Thomas Browne & Christian Maule

Thomas Browne ca 1675 – 1718 | his parents
& ca 1700 Christian Maule | her parents
of Nansemond Co VA & Chowan Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

moved to North Carolina soon after 1706 along with his parents and brother William.

Children of Thomas Browne died 1718 & Christian:
1. Sarah Browne ca 1700 –
married by 19 July 1715 Daniel McDaniel
2. Thomas Brown ca 1703 – 1738
married by 14 Nov 1728 Jane Williams
dau of George and Joanne

a. Mary Brown ca 1729 –
b. Thomas Brown ca 1730 –
c. Arthur Brown ca 1732 – 1783 Bertie Co
i. Jesse Brown died 1817 Bertie Co
married Elizabeth
1. John Brown under 21 1817
2. Sarah Brown under 21 1817
3. Thomas Brown
4. Mary Brown under 21 1817
5. Jesse Brown
6. Ruffin Brown under 21 1817
ii. Arthur Brown
iii. Mary Brown
married John Young
iv. Elizabeth Brown
v. Peterson Brown died ca Sept 1823 NH co
married Margaret
1. Thomas Brown
2. William S Brown rem to GA 1839
married 24 Nov 1835 Eliz Wood
3. Mary Brown
4. Margaret Brown
vi. Henry Brown
vii. Stephen Brown died ca Dec 1826 NH co
married Mary
1. Peterson Brown
2. Stephen Brown
3. Joseph Brown
d. Elizabeth Brown ca 1734 –
e. Sarah Brown ca 1736 –
f. Priscilla Brown ca 1738 –
3. William Brown ca 1708 – aft 10 Nov 1779 Martin Co NC
married ca 1734 Charity Holmes
a. Abner Brown
b. James Brown ca 1745 –
married Patty Redding
i. Reuben Brown
ii. William Redding Brown ca 1775 – 1841
married Polly Redden
iii. Jacob Brown
married Susanna J
iv. Joseph Brown
v. Winifred Brown
vi. Amey Brown
married 2nd Easter
vii. Hardy H Brown
viii. Fanny Brown
ix. Susannah Brown
c. William Brown
d. Elizabeth Brown
e. Charity Brown Stephens
f. Mary Brown Everett
g. Elizabeth Brown Bryan
4. John Brown ca 1707 – moved to Duplin Co bef. 1754
a. John Brown
b. Thomas Brown
c. Jacob Brown ca 1735 – 1812 Duplin Co NC
d. Stephen Brown
5. Edward Brown ca 1712 – [Edgecombe Co]
6. Howell Brown ca 1715 – [Jones Co]
7. James Brown ca 1718 –

Thomas Browne we are sure is in another John Browne family
(they may be related as uncles, cousins, but couldn’t be sure of this).
Our Thomas is the son of John Browne, Jr, ( who came from England to Isle of Wight, married Mary Boddie (prominent Quaker family) then settled in Chowan Precinct in approx 1706)
Thomas’s wife is Christian Maule.
Thomas’s son Edward married Prudence ? founded 3 churches including Browns Bap. in Sampson Co. NC which is still very active.
One of Edward’s granddaughters married into the McCullen side of our family in Sampson Co in the 1800s. My grandmother remembered Granny Lucy Brown McCullen and the begats that brought them to that point.
Also, have found some other stuff on websites that point to
this as the established connection.
Thomas’ and Christian’s connection.
Would love to know if our families intersect in some way , though.
Let me know if you want any info I have.
Kindest Regards,
Kathryn Hamilton

emigrated before 1661

John Browne Jr. | his parents
& ca 1670 Mary Boddie | her parents
of England, Isle of Wight Co VA and Chowan Prect NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

John Browne came over with William Boddie, who patented 550 acres in Isle of Wight, 20 Oct 1661 for the transportaion of eleven persons among whom was John Browne.

