Schools of the Roanoke-Chowan Area

“In 1845 the people of Hertford County and other communities in North Carolina were gaining a great benefit at that time from the common school system; a short time previously established in their midst. In 1836, during Gen. Andrew Jackson’s administration, the thirty-seven and one-half million dollars that had accumulated in the US Treasury from the sale of public lands was distributed among the several states. North Carolina’s share was one million five hundred thousand dollars. This sum was invested and the interest arising from the same together with a considerable amount realized by taxation were annually expended in the maintenance of public schools; thus bringing the rudiments of education within the reach of the vast host too poor to have otherwise obtained such advantages.” [John Wheeler Moore in Historical Sketches of Hertford Co 1877]

These were the one room schools with the teacher teaching all eight grades for three months per year. Before that all education and schools were private.


Powellsville HS


Its twin – Gates HS!
The same plans were used in construction of both schools

The Baker School, Colerain Township

Mars Hill High School at Trap, Bertie Co, NC (Daddy’s)

Old Perry School in Rosemead, Bertie Co, NC

Reynoldson Institute later HS – Gates Co, NC (Mama’s)
Its History by Lilly Waff Smith Parker

Elm Grove Hertford Academy, Buckhorn Academy Murfreesboro HS

Chowan College, Murfreesboro, NC
traveling to Chowan 1920

Ahoskie High, Ahoskie, NC


Evanstown School

Harrellsville High School

Unidentified Boy’s School

2 thoughts on “Schools of the Roanoke-Chowan Area”

  1. Sally, do you have or know of any photos of
    Jesse Holloman, Sarah Elizabeth Bridger or
    their daughter, my father’s mother Mollie F. Holloman?

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