James Rasco, Elizabeth Hendricks, & Tamar Holliday

Sally’s great-great-great-great-Grandparents:

James Rasco ca 1750 – 1802 | his parents
& Elizabeth Hendricks ca 1766 – ca 1795 | her parents
& Tamar Holliday ca 1775 – 1802 | her parents
of Bertie County, North Carolina

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

James Rasco was born ca 1750.
A James Rasco is on the 1767 list of Captain John Shearrard’s company of NC militia.
A James Rasco received pay 3¬£ 12 sh. for service under Col. Abraham Sheppard’s in the Rev. War.
A James Rasco’s estate was inventoried 18 Feb 1802 in Bertie Co NC.

His first wife was Elizabeth Hendricks who was born ca 1766 the daughter of Daniel Hendricks and his wife Elizabeth who was the widow of George Strawhon (Straughan) all of Bertie County. (Bertie Wills and estate records)

Tamar Holliday ca 1775 was James Rasco’s second wife and the mother of his two youngest children James and Elizabeth. Tamar died ca June 1802. (Her inventory was done 19 Dec). Their daughter Elizabeth died three months later ca Sept 1802.

Bertie County Will of John Holliday 10 Jan 1817; May Ct. 1818. Sister Hannah Rayner, niece Nancy Simson, nephew James Rascoe, wife Mary, Wm. More, Jr and Jeremiah Leggett Exrs. Test. John Smithwick, George Leggett. NCHGR Vol 2 page 521.
[I conclude from this that John Holliday, Amos Rayner’s wife Hannah and James Rascoe’s wife Tamah and the mother of Nancy Simson were siblings.]

Children of James Rasco and Elizabeth Hendricks:
1. Penelope Rasco 1785 – 1851
married 1802 Enoch Rayner 1771 – 1823
2. Mary Rasco ca 1790 –
married 1805 Nazary Legett
3. Thomas Rasco ca 1792 –

Children of James Rasco and Tamar Holliday:
4. James Rasco ca 1797 – 1834
married 1828 Ann Eliza Jacocks (Rhodes)
she married 1st William Speller Rhodes
5. Elizabeth Rasco ca 1801 – ca Sept 1802

1787 Census Bertie Co, NC Speller’s District
Rascoe, James 1 (21-60) 2 (under 21 or above 60) 2 (white females) 3 (black 12-50) –

1790 Census Bertie Co NC
James Rasco 3 m over 16; 1 m under 16; 4 females; 16 slaves

1800 Census Bertie Co NC
Rascoe, James 3 (0-10) 0 0 2 (26-45) 0 -1 (0-10) 1 (10-15) 0 1 (26-45) 0 – 0 9

Will of Tamar Rasco 8 June 1802; proved Aug term 1802.

In the name of God Amen. the eighth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand & eight hundred and two.
I Tamar Rascoe of Bertie County in the State of North Carolina being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God for the same calling to mind that it is apointed for all people once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament vis, that is to say pricepally and first of all I recommend my soul to God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the descretion of my Executors and as touching such worldly estate as it pleased God to bless one with, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Vis
That is to say after paying all my just debts that all the rest of my estate to be equally devided between my two children. Vis. James Rascoe and Elizabeth Rascoe and such part of my estate as my Executors shall think proper to be sold and the money put on Interest—-
and lastly I make constitute ordain and appoint Thomas Rascoe my sole executor to this my last will and Testament In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed my Seal this day and year above written—-
Signed, Sealed and published and pronounced and delivered by the Testator to be her last will and Testament In the presents of us the subscribing Witnesses. Tamar (herXmark) Rascoe (Seal)
Test. John Rascoe, Penelope Rascoe.

An additional inventory of the parishable part of the estate of Jas. Rascoe came to notice this 19 day of August 1802 Book K [1801-1803]
15 1/2 lot Homespun cloth to Thomas Rosco 2£ 7s
8 1/4 lot negro cotten ” ” 1 7
3/4 lot cat gut Thomas S Hair 14
2 bush. Beans Thos. Rosco 11
Flax form & sider press Thos. Rosco 5
Flax Brake ” ” 3
5£ 8
Thos. Roscoe

Feb 1803 Bertie Co, Book K [1801-1803]
A just & true Inventory of all the goods & chatls, rights & credits of
Elisabeth Roscoe, orphan of James & Tamar Roscoe, dec.
Her part of her Father’s estate – unknown
Her part of her Mother’s estate – unknown
Reason why, Each estate undivided. Thos. Roscoe

Petition of Enoch Rayner & others for division of land [1804]
State of North Carolina
To the worshipful the Justices of the County Court of Bertie begun and holden at Windsor for and in the County aforesaid on the second Monday in August Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and four.
The petition of Enoch Rayner who intermarried with Penelope Rayner, of Mary Rascowe, Thomas Rascowe, by Peter Rascowe their guardian, of James Rascowe by Thomas Rascowe his guardian humbly complaining sheweth unto your worships that they are the heirs and representatives of the late James Rascowe of this County deceased, who departed this life sometime in the year without will and who at the time of his death was seised and property in fee simple of one Tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the north side of Cashie River, containing by estimation one hundred and fifty acres more or less and bounded and butted by the lands of Thomas Bonner and Captain Heriman that the aforesaid lands by the death of the said James descended to your petitioners as tenant in common and distributes earnings of said estate share and share alike in caual propotion but your petitioners craves leave to represent to your worships that their never has as yet been any division or partition in the premises in pursuance etc etc…..to appoint five commissioners to divide the tract. . . .
Wm Drew, Solicitor for comp.

