Col John Moore & Frances Lambert

Col John Moore 1686 – 1749 |his parents
& 1714 Frances Lambert 1692 – 1782 |her parents
of Moore’s Folly-on-the-Hudson near West Point
& White Hall, New York City

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Col. John Moore Portrait of Mrs. John Moore
Pastel Portrait by Henrietta Johnston, 1725

Colonel John Moore (1686-1749)
Colonel John Moore, whose portrait is signed and dated 1725, was born in St. Thomas Parish, South Carolina, the son of John Moore (c. 1659-1732) and Rebecca Axtell. John Moore, the father, was Secretary of the Province of South Carolina: but about 1695/6, with his family, he moved to Philadelphia. The son went on to New York City, where he attained distinction as an alderman; a member of the Provincial Council; and of the legislature. He was also colonel of the New York City Regiment of Foot. He was a vestryman and warden of Trinity Church and is believed to be the first person buried in the graveyard of that Church.

Mrs. John Moore (1692-1782)
Mrs. John Moore was born Frances Lambert. She was of Huguenot ancestry and came to this country as a small child to escape persecution. She had many children besides the two whose pastels were drawn by Henrietta Johnston, and she lived to a good old age.
Mrs. Samuel Schwartz, the owner of this portrait, has given the following description:Mrs. John Moore (Frances Lambert), has dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Her dress is yellow with orange highlights. The scarf, she wears over her left arm (on the right side of the picture) is a lavender taupe.

“Col. John Moore, a leading merchant in the early days of New York City.”
John Moore 11 Aug 1686 SC – 29 Oct 1749 NYC age 64
Alderman, member of Legislature, Col of Regiment, Member of Provincial Council NY
will date 4 Sept 1748, buried in his vault in Trinity Churchyard
Married 1714 Frances Lambert April 1692 NYC – 17 March 1782 NYC.
She was of Huguenot descent, brought to America in infancy in consequence of the bloody persecutions of the Protestants in France. She was ‘most accomplished in looks and manners’ as reported by John Moore, Esq.
[Records of the French Church indicate that her maternal granduncle, Gabriel Minveille, was in New York by 1691. Her father, Daniel (or Denis-a possible mistake in transcription) Lambert died in Sept of 1691. Frances was born posthumously to her father’s death, in April 1692. Curiously, Frances’s baptism is not recorded in the French Church records, but all indications are she was born in New York. The Barberie connection mentioned in John Moore’s memoirs occurs when her widowed mother, Frances Brinkman Lambert married John Barberie in 1694. Terri Bradshaw O’Neill ]

He was Alderman of the City, Member of the Colonial and King’s Council, Prov. of New York. John Moore II was Col. commanding his Majesty’s New York City Regiment of Foot. He was 1715 to 1728 Vestryman and Warden of Trinity Church, New York City.

The family seat on the Hudson was acquired by him partly by purchase from Charles Congreve, Esq., and partly by patent;
his residence known as White Hall in later years was at Moore and Front Streets, New York City.
Note: This was NOT the home built before 1661 for the Hon. Peter Stuyvesant, last of the Dutch Governors. That house called Whitehall was near the Fort and burned to the ground ca 1719.

He left a large estate in the province of New York and City of Philadelphia, Penn. On Sept 24, 1748, he willed his wife, for her life, his estate in New York, excepting the family seat on the Hudson, which he devised to his son Stephen. The Philadelphia estate he left to his son, John, but that son, died before his father. A codicil gave that part of his estate to his wife for life also.

They are both buried in the Trinity vault, upon which his name was inscribed in after years by his grandson, John Moore, Esq., genealogist of New York City.

Children of John Moore and Frances Lambert:
1. Frances Moore 1715 – 1805
married Samuel Bayard Esq ca 1715 Throgg’s Neck, Westchester, New York

Portrait of Frances Lambert Moore
Pastel Portrait by Henrietta Johnston: 1725

Frances Lambert Moore (1715-1805)
Frances Lambert Moore was the eldest daughter of Colonel John Moore and Frances Lambert Moore. She was born in New York in 1715. She married Samuel Bayard, Esquire, of Throg’s Neck, New York, the grand nephew of Peter Stuyvesant. Inscribed on the back of this pastel is: Henrietta Johnston Fecit, New York. Ano 1725. The subject was ten years of age.
Also on the back of the pastel is a long list of ownerships, all of the Bayard family. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schwartz

