James Mitchell, Mary Thomas & Mrs. Frances Garrett

3-great – grandparents of R A Holloman III

James Saunders Mitchell 1800 – 1869 | his parents
& Mary Thomas ca 1800 – 1848 | her parents
& 1851 Mrs. Frances Garrett [Gilliam] 1808 – 1888 | her parents
of Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

James Saunders Mitchell was born 24 Oct 1800, the son of John Mitchell and Winnifred Saunders.
James Saunders Mitchell married 1st Mary Thomas, the daughter of James Thomas and Elizabeth Pruden.
James was the legislator [senate] from Bertie in 1842 – 1844.
Mary Thomas, died [16 Aug]1848.
James married 2nd 21 Oct 1851 the widow, Frances Gilliam, who survived him.
James died at his home 6 Oct 1869.
Both Mary and James are buried near Hexalena in the Wash Mitchell cemetery.

Children of James S Mitchell and Mary Thomas:
1. Mary Elizabeth Winifred Mitchell 18 Apr 1824 – 18 Sep 1895
married William Watson Mitchell ca 1811 – 1897
a. James S Mitchell 5 Aug 1847 – 19 July 1918
retail grocer in Winton
married Hattie V Owens ca 1869 –
b. John Pipkin Mitchell 15 Feb 1849 – 4 July 1930
retail merchant in Winton
married Mary Jordon Garriss ca 1859 –
c. Almira Hassletine Mitchell 14 Aug 1850 – May 1871
d. Pauline Agnes Mitchell 27 Jan 1852 – 13 Nov 1932 Winton, NC
married William Dorsey Holloman 11 Mar 1828 – 1879
married 2nd Clingman Webster Mitchell 16 Aug 1860 – 20 Jun 1921
of Aulander Businessman
e. Bettie E lva Mitchell 5 Oct 1853 – 14 Jan 1939
married Thomas J Vann son of Jesse Vann
f. William Judson Mitchell 15 Oct 1857 – 23 Jan 1934
married Sallie Vann daughter of John A Vann
g. Charles Emerson Mitchell 1 Mar 1859 – bef 1870
2. Rev. Dr. John Mitchell 14 Jan 1826 – 3 May 1906 dsp
grad Wake Forest 1852, then studied at Greenville, SC
in 1870 preacher at Murfreesboro, NC who lived on Campus at Chowan in Hope Cottage
so called because several of the spinsters at the college were hoping to live there as his wife.

3. William H Mitchell ca 1828 Bertie Co – Franklin Co NC
merchant and farmer in Franklin Co NC
married 1st Emma V ca 1833 –
a. Mary Green Mitchell ca 1858 – 17 Feb 1928
of Franklin Co, NC Chowan grad. 1876
married 1879 Dr. Rascius P Thomas 2 Sept 1845 – 29 Oct 1916
b. infant 1860 –
c. William A Mitchell ca 1864 –
d. John F Mitchell ca 1869 –
e. James W Mitchell ca 1872 –
married 1877 Pauline Sarah Jeffreys [Williams]1839 –
a. Ruth Alston Mitchell – dy
b. living 1900
4. Sarah A E Mitchell 19 Mar 1830 – 16 Aug 1848 dy
5. Thomas L Mitchell 12 May 1833 – 7 Nov 1833 dy
6. James Washington [Wash] Mitchell 31 Dec 1834 – 13 Nov 1915
married Laura E Perry 20 June 1849 –
dau of Joseph J Perry & wife Mary Elizabeth Sessoms [neighbors of Maple Lawn]
a. Dr. Wayland Mitchell 9 Sept 1871 – of Lewiston
state senate for the 3rd district in 1919 and 1935.
married 23 Nov 1895 Julia Hinton Nowell ca 1874 – no issue
“at the residence of A. Nowell, Esq. in Coleraine”
b. Mary L Mitchell ca 1876 –

Child of Frances and Mr. Gilliam
1.Thomas Gilliam ca 1830 – 3 July 1893
a. Lizzie Gilliam
married Aaron S Rascoe
2. William Gilliam ca 1835 –
3. Dr. Frank Gilliam ca 1839 – bef 1888

The LEDGER announces with regret the death of its friend, Mr. Thomas Gillam, Sr. Mr. Gillam died of Bright’s disease at the home of his son-in law, Hon. A. S. Rascoe, in Windsor, on Monday, July 3. He was sixty-three years old. We hazard nothing in saying that he was the best farmer in Bertie county. He was a man of wonderful good common sense, which he applied to his fields and crop. Mr. Gillam was a student at Wake Forest College. He never sought office, but we believe his popularity made him Major of the Regiment in the old militia days. Mr. Gillam was a man of the deepest sympathies and broadest charity. He was a member of the Baptist church and a liberal giver in that cause. No man was more beloved by his intimate friends. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Aaron S. Rascoe. Peace to the ashes of our good friend. The burial was in the Baptist church yard near his brother, Dr. Frank Gillam, and his mother, Mrs. Frances Mitchell. Rev. J. B. Boone conducted the service in the presence of a large concourse of people yesterday at 10 o’clock.

