James Sanderlin & Unknown


Sally’s great-great-great-great-great-great Grandparents:

James Sanderlin bef. 1655 – 17xx | his parents
& | her parents
of Pasquotank County, North Carolina

Children of James Sanderlin:
1. John Sanderlin
married before 1 Jan 1721/22 Sarah Barecock dau of Thomas
2. James Sanderlin ca 1680 – shot 5 Oct 1694 died 17 Oct 1694
3. Thomas Sanderlin

North Carolina Higher Court Records -Court held by the Council November 1695:

Nov. 27: The Grand Jury bring in a bill of Indictment against George Scarbrough. Whereupon the said George Scarbrough being araigned. For and that he the said George Scarbrough in and upon James Sanderling junior an assault made and him the said Sanderlin did kill and Murder. And the said George Scarbrough Pleads not guilty and Casts his selfe upon his Country Wherefore the Marshall is Comanded that he cause to come twelve true and lawful men of the vicinage by whom the truth of the matter may be tryed who Impanelled and sworne viz. Mr. Hannaball Haskins foreman, Mr. Jno. Godfrey, Mr. David Prichard, Mr. Isaac Rowden, Mr. Richard Rucks, Mr. Jno. Parish, Mr. Thomas Clark, Mr. Anthoney Markham, Mr. Jno. Mackeel, Mr. Danl. Russell, Mr. Henry Lisle, Mr. Geo. Matthews finds him Guilty of manslaughter.

North Carolina to the Honorable Generall Court
The Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord the King humbly presents that Geo. Scarbrough of the precinct of Pascotanck planter the fifth day of October last past not having the fear of God before his eyes but being seduced by the Instigation of the Devil of his Malice forethought with force and armes in and upon James Sanderling the younger on the plantation whereon Mr. Jno. Jenings liveth in the precinct aforesaid in the peace of god there being as assault did make and with one Gun of the value of twenty shillings which the said Geo. Scarbrough held in both his hands the said Gun being loaded with one leaden Bullet and severall leaden shott the said James Sanderling in the hinder part of his left thigh and lower part of his belly did shoot and severall mortall wounds to him the said James Sanderlin in his said left thigh and lower part of his belly did give one wherof that is to say in the hinder part of his left thigh was nine inches deep of which mortall wounds the said James Sanderling in the precinct aforesaid from the said fifth day of October did languish untill in or about the seventeenth day of October the saidJames Sanderlin of the mortall wounds aforesaid died………… [the first jury found him guilty of murder; John Duren Forman
This jury finde the prisoner guilty of mans slaughter. Hannibal Haskins foreman.

Deposition by William Ross: Wm. Rosse aged [torn] years sworn and [examined] saith that at the training day at the house of Jno. [Jenings] that James Sanderlen coming from the [torn] and being about to go among the armes the [torn] sentinell stoped him after he was gone from the armes about five foot your deponent saw [George] Scarbrough present his gun twice and a little time after the deponent [torn] the said Scarbrough fire a gun and emediate [torn] Sanderlen [torn] the deponent saw the blood and further saith [not]

Deposition by Jno. Sawyer: Jno. Sawyer aged about 32 years Examined saith that on the training day in October last at the house of Jno. Jenings this deponent was present When a gun went off and James Sanderling laid hold of the deponent and said, “O Lord, O Lord, good Jno. Hold me up for I am shot.” and the deponent emediately saw the blood run out at the knees of his briches and after the said Sanderlen was carried in a doors your deponent saw a bullet taken out of the said Sanderleng of the inside of his thigh haveing gone trough his thigh. And the deponent further sath that after the Gun went off he heard some body [call] Geo. Scarbrough Foole and aske him [torn] he had done he had shot a man and [torn] Scarbrough answered that he thought he [torn] it into the ground.

Jan Ct. 1719 Chowan County, NC – Deed from John Yelverton to Thomas Sandlin proved by Robert Hicks and Edward Wingate.

