Miles Rayner, Celia Perry, & Sampson Wilder


Sally’s 4-Great Uncle:

Miles Rayner 1782 – 1819 | his parents
& ca 1800 Celia Perry ca 1783 – 1845 |her parents
& ca 1824 Sampson Wilder ?? – 1836 | his parents
of Bertie and Hertford Counties NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Miles Rayner 1782- 1819 Bertie Co. Son of Samuel.
was a subscriber in 1803 to Burkett’s History of the Kehukee Baptist Assoc.
married Celia Perry (died 1845) daughter of Josiah & Amillicent
she married ca 1824 2nd Sampson Wilder died 1836 Hertford Co

Miles Rayner and Celia Perry had:
1. Cynthia Rayner ca 1800 – 1848
married 1st bef Nov 1820 Jesse [Henry] Garrett 1797/1799 – bef Nov Ct 1837
2. William Rayner ca 1805 – bef 1845
3. Mary Ann Rayner ca 1808 – 1845
married Charles Mixon
4. John Rayner ca 1813 – apparently died bef 1824
5. Martha P. Rayner ca 1815 – ca 1878 (died age 63 5mo 6 days ts)
married Augustus Holley 1809 – 1882 Bertie Co NC
Martha’s obit states “she buried her only child in infancy.”
The family story was that Martha Holly had helped raise Sally Hays and Thomas M.Garrett after her sister Cythia died and that she had wanted to leave part of the Raynor property that she carried to the marriage, the Willow Branch Plantation, to her neice and nephew. Since she died before Mr. Holly, this didn’t happen. [e-mail from Martha Copeland]
This list of children were his nephews and niece, children of his brother James
that Martha helped raise.

a. John Holley ca 1834 – ?
b. Thomas Holley ca 1836 -?
c. Celia A. Holley ca 1842 – ?

1805 Miles Rayner guardian to Thomas Cockran son of Thomas Cockran
1809 Miles Rayner guardian to Aquilla Oxley orphan of John Oxley
1813 Miles Rayner guardian to Lemuel Reed orphan of George D Reed
US Census 1820 Bertie Co NC
Cala Rayner 2 males 0-10 females 1 0-10; 1 10-16; 1 26-45 18 slaves
15 Feb 1821 Enoch Rayner guardian to Martha, John, and Mary Rayner orphans of Miles Rayner
1824 Sampson Wilder guardian of Mary and Martha Rayner orphans of Miles Rayner
1827 Sampson Wilder guardian to Martha P. Rayner orphan of Miles Rayner

Will of Miles Rayner 2 May 1818 – proved May Term Bertie Co NC 1819
In the name of God Amen, I Miles Rayner being in good health and of sound and Disposing mind and memory and knowing that by divine appointment all men must die, but the day nor the hour, no man knoweth and as to my body I Know that it must return to its mother dust and I firmly believe that God in whom I willingly Trust will dispose of Spiritual Part as seemeth Good unto himself But as Touching my Worldly Estate I give and Dispose of the Same in the following manner and form.
1st – I lend unto my beloved wife during her natural life the land and plantation whereon I now live between the River and the first Road, Except the fishery, I also give her one half the Benefit of the fishery during her life. I also give her the following property, Negroes Jim, Judah, Simon & his wife Winny, Dave and his wife Dinah – One half my stock of Horses, Cattle and hogs & sheep to be divided without selling her part all my household furniture Except Two Feather beds & furniture, as much Kitchen Furniture and plantation utensils as She may need in the family, also Provisions to serve her untill a Crop is made, to her and her Heirs forever.
2ndly – I give and bequeath the whole of my Estate to my five children Cynthia, Mary Ann, Martha, John and William to be and remain as a Joint Estate untill one of them may marry or arrive to the age of Twenty five years at which time that one to take its full share and the Balance to remain undivided for the Other Children leaving this manor plantation at a valuation of four thousand dollars for the Youngest child that may be then living. But in no case shall any one of my Children that has received an Equal Share of my Estate have any part of the undivided residue so long as there shall be a child that has not received a share.
I do hereby appoint and ordain my Friends Executors to this my last will and Testament requesting of and Authorizing them to sell any of my negroes that may become Troublesome or Disorderly of the Benefit of my Estate and I do hereby revoke, Disannul and Disallow all former Wills by me made, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 2nd day of May 1818. M. Rayner seal

