Nell, Armstead, and Jim Rayner

Grandchildren of John Alexander Rayner and Mary Winifred Rayner – continued

Great Uncle Jim:

James William Rayner 1874 – 1932 | his parents
& 1902 Annie Ward Pruden 1876 – 1944 | her parents
of Powellsville NC

Uncle Jim was a Spanish Am War Vet

Jim and Annie Rayner

In 1930 Uncle Jim was the freight agent for the W&P railroad in Powellsville.

Annie Ward Pruden was born 22 June 1876 – died 23 Oct 1944

Children of James William Rayner and Annie Ward Pruden:
1. James William Raynor II 2 June 1904 – 6 Aug 1970 Powellsville NC
manager of Peanut Factory 1930
married Julia Short 1909 Philadelphia PA – 4 Aug 2007 Fayetteville NC
[11 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren]
a. Dorothy Raynor 1928 –
married Earl E Ennis
b. Theresa Raynor 1932 –
married Robert Tayloe
c. Earle Raynor 1935 –
married Colbert Dilday
d. James William Raynor III 1939 –
married Martha Earley –
i. Genia Raynor
2. Mary Winifred Rayner 1907 – ?
married Ira Ainsley
a. Mary Ann Ainsley
3. Charles Pruden Rayner 1909 –
married Patricia ?
a. Patricia Rayner
4. Joseph Earl Rayner 24 Feb 1916 – 12 Nov 1983
married Lena Crisp 2 Nov 1914 – 10 July 2002


Great Uncle Armstead

John Armstead Rayner 1875 – 1919 | his parents
& 1899 Betty L Moore 1879 – 1919 | her parents
of Powellsville Community NC

Armstead and Betty Rayner

John Armstead Rayner was born 16 May 1876
and died 4 Jan 1919 of pneumonia following Spanish Influenza.
He was a farmer.

Betty L Moore was born 17 July 1881
and died 25 Feb 1919 of pneumonia following Spanish Influenza.

Children of John Armstead Rayner and Betty Moore
1. Mary W Rayner 1902 – 20 April 1921 Rayner Bible
2. Frances L Rayner 24 April 1904 – 18 Jan 1988 Danville VA

Frances Rayner Vaughan Pruit
photo compliments of her nephew Mike Manning
his mother was half sister to Johnny Vaughan

married Johnny Elmer Vaughan 1903 – 1926
son of John V. Vaughan and his first wife, Lucy Francis Parker

JohnnyVaughan ;
Johnny – soldier during World War I

a. Raymond Vaughan 24 March 1924 –


1930 Raymond Vaughan with
his Aunt Lida Suis

b. Lucy Parker Vaughan 4 Aug 1925 NC – 27 Aug 2019 Melbourne FL
married 18 July 1947 Perry Walters 1923 – 16 Feb 2012 Greensboro NC
i. Lawrence [Larry] James Walters
married 24 July 1976 Fay Griesemer
1. Kristina Dawn Walters 1977 –
2. Meghan Gail Walters 1983 –
ii. Martha Dawn Walters died 17 April 2014 of cancer
married Karl Duppstadt [divorced]
1. Heidi Marie Duppstadt 1983 –

2. Erik Adam Duppstadt 1985 –
Frances married 2nd Wesley Pruit


Frances and her second husband Wesley Pruit

3. John A Rayner Jr. 21 Dec 1906 – 22 Jan 1932 d cert
buried in family cemetery
married Elizabeth Jernigan ca 1910 –

4. Ganell [Nellie Winifred] Rayner 6 Oct 1909 – 26 Sept 1959
married 1929 Andrew James Early 23 May 1910 – 5 March 1988 Ahoskie, NC
a. Winifred Mansfield of Virginia Beach VA
b. Marjorie Early ca 1934 Bertie Co NC – 16 Dec 2013
married ca 1953 Fred Clinton Tayloe
i. Freddie A [Doodle Bug] Tayloe of Aulander
married Ann
ii. Herbie C Tayloe of Ahoskie
married Alice
iii. John M Tayloe of Aulander NC
c. Ella Jean Early 18 July 1930 – 8 May 1986
married 27 May 1952 Vernon Kyle White 15 June 1930 – 18 Mar 2000
5 dau and 2 sons

d. Betty Jane Lewis dec
e. William Robert Early dec
f. Mae White of Aulander NC
g. James Early of Windsor VA
h. Joe Early of Aulander NC

5. Reuben Lawrence Rayner 10 Oct 1911 – 6 Mar 1978 dsp

Great Aunt Nell:

Martha Penelope Rayner 1878 – 1967| her parents
& 1899 David Lawrence Myers 1868 – 1956 | his parents
of Ahoskie NC

Nell Rayner Myers 1962

Children of Martha Penelope Rayner and David Lawrence Myers:

