Thomas Bond

Thomas Bond will 1767 | his parents
of Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

Will of Thomas [x] Bond A/98 Bertie Co, NC 10 Aug 1767
“…very sick and weak in body..”
– son John Bond – Negro York.
– son Thomas Bond – Negro Peter.
– granddaughter Elizabeth Bond – Negro Lucey.
– granddaughter Penillipe Bond – Negro Nan.
– daughter Martha House – Negroes Nan, Ben, Tobe.
– daughter Mary Moore – Negroes Cate, Boson, and Kirren [?]
– son Thomas Bond – plantation where I now live containing 200 acres, also land in Pits County on Grendel Creek, containing 200 acres, also Negroes Sharper, Phillis, Janney and Sam.
– son Lewis Bond – bed and Negroes Jesse, Sal, Darkis
– son James Bond – bed, horse, Negroes Ned, Dinah and Judah.
– Remaining money after debts to be divided between my sons Lewis and James.
– Remaining furniture to be divided between my six children John Bond, Martha House, Mary Moore, Thomas Bond, Lewis Bond and James Bond.
EX: John Bond, Thomas Bond.
WIT: Jacob Jonigan, William Turner, James Turner.
Abstract by David B Gammon

Children of Thomas Bond: will dated 10 Aug 1767
1. John Bond ? – 1793
1790 Census Bertie County John Bond 2 -0- 1- 0- 12

Deed Book L-2- p111
John Bond of Society Parish Bertie Co to his 3 children Thomas Bond, Elizabeth Bond, Penelope Bond. 21 Mar 1768. To son Thomas plantation where I now live, 2 “gras flasks” & Peter; to daughter Elizabeth: negro woman Murrear. To Penny: girl Peg. Rest of my estate to be divided equally among them. Wit: Needham Bryan, William Bryan. Mar Ct 1768. CC John Johnston.Will of John Bond D/232 1 May 1793 Nov Ct 1793 “..being weak in body…”
– wife Anne Bond – lend Negroes Great Joe and Jack, stock, etc for her lifetime, including the hogs on the plantation where my son Thomas Bond now lives.
– Wife – horses on the plantation where I now live, my money, and the furniture that John Smith, Senr. dec’d gave my wife she may possess, namely one bed, chest, woman’s saddle and a large copper mortar and pestle.
– daughter Elizabeth Eason – Negro Lettey, and 100 acres on the south side of Roquist Swamp adj. William Turner, also beds from my current plantation and from the one where my son Thomas Bond now lives.
– to my children Thomas Bond, Elizabeth Eason and Penelope House – the residue of my estate not already given away that belongs on the plantation where my son Thomas now lives.
EX: son-in-law Abner Eason, friend Aaron Spivey
WIT: Thomas Bond, Jacob Howard, Timothy Brogdon, James King
Inventory Nov 11 1793: Div of estate Nov 19 1793 among Thomas Bond, Mrs. Elizabeth Eason and Mrs. Penelope House.
Abstract by David B Gammon

married 1st ?
a. Elizabeth Bond bef 1767 –
married bef 1793 Abner Eason
b. Penelope Bond bef 1767 –
married 5 Apr 1784 Baliss House
Thomas Bond, Bm
c. Thomas Bond bef 1767 – d ca Oct 1800
1790 Census Bertie County Thomas Bond 1 -0- 2- 1- 8
Tax list 1798 Capt Moore’s dist: Thomas Bond 707 ac 1fp and 7 sl
married 14 Oct 1780 Edith [Edey] House
Wm. Gray, Bm She married second 1803 John Robbins
i. John Bond
1800 Census Bertie County John Bond 1 m under 10, 2 m 16/25, 1 f 16/25 9 sl
ii. Mary [Polly] Bond d bef 1810
married 4 Feb 1802 Henry Powell Henry Lee, Bm
iii. Balis Bond
iv. Elizabeth Bond dec bef 1803
v. Lewis Bond
vi. George H Bond
married 25 Sept 1806 Mary Rhodes John Ruffin, Bm
vii. James Bond dec 1810

