Michael Brittain & Nancy Weston

2nd generation

Michael Brittain 1763 – 1840 | his parents
& 1792 Nancy Weston 1771 – aft 1843 | her parents
of Hertford County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Michael Brittain Jan 1763 [1760] – 5 Dec 1840 Hertford Co, NC
in 1833 Michael Brittain was the inspector of Naval Stores at Pitch Landing
Rev War Vet appl for pen 1833; wife appl. 1843
1790 Bertie Co Michael Brittain 1 m over 16
1800 Hertford Co Michael. Brittain 3m 0-10, 1m 26-45, 1f 26-45
1810 Hertford Co Michael Britton 1m 0-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 26 -45, 1f 0-10, 1f 26-45, 1f 45+
1820 Hertford Co, Mike Britton 1m 45+, 2f 16-26, 1f 45+, 0 slaves
1830 Hertford Co, Michael Britton 1m 20-30, 1m 60-70, 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, 1f 50-60
1840 Hertford Co, Michael Britton age 79, is living in the household of Augustus Bass, also 1f 60-70
married Jan 1792 Nancy Weston 1771 – aft 1843
sister of James Weston ca 1744 – 1843 Rev. vet

Children of Michael Brittain and Nancy Weston:
1. Thomas Britton 3 April 1793 Hertford Co, NC – Carpenter
Hertford Co 1820 census Thos Britton 1m 0-10, 1m 26-45, 1f 0-10, 1f 26-45 3 slaves
Hertford Co 1830 census Thomas Britton 1m 0-5, 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 30-40, 2f 40-50
Hertford Co 1840 census Thomas Britton 2m 15-20, 1m 40-50, 1f 40-50
Feb 1846 Thomas Britton is appt. Inspector of Naval Stores at Hill’s Ferry
Hertford Co 1860 census #164 Thomas Britton 70 m, Mary Britton 40 f
also, #364 Mary Britton 10 f living in the household of Henry Griffith 41 m
married Martha? 1793 Hertford Co –
a. Boland Boon Briton 2 Aug 1818 –
b. Emeline Briton 17 Jan 1819 –
c. James Jackson Briton 3 Sep 1821 –
married bef 1850 Elizabeth? ca 1825 –
1. Frances Britton ca 1845 –
2. Mary Q. Britton ca 1848 –
married bef 1870 Julia A ? ca 1824 –
Hertford Co 1850 census Jackson Britton 28 m Overseer, Elizabeth 25 f, Francis 5 f, Mary 2 f
Hertford Co 1870 J J Britton 48, Julia A 46, Marie Q 22,
d. Nancy Elezebeth Briton 31 Sep 1824 –
2. Samuel Britton 1 Sept 1794 Hertford Co –
[serving in the war of 1812 from Hertford County were a Thomas Britton and a Samuel Britton.]
married 29 Sept 1833 Mrs. Nancy [Leary] Britton ca 1895 –
she had married 1st bef 1828 Daniel Britton died 1831
[from the Windsor Herald & Bertie County Register Nov 1, 1833 [Powell abstract]
“In this county on the 29th Sept by Edward Hardy Esq., Mr. Samuel Britton of Murfreesboro to Mrs. Nancy Britton.”]
[hmmm – Is this the widow of Daniel Britton, who died 1828/31 Bertie Co?]
a. Jesse Britton ca 1836 –
Married Rebecca? ca 1837 –
1. Henrietta Britton ca 1857 –
2. E. J. Britton 1859 –
3. David Britton 16 June 1795 Hertford Co –
4. Lemuel Britton 19 July 1797 Hertford Co –
5. Celia [Selah] Brittain 29 April 1802 – bef 1880 census
married 8 June 1828 Augustus Bass 17 ‘ep’ 1805 – aft 1880 census
son of John Bass
Hertford Co 1840 census Augustus Bass 1m 0-5, 1m 5-10, 1 m 30-40, 1m 70-80, 1f 20-30, 1f 30-40, 1f 60-70
living in the household is Revolutionary service pensioner Michael Britton age 79
Augustus Bass was the administrator of his father-in-law’s estate in 1843
in 1843 Augustus Bass was the inspector of Naval Stores at Pitch Landing
he and his family lived on land joining Maple Lawn
a. Michael B Bass 5 April 1829 – 16 Sep 1829
b. David Bass 29 July 1832 –
c. Joseph W Bass 17 April 1834 –
d. Nancy E L Bass 2 May 1837 –
e. Agustus J Bass 24 May 1839 – 2 Feb 1922
married 17 Jan 1861 Martha A. Morris 28 Feb 1841 – 17 Sept 1927
1. Quinton Agustus Bass 25 Oct 1861 Bertie Co NC – 8 Aug 1926 Bertie Co NC TB
married 15 Dec 1886 Annie R Burden Aug 1869 – 6 March 1909 age 39
a. Etta W Bass 18 Sept 1887 –
married Surles
b. James A [Jim] Bass 10 Nov 1889 – 13 Feb 1937
c. Celia G Bass 11 Aug 1891 – d y
d. Annie Gertrude Bass 3 Sept 1893 –
married Williams
e. Wm. Kader Bass 16 Sept 1895 – 10 Mar 1938
married Sept 1919 Blanche Louise Harrell 18 Feb 1894 – 6 Oct 1965
f. Lina G Bass 20 July 1897 –
married Nolan
g. Celia Frances Bass 27 June 1899 –
married Harney
h. Pattie J [Irene] Bass 17 April 1901 –
married Ed Ferrell
i. Lewis C Bass 26 Sept 1902 – y
j. Lewis Q Bass 7 Nov 1904 –
married 2nd Janie J Taylor 17 Sept 1885 – 28 Aug 1965 Powellsville
a. Mary Ruth Bass 20 Dec 1918 –
b. Ella Elizebeth Bass 24 Sept 1921 –
married Willie Smith Cowan Jr.
c. Thomas Elwood Bass 22 May 1923 –
d. John D Bass 31 Jan 1926 –
above list of birthdates from the Bible of Quinton Augustus Bass born in 1862
transcribed by his granddaughter Lynette C Vance – March 2009

