Robert Sanderlin, Mary Garrett, & Elizabeh Ferebee

Sally’s 5-great Grandparents:

Robert Sanderlin ca 1720 – 1806 | his parents
& Mary Elizabeth Garrett ca 1722 – 1780 | her parents
& ca 1780 Elizabeth Ferebee? | her parents
Of Camden and Pasquotank Counties, North Carolina

 my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Robert Sanderlin was the eldest son of John Sanderlin and his wife, Sarah Barecock.
He married at least two times. The first wife was Mary Elizabeth Garrett [ca 1722 – 1780]]
and he married his second wife Elizabeth ca 1780 [she possibly was a Miss Ferebee as they named her son Ferebee]

Children of Robert Sanderlin and Mary Elizabeth Garrett:
1. James Sanderlin ca 1740 – 1778 [A-098 1778]
married Mary Croney
2. Robert Sanderlin ca 1742 – wrote will 1778 ?aft Apr 1783
married 3 May 1764 Chowan Co Mary Waff ca 1744 –
3. John Sanderlin ca 1750 – ?bef 1843 Dare/Tyrell Co NC
1787 John Sr and Robert Sanderlin Sr sell John’s property at Courthouse door
4. Caleb Sanderlin ca 1764 – 1821 Camden Co
married 1794

Children of Robert Sanderlin and Elizabeth Ferebee?:
married by 1781 [B-181 Camden co]

5. Ferebee/Fereby Sanderlin ca 1785 – 1822
married first wife
married second wife Sally died winter/spring 1823
will written 11 Dec 1822 – May Term 1823 Cometry Wright, EX

Pasquotank County, North Carolina Deeds 1700-1751 comp. Bjorkman

12 July 1747 B:22 John Sanderlin Sr. and John Sanderlin junior. Both of the County of Pasquotank and in the Province of North Carolina. Planters for £50 lawful money paid by Robert Sanderlin of the same county planter sold 55 acres. A corner tree between the above Robert Sanderlin and the John above Sanderlin Sr and John Sanderlin Jr Edward James lines.
Wit: Edward James and John Lurry. Ref. 21 July 1747.

Pasquotank County Court Records: Book II 1747-1753

Jul 1747: A deed of sale for Land from John Sanderlin Senior. And Junior. To Robert Sanderlin was proved in Open Ct by the oath of Edward James, a subscribing Evidence & was ordered to be recorded. paid. Certified.

Oct 1747: Letters of Admon. is granted to Robert Sanderlin on the Estate of John Sanderlin Senior. Being the Eldest son, he gave Security in the sum of £1000 proclamation money. Sarah Sanderlin, the Widow, relinquished her right of admin, to the said Robert. The said Robert, John White, and James Forbush gave security.

Estate Packet for John Sanderlin died 1747 exists at the Archives in Raleigh: ordered that Major Jos. Godfrey, William Bell, & Charles Sawyer divide the Estate of the said John Sanderlin. The heirs are the widow, Robert Sanderlin, John Sanderlin, Joseph Sanderlin, Collinsworth do, Priscilla Sanderlin, & Mary Sanderlin, they being first Qualified. Make a report to the next Court.

Apr 1752: on the list of Exerc. & admins. Summoned to April Ct 1752
Robert Sanderlin, Admr. for John Sanderlin.

Grandchildren of Robert Sanderlin:

