Jacob Boon
3. Sally Boon
4. Lily [or Lucy] Boon
5. Becky Boon
6. Patty Boon
7. Jesse Boon

e-mail from Leta 8 March 2008 – . . On the Benjamin Boon son of Jacob Boon of NHNC, this man migrates South. There are people on the Boon Family DNA website that match my brothers DNA that are descendants of a Benjamin Boon of Ga. Fla. and Ala. Leta Myles Franklin

Benjamin Boon died 1815
Northampton Co NC

This Benjamin is not the son of Jacob Boon and his wife Lucy —

Benjamin Boon will 1815 NH Co NC
a. Benjamin Boon ca 1777/ bef 1790 –
b. Lucy Boon ca 1779 bef 1790
married bef 1815 Langford
c. Polly Boon ca 1781 bef 1790
married bef 1815 Joyner
d. Rebecca Boon ca 1784 bef 1790
married bef 1815 Pledger
e. Miriam Boon ca 1787 bef 1790
married bef 1815 Woodard
f. Charity Boon ca 1790
married bef 1815 Davis

Will of Benjamin Boon of NH Co NC 26 March 1815 – proved Dec Ct 1815
– unto my son Benjamin Boon all my land that I now own + two negroes Jack and Mark one colt and one still
– unto my daughter Lucy Langford negro woman Judah and all her increase
– unto my daughter Polly Joyner negro girl Dorcas
– unto my daughter Rebecca Pledger negro boy Cary
– unto my daughter Miriam Woodard negro boys Cugger and Tom
– unto my daughter Charity Davis 5 pounds
– Item. My will and desire is that my negro woman named Milly and her increase be sold at public sale and the money arising from the sale of said negro to remain in the hands of my executor hereafter named and for him to give my daughter Charity twenty five dollars a year till he gives her three hundred dollars.
– Item. My will and desire is that all my property not before mentioned shall be sold at public sale and the money arising from the sale thereof to pay the balance if the negro woman before mentioned should not sell for enough to raise three hundred dollars and also pay my executor to pay all my justs debts and the balance after all is discharged to be equally divided between four of my daughters, to wit, Lucy Langford, Polly Joyner, Rebecca Pledger and Miriam Woodard to them and their heirs forever.
EXers: son Benjamin Boon and Elliott Futrell
Benja: Boon
Wit: Willie Futrell, Hosea Futrell, Dempsey Futrell Junior.
Northampton, December Court 1815. This last will and testament of Benjamin Boon was exhibited into Court and proved by the oaths of Willie Futrell and Hosea Futrell two of the subscribing witnesses thereto, whereupon Benjamin Boon jun one of the executors in said will named was qualified according to the law, time being reserved for the other executor Ordered that said will be recorded. Teste, J.C. Harrison Clerk

e-mail from Leta – – The Benjamin Boon you list with the daughters is not from Jacob. Mr. Flythe agreed with this and they are what I call the District 9 Boons. In District 9 there are loads of Boons of the early period but no relation to the Boons of District 12 and Hertford, Southampton. In fact, I have traded emails with a lady in Ga. that claims to be descended from this Benjamin Boon with the daughters. They also have a line in Tennessee. If I can find the info, I will give it to you. . Leta Myles Franklin

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