In Obedience to the annexed order [Nov term 1803] we have divided the Estate of James Rascoe dec’d the Guardian & the heir wishing that all the negroes be divided in the Estate. we have valued the whole Negroes of the deceased to $4557.05. The Negroes which the deceased gave his children Thomas, Penelope, & Mary we have valued to $1046.73. & have deducted that sum from the whole Value & then taken out the widow’s 1/6 share which amounts to $585.05 the residue we have divided into 5 shares being 5 children. The widow having died & bequeathed her share to her two children (to wit) James & Elisabeth gives to each $292.52 1/2. Elisabeth dying Intestate her share of her fathers & mothers Negroes being agreeable to our valuation $1086.92 1/2 we have also divided that sum between the surviving Brothers and Sisters to wit, Thomas, James, Penelope & Mary which gives to each $271. 73. The residue or balance due from the administrator of James Rascoe dec’d being ¬£5855.18.2 1/2 we have also divided being as follows —-

To Mrs. Penelope Rayner
The half of the valuation of negroes given her by her father $385.86
a negro man named Barrack 350.—
a negro man named Jiles 350.—
& her 1/6 th of the Balance due from the adm of James Rasco 1932.25
To Miss Mary Rascoe
The half of the valuation of negroes given her by her father $385.86
a negro man named Bob 371.—
a negro woman named Lydia 300.—
— boy – – – – – – — Jack 60.—
& her 1/6 th of the Balance due from the adm of James Rasco 1901.25
To Thomas Rascoe
The negroe boy named Guy given him by father $375.—
a negro man named Andy 400.—
a negro woman named Nelly 300.—
—– girl ———— Rose 68.50
——- Boy ———— Jonathan 30.00
& him 1/6 th of the Balance due from the adm of James Rasco 1944.61
To James Rascoe
a negro man named Casar $400.—
a negro woman named Abigail 250.—
a negro Boy named Sam 112.75
——— boy ——– Casar 67.75
——— boy ——— Dick 366.66
——— girl ——— Fereby 83.66
& his 1/6 th of the Balance due from the adm of James Rasco 2029.80 1/2
$3310.62 1/2

Signed on 1 day of January 1804. by
Jas Jacobs, Tho. Ryan, Wm. Hardy, A. Spivey.

Dr. this Estate of Elizabeth Rascoe Dec’d in acct. with Thomas Rascoe
1802 To Monthy Board 3 of 4 10 —-1802 Share of mother’s estate
509 12 3 1/4
Cash pd for Coffin 1 10 ” of Father’s estate
975 19 8 1/4
” for Guardian bond 6 ¬£ 1485 11 11 1/2
” adm. bond 14
” for 2 orders to settle
& divide estate 12
for returning inventory twice 8
for funeral expenses 1 3
pd Doct. W H Ruffin 1 1
pd Pene. Rascoe 1 11
Bal due the estate 1473 11 11 1/2
£1485 11 11 1/2

[1804] In Obedience to the annexed order [Nov term 1803] We have divided the Estate of Elizabeth Rascoe decd. except the Negroes which are divided in the return of James Rascoe estate as follows to vis.
To Mrs. Penelope Rayner–the 1/4 of the bal. due from the adm. of Elizabeth Rascoe. To Miss Mary Rascoe–the 1/4 of the bal. due from the adm. of Elizabeth Rascoe.
To Thomas Rascoe–the 1/4 of the bal. due from the adm. of Elizabeth Rascoe.
To James Rascoe–the 1/4 of the bal. due from the adm. of Elizabeth Rascoe.
each recived 368 pounds.
Signed on 1 day of January 1804. by
Jas Jacobs, Tho. Ryan, Wm. Hardy, A. Spivey.

2 thoughts on “James Rasco, Elizabeth Hendricks, & Tamar Holliday”

  1. My father married Lucy Roscoe and they live at bertie county, nc. Lucy’s father was John Roscoe and mother was named Nancy (james) Roscoe.

  2. Hi Sally – Have you been able to trace this line to existing families? I have been following DNA trails for a while. Trying to connect Rascoe families either by Y-DNA or autosomal tests. I have connected my Y-DNA line, it runs thru William Rasco b 1746 in Bertie d 1816 in Stewart, TN, to a Roscoe living near Manchester, ENG. We are working to fill in the paper trail between our families.

    Have been having pretty good success with finding Rasco & non-Rasco cousins with the autosomal testing. Just thought the DNA route might help pin down some of your theories.
    Rasco/Rascoe DNA Site: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/rasco-roscoe/activity-feed

    – Mark Rasco

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