State of NC, Bertie County — May Term 1819 Elijah Rayner produced this paper writing in open court and Exhibited as the last will and testament of Miles Rayner decd and made oath that he found the same in the desk of the deceased among his valuable papers and further made Oath that he was well acquainted with the hand writing of the deceased and that he believed the whole of said will was in the hand writing of the said Miles & William Sparkman & Job Leary made Oath that they were well acquainted with the hand writing of the deceased and they believed the whole will was in his proper hand so here whereupon the Court Considered the will was proved according to Law — Let it be registered. Teste EA Rhodes clk Recorded to Book G page 56 & 57

In 1836 Sampson Wilder died in Hertford County willing everything he owned to his wife Celia.

Will of Celia Wilder 23 Dec 1844 – contested May Ct 1847 Jury said Will was valid Aug Ct 1847
In the name of God Amen I Celia Wilder of the County of Hertford & State of North Carolina being of sound mind and perfect memory blessed be God for it, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows after recommending my soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it came.
Item 1st – I give and bequeath unto my belove daughter Cynthia Hays the sum of five shillings in money to her and her heirs and assigns forever.
Item 2nd – I give and bequeath unto my grandson Thomas Miles Garrett my silver watch to him and his heirs forever.
Item 3rd – I give and bequeath unto my belove daughter Mary Mixon the sum of five shillings in money to her and her heirs and assigns forever.
Item 4th – I give and bequeath unto my belove daughter Martha Holley the sum of five shillings in money to her and her heirs and assigns forever.
Item 5th – I give and bequeath unto my friend Winnifred Brown one feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever.
Item 6th – I give and bequeath unto my belove Granddaughter Martha Perry one bed and furniture, one green painted pine chest, one walnut table and my large family Bible to her and her heirs forever.
Item 7th – I give and bequeath unto my worthy friend John Nowell one hundred dollars in money to him and his heirs forever.
Item 8th – I give and bequeath unto my friend Edward D Lewis one certain tract or parcel of land which I bought of Watson Lewis lying in the said County of Hertford containing Eighty nine acres adjoining the lands of John Winborne and others to him and his heirs forever for the reasons and purposes named in the next following Item.
Item 9th – I leave to my friend Edward D Lewis to act as guardian the Following negroes to wit Cato and his wife Sally to be under his sole control and management as his property and he the said Edward D Lewis shall settle the said negroes Cato & his wife Sally on the said tract of land named in Item 8th and it is my will and wish that the said negroes Cato and Sally shall be settled and remain on said land as long as they may live.
Item 10th – I give and bequeath unto my friend Edward D Lewis the following negroes women Betty & Jenny to him and his heirs forever by his paying over to my Executor the sum of five hundred dollars in payment for said negroes also providing that the said Edward D Lewis shall be allowed Three years to pay the above named six hundred dollars in without interest.
Lastly It is my wish will and desire that my worthy friend John Nowell Senr qualify to this my last will & testament as Executor and that he the said John Nowell Senr sell all the rest and residue of my property of every kind and description not disposed of or mentioned in this my will and the money arising from the said sale of Property with also the six hundred Dollars to be paid by Edward D Lewis shall by him the said John Nowell Senr be paid over to the trustees of Wake Forest Baptist College and by them Trustees expended for the interest and improvement of said College as to them may seem best, as I have appointed him the said John Nowell Senr my executor to this my last will disannulling all and every other will by me made. Given under my hand and seal this the Twenty-Third (23rd) day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & forty four (1844) Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of Watson Lewis, JJ Scull. Celia Wilder (seal)

