James Jones II & Rebecca Blight

James Jones who married Sarah Edmunds had several brothers – so I have looked there. None have a James identical with our James Jones, but of interest is the will of Robert Blight which seems to indicate that Rebecca & Elizabeth Jones wife of William are sisters. This may be how our James was cousin to the Attorney General of North Carolina.

James Jones II ca 1668 – 1725 his parents
& Rebecca Blight 1670 – 17?? her parents
of Martin’s Brandon Parish, Prince George County, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

This James Jones was the son of James Jones (c1642-1719) of Charles City and Prince George Co, Virginia. Rebecca is probably the daughter of Robert Blight who left a will in Prince George County Va dated 16 January 1710/11 & recorded 13 Feb 1710/11.

James Jones & Rebecca Blight had:
1. James Jones III ca 1692 -1742
married Sarah Edmunds ca 1702 – 1750/51
2. Robert Jones 1694 – 1775 Susssex Co VA
married Elizabeth —-
3. David Jones
married Susannah Boisseau
4. John Jones d. 1743
married Sarah Betts d of William
5. Richard Jones ca 1702 – 1774
married Ann Hamilton ca 1708 – 1774
6. Elizabeth Jones
married —– Glover
7. Rebecca Jones

On Feb 2, 1720 he deeded to James Jones, Jr and Robert Jones part of the land patented in Surry Co. by his brother in law Thomas Chappell Oct 10, 1701 and conveyed by Chappell to Jones, June 3, 1702 (D & W 1715-30, p 295).

Prince George Co VA Wills & Deeds 1713-1728 – Benjamin B Weisiger III (1973) p. 832 Will of James Jones of Martins Brandon Parish Dated Feb. 20, 1724 Rec July 13, 1725
– To son James, 100 acres on upper side of the three creeks in Isle of Wight where he now hath a plantation, also slaves, and items.
– To son Robert, 100 acres lying between my plantation near Angelica Swamp in Isle of Wight Co and Ridley’s line, also slaves.
– To daughter Elizabeth Glover a slave and items. To daughter Rebecca, a slave, and items.
– To son David, 160 acres where I have a plantation near Angelica Swamp in Isle of Wight Co, also 200 acres on the south side of Warwick Swamp in Surry Co. Also slaves and items.
– To son John, 130 acres on the upper side of the three creeks in Isle of Wight Co., where I now have a plantation, also 300 acres on north side of Blackwater Swamp in Surry Co, adjoining Jordan’s line; also slaves and items.
– To my son Richard, my plantation below Thomas Griffith’s on the north side of Blackwater Swamp in Surry Co, 350 acres; also slaves and items.
– To loving wife Rebecca furniture and other items after the death of my mother.
– All the rest to be divided between my wife and son Richard for maintenance of my wife and mother-in-law, Sarah Jones, and my young children during their minority.
EX: – wife and son Richard. James Jones
Wit: John Wilkins, Thomas Semple, William Hamlin


Robert Jones 1694-1775 Sussex Co VA & Elizabeth had: (according to Boddie)
member of House of Burgesses for Surry, 1748-1749 & 1752-1755.
died in his 81st year Feb 14, 1775 Albe. P Reg.

