Helen Cotten, Lewis Powell, & Moses Tyler

Descendants of Sally’s 5-great- grandparents
Arthur Cotten & Mary Elizabeth Rutland of Mulberry Grove

Helen Cotten ca 1749 – aft 1790 | her parents
& ca 1763 Lewis Powell ca 1743 – 1778 | his parents
& ca 1782 Moses Tyler ca 1756 – 1788 | his parents

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Moses Tyler was a son of John Tyler and Susannah Perry from Perquimans Co NC.

[from a] 1841 memoir by Jesse Powell, son of Lewis Powell and Helen Cotten. Jesse states : “I was born in the upper part of Hertford County, NC on the 5th day of December 1772. My father Lewis, was the son of Cader Powell and my mother Helen was the daughter of Arthur Cotten. My grandmother Cotten was a Rutland; of my grandmother Powell, I have no knowledge as she died before my day. My father [Lewis] died in his 36th year, when I was almost six years of age. He left six sons and one daughter. . .He was as wealthy as any of his contemporaries; at his sale about 100 head of cattle and 25 horses were sold. Though a merchant, he cultivated a farm — merchandizing must have been a source of profit in his day. He left me a legacy in money . .; I should have received $7,000.00, but during the Revolutionary War paper money had depreciated so that at the age of 21 years I received only about $300. My mother remained a widow a few years. She sent me to school and I worked on the farm. Then she married Moses Tyler, who was very strick; frequently at the dawn of day he would have me out on business.” cont.

Bertie Deed Bk K Р223 Jonas Griffin of Bertie Co to John Moore of Hertford Co 23 Aug 1762. 47£ proclamation. 200 acres [messuage] which sd Moore sold to sd Griffin some time ago part in Berie & part in Hertford, joining Fort Branch, Cow Branch, Long Branch. Wit: Ezekiel Perry, Cader Powell, Lewis Powell. Oct Ct 1762. CC John Johnston

Bertie Deed Bk M Р45 Cullen Pollock of Edenton to Lewis Powell of Hertford County, 24 Nov 1773 200£ proclamation. 100 ac on Runaroy Meadows, joining George Pollock. Wit: Arthur Cotton, Willm. Bennett, May Ct 1774. John Johnston CJC

Bertie Deed Bk M -190 John[x]Rawls & his wife Mary[x] of Edgcomb Co to Arthur Harrell of Bertie Co 20 Feb 1775. 33¬£ proclamation. our part of land which had belonged to George Burnet dec’d where the relict of sd. Burnet now lives. Wit: Cader Powell, Demsey Powell, Lewis Powell. May Ct 1775. John Johnson CC

Bertie Deed Bk M Р346 Tobias Butler & his mother Martha Ann Butler, both of Bertie Co to Jesse Cotton of Hartford Co 2 Feb 1778. 550£ proclamation. 260 acres on Roanoke River. Wit: Lewis Powell, Christopher Butler. May Ct 1778. John Johnston CC

Bertie Deed Bk M Р544 Lewis Powell & his wife Helen of Hertford County to Whitmell Hill of Martin County. 23 Jan 1778. 7000£ 100 acres joining George Pollock. Wit: Arthur Cotton, Shadrach Rutland. Aug Ct 1782. Stevens Gray CC ~ abstracts by Dr Stephen E Bradley Jr

1779 Tax List of Hertford Co NC abstract by Raymond A Winslow Jr NCGSJ May 94 p107
Shadrach Rutland Exor for Lewis Powell
Manner Plantation 400 ac 2500£
Ne Entd. Land 900 ac 1000£
4 negroes under 5 & 50-60 600£
5 ” 5-10 & 40-50 2000¬£
6 ” 10-40 4200¬£
6 Horses 1200£
57 Cattle 570£
money, Bonds etc 2420£ total Р14490£