The fifth Item was erased by the request of Mrs. Celia Wilder after signing the above this the 19th day of March 1845 in the presence of the witnesses Watson Lewis, JJ Scull Celia Wilder

May Court 1847: John Nowell Executor of Celia Wilder dec’d vs The Heir and Devises of Celia Wilder. John Nowell brings into Court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Celia Wilder and Wiley Hays and wife by their attorney Samuel J Spruill appear in open Court and enter Crevent to the probate of said paper writing….The clerk will summon the following persons to wit Willie Hayes and wife Cynthia; Thomas Miles Garrett; Charles Mixon, Augustus Holley & wife Martha, Preston Perry & wife Martha, and Edward D Lewis heirs at law and devises of said Celia to appear at the next term of this Court…
August Court 1847: John Nowell Executor of Celia Wilder dec’d vs The Heir and Devises of Celia Wilder. The jury found ….will…so executed as to pass real and personal Estate. John Nowell executor-qualified.

I understand this was a very sizable estate!

First cousin some generations removed

Cynthia Rayner ca 1800 – 1848 | her parents
& 1820 Jesse [Henry] Garrett ca 1798 – 1837 | his parents
& 1838 Wiley D Hays ca 1816 – 1889 | his parents
& 1857 Bartra Wilson | her parents
of Bertie County NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Cynthia Rayner ca 1800 – 1848
married 1st bef Nov 1820 Jesse Garrett 1797/1799 – bef Nov Ct 1837
1830 Bertie US Census: Jessee Garrett males– 1 0-5, 1 5-10, 2 30-40, females — 1 0-5, 1 10-15, 1 30 -40
Jesse [Henry] Garrett was the son of Thomas Garrett, a saddler who died Bertie Co ca 1805 and Martha Holly died 1805;
Jesse [Henry] Garrett was grandson of Jesse Garrett d 1797 and his first wife Rachel Blandchard

1820 petition to the ct by Jesse Garrett and wife Cynthia for div. of Miles Rayner estate

Children of Cynthia Rayner and Jesse Garrett:
1. Martha Garrett ca 1820 – bef 1850
married bef 1841 Preston Perry ca 1816 – son of Joseph
he married 1850 Frances Simons ca 1828 – moved to Texas
2. William Garrett ca 1822/24 – bef Nov CT 1843 alive 1841 dec by Nov Ct 1843
3. Frances Anne Garrett ca 1826 – alive 1841

4. Richard H Garrett 1828 Bertie Co – Bertie Co
– he was a large land owner and had a fine education, and he was the first school teacher who taught school at the “Old Perry School House” in the Rosemead Vicinity, and was the first teacher of whom the writer ever went to school. He has a son, who was once a roaming kid around Rosemead, but now is a successful man in the town of Ahoskie, N C. “– AJM Perry in his 1937 “History of Rosemead”
married 24 Nov 1849 Marget [Mary] C. Thompson 1830 – Bertie Co
a. Katherine Garrett 1856 –
b. Anna S Garrett 9 Oct 1859 Bertie Co – 19 June 1943 Hertford Co NC
married Franklin Pierce July 1850 – 1914
1. Mary Ann Pierce August 1884 –
2. Ella Janet Pierce 26 August 1887 Bertie Co NC – 15 Dec 1979
3. Gladys J. Pierce April 1890 –
4. Frank H. Pierce August 1895 Bertie Co – 1962 Bertie Co
married Lillian Byrum 1899 Bertie Co – 1978 Bertie Co
5.Nellie Ann Pierce November 1898 –
6. Emily Cornelia Pierce 1900 –
7. Carrie Elizabeth Pierce 1902 –
c. Jesse Richard Garrett 17 March 1862 Bertie Co – 13 March 1938 Ahoskie
married 13 Jan 1891 Nannie Louise Mitchell 19 Jan 1868 – 30 July 1944 Ahoskie

