Benjamin Blanchard & Catherine

2nd generation Robert

Benjamin Blanchard ca 1676 – aft 5 June 1719 | his parents
& by 1695 Catherine bef 1680 – aft June 1719 | her parents
of Upper Parish, Nansemond Co VA

Benjamin Blanchard, was born about 1655, married Catherine about 1685 and died probably shortly after writing his will 5 June 1719 in Nansemond Co VA.

bef 1697 – owned land in Nansemond Co VA
1701 – 16 Oct Chowan Precinct NC – Benjamin received 455 acres on Warrick Swamp at the mouth of a Beaver’s dam. . . wits: Henderson Walker, Samuel Swans, Francis Toms, Thomas Pollock, William Glover

1702 – 28 Mar: Chowan Co petition – – land rights & Indian hunting groups.

PETITION OF BENJAMIN BLANCHARD AND OTHERS RELATING TO CHOWAN INDIAN LANDS, North Carolina ss. To the Honourable President & Council March ye 28th, 1702. The petition of Benjamin Blanchard, John Campbell, Thomas Spivey, Francis Rountree, Robert Rountree, Robert Lassiter, George Lassiter and Nicholas Stallings in all humility, Complaineth,

1704 – Benjamin only Blanchard on Quick Rents list in Nansemond Co VA

1708 – Benjamin received another grant in Nansemond Co VA

1716 – Benjamin Blanchard, of Nansemond Co., VA, to his “loving brother” Ephraim Blanchard. 176 acres in Meherrin Neck; July 31st, 1716. Test, Thos Luten, Thos. Luten, Jr. p 293 NCHGR I

1717 – Benjamin Blanchard on Chowan Co tax list

1719 – Will of Benjamin Blanchard, Upper Parish, Nansemond Co VA 5 June 1719
copy in Chowan Co NC files transcription by Renee Haynes
In the Name of God Amen ye Fifth Day of June 1719 I Benjamin Blanchard of the upper parish
of Nansemond County being sick In body but of a sound and perfect memory thanks be to God Calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this transitory Life and that all flesh must
yield unto Death when It shall so please God to Call Do make Constitute ordain &
declare this my Last will In manner and form following revoking & annulling
by these all and Every testament and testaments will and wills until now by me made

my Executors after this Named for the settling of my temporal estate and such good Cattle and Debt as It hath pleased God far above my Desert to bestow upon me
I do order give and dispose of same
In the same manner and forme as following that Is to say
first I will that all those Debts and duties as I owe In the right to any manner of person
or persons whatsoever shall be paid within
Convenient time after my Decease by my Executors.

Item I give unto my well-beloved son Robt Blanshard all my Land Lying & being ye western side of ye beaver dam swamp Chowan precinct In North CarroLina being Commonly Known by the name of broad neck I say to him and the heirs of his one body Lawfully begotten forever and my will and pleasure is that If my son Robt die without such heirs that then they said Land may fall to my son Absalom and the heirs of his one body Lawfully begotten forever – – –
Item I give to my loved son Benjamin Blanshard all the Land before mentioned Lying and being the side of beaver dam thereof I say to him and his heirs of his one body Lawfully begotten forever and my will and pleasure is that my son shall have all the stock of Cattle and hogs that belongeth to the said plantation to be Delivered to him when he Is of ye age of eighteen yeares he Chusing of a garden and then he having the aforementioned stock to him and his heires for Ever
Item I give unto my well beloved son in law William Weston and his wife Catherine Weston the plantation whereon he now Liveth one hundred acres more of Less I say to them during the time of their Natural Lives and after their death to their son John Weston and the heirs of his one body Lawfully begotten for Ever and If John died without such heirs that then they said Land &c fall to his brother William Weston and his heirs Lawfully begotten forever.
Item I give unto my well beloved son Absalom Blanchard five Cowes and Calves to be Delivered to him at the Age of Eighteen he Chusing a guardian and then be to him and heirs forever
Item I Leave my well-beloved wife Catherine Blanshard all my moveables Estate during the time of her widowhood and my will and pleasure is at the Change of my wife her Condition Either by death or marriage that then all the rest of my moveable Estate be Equally Divided among the rest of my Children and If the Change happen by marriage my wife having a Childs portion furthermore my will and pleasure is that the Legacy before mentioned shall not hinder my Children of the Equal part of the rest of my movables Estate, but they haveing their Equal shares besides those Legacies – – –
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my well-beloved son Absolom Blanchard my Negro man Called Pompey to be delivered to him at the Change of his mother’s Condition Either by Death or marriage neither is It my will and pleasure that the said Negro shall hinder my son from having his Equal share of the rest of my moveable Estate I say the said Negro to him and his heirs forever.
Lastly I nominate appoint and ordain my well-beloved wife Catherine Blanshard and my well-beloved son Robt Blanshard to be my sole and sole Executors to see this my Last will be performed according to Law In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the day of ye year first written – – – – – Benjamin Blanshard
Witt Aron Blanshard Will Hill James (his mark) Griffin Thomas Rountree

