John Rayner & Judith Chappell

Sally’s 4-great-Grandparents and also 5-great grandparents:

John Rayner ca 1721 – 1796 | his parents
& ca 1743 Judith Chappell ca 1725 – aft 1810 | her parents
of Bertie County, North Carolina

 my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Rayner married Judith Chappell, daughter of Richard Chappell, who died in Chowan Co NC, 1734, and his wife, Elizabeth.
In 1743, Chowan Co, John Rainer witnessed Elizabeth Chappell’s land  processed 
1753 – Bertie Co Deed Bk G-496 May Ct 1753
With John Freeman, Richard Ranor, Lazarus Garrett

– Bk H-92 Bridgett Folkes to John Rainer November 12th, 1753 7 pds for 150 A Part of a tract bought of John Perry containing 300 A on Barbeque Swamp.
Wit James Droughan, John Droughan, James Holley. Reg May Ct 1754.
John Rayner & brother Richard Rayner were on 1757 & 1781 Bertie Co tax lists. (included all males over 16)
May 1765 Bertie Co Ct-
Ordered that William Brown, Jonathan Miller, John Rainer, Sen, John Rainer, Junr, & Samuel Rainer work on the road where Nathaniel Holley is OS. (I smk think John Rainer, Junr. is probably the child of Suzanna Rayner.)
The Rayner Brothers signed The 1777 Petition, pledging allegiance to the state of NC and against King George III  Samuel Rayner, William Rayner, Amos Ranar, and John Raner.
NC Archives — Rev War File
John Rayner received compensation for services rendered during Rev. War.

Amos was a soldier and received a Rev. War pension.


John Rayner’s home. [back wing]

Will of John Rayner State of N Carolina, Bertie County. November 30th, 1793, pr Aug Ct 1796
In the Name of God amen I John Rayner of the County and State aforesaid being weak of body but sound mind & memory and knowing the certainty of this Mortal life & knowing the inevitability of Death do make & ordain this my last Will in manner and form as followeth Viz
I Give my Son William Rayner one Cow & Calf.
I give my daughter Winneford Daughtry one Cow and calf and one heifer.
I Give Six Head of Cattle to my Sons Samuel Rayner, Amos Rayner, and Elizabeth McFarlin (and share & Share-alike).
I Give my Son James Rayner to be kept in the Hands of Joshua Rayner for the use of the said James one bed & furniture one Cow & Calf.
I Give my Son Joshua Rayner one Cow & Calf and all my stock of Hogs & one roan mare, provided he supports his mother Judah Rayner in the manner of her former way of life.
Lastly, I give to be divided equally to my Son Joshua Rayner and my Daughter Sarah Rayner and their Heirs forever, the Residue of my Estate: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bees, plantation utenticles Household, and kitchen Furniture &c &c  

I appoint my friend Lewis Outlaw & my Son Joshua Rayner to be Executors of this my last Will.

I revoke all other wills formerly made by me. I confirm this and no other to be my last Will.

In Witness, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of November Anno Dom 1793 John (his R mark) Rayner.
Signed, Sealed, and Declared to be the last Will of John Rayner in Presets of us
James Holley Moor Holley
Bertie County August 1796; proved by More Holly. George Gray CCC

Judith Rayner in the Hertford Co NC 1810 census +45, also female 26/45 [Sarah] and a boy.

Children of John Rayner and Judith Chappell:
*1. Samuel Rayner ca 1744 – 1817 (taxpayer 1781) testate Bertie Co NC
married ca 1770 Winifred Perry Bertie Co NC
2. Elizabeth Rayner ca 1750 – 1805 Hertford Co NC
married ca 1772 Walter McFarlin ca 1747 – 1810/1820 Hertford Co NC
3. William Rayner ca 1755 – July 1827 Bertie Co NC
(taxpayer 1781) dsp testate
4. Amos Rayner January 8th, 1760 – May 4th, 1843 Hertford Co NC
(taxpayer 1781) testate
married ca 1802 Hannah Holladay
(widow of Thomas Collins, who died 1800)
5. James Rayner ca 1764 – 1830 Bertie Co NC (taxpayer 1781) dsp
he was a “special” individual – Elijah Rayner was his administrator
*6. Joshua Rayner ca 1766 – May 15th, 1825 Bertie Co NC
married 1803 Martha Outlaw 1783 – 1820
7. Sarah Rayner ca 1770 – February 9th, 1828 Bertie Co NC
dsp testate Bertie Co NC
8. Winnefred Rayner ca 1771 – bef May 1842 testate Hertford Co NC
married bef Nov 1793 Daniel Daughtry died ca Nov 1819 testate Hertford Co NC