John Browne married Mary Boddie about 1670.
as on the 9th day of the 6th month 1678 William Boddie gave to his daughter Mary Browne for her children eight head of female cattle to be equally divided between them. Deed Bk 1 165.
On 8th June 1683 where she now dwelleth and all the houses and orchards of same and all the woodland ground that lieth between the land I have letten Edmund Windum and the land I have letten John Champion and to her four children eight head of female cattle.” Deed Bk 2 434.

There are deeds from William Boddie to his daughter Mary Brown. also deeds from William Boddie to other that are witnessed by John Brown.

Children of John Browne Jr and wife Mary Boddie:
1. William Browne d. 1719
married Martha Braswell dau of Richard
2. Elizabeth Browne
married William Boon d bef
3. Thomas Browne d 1718 Chowan
married Christian Maule
4. child before 1678

William Brown d. 1719 | his parents
& Martha Braswell | her parents
& by July 1720 William Murphy | his parents
of Albemarle Co NC

This is my working hypothesis – the way I see it as of this moment!!

e-mail from Ann Braswell – if “Martha Gray” married William Brown and William Murphey, shouldn’t her father’s 1724 IOW Co., VA will be identifying her as “MARTHA MURPHY”??? Richard Braswell DID identify his daughter in his IOW Co., VA 1724/5 will as “MARTHA MURFY”. That is the exact spelling, I have a copy of the original record.
Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800
GRAY, Richard: Leg. wife Rebecca; daughter Ann; daughter Rebecca; daughter Mourning; son John;
DAUGHTER MARTHA BROWN her mother’s chest; my wife and children I had by her, viz: James, Ann, Rebecca and Mourning. Exs., wife and son James. D. November 11, 1724. R. March 27, 1727.
Wit: Thomas Applewhaite, Joseph Wiles.

In his will dated 28 July 1724 and probated 1725 Richard Bracewell of Isle of Wight names son Richard Braswell, son Robert Braswell, son Valentine Braswell, son Jacob Braswell, daughter Martha Murfy, daughter Ann Strickland, daughter Jane Williams, granddaughter Susannah Braswell, wife and executrix Sarah Braswell, and wit: Edward Powers Sr. and Edward Powers. GB-174

Children of William Browne and Martha Braswell: [all under age 15 Dec 1718]
1. John Brown ca 1700 – bef 1750
represented Bertie in the Gen. Assem. at Newbern 5 Feb 1739/40;
was a Justice 1745; Sheriff of Bertie Co 1747-48

married Mary Forster
dau of Robert Foster will Bertie Co 12 Feb 1739/40
a. John Brown ca 1722 –
called grandson by Robert Forster
? married Sarah Thomas dau of John Thomas
b. Ann Brown
called granddaughter by Robert Forster
c. Mary Brown
called granddaughter by Robert Forster in will
d. William Brown
e. Henry Brown
2. Thomas Brown
3. Ann Brown
married John Branch
4. Mary Brown
[married William Parrish
married 2nd John McKinnie]
5. Sarah Brown
married Richard Jackson
6. Martha Brown
married William Strickland
7. Jacob Brown

Chowan Deek Ck W#1 412: William Brown of Chowan Prect., planter and Martha his wife to Matthew Rushen of the sd. Prect. planter. 21 April 17– 8 pds. 150 acres on ye west side of Meherrin River joining Dividing Run and ye River. part of 640 A surveyed by ye aforesaid Brown. Wit: George Smith, John Smith. Reg. 2 Feb 1714/15.