J R Garrett
“the Builder of Ahoskie”
“Jesse Richard Garrett, Ahoskie N.C. , born in Bertie County, N.C., March 17, 1862; he is a merchant, farmer, banker, lumber manufacturer; Mason and member M.W.A.; Missionary Baptist Church, trustee same church, Ahoskie; received his education Bertie County schools; Mr. Garrett moved to Ahoskie, 1891, and entered saw mill business 1892; established Garrett Brothers 1895, doing a general supply business; 1910 he assumed the active charge of the mercantile interest and remained in charge until 1917; he has served as Director of Bank of Ahoskie and member of Finance Committee for more than twenty years; owner of Garrett Hotel, sixty five rooms and modern in every particular; he built Richard Theater, one of the most modern theaters in Eastern North Carolina; he owns the Colonial Hotel; he is an extensive farmer, growing cotton, tobacco, peanuts, etc.; member Town Board of Ahoskie; was chairman of Hertford County Highway Commission until recently served as trustee of Ahoskie Public Schools more than ten years; he was big factor in establishing the Ahoskie graded school system; married Miss Nannie Mitchell of Bertie County; two children, Erick Lamont and Jesse Elizabeth; has three grandchildren, Mr. Garrett is recognized as “Daddy” of Ahoskie, having been the moving spirit in this development for thirty five years; he is a Democrat. Mr. Garrett is recognized as the real builder of Ahoskie. He is the owner of Colonial Hotel, builder and owner of Garrett Hotel, Builder of Richard Theater, Builder of Ahoskie Graded School System, Trustee of Ahoskie’s First Graded School Building.” from an old newspaper clipping in Ina Pierce Miller’s Scrapbook.
“He…… was once a roaming kid around Rosemead, but now is a successful man in the town of Ahoskie, N C. Having accumulated considerable wealth and owns the largest hotel in town and conducts a large Mercantile business there, and he and his son now own and operate the only theatre in town by the name of “Richard” in memory of his father.”– AJM Perry in his 1937 “History of Rosemead”

1. Eric Lamont Garrett ca 1894 –
married 5 July 1932 Juliet Garnet of Mathews Co, VA

2. Jesse Elizabeth Garrett
married Roberts H Jernigan Sr
d. Emma Cornelia Garrett 9 Oct 1864 – 16 Oct 1940
married Augustus Alfred Pierce 8 April 1859 Bertie Co – 21 Dec 1946 Bertie Co
son of Isaac Pierce and Mary Cale

AA & Emma C Pierce

photo compliments of David C Miller

1. Della M Pierce 18 June 1884 Bertie Co – 20 Jan 1975 Hertford Co
married Ernest L Evans 3 Feb 1878 Bertie Co – 12 Dec 1957 Bertie Co

2. Ruth Lillian Pierce 11 Nov 1891 Bertie Co – 8 Sept 1969 Suffolk VA
married Clyde Starke Evans 31 Mar 1886 Evanstown NC – 18 July 1942 Cofield NC

3. Mary Garrett Pierce 7 Apr 1896 Bertie Co – 25 May 1985 Suffolk VA
married Wallace Tinwood Brinkley 24 Oct 1892 Tyner, Chowan Co – 7 Oct 1967 Suffolk VA

4. Ina Rhea Pierce 29 Mar 1898 Bertie Co – 17 Oct 1976 in Norfolk Medic Home, Norfolk VA
married 30 June 1913 Dennie David Miller 26 Sept 1893 Bertie Co – 11 July 1965 Norfolk
son of Henderson Miller and Martha Valentine
line of David C Miller

5. Erma Grace Pierce died 6 Jan 1905 Bertie Co NC
e. John Joseph Garrett 28 Mar 1868 Colerain NC – 25 Jan 1931 Southport NC
30 years U.S. Army retired as Master Sergeant – was called back for active duty during World War I and later retired as a Lieutenant
1910 soldier; 1920 Proprietor Restaurant; 1930 Farmer
married 15 Feb 1893 Sally Hayes Garrett 27 Jan 1871 VA – 29 Aug 1954 Southport NC
dau of Sally Hays and Joshua Leigh Garrett she was born in the Princess Ann Church Parsonage
married by Rev B B Holder