Sally’s 5-great-Grandparents and also 6-great grandparents:

Richard CHAPPEL d. 1734| his parents
& Elizabeth living 1742| her parents
of Chowan County NC

#162 Rich. CHAPPEL will 1734 & #163 Elizabeth of Chowan Co, NC, their children:
1. Moses CHAPPEL,
2. Michaiah CHAPPEL,
3. Richard CHAPPEL,
4. Judah CHAPPEL est 1725 – aft 1810,
married John RAYNER est 1721 – 1793
moved to Bertie Co.
5. Sarah CHAPPEL 1708 – 1782
married Chowan Co 1731 Moses BAKER 1708 – 1786

December 13th, 1726 DB: C-1:537 Epap. Brinkley to Richard Chappell. A Deed. 200 A in Chowan pct. in Hogg Neck adjoining on the South side of Warrick Swamp beginning at a White Oak Jno. Rayner’s corner tree.

Oct Ct 1735 Moses Baker Exhibited a Will of Richard Chappel deceased, Michael Brinkley proved, and the said Moses Baker Qualified as an Executor.

20. March 12th, 1742 Elizabeth Chappel’s land. Present John Rainer and John Goodwin, and Thomas Ward.


William Rayner ca 1755 – 1827 | his parents
of Bertie Co NC

Bachelor Son of John and Judith.

Will of William Rayner dated July 16th 1827– proved August Term 1827
In the name of God Amen, I William Rayner of Bertie County being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner following that is to say ———
First, I give to my Sister Sally Rayner One negro woman named Edy to her and her heirs forever-
Secondly, I lend unto my said Sister Sally the plantation and lands whereon I now live together with two other parcels of land adjoining one of which I purchased of John Britton the other of Abner Harrell together with all the profits, ——–, and advantages thereunto belonging or in any way appurtingly during her natural life and no longer and after her Death I give the above-mentioned tracts of land unto William Rayner Son of Joshua Rayner decd I say unto him and his heirs forever ——–

Thirdly I lend unto my Sister Sally two negro men Hebre and Jerry during her natural life, and after her Death, I give the Said negro Jerry to Thomas Rayner Son of Amos Rayner to him and his heirs forever, and also I give the Said negro Hebre unto Joshua Daughtry Son of Daniel Daughtry to him and his heirs forever.
Fourthly I lend unto my Sister Winny Daughtry five negroes, namely Hannah, Bay and Barbary, Harry and Harriet during her natural life, and after her Death, it is my Will that the said five negroes to be equally divided between John, Mehita, Amos, William R., Daniel and Joshua Daughtry the children of Daniel Daughtry decd. to them and their heirs forever.———
Fifthly I Give one Tract of Land unto William R Daughtry it being a tract of Land in Hertford County whereon Johnston Hill now lives I say to him and his heirs forever.