Sybil & Ruby Myers ca 1908

1. Ruby Myers 11 April 1900 – 6 July 1991 no issue

Ruby Myers ca 1925
1950’s Nell Myers, Ruby Dennis, Dave Myers at Ruby’s

married Dr. George Edward Dennis ? – Dec 1964 Greensboro
dentist in Raleigh, NC for many years
Dr. G E Dennis did have children by his first wife

ca 1940 In front: Betsy and her Dad Lum McKeel
Standing: DG & Eunice Waters, Zenobia McKeel,
Doc & Ruby Dennis, and Dave & Nell Myers
photo by Sybil Myers McKeel

2. Sybil Rayner Myers 12 June 1905 – 28 June 1996

myerssybil Sybil1980

Sybil ca 1925 and ca 1980

married Columbus A McKeel 14 June 1906 – 24 March 1971
son of Silas Walston Mckeel and Zenobia Jones
a. Betsy McKeel May 1938 – e-mail

Sybil-Betsy38 betsy1960
Betsy: 1938 [in Sybil’s arms] and 1960

married 1962 Robert Angell Bogle Jr of Fall River, Mass

Betsy and Robert Bogle

i. Jennifer Angell Bogle 1966 – e-mail
married 1991 Eric Leslie Thompson

Jennifer and Eric Thompson

1. Alexander Leslie Thompson 1995
2. Lauren Rayner Thompson 1999 –

ii. Jonathan Lawrence Bogle 1970 – e-mail
married Feb 1996 Yvonne Elizabeth Janssens

Jonathan and Yvonne Bogle

1. Jacob Robert Edward Bogle 1999 –
2. Andrew Janssens Bogle 2002 –

Left to right: Alex, Lauren and Jacob, with Andrew in front.
photo by Yvonne Bogle

301 E Church St, Ahoskie, NC
1930’3 Sybil, Lum, Nell, Dave Myers, Ruby
“the dog’s name was Hot Shot”

Nell Rayner Myers
ca 1925

Clipped from the Hertford County Herald, 1939 Historical Edition

David L. Myers took a job as a salesman in the mercantile branch of Cockey & Powell in Dec 1889 in the new town of Ahoskie.
Mr. Myers starting operating under his own name in 1897.
He was the town’s first jeweler and for many years did both a general mercantile business and a jeweler shop.
For several years now he has engaged in the jewelry business solely.

Clipped from the Hertford County Herald March 22, 1956


DOUBLE CELEBRATION: Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence Myers
of Church Street, Ahoskie are observing two anniversaries Thursday
(today). March 22 is their 57th wedding anniversary and also the 78th
birthday of Mrs. Myers. The Myers have two daughters, Mrs. Ruby
Dennis of Raleigh and Mrs. Sybil McKeel of Greensboro and two foster
daughters, Mrs. Perry Walters of Greensboro and Mrs. Joe McCarthy
of Elgin Illinois. Mr. Myers, now 87, came to Ahoskie in 1890 to clerk
in the Cocker and Powell commissary, the first store in Ahoskie. Mrs.
Myers came here after their marriage nine years later. Myers, who
believes himself to be the oldest man in Ahoskie, opened his own general
merchandise firm soon after their marriage. About 15 years later he went
into the jewelry business and was the town’s first jeweler. About 10 years
ago the business was sold and became Garrett’s Jewelry. Mr. Myers had
retired from the business about three years prior to the time of the sale and Mrs. Myers operated the store until it was sold. (Staff photo.)

One thought on “Nell, Armstead, and Jim Rayner”

  1. Sally, I stumbled across your website today and was just taken aback by the many memories it brought back to me. I remember you from my very early childhood when you were a student at WC/UNC, and you and Ann Hill would visit my parents’ (Lucy and Perry Walters) home in Greensboro. That was over 65 years ago…There is one picture that really brought back memories .. that of Granny Myers, Ruby and Doc Dennis, Sybil and Lum McKeel and Poochy on the front porch of the house of Church Street in Ahoskie. Just for the sake of historocal accuracy, my daughter (Meghan) and Dawn’s daughter (Heidi) were both born in 1983 vice 1982.

    I am a retired US Navy Captain, and an active professor of healthcare finance and economics at the University of Central Florida, living with my wife, Fay-Lorraine Griesemer Walters, who is a retired CPA and corporate executive in Melbourne, Florida, My daughter, Kristina Dawn Walters Gower is a high school vice principal in Philadelphia, and the mother of two boys (Logan – 9 and CJ – 2) and one daughter (Haley – 10). Her husband is Stephen Gower of Bethlehem, PA. My other daughter, Meghan Gail Walters Branham (Ph.D), lives in Sumter, SC with her husband William Branham (career US Air Force). She is the STEM (science/technology/engineering/math) director for Sumter elementary schools.
    Mother (Lucy Parker Vaughan Walters) now 93, lives in an assisted living facility just 5 minutes from our home. I am sure mother would love to hear from you. She is still very alert and aware with an excellent memory, though she is physically not doing well.

    I look forward to hearing from you. Larry Walters

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