Sallie Hays Garrett Garrett & family Sallie Hays Garrett Garrett

1. Richard Leigh Garrett 27 April 1894 Phoebus VA – 1969 CA
Merchand Marine Engineer. Retired Port Engineer Baltimore MD
married NYC 9 Jan 1919 Katherine [Kate] Miller
a. Anna Catherine Garrett 5 Aug 1920 –
married 1st Jacksonville FL 30 May 1942 T C Johnson
married 2nd Great Lakes IL 22 Oct 1945 Frank Gilbert Kingston [Lt.Air Corp US Navy Res.]
2. Josie Douglas Garrett 22 July 1895 Phoebus VA –
married Southport NC 9 July 1914 Joseph William Jelks
a. Joseph William Jelks Jr 27 Mar 1916 Southport NC –
married Charlotte NC 15 Aug 1936 Elizabeth Ray dau of CC & Ola Ray
i. Margaret Joann Jelks 15 Dec 1937 –
ii. Joseph William Jelks III 19 Feb 1945
b. Edward Douglass Jelks 23 Nov 1920 –
married 1944 Arlene Waters
i. Phylis Jeasn Jelks
ii. Edward Douglass Jelks Jr.
3. Guy Ruther Garrett 20 Aug 1897 Phoebus VA – 1979 Southport NC
Standard Oil Co retired
twins arried Baltimore MD 10 Apr 1918 Viola Ridgeway deceased
a. Guy R Garrett Jr May 1919 – 23 Nov 1920
b. Vernon Paul Garrett 2 May 1921 – deceased
married 2nd 1938 Kathryn St.George O’Daniel
4. Vernon Key Garrett 20 Aug 1897 Phoebus VA – 1979 Baltimore MD
VP Prudential Insurance Co
married Baltimore MD 30 May 1921 Lillian Butz
a. V. K. Jr 1927 –
5. James Garrett
2nd set of twins born in Santiago Cuba died at birth no info in Bible
6. Mary Garrett
3rd set of twins
7. Joshua Hinton Garrett 27 June 1902 Santiago Cuba –
30 years U S Navy Retired Captain


Joshua Hinton Garrett age 16

married 1st 22 May 1925 Glinne Norma Woodard – 1 son, 1 dau
a. John Gilbert Garrett
b. Gradness Eilene Garrett
married 2nd Dorthy Emma Bethe 1 dau
c. Janet Carol Garrett
8. Dorothy Clemens Garrett 27 June 1902 Santiago Cuba –
married Arcadia FL 25 June 1927 Edward M Denbo
a. Imogene Denbo
married Frank Kip Kramer
b. Edward M Denbo Jr.
married Nancy
9. Mary Cherry Garrett 3 June 1904 Southport NC –
married 5 July 1936 Lindsay Patience
a. Lindsay Garrett Patience 1938 –
married 1967 Christine McCall
b. John Paul Patience 1940 – died 1947 age 7
c. Roy Alec Patience 1941 –
married 1966 Veronica Schildt
10. Imogene Short Garrett 13 Sept 1906 Southport NC – 24 July 1985 Wilmington NC
never married
11. Sarah Hayes Garrett 26 July 1909 Southport NC –
married 1932 Henry Bruce Ludlum 2 sons, 1 dau
12. John Joseph Garrett Jr. 26 May 1911 Southport NC –
In printing business – Raleigh NC
married Bowling Green KY 22 June 1940 Eleanor Marion Willoughby 1 sons, 2 dau
f. Virginia Rayner [Rainey] Garrett ca 1870 – ?
not on 1880 census with family
g. Cynthia Garrett 4 May 1871 – 17 May 1963
married 1899 Jacob White 1867 – 1907
h. Augustus [Guston] Garrett 1874 –
i. Thomas Garrett 1877 –

5. Thomas Miles Garrett 1830 – 12 May 1864 lawyer
graduated UNC 1850 left diary of his student days which family has placed in library at UNC
“In December 1860 Thomas Miles Garrett, a Bertie County Whig and lawyer, was a staunch unionist, but by April 1861 he had reluctantly concluded that North Carolina must withdraw from the Union. Garrett, one of the first men in Bertie to volunteer for Confederate service, organized Company F, Fifth Regiment North Carolina State Troops, which was composed largely of men from Bertie. ” from Gerald W Thomas’s Divided Allegiances.