Children of Helen Cotten and Lewis Powell: 6 sons and 1 daughter
1. Willis Powell ca 1764 – 1807 Bertie Co NC
his adm. was Henry Powell
married 17 Jan 1782 Celia Everette 1761 –
2. [sister] Powell 1766/71 – bef 1798
married bef 1788 Lazarus Carter 1750/55 – 1803
3. Arthur Cotten Powell 1766/9 – Hertford County NC
married Zilphia Taylor d. 1834
4. Cader Powell ca 1771 – 1830/31 Hertford Co NC
married 1st 1790’s unknown
married 2nd Cynthia Newsom ca 1794 –
5. Jesse Powell 5 Dec 1772 – 28 Feb 1860 ‘Healthy Grove,’ Halifax Co
married 27 Oct 1798 Charity Harrell 1782 – 1822
dau of Amos Harrell & Charity Rutland [13 children]
married 23 Sept 1823 Nancy Phillips 1785 – 1864
6. Lewis Powell ca 1774 –
7. William H Powell 1775 – 1811 Edgecombe Co NC
married Mary Harrison 1774 – 1837

1790 Census Hertford County
Helen Tyler 1 m over 16, 5 m under 16, 2 females 14 slaves
Powell, Shadrick 2m 16+ 5 sl [2 lines away]
Powell, Anna 1m 16- 1 f 2 sl
Powell, Dempsey 1m 16+ 1m 16- 6 f 4 sl
Powell, Charles 3 m 16+ 3 m 16- 1 f 20 sl

?Shadrick Powell bef 1774 – [I think he may be from Gates County]
[2 lines away Helen Tyler 1790 Census Hertford Co]
Shadrick Powell 2 m over 16 5 slaves

1800 Census Hertford County
Kader Powell 1m 16/25, 1m 26/45, 1f 16/25, 1f 26/45 10 sl
Cotten Powell 1m 16/25, 1f 16/25 13sl
Abner Perry 1m -10, 1m 16/25, 1m 26/45, 2f -10, 1f 10/15, 1f 16/25, 1f 26/45 13 sl
Ann Powell 1m 16/25, 1f 45+ 4 sl
Alexander Powell 1m 16/25, 1m 26/45, 1f 15/26 1 other free person, 6 sl
James Powell 1m 45+, 1f -10, 1f 10/15, 1f 45+
Charles Powell 1m -10, 1m 26/45, 1f 16/25, 9 sl

1810 Census Hertford County NC
Cader Powell 3m -10, 2m 26/45, 1f -10, 1f 10/15/ 2f 16/25, 1f 26/45
Lewis Powell 1m -5, 1 26/45, 2f -5, 1f 16/25
[this may be son or grandson of Anna and George] hmm – maybe Helen’s youngest Powell

1820 Census Hertford County NC
household of Kader Powell
3 boys under 10; 1 boy 11/15; 1 m 16/25; 1 m 45+; 1 f 26/45; 1 f 45+ 9sl
household of Lewis Powell 1m 26/45, 1f 10/15, 1f 26/45
household of Charles Powell 1 m -10, 2m 26/45, 1f -10, 1f 16/25, 1f 45+ 6sl

Children of Helen Cotten and Moses Tyler:
1. Richard Tyler 1783 – 1831
married 15 Oct 1804 Jennet Raby
dau. of Blake Raby
2. John Tyler 1785 – dy?
3. Perry Cotten Tyler 24 Oct 1788 – 1865
married 1st ca 1816 Elizabeth “Betsey” Harrell April 7, 1796 – July 1840
married 2nd 1842 Celia Creecy Rice Jan 16, 1807 – April 16, 1892
she was widow of Blake Raby, dau. James Rice & Celia Yates.

note in Jesse Powell Bible: “The great fresh in Roanoke River was in May 1770 /s/ William Powell”

In the Tyler Cemetery, Roxobel, NC at the intersection of RSR 1249 & RSR 1204 in field

Dedication of obelisk in shape of cross reads:
To the Glory of God and in memory of John Tyler, born 1728 and wife Susannah Perry [Tyler] of Perquimans Co, North Carolina.
In 1755 they settled in that part of Bertie County, which later became Hertford Co.
and in memory of their son, Moses Tyler, who died Nov 16, 1788
and his wife, Helen Cotten, the daughter of Arthur Cotten and wife Elizabeth Rutland

