Epaphroditus Moore & Elizabeth

Sally’s 6-great Grandparents:

Epaphroditus Moore ca 1695 – 1757 | his parents
& Elizabeth ? | her parents
of Nansemond County, VA & Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

I think Epaphroditus Moore’s father was probably a John Moore as he named his only son mentioned in his will, John. Also, his first patent was near John Moore’s land.

Elizabeth House was the daughter of George House and Mary his wife.
but she appears to be the wife of James Moore in 1770.

Is Elizabeth wife of Epap. the daughter or sister of Peter Parker??

The name Epaphroditus is from Phil. 2: 25 means handsome
The name Epaphras Col. 1: 7 [is it contracted from the other?]

Children of Epaphroditus Moore and Elizabeth ? :
1. Mary Moore
2. Ann Moore has son Thomas Moore bef. 1757
3. Charity Moore
married bef 1742 Phillip Walston will 1774
4. Grace Moore ca 1740 – 30 April 1787
[married 1st aft 1757 William Stevenson – Nov 1761
will signed 16 Oct 1761, proved at Nov Ct 1761 NH Co NC
married 2nd aft 16 May 1765 John Hare 24 March 1720 –
John was first married to Priscilla ? 14 Dec 1723 – 16 May 1765]
5. John Moore ca 1736 – of Hertford Co
married bef 1766 Elizabeth ?
6. Judith Moore
married ca 1740 1st William Wilson ca 1680 – 1745
William had married 1st ca 1720 Rebecca Braswell

married 2nd John Hurst Jr. died 1767
7. Rebekah Moore
married bef 1742 James Cain 1715-1761 Edgecombe Co
8. Rachell Moore
married bef 1757 ? Standley
9. Christian Moore
10. Penelope Moore
married Thomas Hare will 1785 Bertie Co, NC
11. Elizabeth Marina Moore
married James Howard 1707 – 1790

21 February 1720 Epaphroditus Moore – Nansemond – patented 179 acres at NE side of Bennett’s Creek–the land running “to John Moore” and adj. James Riddick and William Peele (Nugent, III, 226) head of the six mile run Pat. II, p 54

5 September 1723 Epaphroditus Moore – Nansemond – patented 243 acres adj. William Sumner. (Nugent, III, 261) on the W side of Bennetts Ck near the head thereof Pat. II, p237.

11 Nov 1729 C-166 Bertie Co Deeds Peter Parker & wife Grace to Epaphrates Moore of Nansemond Co, VA 160¬£ for 640 acres at Ford Branch on Ahoskey Swamp. “the plantation that Peter Parker now lives.” Land devised unto Peter Parker by Peter Evans. Wit: Thomas Bryant, William Cotton, James Holland. Ct. Thomas Crew D.C/C

17 Oct 1735. Epaphroditus Moore received a grant of 490 acres on Forts Branch in Bertie Co. NC Pat Book 5 pg 12(Hofmann) Fort Branch rises in present day Aulander and flows due north into the Ahoskie Creek flowing almost due east. Ahoskie is the Swamp that is the boundary of Maple Lawn.

1735/36. Bertie Deed Book E, Page 5. Epaphroditus Moore is mentioned as a witness to a transfer by James Jenkins, bricklayer, of Edgecombe Precinct to Edward Hare of Chowan Precinct. March 12, 1735/36. Forty Pounds for 50 Acres on Northside of Deep Creek. Adjacent “(land) formerly Mr. Peek‚Äôs.) Witnesses are John MacKinne, Mary Parker, Epaphroditus Moore, jurat. August Court 1736.

Bertie Deed Book E, Page 174. Epap. Moore is mentioned as a witness to a transfer by Petegrove (Pedgeve) Salsberry to George Spivey of Nansemond County, Virginia. November 4, 1737. 200 Pounds for 300 acres adjacent William Hinton, Theophilus Williams, Thomas Bond. “out of a Patent granted to William Gray” dated April 1, 1725. Witnesses are Epap. Moore, Littleton Spivey. November Court 1737.