Col. Thomas Miles Garrett CSA
killed in the war at the battle of Spotsylvania 1864
Engraving from Walter Clark, Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-’65

6. James F Garrett ca 1834 – 12 May 1862 killed in the war

Cynthia Rayner Garrett married 2nd bef Nov 1838 Wiley (Willie) D. Hayes ca 1816 – 1889Children of Cynthia Rayner [Garrett] and Wiley D Hayes:
1. Joseph Hayes [Hays] ca 1841 – 5 May 1862


Lt. Joseph G. Hayes CSA
(Joseph was killed in the war the same battle as his half-brother James F Garrett)

2. Sarah Lucretia [Sally] Hayes [Hays] 10 April 1843 – 15 June 1926 Roxobel, Bertie Co NC .  [Dates on death certificate]
“Having worn black mourning clothes for forty years, she died [in 1823] in Roxebel at the home of her daughter Mattie (Martha) Garrett Wilkins. ”
married 5 Sept 1865 Rev. Joshua Leigh Garrett 21 Jan 1831 Glouster Co VA – 12 April 1883 Hertford Co NC
Methodist married by Rev. Joshua R Riddick
leaving a widow and nine children”
“. . lived over the creek from Harrellsville on the old river road next door to my Durfey- Evans family? This area was called Mink Neck and that is where Elisha and Horatio Hays and Sarah and Joshua lived. Addie Cowles Garrett married her cousin Robert Hays, son of Elisha on 8th June 1904. There were three Hays homes there , long gone now. Joshua and Sarah were buried there. My Mother and her Uncle John Hays Garrett kept the graveyard clean for many years. It had a tall iron fence around it ,and several tall stone markers. But after everyone moved away and Camp Mfg. bought the property, they put a fire-road through there and when Worth and I went down there some years ago, we could not find the graves.” e-mail from Martha Copeland
a. Thomas Wiley Garrett 21 June 1866 Harrellsville NC – 26 June 1867 Indian Ridge Circuit
b. Martha Rayner [ Mattie] Garrett 12 Feb 1868 Lunenburg CoVA – 1940 Roxobel NC
married Winton NC 3 Aug 1908 James H Wilkins no children
c. Mary Cherry [Molly] Garrett 7 Sept 1869 Farmville VA – 28 July 1892 Perquimons Co NC
d. Sally Hays Garrett 27 Jan 1871 Parsonage of Princess Anne Church VA – 29 Aug 1954 Southport NC
married John Joseph Garrett 1868 -1931 her cousin (Richard Garrett’s son)
e. Cynthia Imogene Garrett 14 May 1872 VA – 1929 Arcadia FL
Died after she married ?

f. Joshua Leigh Garrett Jr. 12 July 1874 – 6 Oct. 1876
g. John Hays Garrett 13 June 1876 Elizabeth City NC – 1975 Richmond VA
h. son died at birth March 1878 unnamed
i. Julia Short Garrett 27 Jan 1879 Hertford Co NC – 14 Feb 1879 Hertford Co NC -died infant
j. Addie Cowles Garrett 21 Feb 1880 NC – 1969
married 8 June 1904 Robert Hays her cousin
son of Elisha Hays
k. Kate Hibble Garrett 2 Oct. 1882 NC – June 1981 Almost 100 yr. old !!
grandmother of Martha Copeland

Joshua L Garrett had 1st married 5 Dec 1854 Mary E Harrell ca 1837 – May/Aug 1865
eloped to Gates Co married by the Rev Thomas I Bayton
a. Annie Leigh Garrett 18 Nov 1855 Hertford Co – 1 July 1917 Perq. Co NC

Painting of Annie L Garrett

married 1878 Richard Benjamin Thach Feb 1850 – 1928
of Perquimans Co.