f. Quinton A Bass 1841 –
married 13 Oct 1859 Mary Jane Smith
1. Quinton T Bass 11 Aug 1873 – 12 June 1927
married Bessie V Pearce
a. Elsie V Bass 1 May 1906 – 15 Aug 1927
b. Elizabeth Bass 9 April 1912 – 10 Aug 1919
c. Bessie Cornelia Bass 9 May 1913 – 27 Mar 1914
d. Quinton T Bass 29 Dec 1924 – 20 Jan 1925
2. William T Bass 21 Nov 1877 – 16 Mar 1927

6. Elizabeth Ann Brittain 23 April 1805 Hertford Co.
Married 22 Sept 1826 Lewis M Jiggats Perqu. Co, NC

James Weston 1842 Will
– He gave to Mary Parker the daughter of David Parker;
to Joseph Jordan son of Pleasant Jordan;
to my sister Nancy Britton;
to niece Caelees Bass;
to Alfred Moore Darden son of Alfred W Darden;
to David Davis and Henry Davis, sons of John Davis;
to Benjamin F Parker, son of David Parker;
to Henry P Weston, son of Uriah Weston;
to Jordan Weston, son of Wilson Weston;
to Wm Slocum son of Clark Slocum;
to Briant Parker son of Silas Parker Jr;
to Benjamin F Parker, son of Samuel Clark.
EX: David Parker and Pleasant Jordan.

