James W Moore, Esther C Weaver, Julian G Moore

Descendants of Godwin Cotten Moore and Julia Munro Wheeler:

James Wright Moore 7 Nov 1835 – 15 Oct 1862 | his parents
& 1856 Henrietta Raby 1839 – 1861 | her parents
of Mulberry Grove, St Johns, Hertford Co, NC

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James Wright Moore studied medicine with his father, and people received him as a physician. He married 24 April 1856 Henrietta Raby (1839 – 15 Nov 1861). They made their home at Mulberry Grove with his parents. Henrietta was the daughter of Blake D Raby of Bertie County, who died in 1841 and his wife Celia; granddaughter of Blake Raby, who died 1825. Major James Wright Moore served in the Civil War, on 15 Oct 1862, he rode home, greeted his parents and children. The old doctor told him, “Now, Jim, there’s no one here to put your horse away; you’ll have to do it yourself.” So Uncle Jim went out to tend to his horse, and when he didn’t return after a reasonable time, they went out and found him dead in the lot from an apparent heart attack. His parents reared his sons. When he was an adult, Godwin moved to Texas and worked as a driver for his great uncle C G Jones’s express company and later, he became a Texas Ranger.

James Wright Moore 1835 James Wright Moore 1835 – 1862
said to resemble strongly his grandfather and namesake

Children of Dr. James Wright Moore and Henrietta Raby:
1. Godwin Cotten Moore 1 Jan 1857 Mulberry Grove – 1909 Austin TX
he was a Texas Ranger
married 1894 Emma Ann Fallwell 1870 – 1939
a. Ola Moore 13 Dec 1897 – 1 May 1970
married 8 April 1918 Childress
2. Paul Virginius Moore 10 Dec 1858 Mulberry Grove – 17/18 Sept 1926
He is Paul J Moore on the 1880 Census at St Johns, NC and the 1920 census in Dade Co FL
Letter from Margaret Stevens Colvin: “Paul stayed on at Mulberry Grove for a while, then drifted away. My mother [Helen Moore Stevens] knew him well. He was very violent. Years later, she was told he was living in Miami and wrote to Paul Moore, Miami. The post office sent the letter back because there were too many Paul Moores. Authorities notified my mother that he died in the great Miami hurricane of 1926.”

3. Gertrude Moore 25 Nov 1859 Mulberry Grove – March 1860 scarlet fever
4. Henry Raby Moore 1861- died as infant

Esther Cotten Moore 27 Feb 1838 – 10 Sept 1922 | her parents
& 1860 Dr. Richard Thomas Weaver March 1827 – 9 April 1902 | his parents
of Mulberry Grove, Hertford Co, NC
& Rich Square, Northampton Co, NC

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Esther C. Moore Weaver “Auntie.”

Battle’s history of the university [at Chapel Hill] in a section dealing with commencement festivities in the 1840s: “A student band, generally two violins and a flute or two, furnished the music, which was uncommonly sweet and enlivening.
Richard or “Dick,” Weaver was a gifted flute player.” He entered UNC in 1843 and graduated in 1846 with 3rd honors.
Major’s “Historical Sketches of Hertford County” published in the Murfreesboro paper in 1877.
In Chapter LXVIII, page 117 of Mr. Powell’s reprint: “As the year (1860) drew to its close there was a
festive scene at the ancient homestead known as Mulberry Grove. Amid many relatives and friends Rev.
Dr. Samuel Iredell Johnston, who had been born and reared on the spot, officiated at the bridals of his fair kinswoman, Esther C. Moore to Dr. Richard Weaver then of Northampton. THE BRIDEGROOM HAS SINCE BECOME A CITIZEN OF HERTFORD COUNTY and has won as much reputation as a skillful physician, as he has the esteem and confidence of the people as a man.”
Dr. Weaver and Esther are shown living next door to Mulberry Grove on the 1870 and 1880 censuses.
Mrs. Godwin C. Moore died at the home of Dr. Weaver of Rich Square on Wednesday last. “The Roanoke Patron” D.M. Beale, ed. Potecasi, NC, Thurs. May 24, 1888. vol. X. No. 4.
living in Rich Square 1900 census

Children of Esther Cotten Moore and Dr. Richard Thomas Weaver 1827-1902:
1. Julian Mason Weaver 27 Sept 1861 – 22 July 1919
married 1897 Gertrude Iola Council 1871 of Franklin, VA – 3 Feb 1967
Both burials Oak Grove Cemetery in Portsmouth VA
a. Richard Council Weaver 28 Oct 1888 NH Co NC –
b. Virginia Wheeler/C Weaver 12 Feb 1900 NH Co NC –
c. Julian Mason Weaver, Jr 11 July 1902 NH Co NC – Dec 1982 Richmond VA
d. Gertrude Iola Weaver 6 June 1904 NH Co NC – 14 Aug 1963 dsp

2. May (Mamie) Weaver 15 Nov 1865 – 1956


May Weaver “Mamie.”