[Notes: Copied verbatim by Renee Blanchard;
Judging from handwriting Renee thinks
Thomas Rountree wrote the will. Other court and land records suggest a family tie to the Rountrees. Benjamin Blanchard acquired land in Chowan Precinct, which eventually became part of present-day Gates County. At the time he wrote his will, Benjamin was apparently living in Nansemond County Virginia, although court records suggest his presence in NC prior to that date.

His will, however, is recorded in Chowan County. All of his children ended up in North Carolina (the sons in Chowan/Gates and the daughter in Bertie County ),

Children of Benjamin Blanshard and wife Catherine:
1. Robert Blanchard by 1695 – by 1733
1725 – 16 July – Aaron Blanchard to cousin Robert Blanchard 40 A in Meherrin Neck.
Test: Henderson Luton, Richard Minshew

married Mary bef 1700 – aft 1733
a. Amos Blanchard ca 1715 – aft 1762 [eldest son]
1736 – Nov 10 – Aaron Blanchard to Amos Blanchard (eldest son of Robt. Blanchard) Aaron being great Uncle to said Amos a mill dam and house built by said Blanchard: Test: John Matthews, William Urquhar, Wm. Matthews.
? b. Amariah Blanchard

2. Benjamin Blanchard Jr aft 1702 Nansemond Co VA – 3 April 1762 Chowan Co NC
married ca 1727 Sarah Hinton ca 1710 – 1782
dau of William and Elizabeth Hinton
3. Catherine Blanchard ca 1703 – 1747
married ca 1716 William Weston
a. John Weston ca 1717 –
b. William Weston ca 1719 –
c. Malichi Weston
d. Thomas Weston
e. Rachel Weston
f. Ephraim Weston 1730 –
4. Absalom Blanchard ca 1704 – 1749 Chowan Co
Note: Absalom sometimes mis-transcribed as “Abraham”

1736, Aaron Blanchard , to my kinsman Absalom Blanchard. 250 A. on Indian Swamp, adjoining lands of Richard Minchew; Test: Benjamin Blanchard, Richard Minshew.
1736 – 22 Aug Aaron Blanchard, to my kinsman Abraham [Absalom?] Blanchard 250 A. on Indian Swamp Test: Henry Bonner, Sr; Henry Bonner, Jr; George Pully
1749 – “Abraham” Blanchard dec’d. widow Mary, adm.
1758, Jul: Chowan Co – Timothy Walton, Elijah Hunter, James Hinton & William Hayes ordered by court to divide estate of Absalom Blanchard dec’d between widow Mary & children.
1758, Chowan Co – Division of estate of Absalom Blanchard Joseph Wimberly
+ 2sons & 4 dau’s
1759 Jan: Petitioned by Joseph Wimberly to be gdn of minors Sarah & Benjamin Blanchard.
married Mary by 1720 – aft July 1758
1. Josiah Blanchard by 1740 –
2. Benjamin Blanchard
3. Elizabeth Blanchard
4. Catherine Blanchard
5. Chloe Blanchard
6. Sarah Blanchard
Mary married 2nd 1758 Joseph Wimberly