Sixthly I give to William McFarlin One negro Girl named Beea I say to him and his heirs forever ——–
Seventhly I give to my beloved brother Amos Rayner my family Bible to him and his heirs forever.———–
Eightly I give William S Rayner One Tract of Land adj to the land of Matthew Morris and others also One negro man named York to him and his heirs forever——–
Ninthly I give Elijah Rayner, James Duers & Celia Capehart One hundred dollars to be equally divided between them to compensate for a piece of Land that Joel Rayner gave me in his last Will that they were displeased with me for Amt quit.
Tenthly I give unto James Ross Oxley Son of Aquilla Oxley One negro girl named Jane to him and his heirs forever.———-
Eleventhly I give unto Joshua Rayner Son of Joshua Rayner decd a Tract of Land Called the Trumbell Tract to him and his heirs forever.———–
Twelfth I lend unto Elizabeth Copeland One negro boy named Blount during her natural life for the sole use of her benefit, but not to be Construed or to come under the control of her husband or subject to the payments of any of his debts and after the Said Elizabeth Death I give the said negro unto Loadicy Rayner daughter of Joshua Rayner decd to her and her heirs forever——-
Lastly, all the Residue of my Estate, both Personal and real, after Paying all my Just Debts and the Legetees above named It is my Will and desire it should be equally divided that is to Say
One-fourth Part to the heirs of Daniel Daughtry decd;
One-fourth Part to Amos Rayner’s Children;
One-fourth Part to the heirs of Walter McFarlin decd;
and the other fourth part to be equally divided between the following children of Joshua Rayner decd namely Mary Oxley, Sally Rayner, William Rayner, Joshua Rayner, Laodice Rayner—
In Witness whereof I the said William Rayner have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand & seal this 16th day of July in the year of our Lord 1827– Signed sealed and declared in presents of

Test: James Ward
Test: Isaac P Freeman
                          W Rayner

Sarah Rayner ca 1770 – ca 1829 | her parents
of Bertie and Hertford Co NC

Spinster daughter of John and Judith.

Will of Sarah Raynor
In the name of God, Amen That I Sarah Raynor of Bertie County & State of North Carolina, Being of a sound mind & disposing of memory thanks be to God for the same do hereby make and constitute this my last Will & Testament (Viz) as follows.
First, I desire my body to be decently Buried in Christian form by my Executors hereafter named and as to my worldly goods, I devise as follows viz
First, I desire all my just debts to be paid out of Estate &tc – –
2nd I give and bequeath unto my Brother Amos Raynor One Hundred Dollars to him his Heirs & assigns forever.
Also, one Hundred Dollars to his Son Henry Raynor
& also one Hundred Dollars to his Son Joseph Rayner to them their Heirs & assigns forever
also one Hundred Dollars to his Daughter Eliza Rayner to her Heirs & assigns forever.

3rd I give and bequeath unto Mary Taylor wife of Isaac Taylor one Negro Woman Eady & thirty Dollars in notes to her Heirs & assigns forever.
4th I desire that fifty Dollars out of my Estate be placed in the hands of Isaac Taylor for the benefit of Sarah Davidson to be laid out by I Taylor as she may stand in need.
5th I give unto Joseph Leary Son of Celia Capehart Eighty Dollars in Notes to him his heirs & assigns.
6th I give unto my Niece Sally Raynor one Bed & furniture & one Hundred Dollars in Notes to Her her heirs & assigns etc.
7th I give unto my nephew Joshua Raynor fifty Dollars in Notes etc.
8th I give unto Jas. Ross Oxley fifty Dollars in Notes etc.
9th I give unto my Niece Dicy Rayner one Negro boy named Tony provided the said boy should wish to be sold rather than be hired out I desire my Executor to sell him to some person he may wish to go to & the Net proceeds to be set on Interest for the said Dicy to her and her heirs forever etc.
10th I desire that all the Residue of my Estate be sold & the net proceeds be Equally Divided between Joseph Raynor & Ann Eliza Raynor Son & daughter of Amos Raynor & Dicy Raynor Daughter of Joshua Raynor to them their heirs & assigns forever.
I hereby nominate & appoint my Brother Amos Raynor & his Son Thos. Raynor to be Exs to this my last Will & testament Revoking all others Wills by me heretofore made In Witness I have hereunto set my hand this the 9th day of Feb 1828
Witness Penelope Holly; Benj Hill; Sally Ray —–
Sarah ( O her mark) Raynor (seal)

