Sarah Wheeler, James Franklin Adkins, & John Brown Trader

About the other Sallie Wheeler of the Wheeler House in Murfreesboro, NC

Sarah [Sallie] Rebecca Wheeler 1853 – 1890 | her parents
& 1870 James Franklin Adkins 1842 – 1871 | his parents
& 1879 John Brown Trader ca 1849 – aft 1910 | his parents
of Murfreesboro, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Mrs. Sallie Rebecca Wheeler Adkins Trader 1853 – 1890

Sallie Wheeler’s marriage to John Brown Trader has caused much confusion as people assume she was part of our family. She was not. She was from a family in Northampton County that goes back to the 18th century. They were in the area long before our crowd came down from New England. The late Mrs. Raymond Carr of Edenton thoroughly researched this line and once showed me her research on it.
e-mail from James Moore

as restored by the Murfreesboro Historical Society

About 1868 ” the Trader family bought the old John Wheeler Home in Murfreesboro which the Trader family occupied until 1971 when the property was sold to the Historical Society.” It had passed through several hands in the years immediately after the War. Dr. Moore actually owned it. I assumed he bought it when Dr. Wheeler went bankrupt in the 1840’s. He gave it to Uncle Jule, who in turn sold it to Jesse J. Yeates.
I think it was Yeates who sold it to James M. Trader.
e-mail from
James Moore

Sallie Rebecca Wheeler 3 Mar 1853 – 2 Mar 1890 age 37
daughter of John Thomas Wheeler and Mary Matilda Barkley in Seaboard.
married 1st 27 Nov 1870 James Franklin Adkins 7 Oct 1842 – 12 Dec 1871
son of Wade H Adkins & wife Sarah of Hertford Co, g. son of David Adkins

Child of Sallie Rebecca Wheeler and James Franklin Adkins:
1. James Lee Adkins 15 Oct 1871 – 15 Dec 1941 Norfolk VA
reared in the Trader household with his half brother and sister
worked for railroad
married in Norfolk VA 1900 Alethea Skinner Hoskins
daughter of Baker Haskins and wife Alethia Skinner of Perquimans Co NC
a. James “Lee” Adkins Jr [grandfather of Steve Hole]
lived Western Spring IL
b. Alethia Baker Adkins

Sallie Wheeler Atkins Trader
photo courtesy of Steve Hole

Sarah [Sallie] Rebecca Wheeler 3 Mar 1853 – 2 Mar 1890 age 37
daughter of John Thomas Wheeler and Mary Matilda Barkley in Seaboard.
married 2nd 4 Feb 1879 John Brown Trader ca 1849 – aft 1910 Postmaster
John Brown Trader in his will states “I don’t want any Adkins to have one cent of the property that belonged to my father or myself.” [perhaps this is the “only to the heirs of my body” syndrome]

Children of Sallie Rebecca Wheeler and John Brown Trader:
2. William Starr Trader 9 Feb 1880 – 15 Nov 1939 Chief of Police, Murfreesboro
married ca 1906 Kitty Elizabeth Thomas 1888 – 1971
a. James Monroe Trader ca 1907 –
b. Sally Wheeler Trader
c. John Brown Trader ca 1919 –
d. Margaret Starr Trader ca 1921 – 30 May 1988
married 15 June 1940 Willie Edward Cogsdale ~ died 15 June 1997
i. William Starr Cogsdale May 1941 –
married Maxine Lesner [div.]
married 2nd Valerie Vann [div.]
married 3rd Elaine
1. Tammy Lynn Cogsdale
married 1982 James Kieth Etheredge [div]
a. Christopher Starr Etheredge 1982 –
b. Jason Matthew Etheredge 1985 –
2. Cathy Paige Cogsdale
a. Joshua Aaron 1984
ii. Elizabeth Anne Cogsdale 1952 – e-mail from Betty Callis “I spent a few summers in that house with my grandmother.”
married 1972 Howard Barry Callis
1. Michelle Anne Callis 1972 –
e. William Gable Trader ca 1923 –
f. Dodge Carter Trader ca 1928 –
father of Jan
g. Henry Gordon Trader ca 1929 –

3. Brownie May Trader
lived with her aunt Sarah Hampton Adkins 2nd sister of James F Adkins in Murfreesboro and apparently never married.