“Windsor Ledger”, The Ledger Publishing Co., Windsor, [Bertie County], N.C.
Wednesday, July 5, 1893[Vol. X, No. 45]From the Biblical Recorder of Raleigh, NC October 20, 1869 (from film at NC
Baptist Archives at Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem NC). transcribed by Jim Vosper.

OBITUAL Died, at his residence in Bertie County of the 6th day of October, James S. Mitchell, [?]aged sixty-eight years, eleven months, and twelve days. . . . a good, honest and upright man. . . . his many amiable qualities, and his numberless acts of personal kindness,. . . In or about the 26th year of his age he . . . was baptized into the fellowship of the church (Outlaws’ Chapel) called Holly Grove, by . . . William Hill Jordan, forty three years ago. . . he remained a member of that church until his death and he has been a consistent and leading member.
. . . in every other station of life, he was unostentatious, unpretending and diffident, yet strong in his faith, confirmed in hope, firm and steadfast in doctrines. He never made great demonstrations of his feelings, nor indulged in noisy exultations as some; but was calm, serene and thoughtful. . . He was always delegated every year to the Chowan Association, and was scarcely ever known to fail, unless some providential occurrence. The few last years of his life his health became so bad of course he was not appointed. Bro. Mitchell’s walk during all this time, was circumspect; faithful as becometh a disciple of Christ. . . It pleased God,. . . to lay the hand of affliction heavily upon him in July, 1866.. . . and although he suffered . . .–pains the most acute and lascerating at some times, and at other times chronic and enduring–yet . . . He was never heard to utter a word of complaint, or murmur at his Lord, but on the contrary praised him daily . . . Oh Lord let Thy will, and not mine be done!
. . . with a resignation, forbearance and Christian submission, seldom equaled, and never surpassed in this, our day. He had the Christian fortitude to submit to two dangerous and difficult, operations, in his old age, the first in his sixty-sixth and the second in his sixty-seventh year, both operations of Lithotomy: few men of his age would have submitted to two, the last of which was the most severe, or as much so as any recorded. He entirely recovered from both, though in the last, for two weeks death grappled sorely with him in vain. The same endurance, resignation, strong faith, that he was the Lord’s and that he recognized his hand in all of his dealing with him, was ever present and sustained him in all his sufferings and afflictions. And when he was attacked for the last time, the same trust and faith in his adorable Redeemer, was with him as a present help and support, and he often uttered his praise still. Although in his last moments he was not all the time in his perfect mind, but when he was he praised his God, and expressed a willingness to depart at his Lord’s time. . . .
About ten minutes to 10 o’clock on the 6th inst, he softly breathed his last . . Brother Mitchell left many friends and neighbors to mourn their loss, and he left a happy family, a happy household—all adults, all Christians, all Baptists. A sweet, fond, amiable wife, and two sons and a young lady living with them. His house was a home for Ministers and a lovely one it was, too. All quiet, peaceable and heavenly.
Although Brother Mitchell’s record as a Christian was so good, he always attended to every duty with punctuality, and every trust that was committed to his keeping, yet I will say, as a citizen, and gentleman of Bertie County, his qualities-were surpassed by no one, a man of the most strict veracity and honesty, and, in fact, these two leading traits characterized every act of his life. Honesty and truth were the most prominent of his good traits. He was moderate, temperate, prudent, discreet, careful, consistent, industrious, punctual, amiable, kind and confiding, and, in short, he possessed every good attribute and virtue that should adorn a Christian gentleman. He was a model
farmer. Order, system, discipline, care and industry were his weapons to insure him always sure success. There was no man in the county that farmed with so much ease and comfort and made as much as our Brother. Order and peace and smoothness of getting along was inculcated and carried out. He did not speak often and not without careful consideration but when he did speak it was to purpose and meant something. He never indulged in levity on any occasion whatever, but always seemed serious and contemplative. With due regard for the opinions of others, he always thought for himself, and acted accordingly. His ideas were frequently original, he was a man of quick decision. He bequeathed to his children a name and character as spotless, pure, and unsullied as the driven snow, and so free from any and every reproach, that even false accusation can not be brought against it. He had the power of instilling into all around him his own nature more or less. He brought up and has four adult children and they were trained up in the way they should go, and now they are old will not depart from it. His oldest son, Elder John Mitchell, known all over the State of N.C., and all a Christian minister can be, lives with him. And if I were called upon to write an epitaph on his grave stone, I would deem it sufficient to his memory to write upon it— James S. Mitchell, the father of John Mitchell. He leaves behind him two other sons, both Christians and Baptists, both men of great personal worth, he has but one daughter the industrious and amiable consort of W. W. Mitchell, of Hertford county, she too is a good Christian and a member of the Baptist Church.. . .
He trained his servants also to be honest industrious and all of the adults belong to the Baptist Church, notwithstanding he lived so near the Yankee lines during the war, but one, and he a small boy could be induced to leave him. They are all with him on his farm, but some very exceptions, working under his guidance and supervision and making a good living, and are not loitering about stealing and committing other depredations as many do. This is all owing to his training and his good and moral bearing before them and their confidence in his honesty and integrity that they had so long witnessed. He was a magistrate for many years in the county of Bertie, his decisions were always impartial and discreet. He was elected a member of the Legislature from Bertie county in 1842, and served the people acceptably. In his dress he was plain but neat and always cleanly; he was a man of good observation and judgment, his advice among his neighbors was always good, and a vacuum has been made by his death that can not be easily filled; his faults if any were few; he managed his affairs so well and so guided that he, never had any difficulty to encounter, hence quarreling, litigation and such like, he was a stranger to those things, he was always so careful, so particular, and had everything so well understood, there was no room for broils. . . .
Farewell my dear brother, whose memory I shall ever cherish, and whose character I would desire to imitate. Farewell forever!– A. J. ASKEW.