John Sanderlin ca 1750 – bef 1843 | his parents
Of Tyrrell Co., NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of John Sanderlin: [of Tyrrell Co NC]
1. Elihu Sanderlin ca 1785 –
2. John Sanderlin ca 1790 – 1843 Tyrell Co NC
married Mary
a. Jackson Sanderlin 10 Jan 1818 – 8 March 1869
seaman — buried in Kitty Hawk NC
married Sidney Lewark 1823 – 1883
daughter of John Lewis Lewark and wife Elizabeth Toler
i. Anne Elizabeth Sanderlin ca 1844 –
married Edward Baum
ii. Thomas Nelson Sanderlin 1 Sept 1848 – 26 Nov 1932 ts Dare Co
married 1st 12 July 1874 Mary E Owens 1855 – 1885
married 2nd 16 Jan 1887 Cora L Baum 11 Feb 1870 – 10 Dec 1888
married 3rd 25 Feb 1891 Ella M Tillet 13 May 1866 – 31 March 1930
iii. Frances Sanderlin ca 1849 – dy
iv. Mary Holland Sanderlin 1851/1857 –
married 17 May 1870 William Baum 13 May 1843 – 17 Feb 1909
v. Corinna G Sanderlin 6 Nov 1853 – 3 July 1915
married 29 Aug 1886 Joseph Best Owens 20 Feb 1859 – 20 Mar 1900
vi. Robert Fulton/Fletcher Sanderlin 19 Jan 1857 – 5 June 1929
married Harriet Daniels
married 13 Jan 1901 Emma T Wise 15 Jan 1875 – 16 April 1911
married 23 July 1911 Hannah Belle Morse 20 Aug 1894 – 8 Sept 1986
vii. Felix G Sanderlin 5 Feb 1860 – 9 Jan 1889
viii. Solomon Baum Sanderlin 10 Aug 1863 Dare Co NC – 29 Oct 1942
married Kitty Hawk 26 Aug 1887 Fannie Tillet Hill 16 July 1868 – 5 Jan 1952
info found in “Histories of Currituck Co NC Families” 2005 – entry by Irene C Hampton
b. Mary R Sanderlin ca 1822 –
c. Murry [Muro] Sanderlin ca 1826 Tyrrell Co –
in 1870 listed in Dare Co – East Lake
married Elizabeth ca 1831 –
i. Jackson Sanderlin ca 1850 –
ii. Josephine Sanderlin ca 1861 –
married Franklin Pierce Cale as 2nd wife
1. Mabel Frances Cale
iii. John William Sanderlin ca 1868 –
d. Nancy Sanderlin
e. Elizabeth Sanderlin
f. John Sanderlin
3. Trimigan Sanderlin ca 1801 –
married Rhoda ca 1807 –
a. Nancy Sanderlin ca 1834 –
b. John W Sanderlin ca 1837 –
c. Daniel S Sanderlin ca 1839 –
d. Thomas M Sanderlin ca 1840 –
e. Susan P Sanderlin ca 1844 –
f. Helen Sanderlin ca 1847 –
g. Rhoda Caroline Sanderlin ca 1849 –