R B Thach
ancestors of Phil Thatch Visit Phil’s Web site

b. Elizabeth Jones Garrett 24 May 1859 Gloustar Co VA – 31 Oct 1863 Harrellsville NC

c. William Harrell [Willy] Garrett 1862 Gloucester Co, VA – aft 1870 [died Chicago]
” left home as a teen and when his father died he could not be located.”
Marius Shield Garrett 5 Feb 1865 Harrellsville NC – 21 Sept 1867 Indian Ridge Circuit

3. Julius John Hays 1846 – lived in Ahoskie 1930’s
“Cynthia Rayner’s death date was 1848. . . . .
Willie Hays sold the Garrett property that he bought from some of the Garrett children, to Jacob White, that year, all except the graveyard. . . . .
Willie then moved to Colerain where he owned a store.
He had a Mammy to help him with the children and their Aunt Martha Holly and their Uncle Elisha Hays also helped with their upbringing.”-Martha Copeland


Willie D Hays 1816 – 1889
married 2nd 19 April 1857 Bartra Wilson

Harrellsville Letter. It is with much regret, I chronicle the death of Mr. Wiley Hays of Coleraine. While under mental aberrations, induced by morphine, taken to alleviate pain, he committed suicide, by hanging himself to a joist in his storehouse. He was among the best citizens of Bertie county, and in the true sense of the word, an upright conscientious, consistent, charitable, and an honest man. He was a member of the Mystic Tie, and lived strictly up to his obligation. May his shibboleth give him eternal rest. – Friday, March 1, 1889 [Vol. IV No. 30]

Worth and Martha Copeland wrote:

Hi Sally; My name is Martha Durfey Copeland, I graduated Ahoskie
High in 1945. My Great Great Grand Mother was Cynthia Raynor, daughter
of Miles, she married Jessie Garrett. She married second, Willie Hays from Colerain. I have done some research
on Thomas Miles Garrett, her son. There is a Diary at the Wilson
Library at U N C. Chapel Hill that Thomas wrote during his time there,
he graduated in 1850. Col.T.M.Garrett was killed at the battle of
Spotsylvania. 1864. My Great Grandmother Sarah Hays saved the diary
and it was placed in the Library by my Great Addie. I have enjoyed all
your hard work and admire you for doing it. Thank you so much.

Hi Sally;
Had lots of Visiters Sunday and couldn’t get my thoughts together, so wanted
to tell you that I remember Julia and Alice Hope, and Nancy Earley from
Powellsville was a friend that year. It was the first year that students from there came to Ahoskie High School and the twelfth grade was added that year. I went to Grammer school in Winton through the seventh grade. If you would like me to, I’ll send you a copy of the story that I wrote for my
children, about those days. Now back to the family history. The Joshua Leigh
Garrett story is this- His Mother Nancy Anne Leigh married three times,
First to a Bellamy then to William Garrett who was Joshua’s father, William
died several months before Joshua was born, then she married John Hibble
(that’s where my middle name comes from). Joshua graduated from William &
Mary College and was ordained a Methodist preacher in Petersburg, Va.
and given a circuit to ride in North Carolina (Hertford and Bertie counties
were in the Va. conference at that time) He preached in Murfreesboro,
Harrellsville, and Coleraine. I have certificates he received when he was
ordained. The family story passed down to me is, that he and Mary E.
Harrell, daughter of Abner, eloped to Gates county and were married by a
minister who was a friend of his. They had several children that died in
infancy and two who lived Annie Leigh, whose picture you have, and a son
called Willy. Joshua enlisted in the confederate army at Bel Rio plantation
in Glouster Co.Va. in 1861.He served during the battles in northern Va, he
resigned his commission as a Major in the army in 1865 after his hearing was
impaired from cannon firing. His mother died that year (I have her obituary
published in the Richmond Christian Advocate) and Mary and his stepfather
John Hibble also died that year. Joshua returned to his ministry and married
my Great Grandmother Sarah Lucrercia Hays, daughter of Wiley and Cynthia
Rayner Garrett Hays. Sarah Hays had two brothers, Joseph who was a
his half brothers (Thomas Miles Garrett’s) company F, Fifth Reg.from Windsor.
Also a younger brother John. who lived to be an old man and lived in Ahoskie
when I was a child. (I don’t think you have him listed)
The names of Joshua
and Sarah’s children as I have them are: Thomas Wiley -Born June 21 1866
Died June 26 1867 Joshua Leigh Jr. Born July 12th 1867 Died Oct. 6th 1869
Martha Rayner (called Mattie)-Born1868 Died 1940 Julia Short -died infant
Mary Cherry- Born 18 71 Died 1887 Cynthia Imogene- Died after she married?
Sally Born-? Married John Garrett her cousin (Richard Garrett’s son) John
Garrett Hays Born 1877 Died 1971 Addie Cowles Born 1879 Died 1969 Kate
Hibbble (my grandmother Born Oct. 2 1882 Died June 1981 Almost 100 yr. old.
I can add Kate’s children, my Mother’s and my children if you want to go that far.
My grandmother told that her father’s son Willy (Annie Thatch’s brother) left
home when he was a teen, and when their father died they could not find him.