  1. Rebecca Moore 1717 – at an advanced age dsp
  2. John Moore 1719 – buried 9 Aug1747 Kingston Parish, Jamaica dsp
    [note Steve Moore has found a record dated 18 April 1745 ref John’s partnership with John Cranston as merchants of Kingston, Jamaica]
  3. Susanna Moore 1720 – died an infant
  4. Thomas Moore 1721 – died infant
  5. Peter Moore 1721 – died infant twin of Thomas
  6. Thomas Moore 1722 – 1784 New London CT
    lived at White Hall, NYC until it was burned by the British during the Rev.
    Married 1744 Elizabeth Channing 1728 – 1805

Portrait of Thomas Moore
Pastel Portrait by Henrietta Johnston: 1725

Thomas Moore (fl. 1725)
The Portrait of Bishop Moore’s Father, as a Child.
Several affidavits testify to the fact that this is the pastel of little Thomas Moore, son of Colonel John Moore and his wife, Frances Lambert Moore. Thomas Moore became the father of Bishop Moore, the Right Reverend Richard Channing Moore, D.D., (1782-1841), Bishop of Virginia (1814-1841).
This pastel of Thomas Moore was given by Alexander W. Weddell to The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia

  1. Peter Moore 1722 – died infant – twin of 2nd Thomas #7
  2. Richard Moore 1724 – ca 1784 dsp
    Midshipman Royal Navy under Sir Peter Warren, C. B., afterwards a merchant in Barbados with his cousin, William Loch, son of Col. The Hon. William Moore of Moore Hall, Penn.
  3. Susannah Moore 24 May 1725 – 1803 sp in 1748
    buried in the vault in Trinity Church NY
    married 18 June 1762 John Smyth 1722 – 12 Jan 1786 London Eng
    son of Lawrence Smyth & Margaret Johnston of Perth Amboy, NJ
    [Margaret was the sister of Andrew Johnston, the father of Gertrude who married John Barberie (1720-1770), the son of Peter (business partner and brother-in-law of Col John Moore.
  4. Daniel Moore 1727 – died infant twin with Lambert
  5. Lambert Moore 1727 – 1805 age 78
    was Deputy Sec of New York, Controller of Customs, Clerk of Trinity Church,
    interred in family vault at Trinity

    married 31 Jan 1757 Jane Holland
    dau of Edward Holland and Magdalene Bayeux; g dau of Henry [Holland]
    married Gertrude Onderdonk
  6. Daniel Moore 1728 – died infant
  7. Daniel Moore 1729 – 1789 Jamaica dsp
  8. William Moore 1730 – died in Curacao as young merchant
  9. Charles Moore 19 Mar 1732 – 6 Nov 1802 Mt Tirzah NC
    merchant, Postmaster at Mt. Tirzah, NC
    married NYC, NY 14 June 1758 Elizabeth James
    IGI, Trinity Church Records
    married Peekskill, NY ca 1772 Eve [Hall] ca 1731 – 17 July 1823 Person Co NC
    Eve Hall was a widow when she married Charles, maiden name unknown
    The NY Evening Post reported on Wed 8 Oct 1823 Mrs E Moore of NC, relict of Charles, had died age 92 years
  10. Stephen Moore 19/30 Oct 1734 NYC – 20 May 1799 Mt Tirzah, Person Co, NC
    married? ca 1762 Julia “an actress”
    married in Quebec 25 Dec 1768 Grizey Phillips 18 Feb 1748/9 Boston –
  11. Ann Moore 1738 – ca 1826
    in early life she passed seven years in England under the patronage of her uncle, Daniel Moore, Esq., M.P. She lives with Stephen Hoffman, a sole son of her niece Margaret Hoffman, in Madison County of this state (NY) She is a perfectly a lady of accomplished manners and education and in her 85th year retains her mind and activity to the wonder of her friends.”
A story about John Smyth, who was the executor to John Barberie’s (1720-1770) will and a loyalist.
He had property confiscated by the new state of New Jersey.
John Smyth went to London to file his claim with the government for restitution in 1785 after the American Revolutionary war.
Several sons of John Barberie (1720-1770), also loyalists that fought in the war, (John, my 3rd great grandfather and his brother, Oliver) , knowing that John Smyth was going to England, entrusted him with a memorial (claim for confiscated homes and property in Amboy and elsewhere) to present in London on their behalf.
John Smyth went to London and presented his claim; but before he could present the Barberie claims, he took ill and died in London on January 12, 1786.
He was buried in Mary Le Bone church yard in London.
Oliver Barberie went to London to fight on his own behalf, remained in England and joined the British Army and never returned to North America (but a grandson returned to West Virginia in 1872).
John (my 3rd great grandfather) remained in New Brunswick, Canada (where he and Oliver had been exiled to in 1783) and I am still a loyal Canadian. John R. Barberie

(ref: MOORE, APPLETON supra, Col. John Moore’s will,
HENSHAW’s ‘MOORE’, by the Rt. Rev. J. P. K. Henshaw, Bishop of Rhode Island.
New York Colonial Documents, Vol. 6.)

