John Jones & Judith

Sally’s 5-great Grandparents:

John Jones ca 1702 – 1751 | parents
& Judith ? | parents
of Bertie County, North Carolina

John Jones who died in Bertie County in 1751 was the son of the John Jones who left his will in Bertie County in 1736 and his wife Martha Carter.

His wife, Judith unknown, possibly was a Miss Howard or a Miss Eason.

Children of John Jones and Judith:
1. John Jones bef 1742 –
on Bertie 1757 tax list
2. Solomon Jones bef 1742 –
on Bertie 1757 tax list with Negro men Toney and Juperter taken by John Brown

3. Joseph Jones bef 1742 –
on Bertie 1757 tax list
4. William Jones (under 21 in 1750)
5. James Sidney Jones ca 1735 – 1783 Hertford Co NC
married Milesant Bond ca 1740 – 1803
6. Mary Jones bef 1751 –

Bertie Co Deed Bk G-273 John Jones & wife Judith to Thomas Walker
3 May 1750. One Negro Woman for 600 A. “…woman named Moll & her child named Charles…. [land] Near Bertie Old Court House…. One acre Excepted for the Old Court House which has bin Transferred by the above said Jones … ” By patent dated Dec. 3 1728. Wit: John Brickell, Bryan Hare, John Brown. May Court 1750. John Lovick C/C ~ Bell abstract.

Bertie County – Will of John Jones, planter – 25 Sep 1750 – May Ct 1751

In the Name of God Amen I John Jones of Bertie County in the province of North Carolina a planter being In Parfect mind and memory first of all I recomend my Soul Into the hand of god tha maid it knowing the certinty of man’s death and praise be to god for What worldly Estate he hath endowed me with I do make and ordain this my last will and testament revoking all former or other wills by me before maid and apponting this to be last will and testament imprimas my [will] and desire is that all my just debts being dew at my decease being only discharg and paid by my Exetrs after named and appointed

Item I give and Bequeath to my Son Sollomon Jones and Joseph Jones my plantation and track of land lying on the popler Swamp in the County of bartie to be divided between them in manner following e beginning at a large pine marked with three Notches Standing in whiteoak west branch of the popler Swamp Joyning the land of John Robertsons Running thence e ew South to the head line the uper track to my son Solomon and the plantation to my Son Joseph and IF Either of them two without hair the other to have the whole track to himself and his hairs for ever and my Son William to have the rear of the said plantation and track of land to they at the age of Twenty one years

Item I give and Bequeath John Jones and James Jones my negro named Mol to be sold and the money Equally awarded. If she brings nare a child in to years and If she hath a child in two year’s time the child to my son James at the age of Eighteen months and the wench named Mol to my son John Jones also one Cow and Calf and a year old heffer also my bar skin coat also one bible one testament also all my shoemakers toals.

Item I give to my Son william Jones one Negro boy named Charles also one beathe and fourniture belonging to it also two cows and calves and a two year calves also three sows and pigs and a small gunn and one testament also my broad cloth coat one chest also the first colt my bay mair brings horse or mair.

Item I give to my son James Jones one feather bead and furniture belonging to it one Cow and calf a two year old heffer and a two year old stear three sows and pigs bible cald hisen one small gunn cald his also my Carpenter teles one chest one small iron pot and hangers also the first colt that grar mair of Sollomens brings

Item I give to my son Soloman Jones my negro fellow tony only reserving the use of him to my beloved wife Juda Jones during her widowhood one small chest and mair Scailes one cow and calf two two year old heffers one gray bridle and saddle that is cald his one little short gunn to sows and pigs one pine table one pair of Stilyan one testament and the whole duty of man also one bible

Itam I give to my Son Joseph Jones one feather bead an furniture belonging to it only reserving the use of it to my beloved wife Juda during her widowhood one cow and calf also three young heffers three sows and pigs one two year old mare also one ovel table also one large chest with lock and kee also one hand mill one large iron pot and hangers one pare of iron wedges one testament and psalter

Item I give to my daughter mary Jones one feather bead and furniture belonging to it one cow and calf and a three year old heffer also one linning also one wooling wheal also one small gilted Trunk also one box Iron also one goale ring also one Ewe and lamb one small pine chest lock and kee also one young mare or hers of to years oald one small iron pot and hangers also one large iron kaetle also two brass haetles also one testament and psaltor

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife my bay mair boney onley the two first coalt she hath the first to my son william the next to my daughter Mary I give my beloved wife two cows and calves.

