John Wheeler & Elizabeth


John Wheeler ca 1575 – 1643 | his parents
& Elizabeth
of Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Wheeler, sen burial 2 Dec 1643 – the parish record of Cranfield

the old church in Cranfield
Cranfield Village

Children of John Wheeler and Elizabeth:
1. Mary Wheeler LI
married 29 Jan 1621/22 Richard Barrett
2. Elizabeth Wheeler 1599 – 1649 Southampton LI
married 1625 Thomas Halsey [Halsie]
3. John Wheeler prob bp 22 Jan 1603 –
4. Sarah Wheeler bp 16 June 1605 –
married 8 Oct 1627 Robert Nash
a. Sarah Nash
5. Isaac Wheeler bp 13 Sept 1607 –
settled at Charlestown Mass by 1639
married 9 April 1635 Frances Watson
6. Obadiah Wheeler bp 5 Dec 1609 –
married 20 Jan 1633/34 Susannah Wheeler
bp 31 May 1607 – 24 March 1649 Concord
7. Ruth Wheeler bp 29 March 1612 –
married 25 June 1633 Richard Mowse
a. Obadiah Mowse bp 12 Nov 1638 –
8. William Wheeler bp 4 Jan 1614/15 –
married 15 Feb 1639/40 Alice Crouch
9. Isabell Wheeler bp 5 Nov 1619 –

Will of John Wheeler, the elder of Cranfield, co Bedford, yeoman dated 18 Jan 1642/3.
– Item whereas I purpose that John Wheeler the younger my eldest sonne shall have my Coppie hold Land in consideration wherof I give unto my said sonn John Twelve pence of Lawfll mony of England
– Item I Give and beequeath unto Isaack Wheelar an other of my sonne Twelve pence of like Lawfull English money.
– Item I give unto Obadiah Wheeler my sonne Twelve pence of Lawfull money of England.
– Item I give unto Mary Barratt my daughter Twelve pence of like Lawfull money.
– Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Halsie my daughter Twelve pence of Lawfull English money
– Item I Give & begueath unto Sarah Nash my daughter Twelve pence of lawfull English money.
– Item I Give & bequeath unto Willyam Wheelar an other of my sonns the some of Tenn pounds of Lawfull money of England.
– Item I give & bequeath unto Isabell Wheelar an other of my daughters The some of Tenn pounds of like lawfull money.
– Item I further Give & bequeath unto Isabell my said daughter & her heirs & assigns for ever All that One acre of arrable Land beinge freehold Lyinge on the pishe of Cranfield aforesaid in A field calle the Leane field.
– Item my Will is that all Thes my guifts & bequeathes to Bee paid to my Children memconed by my Executrix within the space of halfe a yeare next after my decease.
– Item I further Give & bequeath unto Sarah Nash my Grandchild the Some of five pounds of lawfull English money To bee paid by my Executrix within the space of one yeare next after my decease.
– Item I further Give & bequeath unto Obadiah Mouse my Grandchild the Some of five pounds of lawfull English money To bee paid likewise by my Executrix within the space of one yeare after my decease.
– Item I Give & bequeath unto the poore of the pish of Cranfield the some of Twenty shillings of Lawfull money To Bee distributed att the discretion of my Executrix.
– All the rest of my goods & chattells as well reall as psonall Whatsoever unbeequeathed, my Legacies paid & funerall expences peformed, I Give & beequeath unto Elizabeth my Lovinge Weife Whome I make & ordaine my sole executrix of this my Last Will & Testament.
In Wittness wearof I The said John Wheelar the Elder To this my Last Will & Testament Have putt to my hand & seale the day And yeare above written.
[signed] John Wheler [seal not heraldic]
Sealed & delivered in the p’sence of
Thomas Baker
Robert Hickes [his mark]
Proved 22 Jan 1643/4 by the executrix named. [Archdeaconry Court of Bedford, Register 1642, 1643, 1644, No 105.]

source: Coddington “The Wheelers of Bedfordshire and New England” – The American Genealogist 28:142-143


parish church


John Wheler will 1632/33 | his parents
& no wife mentioned in will
of East Inn, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Abstract of the will of John Wheler, the elder of East Inn in Cranfielde, co. Bedford, yeoman, dated 29 Oct 1632 [and proved 7 Jan 1632/33 by the executor]
— to the poor of the parish of Cranfielde 20 s
— to my son Thomas Wheler 1 s
— to my son John Wheler 1 s
— to my son Henry Wheler 1 s
— to my son William Wheler 1 s
— to my son George Wheler 1 s
— to my daughter Alice Fur 1 s
— to my daughter Joan Wheler 1 s
— to my daughter Susan Wheler 1 s
— to my son Ralfe Wheler, all my goods & chattels unbequeathed, & I make him sole executor
I desire my friends Thomas Baker of Cranfielde & Thomas Baskervile of Roxell to be overseers.
Wit: Thomas Grubber, Thomas Baker, the mark of John Wheeler
[Archeasconry Ct of Bedford, Original Will # 37]

source: Coddington “The Wheelers of Bedfordshire and New England” – The American Genealogist 28:142


from the parish Registers of Cranfield co. Bedford – Baptisms
1601 John son of John Wheler 27 Dec
1602 John son of John Wheeler of Doswell 29 Aug
1603 John son of John Wheler 22 Jan [1602/03]
1604 Henry son of John Wheler, sen 9 Sept
1605 Sarah dau of John Wheler 16 June
1606 Ruth dau of John Wheler 10 May
1607 William son of John Wheeler 19 Apr
1607 Isaac son of John Wheeler 13 Sept
1608 Martha dau of John Wheeler 25 Nov
1609 Obedyas son of John Wheler 5 Dec
1609 Susan dau of John Wheler 16 Feb [1609/10]
1610 John son of John Wheeler of Dossewell 25 Feb [1610/11]
1610 Catherine dau of John Wheeler 25 Feb [1610/11]
1612 Ruth dau of John Wheeler 29 Mar
1613 George son of John Wheeler, sen 13 June
1613 Daniel, son of John Wheler of Dossewell 9 Jan [1613/14]
1614 William son of John Wheeler of the Towne ende 4 Jan [1614/15]
1617 Josua son of John Wheler 20 July
1619 Isabel dau of John Wheeler 5 Nov

– burials
1604 John son of John Wheler of Dossewell 9 Aug
1610 Katherine dau of John Wheeler of Dossewell 26 Feb [1610/11]
1610 John son of John Wheeler of Dossewell 3 Mar [1610/11]
1625 John son of John Wheeler 21 Sept
1625 Agnes dau of John Wheeler 3 Oct
1632 Isabel Wheeler 10 June
1632 John Wheler of east inn [East End] 25 Dec
1636 Daniel Wheler 22 July
1637 John Wheler of the bourne in [Bourne End] 9 June
1640 Isaac son of John Wheeler 8 Apr
1643 Elizabeth dau of John Wheeler 21 Aug
1643 Thomas son of John Wheeler 22 Oct
1643 John Wheeler, sen 2 Dec
1645 John Wheeler of Doswell 18 Oct

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