e-mailed from Dennis Phelps –
Book 17, Pg 270 State of North Carolina, Tyrrell County
I, Elihu Sanderlin sold unto Trimigan Sanderlin two pieces of land in the Twiford neighborhoods containing fifty acres each more or less. Fifty acres of said land more or less I purchased of Uri Spruill. The other fifty adjoining is one-half of the McDonnot Patent for and in the sum of three hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Trimigan Sanderlin. I Elihu Sanderlin sell the lands above lying on the south side of the south lane near the head of said Lake. I the said Elihu Sanderlin does warrant and defend the right of said land from me my heirs forever to Trimigan Sanderlin and his heirs and assigns this the 19th day of September 1833. I do hereunto set my hand and seal, signed in the presence of us.Book 18, Pg 156 State of North Carolina, Tyrrell County
Know all men by these presents that I the said Elihu Sanderlin sell unto Wallis Twiford a certain piece of land lying on the east side of the Alligator River. And also a part of Cypress Swamp for the sum of three hundred dollars to me in hand paid. Beginning at Henry Holmes line on the road along the way to a hole, containing in both 140 acres more or less. I the said Elihu Sanderlin does warrant and defend from me my heirs & all persons unto Wallis Twiford & his heirs forever. I do acknowledge myself satisfied & contented this the 5th day of Oct 1839. Then I set my hand & seal Elihu Sanderlin (seal)
Attest, Truxon Twiford (his mark), Benjamin Leachfield, Test. Jos. Basnight
County Court Oct. Term 1839
This deed was proved in open court by Jos. Basnight & ordered to be registered.
Recorded 4th Dec. 1839 J. Alexander Rigg, Jos. Halsey CLKBook 19 Pg 129 State of North Carolina , Tyrrell County
Know all persons by these presents that I, John Sanderlin for and in the sum of and consideration of one hundred & twenty five dollars to me in hand paid by Trimigan Sanderlin of the county and state aforesaid have granted, bargained & sold & fully conveyed unto Trimigan Sanderlin all of my rights titles & claims of all the lands that my father died seized & ___ of on the east side of Alligator River lying in the neighborhood of Milltail and I the said John Sanderlin do acknowledge myself fully satisfied contented and paid and do further warrant and defend unto Trimigan Sanderlin him his heirs and assigns forever all of my rights titles interests in the above named lands one hundred acres more or less from me my heirs and assigns forever and from the lawful claim of all persons whatever to the said Trimigan Sanderlin him his heirs and assigns. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of Oct. 1843. John Sanderlin (seal)
Nancy Sanderlin (her mark)
Jos. Owens County Court Oct Term 1843
This deed was proved in open court by Jos. Owens & ordered to be registered.
Jos. Alexander CLK Recorded 23rd Nov 1843Book 19 Pg 140 State of North Carolina , Tyrrell County
Know all persons by the presents that I Muro Sanderlin of the County & state aforesaid for and in the sum and consideration of two hundred and fifty one dollars & eighty 8 cents to me in hand paid by Trimigan Sanderlin the receipt whereof I do acknowledge have bargained sold and delivered unto said Trimigan Sanderlin all of my lands and cypress swamps & juniper swamps which I Muro Sanderlin heired by the death of my father John Sanderlin containing 200 acres more or less also one pilot boat and 15 head of cattle to have and to hold the aforesaid bargained premises unto the said T. Sanderlin him his heirs & Exec assigns forever and I the said Muro Sanderlin warrant and defend the aforesaid premises & other property beforementioned from me my heirs & assigns and from the lawful claims of all other persons and whatever to said T. Sanderlin his heirs and assigns forever. Provided nevertheless that I the said Muro Sanderlin my Exec ____ & assigns or any of us do & shall will & truly pay or cause paid unto the said Trimagan Sanderlin his Exec ___ or assigns the sum of $251.88 on or before the 1st day of Dec 1845. with interest from this date for redempsion of the said bargained premises through this ____ bill of sale to be void or else to remain in full force. In witness whereof Ihave set my hand and seal Nov. 28th 1843 . Muro Sanderlin (his mark) (seal)
Attest Jos Owens, Saml G. Salyer
County Court Jan Term 1844
This deed was proved in open court by S.G. Salyer and ordered to be registered.
Jos. Alexander CLK Recorded 7th March 1844Book 19 Pg 220 State of North Carolina , Tyrrell County