3rd generation Robert, Benjamin

Benjamin Blanchard 1702/13 – 1762 | his parents
& ca 1727 Sarah Hinton ca 1710 – 1782 | her parents
of Gates Co [formerly Chowan Co] NC

1719, 5 June – Will of father Benj. — Benj Jr under age 18.
1734 – Chowan Co – Benjamin wit to sale by Indians to R Minchew on Piney Marsh & to J Brown
1736 – Wit to sale by Aaron Blanchard to Absalom Blanchard on Indian Swamp
1740 – Benjamin was a Juror in Chowan County
1754 – Benjamin was a Judge in Pasquotank County North Carolina
1758 – Oct. Chowan Co – Judge ordered Benjamin Blanchard to be overseer of brother Absalom’s estate instead of Thomas Garrett Jr . . .
1759 – Chowan Co – purchase by a Benjamin Blanchard from Thomas Barasio
1762 – Will of Blanchard, Benjamin, (Chowan), April 3rd, 1762. Son Uriah plantation in Duplin Co., whereon he now lives, son Robin ? [Ruben] land in Hertford Co., son Absalom, son Robert, daughters Christian Hinton and Judith Hinton, wife Sarah Blanchard, daughters Elizabeth, Bethane, Millison and Absole, son Robert and Wm. Hinton, Sr., Exrs. Test, Amos Blanchard, Timothy Walton. (Now Gates Co.)
1762 – Benjamin died after April 3, 1762 in Chowan County , NC
1763 – Division of estate of Benjamin Blanchard – widow Sarah, sons Uriah, Robert, Ruben, Absolum; daughters Christian Hinton, Judith Hinton, Elizabeth Barnes, Bethany Bond, Milleson, Absole.

Sarah Hinton, daughter of William Hinton and wife Elizabeth was born ca 1710 in what is now Gates co, NC.

Sarah left a will signed 8 March, 1782 and probated May Court 1782.

Last Will and Testament of Sarah Blanshard:
In the Name of God Amen. The eight day of March one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Two.
I Sarah Blanshard of Gates County being sick and weak but of sound dispose of mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament and as to my worldly Estate which it has Please God to Bestow on me I give and Dispose in the following manner.
First, I give to my son Absolum Blanshard one feather bed and furniture thereto belonging with all my cider casks, two iron pots, two puter dishes, two puter Basons, also one half of my Hogs, also one yoak of oxen to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Absila my negro man named Brutus also one feather bed and furniture thereto belonging and one mare and womans Saddle, also one Horse with all my cattle and sheep one half my Hogs with all my household furniture of every kind not otherwise given by this my last will with one half of my wareing apparrill to hur and hur heirs forever.
Item: I give to my daughter Milisent Jones one-half of my wearing apparrill to hur and hur Heirs.
Item: I give to my granddaughter Bathany Bond one feather bed and furniture to hur and hur heirs forever.
Lastly I do appoint my son Absalam Blanshard and my brother William Hinton Executors to this my last will and do hereby Revoak and make void all wills and Testaments by me before made and this only to be taken for my last will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and year first above written.
Sarah Blanshard
Signed, Sealed Pronounced and acknowledged in Presents of us
Jacob Hunter – Abner Blanshard

1782, 18 May — Inventory of Sarah Blanchard’s estate signed by son Absalom & by brother, William Hinton

. . . records in Columbia Co., Georgia prove beyond any doubt that the SARAH HINTON that md. BENJAMIN BLANCHARD was the daughter of WILLIAM HINTON and Elizabeth. William was a brother to John Hinton who married. Mary Hardy. Both William and John had daughters named Sarah, but only William had a son Noah, who named in his will, the children of Sarah Blanchard.
Jane B. Johnson, Payson, Utah