1. Robert [Robin] Jones Jr 1718 – 1766
Attorney-General of North Carolina.
married 1st Sarah Cobb
dau of Robert Cobb & Elizabeth Allen of York Co
a. Allen Jones 24 Dec 1739 – 1798
married 1st Mary Haynes
married 2nd Rebecca Edwards d of Isaac
married 3rd —- Eaton
b. Willie Jones 25 May 1741 – 18 June 1801
married Mary Montfort 25 March 1760 – Aug 1826
dau of Joseph Montfort and Priscilla Hill
c. Martha Jones 22 Aug 1743 –
married Judge Thomas Gilchrist
d. Carlotta Jones 7 Sept 1746 – dy
e. Robert Jones 2 Feb 1749/50 –
married 2nd Mary Eaton
a. Elizabeth 1766 –
married Gov Benjamin Williams 1754 – 1814
2. Elizabeth Jones ca 1720
married —— Gray
3. David Jones ca 1722
4. John Jones ca 1724 –
married Judith
5. Jesse Jones ca 1727 – 1771 Sussex Co VA
1757 Alice Stagg sued Jesse Jones for breach of contract in Sussex Co VA
married Mary
a. Elizabeth Jones 1761 Albemarle Parish- Sussex Co VA –
b. Mary Jones 1765 –
c. Jesse Jones 1768 –
d. Allen Jones 26 Jan 1770 – 1819 Southampton Co VA
married 1801 Jeanette [Turner] Clifton – widow Greenville Co VA
i. Elizabeth Jones
married Joseph T Claud
ii. Martha Jones
married Edwin B Claud
iii. Mary Jones
married Sampson Reese
iv. William Allen Jones 1808 Southampton Co VA – 1882 Southampton Co VA
married [1st wife] 1829 Rebecca Jane Williamson ca 1812 – 16 June 1858
1. William T Jones Sr 1831 – 27 July 1858
married Julia A Ramsey
2. Robert A Jones 1834 – June 1858
married Mary Elizabeth Peete
3. Elizabeth C [Bettie] Jones 1836 – 1875
married 4 May 1859 Nathaniel Thomas Francis
a. Robert E Francis
married Hattie Mae Branch
grandparents of Keith Francis
4. Junius A Jones 1838 – July 1858
5. Josephine A Jones 1841 – July 1858
6. Martha W Jones 1844 – July 1858
7. Mary Jane Jones 1851 – 20 Sept 1867
8. Rochette R Jones 1853 – 1941
married 29 Oct 1871 Richard G Grigg
married 2 March 1859 Martha S E Turner [2nd wife]
9. Benjamin Jones 1859 – 1862
10. Edward Jones 1861 – 1944
married 1st Addie R Claud
married 2nd 21 Dec 1898 Annie Laura Smith
a. Annie M Jones 8 Sept 1902 Emporia VA – 23 Aug 1998 Greenville Co FL
buried Boykins, Southampton Co VA
11. Florence Jones 1863 – 189
v. Peter Jones
vi. Rebekah Jones
married William Everett
6. Peter Jones ca 1730
7. Nathaniel Jones ca 1733
8. Richard Jones ca 1736 –
married Lucretta Bryan
a. Mary Jones
9. Abraham Jones 3 Sept 1739 –
10. Rebecca Jones 17 April 1743 –
married William Hancock
a. Elizabeth Green Hancock
married Carter Gilliam

Will dated Nov 25, 1774; probated Sussex Co April 20 1775.
– Daughter Elizabeth Gray,
– son David and the latter’s son David;
– son John,
– son Jesse’s children,
– sons Peter and Nathaniel,
– son Richard’s daughter Mary,
– daughter Rebecca Hancock, and her daughter Elizabeth Green Hancock,

The births of two of the children are recorded in the Albe P Reg
Abraham b Sept 3, 1739 & Rebecca b April 17, 1743.

D Bk 3, Surry Co, VA Sept 16, 1741, p 384:
Robert Jones of Surry County VA to Robert Jones Jr of same for five shillings current money of VA but more especially for love and affection said Robert Jones hath for his son Robert Jr, deeds a plantation of 125 acres whereon Robert Jones Jr dwells on the southwest side Assamoosick Swamp in Albemarle Parish, Surry Co, beginning at a white oak by the side of Assamoosick Swamp . . .. . . hickory by the side of a meadow, corner tree in a dividing line between the land of James Jones and Robert Jones . . . . . . and of Capt Harrison, deceased . . . . . . .County road . . . . . . .James Chappelle’s line.
Robert Jones (seal)
Wit. Moses Johnson, John Peebles Surry Co Court, Oct 21, 1741.