John Thomas Wheeler 1818 – bef 1880 | his parents
& 1837 Mary Matilda Barkley 1813 – aft 1880 | her parents
& 1867 Nancy Boon | her parents
of Seaboard, Northampton Co, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Thomas Wheeler was born 10 Nov 1818, and was just a baby when his father died in 1819. John T Wheeler married 20 Dec 1837 in Northampton Co to Mary Matilda Barkley, daughter of Allen Barkley of Margeretsville, NC.
1860 – John T Wheeler is the rail road agent.

Children of John Thomas Wheeler and Mary Matilda Barkley:
1. Richard Thomas Wheeler 29 Jan 1839 – 3 Sept 1894
educated at US Naval Academy, fought for the Confederacy during the war and then taught school for 24 years.
married Clara Virginia Sykes 1847 – July 1920
a. John Richard Wheeler of Edenton
b. Thomas Jefferson Wheeler d aged 4
c. Charlie Vance Wheeler of Richmond VA
d. Samuel Judson Tilden Wheeler d. aged 9
2. Martha Ann Wheeler ca 1841 –
married Mr. Best
3. Mary [P orJ] Wheeler ca 1843 –
married Mr. Daughtry
4. Julia Wheeler ca 1846 –
married Lawrence Stephenson
5. Virginia C “Babe” Wheeler 1848 – dy aft 1850 census
6. John Thomas Wheeler Jr. 22 Oct 1849 – 3 Aug 1923 NH Co NC
married 3 April 1867 Nancy T Boon 1849 –
Both buried just north of Jackson, in a Wheeler-Parks family burial ground.
7. Sarah Rebecca Wheeler 1853 – 1890
married 1st 1870 James Franklin Adkins
married 2nd 1879 John Brown Trader
6. Patty Wheeler 1856 –
7. Millard C Wheeler 9 Jan 1859 –
married 1st ca 1879 Sarah E Powell of Boykins ca 1861 –
married 2nd a woman in Philadelphia

Thomas Boon Wheeler ca 1789 – 1819 | his parents
& 1817 Martha Underwood ca 1789 – 18xx | her parents
of Seaboard, Northampton Co, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Thomas Boon Wheeler and Martha Underwood married 27 Aug 1817 in Northampton Co, NC.

Thomas Boon Wheeler died Nov 20, 1819 and his will probated at March Ct 1820.

Child of Thomas Boon Wheeler and Martha Underwood:
1. John Thomas Wheeler 10 Nov 1818 –
married 1st 20 Dec 1837 Mary Matilda Barkley

John Wheeler ca 1707/15 – 1798 | his parents
& Celia Boon ca 1754 – 1830 | her parents
of Isle of Wight Co, VA & Northampton Co, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Celia was the daughter of Thomas Boon will 14 March 1796 – Mar Ct 1800..

Children of John Wheeler and Celia Boon:
1. Hezekiah Wheeler ca 1775 –
a. Rebeccah Wheeler bef 1801
2. Bryant Wheeler ca 1777 –
3. John Wheeler ca 1779 –
4. Darden [Durden B] Wheeler
5. Sally Wheeler ca 1783 – 1801 NH Co NC dsp
6. Milly Wheeler ca 1785 –
married Edwards
7. Polly Wheeler ca 1787 –
married 28 May 1817 Henry Parks
a. John Durden Parks
b. Sely Ann Parks
c. Delily Jane Parks,
8. Thomas Boon Wheeler ca 1789 – 1819
married 27 Aug 1817 Martha Underwood
a. John Thomas Wheeler