This indenture entered into this the 9th day of November 1843 Between Nancy Sanderlin of the county of Tyrrell and state aforesaid of the first part & Trimagain Sanderlin of the second part withforth that the said Nancy Sanderlin of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to me in hand paid by Trimagain Sanderlin before the ___ and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and I the said Nancy Sanderlin is therewith fully ___ & paid & do sell to him the said T. Sanderlin my right of a piece of ___ of swamp to the north and west of said lands containing fifty acres of swamp that I heired from my father John Sanderlin dec‚ free and clear of all and every person whatsoever to him the said Trimagain Sanderlin his heirs and assigns forever free & clear from me my heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal day and date above written. Nancy Sanderlin (her mark) (seal)
Attest Saml G. Salyear, Mary Ann Sanderlin (her mark)
County Court July Term 1845
This deed was proved in open court by S. G. Salyear & ordered to be registered
Jos. Alexander CLK Recorded 7th Sept 1845 Book 19 Pg 230 State of North Carolina , Tyrrell County
This indenture made and entered into this 12th day of March 1845 between Elizabeth Sanderlin of the County of Tyrrell & state aforesaid of the one part & Samuel G. Salyear of the other part witnesseth that the said Elizabeth Sanderlin of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars to her in hand paid by the said Samuel G. Salyear sealing and delivery these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said Elizabeth Sanderlin is wherewith fully satisfied contented & paid have bargained and sold ___ conveyed & confirmed & by these presents doth bargained & sell Alien Convey & confirm unto the said S. G. Salyear his heirs & assigns unto an undivided or piece or parcel of Juniper swamp land situated lying & being in the county of Tyrrell & state of North Carolina and bounded as follows. On the east side of ___ Alligator River and up Whipper Creek which I heired from the death of my father John Sanderlin dec. with all and singular thereunto belonging or in any ___ to him the said Samuel G. Salyear his heirs & assigns forever and I the said Elizabeth Sanderlin ___ for my heirs exec admin & assigns shall and will forever warrant & defend the title to the land hereby conveyed to the said S. G. Salyear his heirs & assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof I the said Elizabeth Sanderlin have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & date above written. Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of. Elizabeth Sanderlin (her mark) (seal)
Charles Owens, Jos. Owens
County Court Oct. Term 1845
This deed was proved in open court by Jos. Owens & ordered to be registered
Jos. Alexander CLK Recorded 4 Nov 1845Book 19 Pg 272 State of North Carolina , Tyrrell County
Know all men by these presents that I Jackson Sanderlin of the said state and county aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen dollars to me in hand paid have bargained and sold unto Abner Sawyer a certain tract or parcel of cypress swamp containing fifty acres lying in the state and county aforesaid and on the east side of Alligator River near the inhabitance of the lake joining Elihu Sanderlins ninety seven acre paten on the east side unto him the said Abner Sawyer his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Jackson Sanderlin do warrant and defend the right and title of the said fifty acres of swamp from me my heirs and assigns and all other persons or person in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of January in the year of our Lord 1843. Jackson Sanerlin (seal)
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us. Wallis Twiford, Jaroam Sawyer
County Court April Term 1846
This deed was proved in open court by Wallis Twiford & ordered to be registered.
Joseph Alexander CLKBook 19 Pg 458 State of North Carolina, Tyrrell County
Know all persons by these presents that I Mary R. Sanderlin for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Trimagain Sanderlin of the county and state aforesaid have granted bargained & sold & fully conveyed unto Trimagain Sanderlin all of my rights titles & claims of all of the lands & swamp lands that my father died seized & possessed of on the east side of the Alligator River lying and being in the neighborhood of Milltail and I the said Mary R. Sanderlin do acknowledge myself fully satisfied contented & paid & do further warrant & defend unto Trimagain Sanderlin him his heirs & assigns forever all of my rights titles interest in the aforementioned lands the same being three hundred acres more or less from me my heirs & assigns forever & from the lawful claims of all persons whatever to the said Trimagain Sanderlin him his heirs & assigns. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand & seal this the 28th day of June 1847.
Mary R. Sanderlin (her mark) (seal)
In the presence of John Meekins Mary Ann Sanderlin
County Court Oct Term 1847
This deed was proved in open court by John Meekins & ordered to be registered.
Jos. Alexander CLK