1820 census Hertford Co James Weston 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45, 1m 45+, 1f 16-26, 1f 26-45
1840 census Hertford Co James Weston 1m 80-90, 1f 60-70
Revolutionary service pensioner James Weston, age 83

[e- mail from Paul Murauskas :
I, in fact, do have a copy of the record of Michael Britton’s family. This record was in the possession of Augustus Bass, who married one of Michael’s daughters. I don’t remember which one. This record was written in Michael’s own handwriting, which Augustus Bass had to attest to. I believe it was proof of Rev. War benefits for the descendants of Michael Britton. Below are the remarks taken from the family bible page. The spelling of the names is exactly as Michael wrote them.
Michael Britton’s birth was in 1763 in Hertford Co., NC.
His wife was Nancy (unknown). Death was December 1840.
Rev. War participant: Source Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files Vol. I: A-E, Abstracted by Virgil D. White, The National Historical Publishing Company, Waynesboro, TN 1990.
Thomas Briton born 3 April 1793, Hertford Co., wife is Martha.
Samuel Briton born 1 Sep 1794, Hertford Co.
David Briton born 16 June 1795, Hertford Co.
Lemuel Briton born 19 July 1797
Celah Briton born 29 April 1802
Elesebeth Briton born 23 April 1805, Hertford Co.]

Deed Book pg. 115, John Brittian, Cooper of Hertford Co. N.C. to Micheal Brittian of the same. Has given to Micheal Brittian,100 acres in Bertie Co. N.C. east of Quioccason swamp in Capt. John Campbell’s line. And also the piece of land that I excepted of Wills in my son John Brittian deed I give to him. Wit: John A. Wynns, Susanna Wynns, Samuel Rayner, Jemima Brritian, 1785 Court 1790, Oath of Samuel Rayner

Deed Jan. 21, 1785, between John Brittain Sr. of Hertford Co., N.C.
Give To John Brittain of the same. Plantation Messuage, Tract, or Parcel of land on the east side of Quickoson Swamp began at a red oak in William Rayner line to pine land divided former Ward and Wells. 180 acres.
Excepting the privileges of getting White Oak Timber on it as long as I live if I request.
Wit: Josiah Perry, Millison Perry, William Perry, Bertie Co., court Feb. 1785

2nd generation

Judith Brittain 1755/74 – 1811 | her parents
of Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Judith Brittain 1755/74 – Feb/May 1811 Bertie Co [will]
will signed 10 Feb 1811, proved at May Ct 1811, “..being weak in body…”
brother George Brittan – bed,
to Fanny Brittan (daughter of my brother Daniel Brittan) – bed.
sister Elizabeth Outlaw – Negro Betty, one chest.
sister Ann Mizell – Negro Fillis for her lifetime and at her death to her heirs.
to West Mizell (son of Hezekiah Mizell) – Negro Hardy when he is twenty one,
but if my mother should die before that time I lend the said Negro to his father until the said West comes of age.
Remaining estate to be divided between
my three brothers and three sisters
Benjamin Brittan, Michael Brittan, Daniel Brittan,
Elizabeth Outlaw, Ann Mizell, and Jemima Brittan.
EX: Hezekiah Mizell WIT: Hardy Freeman, Jon. Holley

2nd generation

Elizabeth Brittain 1755/74 – aft 1811 | her parents
& 1803 – 10 Mr Outlaw | his parents
of Hertford County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Elizabeth Brittain 1755/74 –
married 1803/1810 Mr. Outlaw

John Brittain’s will 1803 indicates that she is still Elizabeth Brittain
Her sister Frances in her Sept 1810 will calls her Elizabeth Outlaw.
Her sister Judith in her Feb 1811 will calls her Elizabeth Outlaw.

Notes on Outlaw men of the area: none of these fit the above data
The widow of John Outlaw ca 1744 – 1792 was an Elizabeth dec 1812 and she married 2nd Aug 1793 his brother James Outlaw. her children were Patsy 1783, Dicey 1786, John Canady Outlaw 1788, and Timothy 1790 by John and Jeremiah 1803 by James. [I have been inclined to believe she might have been a Canady because of her first son’s name]

Maj. Lewis Outlaw 1758/59 – 1808 [his widow was an Elizabeth] had 7 children 1782 thru 1799.
Christian/Catherine ca 1782, Mary/Polly, Edward C, Sarah/Sally, David, Milly, and Jonathan
Perhaps Elizabeth was his second wife.