Will of John Wheeler 17 Sept 1798 – Dec Ct 1798 NH Co NC
– to sons Hezekiah and Bryan Wheeler 20 sh each
– to son John all my land on the east side of the road, one still, 1 horse, bridle, saddle and 1 negro.
– to my son Darden Wheeler –half my land on the west side
– to daughters Sally, Milla, and Polly Wheeler – bed and furniture each
– to wife Celia Wheeler — lend during her widowhood and then to my son Thomas Boon Wheeler
– son sd. Thomas
EX: Jesse Wheeler and my wife Celia
WITS: James [x] Seat, Mary Seat

C-87 Thomas Lane to John Wheeler 20 Oct 1728 15 pds for 90A on Mill Swamp.
Wit: Robert Jones Jun; Emporor Wheeler Feb Ct 1728.

F-7 John Wheeler to Rowland Williams 7 Dec 1739 35 pds for 90 A on Mill Swamp

D-229 William Wheeler a witness 3 Oct 1735; also F-537 6 Mar 1743/44

G-316 Edward Roberts & wife Mary to Mertin Wheeler 4 Oct 1750 Gift: 250 A “…in consideration to our well beloved Son in law Mertin Wheeler..” Land on SWS of Ahotskey Swamp at “end of the great island…” Adj Homes’s old line at Cabin branch. By Patent dated 1668. Wit: William Bird, Peter Byrom, Charles Roberts. Nov Ct 1750.

G-337 Mertin Wheeler mentioned as owning land on Turkey Swamp and then witnesses the deed for Edward Roberts & wife Mary to David Horton.

G-431 Mertin Wheeler of Granville Co sells the above land to Moses Bonner.

Will of Celia [Seely] Wheeler 14 July 1830 – Sept Ct 1830 Northampton Co
– daughter, Polly Parks, a tract that Celia bought from Daniel Wheeler, then to pass to John Durden Parks, Sely Ann Parks, and Delily Jane Parks, her grandchildren
– daughter Milly Wheeler, and John William Wheeler, grandson
– thomas J. Wheeler
– “grat-grandson” Furlow Wheeler
– grandson John T. Wheeler
– son Durden B. Wheeler’s children
– to Thomas Wheeler’s “child”

Henry Wheeler ca 1657 – 1727 | his parents
& Anne Empersur ca 1679 – 1830 | her parents
of Northampton Co, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Henry is thought to be the son of John Wheeler ca 1635 VA – ca 1700 VA

1694 – Henry Wheeler listed with 200 ac land in Isle of Wight Co VA

In 1714 Henry Wheeler received two land grants in NC one for 950 A and another for 300 A on the Meherrin R.

1726 – 24 June – Henry Wheeler wrote his will in Bertie Co – It was proved at the Nov Ct in 1727.

Anne is thought to be the daughter of Capt. Tully Empersur of Lynhaven, VA as she named one of her sons Emperour. Mrs. Carr then refers us to the book “Lower Norfolk County Virginia” by Edward James. Lower Norfolk Co later became Princess Anne Co, VA.

Children of Henry Wheeler and wife Anne:
1. Emperour Wheeler ca 1707 –
2. HenryWheeler ca 1711 – 1779 NH Co NC
married Patience Boon
a. Henry Thomas Wheeler ca 1750 –
b. Boon Wheeler ca 1732 –
c. Rebecca Wheeler [Gay] ca 1736 –
i. Thomas Gay
d. Patience Wheeler ca 1734 –
e. Sally Wheeler [Jones] ca 1738 –
i. Mary Jones
3. John Wheeler ca 1707/15 –
married Celia Boon
4. Anne Wheeler ca 1709 –
5. Sarah Wheeler ca 1711 –