Inventory of Thomas Bond 30 Oct 1800 by Joseph Eason admr. Edith Bond was apptd. gdn of the orphans: John, Mary, Balis, Elizabeth, Lewis, George H and James Bond on Feb 9 1801.
Div of Negroes and land on 17 Nov 1803 when his widow married John Robbins. Dower is allotted.
James Bond dec’d Div of land Feb Ct 1810 – Luis Bond 120 ac on Rocquist, – the heirs of Mary Powell dec’d 82 ac; John Bond, 82 ac; Balus Bond, 82 ac; George Bond, 82 ac.

married 5 Feb 1784 [Mrs] Anna Smith ? – Jan 1798
Wm Gray, Bm; Abner Eason was appt. adm’r of her estate Jan 1798
2. Martha Bond
married John [x] House will 1765/66 Bertie Co
a. James House
b. John House
c. Mary House
d. Elizabeth House
3. Mary Bond
maried Moore –
4. Thomas Bond ? – 1795
1790 Census Bertie County Thomas Bond 3 -0 -4 -0 -25

Will of Thomas Bond D/282 27 Feb 1795 May Ct 1795
– son Lewis Bond – 400 acres in the Indian Woods, also Negroes Peter, Silvey, and Dealer
– son John Bond – 190 acres on the Marsh
– three daughters Sarah Bond, Mary Bond and Elizabeth Bond – half my dwelling house kitchen and out houses, also half my land where I now live while they are single
– son John – 100 acres where I now live and the remaining part of said land at the death or marriage of my said three daughters.
– daughter Sarah – Negro Piner
– daughter Mary – Negro Lettis
– daughter Elizabeth – Negro Rhody.
– to my five said children – Negroes Sharper, Sam, Jim, Triffin, Tom, Rose, Bess, Jinney, Phillis, Demsy, Will, Right, Ben, Hardy, Cate, Zilpha, Lucy, Rachell, Eady, Jinney, Stephen.
EX: Lewis Bond, Noah Thompson
WIT: Arthur Jernigan, Charles Ward, Silvenus Uriah Roberts
Abstract by David B Gammon

married first unknown
a. Lewis Bond
1800 Census Bertie Co Lewis Bond 1 m 25/45 1 f 16/25 17 sl
married 29 Oct 1799 Hannah Dawson
Jason Gardner, Bm
married second unknown
a. Sarah [Sally] Bond – d 1825
married Hezekiah Thompson 2 Oct 1766 – May 1820 Bertie Co
b. John Bond – bef May 1800
inventory by Hardyman Abington 12 May 1800 Bertie Co
married Clarisa ?
i. child in essence 1800
c. Mary Bond 1781 – 13 July 1817, Woodville, Bertie Co, NC
married ca 1800 Thomas Whitmell Thompson 1771 – 1827 Woodville
tax list 1798 Capt Moore’s dist: Lewis Bond 110 ac 1fp 10 sl; John Bond 290 ac 1 fp 5 sl;
Bond Sarah G and Mary 100 ac and 5 sl;

Will of John Bond E/108 17 Jan 1800 May Ct 1800
Wife Clarisa Bond – her third of my lands during her lifetime and Negroes Nan, Pat, Chana and Tom, my colt and riding chair, etc.
To the child my wife is now big with – all my lands and Negroes not already given away and half of my furniture. If this child dies before marriage or underage, this plantation where I now live on the Village Swamp shall fall to my sister Sarah Thompson, and the marsh plantation shall fall to my sister Mary Bond, likewise my Negroes shall fall to my half-brother Lewis Bond.
EX: Hezekiah Thompson, Hardiman Abbington
Wit: Thos. Thompson, Hezekiah Thompson
Abstract by David B Gammon

married bef/ca 1782 Elisabeth Hinton 1768 – 1860 Madison Co, MS
will of her brother John Hinton dated 22 Aug 1782 Bertie Co
children of William Hinton and Mary Blanchard