2nd generation

Daniel Brittain 1764/74 – bef 1831| his parents
& 1803 Sarah [Sally] Outlaw 17?? – bef 1828 | her parents
& Ann ? | her parents
of Hertford County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Daniel Brittain 1764/74 – bef Nov 1831 Bertie Co, NC
married 3 May 1803 Bertie Co Sarah [Sally] Outlaw – bef 1828
Lewis Outlaw was the bondsman
daughter of Aaron Outlaw ca 1756 – 1815, and Prudence?

Children of Daniel Brittain and Sally Outlaw
1. Fanney [Frusy] Brittain bef 1810 –
married Zach Downing [Dunning] died ca/bef Jan 1848 Hertford Co
a. William Downing [Dunning] 1832 –
married Celia B ca 1815 –
1880 Census Harrellsville, Hertford Co NC Wm. Downing, male, w 48 NC farming parents NC; Celia B wife female, w 65 NC keeping house parents NC; Cealy Evans, Niece, single female w 20 NC all; Elizabeth Parker, mother, widow, female w 86 NC all.
b. Mary Ann Downing ca 1841 –
married ca 1859 S D Newsome ca 1827 –
from 1880 census
i. William J Newsome ca 1861 –
ii. Mollie I Newsome ca 1866 –
iii. Sumner E Newsome ca 1869 –
iv. Nancy H Newsome ca 1872 –
v. Kate C Newsome ca 1875 –
vi. John H Newsome ca 1878 –
c. Starkey Downing ca 1844 –
Hertford Co.,Winton,Oct. 16, 1904 – John Dowing, 21, decended from Starkey Dunning, 1867, May 16, 1908 , Ahoskie
2. John L Britton 1810 – ca 1878 Bertie Co, NC
Bertie Co 1840 census John Britton 1m 20-30, 1f 0-5, 1f 20-30
married ca 1838 Catherine Jane Sessoms 1821 – aft 1880
lived 1/2 mile from Rosemead across Barbecue Swamp.
a. Virginia A Britton Sept 1838 –
married 22 Dec 1858 Alfred (Alpheus) Nowell Aug 1834 –
son of John, son of Dempsey, son of Dempsey, son of Martin Nowell
[in 1880, his wife is Jane – 40. is this a 2nd wife?]
i. John P Nowell 1860 –
ii. Virginia8 Annie Nowell ca 1862 – lived in Roanoke, VA
married and left issue
iii. Joseph8 Henry [Joe] Nowell 11 Mar 1865 – 8 Dec 1943 Windsor NC
both are buried in the Theophilus Cherry family cemetery
married Mary Cherry 4 May 1868 – 9 May 1933
daughter of Theophilus Cherry and Christine [Kitty Eliza] Outlaw
iv. Katherine I [Kate] Nowell ca 1868 – Frusannah [Annie] Nowell 1868 –
v. Dr. Luther A Nowell ca 1871 – Colerain
married ca 1896 Cleo Britton ca 1873 –
1. Rosebud Nowell ca 1898 Colerain – lived Greenville, NC

Rosebud at Chowan 1915

married Sellers Mark Crisp M.D Falkland, NC –
2. John Pulaski Nowell ca 1903 – of Ahoskie
vi. Julia Hinton Nowell ca 1874 –
married Dr. Wayland Mitchell ca 1872 – of Lewiston
vii. Amanda Nowell Mar 1879 – of Windsor
married Richard Watson Askew Jr.
1. Julia Askew
married Mr. Manning
2. Mary Webb Askew
3. Frances Askew
4. Virginia Askew
b. Amanda F. (T) Britton ca 1843 – aft 1880 dsp Colerain
c. Daniel W Britton 1844 – Rosemead, Colerain
lives across the Barbecue Swamp west of Rosemead
represented Bertie Co. in the state legislature at Raleigh, N.C
trustee of Chowan College 1899 -1910
married Mary Elizabeth ? 1847 –
i. Nanie Britton 1870 –
ii. D Roy Britton 1872 –
trustee of Chowan College 1914 – 1926
married 4 Oct 1897 Sallie M Shaw ca 1878 –
daughter of W P Shaw
iii. Rosen Britton 1876 –
iv. Essa Britton 1878 –