Descendants of Helen Cotten and Lewis Powell d 1778

Col Arthur Cotten Powell 1766/79 – aft 1817 Hertford Co
married ca 1815 Zilphia Taylor – died 1834
dau of John Taylor of Martin Co
a. Maj. William Taylor Powell 7 Feb 1817 – 25 Aug 1856 near Vernon, Madison Co, MS
married ca 1839 Charity Dawson Taylor 11 Apr 1821 – 5 June 1857
daughter of Kinchen Taylor of Martin Co per R Brown Wallace
i. Florida E Powell 27 April 1840 NC – 6 July 1886
married 1857 N H Thompson Jr
ii. Martha [Mattie] Taylor Powell 22 Nov 1842 NC – 22 April 1876
married 7 June 1860 James Hicks Johnson Jr 9 Aug 1837 – 28 Dec 1902
son of Dr. James H Johnson and Nancy Nelson Doxey
1. Lena [Lina] Rivers Johnson 1861 – 1902
married 1877 Robert Walker Durfey Jr 1857 – 1936 10 children
2. James [Jim] Hicks Johnson III died unmarried
3. Sudie Johnson 11 Feb 1864 – 11 April 1884 unmarried
4. Nannie [Nan] Johnson
married William Devine
5. Sallie Johnson
married Edward Durfey [brother of Robert]
6. Mattie Lou Johnson 26 May 1874 – 24 April 1931
married Clarence Catlett
iii. Sarah F [Mittie] Powell 22 Dec 1845 MS – 16 Feb 1917
married 19 Feb 1868 Robert Walker Durfey Sr [his 2nd wife]
1. Willie Durfey
2. Albert Durfey
3. Allan Percy Durfey
grandfather of Percy Durfey

Children of Robert W Durfey and 1st wife Elizabeth C Askew:
1. Robert Walker Durfey Jr
married Lena [Lina] Rivers Johnson
2. Mary Isabelle Durfey
3. Elizabeth Durfey
4. Edward Durfey

married 2nd J H Johnson Jr 1837 – 1902
widower of her sister Mattie
1. Katie Johnson
2. Bessie Johnson
3. Hughes Johnson
iv. Montraville Jesse Powell 16 Sept 1846 [died 17 days] dy
v. Lewis T Powell 16 Sept 1846 [died 16 days] dy
vi. Charity Lee Powell 7 Nov 1847 – 20 Oct 1854 dy
vii. Infant daughter 1849 [lived 8 days] dy
viii. Rebecca Taylor Powell 24 Sept 1854 – 8 Jan 1855 dy
ix. Arne G Powell 9 June 1856 – 22 Oct 1857 dy
Zilphia married 2nd Figures Lowe 14 Nov 1782 –
Figures Lowe married 2nd 1835 Ann Marie Crowell dau of John
and moved to Mississippi

II. Jesse Powell 5 Dec 1772 – 28 Feb 1860 ‘Healthy Grove,’ Halifax Co

Jesse Powell at 82
picture compliments of Al Anderson
the current owner of “Healthy Grove”

married 27 Oct 1798 Charity Harrell 1782 – 1822
dau of Amos Harrell & Charity Rutland [13 children]

married 23 Sept 1823 Nancy Phillips 1785 – 1864
a. Eaton Philips Powell 18 Feb 1825 – 27 July 1882
married Harriet Willie Higgs 1828 – 1878 no issue

1850 Census Halifax Co
Jesse Powell 77 m farmer Hertford
Nancy Powell 64 f Edgecombe
Alfred Powell 30 m Halifax
Eaton Powell 25 m “
Silvery Tanner 30 f ”