Note: – in 1664 King Charles II granted to his brother, the Duke of York, (afterwards James II), all the territory from the Connecticut River to the Delaware. The English demanded the surrender of New Amsterdam, now part of New York City, to which demand Governor Stuyvesant sent a defiant answer, but the municipal authorities being indisposed to aid him, on Sept. 9, 1664, a treaty was signed at his mansion, ‘on his farm or bowery.’ (the Bowery survives but the mansion was destroyed by fire ca 1719)

Page 34 – SIX CENTURIES OF MOOR DE FALLEY by David Moore HALL, printed
1904 by O.E. Flanhart Printing Co., Richmond, VA.
Memoirs of John Moore, Esq. and The Case for the Corrected Lineage of Hon. John Moore
[Originally published in Moore/Stanford/Webb Chronicles Vol 4, No 1, 1996 edited by Terry Bradshaw O’Neill]

Response: John was a partner of Peter (Pierre) Barberie, my 5th great grandfather and Peter was married to Frances’s sister, Susanne Lambert. John R. Barberie

the above pictures are from David Jeffreys’ Blog with permission – he in turn found them in
Henrietta Johnston of Charles Town, South Carolina  America’s First Pastellist by Margaret Simons Middleton, p. 47. University of South Carolina Press, 1966. Out of print.

Grandchildren of John Moore and Frances Lambert:

Children of Frances Moore 1715 – 1805 and Samuel Bayard of Throgg’s Neck, NY:
descended from the Stuyvesants of Dutch Colonial fame
1. Samuel Bayard ca 1736 – bef 1824 dsp
2. Nicholas Bayard ca 1738 – bef 1824 dsp
3. Rebecca Bayard ca 1740 – bef 1824 dsp
4. Frances Bayard ca 1742 – bef 1824
married Philip J Livingston d bef 1824
5. Margaret Bayard ca 1744 – living 1824
married Martin Hoffman ca 1744 –
a. Stephen Hoffman

Children of Thomas Moore 1722-1784 and Elizabeth Channing of White Hall, NYC:
“.. Esq., M.A. (Westminster) of White Hall, etc., Vestryman of Trinity Church, 1750-62, 1779-84, m. in 1744 Elizabeth, (1728-1805), daughter of William Channing, Esq., of Dorchester, England, Agent of British Navy at New York, and Ann Bowne, his wife, of Middleton, N.J. (Moore, Brittanica, Henshaw supra). Note.-Thomas Moore, Esq., though an uncompromising Tory like all of his family, suffered much from the depredations of British troops at Moore’s Folly during the Revolutionary War. Though Gen. Sir Henry Clinton caused apology and restitution to be made, he retired to New York and became connected with His Majesty’s Customs Department, his brother Charles [sic] moving to Mount Tirzah, N.C. He died at New London, Conn.”

  1. John Moore, Esq. 1745 – 1828 NY
    “Deputy Collector of His Majesty’s Customs –Superintendent of Police and Port of New York–
    Secretary of the Province of New York”

moorejbookpl moorejny
John Moore, Esq – the author of the memoirs
right: his book plate

married Judith Livingston ca 1750 –
a. Elizabeth Channing Moore dy
b. Eliza Elliott Moore
c. Townsend Moore
d. John Moore
e. Maria Seabury Moore
f. Maria Seabury Moore
married David Moore
g. Lydia Hubbard Moore
h. Thomas William Channing Moore 1793 – 1873

transcribed his father’s manuscript in 1851, he was one of the promoters of the Academy of Fine Arts and he had travelled through the art galleries of Europe with Washington Irving and Sir David Wilkie.