Married Ken Barrow 1861 – 1938 lived Port Norfolk, VA
a. Kenneth Barrow 3 Feb 1897 – 8 Sept 1898 dy
b. Dr. Frederick Proby Barrow 1899 –
Married ca 1930 Evelyn Byrd? 1900 –
c. May W Barrow 1905 – 1909 dy
She tipped a kettle of boiling water off the stove onto herself.
She was badly scalded and died of erysipelas.”
3. Ellen Matilda (Tillie) Weaver 28 Feb 1867 – 4 Aug 1888 dsp
4. Richard Weaver May 1873 – 1874 dy
5. Thomas Weaver May 1874 – Nov 1874 dy
6. Esther (Essie) Cotten Weaver 30 Nov 1876 – 12 Dec 1918 Newport News VA
died of the Spanish Influenza
married 21 Sept 1904 Russell Buxton 3 Dec 1879 – 17 June 1946
of Newport News, VA moved ca 1924 to Roanoke Rapids, NC
a. Esther Cotton Buxton Jan 1907 Port Norfolk – 26 July 1907 Portsmouth
burial Oak Grove Cemetery in Portsmouth VA
b. Russell Buxton, Jr 17 Jan 1909 –
married Cecil Elva Shearin 15 July 1910 –
i. Russell Buxton, III 1934 –
ii. Kenneth Shearin Buxton 1939 –
“My Grandmother on my Father’s side was Esther Cotten Weaver and my Grandfather was Russell Buxton of Newport News, VA—not Roanoke Rapids, NC. My father, Russell Buxton, Jr, was 9 years old when his mother-Esther Cotten Weaver-Buxton died of the Spanish Influenza. All I know about Esther Cotten Weaver-Buxton is that she was drop-dead gorgeous and was a trained and talented singer. Dad was sick, but survived. His father was a millionaire, and he took off to parts unknown, leaving Dad’s aunt-May Weaver Barrow-to raise him–in Portsmouth, VA. When Russell Senior returned to the US, he had only some furniture stores left in Roanoke Rapids, NC. They moved there to run the stores ca. 1924. Russell, Senior had re-married and had two daughters by his second wife. When my brother, Russell III and I were small, Aunt Mamie, visited us each summer for about a month. This woman was tough as nails!! She had a stroke when she was in her 60’s, and literally drug her left leg when she walked. She was a strict disciplinarian and I remember her scolding us for improper table manners, and sitting by our beds with a fly swatter to make us take a nap in the afternoon. Back then- she thought that if kids didn’t nap in the afternoon their system would tire and they would get polio. I wish I had listened to her ramble about relatives now! We used to visit a Sally Parker in Jackson, NC. Her husband was a judge, but he died before my time. This was about 50 years ago now. Sally was 60 then. She owned the house and two other women lived with her.” e-mail from Kenneth Buxton

Capt. Julian Godwin Moore 2 Oct 1840 – 1929 | his parents
& 1865 Emily Bland Southall 1843 – 1878 | her parents
& 1882 May [Mary E] Powell 1850 – 1883 | her parents
& 1890 Julia West Smoot [Jones] 1841 – 1922 | her parents
of Mulberry Grove and Washington, DC

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Hertford Light Infantry–in the spring of 1861 in Winton several score Hertford County men mustered into the county’s first volunteer company for the Confederate Army. They were well equipped with uniforms and guns purchased by a county bond issue. Their officers were local gentry. Thomas H Sharp was elected captain, William B Wise, Jesse Perry, & Julian Moore were elected lieutenants. R T Barnes was first sergeant of the unit and under him more than 100 Hertford men. There was even a musician, one W C Weed. They marched to Raleigh where they became Company C of the 17th North Carolina Regiment. They were assigned to the incomplete Confederate defenses on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. In August, a giant federal naval task force landed a powerful striking unit which quickly overran the southern defenders of Fort Hatteras on the Banks. In the sand-walled fort were the men of Company C. After a brief exchange with the huge landing party, the tiny garrison of untrained Confederates laid down their arms. They remained in Union prisoner-of-war stockades until in the spring of 1862 the men were paroled.
Artillery for Third NC Battalion–in the spring of 1862, Maj. John W Moore organized an artillery battalion. Capt Julian G Moore was commander of the Hertford company. The battalion went to Virginia without guns and served with Lee’s army for several months between battles before it was equipped. Then in the winter of 1862 the unit went back to NC for service. Still without guns for all but two of its batteries it remained near Wilmington. In March 1863 it finally was equipped and spent the entire year in positions near Wilmington.