d. John C. Britton ca 1846 – Powellsville
represented Bertie Co. in the state legislature at Raleigh, N.C
married 6 Dec 1868 Mollie Jane Simons 1850 – ca 1880
of Magnolia Grove [located near Pine Tree Store]
i. Caroline [Carrie] Virginia Britton 20 Feb 1870 Bertie C – 1955
married 1892 Hersey Parker Gatling 31 Dec 1866 Hert C -17 July 1924
1872 John Britton, wife Izzy, and daughter Carrie at Wynns’ store in Powellsville
ii. Cleo Britton 1873 –
married Dr. Luther A Nowell (1st cousin)
iii. Herbert K. Britton 1880 –
married 2nd 1881 Lucie A. Tayloe 31 Aug 1848 – 3 Feb 1916
1st cousins
iv. Sadie L. Britton ca 1882 –
married James Mitchell
v. John W Britton 24 June 1886 – 27 Apr 1894 ts
vi. Cyrus Britton 24 May 1891 – 1 Oct 1894 ts

Daniel Brittain
married 2nd bef 1828 Ann [Leary?] named in his will 1828

….The most prominent Contemporary of the Rosemead Vicinity was the late Hon. Daniel W. Britton, who lived across the Barbecue Swamp, west of Rosemead. He was an ex-representative of Bertie County in the state legislature at Raleigh, NC and was a successful Merchant and Mill man, and owned a large plantation, and was esteemed by all who knew him. He had a brother the late Hon. John C Britton who was a ex-representative of Bertie County in the state legislature at Raleigh and who was a successful business man and owned considerable wealth in and around Powellsville, NC. They were both born and reared just across Barbecue Swamp 1/2 mile from Rosemead, and the sons of the late John L Britton, who was a man of much prominence, and owned on of the largest plantations in the Rosemead section. — “History of Rosemead” 1937 by AJM Perry.

Bertie Co 1840 census Stephen? Britton 1m 20-30, 1f 20-30
Bertie Co 1810 census Wm Britain 1m 0-10, 2m 16-26, 1f 0-10, 1 f 16-16 6 slaves
Bertie Co 1820 census William Britton 2m 0-10, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-18, 1m 45+, 2f 10-16,1f 26-45 36 slaves
Bertie Co 1840 census Wm. Britton 1m 50-60, 1f 5-10, 1f 15-20

2nd generation

Ann Brittain 1755/74 – 1849 | her parents
& 1805 Hezekiah Mizell 1785 – ca 1842 | his parents
of Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Ann [Nancy] Brittain 1755/74 Hertford Co – 1849 Bertie Co
estate of Ann Mizell decd. sold 10 day of March 1849
married 8 May 1805 Bertie Co Hezekiah Mizell 1785 -ca 1842 Bertie Co
Sol. Cherry, Jr was bondsman
son of Cader Mizell, who in 1820 lived in Robertson, TN & Mary Hare
Hezekiah Mizell’s land was divided among his heirs Aug 1842