Will of Henery [x] Wheller [Wheeler] 24 June 1726 – Nov Ct 1727 Bertie Co
“…being very sick and weak of body…”
-wife Anne Wheller – plantation where she lives for her widowhood and then to my son Henery Wheller, with half of land belonging, the other half of the land going to my son Emperor Wheller.
-wife – horse, colt, etc.
-son Henery – mare colt etc
– son John Wheller – colt
-son Emprer – 1500 pounds.
My wife may have my mill as long as she lives and then to my son John. My sons shall be free at the age of eighteen.
– daughter Anne Wheller – mare and colt.
– daughter Sarah Wheller – cattle
EX: wife
Wit: Robt. Simes [Simms], Andrew Ireland

A-151 Henry wit to deed of John Bayley to Lawrence Hobby

B-139 Henry Wheeler & wife Ann to Thomas Lane 7 May 1726 15 pds for 90 A on N side Morottock River and E side Mill Swamp.Wit: Robert Jones Jun; Emporor Wheeler May ct 1726.

Ann is Witness with Emperor Wheeler 13 Nov 1727 of deed of Peter Jones of Surry to Robert Simms.

28 March 1728/9 Ann Wheeler widow and son Emperor to Barnabe Mckinne land where we now live.

Will of Henry Wheeler 4 Jan 1779 – Dec Ct 1779 Northampton Co NC
– to my son Henry Wheeler 60 A where John Jones now lives, 1 Horse colt etc
– to son Boon Wheeler 69 A where I now live, 1 colt etc
– daughters Rebecca Gay and Patience Wheeler cow and calf, etc each
– daughter Sally Jones 5 sh
– to grandson J? Wheeler and grand daughter Mary Jones heifer each
– grandson Thomas Gay -money
– to loving wife Patience Wheeler remainder of my estate during her life
EX: George Barkley
WITS: John [x] Wheeler, Daniel Taylor

“A Wheeler Family” a compilation by Mrs R S Carr of Edenton, NC
Abstracts of Wills of Bertie County by David B Gammon
Colonial Bertie County North Carolina Deed book A-H abstracts by Bell
Northampton County North Carolina Gen Abstracts of Wills by Margaret M Hofmann

Robert Parks names daughter Ann Parks in will written 28 Mar 1784 NH Co

John Wheeler ca 1635 – ca 1700 | his parents
& unknown | her parents
of Virginia

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Probable Children of John Wheeler:
1. Henry Wheeler ca 1657 – 1727 NC
2. William Wheeler ca 1659 –
listed on tax rolls of Princess Anne Co 1694 with 200 ac land
3. John Wheeler ca 1661 –
married probably a Miss Martin
a. Martin Wheeler ca 1700 Bertie Co – ca 1773 Granville Co NC
married Priscilla Roberts
i. William Wheeler ca 1725 Bertie – 1780 Granville Co
married Ann
ii. Benjamin Wheeler ca 1727 – aft 1771 Granville Co
iii. Henry Wheeler
iv. Melvina Lavonia Wheeler 22 Jan 1760 Granville Co – 1840/50
married 2 Jan 1790 Elisha Dyer
b. William Wheeler prob bef 1715 Bertie –
married Elizabeth Bonner
dau of Thomas and Elizabeth Bonner
i. William Wheeler Jr

Thomas Bonner names daughter Elsebath Wheler in his 11 Nov 1755 will in Bertie Co

Ref: The Wheelers of Granville Co NC their Antecedents and Descendants by Frances Scoggins Wheeler of Okeechobee FL 1994
“A Wheeler Family” a compilation by Mrs R S Carr of Edenton, NC

the emigrant

Henry Wheeler 1604 – aft 1681 | his parents
& 1st wife | her parents
& ?Ann Lindsey ca 1605 – | her parents
of Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England
and Virginia

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Henry Wheeler arrived on the Trial [or Tryall] in Feb 1620.
in 1624 – Henry Wheeler was living at Buck Rowe [at Point Comfort owned by Nicholas Roe]
1679, 10 Nov – witness to will of Ann Linsey in Isle of Wight VA [this will also mentioned “Henry Wheeler’s son John”
1681, 9 June – witness to will of Henry Rennolls

Known child of Henry Wheeler:
1. John Wheeler est 1635 –

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