Robert Jones Jr (1718-1766) son of Robert Jones Sr (1694-1775) of Sussex County, married Sarah daughter of Robert Cobb and his wife Elizabeth Allen of York Co VA (V.M. 3, p 196). The births of four of his children are in the Albemarle P. Reg. After 1750 he moved to Northampton Co, NC. He married 2. Mary daughter of Col William Eaton & Mary Browne d of Capt William Browne & Mary d of Francis Clements. The Albemarle Parish Reg. records his death: “Robert Jones, son of Robert Jones of this Parish and Attorney General of North Carolina in his 49th year, Oct 2, 1766.” His will Probate Nov 1766: To wife, Mary, plantation for life and to son Willie Jones, after the decease of wife. To my sons, Allen & Willie, land in Halifax Co; daughter Martha, wife of Thomas Gilchrist, slaves; friend Joseph John Alston, personalty. The amount of sales of my land in Rowan, Orange, and Granville counties to Wm Wynne of Virginia. Codicil of Sept 20, 1766 names daughter Elizabeth (Bk A part 1 p. 90)

David Jones & Susannah Boisseau had: (son of James d 1725)
1. James Boisseau Jones 1731 –
2. Rebecca Jones 1732/3 –
3. David Jones 1734 –
4. John Jones 1736 –
5. Harris Jones 1739/40 –
6. Susannah Jones 1740/41 –
7. Sarah Jones 1743 –
8. Elizabeth Jones 1745 –
9. Mary Jones 1747/8 –
10. Robert Jones 1752 –

John Jones d. 1743 & Sarah dau of William Betts had:
1. Mary Jones
2. Betty Jones
3. Rebecca Jones

Jones, John: Leg. 9 March 1742/3 Prob. 17 Aug 1743.
– to daughter Mary Jones all my land in Surry County., provided she have issue; if not, the land to my daughter Betty Jones.
– to my daughter Rebecca Jones all of Land in Isle of Wight provided she has issue, if not to Daughter Betty Jones. gives her three negroes, etc.
– Wife to have Plantation where I now live for her life and three negroes.
– Appoints his wife’s father William Betts; and my brother Richard Jones and Holmes Boyseau my exers.
Wit: David Jones, John Goodwyn —-wife, Sarah, negroes Book 9 – page 447

Jones, John Est: 21 Dec 1743. Sarah Bard, admr. Book 9 – page 456

Richard Jones 1703-1774 & Ann Hamilton 1708-1774 dau of George d 1764

James who had brothers Robert & Hamilton died in Sussex Co, Va between 11 March and 16 April 1772 and had three sons he names only one Frederick..

Richard Jones with wife Sarah died between 28 Dec 1771 & 16 Jan 1772 in Surry Co, VA, Had brother Robert and names children: Howell 1760, Ann 1762, Richard 1765, Martha Miriah 1768, and Samuel 1771.

James Jones 1640/42 – 1719 | his parents
& Sarah Rebecca Lewis | her parents
of Prince George County, VA

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

James Jones of Charles City & Prince George Co, Va was born c1640-2 and died in Prince George in 1719. The mother of his children was probably a daughter of Christopher Lewis d 1673.
He left a widow Sarah Jones.

Children of James Jones d 1719 Prince George Co, VA:
1. Mary Jones bef 1673 –
married 1st John Williams
married 2nd Richard Darden
2. James Jones ca 1668 – 1725 Prince George Co,
married Rebecca Blight
3. Elizabeth Jones
married 1st Thomas Chappell of Prince George Co
married 2nd Thomas Taylor of Prince George Co
4. Hannah Jones
married John Cooke ca 1670 – 1715
5. Rebecca Jones
married William Cooke ca 1670 – 1740
brother of John

Surry D & W 1672-84 p35
Will of Christopher Lewis dated Sept 1, 1673 Probate Oct 20, 1673 in Surry Co.
Legacy to Mary Jones, daughter of James Jones.
He appointed James Jones his executor.
James Jones deeded away the land that had belonged to Mr Lewis July 7, 1696.
( Surry D & W 1693-1709 p 99)

Coat of arms given by Robert Jones, Attorney-general of North Carolina was: Ermine three Lions ( these are the arms of the Jones family of Kent and London.)

