John Perry, Elizabeth Macland, & wife Mary


Sally’s 7-great grandparents (perhaps):

John? Perry bef 1654 – ? | his parents
& Elizabeth? Macland ca 1665 – bef 1705 | her parents
& wife ?Mary ?
of Nansemond Co VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Elizabeth? Macland would be the daughter of John Macland who died in 1705 in Isle of Wight Co, VA. She apparently was deceased at the time. I think Mr. Perry, the father of the children, is also deceased.
On page 473 of the Isle of Wight County, Virginia Deed Book 1, it gives the estate information of John Macland.
It names his daughter Alice Bryant, Grandchildren Nicholas, John, and Elizabeth Perry, grandchildren Needham, William, John, Mary, and Alice Bryant, and wife Elizabeth Macland.will

Children of John? Perry and Elizabeth? Macland:
1. Nicholas Perry on 1703 tax list Nancemond Co
2. John Perry ca 1690 – 1760 Bertie Co
married 1st Elizabeth ?
married 2nd Sarah Walton
3. Elizabeth Perry
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .[highly speculative]
4. Benjamin Perry ca 1693 – ca 1767
married Elizabeth ca 1697 –
?5. ? Perry
married aft 1751 Elizabeth Walton [Trotman]
[she had married 1st bef 1751 a Trotman]
6. Philip Perry ca 1700 – 1751
married ca 1722 Jean? (first wife)
married ca 1734 Jean (Joan) Hunter ca 1718 – ca 1751
7. Jacob Perry died 1777 Perq
a. Isreal Perry died 1779
b. Jacob Perry died 1790
8. Joseph Perry
married Alce Hunter
a. Jacob Perry
9. James Perry

Samuell Perry, 1: md Susannah. He was a son of John & Mary Perry. Q
Jacob Pery, 6: son of John Perry, md Hepsabeth Clare, dt of Timothy & Hannah Clare. Q
Joseph Reddick, Esq., 2: judge. He md Mary, dt of John & Mary Perry. He was a son of Lemuel of Nansemond, VA. Q

Chowan Ct 19 Aug 1701 Joseph Peiry, himself, wife Ann, Elizabeth his second wife, Joseph, Susanna, Alice and Sarah Peiry, Obodiah Fair NCHGR VOL 2 -300Bertie Co, NC Deed Book F pg 1 Francis McClendon & wife Elinor & Isaac Hill to Joseph Perry of Chowan Prect. 2 Jan 1738. 60 £ for 150 A. in Chinkapin Neck at the mouth of the Holley swamp at Bear Swamp. Wit: John Thomas, jurat, John Willis May Ct 1739 Bell’s abstract

?Joseph Perry bef 1675 –
married Ann ca 1677 –
married Elizabeth ca 1679 –
1. Joseph ca 1695 –
2. Susanna ca 1697 –
3. Alice ca 1699 –
4. Sarah ca 1701 –

There are at least TWO contemporary John Perry’s. Did one married Elizabeth Macland, the mother of John Perry of Bertie. [The other John at the same time was married to Elizabeth Young and was the younger son of Phillip. ]

Berkeley Records (Later Perquimans Co.)
William Bundy ye son of —– Bundy & Mary Pearree late wife of John Pearre and daughter of Joseph Scott were married ye — day of December 1683.

(again) William Bundy & Mary Pearre Rellicke of John Pearre were married ye 15th of Desember 1683. NCHGR VOL 3 -201

The above tells us that a Mary Scott, daughter of Joseph Scott, married first John Pearre [Perry] and then of the 15 Dec 1683 married William Bundy.