1850 Census Tyrrell Co NC
Trimmigan Sandlin 49 merchant 3000
Rodea Sandlin 39 f
Nancy Sandlin 15 f
John W Sandlin 12 m
Daniel S Sandlin 10 m
Thomas M Sandlin 9 m
Susan P Sandlin 5 f
Ellen Sandlin 2 f
Rodea C Sandlin 6/12 f
Mary A Sandlin 35 f
# 381
Muro Sandlin 23 m laborer
Elizabeth Sandlin 18 f
Jackson Sandlin 2/12 m
#399 William Basnight hh carpenter
Mary R Sandlin 27 f
Elihu Sandlin 65 m laborer

1860 Census Tyrrell Co NC
Trim Sanderlin 58 m w lumber getter 3000 3535
Rhoda 52 f
Thomas 20 m
Helen 13 f
Caroline 11 f

Sally’s 4-great Grandparents:

Robert Sanderlin ca 1742 – aft 1783 | his parents
& 1764 Mary Waff 1744 – | her parents
Of Camden and Chowan Counties

 my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Robert Sanderlin was in 10th Regiment of Continental Line per Mrs. W S Godfrey.

Children of Robert Sanderlin and Mary Waff:
1. Benjamin Sanderlin ca 1766 -bef 11 Dec 1792
married ca 1786
a. son ca 1787 don’t know his name as yet
found below on ancestry inserted in my tree under William Wilson Sanderlin
I think he belongs here —

Wilson L. Sanderlin was born Apr. 25, 1827 and died May 29, 1901. He married Sarah Ferebee Cowell on April 5, 1849. Sarah was born Mar. 25, 1832 and died in 1907. To this union were born 10 children.

1) Elizabeth Sanderlin – 3 mo. old in 1850; not found in 1860
2) Benjamin Sanderlin – b.c 1853; not found in 1870
3) James Sanderlin – b.c. 1855 – died _________
4) David Sanderlin – b.c. 1857 – died _________
5) Wilson Sanderlin – (1/31/1862 – 1/13/1935)
Married: Lydia Loueza Fanshaw Jan. 15, 1890
6) Love Adelia Sanderlin – (5/2/1865 – 11/13/1937)
7) Sarah Sanderlin – b.c. 1867; died before 1880
8) Mary Sanderlin – b. ________ d. _______
9) Jane Sanderlin – b. _________ d. _______
10) John W. Sanderlin – see details below

[The back of this photo was inscribed by Raymond Guyton Sanderlin (12/29/1921 – 2/5/1996) and the following was written: My great-grandfather, Wilson L. Sanderlin. Born April 25, 1827; dod May 29, 1901

b. daughter ca 1789
c. child ca 1791
2. Joseph Sanderlin ca 1765 – ca 1815 Camden Co
married ca 1795 Charity Sawyer

Robert Sanderlin married Mary Waff 3 May 1764 in Chowan Co, NC.
The bondsman was Smith Waff.Mary Waff was probably daughter of William Smith Waff who signed the Oath of Allegiance in 1777, Edenton.In 1757 Smith Waff gave bond in Chowan Co for marriage of Samuel Luten and Elizabeth Ford. 19 Nov, 1757. (Ref. Family Records by Bailey & Staples)Camden County Records:F-197: Robert Sanderlin in his will dated 1778 names his sons Joseph and Benjamin.11 Dec 1792–Joseph Sanderlin releases all claim to land after the death of Benjamin Sanderlin to Samuel Ferebee. F-198A-38 Camden Co, NC – 25 July 1777 Robert Sanderlin Jr bought land from Joseph White 30A.The North Carolina Chronicle: Monday October 25, 1790
A proclamation from the secretary at war of specie due the officers of the North Carolina line, for arrears of subsistance for the months of January, February, March and April, 1783, taken from Mr. Ebenezer Jackson’s settlement. Included is the name Robert Sanderlin $36.60.

1790 census shows
Benjamin Sanderlin 1 male over 16, 1 male under sixteen, two females.
Joseph Sanderlin 1 male over 16.

from a comment from Carol 2015 .  (I think they may be Benjamin’s children. Sally)
Robert Sandilands/Sanderlin/Sandlin born about 1790, died 1864 is my fourth great grandfather. He married Elizabeth Hicks in 1822. The marriage was in Camden County, Georgia. They promptly moved to Spanish territory in what was the Benton area of the Saint Mary’s River, Suwannee River, and Alapaha Rivers. They established a substantial plantation there. This plantation adjoined the Turner family plantation. Robert Sanderlin fought the Seminole Indians.
It seems that Robert had a sister named Tabitha. She married a Roberts.