married Frances Childs Moore aft 1793 –
2. William Moore ca 1748 – d. inf.
3. Frances Moore ca 1751 –
married Stephen Curry, Esq of Peekskill NY
4. Daniel Moore ca 1753 –
Capt. Royal Navy, commanding the “Lord Rodney”, killed in action during the Rev. War.
5. Ann Moore ca 1755 –
married 1777 Gen. Jedediah Huntington 1743 – 1818
Gen. in Continental Army, who after peace was Treasurer of the State of Connecticut, and in 1789 Collector of Customs for the Port of New London, Conn.
6. Thomas Channing Moore ca 1756 – died infant
7. Rev. Thomas Lambert Moore 22 Feb 1758 – 20 Feb 1799
married 1781 Judith Moore d 18 Oct 1834
dau of Lt Samuel Moore and Sarah Fish
Samuel was desc from the Rev John Moore of Newtown, LI

8. Elizabeth Moore ca 1760 –
did she marry Bedell? [this records says a daughter married Bedell]
page 476 Rev John Moore of Newton LI [1903] by James W Moore

9. Richard Channing Moore 21 Aug 1762 NYC – 11 Nov 1841 Lynchburg VA age 79
Memorial Window inscription, “The Rt. Rev. Richards Channing Moore. D. D.,
Second Bishop of Virginia. Rector of this church for more than twenty-seven years.
Born in New York City Aug. 21st, 1762. Consecrated Bishop May 18th, 1814.”
also see portraits at this web site of Charles C Hall
married 1784 Christian Jones 1769 NY – 1796
dau David Jones, Esq., of New York City
a. Eliza Channing Moore 1785 – 1785 dy
b. Rev. David Moore 1787 Rye NY – 1856
c. Christian Jones Moore 1789 – 1854
d. Catherine Eliza Moore 1792 – 1858
married 1809 Jacob Hall
e. Thomas Channing Moore 1794 – 1798 dy
married 23 Mar 1797 Sarah Mersereau 23 March 1769 – 6 Aug 1824 Richmond VA
both Sarah and the Bishop were interred at Shockoe Cemetery, Richmond, originally, re-interred in Hollywood Cemetery 21 May 1880 – Sarah was born in Staten Island
dau of Peter Mersereau [19 Jan 1741 – 16 June 1803] and Rebekha Lake [Sept 1746 – 24 March 1827]
buried St Andrews Church from Mersereau/Mercereau family papers e-mail from Rae

a. Gertrude Park Moore ca 1798 –
b. Stephen van Rensselaer Moore ca 1799 – 1883
c. Frances Maria Gertrude Moore 1808 – 1900
married 1832 James Brown MacMurdo
d. Mary Ann Moore 1811 – 1900 or 4
e. Stephen van Rensalaer Moore ca 1813 – [entry unreadable?]
f. Richard Channing Moore 1813 – 1868
g. Sarah Rebecca Moore died 1880 or 1889
h. entry unreadable
10. Rebecca Harrison Moore died infant
11. Mary Ann Moore
married Stephen Hewlet of Hempstead

“another of John Moore’s memoirs gives a detailed account of the Moore Family’s activities during the Revolutionary War. In early 1776, the author John Moore & his wife, John’s father Thomas and his entire family consisting of about 5 children still living at home, being Loyalists and British government employees, were forced to flee New York City when the American patriots took possession of the city. They took refuge at the estate of Thomas’s younger brother Stephen, who had inherited West Point on the death of their father. Stephen and his family had vacated the estate a few months earlier and removed to North Carolina, but another brother, Charles, still lived in the vicinity. This account is particularly interesting as to the political divisions within the Moore Clan. While most of them remained Loyalist, Stephen took the side of the patriots, Charles apparently tried to remain neutral. John’s sister, Ann married the American General, Jedediah Huntington and a few were of undetermined political inclination. John Moore seems to have remained on good terms with all of them. It is never explained how John’s sister, Ann, in a family entirely comprised of Tories, became acquainted with & was courted by Gen. Jedediah Huntington, but it would surely be an intriguing story. The General’s first wife was Faith Trumbull of Connecticut. She was the daughter of Gov. Jonathan Trumball and sister of the celebrated artist John Trumball. At the beginning of the War, according to Huntington’s biographical sketch in “Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, Class of 1763″ Faith accompanied her husband on his march to Boston and was an observer at the Battle of Bunker Hill, which spectacle so unnerved her, she became mentally unbalanced and committed suicide shortly thereafter. Ann Moore married Gen. Huntington about a year later.” Terri Bradshaw O’Neill

