———–16th year————-
1951-1952: Mrs. R E [Inice] Snuggs – “Texas Roundup”
– 110 members – STANDARD CLUB –
– meeting place: Memorial Student Center, 2:30 p m 2nd Fri –
– dues are now $3.00
– June – Club announces plans to hold TWO flower judging courses: one elementary and the other advanced; and to stage TWO flower shows, one to be in the fall and another in the Spring of 1952.
Note: should read right to left as that is the way they are standing.
1st VP: Mrs W W Armistead
2nd VP: Mrs Marion Pugh
3rd VP: Mrs Gibb Gilchrist
Secretary: Mrs R E Schiller
Treasurer: Mrs C C Doak
Reporter: Mrs Fred Weick
Historian: Mrs John Hugh Hill/ Jan – Mrs C W Reinoehl
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs Betty Jane Shaw / Jan – Mrs Spencer J Buchanan
Advisory Board: Mrs. C B Campbell, Mrs. Al B Nelson, Mrs. P W Burns, Mrs. S L Loveless, Mrs. Fred Hale
Projects 1951-52 Home Garden Forums II Dec 5, 6 and 7 |
Oct – TGC Fall Meeting at Fort Worth – Mrs. Al B Nelson of the A&M Club and Mrs H L Morrison from the Bryan Garden Club, as two of the top fifteen designers in the state invited to make arrangements, were given special recognition at the dinner and asked to tell about the materials used in their displays. Mrs Nelson used in her line arrangement in a dark brown bottle, specimens of dried garlic, magnolia leaves, phlox heads and china berries. Also attending from the A&M club were Mrs R E Snuggs, pres and official delegate; and Mrs C B Campbell, who gave the invocation for the formal dinner. From the Bryan Club were Mrs. Allister Waldrop, pres, Mrs John Seely Caldwell, and Mrs Norman J Dansby.
Nov. 51 is when the Club’s permanent Garden Club Calendar made its appearance The cover of the publication read: “Gardening in the College Station Area” on the fly leaf: “Compiled by Mrs. J E Roberts, A&M Garden Club, First Edition 1951.” Mrs. Roberts reported the price of 300 copies was $75. They were sold to members for 25 cents (first copy); second copy and to others was 50 cents. [The club has available the 5th edition 1997 of this pamphlet for just a little more money.] |
Fall Flower Show |
8 Feb – officers elected – Mrs Armistead to be president
– Mrs Price elected the delegate to represent A&M Garden Club at the National Convention to be held in Biloxi, Miss in March. Mrs Price is a life member of the National Garden Club org. and is state chairman of Roadside Development and Beautification.
March – Mrs W W Armistead and Mrs R E Snuggs delegates to the annual TGC conv. in Waco April 15, 16, and 17. [also Mrs Campbell and Miss Hatfield]
– Miss Nancy Stevens chosen to represent A&M Garden Club as its duchess at the Cotton Pageant.
– State award: 3rd place yearbook
Our 13th Annual Spring Flower Show
– In May Mrs W W Armistead was installed; but by September Mrs D W Williams is president.
——–17th year———
1952-1953: Mrs. D W [Madge] Williams
– 79 members – STANDARD CLUB –
– meeting place: Memorial Student Center, 2:30 p m 2nd Fri –
1st VP: Mrs Marion Pugh
2nd VP: Mrs Armstrong Price
3rd VP: Mrs Tom Taylor
Secretary: Mrs M V Krenitsky
Treasurer: Mrs J Ray Oden
Reporter: Mrs Melvin Rotsch
Historian: Miss Irene [Bess] Edwards
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs Spencer J Buchanan
Advisory Board: Mrs. C C Doak, Mrs. C B Campbell, Mrs. Al B Nelson, Mrs. J E Roberts, Mrs. R E Snuggs
– That year the Club planted shrubs in the cemetery. Plants were donated by F W Hensel, head of Floriculture and Landscaping at Texas A&M College.
Programs 1952-53 14 Sept – MSC |
Projects 1952-53 Home Garden Forums I Oct 14, 15 and 16 |
“Fall Placement Show” |
– Miss Carolyn Landiss chosen to represent A&M Garden Club as its duchess at the Cotton Pageant.
——-18th year———
1953-1954: Mrs. Marion [Helen] Pugh –
– 62 members – STANDARD CLUB –
“The Complete Gardener”
– meeting place: Memorial Student Center, Social Room, 2:30 p m 2nd Fri –
– Nationally Accredited Flower Show Judge.
She guided the planting of many beautiful trees, including a number of Crepe Myrtle trees currently being moved to a new location to accommodate the widening of Texas Avenue and installation of water lines [1984].
1st VP: Mrs. John Hugh Hill
2nd VP: Mrs. S L Loveless
3rd VP: Mrs. R R Lyle
Secretary: Mrs. J P Covan
Treasurer: Mrs. L S O’Bannon
Reporter: Mrs. Roland Bing
Historian: Mrs. A D Folweiler
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. R E Schiller
Advisory Board: Mrs. D W Williams, Mrs. C B Campbell, Mrs. Al B Nelson, Mrs. H W Barlow, Mrs. E L Angell
Projects 1953-54 Circles – monthly meetings for practicing flower arranging and improving horticultural knowledge
Through the recent efforts of Brazos Beautiful (Organization) the Texas Legislature has designated this community the “Crepe Myrtle Capitol of Texas” making these early plantings of early importance.
Fall Specimen Display |
——–19th year——–
1954-1955: Mrs. John H [Laurita] Hill – – 88 members
“Living -In and Out of Doors” – SUBMITTED FOR ADVANCED CLUB RATING –
– meeting place: Memorial Student Center, Social Room, 2:30 p m 2nd Fri –
– Started “the Table of the Month” complete with refreshments,
this custom still prevails at monthly Club meetings.
1st VP: Mrs. W Armstrong Price
2nd VP: Mrs. Edward Madeley
3rd VP: Mrs. Carl Landiss
Secretary: Mrs. Dick Hervey
Treasurer: Mrs. A E Carter
Reporter: Mrs. R D Lewis
Historian: Mrs. A D Folweiler
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Frank Anderson
Advisory Board: Mrs. D W Williams, Mrs. C B Campbell, Mrs. Al B Nelson, Mrs. Marion Pugh, Mrs. E L Angell
Programs 1954-55 12 Sept – MSC – opening meeting 14 Jan – Robert F White – “Living-In and Out of Doors” |
Projects 1954-55 Sponsoring J Gregory Conway |
Our 16th Annual Spring Flower Show |
——–20th year——–
1955-1956: Mrs. C C [Henryetta] Doak – 81 members
– “Primer to Perfection” – ADVANCED CLUB RATING –
– meeting place: Memorial Student Center, Social Room, 2:30 p m 2nd Fri –
– The Doaks took much interest in staging beautiful flower shows. She was a fine horticulturist.
1st VP: Mrs. Spencer Buchanan
2nd VP: Mrs. Edward Baker
3rd VP: Mrs. W W Armistead
Secretary: Mrs. Robert L Darwall
Treasurer: Mrs. W M Potts
Reporter: Mrs. Ed Garner
Historian: Mrs. E B Middleton
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. E D Parnell
Our 17th Annual Spring Flower Show |
1936-1946 1946 – 1951 1951- 1956 1956 – 1966
1966 – 1976 1976 -1986 1986 – 1996 1994-95 1995-96
1996 – 2002 2002 -2007