James Sanderlin ca 1740 – 1778 | his parents
& Mary Croney | her parents
Of Camden County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of James Sanderlin [A-098 1778]
1. James Sanderlin 1768 – 1789
married ca 1785 Ann Jones 1770 – 1793
a. Griffith Sanderlin 1788 – 1837
married 1812 Susanah Sawyer died 12/3 Nov 1825 Camden Co
from the minutes of Sawyer Creek Church
i. James Tracey Sanderlin 20 Dec 1815 Camden Co –
[rem to Randolph Co, GA
married 1870 Oliva Barbre
ii. Lemuel Sanderlin 2 May 1822 – 24 Feb 1864
died as POW Rock Island Fed.
married Mary Sawyer
married Alipha Seymore died 24 June 1839 Camden Co
from the minutes of Sawyer Creek Church
i. Haywood Bell Sanderlin
married 3 Apr. 1856 Malissa J Barbre
ii. Susan Sanderlin
iii. Edmond D Sanderlin 1832 – 1905 Friendship, LA
married Ft. Gaines GA 1864 Mary Land

1.Jesse Sanderlin
  (Dane’s grandfather)
2. Virgil Sanderlin
3. Edwin Sanderlin
4. Seymore Sanderlin
5. Tritus Olinthus Sanderlin
  a. Ernest Addison Sanderlin
   i. Troy Sanderlin (Jason and Holly’s father)
6. Mattie Sanderlin (Collinsworth)
7. Lillie Sanderlin (Lucky)
8. Eddie Sanderlin (Bryant)
iv. Willis Sanderlin
v. Martha Sanderlin
vi. Griffith Sanderlin 1837-
in 1850 Camden Co – living with L P Bray 43 and wife Lucy 29
2. Griffith Sanderlin ca 1773 – 1816
[1790 1 male – 1 female – 1 slave]

married ca 1790 Elizabeth ca 1775 – 1816
a. Polly Sanderlin
b. Sally Sanderlin
married bef 1816 Luke Sawyer
c. Susan Sanderlin
married bef 1816 Maxey Sawyer

Caleb Sanderlin ca 1764 – 1821 | his parents
& 1794 ?
of Camden Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of Caleb Sanderlin
[1 July 1793 bought land from Jon Scarbo adj Robert Sanderlin in Sandy Hook
[24 March 1795 bought land from Josiah [Joseph] Barco adj Robert Sanderlin]
[also bought land in 1797}
[children shown by division 9 Jan 1822]

1. Nancy Sanderlin 1809 –
2. Jeremiah [Jerry] Sanderlin 1795 –
married Susan ca 1803 –
a. Margaret Sanderlin ca 1836 –
3. Elizabeth Sanderlin 1800 –
4. Trimmigan Sanderlin 1804 – 1869 bkE/7 Camden Co
married Loueazer [Louisa] – 1873 bkE/45
a. Delitta [McCoy]
i. John McCoy [Sanderlin heir and exec]