October 27th, 1828 I hereby Revoke the Eight Section of the Annexed Will where it gives unto James Ross Oxley fifty Dollars in notes the said fifty dollars I give & bequeath unto my Nephew Joshua Rayner to him his Heirs & assigns forever.
I also hereby Revoke so much of the tenth Section so as Joshua Raynor may receive a proportionable share of the Residue of my Estate with the three legatees therein named further I give and bequeath unto Jackson Lawrance Oxley the Sum thirty Dollars in notes to him his heirs & assigns forever.
Signed Sealed in the presents of
Benj. Hill; Penelope Holly —- Sarah ( X )Raynor (seal)

State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court Feb Term 1829
The last Will & testament of Sarah Rayner decd was proved in open court together with the codicil by the oath of Benjamin Hill, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded at the same time Thomas A Rayner one of the Executors therein named qualified as such.
E A Rhodes CK Thos A Rayner qualified.

Note: I asked Jim Deans if he knew just who Sarah Davidson was mentioned in the above Will.
“I haven’t been able to find anything on Sarah Davidson as of now.
An Amos Davison attended several estate sales with Walter McFarlane and the Rayners in Bertie Co and also one that Isaac Taylor attended.
He inherited 248 acres from James Davison adjoining Maule’s Creek and Wiccacon Road, but I haven’t as yet identified the location.
His mother was Edith Nowell.
I plan to pursue this lead and hopefully tie him to Sarah.” ~ Jim Deans
Found a little bit on Sarah Davidson.
“I found some notes I had from the Colerain Baptist Church minutes that indicate she was the wife of Lewis David (er) Son. Lewis was apparently a/k/a Deverson a/k/a Davison. It looks like someone messed with the “a” and tried to change it to an “e” in the minutes. Lewis Davison was still alive when Sarah Rayner made the bequest, as indicated by the 1830 Census, which makes it somewhat problematic. It suggests that perhaps there must have been another Lewis Davidson who had died, leaving Sarah as his widow. But I have a copy of a deed that Lewis Deverson executed in 1834 conveying property near Lloyd’s Cross Roads to James A. Moore. John B. Taylor lived on the NW corner of the Cross Roads. According to the census, Isaac Taylor was a few doors down the road. Sarah may have been a Rayner or perhaps another daughter of Walter and Elizabeth McFarlane. I thought we had them all with Judith, Fruza and
Mary, but maybe not. Maybe Lewis will show up in some Bertie records.
He does not appear in Hertford after 1830 except for the deed.” ~ Jim Deans

Winnefred Rayner ca 1771 – 1842 | her parents
& bef 1793 Daniel Daughtry/Dowdy/Doughtie – ca 1819 | his parents
of Hertford Co NC

Deposition: State of North Carolina: Hertford County:
This day appeared before me Thomas B Sharp, being the Justice of Peace for the county and state aforesaid Winefred Doughtie a sister of Amos Rayner who is an applicant for a pension who being duly sworn deposes as follows: — That she distinctly recollects the Revolutionary War that during that period though she does not recollect the date her brother Amos Rayner the same who is now an applicant for a pension, left home with a gun and knapsack I . . . .for the war that he was gone from home several months, that at length word reached home that he was on the road and unable to travel from the sickness that their father John Rayner hired a man by the name of Jacob Thomas to go after him the said Amos Rayner that after being gone for some time they returned home together that she said Amos was then is very bad health and that he was for a long time confined by sickness at home after his return. The said Winefred Doughtie further states that during the time the said Amos Rayner was gone, news reached home that he had been in a battle with the British and had to attend to the great guns during the engagement.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this being the 17th day of October 1838.
Signed with her X Winfred Doughtie Thos. B Sharp JP

Winnefred Rayner and Daniel Daughtry (Dowdy) (Doughtie) had:
Will of William Rayner dated July 16th 1827– proved August Term 1827