8 Feb 1742 Bertie Ct Epaphroditas Moor proved his rights to wit: Eps. Moor, Elizabeth, John, Mary, Ann, Rachel,Christian, Grace, Penelope Moor, Whites & Jack, Mark, Rose, & Dinah blacks. Ind.

9 May 1744 Bertie Ct Joseph Wimberly petitioned for a ferry over Roanoke River at Concat, which was granted and allowed to charge 2 shillings Bill money for a man and horse & 1 shilling for a single person. Alex. Cotten and Epr. Moore Suretys. NCHGR2-621

Bertie Deed Book G, Page 35. Epaphroditus Moore to Bryan Daughtry (Daughtree) of Nancemond County, Virginia. August 11, 1747. 6 pounds 10 Shillings for 340 Acres. By Patent granted to Moor April 20, 1745 on Northside Powels Pocoson at Buck Branch. Witnesses: John Moor, Rachel Moor. August Court 1747.

Bertie Deed Book H, Page 118. Ephoditus Moore is mentioned in the property description of the transfer of Bryan Daughtry of Northampton County to Cadar Powell. *. 16 Pounds for 240 Acres. On Northside of Powell Pocoson at Buck Branch. Being part of a patent formerly granted to Ephroditus Moore for 340 Acres on April 20, 1745. Witnesses are Valentine Floyd, John Screws. August Court 1754.

Apr 19, 1758 Bertie Co: John Moore warrant to Benjamin Wynns to survey 640 ac in Bertie Co on the West Side of Fort Branch, joining the late Epaphroditus Moor’s Plantation Land and a Survey lately made for the said Epaphroditus Moor – being a Tract of Land formerly Surveyed for the said Epaphroditus Moore entered 24 November 1757. /s/ Fras Corbin. Back of document reads: “Surveyed 29 March 1759 Granted 14 February 1761” [Lord Granville to: (Miscellaneous Land Office Papers-NC State Archives 481 Margaret M. Hofmann]

Mar 29, 1759 Bertie Co: John Moore Plat dated March 29, 1759 640 ac in Bertie County joining Ford Branch and Moore’s own Line CC: Samuel Dunning, Lewis Perry, Benj. Wynns Survr. [Lord Granville to: Miscellaneous Land Office Papers – NC State Archives) 482 Margaret M Hofman]

________ Bertie Co: Epep Moore plat (almost totally destroyed) 700 ac in Bertie Co, joining Perry’s Corner, Powells Branch, Daughtrees Cor–, Cow Branch, and Samuel Dunning. Back of document reads: “Grant — 1761 Epaphroditus Moore (and ) John Moor” [Lord Granville to: (Miscellaneous Land Office Papers-NC State Archives 480 Margaret M. Hofmann] These three records may explain the caviat filed against the will by John Moore’s lawyer. The land needed to be accounted for under the will? I thought it did not look like Eps. gave much to his son after he gave land to grandsons and etc. e-mail from Marilyn

2 Mar 1759 I p334 Bryan Daughtry planter of Northampton Co to Lewis Jenkins planter of same. 20 sh VA. 100 acres on west side of Powells Branch. wit: Joseph Wood, Nicholas (x) Bagget. Jul Ct 1759 CC Benjn Wynns.

31 Jan 1769 L-2 p188 Lewis (x) Jenkins, planter & his wife Ann (x) of Bertie Co. to Samuel Duning of the same. 23£ 100 acres which was part of a patent to Epaproditus Moore, where sd. Jenkins now lives in Bertie & Hertford counties, joining Powells Pocosin, Powells Branch. Wit: Nathan Page, Valentine (x) Floyd, Losomon Floyd Sep Ct 1769 CC John Johnston.