Bertie County Will of
James Saunders Mitchell – written 13 July 1866 – probated Nov 1869
transcribed by SHIRLEY M. WERSINGER

In the name of God Amen I James S. Mitchell of the county of Bertie & State of North Carolina being of perfect and sound mind & memory (blessed be God) do this thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & Sixty Six make and publish this my last will & testament in form following (To wit)
1st. I hereby direct that the marriage contract entered into between my beloved Wife and my Self before our marriage be as fully complied with as is practical under the circumstances according to the true intent & meaning thereof. And to pay the eight hundred dollars secured to her in said contract I leave one note of hand signed By her son Doct. Francis Gillam for twenty one hundred & eleven dollars & twenty four cents also one other note signed by William Gray for four hundred dollars & payable to my said wife before our marriage also the interest on said note not heretofore paid. And the balance of said notes after paying the said eighty hundred dollars, I give and bequeath unto her & her heirs forever. And further I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Frances Mitchell all the house hold & kitchen furniture that belonged to her before our marriage and one half of what we have acquired since also my carriage and harness and carriage mules to her & her heirs forever–
2nd. I give and bequeath unto each & all of my children, all that part of my estate which they have already recd to them & their heirs forever–
3rd. I lend unto my daughter Mary E. W. Mitchell one fourth part of the balance of my estate after paying my just debts & necessary expenses during her natural life & after her death to be equally divided between all her children to them & their heirs forever–
4th the balance of my estate I leave to be equally divided between my three sons namely John Mitchell, William H. Mitchell and James W. Mitchell to them and their heirs forever–
And lastly I hereby constitute and appoint my son in law William W. Mitchell my son John Mitchell my son William H. Mitchell and my son James W. Mitchell my lawful executors to this my last will and testament according to the true intent & meaning thereof hereby revoking & declaring utterly void all other wills by me heretofore made in witness whereof I the said James S. Mitchell do hereunto set my hand & affix my seal the day of date above written– James S. Mitchell [seal]
Witnesses: Andrew J. Askew, G. C. Moore

Sept 25th 1868 Codicil to my last will & testament
I have this day advanced to my son W. H. Mitchell the sum of two thousand dollars which he is to account for before he receives any distribution share in the residue of my estate–As provided in my last will & testament–
And I hereby declare this to be part & parcil of my said last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & date above written– Jas. S. Mitchell [seal]

June the 4th 1869 Codicil the 2nd to my last will and testament–
I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Frances Mitchell my rockaway & harness and one hundred dollars in place of the carriage & harness and carriage mules given her in my said last will–
And I hereby declare this to be part and parcil of my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and date above written– Jas. S. Mitchell [seal]

State of North Carolina, Bertie County
To the Probate Court
A paper writing with codicils annexed is exhibited before me for probate by William W. Mitchell, James W. Mitchell and William H. Mitchell, three of the executors therein named, and the duely execution thereof by the said James S. Mitchell is proved by the oaths and examinations of Andrew J. Askew and Godwin C. Moore the subscribing witnesses thereto. And it is further proved on the oath and examination of James W. Mitchell, that said will and codicils annexed was found among the valuable papers of said James S. Mitchell after his death. And it is further proved by the oath and examination of the said Andrew J. Askew, John G. Askew and Lorenzo S. Webb, three competent and credible witnesses, that they are acquainted with the handwriting of said James S. Mitchell from having often seen him write and verily believe that the name of said James S. Mitchell, subscribed to the several said writings, and every part therein, the said writings excepting the names of the attesting witnesses, are in the proper hand-writing of said James S. Mitchell and his handwriting is generally known among his acquaintances. It is therefore adjudged that said paper writing and codicils annexed, are the last will and testament of said James S. Mitchell, and it is thereupon ordered that the same be recorded and filed. And thereupon the executor John Mitchell renounces and refuses to qualify, and the said William W. Mitchell, James W. Mitchell and William H. Mitchell, the other executors therein named duly qualify as such by taking the oath prescribed by law. Wm P ?Grimsby ? Greeley , Probate Judge

[Admitted for probate November 2nd, 1869, recorded November 30th]

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