1841 memoir by Jesse Powell cont. “After the death of my father [1788] and until age 21 I was apprenticed by my mother and ‘my brother-in-law’ Lazarus Carter to a carpenter to learn the carpenter’s trade.
The man under whose direction I acquired knowledge of the trade was so well pleased with me and another man that worked with him that he consigned to our superintendence entirely an extension job he had undertaken. My grandfather Cotten, aware of my misfortune, gave me a little negro boy named Nathan who I took to work with me, and he soon became a pretty good workman. I had a good deal of work and have often been at my work bench waiting for it to become light enough for me to commence work. In about five years I bought a tract of land, upon which I now live, which contained four hundred acres. While I was engaged in learning the trade I would spend a part of each night and Sunday in studying particularly Reading and Arithmetic. The New Testament was one of my favorite books.
In my youth I attended all the places of public worship I could conveniently reach. In those days playing at cards was a very fashionable as well as a favorite game with all orders of people, with males and females, but, though I had been persuaded, I could never be induced by my best friends and most intimate acquaintances to participate. . .unless I had special business, I never visited any places of sport. A man once promised to call as he passed to a race field to transact some business but failed to do so. So having heard that he had passed, I followed him into the field and the gate-keeper, who was receiving money from all allowed me to pass without making a demand. [After finishing my business] I met an acquaintance undoubtedly was enjoying himself who expressed surprise in seeing me in a race field.
As we parted he said, “Mr. Powell, I wish I may never see you in a worse place than this.”
At the age of twenty-five I married the daughter of Amos Harrell of Bertie County, and having become acquainted with the trade, I gave up my occupation and turned my attention to farming. I commenced in the forest where the first acre had not been cleared and cut down the first tree where I now live, while the snow covered the ground”. . . then he tells of thinking about and then rejecting the idea of moving out of the state. Then re the settlement of his father in law’s estate of which he was executor. . “I attended Bertie County Court several times in succession, a distance of forty miles, and was present at every court session except one”. . . and then made two trips more because of errors in the accounting.
Jesse Powell was baptized by Lemuel Burkett and later became a lay Baptist minister. He was also a justice of the peace for a few years.

III. Lewis Powell 1774 –

IV. Cader Powell1771/74 – 1830 Hertford Co NC
married 1st 1790’s unknown
married 2nd Cynthia Newsom ca 1790 –

V. [sister] Powell 1766/71 – bef 1798
married bef 1788 Lazarus Carter 1750/55 – 1803
a. Willie B. Carter ca 1790 – 4 Oct 1844
kept a store at St Johns
married 1st
i. Elizabeth Carter
married bef Feb 1846 John Styon
ii. Lazarus Carter d. bef Nov ct 1848
married 2nd Winifred Cotton 1780/90 – bef Aug 1849 Hertford Co, NC
i. Abner A. Carter 1834 –
married Sarah (Sally) Ann Everett
1. Lucy Ann Carter 1859 -1903
married John Pipkin Vaughan 1850 -1924 Menola
ancestors of Sam Vaughn
2. Linda Walker Carter 1866-1936
married Robert Cobb Vaughan 1860-1932
ii. Sarah [Mary A] Carter
iii. Martha [Nancy M] Carter
iv. Priscilla C. Carter ca 1844 –
Lazarus married ca 1798 Mrs. Elizabeth Wood Dickerson Bridgers
dau of Jonas Wood as her 3rd hus. she married 4th ca 1805 Cornelius Moore
b. Martha B. Carter ca 1798 –

?VI. Willis Powell

Willis Powell ca 1764 – 1807
& 1782 Celia Everette [Averett] 1761 –
of Bertie County NC

Willis Powell married 17 Jan 1782 Celia Everette
Bertie Co NC marriage bond William Higs, Bm

MayCt Bertie Co 1785 – Ordered that Willis Powell be appointed overseer of the road dist of John Meir

Children of Willis Powell and Celia Everette:
1. Henry Powell ca 1783 –
made adm of his father’s estate by 15 Dec 1807
2. Stephen Powell ca 1786 – 8 Feb 1855 GA
3. Jesse A Powell 27 July 1789 – 31 Aug 1864
married 16 Jan 1817 [Mary] Elizabeth Lee 24 April 1798 –
daughter of Henry Lee and wife Ann
4. James Moore Powell 1791 –
5. Elizabeth Powell 2 Apr 1793 – 6 Apr 1823
married 10 July 1817 James George MHoon 22 Apr 1792 – 15 Jan 1853
son of John MHoon & Mary Spivey: James married 2nd Lucinda W Fraser


John MHoon
son of Josiah and HUSBAND of Mary Spivey Bate Mhoon
photo compliments of Bob MHoon (previously mislabelled as James George Mhoon)


James George MHoon 1792 -1853
represented Bertie Co in the Assembly 1823,1824, 1825, 1826