Will of Epaphroditus Moore 11 June 1757; proved Oct Ct 1757 Bertie Co.
Wife Elizabeth – use and liberty of my Negroes, houses and land where I now live for her lifetime or widowhood.
Three daughters Mary, Ann and Grace – free liberty to stay on the plantation where I now live after my wife’s death and have the use of my houses and plantation until they marry or the Cause to leave it themselves but the benefits of my young crabtree orchard and my son John Moore’s orchard are for my son John Moore after my death but the use & benefit of the Old Orchard I give to my Three Daughters before named with the liberties aforesaid.
Grandson Elisha Wilson – 200 acres on the southwest side of the Fort Branch adj. Samuel Duning, the Cow Branch, Stony Woolf Pit, Dogwood Marsh, also a Negro girl named Venus and 4 cows and calves & their increase, also my own feather bed & furniture, whereon I now lie, to him & his heirs forever. But if the said Elisha dies without heir his part shall fall to his mother’s children that she had by her husband John Hurst.
Item I give to Thomas Moore, son of my daughter Ann Moore, 200 acres of land lying on afsd Fort Branch joining on the said Elisha Wilson, Grace’s Branch, the patent line, Samuel Duning, Dogwood Marsh, also Negro fellow namedPeter, and his mother Ann Moore may have use of this during her lifetime and one feather bed & furniture, 3 cows and calves & their increase and one young Horse and one of my hunting guns to him and his heirs forever.
Daughter Judath Hurst – 1 cow and calf & her increase.
Son John Moore – plantation where I now live and land belonging hereto and all my other lands, except that land already mentioned also Negro man named Jack.
Son-in-law James Howard – one shilling sterling, it being all I intend to give him or that he shall have out of my estate.
Daughter Rebekah Cain – Negro fellow named Mark.
Daughter Charity Walston – Negro girl named Dinah & her increase.
Granddaughter Rachell Walston – Negro girl named Pegg & her increase.
Daughter Mary Moore – Negro boy named Pompey, 1 horse bridle, & Saddle, one feather bed & furniture.
Daughter Ann Moore – Negro boy named Bob, one mare & colt, one bridle and Saddle, one feather bed & furniture.
Daughter Rachell Standly – Negro Tobey.
Daughter Christian Moore – Negro girl named Wanne.
Daughter Grace Moore – Negro girl named Little Rose & her increase, one feather bed & furniture, one young horse.
Daughter Penelope Hare – Negroes wench called Old Rose, girl named Philis, and boy named Yourk, etc.
Grandson Elisha Wilson – one gun & a young horse.
Rest of estate to my daughters Mary, Ann and Grace after my wife’s death.
Ex: daughters Mary and Ann.
Wit: Charles Horne, Demcy Holland, Lewis Perry.
(Probate indicates a caveat was entered against the will by John Moore by his attorney Blake Baker, October Ct, 1757.)

6 Oct 1760 K 84 Bertie Co — John Moore of Hertford Co to Jones Griffin of same. 38 pounds proc. 200 ac. on west side of Fort Branch, joining Cow Branch, Long Branch. Wit: Wm. Driver, Thomas Cason, Wm. Sumner Jul Ct 1761 CC Benja Wynns

5 Sep 1733 D 129 Cullen Pollock to William Bentley 20¬£ for within patent….also I make over 50 acres lying between this patent and the swamp. Wit: John Stancill, Mary West. NC Ct Aug 28 1734 W. Smith CJ DCC John Wynns

26 July 1757 H 441 William Bentley to Luke Ward 10¬£ 10sh for 50 acres Islands of Roanoke adj. John Ward, John Smithwick, —- Bentley. Wit: George Sutton, Jno. Ward, July Ct 1757

14 Sep 1771 L-2 265 Luke Ward of Bertie Co to Benjamin Manning of same. 60£ proclamation 50 acres where I now live, in Cashy Neck, joining John Ward, Joel Smithwick. Wit: John Hyman, William Duggan. Sep Ct 1771. CC John Johnston.

24 Dec 1776 M 313 Benjamin Manning planter to Peter Barbree blacksmith. 100£ proclamation 50 acres joining John Ward, John Smithwick, the swamp. Wit: Robert Cox, Edmond Dunston, Jr. Aug Ct 1777 CC John Johnston.

11 May 1779 M 426 Peter Barbree of Barte Co to Thomas Rascoe of same. 800£. 50 acres messuage including where I now live, joining John Ward, Joel Smithwick, the swamp, Thomas Hare, John Bentley, Luke Smithwick, decd. Also signed by his wife Margett [Peggy] (x) Barbree Wit: Arthur Rasca, John Bentley, John (x) Warbeton Nov Ct 1779 CC Stevens Gray.