Children of Susannah Moore and John Smyth of Perth Amboy:
1. Andrew Smyth 21 June 1765 – 3 Aug 1827 res in Vermont
buried in St Michael’s Churchyard, Bloomingdale NY
then re-interred in Greenwood Cem, Brooklyn with Maria his 2nd wife
[note: Andrew was a boyhood friend of Lambert Barberie, the youngest grandchild of Peter Barberie (partner of Col. John Moore).
John R. Barberie ]
married 1st Miss Parker dau of the Mayor of Amboy
married 2nd Maria Livingston 22 Sept 1777 – 13 Aug 1856
dau of Philip John Livingston [his cousin]
a. Frances Smyth
b. John William Smyth 28 July 1807 – 10 Dec 1866
buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn
married 9 Sept 1835 Mary Anne Coggill 29 Apr 1818 Leeds, Eng –
i. Georgina Maria Smyth 23 Sept 1840 –
married 7 Oct 1879 John William Payne
ii. Henry Coggill Smyth ca 1 Nov 1843 – 14 Aug 1847

Children of Lambert Moore 1730 – 1805 and Jane Holland:
1. Frances Moore sp in 1824
2. John Moore sp in 1824
3. Mary Moore no children
married Andrew Onderdonk
Children of Lambert Moore and Gertrude Oncerdonk [sister of his son-in-law]:
1. Phebe Moore
married David Bailie res. in England
2. Jane Moore
married Adam Tredwell of Brooklyn
several children