Children of Ann [Nancy] Brittain and Hezekiah Mizell:
1. West Mizell bef 1810 – ca 1846 Bertie Co, NC
West Mizell property sale May Term 1847 ct records pg 98-102
a. Josiah Mizell 1830 Colerain – aft 1880 Bertie Co
fisherman 1860-80 census dry goods merchant Colerain
married Cleopatra ? 1818 – aft 1880
2. Frances [Fanny] Mizell bef 1810 –
married John Perry Bertie Co
3. Penelope [Penny] Mizell 1808 –
married ca 1824 Wilson Outlaw 1800 –
a. Emiline Outlaw 1825 –
b. Jane W Outlaw 1832 –
c. Britton Outlaw 1833 –
married Con ? 1861 –
i. George W Outlaw 1876 –
ii. U. E. Outlaw 1877 –
iii. Bettie Outlaw 1880 –
d. Elender Outlaw 1837 –
e. Hezekiah Outlaw 1838 –
f. George W Outlaw 1841 –
g. Joseph Outlaw 1846 –
4. Ann [Nancy] Mizell 1813 Colerain –
married 18 Nov 1838 Eason Ward

2nd generation

Jemima Brittain 1774/84 – aft 1811 | her parents
of Hertford County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Jemima Brittain 1774/84 – [she wit. deed 1785]
was shown as 16 – 26 on 1800 census still single in 1811

2nd generation

George Brittain 1777 – bef 1865 | his parents
of Pitt County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

George Brittain 10 June 1777 Hertford Co – bef 1865 Pitt Co
Pitt Co 1820 census
George Britton1m 10-16, 1m 16-18, 2m 16-26, 1m 26-45,
2f 10-16, 3f 16-26, 1f 26-45, 1f 45+

Pitt Co Church History:
Oak Grove (Disciple)- organized Oct. 25, 1834.
First officers: Jeremiah Leggett, Pasteor;
Henry Robertson, clerk;
George Britton and Nathanal Keel, deacons.

Children of George Brittain and ?:
1. oldest son b. abt 1802-1803
married Cynthia Perkins 1803
daughter Lemuel Perkins and Elizabeth Grimes
Cynthia Britton lived with her brother Churchill Perkins in 1850

perhaps they are the parents of
a. George Britton 1825 Beaufort Co –
married Beaufort Co 1846 Sallie Lassiter 1826 Beaufort co –
i. Louisa W Britton 6 Feb 1846 Beaufort Co NC – 6 Feb 1927
married 1869 James W Bullock 1852 Pitt Co NC –
1. Addy Bullock ca 1870 –
2. Westyann Bullock ca 1877 –
3. Asa P Bullock 18 June 1882 – 31 May 1959 Bethal he married 3 x’s
married Maggie Butler [1910 census says 12 children/ 9 living]
a. Betty Bullock
married Andrew Jackson Keel
2. Patrom/Patrick Britton 1804 – aft 1880 Pitt Co
married 1824 [Pitt co] Lucretia ? 1804
a. Carolina E Britton 1831 –
married 1857 J. E Algeron Whichard 14 April 1837 Pitt Co – farmer
lived Pactolus, Pitt Co, NC listed as cooper 1850
son of John Solomon Whichard b 25 Dec 1813 and wife Charlotte

i. Charlotte C Whichard Oct 1858 Pitt Co –
married Pitt Co 27 Aug 1877 Richard H Warren Jr
27 Dec. 1856 Pitt Co – 12 Mar 1918
1. James Edward Warren 25 Nov 1878 Robersonville, Maritn Co NC – 11 Dec 1936
ii. Sarro A Whichard 1862 –
iii. William T Whichard 1868 –
iv. James J Whichard 1870 –
v. John R Whichard 1871 –
vi. Mary Whichard 1874 –
vii. Josepher Whichard 1875 –
b. Harriet Rosala Britton 1833 NC – Colorado TX
married Samuel Arthur Whitley ca 1832 NC –
son of Hardy L Whitely 1805 NC – aft 1880 TX
i. Samiel A. Whitley ca 1862 NC –
ii. Jesse T. Whitley ca 1865 NC –
iii. James H. Whitley ca 1867 NC –
iv. Andrew J. Whitley ca 1873 NC –
v. Charles M. Whitley ca 1879 TX –
c. George R Brittain 1836 Pitt Co –
d. James Alfred [Brown] Britton 1837 NC – 3 Feb 1892 Oakland TX
survived a shot in the head Civil War
buried Clear Creek Cemetery in Colorado Co TX