Photo compliments of Bob MHoon, who writes “The key was the ID on the back this heirloom. It clearly identified the subject by name with his precise Date of Birth and Date of Death. Though unproven, that portrait may have come from an estate of descendants of Mary Mhoon, daughter of James George Mhoon, who married R. C. Brinkley of Memphis. She was his second wife. He was wealthy; built the Peabody Hotel and owned a railroad. My grandfather, dad, and I share the same middle name, Brinkley. Brinkley Arkansas was also named after R.C. in relation to the rail construction.”

b. James E MHoon 6 Apr 1823 – 16 Feb 1868
married Mary Ann Thatcher
ggrandfather of Bob MHoon of Arlington TX

11 Feb 1808 – Joseph Eason was appointed guardian to Jesse, James and Elizabeth Powell orphans of Willis Powell.

1790 US Census Bertie County NC
Willis Powell 1m 16+; 3m 16-, 1 f – one other free person, 6 slaves
Cadar Powel 1m 16+; 4m 16-, 7 f – 15 sl

1800 US Census Bertie County NC
Willice Powell 2m -10; 1m 10/15; 1m 16/25; 1 m 26/45; 1 f -10; 1f 26/45 17sl
Cadar Powel 1m 16/26; 1m 45+; 1f 10/15; 2f 16/26 13sl
William Powel 1m -10; 1m 16/26; 1f -10; 1f 16/26; 1f 26/45

1810 US Census Bertie County NC
Cela Powell 1f 16/26; 1f 45+ 12sl
Jesse Powell 2m 16/26; 5 sl
William Powell 2m -10; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 16/25 -9 sl
William Powell 3m -10; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 26/45 8 sl
Eldred Powell 2m -10; 1m 10/15; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 16/25 2 sl
Samuel Powell 3m -10; 1m 26/45; 1m 45+; 1f -10; 1f 26/45 5 sl
Mary Powell 2m -10; 1 m 10/15; 1f -10; 1f 26/45 6 sl
Cader Powell 1 m -10; 1m 26/45; 1 f 26/45 3sl
Harrell Powell 1m 16/25; 1f 16/25 5 sl
Henry Powell 3m -10; 1m 26/45; 1f -10; 1f 10/15; 1f 16/25 6 sl

from the Bible of Jesse A Powell ~ now in possession of Tommy Powell
Jesse A Powell and Elizabeth were married the 16th day of January 1817.

Jesse A Powell, son of Willis Powell and Celia his wife was born 27th day of July 1789. Jesse Powell son of Willis Powell and Celia his wife died the 31st day of August 1864.
Elizabeth Lee daughter of Henry Lee and his wife Ann was born 24th day of April 1798.

Children of Jesse A Powell 1789 – and wife Elizabeth Lee 1798 -:
1. George W Powell 24 Jan 1818 –
2. Solomon Powell 13 Dec 1821 – 1890’s
married Evelyn Green
a. Mary Powell 1850 –
b. John Green Powell 1852 – aft 1907
c. Adaline/Addie Powell 1855 –
3. Anne Eliza Powell 1 Sept 1829 – Nov 1910
married James Taylor 1822 – 1866
a. Ella Taylor 1850 – 190?
b. Luthor Taylor 1852 – aft 1907
c. Ada Taylor 1856 – 188?
d. Lizzie Taylor 1862 – aft 1907
4. William Henry Powell 31 Aug 1831 – 5 Oct 1871 Lewiston NC
W H Powell the son of Jesse A Powell and Mary E. his wife died Oct 1871 ~ Bible record
married 4 Nov 1856 Augustine/Tiny Pauline Parker ca 1835 Mapletown NC – 6 Nov 1884 Lewiston

a. Eulalia Powell 30 May 1858 Woodville – 15 Oct 1938 Harrellsville
called Miss Lalia by her neighbors

married Woodville 11 Nov 1876 Charles I Sharp 1849 – 1886 Harrellsville
son of John Bombrey Sharp

i. Walter Bombrey Sharp 1876 – 1880
ii. Russell Aubrey Sharp 1880 –
iii. William/Willie Walter twin 1884 –
iv. Bombrey L. Sharp twin 1884 – 1946
married 2nd Washington DC 9 Sept 1889 Henry Clay Sharp 1844 – 1927
son of Jacob