. . . .Fourthly, I lend unto my Sister Winny Daughtry five negroes namely Hannah, Bay and Barbary, Harry and Harriet during her natural life and after her Death it is my Will that the said five negroes to be equally divided between John, Mehita, Amos, William R., Daniel and Joshua Daughtry the children of Daniel Daughtry decd. to them and their heirs forever. . . . The family were spelling their name Doughtie in 1830 Hertford Co records Petty Shore area
1. Sally Daughty ca 1794 – [d bef 1819 without an heir?]
possibly she is the Sarah Davidson mentioned in Sarah Rayner’s Will
married at Wicacon Sept 1812 Jones Hayes
Son of James Hayes and wife Winnefred Jones dau of James
2. Mehita (Mahala or Mahaley) Daughtry ca 1796 –
married bef Nov 1819 George Hollomon ca 1792
a. Mary Holloman ca 1824 –
b. Pheobe Holloman ca 1830 –
c. Celia Holloman ca 1832 –
d. Francis Holloman ca 1833 –
p335 Hertford Co Census
George M Hollomon 58 m carpenter
Mahala 53 f
Mary 25 f
Pheobe 19 f
Celia 17 f
Francis 16 m laborer

3. John Daughtry 1798 –
married ca 1825
a. son 1825/30 –
b. daughter 1825/30 –
has wife, Son, and daughter under 5 1830
4. Amos C Daughtry ca1801 – bef Jan 1842
married ca 1825?
a. daughter 1825/30 –
has wife and daughter under 5 1830
5. William Rayner Daughtry ca 1803 – bef Jan 1842
married bef 1830 census
ran for Congress in 1831
has wife 1830
6. Daniel Daughtry [Daughtie] ca 1806
married bef 1830 Nancy ca 1812 –
a. Jackson Doughtie 1829/30 –
b. Levi Doughtie ca 1831 –
c. John Doughtie ca 1833 –
d. Sally Doughtie ca 1835 –
e. Lavenia Doughtie ca 1837 –
f. Eliza Doughtie ca 1840 –
g. Jacob Doughtie ca 1842 –
h. Joseph Doughtie ca 1846 –
i. Amos Doughtie ca 1849 –
has wife and Son under 5 1830
7. Joshua B Daughtry [Daughtie] ca 1808 –

has wife 1830; in 1840, in the household are 3 women ages 70/80, 15/20, and 10/15
married ca 1830
a. son 1835/40 –
married 2nd ca 1840 Martha A ca 1822 –
a. Starkey J Doughtie ca 1840 –
b. William E Doughtie ca 1842-
c. Emily Doughtie ca 1844 –
d. James H Doughtie ca 1847 –
e. [ME?] Frances Doughtie ca 1849 –
f. M S [female] Doughtie ca 1851 –
g. C A [female] Doughtie ca 1857 –

1850 Census Southern Hertford Co
Nancy Green, 42, had Rowan Doughtie, 18, and Nancy Doughtie, 9, living with her
Anna Odom, 46, had Mary Doughtie, 20, living with her
William Shaw, 44, and his wife Matilda, 34, had Napoleon Doughtie, 15, and Franklin Doughtie, 15, living with them
Jackson B Hare, 31, and his wife Martha, 35, have Cynthia Doughtie, 19, living with them
William Doughtie, 33, and his wife Nancy, 20, have Jesse Doughtie, 11/12, living with them
Margaret Doughtie, 14 living in the household of John Hill, 24, and his wife Charlotte, 22