married Colorodo Co TX 1868 Emma Caroline [Carrie] Henderson ca 1853 TX –
i. Emma L Britton ca 1870 TX –
ii. Nora E Britton ca 1871 TX –
iii. Viola C Britton ca 1874 TX –
iv. Martha T Britton ca 1879 TX –
v. Elizabeth Ann Britton 1880 – 2 Mar 1962
married James Milton Lucas
1. Bret Lucas
vi. Leola Britton
married Oscar Kohleffel
vii. Katherine [Kate] Britton 4 April 1882 – 2 Oct 1975
married Lonnie Davenport
viii. Allie Britton
married Claude Gentry
1. Agnes Gentry
2. Oscar Gentry
3. Lucille Gentry
ix. Charlie [Bud] Britton 19 June 1889 – 14 Sept 1969
1. Ralph Britton
2. Clarence Britton
3. Mabel Britton
4. Charlie Britton
5. Gloria Britton
x. Allen Britton died at 4 yrs of age buried Clear Creek Cemetery
info from Bret Lucas

e. Sarah Britton 1838 –
f. Frances Britton 1841 –
g. Sophy Jane Britton 1852 NC – as 2nd wife
married Colorodo Co TX 1 Mar 1877
James Ormod Cherry Jan 1832 Pitt Co NC – 24 May 1912 Henderson Co TX
son of Henry Ormond Cherry 1800 Pitt Co N C and Clementine Edwards 1801 N.C.
i. John Arther Cherry 1878 Colorado Co., TX
ii. Lula Frances Cherry 1879 TX –
iii. Rosa Cherry, b. 1880
iv. Fanny Cherry, b. 1881
v. Mac Gilbrae Cherry, Jan. 24, 1882
vi. Laura Bell Cherry, Sept. 1883
vii. George Cleveland Cherry, b. Nov 1884
viii. Emma Daisy Cherry, b. Dec. 1885
he married first NC ca 1850 Emelia Everett, b. Aug 28, 1831, N.C
infant Cherry 1851 Pitt Co NC
ii. Mary Louise Cherry 20 Aug 1853 Pitt Co N C
iii. James Ormond Cherry Jr. 18 Dec 1855 Pitt Co NC
iv. Delia Cherry 1858 Weimar, Colorado Co Texas
v. Sarah Winifred Cherry Dec. 10 1860 Weimar, Colorado Co., TX
vi. Lisbon Thomas Cherry June 10 1865 Oakland, Colorado Co., TX
vii. Florence G. Cherry 1867 Oakland, Colorado Co., TX
viii. Henry Everett Cherry Aug 11, 1869, Oakland, Colorado Co.,TX
? iii. Henry Cherry ca 1861 TX –
he married third June 17, 1896 Francis C. Williams 3 Jan 1849 MS –

Patrom/Patrick Briton age 60
married 2nd 28 Oct 1873 [Pitt co] Barbary Holland age 46
3. George Britton ca 1806 –
married Mary ca 1816 –
living in Washington, NC 1880
a. Margaret Britton 1831 –
b. Sarah Britton 1833 –
c. Mintha Britton 1835 –
d. Daniel Britton 1837 –
e. William Britton 1838 –
f. John Britton 1843 –
g. Penelope Britton 1843 –
h. Mary Britton 1844 –
i. Jennie Louise Britton 1846 –
married ca 1866 Joseph James Bullock 1834/40 Pitt Co –
j. James Alfred Britton 1848 –
lived at Oak Grove in Pitt Co
married Belvoir, Pitt Co NC 7 Jan 1867 Nancy Holiday 1846 –
daughter of Samuel Holiday and Elizabeth Manning
i. Alice Britton 17 Sept 1869 – 15 Feb 1942
married ca 1894 Robert E Harris 7 Dec 1861 – 2 May 1914
lived at Bear Grass in Martin Co
1. Willie P Harris Feb 1896 –
2. James Walter Harris 3 Mar 1898 – 1942
married Martha Jane Ausbon/Osborne 1912 – 1958
a. Cecile Ward Harris 23 Mar 1931 – 19 Jan 1994
married Nov 1951 John Rayner Moore Jr 21 Dec 1926 – 27 Aug 1998
b. three siblings
3. Girty Harris 26 Dec 1898 – 12 June 1899
4. Fanny Harris Dec 1899 –
ii. Robert Britton 1871 –
iii. Wm T Britton 1873 –
iv. Jos. Britton 1875 –
v. Mary Britton 1876 –
vi. Henry Luther Britton 1879 –
married Naomi Whitchard of Washington, Beaufort Co NC
grandparents of Cliff Britton
k. George Britton 1849 –
4. Judith Brittain 1815 –
5. Elizabeth Brittain 1819 –
6. Susan Brittain 1827 –
7. Ann Brittain 1833 –
8. another daughter