Will of John [x] Hinton C/51 22 Aug 1782 Feb Ct 1783
“…being very sick and afflicted with bodily pain…”
half-brother Arthar Jernigan – cattle and silver shoe, knee and stocking buckles.
half-sister Rachel Jernigan – bay mare.
sister Elisabeth Bond – all my land in this county on the Rauneroy Marshes, also all my Negroes.
EX: brother-in-law Thomas Bond, Noah Thompson, Noah Hinton
Wit: Jesse Averitt, Shadrack Hinton, David [x] Bryam
Abstract by David B Gammon
  1. Elizabeth Bond – d 1798
    the widow of Thomas married 2nd 1795 Lewis Thompson 1768 – 1814
    , then Dr. Sutton.
    She moved to Mississippi with Dr. Sutton and her son Lewis Whitmell Thompson in 1846.
    5. Lewis Bond d Mar 1770
    married Keziah Harrell d May 1774
    dau of Samuel [x] Harrell will 1770/72 Bertie co
    a. Thomas Bond bef 1770 – 1796
    1790 Census Bertie County Thomas Bond 1- 0- 1- 0- 7
    married 30 Dec 1790 Rhoda Bond d bef 1796
    i. Kisiah Bond d ca Nov 1799 –
    b. Mary Bond bef 1770 – 1793
    6. James Bond 1750 – bef 1790 census Windsor, NC
    married 1770 Mary Williamson 1752 – ca 1803

Ref: Abstracts of Wills and Estates of Bertie County by David B Gammon

James Bond 1750 – ca 1791 | his parents
& 1770 Mary Williamson 1752 – 1803 | her parents
of Bertie County, NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

James Bond son of Thomas Bond who wrote will in 1767 married in 1770 Mary Williamson.

James Bond’s inventory presented Jan 29 1791 at Bertie Ct
on July 9 1791 the Negroes were evaluated and divided into shares. widow Mary Bond received one share and another was allotted to Thomas Bond and wife Rhoda, daughter of the dec’d . The other children of the dec’d were John, Thomas, Lewis and Mary Bond. John Bond received his share 7 Dec 1796. Thomas received his share 23 Feb 1803 and John was appt. at this time guardian of the orphan Lewis Bond. [there is no mention of Mary, the orphan]

1790 Census Bertie County Mary Bond 0- 3 under 16 – 2 females – 0- 18 sl
1800 Census Mary Bond – 1 10/16, 1 16/25 – – f – 1 10/16 – 1 25/45 – – 22 sl

Ref: Abstracts of Wills and Estates of Bertie County by David B Gammon

Children of James Bond and Mary Williamson:
1. Rhoda Bond dec bef 1796
married 30 Dec 1790 Thomas Bond dec 1796 [first cousins]
Stevens Gray, Bm; D. Strachan wit son of Lewis Bond and Keziah Harrell
a. Kisiah Bond d ca Nov 1799
K T Strother, Bm
2. John Bond 25 Jan 1778 – 29 Sep 1826
married 15 Dec`1797 Sarah [Sallie] West
K T Strother Bm
a. Sallie Winnefred Bond
b. James Bond 12 Aug 1799 – 1873
married Penelope Leggett
i. Mollie Bond
married Thomas Herbert
1. Penelope Herbert
2. Narcissa Herbert
3. Thomas Herbert
4. Mollie Herbert
ii. William Bond
married Susannah Herbert
1. Narcissa Bond
2. James Bond
3. Susanna Bond
iii. Penelope Bond
iv. James Bond
married Helen Nelson
1. Lena Bond
2. Lewis Bond
3. Mary Pugh Bond
married 2nd Tomasia Owen
i. Margaret Bond
ii. Thomas Bond
iii. Lewis T Bond
iv. Sallie Bond
v. Robert Lee Bond
vi. Humphrey Bond
vii. Helen Bond
viii. Minnie Bond
c. Thomas Bond ca 1804 –
married Sawyer P Rascoe ca 1813 –
daughter of Peter Rascoe
i. Sarah W Bond ca 1836 –
married 25 Nov 1856 James Bond ca 1831 –
1. Charles Bond 1858 –
2. Annie Bond 1860 –
3. Thomas Bond 1863 –
4. Lee Bond 1867 –
5. Lewis Bond 1870 –
6. John W Bond 1872 –
7. Nelyet Bond 1875 –
ii. James T Bond ca 1838 –
iii. Peter R Bond ca 1840 –
iv. Mary Margaret Bond ca 1842 –
married 1866 William A Mebane 23 July 1829 – 1878 as his 2nd wife
1. Will W Mebane ca 1871 –
2. Thomas H Mebane ca 1873 –