Also my desire that my boy Stalling should be sold by my Exctrs for ready money to pay my debts.

Also all my puters and chears also the remind part after the leagices and debt are paid to be equally divided betwine my six Children.

And do here by Constititute and apoint my friend John brown Executor an my friend thomas eason of bartee county of this my last will and testament in witness here I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 25 day of September 1750
John Jones [and wax seal]

Thomas Eason, John Robersen, John Hare, Solomon Howard

Proved at May Ct 1751 by John Brown one of the Executors and proved by the oaths of John Robersen and Solomon Howard.

transcribed by Sally M Koestler from xerographic copy 1999 of the original will from the NC State Archives Note on will says – Recorded in B, A, F14


1757 Tax List Bertie County
List taken by John Brickell
Joseph Jones, his son Abraham & Negro’s Toney, Abagail & Nan – 5
Thomas Eason – 1
List taken by Henry Hunter
John Freeman – 3
James Rhodes – 1
James Jones – 7
John Morris – 3
List taken by Edward Rasor
John Jones – 0 – 0 – 1
List taken by John Brown
Solomon Jones – NM Toney and Juperter – 3
Daniel Gray, Joseph Jones – NM Jeffrey – 3
Benton Moore, Arthur Moore, Charles Jones – 3
List taken by William Wynns
Peter Jones and his wife Elisabeth – 2
on List taken by Joseph Barradaill
Charles Jones
Benton More
on List taken by Jos. Jordan
Walter Jones – 1

William Murfree Tax Receipt Book, Hertford County, North Carolina 1768-1770 transcribed by Raymond Parker Fouts.

Abram Jones . . 1770 To 6 taxes @ 7/4 . . .2, 4sh By Procl . . . . .2, 4sh
James Jones . . . 1768 To 1 Tax . . . . . . . . . . . .9 10
Joseph Jones . .. 1770 To 7 Taxes @ 7/4 . . 2, 11 4 By Procl . . . . .2, 11 4
Matthias Brickell Esq/r/ 1768 To 11 Taxes @ 9/10 . . . . . . . . . .5 8 2
To one chair with two wheels . 1 By prol….
1769 To 10 Taxes @ 10/6 . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 – 16, 8 6
To one chair with two wheels . 1
1770 To 10 Taxes @ 7/4 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13 4
16 68 6

Ismy Rasco . . . . . . . . .1770 To 4 Taxes @ 7/4 . . . . . 1 9 4 Rec/d 1 9 4
John Brown Jun/r/ . . . 1770 To 4 Taxes @ 7/4 . . . . . 1 9 4 Rec/d 1 9 4
Col. John Brown . . . . 1770 To 10 Taxes @ 7/4/d . . . 3 13 4
no listing for Eli Eley

Will of James Jones of Hertford Co (copy in Chowan Co) signed October 17 1771;
wife Ann,
son Joseph,
child in esse to be named James,
brother Abraham Jones & Mathias Brickell, exers.
John Brown & Eli Eley to see will settled.
Test: John Brown Jr, Elizabeth Rascoe, Isaac Rascoe.

Returns of Probates and Administration –Hertford County– on November 21, 1771
administration of the estate of James Jones was granted to Abram Jones and Mattais Brickell
and on the same date Abram Jones was granted administration of the estate of Joseph Jones.