F#1 44: William Brown of Chowan Prect to Arthur Davis 13 July 1718 in the 4th year of the Reign of our Soverign Lord King George 29 pds sterling 640 A on the S side of Moratock River joining the river. Wit: John Dew, William Crawford Martha Murphey formerly Martha Browne came into Court and acknowledged her right of Dower in the Above mentioned land formerly sold by her former husband William Browne to Arthur Davis. Reg. Chowan Ct 3rd Tuesday in July 1720…

Will of William Brown 15 Dec 1718 – recorded 21 July 1719 [SS 341 p 84 NC wills]
In the name of God Amen, this 15th day of December in the year of our Lord God 1718 – I William Brown in ye county of Albermarle in ye province of North Carolina, am sick and week . . .
I bequeath to my Lawful wife my bed and furniture and my horse Tobe and a horse Cate.
I bequeath to my eldest son John ye Manner Plantation and one hundred and fifty acres of land;
to my son Thomas one hundred and fifty acres of land joyning to his brother John;
to my son Jacob one hundred and fifty acres of land up Cyprus gritt joying upon his brother Thomas;
to my daughter Ann one hundred and fifty acres of land lying upon the head of her brother John;
to John Carver fifty acres of land and ye place which his father was kild lying between two branches;
to my daughter Martha one hundred and fifty acres of land joining upon Carver;
to my daughter Mary one hundred and fifty acres of land between Martha and ye head line;
to my daughter Sarah one hundred and fifty acres of land and ye southmost fork.
The remaining part of ye land I leave holy and truly to my sonnes disposing. My hold desire is for my wife to have ye remaining part of my estate to be equally divided between her and my seven children excepting one hundred acres of land to William Boon a brother.
I do make and desire choice of Thomas Manders and my wife as executors. All children under age.
Wits: Thomas Manders, Thomas Smith, Martha Brown.

Chowan Deek Bk W#1 193: Martha Brown of Albemarle Co, Widow and Extr. of William Brown decd. to Thomas Boone of the Province of NC. 17 Oct 1719 for 30 bbls of Pitch. 380 A. on the N side of Meherrin River part of 640 A granted to my husband William Brown 29 Nov 1716, the sd. land now in possession of Thomas Boon who was seized and possessed of the same by my husband in his lifetime. Wit: James Bate, Thomas Boon. signed Martha Brown, Thomas Mandew who is —- with me in my decd. husband’s will signed by John Dew attorney.

F#1 456: William Murphey of Chowan Prect. and Martha my wife to Barnaby MacKinney of Albemarle Co. this — July 1720 5 pds current money of England 640 A more or less at the mouth of a Great Branch called the Cypress Gutt which cometh out of the river [Moratock] joining the plantation Arthur Davis did live on, being a parcel of land in Calledony wood formerly granted to William Browne by Patent 1 April 1713 being the tract whereon the sd. Browne did live and is the land given by the will of William Browne to his wife Martha and I, William Murphey married the relict of William Browne.
Wit: William Lattimer, John Alston Reg. Chowan Ct the 3rd Tuesday in July 1720. Thomas Henman CC

William Murphy of Chowan Precinct and Martha My wife to
Barnaby MacKinne of Albemarle Co. …this __ July, 1720
…L5 current money of England…640 acres more or less
at the mouth of a Great Branch called the Cypress Gutt
which cometh out of the River (Moratock) joining the
plantation Arthur Davis did live on…being a parcel of
land in Calledony Wood formerly granted to William Browne
by patent 1 APR 1713 being the tract whereon the said
Browne did live and is the land given by will of William
Browne to his wife Martha and I, William Murphey married
the relict of William Browne. Wit: William Lattimer, John
Alston. Reg. Chowan Ct. the 3rd Tuesday in July, 1720.

Bertie Deed Bk A 168: John Brown & wife Mary to Joseph Joyner 25 Oct 1723 – 10 pds for 80 A. SS Marrattacky River adj. William Brown dec’d. Part of a patent to William Brown for 640 A. and resurveyed by John Brown. Wit: Bar. Mackinne, Nathaniel Holley. 23 Nov. 1723.

B 8: Barnaby McKinnie and Mary his wife on Aug. 24, 1723, for in consideration of a deed of gift made by William Brown to his daughter, Martha Brown of 150 acres which land was lapsed and now became due to me by virtue of a relapsed patent bearing date of Nov 22 1723, and is now being exchanged with William Strickling, husband of said Martha Brown with Joseph Joyner, do confirm Joseph Joyner this 100 acres lying on S side of Moratock [Roanoke] River in Bertie Precinct. Wits: Isaac Ricks, William Murphy. Aug Ct 1725.