1850 Census Camden Co NC
Trimigan Samderlin 46 m farmer 562 Camden
Louisa 56 f
Will Jones 9 m
Susan Sanderlin 45 f 200 Camden
Enoch Sanderlin 21 m farmer
Malichi Sanderlin 17 m farmer
James Sanderlin 16 m farmer
1860 Census Camden Co NC
# 258
Tremegan Sanderlin 50 m farmer 400 100 Camden
Luiser 65 f
John 6 m
  1. Mark Sanderlin 1805 – 1850
    married Susan Garret 1805 –
    a. Enoch Garrett Sanderlin 1829 – 1902 Shiloh, Camden Co, NC
    married 5 Apr 1866 Sarah Sawyer Gregory 1 Apr 1837 – 6 Jan 1892
    daughter of John Roberts Gregory and Mary Bell Sawyer
    Mary Bell Sawyer was daughter of Thomas Sawyer and Lydia Davis
    i. Lydia [Lillie] Sanderlin ca 1867 –
    married Johnson Cartwright
    Sheriff of Camden County
    ii. Mark Robert Sanderlin 7 March 1869 – 15 May 1918 South Norfolk VA
    married 1st 14 Nov 1889 Maggie Torksey [Toxey] d. 29 Sep 1892
    she was raped and murdered by a laborer on their farm
    married 27 Jan 1899 Florence May Gray 25 March 1879 – 17 Oct 1937 Raleigh NC
    daughter of John C Gray and Sarah E Jordan
    1. Irving G Sanderlin 1900 –
    2. Lawford Mark Sanderlin 15 July 1903 – South Norfolk, VA
    married Bertha Louise Hart
    a. George Marvin Sanderlin 1935 –
    b. David Thomas Sanderlin 1937 – 17 Jan 2008 Chesapeake [hospital]
    line of Sandy Sanderlin Hazen
    c. Julia Florence Sanderlin
    d. Raymond Paul Sanderlin dec. 1967
    e. Lawford Mark Sanderlin 1943 –
    f. Christine Ann Sanderlin
    g. Josephine Virginia Sanderlin
    h. Sylvia Jane Sanderlin
    iii. Susan [Sue] Sanderlin ca 1871 –
    married 25 July 1901 Samuel Toxey
    iv. Enoch Sanderlin 10 Jan 1873 – 27 Mar 1939
    was a bridge tender at Elizabeth City
    married 6 Dec 1896 Ellis Sawyer 14 March 1874 – 23 June 1936
    b. [Malichi] Lemuel Burgess Sanderlin ca 1834 – 1890
    married Margaret Harrison ca 1840 –
    i. Joseph Sanderlin 1860 – dy?
    ii. Ertannie Sanderlin ca 1861 –
    iii. Willis Harrison Sanderlin 6 Mar 1864 – 14 Dec 1949 Old Trap [Camden Co] NC farmer dc
    married ca 1888 Maggie Sept 1862 – bef 1949 in 1900 had had 3 children – 1 living
    1. Leslie Sanderlin Nov 1896 – gave info for father’s death cert.
    2. Fanny Sanderlin
    iv. ELydia Ann Sanderlin ca 1866 –
    married Marshall Leary Burgess
    1. Margaret Sanderlin Burgess
    married Fred Wright Brothers
    a. Marshall Burgess Brothers
    married Corinthia Owens
    [parents of Christine Brothers Ambrose]
    b. Fannie Brothers Perry Baum ca 1913 – Jan 2009 aged 96
    v. Lenora Sanderlin Nov 1868 –
    married John B Mitchell Feb 1868 –
    1. Edgar S Mitchell 25 Nov 1889 Old Trap –
    2. Barney Sanderlin Mitchell 8 Jan 1892 Camden Co –
    3. Bettie Mitchell June 1895 –
    4. Charles Sanderlin Mitchell Nov 1897 –
    5. Lelah [Leigh Sanderlin] Mitchell 22 July 1900 Old Trap –
    6. Sam Houston Mitchell 22 May 1903 Camden Co NC – 2 Mar 1990 Greenville NC
    7. Melvin S Mitchell ca 1905 –
    8. Olive M Mitchell ca 1907 –
    9. Hallet Ward Mitchell 26 July 1910 Camden Co NC –
    vi. Ida Sanderlin
    vii. Nevada Sanderlin
    viii. Otelian Sanderlin
    c. James Garrett Sanderlin 4 April 1838 –
    married Martha Bartlett ca 1838 –
    i. Thomas Sanderlin ca 1858 –
    married Alexason ca 1859 –
    ii. John B Sanderlin 14 Feb 1861 – 26 Sept 1938 ts
    both buried Pasquotank Co Cem
    married 5 Sept 1888 Delilah Carter McPherson 24 July 1859 – 24 Apr 1939 ts
    iii. Mary S Sanderlin ca 1864 –
    iv. Matilda Sanderlin ca 1867 –
    v. Archibald Sanderlin 11 July 1868 – 26 Apr 1948
    buried Pasquotank Co Cem
    married 19 Dec 1894 Lula Leary 25 Oct 1876 – 12 Aug 1963
    vi. Susan Sanderlin ca 1871 –
    vii. Lemuel Sanderlin ca 1873 –
    married 16 Feb 1896 Vasti Wilson
    viii. William Sanderlin ca 1875 –
    ix. Martha Sanderlin ca 1878 –
    married 18 Sept 1892 Mary Elizabeth Garrett
    6. Caleb Sanderlin 1807 –
Sarah Sawyer Gregory
married 1st 30 Jul 1854 Noah Berry Stevens 1829 – 1865 typhoid
son of John Stevens and Matilda Berry
i. John Gregory Stevens 13 Aug 1855 – 9 Oct 1942
married Baltimore, MD 6 Sep 1881 Rebecca Kellam 1856 – 1931
ancestors of Bryan Godfrey Web-site
Bryan’s grandfather Godfrey probably also descends from emig. Francis Godfrey
[note: recent Y-DNA tests show that I do not descend from the John Godfrey family, but I do match my grandmother’s brother]
his grandmother descends from the Perquimans settler, Francis Godfrey
ii. Butler Stevens 1859 – ca 1884 Berkley, Norfolk Co, VA
clerked at a store in Berkley died from measles
iii. Samuel Stevens 1861 – ca 1926 dsp Currituck Co NC
kicked in the head by horse when young left him mentally damaged
iv. Mary Matilda [Mane] Stevens 10 Feb 1864 – 5 Jul 1949
married 3 Jan 1886 Thomas Burgess Godfrey 5 Dec 1860 – 2 Dec 1946
descended from the Perquimans Godfreys