Children of Charles Moore and Elizabeth James:
1. Charles Moore 14 Oct 1764 – res. NC
married Cumberland Co NC 27 Dec 1808 Mary Dow
a. John C Moore 1821 –
2. Frances Moore 1 Mar 1766 – 2 April 1839 NYC
[lived with aunt and uncle the Smyths from her infancy]
married 2 Jan 1794 Henry Rogers of New York City
a. Emma Frances Rogers 1804 – 1891
b. John Smyth Rogers
3. Thomas Moore 4 Feb 1770 Peekskill NY – 4 Mar 1846 Wayne Co IN
married 24 Dec 1801 Anna Hubbard 11 May 1781 – 3 Mar 1855 Wayne Co IN
daughter of Joseph Hubbard and Ann Crews
a. Frances Moore 26 Feb 1803 – 7 [or 17] June 1827
married 27 Feb 1822 Caleb Hollowell 20 Dec 1794 – 2 Aug 1836 Greene Co IN
son of Joseph Hollowell and Martha Cook
b. Susanna Woodson Moore 10 Feb 1804 – 10 Oct 1805
c. Mary Preyer Moore 2 Apr 1805 – 26 Oct 1834
married Guilford Co NC 29 Nov 1826 David Mace 25 Feb 1797 – 1 Apr 1861
son of Francis Mace and Ferbah ?
i. Thomas Clarkson Mace 8 Oct 1827 Beaufort Co NC – 14 May 1914 Cameron MO
married Guilford Co NC 22 April 1856 Anne Hoskins
dau of John Hoskins and Mary ?
married Cameron Co MO 22 Apr 1877 Mary Ellen Torbett
dau of Hugh Torbet and Ellen Madison
ii. Anne B Mace 3 May 1829 – 22 Apr 1832
iii. Francis Elwood Mace 18 Feb 1831 – 18 May 1858 Guilford Co NC
married Guilford Co NC 2 Sep 1856 Caroline Hoskins
dau of John Hoskins and Mary ?
iv. James Emslen Mace 2 Dec 1832 – 14 Feb 1836
d. Charles Hubbard Moore 24 Oct 1806 – 1 Jan 1873
married Wayne Co IN 29 Aug 1839 Marcia B White 13 Sep 1823 –
i. Aaron White Moore 27 Sept 1840 – 13 July 1842
ii. Thomas Albert Moore 4 Sept 1842 –
married Martha G Read
iii. Margaret Moore 16 Dec 1843 – 31 Jan 1848
iv. Mary Moore 6 Dec 1846 –
v. Anne Moore 26 July 1849 – 1878/80
married 9 Mar 1871 Aaron Franklin Sutton June 1858 NY – 16 Mar 1919 Dublin IN
vi. Morris H Moore 16 Oct 1851 –
married Alice ?
vii. Deborah W Moore 5 Dec 1855 –
married Wayne Co TN 1 Jan 1880 William Furnas 4 Nov 1850 IN – 4 Sept 1936 IN
viii. Elizabeth W Moore 5 Dec 1855
married 28 April 1881 Aaron Franklin Sutton [sister’s widower]
ix. Ely W Moore 7 Jan 1861 –
x. Marcia/Mareta F Moore 9 Oct 1867 –
e. Susannah Moore 17 Feb 1808 – 19 Nov 1857 IN
married NC 4 May 1826 William Stanley 18 July 1799 – bef 1848
i. Jesse Collins Stanley 21 Dec 1826 – 19 Nov 1906 IN
married Parke Co IN 4 Dec 1851 Martha Ellen Trueblood
married Henry Co IN 11 July 1856 Mary Norton
ii. Sarah [Caroline] Stanley 10 April 1829 IN – 1852
married Wayne Co IN 2 Nov 1848 Benjamin A Wilson 7 July 1823 NC –
iii. Eliza A Stanley 25 Aug 1831 – 1880
married Howard Co IN 14 Sept 1859 Isom Pearson June 1824 IN – 1880/1900
iv. William Charles Stanley 2 Sept 1833 – 1897
married Wayne Co IN 29 April 1858 Mary Maria Morris 20 July 1836 – 26 June 1861
married 1863 Miriam King 1820 –
married Bethel MM IN 28 Aug 1867 Sarah H Terrell 12 July 1840 –
f. Smyth Moore 7 May 1809 – 12 Sep 1834
g. Thomas Clarkson Moore 9 Sep 1810 – 25 Oct 1839
h. Anna Moore 24 Jan 1812 – 20 Feb 1868 Marion Co IN
married NC 2 June 1834 Joseph Walter Hoskins 28 Dec 1806 NC – 1881 IN
i. George Fox Hoskins 2 April 1835 – 27 July 1913 IL
married Rebecca Ellis 5 Mar 1840 IL – 1920
ii. Rowland Green Hoskins 24 Jan 1837 – 27 Jan 1827 IN
married 24 Nov 1869 Eliza Allen 17 May 1838 – 21 May 1921 IN
iii. Marianna Hoskins 3 July 1839 – 7 July 1917 TN
iv. Stephen Moore Hoskins 9 Sept 1841 – 30 Dec 1910 TN
married Muscatine Co IA 24 Dec 1874 Anna Elizabeth Fishburn 24 Nov 1848 – 1929
v. Samuel Hill Hoskins 2 Sept 1843 – 8 Aug 1863
vi. Elizabeth Hoskins 14 Feb 1846 IN – 4 Oct 1900 IN
married 17 July 1863 Dr. Ellis Horton 30 Sept 1842 IN – 6 Oct 1900 IN
vii. Thomas Moore Hoskins 2 May 1848 IN – 2 Aug 1926 TN
married Decatur Co TN 24 Nov 1902 Mary [Ella] Davis 2 Jan 1880 TN – 9 Sept 1972 TN
viii. Charles C Hoskins 26 May 1850 – 1 June 1851
ix. Marcia Hoskins 14 Oct 1852 – 19 Feb 1879
i. Richard Woodson Moore 15 Aug 1813 – 1897
married Anna ? 10 Nov 1818 – 20 Feb 1847
i. Marcus H Moore 3 Sept 1843 – burial 28 Jan 1886
married Martha ?
ii. Albert Moore 5 June 1846 – 29 Dec
j. Eriedna [Edna] Moore 18 Jan 1815 – 11 Mar 1857
married Guilford NC 1 June 1836 Stephen Hobson 5 Dec 1806 – 18 June 1885 San Jose CA
i. Mary Jane Hobson 4 April 1837 Surry Co NC – 25 Aug 1858 NH Co NC
married Edwin Griffith Copeland 17 Sept 1831 –
ii. Thomas Monroe Hobson 9 June 1840 NC – bef 1920
married San Jose CA 30 Oct 1870 Sarah Keturah Callaway
11 Jan 1847 NC – 26 Mar 1926 San Jose CA
iii. Jacob D Hobson 3 Oct 1841 Surry Co NC – 28 Dec 1927 Oakland CA
married Martha ? ca 1843 MI