1779 Tax List of Hertford County, N. C. by Raymond A Winslow, Jr NCGSJ – May 94
District # 3
Eli Eley 400 acres Land 1400
p 29 5 Negroes 3500
1 do 5&10 400
3 do under 5 450
19 head cattle 190
3 Horses 700
money 35 18
6675£ 18

next on List p 30
Matthias Brickell Esqr.
250 acres Land 2500
220 do do 1800
150 do do 200
320 do do 1400
2 Lotts in Winton 20
12 negroes .10 & 40 8400
8 do 5&10 and 40&50 3200
10 do under 5 1500
48 head Cattle 480
7 Horses 1900
Stock in trade Bonds & money 532
1 Horse in Poss of Eli Eley 200
22132 £

Abram Jones
p 31 1020 acres Land 3500
8 negroes 10 & 40 . . . . . . 5600
1 do 5 & 10 . . . . . . . . . . . 400
5 do under 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 750
7 Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100
35 head Cattle 350
money Bonds &c 413 14
12113£ 14

Abram Jones for Joseph Jones Orphan
200 acres Land (Mill &c) 750
750 £

Abram Jones for the Orphans of James Jones
money 143 – 6
143£ Р6

Abram Jones for the Orphan of Azel Benthall
money 378 – 8
378£ 8

Luke Hare heirs of Joseph Jones
money 417 18 –
417 £

Collo John Brown p 49
320 acres Land 1000
2 negroes under 5 300
1 do 10 & 5 400
8 do 10 & 40 5600
6 Horses 900
22 Cattle 220
8420 £

Loose Papers Thomas Jones Estate sale held by John Jordon deputy sheriff.
Abram Jones was adm. Reported May Ct 1778. No buyers listed.

1782 tax Col Matthias Brickell was representing the orphan children of James Jones.

Winborne- page 30- “Colonel Brickle’s wife Rachel died February 17, 1770, and some time after that he married Mrs Nannie Jones the widow of the second James Jones of Pitch Landing and reared several children from this marriage.”

Published in Tenn. Bible Records Tombstone Inscriptions, & Marriage Bonds by Acklen:
Copied from family record taken by Mrs Mary Hardeman from family Bible of her uncle James Noailles Brickell of NC.

Matthias Brickell 23 March 1725 -17 Oct 1788.
married 6 Nov 1748 Rachiel Noailles
13 January 1728 -17 February 1770
1. Marinia Brickell 6 Sept 1749- 8 Jan 1762
2. Lavenia Brickell 17 July 1750-1799
married Dickinson had Joe, Mary, & Rachiel
3. William Brickell 30 March 1752- 1810
married Nancy Jones no issue
4. Martha Brickell 25 Sept 1753-1809
saved by her scissors fastening in the bridge
5. Bathsheba Brickell 28 Sept 1755-7 June 1782
(drowned– horse backed gig off ferry)
6. Sally Brickell 29 July 1757- 19 March 1802

married 17 Feb 1780 Hardy Murfree
7. Matthias Brickell 23 Jan 1759- 3 June 1797
8. Thomas Noailles Brickell 11 March 1761- Nov 1810
married —– had issue
a. Rachiel Brickell
b. Betsy Brickell
c. Robert Brickell
d. Thomas Brickell
e. Lavenia Brickell
married James C Jones
this James C Jones was the son of Col William Jones, brother of James S Jones II
he and Lavenia removed to Haywood Co, TN after 1828

9. John Brickell 8 Sept 1762- 1798
10. James Noailles Brickell 19 Jan 1765- 1841
married Betsy White of S C
11. Jonathan Brickell 11 Feb 1767- Jan 1807
married —– no issue
12. Joseph Brickell 23 Dec 1769- 1802
13. Ann Brickell
married Dr. Hill of Franklin City, N C

Children of Matthias Brickell’s 2nd marriage to Mrs. Jones:
1. Benjamin Brickell 15 Dec 1773- 1812
married Nancy Davis
a. Benjamin Ann Brickell
2. Marinia Brickell 28 May 1777-
m 1st Rollins
m 2nd Moore
m 3rd Saxon
m 4th Burns
3. Rebecca Brickell 14 June 1780-
married Palmer
4. Betsy Brickell May 1783-
married Godwin
5. Nancy Brickell 17 Jan 1786-
married 1st Lemon
2nd Dickinson,
3rd Dr. Clark
etc. [she had 7 different husbands]

James C Jones was summoned as a witness in the law suit for debt between James Jones exers. and Luke Mizelle in 1816-7. Bertie Co Records

Gates Co Marriage Bonds:
Abraham Jones of Hertford & Sally Howell 31 Oct 1785.

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