Ferebee/Fereby Sanderlin ca 1785 – 1822 | his parents
& 1st wife
& ca 1809 Sally ?

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Children of Ferebee/Fereby Sanderlin ca 1785 – 1822 & 1st wife
1. Caleb Sanderlin ca 1805/9 –

Children of Fereby Sanderlin and wife Sally
2. Wealthy Sanderlin ca 1810 –
3. Brittania Sanderlin ca 1812 –
4. Betsy Sanderlin ca 1815 –
5. Isaac Sanderlin ca 1806 –
6. Polly Sanderlin ca 1819 –

1767 Pasquotank Tax List
John Sanderline Jr
Ezekiel Sanderline
Devotion Sanderline
James Sanderline
Maxey Sanderline

1782 Camden
Devotion Sanderlin
Ezekiel Sanderlin
Jacob Sanderlin
James Sanderlin
James Sanderlin
James Sanderlin
John Sanderlin
Joseph Sanderlin
Levi Sanderlin
Robert Sanderlin
Thomas Sanderlin

1790 Census – Camden Co, Sanderlin
Head of household over 16 under 16 females slaves
1 Elizabeth 1 — 4
1 Levi 1 1 4
1 Jacob 1 2 2
1 Joseph 1
3 Eli 1 1
4 James 3 1 2
4 Robert 2 4 4
5 Griffith 1 — 1 1
5x Devotion 2 2 2 8
7 Ezekiel 4 2 2 6
7 Nancy — 2 6 7
7x Isaac 1 — 2
7x Benjamin 1 1 2
7x Thomas 1 1 3

3 thoughts on “Robert Sanderlin, Mary Garrett, & Elizabeh Ferebee”

  1. Troy Otis Sanderlin is my husband. His grandfather was Tritus Olinthus Sanderlin. Great grandfather was Edmond D Sanderlin. It has been posted incorrectly in your information. Thank you for all the work you have done on his family. It has been so helpful.

    1. You have Troy listed as Edmond’s son. Edmond was his great grandfather. Tritus Olinthus Sanderlin was his grandfather, then Ernest Addison was his father. Troy & I have a son named Jason and daughter Holly.

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