Va. Col. Abs – Ser 2 Vol 6 Rec of Prince George Co VA 1666-1719 – Duvall
p 328 Lt Abraham Jones, 1217 Acres in the Parish of Bristoll & on the S side of Appomattox River & bounded: on the S side of Appamattox Riv., at the lower side of Maj Gen Woods lands called the Indian Town lands – – -near one of the branches of Rohowick — in a peninsula made by the main run of the Southern Sw. — to the uppermost corner of the sd. Fort lands. The sd. land was due by the Trans. of 25 persons. 20 Nov. 1683. Geo. West Gilbert May Steph. Buck Rich. Rice Hen. Price Geo. SouthRich. Jones James Badcock Ed. Herbert Jon. Price Tho. Peacock Alice Smith Steph. Hall Joan Dickson Tho. ffloyd Jon. Moor Mary Thomas Wm. Jones Anne Hall Peter Thompson Rich. West Eliz. Moor Geo. Littlegood Dennis Coniers Giles Cook

p 329 James Jones, 734 Acres, 3 R., 24 po. in the Parish of Wyanoke & on the S side of Ja. Riv. Bounded: at a place called Devils Woodyard — the line of John Hobbs — crossing Pole Run — on Cherry Br. — to a corner white oake belonging to the land of Mr William Harrison. The sd. land was due by Trans. of 15 persons.. 20:9 ber: 1683. Matthew Holmes Waller Hil Jon. Wardon James Munger Jon. Hellen Jon. Joyce Hen. Bond Wm. Novle Tho. Jones Wm. Prescot Jon. Long Tho. Cropey ffra. Bradley Jon. Baker Rich. Staley

p 488 James Jones, 364 Acres in the Parish of Westover & on the S side of Ja. River. Bounded: on the E side of the Mill Path — in the line of Capt Archers —-to the line of Thomas Chappells —- the line of Col Edward Hill. Part of this land, 141 acres was granted to Thomas Tanner by Patent 27 Nov 1657 & assigned to the sd Jones. The other 223 Acres is Kings Land. The 364 Acres is due by Trans of 5 psons. (not named) 4 Nov 1685.

p 489 John Elles 464 Acres. in the Parish of Bristoll & on the S side of Appamattuck Riv. Bounded at a corner black oake belonging to the land of Mr Abraham Wood Jones (as is) and running thence along the sd. Jones his line — to the Maine River. The sd land is due by the Trans. of 10 psons. (not named) 4 Nov 1685

p 490 James Smith an irregular Tract of 67 Acres, in the Parish of Weynoake & on the S side of Ja. River Bounded: at a corner pine belonging to the land of James Jones standing on the Lyne of John Hobbs. The sd land was due for the Trans. of 2 (not named) 4 Nov 1685

Will of Jones, James April 6. 1719 Recorded May 12, 1719
– Wife to have 4 negroes and to live on my plantation for life;
– To my Wife’s two sons, 2 negro children;
– To my daughter Mary Darden, during her life, a negro man, after her death to her son Charles Williams;
– To my daughter Eliza. one negro;
– To my daugher Rebecca 200 acres in Surry Co;
– To my grandaughter Eliz. Glover 100 acres on south side of Paul’s Run;
– To my grandson James Jones, this my plantation I live upon, after my wife’s decease;
– To my grandson Thomas Chappell, 100 acres of land in Surry, adjoining William Cooke;
– To my grandaughter Jane Cooke, daughter of John Cooke, one negro, also 100 acres in Surry Co and various items;
– All the rest to loving son James Jones, who is sole exec.
James (X) Jones
Wit: Gil. Hay, Edward Prince, Thomas Semple

Letter to court by Sarah Jones, widow of James Jones,
states she has been justly dealt with and requests will be probated.
April 20, 1719 Sarah (X) Jones
Wit: E. Goodrich, Mary (X) Loyd

Whereas James Jones the Elder late of this county deceased did by his will made April 6, 1717 amongst other things in his said will made and devised in these words “All the rest and residue of my personal estate, goods and chattels whatsoever, I do give and bequeath to my loveing son James Jones, full and sole executor of this my last will and testament”

Since the law calls Negro, Mulatto, and Indian Slaves real estate. it may be a doubt whether any of the slaves pass to James Jones by this bequest.