Who is this Epheras or Epaphroditus Moore?

14 May 1782 M 558 Thomas Rascoe of Bertie Co to Epaphraditus Moore. 14 May 1782. 100 £ hard money. 50 acres messuage including where sd Moore now lived, joining John Ward, Joel Smithwick, Thomas Hare, John Bentley, Luke Smithwick, decd. Wit: William Jordan, Sr., Edward Cooper. Feb Ct 1783 CC Stevens Gray.

23 Jun 1785 N 32 Epaphras Moore of Bertie Co to Thomas Rascoe of same. 75£ specie. 50 acres on north side of Herring Creek, joining a line that formerly seperated John Savage & Daniel Hendrick. Also signed by Winnie Moore. Wit: Arthur Roscoe, James Baker Aug Ct 1785 CC Stevens Gray.

22 Jan 1785 N 55 Samuel Wallard & his wife Sarah planters of Martin Co to Epephras More planter of Bertie Co 40£ specie. 50 acres joining Herring Creek Run. Wit: David Robason blacksmith, William (X) Brassell, Benj. Wallard. Feb Ct 1786. CC Stevens Gray.

Grandchildren of Epaphroditus Moore and Elizabeth ?:

* * * * * *

Child of Ann Moore by Thomas Cotten of NH:
1. Thomas Moore bef. 1757 (perhaps 1748)
1758. Bertie Deed Book I, Page 189-(340). Thomas Cotton of Northampton County to his son, Thomas Moore. November 16, 1758. Deed of Gift. 25 Pounds Virginia when shall become 21 years of age, with reversion to the estate should he die before then or have no lawful issue. Witnesses are John Brown, Josiah Brown, Abram Jones. July Court 1759. CC: Benjamin Wynns.
1758. Bertie Deed Book I, Page 190-(340). Anne Moore of Bertie County to her son Thomas Moore. November 16, 1758. Deed of gift. Negro boy Bob that my father Epaphroditus Moore willed, when my said son comes of age, with reversion to the estate should he die before that age and have no lawful issue. Witnesses are John Brown, Josiah Brown, Abram Jones. July Court 1759. CC: Benjamin Wynns.

* * * * * *

(Speculative) Child of John Moore
1. Epaphroditus Moore will May Ct 1789
married Winnie ?
a. Aaron Moore [home plantation]
b. Thomas Moore [Martin Co land]
D-102 Epaphrus Moore 28 Mar 1789 proved May Ct 1789 “weak in body”
Son Aron Moore; wife Winnie Moore, Son Thomas Moore; Ex. Andrew Oliver, wife.
Wit: John Miller, Thomas (x) Boise, John Smithwick.

* * * * * *

Children of Grace Moore and William Stevenson:
1. Charity Stevenson 1758/9 –
2. Mary Stevenson 1759/60 –
3. William Stevenson 12 Dec 1761 –
4. Moore Stevenson 12 Dec 1761 –
married 1779 Sarah Perry ca 1763 –
dau of Josiah Perry and Elizabeth Freeman dau of William
ancestors of Bill Stevenson

Children of Grace Moore and John Hare son of Edward Hare and Mary Scott Hare:
1. Lucresey Hare 5 Sept 1766 –
2. Jesse Hare 14 May 1769 –
3. Bryan Hare 17 Dec 1783 –
Children of John Hare and 1st wife Priscilla:
1. Mary Hare 6 Sept 1742 –
2. Luke Hare 20 June 1745 –
3. Sarah Hare 14 Dec 1748 – 27 Feb 1778
married 25 Sept 1764 David Dickinson 2 June 1737 – 25 Nov 1783
a. Priscilla Dickinson 17 Dec 1765 –
b. Mary Dickinson 22 Jan 1770 –
c. Sarah Dickinson 22 Jan 1770 –
d. David Dickinson 13 Nov 1774 –
married 22 Aug 1799 Fanny Noailles Murfree 22 Aug 1783 –
e. Luke Dickinson 10 Dec 1776 –
4. Elizabeth Hare 24 Oct 1750 –
5. John Lawrence Hare 18 March 1754 –
6. Moses Hare 28 Aug 1757 –
7. Benjamin Hare 3 Oct 1760 – bef Dec 1803
8. Penelope Hare 11 Feb 1764 –