married 8 Dec 1866 Armitta Potter [Litch] 17 Oct 1846 IL – 29 Jan 1879
married ca 1880 Brittania Camp [Castle]
married 25 April 1896 Mary Elizabeth Spencer [Curtner] died 21 Dec 1916
iv. Charles Hobson 26 Nov 1843 Surry Co NC – 11 May 1927 Stockton CA
married Yadkin Co NC 25 Jan 1868 Rachel C Holcomb ca 1847 – 14 Dec 1869
married Santa Clara CA 31 Dec 1876 Josephine Louise Wulff 11 Aug 1855 AL –
v. Rachel Hobson 18 Nov 1847 Surry Co NC – 12 Nov 1858 Surry Co NC
vi. Elizabeth Hobson 29 Sept 1849 Surry Co NC – 2 Nov 1849 Surry Co NC
vii. George W Hobson 7 Sept 1850 NC – 6 June 1916 CA
married ca 1870 Martha S Williams 12 Jan 1852 NC – 31 Aug 1930
viii. Nathan Ellis Hobson 30 April 1953 NC – 21 June 1930 Oakland CA
married ca 1878 Caroline Meadows July 1858 CA – 20 Dec 1929
k. Lambert Moore 28 Mar 1816 –
l. Elizabeth Walker Moore 30 Aug 1818 –
married Wayne Co IN 2 May 1839 Stephen Morris 3 May 1818 – 12 Oct 1844
i. Margaret Ann Morris/Wasson 13 May 1840 –
married Hamilton Co IN 24 Sept 1874 John H Hunter
ii. Susan Morris/Wasson 20 Dec 1841 –
iii. Ellen Morris/Wasson 4 Aug 1844 –
married 2nd 30 Nov 1848 Nathan Wasson 14 Mar 1821 –
iv. Oliver Wasson 4 Dec 1849 – 16 Nov 1850 IN
v. Mary Wasson 23 Oct 1851 –
married 25 Dec 1876 John W O’Neal ca 1852 IN –
married 21 June 1899 Benjamin Hadley 28 May 1847 IN –
vi. Henry C Wasson 31 Oct 1853 – 1920/30
married IN 30 Oct 1873 Martha Dixon
vii. Charles Wasson 6 Sept 1856 – 1920/30
married IN 10 Feb 1878 Hattie Collins Dec 1857 IN –
m. Jacob Hubbard Moore 26 Apr 1820 – 28 July 1852 Cincinnati OH
buried in Milford NM, Wayne Co IN
n. John Thomas Moore 28 Jan 1823 [or 22] – 18 Nov 1844 NC
o. William Henry Moore 26 Sept 1823 – 1907
married Howard Co IN 1 June 1859 Mahala J Petty ca 1830 IN – 16 Apr 1907 Richmond IN
i. William A Moore 22 July 1867 –
ii. Thomas Franklin Moore 27 Sep 1869 – 4 Mar 1912 Richmond IN
4. Lambert Smyth Moore 5 Feb 1771 – 10 ? 1816 Person Co NC
of Typhoid fever
Children of Charles Moore and wife Eve [Hall]:
5. John Moore 1773 NY –
6. Rebecca Moore 20 Nov 1774 – 28 May 1795 no children
married 19 Jan 1794 Phillips Moore son of Stephen
e-mail from Roberta Grooms “The only proof I have of the connection between Thomas Moore and his parents Charles Moore and Eve Hall is a copy of a letter written by Thomas Moore 4th month 7th 1831. At that time he was still living in New Garden, Guilford County, and the letter was written to his son, Charles who lived in Wayne Co., Indiana. Apparently Charles had asked about his ancestors and the letter was the response. Thomas Moore did not mention a second wife of his father, Charles Moore. He said Eve Hall was the daughter of Caleb Hall and Jane Daggett, which would seem to mean that Eve wasn‚Äôt a widow if Hall was her maiden name. The following group sheets contain the information from that letter. The letter was found in a file at the library at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, by Phyllis Rushton, another Hoskins cousin, and she sent me a copy along with her transcription, then we both worked on hard to read parts of it.”
The family info above is from her compilation citing the following sources. Note: Since Thomas Moore was raised by his step-mother Eve from the age of three he apparently never realized that she was not his mother. SMK
Hinshaw, Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy v.1 p.511 p.563
Heiss, Willard, Abstracts of the Records of the Society of Friends in Indiana, v.4,.
Dorrell, Ruth, Abstracts of the Society of Friends in Indiana v.2 (Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, 1999), p.88.
Thomas Moore letter of 7 Apr 1831.
Hollowell, John, GEDCOM (, 2001).
e-mail from Terrie O’Neil – there is some information about Charles Moore in local histories of Peekskill, NY, as he was a merchant there for some years, and petitioned to establish an Episcopal church there, and quite a bit about him in Person county, NC, as he was Postmaster there. During the Revolutionary War, he lived on his brother, Stephen Moore’s estate at West Point. However, during American occupation of West Point, he petitioned the government to allow him to move to Beverley Robinson’s house (the infamous site of Benedict Arnold’s treason) across the Hudson from West Point. He was not successful in request, & I think he moved back to Peekskill at that point.
Trinity Church Records
Records of Trinity Church, NY – Rogers Vault
Gertrude Barber’s “Deaths from NY Evening Post” Vol 15 p69
Register of Marriages, Trinity Church Parish, Vol 1 p249