Musings from Zane:
From the Isle of Wight County, Virginia Administrations and Probates, Volume
#1, comes the probate for one Benedict Lewis. It says “dying intestate,
administration requested by his relict, Hannah. June 9, 1675. R: June 15,
1675. Security: Richard Silvester, John Perry Sr., page 36.”
The realization is that it calls John Perry “Senior” in 1675. This means they were differentiating between at least two John Perrys that needed to be differentiated. If Phillip and John were both under age 16 in 1667 when Phillip Perry wrote his Will in Isle of Wight County, then they were born no sooner than 1651, and perhaps later.We know from other I of W documentation in this same Admins. & Probates book
from page 34 that the following is written:

“John Young. Dying intestate, administration requested by John Perry, who
married Elizabeth, ye daughter and heir of the decedent. August 10, 1674.
Security: John Marshall, Francis Ayres.” This would mean that in the same
1674/1675 timeframe there was a John Perry who was married to Elizabeth
Young, but not particularly the same man (although could be) as the John
Perry who one year later in 1675 provided Security for one Benedict Lewis.

We also know from the Isle of Wight County Will and Deed Book 1 that the
following is given: John Perry, U.P. of Nansemond, for 5,000 lbs. tbco.
sells to Nathaniel Bacon 70 acres Lower Parish of I. of W. bought of John
Young and Robert Butts who bought the same of Anthony Jones long since
deceased. Elizabeth Perry relinquishes dower. May 26, 1675. Wm. Smyth, John
(x) Ross.” This clearly indicates that a John Perry (who lived in the Upper
Parish of Nansemond County at the same time as the John Perry Sr. who
provided a security for Benedict Lewis’s Probate in Isle of Wight County in
1675) had a wife named Elizabeth, and he sold land in Isle of Wight County
in the lower parish. Phillip Perry resided in the Lower Parish on Brewers
Creek. George Perry had also been granted land on Hog’s Island in the 1600s,
as was a Nicholas Perry on Upper Chippokes Creek in Surry County. Who else
lived in this area? Lewis Perry.

Lewis Perry was granted land in Nansemond County in the mid 1600s. Perhaps
he was the father of another John Perry? Perhaps he was a brother of Phillip
Perry? It would seem possible. One William Perry, who signed some of my
7Ggrandfather John Perry’s documents in Bertie County in the 1740s, named
one of his sons Lewis Perry. This William Perry in Bertie also had a Thomas
Perry and a Judith Perry in his household. I have often wondered whether
this William was a brother of the Joseph Perry also located nearby in early
Bertie County. These men appear to have been the age of John Perry Jr. (say
born prior to 1720), and could even be a brother to John Perry Jr’s father,
John Perry. If so, then it is interesting to note the use of the name Lewis
Perry on down through successive generations. I think Lewis Perry should be
a prime candidate to review in the future. It should be noted, too, that
Thomas and Judith Perry were both listed in the Will of Francis West in 1715
in Isle of Wight County, while both are listed as witnesses to at least one
deed in Chowan County three years later in 1718. Also of interest in the
inclusion of the following:

On page 473 of the Isle of Wight County, Virginia Deed Book 1, it gives the
estate information of John Macland. It names his daughter Alice Bryant,
Grandchildren Nicholas, John, and Elizabeth Perry, grandchildren Needham,
William, John, Mary, and Alice Bryant, and wife Elizabeth Macland. This
insinuates to me that the mother of Nicholas, John, and Elizabeth Perry is
already dead. Perhaps my 7Ggrandfather is the John Perry listed in this
Will? It is true that Needham Bryant is involved on at least one of this
John Perry’s deeds in Bertie County, so Needham could have certainly been a
cousin. If this is true, then perhaps the McLendons living adjacent to John
Perry in Bertie were originally Maclands? If so, then perhaps the Nicholas
Perry who signed the 1740 deed in Bertie County with John Perry was this
Nicholas Perry? Now, we know that in 1704 (only one year prior) only John
Perry and Nicholas Perry are listed as land owners in Nansemond County,
Virginia. Perhaps Nicholas was slightly older than John (and thus listed
first in the list of the 3 grandchildren), and was old enough to own land in
1704 while John was not yet old enough to own land? This would put John at
somewhere around 1680 to 1685, if he didn’t own land until he was around 19
to 24 years old. I would think that if John owned land by age 21, then he
was born after 1685 to not have been listed on the 1704 Quit Rent Roll for
Nansemond. And, the largest landholding Perry in Nansemond in 1704, given
Nicholas and John Perry as the two choices, was by far John Perry. Could it
also be possible that John Perry, son of Phillip Perry, married first to
Elizabeth Young between 1667 and 1674, and then married to Elizabeth
Macland? Questions, questions, questions…