* * * * * *

Children of Charity Moore and Phillip Walston (will 1774):
1. Rachel Walston died 1789
married 1762 Joseph Kent died Aug 1789
2. Elizabeth Walston
married Amos Harris
3. Charity Walston
married James Turner
4. Sarah Walston
married Thomas Hawkins Johnston
5. Judith Walston died ca before 1789
married Frederick Lawrence
6. John Walston died by 2 Mar 1794
married Winefred Turner died 1801
7. Penelope Walston
married James Ward died 1780 Bertie Co
8. Mary Ann Walston
married Henry Bates

* * * * * *

Children of Judith Moore and William Willson son of Nicholas and Margaret
1. Elisha Moore Willson 1744 NH Co – 1811 Sampson Co NC
married Sarah ?
a. Shadrack Willson 19 April 1770 –
b. Joel Willson 20 Oct 1771 –
c. Judith Willson 19 June 1773 –
?married 1st a Wilson died bef. 1811
i. James Wilson Feb 19,1795 NC – Nov 4,1857,Gibson, TN
farmer & merchant town of Dyer,TN. Family still has original deed for slave gifted 1825 by his Uncle Shadrach in Sampson Co.,mentioning “My well beloved nephew James Wilson “as being of the same county & state. James & Elizabeth’s Bible Record gives their and their children’s b.dates. Elisha Moore Willson mentions his grandson James Wilson in his Sampson Co. will 1811.Family has copy of original Way Bill used by Jas for wagon train from Sampson NC to Gibson Co.TN.
married Sampson,NC 1824 Elizabeth Ward 1805 -1870
dau of Jesse Ward line being researched by Marilyn Stroh
married bef. 1811 Joseph Mainer (Mayner) Sampson Co to Gibson Co,TN
d. Thomas Willson 28 Aug 1776 –
e. Isham Willson 1779
married Elinor King?
i. William Rufus Willson 1811 –
ii. Nancy Willson 1814 –
married Needham Warren ancestors of Dan Jackson
iii. Wiley Willson 1818 –
iv. Riley Willson 1818-
v. Mary Ann Willson 1822 –
vi. Sara Jane Willson 1826 –
vii. Susan C. Willson 1832 –
viii. Elisha M. Willson 1825 –
ix. John T. Willson 1829 –
Children of Judith Moore and John Hurst
1. William Hurst bef 1745
2. Mary Hurst
married Green
Children of William Willson and Rebecca Braswell
1. James Willson

* * * * * *

Children of Penelope Moore and Thomas Hare son of Edward Hare and Mary Scott Hare
1. Penelope Hare
married Francis Speight
2. Elizabeth Hare
married Philip Lewis
3. Jamina Hare
married Jonas Wood
4. Thomas Edward Hare 1767- 17 May 1814
married 1st ca 1795 Sarah Sharp (d. 20 Oct 1810)
a. Thomas Edward Hare Jr.
b. Rev Jacob Sharp Hare
c. Col. Starkey Sharp Hare
married 2nd ca 1811 Mrs Rachel Askew Hunter
(daughter of David Askew Sr. and Millicent Outlaw)
d. John Augustus Hare Sr.(Gary Murray’s ancestor)
e. David Askew Hare
5. Jennett Hare
married aft 1785 John Pipkin 1757 – [1815/6]
6. Anthony Hare
7. Armistead Hare
8. William Hare

* * * * * *

Children of Rebecca Moore and James Cain:
1. Penelope “Penny” Cain born in Orange Co died 1811 Wake Co
married 1753 Tignall Jones Sr (Ed Baldwin’s ancestor)
2. Delilas Cain
3. Elizabeth Cain
4. Anne Cain
5. Harde Cain
6. Mary Cain
married John Jones

