70 Year History of the A&M Garden Club (Part 9)

2002 – 2007
——–67th year———2002 -2003 Mrs. Ayres [Jo Ann] Cermin – “Together We Grow” – 37 members – Green Club –
– meeting place: Exit Teen Center, 1600 Rock Prairie Road, C S
– Club members birthdays included in yearbook02Mayinstoff

Officers 2002-03 at installation service
The Pilgrimage to Old Fort Parker – 11 Oct ’02
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Left: Joyce Menefee, Eugenia Williams and Ruth Bertrand, members of A& M Garden Club
exploring Fort Parker
Right: “Cynthia Parker” as portrayed by Sarah McReynolds emerging from the museum,
photos by Sanae Kamon, Club historian
Decorating our tree at Lack’s in Nov.
Sally, Judy and Mary Ann at the District V 03 Spring Meeting at Largo Vista

Our 63rd Annual Standard Flower Show
at the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Dr, Bryan.
Theme “Heroes”
Chairman: Idalia de Aguilar
Wednesday, 7 May, 2003 2:30 to 6:00 p m

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Lunch for the Judges & Polly, hostess
Memorial Dr. Robert Henry Rucker
26 June 1915 – 13 June 2003

——–68th year———

2003 -2004 Mrs. Ayres [Jo Ann] Cermin – “Together We Grow” – 32 members – Green Club –
– meeting place: Exit Teen Center, 1600 Rock Prairie Road, C S

— Judith Schafer served as Zone II Director
— Both Judith Schafer and Idalia Aguilar are chairmen for District V
— Judith Schafer went with a National Garden Club group to Lima Peru to judge a flower show.
[member Sandra Williams also went on the trip.]
— Club had a booth at a flea market to raise funds for the club projects.
— Judith Schafer was Associate Editor of The Lone Star Gardener – wrote column on poisonous plants
— a newsletter was sent each month to members
— the club received a National World Garden Award for Idalia’s work.

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Winning arrangement, center is show chairman Idalia de Aguilar,
and club member Eugenia Williams pictured
with Norma Stokes, who won the sweep-stakes award

Our 64th Annual Standard Flower Show
Wednesday, 31 March, 2004 2:30 to 6:00 pm
at the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Dr, Bryan.
Memorial Helen R Pugh
20 October 1917 – 19 Nov 2003
Delia J [Dee Dee] Lee
1 Sept 1913 – 15 April 2004

——–69th year———

2004 – 2005: Mrs. R D [Mary Ann] Taylor – Green Club –
– meeting place: Exit Teen Center, 1600 Rock Prairie Road, C S

— Members made Christmas tree decorations for a community Christmas tree sponsored by Brazos Beautiful in downtown Bryan.
— A highlight of the year was a trip to Purple Gate Herb Farm near Caldwell.
— Idalia Aguilar and Judy Schafer were co-chairmen for the state flower show in Dallas. Idalia won the Horticulture Excellence Award at the show.
— Idalia Aguilar serves on the National Garden Club Board
— Club sold books and garden items from the estate of dec. member Priscilla Daniel

Springscoming3Mar05 Springscoming3Mar05a
Spring’s Coming – 3 March ’05
left – Idalia with her blooming orchids
right -spring bulbs in pots – photos by Jo Ann Cermin

65th annual Standard Flower Show
April 6, 2005
see slide show
?Melodies of Texas?
Idalia de Aguilar, Flower Show Chairman

——–70th year———

2005 – 2006: Mrs. R D [Mary Ann] Taylor- 37 members – Green Club –
– meeting place: Exit Teen Center, 1600 Rock Prairie Road, C S 9:30 a m 2nd Fri

– Mary Staffel put up a National Garden Week display at both community libraries.
– a club social was held in Aug at the home of member Marg Watkins
– Sept program on fall gardening “Fall Color and Food” by Elmer Krehbiel, garden columnist for the local newspaper
– Oct program “Color in Landscape” by Cynthia Mueller, author of garden articles and part time State Horticulture Extension Office employee – helps with the Landscape Design Schools.
– a high light of our meetings – horticulture info by Helen Quinn.
– Nov – the club members traveled to Martha’s Bloomers in Navasota to hear Trish Barksdale demonstrate “Fun With Holiday Florals” – lunch and shopping.
– Dec – a club social with husbands at the home of Idalia and Victor Aguilar.
– Jan – members made floral designs at the meeting.
– Feb program on floral design by Nancy Atkinson from Brenham who had attended classes under Dr. James Johnson at TAMU on floral design
– March meeting was teaching and refreshing our members about floral design and entering horticulture for our 66th flower show.
– April meeting – speaker failed to show.
– May meeting was installation of officers at the home of member Sandra Lawrence.
– Our big project for the year was Mary Ann Taylor’s tree project – a two year project with the first year being planning. Club members collected over 50 tree seedlings which were given in the fall to two classes of middle school Jr. Master Gardeners – one of these classes was special education students. The students grew the trees during the second year and panted them in the spring for Arbor Day.
– a second undertaking was making recycled decorations for the community Christmas Tree sponsored by Brazos Beautiful.
– a $500 scholarship was given to a TAMU horticulture work/study student with money raised from sale of books and garden items from the estate of Priscilla Daniel.
– Floral arrangements were made for Hospice clients.
– Money was collected for Penny Pines and Greening of the Gulf repair from the hurricanes.
– Club held a Small Standard Flower Show with a sale table to help cover expenses of the show.
– Donations were made for Seeds for Life, Brazos Beautiful Wildflower Seeds, Rio Grande Wild Life Corridor, State Endowment Fund [Garden Club] also District and State Scholarships [Garden Club],
– the club sold National [Garden Club] Council Calendars.

66th annual Flower Show –
29th March 2006
see slide show
“Floral Expressions”
Idalia de Aguilar, Flower Show Chairman


Eileen Anita Winnett Kramer
3 November 1915 – 25 February 2006
Former President A&M Garden Club
long-term member
of the College Station cemetery board
and area Girl Scout board of directors


——–71th year———

2006 – 2007: Idalia de Aguilar – “Friendship is the Garden’s most beautiful flower” – 32 members [latest count 41] – Green Club –
– meeting place: Exit Teen Center, 1600 Rock Prairie Road, C S 9:30 a m 2nd Fri
– A&M Garden Club’s 70th Anniversary year
–Sept Program – “Butterflies” by Judith Scharer
October Newsletter
–Oct – “Green House Horticulture” at TAMU Greenhouses by Sharon Bannister
November Newsletter
–Nov- “Making Hypertusa Pots” by Helen Quinn
December Newsletter
–Dec- “A Christmas Celebration” – History of Wreaths by Helen Quin, A living Wreath by Delma Cassaro, Making a Wreath by Judith Schafer – at home of Sandra Lawrence
January Newsletter
–Jan – “Preparing for the Battle of Flowers Parade” by Jo Ann Cermin

–Feb – “Gardening for Seniors” by Mary Ann Cermin
–March- “Xeriscape Gardening in College Station” by Jennifer Nations
— 11 April 2007 – Horticultural Celebration” at the Brazos Center
Photo Contest 11 April 2007
–May– Installation of New Officers

1936-1946 1946 – 1951 1951- 1956 1956 – 1966
1966 – 1976 1976 -1986 1986 – 1996 1994-95 1995-96
1996 – 2002 2002 -2007

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