i. Gladys Sharp 1890 – 1968
married Ives
ii. Jessie Sharp 1892 – 1894 twin
iii. Augustine Sharp 1892 – 1893 twin
iv. Maude Sharp 1898 – twin
v. Pauline Sharp 1898 – twin
vi. Helen Sharp 1900 – 1964
b. Jesse Averell Powell 15 Feb 1860 – 17 Sept 1881 Woodville
c. Alberta Powell 3 Feb 1862 – 13 Sept 1863 Woodville
d. David Thomas Powell 1 Jan 1864 – June 1865 Woodville
e. Henry Powell 26 Mar 1867 – 13 Aug 1870 Woodville
f. Maude Agnes Powell 13 April 1869 – July 1888 Aulander NC
married Woodville Feb 1888 Mike Dean
g. Willie Pauline Powell 1 July 1871 – 23 Nov 1949 Harrellsville
married Woodville 19 Dec 1889 William Edward Cullens 1861 – 1960

i. Ethel Lee Cullens 1890 Harrellsville – 1960
ii. Sarah Augustine 1894 Harrellsville –
5. James M Powell 19 Aug 1834 – 17 Feb 1910 Harrellsville NC
James M Powell son of Jesse A Powell and Elizabeth his wife died Feb 17. 1910 ~ Bible record
married Bertie Co 5 Dec 1865 Emogene F Hancock 14 Oct 1847 – 10 Jan 1909
Emogene F Powell wife of James M Powell died January 10 1909 ~ Bible record
eleven children

a. Thomas A Powell 6 Jan 1867 – 22 May 1937
married Ella Valentine 2 Mar 1873 – 18 Aug 1933
her sister was Mollie, the mother of John and Grady Askew
i. Wandie Powell Jan 1892 –
b. Earnest L Powell ca 1870? – 15 Dec 1876
c. Mary E Powell ca 1872 –
d. Norman E Powell May 1874 –
e. Needham C Powell 11 Sept 1877 – 19 Dec 1915
f. Earnest Powell 15 March 1880 –
h. Jesse E Powell Apr 1882 –
i. Jimmie M Powell June 1885 –
j. Maude Ethel Powell 25 Jan 1888 –
6. Lelia Frances/Fannie Powell 14 Nov 1837 – aft 1900
married John R. Powell 1835 – 1909
a. William Powell
b. Rosa Powell 1863 – aft 1907
c. John Powell 1865 – aft 1907
d. Julian Powell 186? – aft 1907
e. Paul Powell 187? – aft 1907
f. Fannie Powell 1880 – aft 1907
7. unknown Powell 1840 dy
8. Mary Elizabeth Powell 22 Oct 1841 – 10 Feb 1910
married James Sharp 1842 – 1903 son of John Bembury Sharp 1811 – 1875

1850 Census Bertie Co
Jesse Powell 61 m farmer NC
Elizabeth ” 52 f
James ” 15 m student
Celia F ” 12 f
Elizabeth ” 8 f

1860 Census Hotel Bertie Co #1019 [image ancestry.com 124]
Jesse Powell 70 farmer 8200 35,860
Elizabeth ” 62 f
William H ” 28 m
James M ” 25 m
Mary E ” 18 f
Augusteene” 25 f
Eulalia ” 2 f
Jesse ” 3/12 m
Mary ” 10 f
John ” 8 m
Adaline ” 5 f

1870 Census Bertie Co Woodville 175
Powell, James M., 36, W, farmer
Powell, Maryum?, 21, female, W, keeping house
Powell, Elizabeth, 72, W, housekeeper
Powell, Thomas A., 3, W, at home
Powell, John, 16, W, at home
Powell, Adaline, 13, W, at home

#355 Woodville 1870
Powell, Wm H 38 m w farmer 4500 1500
” Augustina 34 f w keeping house
” Eulalia 12 f w at home
” Jesse A 10 m w at home
” Henry 4 m w at home
” Maud 1 f w at home
” Mary 19 f w domestic servant

1880 Hertford Co Harrellsville #387-395
J M Powell w m 46 merchant
E F Powell w f 30 wife
Thos. A m 13 son
Mary E f 8 daughter
Norman E m 6 son
Needham C m 2 son
Earnest L m 4/mo son