* * * * * *

Children of Elizabeth Marina Moore and James Howard:
1. Luke Lidney Howard 1752-
a. Marina daughter of AL Senator David Connor and wife Eliz. Caroline Mercer.
ancestors of Marguerite Songy
2. Elisha Howard
married 8 Sept 1787 Loue Baker, will written 1830.
3. Moses Howard
married 1790 Susan Perry
4. Edward Howard (no info)
5. James Howard III (no info)
6. Nehemiah Howard (no proof this was their son)

4 thoughts on “Epaphroditus Moore & Elizabeth”

  1. Trying to figure out where the “Elizabeth Marina” name for James Howard’s wife came from. For me, she was not listed in Epaphroditus Moore’s 1742 doc (so married by then) and then was not listed in his 1757 will because she had died be then. Where do these first names come from??? Thanks,

  2. Hello, Sally, Thanks so much for your work. Have referred to your website many times over the years and watched it grow.

    My folks, the House family played a smart part in Bertie County, for a short time. But Bertie County played a huge part in their lineage. I’ve been researching them for years, and would like to add some things I have learned.

    I believe George House was married to Sarah Pace, according to her father’s will, Richard Pace.

    I also think that Thomas Young, the son of John Young, who died in 1777 in Halifax County, was the husband of Patience Elizabeth House, the daughter of Thomas House, who died in 1794, Bertie County, as he refers to his daughter, Patience Yong in his will, to their children, and to his son-in-law Thomas Yong.

    I believe that this Patience House was also referred to as Elizabeth because when Thomas House, Jr. died in 1803, he left property to the heirs of Elizabeth Young. Thomas House Jr. was a young man when he died, the son later in life of Thomas House, who died in 1794 in Bertie County, and the children of Patience Elizabeth House Young would have been his nieces and nephews.

    I also believe that Elizabeth Young House, daughter of John Young, who died in 1777 in Halifax County, and was mentioned in his will, was the wife of William House, son of Thomas House, who died in 1794. William and his family moved to Pitt County around 1781. William is the only male age wise who could have been married to Elizabeth Young, except his brothers, George and John. George appeared to have three wives: Mary Granbery, Lydia Grey July 5, 1793, and Nancy Ann ? who married J.D. White shortly after George’s death. He was first married to Mary Granbery, as evidenced by the will of her father, William Granbery’s in Northampton County in 1787, who owned land in Bertie County. The latest wife of George was found in his will in 1795.

    The two uncles of William, George House and John House died in 1763 and 1765, both had other wives when they died. So the only other House male who was available to be married in 1777 to John Young’s daughter, Elizabeth House of Halifax County would be William.

    As for the wife of Marmaduke Young, the son of the John Young who died in 1777 in Halifax County, Patience, I don’t believe she was a House. There just wasn’t a House female available at the time to be married to Marmaduke. The Patience House that was Thomas House’s daughter, who died in 1794, we already know was married to Thomas Young, per the will of her father, Thomas House, who died in 1794.

    What I do believe, is that William House married Elizabeth Young, the daughter of John Young, died Halifax County 1777. William’s sister, Patience married Thomas Young, brother of Elizabeth Young, as mentioned in her father’s will.

    Then the son of William House, Turner House, married Patience Young, the daughter of Marmaduke Young, (son of John Young, died in 1777 in Halifax County)

    Hope this makes some sense. Again thanks, and I’d love to hear from you.

  3. My James Howard b 1707 Nansemond, Virginia d 1790 Bertie, NC married Elizabeth Marina Moore c? maybe Bertie, NC; their son Luke Lidney Howard b 1752 Bertie NC married 1785 Bertie NC d 1825 Harrison Texas his wife Clarissa Cotton b 1769 Bertie NC d 1850 Talladega Alabama, their son George Howard b 1789-1792 Madison Madison County Alabama married c1817 d 1833 same place as born his wife Penelope Moore b c1791 Alabama d 1842 Alabama, their son Dr. Andrew Jackson Howard 1831-1892

  4. Yes, Sally, I am trying to find the Maiden name of Millie, the first wife of Joel Willson. Joel was born 1771, son of Elisha Moore Willson. They would be my 4th Great- Grandparents on my mothers side. If you have anything about Millie, Joel, or their family, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, James Harris

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