Gilbert Hay, aged 63 years, deposed as follows; that he wrote the will and that James Jones wanted the will written to his son’s best advantage that all the slaves given in former wills to others (except to grandchild Jane Cook) should go to son James Jones. 9 June 1719. Edward Prince age 39 years, deposes that he was witness to said will and heard the same as Gilbert Hay 9 June 1719 Recorded 9 June 1719

Grandchildren of James Jones d. 1719

Mary Jones & John Williams:
1. JamesWilliams bef 1698 –
2. Charles Williams bef 1700 –
(left land by his uncle-in-law Thomas Chappell)
married Ann ——
a. Charles Williams 1722 –
b. Sarah Williams 1725 –
c. Lucy Williams 1727 –
d. John Williams 1729 –
e. Mary Williams 1731 –
f. John Williams 1734 –
3. John Williams bef 1702 – Jan 16, 1725

These three men stated to be the sons of John Williams deceased were granted land in Bristol Parish, Prince George County April 25, 1702 (Grant Bk 9 p 451)

Elizabeth Jones & Thomas Chappell d 1702/3 had:
1. Robert Chappell
2. Thomas Chappell
3. James Chappell 1694 –
4. Samuel Chappell 1696 –

Elizabeth Jones & m 1704 Thomas Taylor had:
1. John Thomas Taylor
2. Thomas Thomas Taylor
3. Elizabeth Thomas Taylor
married John Chambliss
4. Katherine Thomas Taylor
married Edward Holloway Jr.

Hannah Jones & John Cooke d 1715 had:
1. Jane Cooke

Rebecca Jones & William Cooke had:
1. William Cooke Jr d 1764
married Elizabeth ——-
a. Thomas Cooke 1741
& others
2. Reuben Cooke d 1764
married Anne ——
3. James Cooke
4. Elizabeth Cooke
married Thomas Tomlinson
5. Rebecca Cooke
married James Andrews
6. Sarah Cooke
married Henry Mitchell
7. Mary Cooke
married William Briggs
8. Susannah Cooke
married Miell Hill
9. Hannah Cooke
married William Gary
10. Amy Cooke
married John Maclin

David Jones 1594 -1665/73 his parents
& ?
of Charles City County, VA

(Bodie) [This James Jones] most probable father was David Jones 1594-1665-73 in Charles City.

Children of David Jones of Charles City Co, VA:
1. James Jones ca 1640 – 1719
2. Rev Richard Jones
3. John Jones died 1657 left son John & Mary & Ann


Robert Blight – 1710/11 his parents
& ?
of Prince George County, VA

Prince George County, VA Wills & Deeds 1713-1728 – Benjamin B Weisiger III (1973) p. 19

Will of Robert Blight of Prince George County, in Virginia,
“sick and weak.”
– To William Jones, son of Robert & Hester Jones, 1 caster hat.
– To James Jones, son of James & Rebecca his wife, of Prince George Co, 1 serge coat, a drugget jacket woved with spots, and pr. of callimanco britches.
– To Robert Jones, a drugget coat stript with white and blue stripes.
– To James Jones, son of James Jones of Prince George Co., 5 yards of fine keen.
– To Rebecca Jones, wife of James Jones Jr., one remnant of double damask, flowered with green and yellow flowers, and 9 yards of Dowlass.
– To Ph. Claud, 8 yards of double covered damask, 1 romall handkerchief, pr leather work gloves.
– To James Jones, son of James Jones Sr., all money I have in hands of Hugh Hall, Esq. in Barbadoes, and what money I have in New England, said Hall being obliged to see it forth coming.
– To David Jones, son of James Jones & Rebecca his wife, one new pocket Bible.
– To Robert Jones, son of William Jones of Surry Co., all that remains in the chest after the legacies are paid.
– Beloved friend James Jones Jr to be executor. 16 Jan 1710/11
Signed: Robert Blight
Wit: Thomas Seymore, Jane (S) Seymore, John (I) Brewer
13 Feb 1710/11 James Jones Jr was appointed executor and will recorded.