VII. William H Powell 1775 – 1811 Edgecombe Co NC
married Mary Harrison 1774 – 1837
a. Jesse Harrison Powell 7 Sept 1805 – 17 Mar 1879
married 28 Nov 1826 Sally Hester Ann Moore 20 Sept 1810 – 31 July 1836
i. William Henry Powell 31 Aug 1828 – Tarboro – ten children
married 24 Nov 1854 Anne Blount Lawrence 10 April 1835 – 18 Sept 1911
ii. Sally Rebecca Powell 7 May 1830 –
married Dr William S Baker of Tarboro – five children
iii. Willis Powell 27 Aug 1831 – 27 Sept 1836
iv. Joseph Thomas Powell 1 April 1833 -6 Aug 1835
v. Mary Harrison Powell 23 Sept 1834 – 10 Jan 1897 – eight children
married William Mayo Pippin 14 Jan 1830 – 9 June 1889
married 21 Dec 1837 Eliza Pittman 3 Mar 1816 – 7 Dec 1855
i. Frederick Randolph Powell 28 June 1839 – 7 Sept 1852
ii. Robert Joe Powell 25 June 1843 –
iii. Jesse Harrison Powell 11 May 1845 –
iv. Joseph Willis Powell 14 Nov 1846 –
married Oct 1875 Susan Cobb Bullock
v. Margaret [Peggy Ann] Powell 21 Oct 1848 –
married Dr Richard Harrison Speight
vi. Elizabeth Cotten Powell 26 May 1851 –
married 17 Feb 1872 Dr William H Whitehead of Rocky Mount
vii. Fanny Powell 1 Dec 1853 –
married 10 July 1872 Edward T Hamilton
viii. Louisa Dicken Powell 17 July 1855 –
married 28 May 1872 Henry Bunn
b. Joseph Willis Powell 28 June 1807 – 27 April 1861
married 7 Jan 1845 Martha B Whitaker 12 July 1820 – 30 Nov 1892
i. Richard Harrison Powell 27 Oct 1845 – 1 April 1865
ii. Henry Whitaker Powell 12 Nov 1846 – 21 Aug 1864
iii. Joseph Clay Powell 9 Feb 1857 – 25 Feb 1909
married 6 Feb 1895 Lucy L Wimberly died 6 Oct 1895
married 12 Mar 1901 Nina B Knight died 6 May 1938
c. Margaret Ann [Peggy] Powell 14 Jan 1810 – 19 Sept 1876
married 22 May 1828 Robert D Wimberly died 3 Aug 1872

? note: I have moved another Willis Powell that was listed here – Go

Descendants of Helen Cotten and Moses Tyler ca 1756 – 1788

VIII. Richard Tyler 4 Nov 1783 – 1831
married 15 Oct 1804 Jennet Raby dau. of Blake Raby
a. Calvin Cotten Tyler
married 3 Sept 1833 Adaline Williford
b. Moses M. Tyler [is he who died 16 Nov 1822?]
c. Richard A. Tyler
d. Perry C. Tyler Jr. ca 1824 – Jan 1850 Halifax pneumonia
listed in 1850 Mortality schedule
married 8 April 1847 Margaret Green ca 1824

i. William R Tyler ca 1848 –
ii. Walton Tyler 1850 –
e. John L. T. Tyler d 5 Jan 1844 Woodville NC
Jno L. Tyler clerk from Lee & Hardy quite sick with pneumonia 1844 Jno L. Tyler died the 5th Jan at the Woodville Hotel kept by Jno Jolliff and was buried at his mothers.
f. Hiram A. C. Tyler
g. Temperance A. R. Tyler
married 1833 Joshua Myrick
h. Sally R. Tyler
i. Helen Cotten Tyler

IX. John Tyler 8 Nov 1785 – dy?

X. Perry Cotten Tyler 24 Oct 1788 – 1865

Perry Cotten Tyler 1788-1865
photo of portrait owned by John E Tyler II

married 1st ca 1816 Elizabeth “Betsey” Sutton Harrell April 7, 1796 – July 1840
dau. Amos Harrell & Eliz. Sutton

married 2nd 1842 Celia Creecy Rice Jan 16, 1807 – April 16, 1892
she was widow of Blake Raby, dau. James Rice & Celia Yates.