1794 Nov – will of Noah Hinton written filed Nov 1803; heirs incl. nephews Uriah & Miles Blanchard.

Children of Benjamin Blanchard Jr & Sarah Hinton:
1. Uriah Blanchard ca 1730 Chowan Co – Duplin County NC
2. Robert Blanchard ca 1735 Hertford County, NC – aft 1763
3. Elizabeth Blanchard 1737 – bef 1782 [not mentioned in mother’s will]
married 1759 Thomas Barnes
4. Christian Blanchard ca 1741
married by 3 Apr 1762 a Hinton
5. Absila(Absole) Blanchard by1742 – aft 1782
6. Millison/Millicent Blanchard
married 1772 Nathan Jones
7. Judith Blanchard
married by 3 Apr 1762 a Hinton
8. Bethane/Bethany Blanchard
married bef 1763 —– Bond
9. Absalom Blanchard ca 1750 – 1785 Gates Co NC
married Mary Minchew ca 1760 –
she married 2nd Jesse Spivey d. 1793 Gates Co
??10. Ruben Blanchard 1758 – died Columbia Co GA
married 1777 Sarah Cartledge ca 1762 –
Ruben Blanchard was born in 1758 in Chowan (now Gates) County, NC. At the age of 4 his father died, and family tradition is that his mother died the same year.[?} Sallie Clark Graham, genealogist, says that Ruben Blanchard, in 1777, when barely 19, married Sarah Cartledge, aged 15. In that same year, 1777, Ruben Blanchard enlisted in the Revolutionary Army. He served six years never returning home for even one time, and when he and his wife met they didn’t know each other. He settled in Columbia County, Georgia and died there.

4th generation Robert, Benjamin, Benjamin Jr.

Absolum Blanchard 1738 – 1785 | his parents
& ca 1776 Mary Minchew ca 1760 – ? | her parents
& bef Nov 1785 Jesse Spivey ? – 1793 | his parents
of Gates Co NC

1762, 3 April: Chowan Co – Will of father Benjamin – – Absalom to have “my plantation whereon I now live. + 1 negro boy called Jimmy.
1778, 26 Mar Chowan Co – Absalom on list for jury duty.
1779, Jan Gates Co – Absalom wit to Will of Aaron Blanchard
1779, 4 Aug Gates Co – Absalom to continue as overseer of road from swamp by Henry Walton’s to Bennett’s Creek Rd.
Appt. to serve on Petit & Grand Juries.
1782 – mother Sarah’s will in Gates Co names Absalom as one of her executors. 1785, Feb Ct Gates Co – Absalom dec’d – both sons are minors.
1785, Nov Ct Gates Co – Jesse Spivey appt guardian of Frederick, William, Sarah & Mary Blanchard.
1798 – Frederick Blanshard, 24, as gdn of William Blanshard, 18 filed account. Will of Abselam Blanshard, December 6, 1784 Transcribed by Renee Blanchard Haynes from Gates Co. Courthouse; Gatesville, NC
In the Name of God Amen I Abselam Blanshard of Gates County in the Provence of North Carolina and being weak in body but of a sound mind and thanks to God for the same. I do make this my last Will and Testament as followeth Imprimes
I give and Bequeath unto my Son Fedrick Blanshard his heirs and assignes for ever my Plantation and all the Land this side of the Rode and all the Land this side of the Pond Brance
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son William Blanshard his Heirs and assignes for ever all the Land on the other side of the Rode and all the Land other side of the Pond brance
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloving wife Mary Blanshard Two Negro men Gem and Chance and all my House hold funerture and all my Stock Hoses Cattels Hogs and Sheapes Likewise as long as She live a widow and if She mearrias or at her Death then all my movelble Estate shall be Equeal Deviding Between my four Children Fedrick William Sarah and Mary and my Deare Wife Equeal Child sheare with them all and giving her my Horse Bridel and Sadel of she mearreas
I do Constitute and appoint my wife Mary Blanshard and Moses Hill my sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Desiring them to se the same fully Executed and Performed in Witness where of I the said Abselom Blanshard have hereunto set my hand and fixt my seal this Six day of December on thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty fore.
Absolom Blanshard (Seal)
Signed Sealed published & Declared to be the Last Will and Testament of the Testator in the Presents of Kadah Hill Amariah Blanshard Bond Minshew State of North Carolina Gates County (illegible) February Inferior Court of (illegible, Pleas) and Quarter Sessions 1785
the within Will was exhibited into Court by Mary Blanshard Executrix therein Appointed and was proved by the oaths of Kedar Hill and Ameriah Blanshard two of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto then the said Will was Ordered to be Recorded at the same time the said Executrix came into Court and qualified herself for that office and prayes an order of Letters Testamentry thereon which was Granted Teste Law Baker (initials)