March 10, 1724/25 Bertie Co A-439 John Johnson & wife Mary to James Sanderly .. . .Appt James Sanderly lawful atty to ack. sale to Martin Cromen. Wit: Jonathan Ridings, Arthur Dugall, Thomas Coolen [Coplin]
Deed Ack. in court by James Sanderlin by power of atty.

Bertie Ct Records [Haun abstracts]
9 Nov 1731 –Upon Petition of Susannah Clements setting forth that some time in July 1730 James Sanderlin & Sarah his wife brought an infant child named Nanny to the dwelling house of this Complts. praying the Complt. to take the sd. child & keep her & they would bind it to her for 31 years But that for some time past Thos. Sanderlin refuses either to bind the sd. child or pay the sd. Complt. for her trouble in nursing & tending the same it is thereon Considered of by this Court and ordd. that a Sumons do Issue Requiring the said Sanderlin to appear Next Court to answer the said Complaint.

8 Feb 1731/32 — And now here at this day James Sanderlain and Sarah his wife being called who failed to appear and the Marshal declaring he had sumoned It is therefore considered and ordered by this court here that the sd. Nany a Molatto child mentioned in the last courts order do live with and serve sd. Susannah Clements until the said Nany arrive at the age of thirty one Years, she being now two years old.

Aug Ct 1736 Robert Sanderlin witness to deed of Jacobb Parrott & wife Martha to Thomas Ryon. 200 a on Chowan Sound adj land of George Pollock.

Aug Ct 1738 Robert Sanderlin witness to deed of John Rows to Thomas Ryan. 170 A. on NS Cashie Swamp adj. Coll. Robert West.

May Ct 1739 Robert Sanderlin witness with Thomas Ryan to deed of George Demsey to Samuel Jones.

Aug Ct 1743 Mary Sunderlin witness with Richard Ashley and Jonas Cattell of deed of Thomas Ryan to John Holbrook May 20 1743.

1757 Bertie County Tax List [Edward Rasor’s district]
Samuel Sandland 1 taxable
John Sandland 1 ”

Bertie Co
24 April 1759 — A deed of Sale from David Ryan to John Sandlan was proved by the oath of William Rice.

1763, Nov Ct — Samuel Sanderlain vs William Todd: (David Rian) the Jury say that the Deft did speak the Slanderous words in the Plts. Declaration and assess for the Plf. the sum of 10¬£ Damages and six pence Costs.

Pasquotank County Court Records: Book II 1747-1753

Dec 1745 Joseph Sanderlin recorded his mark as three slits in the right ear.

Jul 1747: A deed of sale for Land from John Sanderlin Senr. and Junr. to Robert Sanderlin was proved in Open Ct by the oath of Edward James, a subscribing Evidence & was ordered to be recorded. paid. Certified.

Oct 1747: Letters of Admon. is granted to Robert Sanderlin on the Estate of John Sanderlin Senr. being the Eldest son the same is granted he giving Security in the sum of £1000 proclamation money, Sarah Sanderlin, the Widow, having relinqished her right of admon. to the said Robert as appears to the court, which security is given by the said Robert, John White, and James Forbush.

It is also ordered that Major Jos. Godfrey, William Bell, & Charles Sawyer devide the Estate of the said John Sanderlin between the widow, Robert Sanderlin, John Sanderlin, Joseph Sanderlin, Collinsworth do, Priscilla Sanderlin, & Mary Sanderlin, they being first Qualified &ca and to make a report to the next Court.

Jul 1751: Mr. Samll. Heighe delivered up on Joseph Sanderlin a Prisoner and is ordered to be Committed to Goal.

It is ordered that David Sanderlin be bound to Capn. Jarvis Jones till he arrive to the age of 21, he be now about fourteen years of age and to Learn him the art of a Shoe maker etc

James Sanderlin, orphan, is bound to Samll. Lowman till he arive to the age of 21 he being now 12 years old And the Clerk to Draw the Indentures and to learn him the Art and Mistery of a blacksmith.