Marriage: James A Britton – parents George Britton and Mary Britton
Nancy Holiday – parents Samuel Holiday and Elizabeth Manning
Place Belvoir, Pitt Co, NC 7 Jan 1867, Bd T Barnhill, J P

e-mail from James E Moore
Now my grandfather James Walter Harris
was born about 1895 or 1898 as I remember.
He didn’t marry until he was 35 or thereabouts.
My grandmother Martha Jane Ausbon/Osborne was about sixteen.
My mother was the first child born in 1931.

Now James’ parents were Robert E. Harris and Alice
Britton. They lived at Bear Grass in Martin County
near the Beaufort County line. Her parents were James
Alfred Britton and Nancy Holliday.

Friday night one of my mother’s first cousins called
me up. She’s trying to put together a Harris genealogy.
So I racked my brain and went looking for
what little I had. Last night I found some notes from
a conversation with my mother’s great-aunt Nina
Britton (Mrs. Luther Britton) about 1980.
She said that James and Nancy Britton lived at Oak Grove in
Pitt County. Then she listed their children as Bob,
Tom, Luther, Pattie, Bettie, Ada and Della.
Alice was in there somewhere.
She just didn’t say where.

This morning I discover on your website under the
Brittons a James A. Britton,born 1848, married at
Belvoir in Pitt County in 1867 to Nancy Holiday, born
1846. She’s the daughter of Samuel Holiday and
Elizabeth Manning. Their children are Alice, Robert,
Wm. T., Jos., Mary and then Henry Luther married to
Naomi Whichard. If this is correct, then Alice would
have been about 25 when she had my grandfather and 62
when my mother was born. My mother remembered her
quite clearly and recalled her funeral. She must have
lived up until 1940. So these must be the same
people. Don’t you agree? Your website says that
Henry Luther and Naomi were the grandparents of Cliff
Britton. In my notes, I show them having seven
children with Clifford of Hamilton, NC as the
youngest. Do you have any contact info for this

researching these Brittons:
Paul Murauskas, Janet Briton, Dorothy Jackson as well as myself

2 thoughts on “Michael Brittain & Nancy Weston”

  1. Where is Barbecue Swamp? I am descended from Peters, Battles and Parkers who all seem to have come together around there. I live in Montana and have never been to the Piedmont country. I’ll appreciate anything you can provide. My relatives were mostly in Nansemond Co, Va. but also Bertie and Chowan Counties in NC. Other ancestors are Babb, Smith, Whitfield, and Turner, who all went west together to what became Johnston County.
    Kind regards, and thanks for any help you can provide.
    Sally Newell Thompson

  2. I am looking for current family that would be related to Alta Brittain, father, John Brittain. Mother’s maiden- Theresa Smith. Elsie, NE. Married June 20th, 1928 in Grant to Peter Petersen age 37 & Alta age 30 . Witnesses Henry Olson & Mrs. Thomas.Peter’s father- Esbe Petersen- mother- Margrethe Sorenson. Both born in Nebraska. Have some things would like to return to family.

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