William Hayes ca 1797 – 1877 | his parents
& ca 1815 unknown | her parents
& ca unknown | her parents
of Harrellsville NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of William Hayes: [by first wife]
1. Wiley/Willie D Hayes 1816 Tennessee – 1 March 1889 Colerain
married bef Nov 1838 Cynthia Rayner [Garrett] ca 1800 – 1848
married 2nd 19 April 1857 Bartra Wilson

Children of William Hayes by second wife
1. Elisha Hayes
2. Horatio Hayes
marred Aurelia Pruden

Hi Sally;
I have found some of my brother’s notes, but maybe I had better tell you
about them so you will understand that they are made without proof of
anything. He lived in Calf. for twenty years but loved Hertford and Bertie
Co. and when he became ill in the 70’s he came home and bought a little
place on the Leary farm, on the Chowan, just below Colerain. He was obsessed
with the family history and whenever he could get out, he talked to any
older person he could find, that knew anything about the ancesters. He was
not able to travel so he ordered books and read all the histories of the
counties, he talked to Great Aunts and Uncles and our Grandmother who was
raised in Colerain and was in her nineties. He copied the church records in
Harrellsville and that is what I have found along with some notes on little
tiny paper. Here is what he copied on the Hays. Elisha S. Hays- m- Mary A.
Smith. Horachia Hays – m-Aurelia Pruden. John J. Hays-m- Mary S. Jenkins.
Nellie Hays – m-Carrol Sharp. John M. Hays – m- Mary {Winborne} Hays. Joined
the church before 1872- Annie Hays, Irene Hays. Charles W. Hays joined in
I found another note that said that Wiley was Half brother to Elisha and
Horachio and that William was their Father but another note said that
William was Wiley’s Brother! so I don’t know what good any of this will be
to you. I wish I could be more help. My brother James Manning Durfey Jr. is
buried in the Harrellsville Churchyard, Where his Great Grandfather
preached in 1852 and 1878 and is surrounded by ten of his Ancestors.

FOUND DEAD IN BED.– On Monday morning last the family of William Hayes of Harrellsville, were surprised at the apparent late sleeping of Mr. Hayes. Upon going to his room, the family was surprised to find the gentleman a corpse. He had been up that morning and made a fire in the fireplace and had gone back to bed where he died. He was at Harrellsville on Saturday and was thought to be in perfect health on Sunday night. He was seventy-nine years of age and leaves a host of friends to lament his sudden death.

“The Murfreesboro Enquirer”, E. L. C. Ward, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C.
Thursday, October 25, 1877 [Vol. II, 52]

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