d. John Williamson Bond
married 2nd ca 1806 Clara Rascoe ca 1785 – ca 1812
daughter of Thomas Rascoe and wife Mildred Sutton
e. Dr. John W Bond May 1811 Bertie Co – Aug 1856
received MD 1834 UP rem to Ark. burial in Mebane Alamance Co NC
married Orange Co 4 Nov 1851 Mary France/Fannie Mebane ca 1821 – aft 1880
f. Elizabeth Rascoe Bond 21 Dec 1809 – 1 Mar 1892
married Willey Jones Gillam
married 3rd Margaret Tayloe [Turner] 1784 – 1829
daughter of David Tayloe 1760 – 1802 and Eliabeth Rhodes 1760 – 1803
granddaughter of Richard Tayloe and wife Mary Moore

g. Margaret M Bond 1815 – 1867
married Aaron Joshua Spivey 1811 –
i. Margaret Spivey
h. Martha M [W] Bond 28 Apr 1817 – 1903
married John Peter Rascoe 1813 – 1888
son of William H Rascoe
i. Peter Rascoe 1838 – 1903
ii. William Rascoe 1841 – 1900 [1891]
married 11 May 1863 Mary Twine ca 1846 –
1. Cora Rascoe
2. Molly Mhoon ?
iii. Margeret Rascoe ca 1742 – Sept 1749 age 7 yrs
died after 3 days of con – fever 1850 Mortality Bertie Co
iv. Lucy Rascoe 16 Jan 1850 – 1931
married 10 Nov 1868 Edward Ralph Outlaw 1840 – 1921Orange
v. Aaron S Rascoe 1855 – 1928
married Elizabeth Jordan Gilliam
vi. – xiv. died young
i. Lewis T Bond 1820 Windsor, NC – 1870
married Penelope A Pugh 26 Nov 1829
i. Mary P Bond 1847 –
ii. Frank Pugh Bond 1851 –
j. Mollie Bond
married George Porter
3. Thomas Bond ca 1782 –
married 28 May 1806 Tempey Leggett
a. Sallie Bond
married W R Miner
i. Mollie Miner
married John Scott
1. John Scott
2. William Scott
ii. Sallie Miner
married John Hawkins
1. Jack Hawkins
2. Pope Hawkins
3. Katie Hawkins
married Dr. Carnegys
4. Laura Hawkins
married Lewis Bond
b. Taylor Bond
married Louise H.
married 2nd Mary Pugh
c. Mary T Pugh Bond
married ? Taylor
i. Susan Taylor
ii. Thomas Taylor
iii. Laura Taylor
married Green
married 3rd Mary Norfleet
d. Thomas Bond
married Ellen Whitlaw
i. Iddie Bond
ii. Henry T Bond
iii. Veal Bond
iv. Ely Bond
v. Lenora Bond
*4. Mary [Polly] Bond ca 1790 –
married Baldy Ashburn as his 2nd wife
a. Frances Ashburn
5. Lewis Bond 10 Jul 1788 – 20 Jun 1851 Windsor, NC
married 4 Nov 1811 Catherine Pugh d bef 1847
* a. William Pugh Bond 16 Oct 1812 Willow Hall, Bertie Co NC – 18 Oct 1894 Starkville MS
married Bertie Co 1835 Lucy Edwards Rascoe 9 Sept 1818 – 4 Aug 1844 Haywood Co TN
daughter of William H Rascoe and Penelope
married Jane Wood d. 1886 Haywood Co TN
1. Lewis Bond d. yellow fever 1878
2. William Pugh Bond of TN
3. Henry T Bond d. Cincinnati
4. Dr. Thomas W Bond d. yellow fever Memphis TN
5. James W Bond dec bef 1900
6. Spencer W Bond of Duncan OK
7. Edward H Bond of Duncan OK
married 1 March 1900 Pearl Lamkin
1. Gilbert Bond
2. Edward L Bond
8. Kate P Bond Jacobs a widow
9. Georgie Bond
married bef 1900 H A Ingram of Memphis
* b. Lucinda Pugh Bond 1814 Bertie Co – 1879
married Dr. Samuel Jordan Wheeler 1810 Murfreesboro – 1879