Elizabeth Sanderlin, orphan, is bound to Isaac Stockley till she arive to the age of 21 she being now about 8 years old the Clerk to Draw the Indentures according to Law.

Apr 1752: on list of Exers. & admrs. summoned to April Ct 1752
Robert Sanderlin, Admr. on John Sanderlin.

Pasquotank County, North Carolina Deeds 1700-1751 comp. Bjorkman

26 Jan. 1713/14 Sollo. Davies do assign …within mentioned plat & land … to John Sanderlin. Signed Sollo. Davies, Sarah Davies Wit: W. Norris. Reg. 5 Feb 1713/14.

4 April 1714 Patent Book 8 Joseph Sparnon 169 acres in Pasquotank precinct on ye N side of ye river joining Henry Creeche ye gum pond swamp, ye Indian line and John Sanderlin. Wit: Thos. Pollock; Thos. Boyd; N. Chevin; Wm. Reed; T. Knight [Hofmann]

30 March 1721 Patent Book 3 William Stevens 50 acres in Pasquotank precinct called Sandy Hook, joining John Sanderlin, long point swamp and Scrubby point Swamp Wit: Cha. Eden; Wm. Reed; Fra. Forster; Richd. Sanderson; John Lovick. [Hofmann]

21 Jul. 1724 A:316 No. Carolina, John Sanderlin of the Precinct of Pasquotank & Province of North Carolina … for ¬£10 … paid by Edward James sold 50 acres [extending] to Wm. Beckett’s being part of a 214 acre patent granted to me the said John Sanderlin bearing the date 26 Oct 1723. Signed John [I] Sanderlin his mark.

6 Feb. 1724/25 Henry Hayman do assign all my right of the within mentioned patent unto John Sanderlin and Edward James. signed Henry {H} Hayman his mark.

A:368 Macrora Scarbrough & Henry Hayman of the Precinct of Pasquotank & Province of North Carolina sold unto John Sanderlin and Edward James of the province and precinct afsd. tract of land called Hayman’s Island lying on the North River containing 100 acres. signed by Macrora Scarbrough & Henry Hayman Wit: John Scarborough & James Hayman. Reg: 5 May 1726.

8 Apr. 1735 C:378 [the above tract called Hayman’s Island ] assigned to William Creech by John Sanderlin and Edward James. Wit: Robert Sawyer and Will. Simpson. Reg 27 May 1735.

7 Jan 1739/40 John Sanderlin Senr. of the North East Parish of the County of Pasquotank turner for and in consideration of the love and Good Will towards my loving son John Sanderlin turner of the same parish and county planter give 100 acres of land being my manor plantation after my Life and the death of my wife’s Life. signed John Sanderlin senr Wit: John Hourm and Robert Sanderlin. Reg 10 Jan 1739.

12 July 1747 B:22 John Sanderlin senr. and John Sanderlin junr. both of the County of Pasquotank and in the Province of North Carolina planter for ¬£50 lawful money paid by Robert Sanderlin of the same county planter sold 55 acres …a corner tree between the afsd Robert Sanderlin and the afsd John Sanderlin senr and John Sanderlin junr ….Edward James lines. Wit: Edward James and John Lurry. Ref. 21 July 1747

Grandchildren of James Sanderlin I of North Carolina:

Children of John Sanderlin & Sarah Barecock: [Pasquotank]
[from div. of John Sanderlin’s estate Oct 1747]
1. Robert Sanderlin
2. John Sanderlin – 1751?
3. Joseph Sanderlin ca 1724 –
4. Collinsworth Sanderlin
5. Priscilla Sanderlin
6. Mary Sanderlin

Children of Thomas Sanderlin & [Bertie]
1. James Sanderlin ca 1704 –
married bef 1729 Sarah
?a. Samuel Sanderland
?b. John Sanderland
2. Robert Sanderlin died bef 29 July 1757
a. Robert Sanderlin ca 1743 –
Bertie Co, NC – 29 July 1757 Robert Sanderlin, Orphan of Robert Sanderlin about the age of 14 bound to Cornelius Campbell, mariner.

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