Celia Creecy Rice and Blake Raby had:
a. Henrietta Raby 1839 – 1861
married James Wright Moore 1835 – 1862
son of Dr. G. C. Moore and Julia Wheeler

parents of Moses Tyler

John Tyler 1728 – ca ef 1790 | his parents
& ca 1755 Susannah Perry | her parents
& Elizabeth Rutland | her parents
& ca 1790 William Seay | his parents

of Perquimans County NC
& 1755 Hertford County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

In the Tyler Cemetery, Roxobel, NC at the intersection of RSR 1249 & RSR 1204 in field

Dedication of obelisk in shape of cross reads:
To the Glory of God and in memory of John Tyler, born 1728 and wife Susannah Perry [Tyler] of Perquimens Co, North Carolina.
In 1755 they settled in that part of Bertie County, which later became Hertford Co.
and in memory of their son, Moses Tyler, who died Nov 16, 1788
and his wife, Helen Cotten, the daughter of Arthur Cotten and wife Elizabeth Rutland

Children of John Tyler and Susannah Perry
1. Moses Tyler ca 1756 – 16 Nov 1788
married ca 1780 Helen Cotten (Powell) ca 1756 –
2. Perry Tyler aft 1763 – 1799 Bertie Co
married 8 Feb 1792 Rachel Hollowell ca 1770 Perq.-

Child of John Tyler and Elizabeth Rutland:
3. Celia Tyler d bef 1799
married Stephen Andrews d bef 1799
a. Margaret Andrews
married 1808 Thomas F Norfleet

3 March 1755 Benjamin Perry of Perquimons Co to John Tyler – 5¬£ for 150 acres adj. Peter Parker on ‘the main road’  Wit: Joel Hollowell, Nicholas Stallings, Kidar Powell. Jan Ct 1756 Benjamin Wynns C/C Bell’s abstract Bertie co Deeds

from Gregory Tyler via James 06/11/15
James, I have spent a good while writing up for you about the Elizabeth Rutland, who was married to John Tyler as second wife (Daddy never figured out who her parents were) and then married William Seay, likely by 1790 as he appears in the census for Hertford that year and in the part of the county where John Tyler had been in the 3 remaining tax lists for Hertford for 1779, 1780 and 1782.

John Tyler 2nd wife Elizabeth Rutland
had Celia Tyler d bef 1799
married Stephen Andrews d bef 1799
they had one child Margaret Andrews
married 1808 Thomas F Norfleet
John Tyler dead probably shortly before 1790 census
Elizabeth Rutland Tyler married ca. 1790 William Seay d bef 1803
–they had no children.
Thomas Rutland dies in 1793 leaving a will where Elizabeth Seay is mentioned as having a life interest in two slaves (I think in the rest of his estate records there is a reference to her again concerning a half interest in one slave and is maybe even referred to as his sister there?—Family Search seems to have not entered the last of the surnames which start with “R” for Northampton!—really bad computer day for me. So it is back to Archives to get the whole file copied!)
Thomas’ half brothers Wilson and Sion are at his estate sale. As well as brother-in-law William Seay and Perry Tyler. Sally gives Edward Rutland as Thomas’ father and makes reference to a “lost will” that might have cleared this up! William and Reddick Rutland are there too.
Elizabeth RTS’s only child Celia Tyler married Stephen Andrews.
Celia and Stephen Andrews have one child, Margaret Andrews who was an orphan by 1799. Guardianship goes to her step grandfather, William Seay, until May of 1803 when William Seay is mentioned as having died before that date and her uncle, John Andrews, takes over her guardianship.
In 1808 Margaret Andrews married Thomas F. Norfleet who starting building Woodbourn ca 1808 about the time of their marriage. All the Norfleets who are connected to Woodbourne descend from this couple.
For the record. in 1793 there were two more Elizabeth Seays in the area, both are them are much to young to have been Thomas Rutland’s sisters, and both born after Edward Rutland died and left the “lost will”, which is where and how I assume Thomas Rutland and Elizabeth Rutland Tyler end up assuming ownership of the 2 slaves she has right to for life and then ownership goes back to Thomas’ children after Elizabeth’s death.

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