B 218: Feb 1726 – John Brown and Jacob Brown, being of full age, for 40 pds sold to Barnaby McKinnie Jr. a certain tract of land formerly taken up by William Brown their father and by him lost; which dividend of land he willed to his son, Jacob Brown. Land was patented by John Browne, 30 Mar 1721 being eldest son of William Brown, and lies on SS of Maratock River, beginning on lower line where William Brown did live, to a line where aforesaid John Brown lives to line of land which John Brown sold to Richard Jackson. Wits: John McKinnie, Isaac Ricks. Feb Ct 1726.

C 308: John McKinnie, 1 May 1730, for true love and real affection I bear unto my cousins, William Brown and Mary Brown, deceased . . . part of a patent of land containing 550 acres lying on SS of the Marottack River. . . on Mr. Robert Foster’s line. Wits: Barnabee McKinnie, Sylvester Dryden. Nov. Ct 1730.

e-mail from Joanne:
Gideon Gibson married Mary Brown, daughter of a prosperous planter, William Brown. She (and each of her 6 brothers and sisters) received 150 acres from her father by his 15 December 1718 Chowan County will which was proved in July 1719 [SS 841]. Gideon and his wife, Mary, sold this 150 acres “bounded according to the Will of William Brown Gentl decd…” on 22 October 1728.
Can you tell me if there were two William Browne’s in Chowan County — if so do you know the family of Mary Browne, dau of William who married to Gideon Gibson?

A 400: Barnabee Mackinne to John Mackinne 6 Feb 1724/25 “for love I do bare my son, John Mackinne. . . and the heirs of his body” 100 A. known as Walnut fork. Part of a tract granted William Brown “which elapsed” Also by Capt. John Gray “for want of seating elapsed”. . on SS Morrattack River dividing land of Joseph Joyner on Walnut Fork Gutt. If John Mackinne shall die without heirs…to his next of kin. Wit: Isaac Rich, Thomas Foxhall. Feb Ct 1724.

B 324: William Boon & wife Elizabeth to Hubbard Gibson Sen & daughter Mary 13 Nov 1727. 6 pds 10 sh for 100 A on NS Morattock River, Cypress Swamp, Beaverdam Swamp. Adj. William Strickland Sen., Robert Simms, Part of patent for 340 A. granted William Boon 8 March 1711/12. Wit: Nathan Cooper, Thomas Boon. Nov Ct 1727.

C 36: Gideon Gibson & wife Mary to James Millican & Henry Augustin 22 Oct 1728. 15 pds for 150 A. on SS Merattuck River “bounded according to the will of William Brown, Gentleman, dec’d….
Wit: Dans Rich. Hinsworth; Michel McKinsey, Rich. Jackson. Nov Ct 1728.

C 91: James Millican & Henry Gustin to Barnabe Mackinne 3 Mar 1728/29. 15 pds. for 150 A. part of 640 A. patented by William Brown 1 April 1713. This 150 A. sold by Gideon Gibson and wife Mary to Millican & Gustin. Commonly called “Walnut Forte Survey” adj. Joseph Joyner, William Brown. Wit: Thomas Craghill, William Dewitt. May Ct 1729. Robert Forster CC.

12 thoughts on “Thomas Browne & Christian Maule”

  1. Just remember to make sure that the dates coincide with the particular person you are related to. I have grandfather, I think my 8th or 9th whom had 9 children and 5 of them were boys. They all had my grandfather’s first name so to distinguish who was being spoken to or being summoned for disciplinary purposes, the were addressed by their middle name

  2. Edmund Howell had a son named William Howell who left a 1718 will which named sons William, Thomas, Edmund, and Joseph.

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