e-mail from James: Uncle Jule, highly favored for telling jokes and funny stories.
This one was passed on to me by his great nephew Raynor Moore, my grandfather:

“One time Uncle Jule was on a speaking tour campaigning for a candidate.
He was outdoors debating another man.
That fellow told some lie about him, so Uncle Jule countered with this:

During the War, they were in the trenches around Petersburg.
This fellow came around crying and telling everybody goodbye.
Jule found out that he was just going to do picket duty a few miles up the road to make sure the Yankees didn’t sneak up on them.
Jule asked “Are you a baby?”
The fellow replied, “I surely wish I was a baby and a gal baby at that!”
The story made the opponent furious, but tickled Uncle Jule.”

And this story came from his great-niece, Margaret Stevens Colvin:

“Uncle Jule was making a speech and became quite long-winded.
Finally, a man jumped up and said, “Sit down. Sit down. You’re a damned good-looking man, but for God’s sake sit down!”

And one more story told by Uncle Jule to Raynor Moore:

“During the war, they were in Maryland and old Jim Clark was on sentry duty. There was a cow that kept trying to eat with the horses. Nothing he did would stop her. He went and told Major Moore, who told him just to stick his bayonet in her. Jim Clark went up there and pushed the blade into her so deep that it killed the cow. Since the people there were on our side, the cow had to be paid for. And the money spent on a cow in Maryland would buy ten of them down in North Carolina. Then Jim Clark went to stomping and cussing and raising a ruckus. He got so bad that Major Moore cut a hole in the top of a barrel and made him wear a barrel shirt. When he finally calmed down, Uncle Jule explained that they would all help pay for the cow, and that was the end of that.”

Julian Godwin Moore 2 Oct 1840 – 1929
married 1st 29 June 1865 Emily Bland Southall 1843 – 1878






DIED.– It is with deep regret that we chronicle the death of the wife of Capt. J. G. Moore, which took place at St. Johns on Tuesday last.

“The Albemarle Enquirer,” E. L. C. Ward, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C.
Thursday, November 28, 1878 [Vol. IV, No. 5]|
IN MEMORIAM.A beautiful and chastened sp[i]rit has pa[s]sed from this world and its troubles. Like the closing in of a g[e]n[t]le evening, amid the noiseless fall of the f[a]ded leaves, s[a]nk Emily B[l]and Moore to everl[a]sting rest. This sad, but not unexpected, death occurred on Nov. 26[t]h, 1878, at the residence of her hear[t]-broken hu[s]band, Capt. Julian G. Moore, in the county of Hertford. This rare an[d] sain[t]ly spirit was the second daughter of James H. Southall and his wife Sarah Clifton, and was born in Columbus, M[i]ss[i]s[si]ppi, on the 19[t]h of June, 184[3]. Her stricken mate and little Clifto[n] are not alone in this mournful bereavement. The gentle wife and mother has left her beautiful image on every heart blessed with knowledge of her shining virtues. Fair and fragile as a flower in her physical development, she was yet the emb[o]diment of resolute strength in all her spiritual aspects. A lofty and antique devotion to God was the most eloquent of her many means of testifying the beauty of holiness. The stealthy steps of death were heard by her afar off, and amid all the terrors of its approach t[h]ere was neither alarm to her soul or repining at her fate. So good, beautiful and true –where shall we find her like again? J. W. M.The Albemarle Enquirer”, E. L. C. Ward, ed., Murfreesboro, [Hertford County], N.C.
Thursday, December 5, 1878 [Vol. IV, No. 6] [excerpt from “From Time into Eternity” CD-ROM by David Powell, Winton NC: Liberty Shield Press ¬©2004]
Child of Julian Godwin Moore and Emily Bland Southall:
1. Clifton C Moore 14 Jan 1868 – 12 April 1880 of Diphtheria [census]
[Cousin Helen said he died of pneumonia]


Julian Godwin Moore 2 Oct 1840 – 1929
married 2nd 29 May 1882 Mary E [May] Powell 1850 – 1883

Julian Godwin Moore 2 Oct 1840 – 1929
married 3rd 11 Dec 1890 Julia West Smoot Jones 1841 – 1922


After his mother’s death, Uncle Jule moved to Washington, D C and became a guard at the U S Treasury. He & Uncle Tom were very active in the CSA. He had no other children by his wives; but he did have two natural sons, one named Joe Vann born ca 1873 whose mother was Clarkie Vann, the cook at Mulberry Grove. They lived in the office in the front yard. The other was Joe Moore, who was killed by lightning at Maple Lawn 24 June 1914.


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