Robert Blight‚’s children seem to be
1. Rebecca wife of James Jones Jr
2. Elizabeth wife of William Jones of Surry County.
3. Maybe – Ph. who married Claud.

3 thoughts on “James Jones II & Rebecca Blight”

  1. Sally, I am researching Emanuel Jones of Onslow Co., NC.
    He is not listed in the Will of James Jones, but is believed to be a son of James Jones. Maybe you can help me determine if Emanuel is indeed a son of James Jones and Rebecca Blight.
    I would like to share this information with you from my notes.
    Kitty Biven Hoffman-7/25/2019
    Online Source: 1672 Samuel Judkins of Surry County, Virginia, His Wife Lydia (Gray) (Judkins) Pittman and His Descendants, by Robert N. Grant, 15 Campo Bello Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 2000. (Stamped: Draft, Library Reference)

    The draft appears to be information Mr. Grant was gathering on this family line to document the descendants of Samuel Judkins of Surry Co. VA. Information below was sent to him by Mrs. Norma Pennington in 1991.

    Mrs. Norma Pennington stated in a letter dated 13 May 1991, ”Mary Judkins was the daughter of Charles Judkins and never married, that the Albemarle Parish Register listed the birth of RUIANA, daughter of Mary Judkins and James Jones, on January 27, 1752, that on November 21, 1752, at Surry County, Virginia , Court Order Book 1751-1753, Mary Judkins was presented in Court for having a bastard child, and that Charles Judkins gave a bond that he and his daughter Mary were not to bring suit to have James Jones marry his daughter.

    Albemarle Parish Register listed the birth of RUIANA, daughter of Mary Judkins and James Jones, on January 27, 1752
    Surry Co., VA, Court Order Book 1751-1753
    May Judkins was presented in Court for having a bastard child, and that Charles Judkins gave a bond that he and his daughter Mary were not to bring suit to have James Jones marry his daughter Mary.

    Mrs. Pennington Also stated the following regarding Ruiana, daub. of Mary Judkins and James Jones:
    The marriage bond of Ruiana Judkins, daughter of Mary Judkins, and Enoch Fagan was dated ___________ at Sussex Co., VA.
    Enoch Fagan died on January 16, 1777, at Tyrell Co., NC
    Ruiana and Enoch Fagan had a daughter named Mary Fagan

    Daughters of Charles Judkins of Sussex County, VA and Sarah (Gray) Judkins his wife:
    1. Sarah Judkins md. Amos Atkinson [Amos was listed as a S-N-L- in the will of Charles Judkins. Sarah and Amos had daus: Jemima Atkinson, Martha Atkinson
    2. Mary Judkins

    Will of Charles Judkins: 6 Nov 1773-16 June 1774, Sussex Co., VA (Will Book C, pg. 129)
    Named in Will:
    Sarah Atkinson, dau., w/o Amos Atkinson/Amos Atkinson-h/o dau. Sarah Judkins
    3 granddaughters: Martha Drake, Jemima Atkinson, and Sarah Atkinson
    Negroes: Coffee & Balaam, Amey, George, Fryday, Rose, Cato, Jeremiah, Peter

  2. I’m a Jones from disputanta,Va.Have been trying to find out where did my grandfather come from.His name was Willie Sexton Jones.I do believe that we’re related to the white Joneses from Sussex Co.Va.Any info. Will be helpful.

  3. Thank you for your hard work, it certainly helps, I have some info on the Robert Rives Jones family, if you would be interested, as I believe this is my direct line , as I am a Jones by birth.

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