Isle of Wight Will and Deed Book 1 John Perry. U. P. of Nansemond for 5000 lbs tobacco sells to Nathaniel Bacon 70 acres in Lower Par of Isle of Wight bought of John Young and Robert Butts who bought the same of Anthony Jones long since deceased. Eliz. Perry relinquishes ower. 26 May 1675.
Wm Smyth, John (x) Ross. . Boddie’s abstract

Some say that our ancestor is a descendant of the Phillip Perry who wrote his will 20 Nov 1667 in Isle of Wight Co, VA and gives his age at 70 years or there about. Mentions his wife Grace and sons Phillip and John, under age and that there were other sons: James, Jacob and Joseph.

Pat. 2 Apr 1682 John Perry was granted 320 acres of land in the Upper Parish of Nansemond for transportation of seven persons
U VA digital lib.

Chowan Co, NC Deed Book W #1 pg 22 (part of a deed)
Thomas Speight of Nansemond in Va. to John Perry and James Griffin both of the county afsd. 31 Apr 1700 for 2000 pounds of tobacco gives, grants, and sells within Pattin and land Wit: Andrew Ross, Mary Ross Reg 30 Oct 1700
M M Hofmann’s abstract

In 1693 John Perry, son of Phillip Perry, dec. conveyed a tract of land to Col. Joseph Bridgers lying in Whitemarsh.

Quit Rents of VA 1704 compiled by Smith
Nansemond Co: Perry, John . . . 870 a.,
Perry, Nicho. . . . . 200 a.
Prince George Co: Perry, Grace. . . . 100 a.,
Perry, Joseph . . . 275 a.,
Perry, Micajah . . . 600 a.
Princess Anne Co: Perry, Joseph . . . 35 a.,
Perry, Thomas . . . 650 a.
Accomack Co: Perry, John . . . 217 a.,
Perry, Thomas . . . 232 a.
Essex Co: Perry, Samll . . . . 225 a.

1715 Frances West of Nansemond Co speaks of Thomas and Judith Perry

Chowan Co, NC Deed Book B #1 pg 43 Chowan: Att a court held for the sd. Prect. the 21 8ber 1718 at the house of William Branch and continued to the 22nd of the same. РР-Last will and Testament of Thomas Brown is proved on the oath of Judith Perry. M M Hofmann’s abstract

Chowan County Conveyances 6 Jan 1728 Benjamin Perry to Thomas Lane 140 acres NE shore of Chowan River on Deep Run; 140 acres adj. Land of James Farlow. Test: Robert Hicks, Susanna Perry Hathaway 2-445

15 Jan 1728 John Perry is witness to the will of Richard Bond of Nansemond Co.


Notice for male NC Perry surname descendants: Please consider having your DNA tested.
Three samples from family subgroup 03 at Perry FTDNA website can document their ancestry to John Perry b. 1680/90 of Nansemond Co, VA d. 1760 Bertie Co, NC. A fourth sample from the same subgroup 03 can prove his ancestry to Currituck Co, NC. He does not appear to be a descendant of John Perry d. 1760 in Bertie. It is anticipated that the presently unknown common ancestor of these two lines lived in 17C Virginia. DNA may help tie together the several NC lines out of VA, so please consider joining the Perry surname project. Tests can be ordered at a discount through either the Perry FTDNA website above, or Other companies (Ancestry, etc) also do DNA testing, and your result can be uploaded to the Perry surname project.


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