Hertford County Wills:
Will of Daniel Dowdy Nov 1819 – proved Nov Ct 1831
In the name of God, Amen. I, Daniel Dowdy of the County of Hertford & State of North Carolina, do make and ordain this to be my last Will & Testament.
1st I give & bequeath unto My beloved Son John Dowdy a Certain Tract of Land situated & Lying on the south side of Wiccacon Creek & the Garrat Tract of land containing one hundred and forty acres more or less & bounded by the Lands of John Barrow dec‚ Benjamin Britt & others to him and his heirs forever also two cows & calves now in his possession.
2nd I give unto My daughter Mahala Dowdy who married George Hollomon the sum of five shillings to her and her heirs forever.
3rd I loan the Residue of my property both real & personal to My beloved wife Winifred Dowdy during the term of her natural life and after her Death to be divided as follows viz to My Son Amos Dowdy a certain tract of land bounded on the south by the land owned by Benjamin Wynns on the North by the road leading to Wiccacom Ferry on the east by the Lands owned by Joseph Benthall and on the west by the gi ? in this presentation will to My sons Joshua & Daniel Dowdy containing Two hundred & seven acres more or less to him and his heirs forever also to My beloved sons Daniel & Joshua Dowdy a certain tract of land to be equally between them bounded by the Lands of E H Sharp, Wm. Booth, Rodom Odom & Benjamin Brown to them & their heirs forever Also to my Son William Dowdy Two hundred dollars to him & his heirs forever.
4th It is My Will & desire that my wife should enjoy the aforementioned property during the term of her natural life but after her Death to be divided in the (way) that I have before Mentioned should, however, there be any property of any kind left after her Death not disposed of in this will it is my desire that the said surpluses if any should be divided equally between my sons Amos, William, Daniel, & Joshua Dowdy to them & their heirs forever.
5th I furthermore do hereby appoint & constitute My beloved friends William Raynor & Joshua Raynor Executors to this Last Will & Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made Witness My hand & seal this day of November one Thousand Eight hundred & nineteen.
Signed, sealed & published by Daniel Dowdy as his Last Will & Testament in the presence of
Valentine Turner, Job Leary.

Daniel Dowdy (seal)


November Court 1831: Amos C Doughtee et al to Petition to establish Will of Daniel Doughtee.
The following Jury . . to wit George W Moore, James Jenkins, Lewis Gatling, Lemuel
Nichols, Jackson Hollomon, Mat J Griffith, Jet Curl, Walter Myrick, Wm P Liverman,
Charles Sowell, Sam’l Brown & Bryan Askew say that Daniel Doughtee died testate in due
form of Law. . .the said (Will or copy is ordered by the court to be Recorded.

Will of Winiford Doughtie January 22nd 1842 – proved May Ct 1842 Hertford Co NC
I Winiford Doughtie of the County of Hertford and State of North Carolina being of Sound Mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my Earthly existence do Make and declare this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following that is to say First that my Executors herein after named, Shall provide for my body a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my relations and friends, and pay all funeral expenses together with my just debts howsoever and whomsoever owing out of the money that may first come into their hand as a part or parcel of my Estate.
1st I give unto my Son Daniel two notes of hand vix Joshua Doughtie payable to the said Winiford for fifty Dollars or thereabout.
2nd I give unto my Son Wm W Doughtie heirs the sum of five dollars.
3rd I give unto my Son A C Doughtie’s children Five dollars.
4th I give unto my Daughter Mahaley Hollomon Five dollars.
5th I give unto my Son John Doughtie Five dollars, and lastly, I give unto my Son Joshua all the balance of Estate of all Kinds whatsoever, and I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friends Joshua Doughtie & Thos B Sharp B my lawful Executors. ….In Witness whereof, I the said Winifred Doughtie so hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 22 day of January A. D, 1842. …….
Winiford (x) Doughtie (seal)
Wit: Uriah (his +mark) Norriss & Thos. B Sharp
May Court 1842: Will proved by Uriah Norriss & Thomas B Sharpe.
Thomas B Sharpe released his rights to Quality as Executor, and Joshua Doughtie was qualified.

One thought on “John Rayner & Judith Chappell”

  1. My great -great grandmother Mary Virginia Taylor My Great grandfather John B. Wiggins. My grandfather John Nurney Wiggins. My father John Nurney Wiggins Jr. I grew up with the stories from my Great Aunt Lula and Cousin Mary. I have questions if you can help. I located a will Robert(Robart) Taylor married a Christan that I believe was a Bennette or Robbins. His son William Taylor. He leaves land to his grandson Robert Taylor the husband on Fruzey and Hillary Taylor. I believe this is the connection with the our Chowanoc Linage. Could you help. I am a law enforcement officer and I study a lot of signatures. I notice that Robert and William sign their signature the same way that the Chowanoc and Weapmoc did. Could their be Meherin or Tuscarora of Mullaid in the linage.

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