the daughters of Dr. and Mrs S. J. Wheeler
Kate on left, Julia is on the right

i. Catherine [ Kate] Pugh Wheeler 1837 –
married 1868 John Watson Cooper 1835 – 1901
1. Joseph Edward Cooper 14 Oct 1869 –
married Kate Duke
2. John Wheeler Cooper 14 Aug 1873 –
ii. Elizabeth Jordan Wheeler
iii. Sgt. John Wheeler 1841 – 1861
iv. Julia Munro Wheeler 1843 – 1898 Wilson, NC
married 1st 1865 John Thomas Mebane 13 April 1838 -15 Nov 1867
1. Lucinda Howe Mebane 2 Oct 1866 – 23 Nov 1866
2. John Wheeler Mebane 25 July 1867 – 25 July 1867
married 17 Nov 1871 Dennison T Worthington 16 Oct 1842 – 14 May 1904
lived Martin Co
1. Alice Elizabeth [Bessie] Worthington 19 Aug 1872 – 4 April 1934 Leona, NJ
graduated Chowan 1889 died of pneumonia
married 29 Aug 1901 Herman Harrell Horne 22 Nov 1874 –
Professor at New York University
a. Julia Carolyn Horne 23 May 1903 –
b. Elizabeth [Betsy] Worthington Horne Apr 1905 –
c. Dr. William Henry Horne 17 May 1907 – of Albany
d. Ida Battle Horne
2. Robert Herbert Worthington 21 May 1874 – 16 Oct 1874
3. Samuel Wheeler Worthington 28 Nov 1875 – aft 1952 Wilson, NC
“This was the Cousin Sam who gave my sister Julia salt cellars for a wedding gift,
he also owned lots at Nags Head that he was tried to sell to my father.” SMK

married 7 Dec 1899 Lucy Roscoe Outlaw 4 May 1873 –
a. boy – 11 Mar 1901 – 13 Mar 1901
b. girl – 3 April 1903 – 3 April 1903
c. Samuel Wheeler Worthington 7 May 1907 – 14 Feb 2000 Windsor NC dsp
4. Julia Wheeler Worthington 4 April 1884 – 3 June 1884
v. Mary Elizabeth Wheeler 16 Dec 1845 – 25 May 1847
c. Mary Williamson Bond 1817 –
d. John Thomas Bond ca 1822 –
* e. Esther Tayloe Bond ca 1827
married John A Sutton bef 1818 – bef 1850
i. William Moring Sutton 1837 – 1884
ii. Lewis Bond Sutton 1840 – 1907
* f. Lewis C Bond 1829 – Aug 1869 typhoid fever
Sheriff of Bertie
married 4 Dec 1851 Anne Hasseltine Carter d bef 1860
H Nicholls, Bm
i. Clarissa Ann Bond ca 1853 –
married George Bond Cooper
ii. Turner Carter Bond ca 1855 –
married Mary Winnifred [Minnie] Smallwood 21 Oct 1858 – 13 Oct 1942
* g. James Bond ca 1831 –
married 25 Nov 1856 Sallie Winnefred Bond ca 1836 –
i. Charles Bond 1858 –
ii. Annie Bond 1860 –
iii. Lee Bond 1863 –
iv. Thomas Bond 1867 –
v. Lewis Bond 1870 –
vi. John W Bond 1872 –
vii. Nelyet? Bond 1875 –
married ca 1846 Mary Elizabeth Jordan 17 Oct 1809 – 10 April 1873
a. Henry Bond 24 July 1847 – 2 July 1910
married Mary Lippitt Bradley 6 April 1858 – 15 Feb 1933
b. Daniel Henry Bond 10 Sept 1850 – 26 Jan 1898
married Margaret Williamson Bond 20 Jan 1852 – 25 April 1936

Will of Lewis Bond 12 June 1847 Aug Ct 1851
wife Mary E Bond
sister Mary Ashburn,
Dr John T Rascoe,
sons William P Bond and John T Bond.
daughters Lucinda Wheeler and Esther Sutton
sons Lewis and James, Jno T Rascoe
nephew Thomas Bond, Jonathan S Tayloe and David Outlaw EXRS.
Test: Harry Nicholls, T E Fanning Abstract Hathaway NCHGR 2-499
[I’ll look for a better abstract or the will itself]

One thought on “Thomas Bond”

  1. Do you know if there is a relationship between Thomas Bond (d1791) of Bertie Co and Dorothy Bond of Isle of Wight Co, VA who married Edward Cobb in 1686? Their son, Henry Cobb, moved to Bertie and died in 1763.

    Thank you.

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