Child of Stephen Moore 1734 – 1799 and Julia “an actress”
1. Robert Moore 5 Nov 1762 Quebec – 27 Nov 1827 Person Co NC age 65
Bible record of Sarah Harriet Moore
married 11 Feb 1797 Sarah “Sallie” Bailey
Children of Stephen Moore 1734 – 1799 and Grisey Phillips of Mt. Tirzah NC:
“Gen. Stephen Moore, of White Hall, Moore’s-Folly-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., and Mount Tirzah, N. C. (1734-1799), Lieut. DeLancey’s Brigate, British Army, (war 1756); afterwards Paymaster to the army in Canada”
SIX CENTURIES OF MOOR DE FALLEY by David Moore Hall, printed 1904 by O.E. Flanhart Printing Co., Richmond, VA for himself.. page 38
” During the Revolutionary War he moved from Moore’s-Folly-on-the-Hudson
to Mount Tirzah N. C. a beautiful spot in (now) Person Co. ‘where the ax had never been laid to tree’. In 1779 he took command of a regiment of North Caroina State troops which participated in the first battle of Camden, in which battle the Americans under Gen. Horatio Gates were defeated by the British under Lord Cornwallis, and he was taken prisoner and carried to Charleston, S.C. Upon his release he retired to Mount Tirzah; after the peace he sold his estate on the Hudson to the U. S. Government. It is now the site of the U. S. Military Academy, (founded 1802).” Moore, Henshaw, supra. Mrs. Sophronia Moore Horner, Genealogist.”
1. John Moore 12 Nov 1769 Quebec – 7 Sep 1770
2. Phillips Moore 16 July 1771 New York City – 2 Jan 1840 Person Co NC
married 19 Jan 1794 Rebecca Moore 20 Nov 1771 – 28 May 1795
1st cousin dau of Charles and
Eve Hall
married 25 Nov 1800 Elizabeth Dudley
3. Frances Moore 5 Nov 1773 Westpoint, NY – Mar 1819 Person Co NC
married 7 Nov 1791 Jesse Dickins
4. Ann Moore 12 Jan 1777 Granville Co, NC – 8 May 1864 Person Co NC dsp
5. Mary Moore 21 Sept 1778 Mt. Tirzah – 24 Apr 1851Alamance, NC
married 11 Sep 1803 Hon. Richard Stanford 2 Mar 1767 – 9 Apr 1816
he was first married to Jeanette dau of Gen. Alexander Mebane
6. Marcus Moore 27 Nov 1780 Mt. Tirzah – 5 Sep 1797 dy
7. Dr. Portius Moore 15 Oct 1784 Mt. Tirzah – 3 Dec 1847
married 1st 1806 Frances Webb ca 1775 – bef 1811
married 2nd in Henrico Co 1814 Lucy Wilson Pulliam ca 1790 Henrico Co. VA
8. Cadmus Moore 30 Jan 1787 Mt. Tirzah – 4 May 1789 dy
9. Samuel Moore 15 June 1789 Mt. Tirzah – aft 1870 Person Co
married 23 Nov 1810 Betsey Knott
10. Sidney Moore 15 Dec 1794 Mt. Tirzah – 29 Sep 1838
married 13 Mar 1813 Mary Payne Reade

One thought on “Col John Moore & Frances Lambert”

  1. When I look at the portrait of Col. John Moore I see part of the face of my father as a young man and my son right now. It seem like I should be in the right family tree now, but I don’t see the connection. My earliest known Moore is Richard Moore who I believe was in Caswell Co, NC and then Wilkes Co, GA in 1800. His son Robert Moore was my 3 great grandfather. According to an article that my grandfather copied from the Atlanta Constitution from 1913, my Richard Moore is probably the brother of Col. William Moore from Caswell Co, NC (that married a Mildred Harrison). I don’t quite see a connection above. My father said that his family had some connection to the Barbadoes, and to shipping. My Moore family ended up in Athens, Clarke County, Georgia.

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