Children of Absolum Blanchard and Mary Blanchard:

1. Frederick Blanshard 20 May 1774 Gates Co NC – 18 Sept 1853 Alamance Co NC buried in family cem on Hwy 62 Alamance Co NC
married 1st Gates Co 1789 Elizabeth Outlaw 6 Dec 1777 – 20 Dec 1820
dau of Jacob Outlaw ca 1745 – 1808 and Rachel Garrett ca 1760 –
Jacob O was son of Thomas O. ca 1714 – 1782
a. Margaret/Peggy Blanchard 10 Sept 1795 Gates Co – 8 Mar 1868 Ohio married 1st Jacob Henry Trollinger
married 2nd John Eason
b. James Blanchard ca 1800 – bef 26 Nov 1851
c. Rachel Blanchard 1802 Orange Co, later Alamance Co NC – 1 Oct 1881
married William Washington Fonville

d. Mary/Polly Blanchard 1805 Orange/Alamance Co NC – bef 1870
married Henry Trollinger

e. Martha/Patsy Blanchard ca 1811 – aft 26 Nov 1851
married William Gant f. Julia A Blanchard 28 July 1814 – 28 Mar 1885
married Buford P Benson g. Armeca Blanchard ca 1818 – bef 1860
married Odediah Hurdle
married 2nd 1 Mar 1822 Orange Co NC Mary/Polly Browning ca 1785 – 1832 married 3rd 9 Dec 1833 Orange Co NC Elender/Nelly Truit 31 May 1809 Craven Co NC – 13 Oct 1884 Alamance Co
bur Union Ridge Christian Church Cem, Alamance NC
a. William A Blanchard CSA 4 Sept 1834 Orange Co – 4 Jan 1903 Alamance Co NC married Sarah Cornelia Faucett
b. Elizabeth Jane Blanchard 18 Feb 1837 – 9 Nov 1924 Alamance Co NC
married a Rippy
c. Frederick Uriah Blanchard CSA 11 Jan 1839 – 28 Jan 1931 Alamance Co NC married Rebecca Jane Aldridge
d. Thomas W Blanchard 27 Apr 1841 –
e. Nancy Ellen Blanchard 21 June 1843 Orange Co –
married Willie Tom Watson

f. Phebe Catherine Blanchard 25 Sept 1845 – 10 June 1921 Alamance Co NC
married William Franklin Faucette CSA
g. Martitia Frances Blanchard 30 Mar 1848 – 8 June 1928 Alamance Co NC
married Thomas B Tate h. Sarah Susan Blanchard 13 Sept 1851 – bef 1860 [above info supplied by Dr. Mark Faucette of Carrollton GA]
2. Sarah Blanshard 1776/84 –
3. William Blanshard 10 Nov 1780 –
4. Mary [Polly] Blanshard 1776/84 –

3 thoughts on “Benjamin Blanchard & Catherine”

  1. Hello! Thank you so much for researching and creating this site. I’m thrilled to find my ancestors by way of the Blanchards listed here. You’ve done a lot of work for me as I’m working on my family tree. 😉 My paternal grandmother’s father was William Ivor Blanchard.

    Btw, on the findagrave website Frederick Blanchard has a different wife listed. Is it a 2nd wife perhaps?

    My goal is to solve the mystery of who came over from England and when. Is it John or Joseph.

    Bless you and thanks again!

  2. My bother Don and I are descended from Ennis P. T. Blanchard born in Gates Co to John Calvin Blanchard, and Margret Wicker. We know that John Calvin Blanchard’s father was William Lawrence Blanchard who married Ruth Simpson. His parents were Reuben and Mary, but Rueben’s parents were “not available” on the info we saw online. We think his parents were Benjamin Blanchard and Sarah Hinton. I know a cousin is trying to find marriage certificate for the Benjamin who died 1819 who married Catherine.

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